IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTo all Wifes/Husbands of Cubans on VJ

So I I have a Cuban fiance, which does not entirely help your unique situation... but I can tell give any information you might want. I am guessing that the superpacket 3 is similar if not exactly the same, as well as the carta blanca process. My fiance has his interview this Thursday the 10th. I am not sure what point you are at in the process but I scheduled his date via the 1-866 number here in the states. The superpacket 3 has a checklist, as well as the forms he will need to provide for the interview. The forms are: DS-156, DS-156-k, DS-157, and DS-230 part i and ii. You of course will also need to send him the I-134 affidavit of support and all docs to show you meet requirements (or a separate I-134 from a co-sponsor), your originals of the documentation you used in the petition you submited here to the USCIS. I feel like I am forgetting some things. Not sure how much help this was. After the interview I will surely post to let you know how it goes and the questions. Take care and any other questions just let us know. Good luck!!!

Thanks rebex for your input.

The DS-156,DS-156K and the DS-157 are for the K-1 visa and the affidavit we have to Fill out is the I-864.
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-08 18:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTo all Wifes/Husbands of Cubans on VJ

I have been a VJ member for at least 2 weeks now and i have noticed that there is not a whole lot of information to help out cuban wifes or husbands maybe its all in old forums but i cant find it. So im asking all Husbands/Wifes of cubans to please put in stuff like questions asked at interview,list of things you have to take to the interview, what is in the superpacket and somemore info on the carta blanca, medical check, police report, military report and proof of shots also please more timeline updates.

Thanks everyone in advance for your help

Hi Miriam,

I have to tell you, I think you're the first CR-1 I've seen here going through Havana. I seem to recall a few K-1s, but not a CR-1. At least they have been few and far between. Anyway, I wish I could help you more, but other than the link for the required docs on the State Department website, there's nothing I can add, pero te deseo mucha suerte porque los cubanos tienen un lugar especial en el corazon de todo que vive en el sur de la Florida. Si te puedo ayudar en cualquier forma, dejame saber.

Thanks James. you and your shortcuts have already been a huge help. thanks for all the time you put into VJ
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-05 08:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTo all Wifes/Husbands of Cubans on VJ
I have been a VJ member for at least 2 weeks now and i have noticed that there is not a whole lot of information to help out cuban wifes or husbands maybe its all in old forums but i cant find it. So im asking all Husbands/Wifes of cubans to please put in stuff like questions asked at interview,list of things you have to take to the interview, what is in the superpacket and somemore info on the carta blanca, medical check, police report, military report and proof of shots also please more timeline updates.

Thanks everyone in advance for your help
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-04 21:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresChange of name

Thanks guys

I emailed NVC they siad I just needed to kind of documentation proving my change of name so i email them a copy of my Social Security, License and voters registration card. Like 3 days later they sent me and email saying they recived my information and updated my file
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-08 22:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresChange of name
Thanks guys
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-04-26 15:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresChange of name


The I-130 would have been a good place to begin using your married name, but since you passed that one up you can start with your visa application documents.

In any event the name on the visa will match the name on the passport.


Maybe some one can help me

I when i sent my I130 I had just gotten married and hadnt changed my last name yet. Now i have my licence, Social Security and everything else except my passport under my new last name. Do i have to write NVC and let them now or can i just start puting on the new paperwork that arives my new name

I am the petitioner
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-04-25 18:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresChange of name
Maybe some one can help me

I when i sent my I130 I had just gotten married and hadnt changed my last name yet. Now i have my licence, Social Security and everything else except my passport under my new last name. Do i have to write NVC and let them now or can i just start puting on the new paperwork that arives my new name
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-04-25 13:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresService Center Recent Approvals & Touches

Recent Touches & Approvals Updated On: 05/07/07

I129 -- Nonimmigration Petition for Worker

Service Center------Touched----Approved-----------------Date
California----- 1860 03/01/07~04/01/07
Nebraska 2 1 03/01/07~04/01/07
Texas 1 0 03/01/07~04/01/07
Vermont 1409 1346 03/01/07~04/01/07

I130 -- Immigration Petition for Relative

Service Center Touched Approved Date
California 1280 984 11/01/06~12/15/06
Nebraska 42 27 11/01/06~12/15/06
Texas 713 82 11/01/06~12/15/06
Vermont 504 336 11/01/06~12/15/06

I got this from a website called

Ignore this for some reason i cant get it to come out how it shows on the website so forget it
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-09 17:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresService Center Recent Approvals & Touches
Recent Touches & Approvals Updated On: 05/07/07

I129 -- Nonimmigration Petition for Worker

Service Center Touched Approved Date
California 2036 1860 03/01/07~04/01/07
Nebraska 2 1 03/01/07~04/01/07
Texas 1 0 03/01/07~04/01/07
Vermont 1409 1346 03/01/07~04/01/07

I130 -- Immigration Petition for Relative

Service Center Touched Approved Date
California 1280 984 11/01/06~12/15/06
Nebraska 42 27 11/01/06~12/15/06
Texas 713 82 11/01/06~12/15/06
Vermont 504 336 11/01/06~12/15/06

I got this from a website called
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-09 17:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 & Shortcuts
last week I recived my I-864 I was going to use the shortcuts but was afirad that the barcode was going to be wrong so I waited. When I opened the packet i saw that the coversheet is the same the only thing different is that i didnt have to turn in the Tax athorization form i guess they dont do that anymore. so for all of you out there that are thinking about using the shortcuts i say go for it. As long as you follow it exacly how it says. It would of saved me like 2 weeks.
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-15 18:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThis brought tears to my eyes and is so true. Please read !

I agree - it should be off topic- we all have our political/religious/sexist/culturalist axes to grind and that's the best place to do it...
I got sidetracked into a long off topic thing in a regular forum the other day and I wished I hadn't - it was fun but the wrong place to do it .
Anyway, was Havana such a wonderful place before the revolution when it was run by the Chicago mafia ?
In twenty years time when it is absorbed into the West like Rumania, do you think things will improve all that much at the bottom of the heap ? or will it be like south central LA ?
Don't get me wrong, I am no commie and I saw Eastern Europe in 1989 - and if Cuba is anything like that , then West is infinitely better - despite it's obvious flaws. If I was a Cuban, I too would be playing chicken with the sharks in the Gulf while paddling my blow up doll.

Cuba produces some great doctors and athletes though - so there must be some things worth learning there before it is re-absorbed into the West

ok off topic is best.

Well it was the cubans trying to get ride of the chicago mafia that put us in comunisum. We wanted them out and thats the excuess that fidel used to gane power. I do think that cuba will Be better in ten years and trust me it will never be like south central LA. And what do you mean when you say "I like big new cars and plenty of gasoline too." because if your trying to say that thats why cubans come to the US then you are far from the truth its not about cars and gasoline its about being able to leave a represed regime that dosnt allow you to be at peace in your own home. and those doctors whould of been great weather in cuba or the US. and what good does it do a country to have Great Doctors when castro sends them all to pakistan and Venezuela and leaves the hospitols in cuba full of resident interns and premed students that dont know what there doing.
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-18 12:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThis brought tears to my eyes and is so true. Please read !

I think this should be in off topic :thumbs:

I tryed puting it there but i dont know how to but any ways is that all you have to say about this topic where is your humanitarian side. Seriously!
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-17 20:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThis brought tears to my eyes and is so true. Please read !
Speech by Chief of Mission James C. Cason on the Occasion of the Fourth of July Celebration
July 4, 2005

Ladies and Gentlemen,

After almost three years in Cuba, this will be my last opportunity to address you. I’d like to share with you some reflections on my time here. Despite my best efforts to prepare for my job in Cuba, the island took me by surprise. I arrived under the illusion that I might be able to pragmatically engage Cuban officials on issues of mutual concern. Fidel, it appears, didn't trust his officials meeting with me. So I was assigned a MinRex “handler” incapable of straying from the world according to “Granma.” My initial dealings with the Cuban regime quickly brought home to me that in Cuba appearances are fundamentally deceiving. Castro’s Cuba is one big Potemkin village. If you go more than three blocks behind the main tourist thoroughfares, you will see the shabbiness and decay of the real Cuba. If you reach out to average Cubans, you will understand what this place is all about. And that is precisely what the Cuban regime does not want us to do. To better learn about the real Cuba, I traveled seven thousand miles across the island in my first six months. I met with hundreds of average Cubans. All were proud to be Cubans. All were intensely curious about the world, especially about the United States. Many asked for greater global attention to pro-democracy efforts on the island. Many others asked how they could immigrate to the United States. I remember meeting a group of balseros the U.S. Coast Guard had picked up at sea and returned to Cuba. One man told me that he had tried 26 times to raft illegally to the United States. He vowed to keep on trying until he got there, or the sharks ate him. You have to admire that kind of determination. I later learned that all those balseros were arrested for having met with me. For a person who has not lived under totalitarian rule, it is hard to grasp what life is like when the State dominates all facets of society. Simply put, analytically understanding how a totalitarian regime functions is not the same thing as seeing people bound by its shackles. I now understand that: -- To appreciate the sterility of the Castro regime’s propaganda, one has to hear it day-in and day-out, week after deadening week. -- To comprehend this regime’s enormous wastage of human talent, one has to see how it stifles all independent initiative and freedom of expression. -- To understand why two million Cubans have forsaken everything they cherish on the island to start new lives abroad and millions others want to join them, one needs to see the threadbare, intolerant environment that confines them.
My conversations with a wide spectrum of Cubans sharpened my own thinking about what I could accomplish in Cuba. I wanted to encourage Cubans to think about ensuring that their country will someday be democratic, free and prosperous. I also wanted to find creative new ways to help Cuban pro-democracy activists get themselves heard on the island and throughout the world. How have we advanced these two goals in practical terms? We increased the amount of uncensored information -- in the form of books, magazines, newspapers, and radios -- we make available to Cubans. We offer Cubans extensive free, uncensored Internet access. We bring together Cubans on the island with people on the outside through videoconferences on such issues as democratic transitions, rule of law, and market economies. We provide classes on journalism for those daring enough to write about Cuba as they see it. As you all know, in Cuba none of us are allowed to speak publicly about democracy or freedom. So I decided to use symbols to our best advantage. You may recall the big sign with the number “75” we added to our holiday decorations last year. Thanks to the extensive media coverage that “75” sign received, the world was reminded that innocent Cubans are thrown into jail for having a different point of view than Castro’s. And that “75” sign also enabled Habaneros to learn that the world is appalled by Castro’s arbitrary incarceration of political prisoners. To help people visualize the inhumane conditions in which these political prisoners are confined, my colleagues and I came up with another symbol. We built an exact replica of the Cuban punishment cell that confined a courageous prisoner of conscience, Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet. It also was reported by the media, and is now seen daily by hundreds of Cuban visitors to the Interests Section. Why use such symbols? Because symbols are especially powerful in closed societies where governments control the media and censor all information. Let me address those who think it's more dignified to protest the Cuban regime’s repression behind closed doors or who think Castro will be more generous if we don’t aggravate him. In short, those who think that I’m overly "provocative." Is it provocative to point out that Cubans live under one of the most repressive regimes in the world? Is it provocative to remind western journalists of Cuba's 300 political prisoners? Is it outside the scope of normal diplomatic activity to provide uncensored information to Cubans? Are holding events for pro-democratic Cuban dissidents or their family members provocative? Should we instead abandon Cubans to isolation from the real world? Nothing will come -- indeed, in almost 47 years nothing has come -- from being polite to a dictator. If we thought that keeping quiet would bring about political reforms, we would be quiet. If we thought that lifting the U.S. embargo would result in a democratic Cuba, we would have 747’s full of Americans on the tarmac tomorrow. Castro may have grossly mismanaged Cuba’s economy, saddled Cubans with huge debts, and become dependent on foreign sugar daddies, but never doubt his control over his Potemkin village. He will allow nothing to jeopardize his total control over all aspects of Cuban life. Look how he has sought to prevent tourists from “contaminating” Cubans to want things they cannot have. He made the tourist enclaves off limits to average Cubans, and enforced this segregation through an intricate network of controls. Look also how all business ventures with foreigners enrich the Cuban regime’s coffers without promoting financial independence among Cubans. As the cautionary tale of the former Cuban Foreign Minister Roibana so vividly illustrates, Castro will ruthlessly punish any official who ever so discreetly tries to portray himself as an incipient reformer.
Castro often portrays his wrath against the United States as a battle between a Cuban David against the U.S. Goliath. You may find this ironic, but we at the Interests Section are the David trying to face down Castro’s enormous repressive apparatus. We are confined to Havana. Cuban intelligence agents monitor our every move and harass our officers. Cubans who deal with us are exposed to the regime’s surveillance and arbitrary reprisals. Yet the Cuban regime has not managed to scare away pro-democratic activists from meeting with us. So it absurdly maintains that all those who meet with us are “mercenaries” in our pay. Please take note: the U.S. Interests Section has not given and does not give money to members of Cuba's civil society. Do others off the island, especially the Cuban exile community, provide financial help to average Cubans, including dissidents? Of course, and we applaud their generosity. I've certainly had my share of frustrations during my time here. In particular, I’ve found it difficult getting some foreign visitors to see that behind Castro’s Potemkin village is a cynical, ruthless totalitarian system. Cuba is hard for Americans to understand because we don't have to worry that our criticism of our own government or society will bring harm to our loved ones. We have difficulty in comprehending a society that regiments all facets of our lives. And like virtually all other foreign visitors, Americans find it hard to grasp how the Cuban regime captures virtually all of the financial benefits of Cuba’s limited links with the outside world. I will leave Cuba with multiple, unforgettable images of Cubans’ desperation to leave their own country, despite the island’s beauty, the warmth of its people, and Cuba’s marvelous music, dance and art. The most vivid of these images is of a would-be hijacker who commandeered a plane at a local airport. I was asked by the Cuban authorities to talk to him. “I don’t believe that you are Cason,” the hijacker told me. So I walked out on the tarmac to warn him that he would be facing a long prison sentence in the U.S. if he went through with his plan. The hijacker replied that “I would rather go to jail for 20 years in the U.S. than stay in Cuba.” He forced the plane to depart for the U.S., was arrested upon landing, and was later sentenced to 22 years in prison. Can there be a more telling indictment of a regime when such a huge percentage of its citizens passionately dream of abandoning their country for another? America’s greatness has been the result of attracting immigrants from all over the world. Two million Cubans have found refuge and success in our country. Our gain has been Cuba’s loss. Think of what Cuba could have been today if all the talent and energy that went into making Miami what it is had remained in Cuba. But Castro’s jury-rigged system cannot last long -- everyone knows that it does not work and is held together by the force of one domineering personality. And that personality is literally on his last legs. Change is inevitable. I’m confident that the Cuban people will not be satisfied with a partial economic opening, but will demand that Cuba undergo a thorough democratic transition. Don't abandon your Patria, is my advice to Cubans. Stay and be ready for when the personality withers away. Stay and be ready to work for democratic change. When that time comes, the United States and others will be at your side to help you build a democratic, prosperous Cuba – a Cuba where all Cubans can realize their dreams. America’s symbol of promise to its immigrants is well known. What will be the symbol of the democratic, prosperous Cuba of the future remains to be seen. But given the dynamism that a free Cuba will unleash, I’m sure that its symbol will also be powerfully compelling.
If I could leave my Cuban friends with one final thought, it would be: "kachán, kachán--días mejores pronto vendrán". Thank you.

Edited by Miriam n Alain, 17 May 2007 - 08:10 PM.

Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-17 20:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSetting up interview in havana
For those with fiances or spouses in cuba

At the time you recive you DS-230 in the mail with the coversheet they will also send you a paper from the embassy of switzerland telling you to go on the US intrest section in havanas web site and fill out a short form. That is so that the us intrest section can start to process your petition as soon as posible. The problum with this is that when they send you the paper with the link the link Is http://havana.usintr...immigrants.html but this link wont take you to the form and the form is kinda hard to find. Here is the link that takes you strate to the FormClick Here
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-17 19:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE :(

I think i got an RFE I called NVC today and the Automatic Message says that information is missing or incomplet on my finacial affidavit and that they have sent a check list. What could this mean ?

Miriam don't worry. It is a normal automatic message according to James' shortcuts:

"Because its "track" has one fewer step, the review of the AOS/I-864 is often completed long before the DS-230 has even arrived at the NVC. Thus, using the AOS fee bill and I-864 shortcuts below will, more often than not, not save you any time at all. However, if you anticipate a complicated I-864 situtation and/or if you are RFE prone, it won't hurt to get your I-864 in early. (The early completion of its review will, however, generate an odd kind of RFE -- you will hear the IVR tell you that "some documents are missing or incomplete" and that a "checklist" has been sent. This just means that they still haven't received your DS-230.)"

Nothing to worry about. ;)

Thanks Mononoke28 I new i had read something like it but i forgot.
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-27 13:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE :(
I think i got an RFE I called NVC today and the Automatic Message says that information is missing or incomplet on my finacial affidavit and that they have sent a check list. What could this mean ?
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-26 18:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE for Cubans Cuba-Cancun-Miami Is it an option ?

I know that one of the Cuban posters did that exact thing... flew threw Mexico. My thought is that if it is just a layover flight of less than 24 hours there would be no need of a visa from Mexico. I will try and remeber who it was that did exactly what you are asking... maybe I will pm you with that. Oh... and off the subject. Is there absolutely no rum or cigar allowed into the US, or do you know if maybe there is a small limit that could be brougth in? I know I asked before but wanted to double check. Thanks!!!

There is a small amount that you are allowed but thats for people traveling with a licence. I dont know if people migrating here are allowed to do the same another thing is. Im not sure if its allowed because customs lets it slide by or because its really legal eather way i wouldnt risk it. Its really not worth it I have brought rum from cuba but I siad I was coming from cancun and i think that they didnt ask me about it because it wasnt Havana Club it was Mulata so i think that Customs didnt notice that it was Cuban rum. Now my grandmother came from cuba and she had about 3 packs of cigarets not even cigars and they confiscated them. So all im saying is dont risk it
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-26 18:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE for Cubans Cuba-Cancun-Miami Is it an option ?

I know this has been asked in other post but way back in september and since things with cuba change every month i think i should ask again.
I want to travel with my husband when he comes from cuba. I was reading that some cubans have traveled through cancun with K-1 visa my husband will be coming on a CR-1 visa and i was wondering if He can come through cancun and if he can how would i get the tickets.


Hi Miriam,

This is only my opinion and maybe someone else has different thoughts, but I don't see why it would raise any questions at the POE if he came via Cancun, particularly since it's a lot easier to arrange for flights from Havana to Cancun to Miami then it is to arrange one directly from Havana to Miami. Mexicana has direct flights from Havana to Cancun and has e-tickets, so you should just be able to buy an e-ticket on their website and list Alain as the passenger.

The thing is that i dont know if they will let him go into mexico does he need some kind of visa ?
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-22 21:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPOE for Cubans Cuba-Cancun-Miami Is it an option ?
I know this has been asked in other post but way back in september and since things with cuba change every month i think i should ask again.
I want to travel with my husband when he comes from cuba. I was reading that some cubans have traveled through cancun with K-1 visa my husband will be coming on a CR-1 visa and i was wondering if He can come through cancun and if he can how would i get the tickets.

Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-22 12:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFax to schedule Paket 3 pick up in Havana

That looks really good and will be helpful for those going through Cuba in the future. Have you guys found out anything yet?

Nope nothing yet still at NVC.
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-30 18:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFax to schedule Paket 3 pick up in Havana

My name is jane Doe, I am sending this message on behalf of my Cuban spouse, John Smith (Passport # C000000) Our case number is HAV2007000000.

I am writing to find an update of my husband’s case. His NVC approval was wired to the Consulate several weeks ago. We hope to make an appointment to pick up Packet 3.

My husband’s telephone number is:

Please call him with any information regarding the case. Your help is greatly appreciated.


Jane Doe

"This is a copy of the one alexisyernesto sent"
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-25 11:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE on household member contract
Well I sent them my parents marriage licences to prove that my household memeber is married to my mother and then i sent my birth certificate to prove that who hes married to his really my mother. hope now that my papers will be processed soon and sent to havana.
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-06-04 10:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE on household member contract


The intention is to point out what the true source of the problem is and how to avoid making a similar mistake again.


Aww, way to kick her when she's down. Fair enough to point out that it's in the instructions but maybe could have been nicer. I guess I'm just a softie that way though.

I agree that's a good intention and it's something that should be done. It was only the RTFM that I objected to at all.

NO it was not MY OWN FAULT. I didnt fill out the application I had a lawyer do it. It was his job to let me know what I needed thats what I payed him for. I Have done everything myself the only thing that I had a lawyer do was the affidavite because I wanted to make sure that everything was done right and it turns out that its the only thing that his been returned to me. I trusted that him being a lawyer whould of known what I should send.

O and by the way I just read the instructions and it says that you have to be related but no where on their does it say that you have to submit proof. And on my fathers tax returns (all 3 of them) it shows me as a dependent and says daughter and my SS Number. Thats sounds like proof to me.
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-29 12:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE on household member contract


The intention is to point out what the true source of the problem is and how to avoid making a similar mistake again.


Aww, way to kick her when she's down. Fair enough to point out that it's in the instructions but maybe could have been nicer. I guess I'm just a softie that way though.

I agree that's a good intention and it's something that should be done. It was only the RTFM that I objected to at all.

NO it was not MY OWN FAULT. I didnt fill out the application I had a lawyer do it. It was his job to let me know what I needed thats what I payed him for. I Have done everything myself the only thing that I had a lawyer do was the affidavite because I wanted to make sure that everything was done right and it turns out that its the only thing that his been returned to me. I trusted that him being a lawyer whould of known what I should send.
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-29 12:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE on household member contract
I called NVC today and asked an operator about the RFE she informed me that it was because I had not submitted proof of my relation to the household member. She also told me that a household member has to be related. I didn’t know this so now I have to send a copy of my parents marriage license to prove that my household member is my stepfather. This Blows ! :angry: :crying: :(
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-05-29 07:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAlert NVC changed processing for cuba


Even though it's really painful to be away from our loved ones you are still way ahead of other people's journey. So waiting another 3 weeks for you to send in the extra paperwork is nothing compared to the people who have been waiting since July of last year to get their I-130s approved. The NVC plays dirty tricks on all of us but since you're going through Cuba, you're still WAY ahead of many of us.

Be patient and be very, very grateful that your visa will be granted in no time. :thumbs:


Did you not read what I went through all last year. Ok so my petition was approved quick but that's the only quick thing that has happened everything else has been complicated as hell.

The rest of you,
I just want this whole journey to be over. I love my husband and if I had to do it again I would but this has been the hardest last two years of my life. And I'm sure that most people in here feel the same and I don't blame them I'm glad that my petition was approved quick I really am but I'm not glad that now its being delayed think how you would feel if you get all excited about things moving fast and then all of a sudden they stop you would be like ###### this sucks! So people stop being mean and give me a break I was just blowing of steam that day ! And I have the right to !
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-06-11 23:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAlert NVC changed processing for cuba
JK is a jerk. and in response to the VJer that said i didnt start the papers till march FYI I went to a lawyer on January 21st and payed her 400 dollers to start my papers she ended up screwing me over and didnt send my papers till march 9th but i didnt find out about this till i called imigration and asked them what day they recived my petition.

Trust me my journey with Alain hasn’t been smooth. 4 months to get my birth certificate certified so that I could marry him. We had our wedding in December but couldn’t get married till January because Cuba took 4 months to certify my birth certificate. but we had to have our wedding and couldnt wait for the papers because we had already rented the place, printed the invitations and 13 invites had already scheduled and paid their flight. Cuba took 3 months to certify my papers when they usually take a week. Finally a week before I was suppose to leave because my visa was going to expire the papers arrived and we got married the next day. If not I would of had to come back to the states a married unmarried woman. O and no one but my mother and a lawyer friend of mina who married us (well at least pretended to) knew about it I couldn’t tell my grandfather (who walked me down the aisle) about it because it would break his heart. and to top it of I didn’t even get the wedding I wanted because we came in through the Bahamas and all our luggage was left in there by Bahamasair that means that all 13 of my invites and my mother were with out clothes for 7 days we had to hand wash our underwear every night for 7 days because our stuff didn’t arrive till the day after the wedding which was the day before everyone was leaving. My guest that came from the states had to go to the wedding in jeans and t shirts not to mention that I had 2
suitcases full of decorations that I had spent almost 500 dollars on including my wedding jewelry, my husbands shoes our cake top, toasting glasses, party favors for my guest, guest book and to top it off not everything made it back our luggage was ripped and stuff were missing some of my guest had there shoes and clothes stolen. I had to spend our wedding night at his parents house with his brother and brothers friend sleeping on the floor of his room because the car that was taking us to the hotel broke down and we couldn’t find another one because it was 2am and its Cuba so we didn’t get to have sex till the day after our wedding HOWS THAT FOR LUCK! So me getting my petition approved in 7days is great but trust me I had to go through hell for it.

P.S. Cuba messed up my address and sent the papers to the wrong house on top of the fact that they took 4 months then. My mom recived the papers and had to send them to me DHL because I was in cuba at the time.
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-06-10 16:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAlert NVC changed processing for cuba

who's blaiming her for marrying a cuban? complaining about how inept the gov't is is one thing, no one is criticizing that. the ability for the nvc to change the rules in the middle of the game without notifying anyone IS unfair. i should know since it happened to me. the nvc didn't notify me, they just decided to request more documentation for whatever reason. thank God that i found out in time, made the necessary changes and avoided any delays.
but to complain that it will add a few more weeks to their already extremely short CR1 timeline is beyond ridiculous and frankly insensitive to those that have been seperated from their loved ones for close to a year or more. in the end, even with this dealy, their process will be 3-4 times faster than other folkes. so instead of whining, she should be grateful for the preferential treatment they are getting.

To JK in response to your dictator like comment:

I’m really sorry that others have to wait so long but I have just as much right as anyone to complain about my situation. If you don’t like it then don’t read it no ones forcing you and your way out of line for thinking that you can tell me that I cant express how up set I am about the fact that I wont be able to be with my husband as soon as I thought. You or anyone out there has no right to say that just because your case is worse I have to shut up and not say a word. Dam* it I’m upset and I want to express it. Were in America I will express myself when I want to how I want to and where I want to and if anyone has a problem with it then o well. wasn’t put on the internet so that you write only what others want to hear its here so that everyone can share their VISA JOURNEY and this is my journey so I’m sharing IT!

I like your attitude... that is unfair. At least if they are going to change the process, then they should notify you of it. They should at least process the petitions that they have and give warning to those who are in the process of the change. There are peoples lives on hold here because of paperwork. These people go home every day to their wives and husbands and they have their life.

As far as I am concerned, if you are processed faster or not, one day without the love of your life is still one day stolen from you that you can't get back. I do not think that you are any more lucky than any of us here because you still have to go through the same ####### despite the timeframe and that guy up there can piss off!

*hugs you*

Thank you
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-06-09 19:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAlert NVC changed processing for cuba

who's blaiming her for marrying a cuban? complaining about how inept the gov't is is one thing, no one is criticizing that. the ability for the nvc to change the rules in the middle of the game without notifying anyone IS unfair. i should know since it happened to me. the nvc didn't notify me, they just decided to request more documentation for whatever reason. thank God that i found out in time, made the necessary changes and avoided any delays.
but to complain that it will add a few more weeks to their already extremely short CR1 timeline is beyond ridiculous and frankly insensitive to those that have been seperated from their loved ones for close to a year or more. in the end, even with this dealy, their process will be 3-4 times faster than other folkes. so instead of whining, she should be grateful for the preferential treatment they are getting.

To JK in response to your dictator like comment:

I’m really sorry that others have to wait so long but I have just as much right as anyone to complain about my situation. If you don’t like it then don’t read it no ones forcing you and your way out of line for thinking that you can tell me that I cant express how up set I am about the fact that I wont be able to be with my husband as soon as I thought. You or anyone out there has no right to say that just because your case is worse I have to shut up and not say a word. Dam* it I’m upset and I want to express it. Were in America I will express myself when I want to how I want to and where I want to and if anyone has a problem with it then o well. wasn’t put on the internet so that you write only what others want to hear its here so that everyone can share their VISA JOURNEY and this is my journey so I’m sharing IT!
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-06-09 16:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAlert NVC changed processing for cuba
Today I just received a letter from the NVC stating that they have changed their processing for Havana NOW when you turn in your DS230 part 1 you also have to submit your DS230 part 2 but only sign part one. Then you also have to send the beneficiary's biographic data page, Original birth certificate, original marriage certificate and Cuba police certificate (antesedientes penales). I was so upset because I had already sent out my DS230 and when they sent me the instruction packet things had not changed yet. Because on the instruction packet it said that I only had to send in a copy of my husbands Passport. Now 3 weeks later I get a letter saying that things had changed and they are asking me to resubmit the DS230 and the copy of the passport plus more stuff. Its so not fare That's another 3 weeks that its going to delay my case or even more. Just my luck they decide to change wright when its my case :crying: :crying: :crying:
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-06-08 19:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864/Authorization for Release of Federal Tax Data

I am putting together everything I need to send with the I-864 using James' shortcuts. Can anyone who has sent the I-864 (Affidavit of Support) recently confirm that the Authorization for Release of Federal Tax Data is not required anymore? I am assuming that it would be safest to sent the authorization unless others can confirm that it is not necessary. FYI: I am self-employed, so my income and tax situation is not typical, however, I do meet the guidelines for minimum income.

You no longer need the Authorization for release of federal tax data. I called NVC my self and asked. They said it was no longer requierd
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-06-23 13:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGot Interview
Called Havana to schedule interview. Interview is set for October 23 thats 4months from now that means my husband wont get here till end of November because once he gets his visa approved (if he get his visa approve) he has to wait for the cuban goverment to give him permission to leave cuba and that can take 15 -30 days. I was really hoping he would be here for my B-day but i guess thats not going to happen. well at least we can spend X-mas together and New years and maybe even Thanksgiving.
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-06-21 13:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Approved on 9/13/07
Im so happy my husbands visa was approved on Sept 13. I went to the interview with him and it was great we got there like at 7:30 and our interview was at 10 then they told us to return at 2:30 to pick up the visa. When we got there at 2:30 our visa was still not ready so we waited till 4:30. they asked him alot of questions but he answered them all. It was really good that i went with him because we didnt have to make the line to inter the embassy and thats why we had an early interview if not our interview would of been like at 1 or 2 and our visa wouldnt of been ready till the 14 or 17. well now all we are waiting for is for cuban immigration to say its ok for my husband to leave cuba that can take from 15-30 days depending on what siad of the bed they wake up on ( gotta love cuba )
Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-09-18 06:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimeline on I 130 Approvals
QUOTE (Stabu @ Sep 15 2007, 01:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Updated Singh77 (Interview date)
Updated vylex (Interview date)
Updated mike & elena (Interview date)

Member Name--------------NOA1---(CSC/VSC)----NOA2--------NVC Complete---Interview---Result
jaxguy ----------------- 04/30/04 (CSC) ---- 05/31/05 ---- 08/24/05 ---- Pending
kimmykashi-------------- 04/26/06 (CSC) ---- 08/25/06 ---- 02/28/07 ---- 07/31/07 (visa granted)
w1n78 ------------------ 06/13/06 (CSC) ---- 09/05/06 ---- 11/16/06 ---- 03/02/07 (visa granted)
The_dip_sticks --------- 06/15/06 (CSC) ---- Pending
tomrein ---------------- 06/26/06 (CSC) ---- 09/11/06 ---- 12/21/06 ---- 03/27/07 (visa granted)
Yocasta ---------------- 06/30/06 (VSC) ---- 04/27/07 ---- Pending
Michael and Milahjean -- 07/13/06 (CSC) ---- 09/07/06 ---- 11/15/06 ---- 03/15/07 (visa granted)
MarocAmer -------------- 07/17/06 (CSC) ---- Pending
Amarceau --------------- 07/17/06 (CSC) ---- 09/07/06 ---- 01/11/07 ---- 03/20/07 (visa granted)
randynrose ------------- 07/20/06 (CSC) ---- 09/29/06 ---- 02/06/07 ---- 05/24/07 (visa granted)
dims1 ------------------ 07/25/06 (CSC) ---- 09/20/06 ---- 12/01/06 ---- 03/19/07 (visa granted)
Our Mao ---------------- 07/27/06 (CSC) ---- 12/01/06 ---- 02/13/07 ---- 04/13/07 (visa granted)
Ness and Keith --------- 08/07/06 (VSC) ---- 05/31/07 ---- Pending
Xuemei ----------------- 08/16/06 (CSC) ---- Pending
rizthomson ------------- 08/21/06 (CSC) ---- 10/03/06 ---- 12/22/06 ---- 02/26/06 (visa granted)
niagara_falls ---------- 08/22/06 (CSC) ---- 05/18/07 ---- Pending
BelwinMills ------------ 08/28/06 (CSC) ---- 10/12/06 ---- 01/17/07 ---- 05/03/07 (visa granted)
knowledge -------------- 08/28/06 (VSC) ---- 05/09/07 ---- Pending
vonicks ---------------- 08/28/06 (VSC) ---- 06/13/07 ---- Pending
NYC__girl -------------- 08/29/06 (VSC) ---- 04/03/07 ---- Pending
khanshahid ------------- 09/05/06 (VSC) ---- 05/24/07 ---- 09/11/07 ---- Pending
Florida-Photo ---------- 09/06/06 (CSC) ---- 11/02/06 ---- 02/01/07 ---- 03/27/07 (visa granted)
Bosnia ----------------- 09/07/06 (CSC) ---- 12/05/06 ---- 03/14/07 ---- 03/30/07 (visa granted)
Brian & Elena ---------- 09/11/06 (CSC) ---- 05/21/07 ---- Pending
donquijote ------------- 09/13/06 (CSC) ---- 12/06/06 ---- 03/14/07 ---- 04/30/07 (visa granted)
dougyceci -------------- 09/13/06 (CSC) ---- 11/22/06 ---- 02/15/07 ---- 04/12/07 (visa granted)
Justo/Sheyla ----------- 09/18/06 (CSC) ---- 12/27/06 ---- 02/13/07 ---- 05/07/07 (visa granted)
Arpita & Deven --------- 09/19/06 (CSC) ---- 11/27/06 ---- 02/20/07 ---- 05/24/07 (visa granted)
Dennis & Ezgi ---------- 09/21/06 (VSC) ---- 01/18/07 ---- 04/10/07 ---- 05/08/07 (visa granted)
riblet ----------------- 09/25/06 (CSC) ---- 12/06/06 ---- 02/20/07 ---- 04/18/07 (visa granted)
kim_786 ---------------- 10/02/06 (VSC) ---- Pending
mikeandlani ------------ 10/10/06 (CSC) ---- 05/21/07 ---- Pending
jediknight ------------- 10/10/06 (VSC) ---- 03/11/07 ---- 05/15/07 ---- 07/10/07 (visa granted)
hcheun02 --------------- 10/13/06 (VSC) ---- 03/22/07 ---- 06/01/07 ---- 08/03/07 (visa granted)
Exodus2006 ------------- 10/18/06 (CSC) ---- 01/16/07 ---- 07/09/07 ---- Pending
StarProg --------------- 10/18/06 (CSC) ---- 12/28/06 ---- 05/10/07 ---- 06/28/07 (visa granted)
Karina ----------------- 10/30/06 (CSC) ---- 03/13/07 ---- 06/01/07 ---- 08/30/07 (visa granted)
misfitsbalzac ---------- 11/01/06 (VSC) ---- 04/11/07 ---- 08/29/07 ---- Pending
sjmartins -------------- 11/07/06 (CSC) ---- 04/25/07 ---- Pending
Richisusie ------------- 11/12/06 (VSC) ---- 04/16/07 ---- Pending
ktmracer --------------- 12/01/06 (VSC) ---- 08/15/07 ---- Pending
Radu & Mari ------------ 12/12/06 (CSC) ---- 02/12/07 ---- 04/17/07 ---- 05/02/07 (visa granted)
jacob88 ---------------- 12/12/06 (CSC) ---- 03/14/07 ---- 07/03/07 ---- 08/27/07 (visa granted)
natashenika ------------ 12/15/06 (VSC) ---- 08/23/07 ---- Pending
Singha ----------------- 01/03/07 (VSC) ---- 06/01/07 ---- 08/28/07 ---- Pending
Nilz07 ----------------- 01/03/07 (CSC) ---- 06/12/07 ---- Pending
nyseness --------------- 01/06/07 (CSC) ---- 05/16/07 ---- Pending
mike & elena ----------- 01/09/07 (CSC) ---- 04/16/07 ---- 08/17/07 ---- 10/17/07 (Pending)
npatel3c --------------- 01/14/07 (VSC) ---- 05/25/07 ---- Pending
John & Erica ----------- 01/24/07 (CSC) ---- 04/06/07 ---- 06/22/07 ---- 08/09/07 (visa granted)
slbois ----------------- 01/26/07 (CSC) ---- 04/09/07 ---- 07/16/07 ---- 09/06/07 (visa granted)
Kathy & Prabh ---------- 01/29/07 (CSC) ---- 04/10/07 ---- 06/14/07 ---- 07/27/07 (admin review)
dillydally ------------- 02/01/07 (CSC) ---- 06/14/07 ---- Pending
virt ------------------- 02/01/07 (CSC) ---- 06/07/07 ---- Pending
Kiya ------------------- 02/07/07 (CSC) ---- 05/03/07 ---- Pending
Singh77 ---------------- 02/07/07 (CSC) ---- 04/17/07 ---- 08/17/07 ---- 10/15/07 (Pending)
arwensun1965 ----------- 02/08/07 (CSC) ---- 05/03/07 ---- Pending
Comelly ---------------- 02/09/07 (CSC) ---- 04/19/07 ---- 07/30/07 ---- Pending
MegDan ----------------- 02/13/07 (CSC) ---- 05/31/07 ---- Pending
ErnestoyAlexis --------- 02/13/07 (CSC) ---- 02/16/07 ---- 05/08/07 ---- 09/26/07 (Pending)
Mononoke28 ------------- 02/14/07 (CSC) ---- 05/03/07 ---- 08/08/07 ---- 09/27/07 (Pending)
flicki ----------------- 02/15/07 (CSC) ---- 06/25/07 ---- Pending
Geist & Stabu ---------- 02/21/07 (CSC) ---- 06/07/07 ---- Pending
Jasmin ----------------- 02/21/07 (CSC) ---- 06/22/07 ---- Pending
mxjjx ------------------ 02/21/07 (VSC) ---- 07/17/07 ---- Pending
RandyandRina ----------- 02/26/07 (CSC) ---- 07/02/07 ---- Pending
vylex ------------------ 02/28/07 (CSC) ---- 06/12/07 ---- 08/27/07 ---- 12/10/07 (Pending)
greeneclipse ----------- 03/01/07 (CSC) ---- 07/09/07 ---- Pending
S & J ------------------ 03/01/07 (CSC) ---- 06/19/07 ---- Pending
Trailmix --------------- 03/13/07 (CSC) ---- 06/05/07 ---- Pending
LvivLovers ------------- 03/13/07 (CSC) ---- 08/08/07 ---- Pending
Rika60607 -------------- 03/16/07 (CSC) ---- 06/14/07 ---- Pending
mdpo ------------------- 03/19/07 (CSC) ---- 08/16/07 ---- Pending
CHERRI1 ---------------- 03/19/07 (CSC) ---- 06/06/07 ---- Pending
Miriam n Alain --------- 03/21/07 (CSC) ---- 03/22/07 ---- 06/21/07 ---- 09/13/07 (Visa Granted)
jj119 ------------------ 03/30/07 (CSC) ---- Pending
hhk3 ------------------- 04/04/07 (VSC) ---- 05/31/07 ---- 08/14/07 ---- 09/04/07 (visa granted)
LadyJane --------------- 04/09/07 (CSC) ---- 07/02/07 ---- Pending
pc_whisperer ----------- 04/09/07 (CSC) ---- 07/27/07 ---- Pending
Olechka ---------------- 04/12/07 (CSC) ---- 07/04/07 ---- Pending
jundibasam ------------- 04/23/07 (CSC) ---- Pending
Tussie ----------------- 04/24/07 (CSC) ---- Pending
gogo ------------------- 04/27/07 (CSC) ---- Pending
Ereshkigal ------------- 05/21/07 (CSC) ---- 08/10/07 ---- Pending
djturbo ---------------- 06/05/07 (CSC) ---- Pending
pkewl------------------- 06/06/07 (CSC) ---- Pending
clow ------------------- 06/14/07 (CSC) ---- Pending
amberlynn--------------- 06/29/07 (VSC) ---- Pending
Mohgli ----------------- 07/19/07 (CSC) ---- Pending
KTG -------------------- 08/02/07 (CSC) ---- Pending
Saradanielle ----------- 08/16/07 (VSC) ---- Pending
kelzm ------------------ 09/05/07 (CSC) ---- Pending

Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-09-18 07:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimeline on I 130 Approvals

Added gogo
Added Tussie
Removed Kalina (K3 visa)
Updated ktmracer (NOA2)

Soooo many interview dates pending, I would expect some of them being done soon :huh:...

Member Name--------------NOA1---(CSC/VSC)-----NOA2-------NVC Complete---Interview---Result
jaxguy ----------------- 04/30/04 (CSC) ----- 05/31/05 ----Pending
kimmykashi-------------- 04/26/06 (CSC) ----- 08/25/06 ----02/28/07 ---- 07/31/07 (visa granted)
w1n78 ------------------ 06/13/06 (CSC) ----- 09/05/06 ----11/16/06 ---- 03/02/07 (visa granted)
The_dip_sticks --------- 06/15/06 (CSC) ----- Pending
tomrein ---------------- 06/26/06 (CSC) ----- 09/11/06 ----12/21/06 ---- 03/27/07 (visa granted)
Yocasta ---------------- 06/30/06 (VSC) ----- 04/27/07 ----Pending
Michael and Milahjean -- 07/13/06 (CSC) ----- 09/07/06 ----11/15/06 ---- 03/15/07 (visa granted)
MarocAmer -------------- 07/17/06 (CSC) ----- Pending
Amarceau --------------- 07/17/06 (CSC) ----- 09/07/06 ----01/11/07 ---- 03/20/07 (visa granted)
randynrose ------------- 07/20/06 (CSC) ----- 09/29/06 ----02/06/07 ---- 05/24/07 (visa granted)
dims1 ------------------ 07/25/06 (CSC) ----- 09/20/06 ----12/01/06 ---- 03/19/07 (visa granted)
Our Mao ---------------- 07/27/06 (CSC) ----- 12/01/06 ----02/13/07 ---- 04/13/07 (visa granted)
Ness and Keith --------- 08/07/06 (VSC) ----- 05/31/07 ----Pending
Xuemei ----------------- 08/16/06 (CSC) ----- Pending
rizthomson ------------- 08/21/06 (CSC) ----- 10/03/06 ----12/22/06 ---- 02/26/06 (visa granted)
niagara_falls ---------- 08/22/06 (CSC) ----- 05/18/07 ----Pending
BelwinMills ------------ 08/28/06 (CSC) ----- 10/12/06 ----01/17/07 ---- 05/03/07 (visa granted)
knowledge -------------- 08/28/06 (VSC) ----- 05/09/07 ----Pending
vonicks ---------------- 08/28/06 (VSC) ----- 06/13/07 ----Pending
NYC__girl -------------- 08/29/06 (VSC) ----- 04/03/07 ----Pending
khanshahid ------------- 09/05/06 (VSC) ----- 05/24/07 ----Pending
Florida-Photo ---------- 09/06/06 (CSC) ----- 11/02/06 ----02/01/07 ---- 03/27/07 (visa granted)
Bosnia ----------------- 09/07/06 (CSC) ----- 12/05/06 ----03/14/07 ---- 03/30/07 (visa granted)
Heina ------------------ 09/11/06 (VSC) ----- 05/15/07 ----Pending
Brian & Elena ---------- 09/11/06 (CSC) ----- 05/21/07 ----Pending
donquijote ------------- 09/13/06 (CSC) ----- 12/06/06 ----03/14/07 ---- 04/30/07 (visa granted)
dougyceci -------------- 09/13/06 (CSC) ----- 11/22/06 ----02/15/07 ---- 04/12/07 (visa granted)
Justo/Sheyla ----------- 09/18/06 (CSC) ----- 12/27/06 ----02/13/07 ---- 05/07/07 (Visa granted)
Arpita & Deven --------- 09/19/06 (CSC) ----- 11/27/06 ----02/20/07 ---- 05/24/07 (Visa granted)
Dennis & Ezgi ---------- 09/21/06 (VSC) ----- 01/18/07 ----04/10/07 ---- 05/08/07 (visa granted)
riblet ----------------- 09/25/06 (CSC) ----- 12/06/06 ----02/20/07 ---- 04/18/07 (visa granted)
kim_786 ---------------- 10/02/06 (VSC) ----- Pending
mikeandlani ------------ 10/10/06 (CSC) ----- 05/21/07 ----Pending
jediknight ------------- 10/10/06 (VSC) ----- 03/11/07 ----05/15/07 ---- 07/10/07 (Visa Granted)
hcheun02 --------------- 10/13/06 (VSC) ----- 03/22/07 ----06/01/07 ---- 08/03/07 (visa granted)
Exodus2006 ------------- 10/18/06 (CSC) ----- 01/16/07 ----07/09/07 ---- Pending
StarProg --------------- 10/18/06 (CSC) ----- 12/28/06 ----05/10/07 ---- 06/28/07 (visa granted)
Karina ----------------- 10/30/06 (CSC) ----- 03/13/07 ----06/01/07 ---- 08/30/07 (Pending)
misfitsbalzac ---------- 11/01/06 (VSC) ----- 04/11/07 ----Pending
sjmartins -------------- 11/07/06 (CSC) ----- 04/25/07 ----Pending
Richisusie ------------- 11/12/06 (VSC) ----- 04/16/07 ----Pending
ktmracer --------------- 12/01/06 (VSC) ----- 08/15/07 ----Pending
Radu & Mari ------------ 12/12/06 (CSC) ----- 02/12/07 ----04/17/07 ---- 05/02/07 (Visa Granted)
jacob88 ---------------- 12/12/06 (CSC) ----- 03/14/07 ----07/03/07 ---- 08/27/07 (Pending)
nchipic ---------------- 12/15/06 (VSC) ----- Pending
Singha ----------------- 01/03/07 (VSC) ----- 06/01/07 ----Pending
Nilz07 ----------------- 01/03/07 (CSC) ----- 06/12/07 ----Pending
nyseness --------------- 01/06/07 (CSC) ----- 05/16/07 ----Pending
mike & elena ----------- 01/09/07 (CSC) ----- 04/16/07 ----08/11/07 ---- Pending
npatel3c --------------- 01/14/07 (VSC) ----- 05/25/07 ----Pending
John & Erica ----------- 01/24/07 (CSC) ----- 04/06/07 ----06/22/07 ---- 08/09/07 (visa granted)
slbois ----------------- 01/26/07 (CSC) ----- 04/09/07 ----07/16/07 ---- Pending
Kathy & Prabh ---------- 01/29/07 (CSC) ----- 04/10/07 ----06/14/07 ---- 07/27/07 (AR?)
dillydally ------------- 02/01/07 (CSC) ----- 06/14/07 ----Pending
virt ------------------- 02/01/07 (CSC) ----- 06/07/07 ----Pending
Kiya ------------------- 02/07/07 (CSC) ----- 05/03/07 ----Pending
Singh77 ---------------- 02/07/07 (CSC) ----- 04/17/07 ----Pending
arwensun1965 ----------- 02/08/07 (CSC) ----- 05/03/07 ----Pending
Comelly ---------------- 02/09/07 (CSC) ----- 04/19/07 ----07/30/07 ---- Pending
MegDan ----------------- 02/13/07 (CSC) ----- 05/31/07 ----Pending
ErnestoyAlexis --------- 02/13/07 (CSC) ----- 02/16/07 ----05/08/07 ---- 09/26/07 (Pending)
Mononoke28 ------------- 02/14/07 (CSC) ----- 05/03/07 ----08/08/07 ---- 09/27/07
flicki ----------------- 02/15/07 (CSC) ----- 06/25/07 ----Pending
Geist & Stabu ---------- 02/21/07 (CSC) ----- 06/07/07 ----Pending
Jasmin ----------------- 02/21/07 (CSC) ----- 06/22/07 ----Pending
mxjjx ------------------ 02/21/07 (VSC) ----- 07/17/07 ----Pending
RandyandRina ----------- 02/26/07 (CSC) ----- 07/02/07 ----Pending
vylex ------------------ 02/28/07 (CSC) ----- 06/12/07 ----Pending
greeneclipse ----------- 03/01/07 (CSC) ----- 07/09/07 ----Pending
S & J ------------------ 03/01/07 (CSC) ----- 06/19/07 ----Pending
Trailmix --------------- 03/13/07 (CSC) ----- 06/05/07 ----Pending
LvivLovers ------------- 03/13/07 (CSC) ----- 08/08/07 ----Pending
Rika60607 -------------- 03/16/07 (CSC) ----- 06/14/07 ----Pending
mdpo ------------------- 03/19/07 (CSC) ----- Pending
CHERRI1 ---------------- 03/19/07 (CSC) ----- 06/06/07 ----Pending
Miriam n Alain --------- 03/21/07 (CSC) ----- 03/22/07 ----06/21/07 ---- 09/13/07 (Pending)
jj119 ------------------ 03/30/07 (CSC) ----- Pending
hhk3 ------------------- 04/04/07 (VSC) ----- 05/31/07 ----08/14/07 ---- Pending
LadyJane --------------- 04/09/07 (CSC) ----- 07/02/07 ----Pending
pc_whisperer ----------- 04/09/07 (CSC) ----- 07/27/07 ----Pending
Olechka ---------------- 04/12/07 (CSC) ----- 07/04/07 ----Pending
jundibasam ------------- 04/23/07 (CSC) ----- Pending
Tussie ----------------- 04/24/07 (CSC) ----- Pending
gogo ------------------- 04/27/07 (CSC) ----- Pending
Ereshkigal ------------- 05/21/07 (CSC) ----- Pending
djturbo ---------------- 06/05/07 (CSC) ----- Pending
pkewl------------------- 06/06/07 (CSC) ----- Pending
clow ------------------- 06/14/07 (CSC) ----- Pending
amberlynn--------------- 06/29/07 (VSC) ----- Pending
Mohgli ----------------- 07/19/07 (CSC) ----- Pending
KTG -------------------- 08/02/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

Edited by Miriam n Alain, 17 August 2007 - 08:46 PM.

Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-08-17 20:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTimeline on I 130 Approvals

Jasmin: NOA2! Congrats! I'm SO happy for you!
The hubby and me: case complete
S&J: NOA2! Congrats! In the absence of a NOA1 date I used the filing date of March 1st.
RocksAnne: also NOA2!

Member Name--------------NOA1---(CSC/VSC)-----NOA2 ----- NVC Complete---Interview---Result
jaxguy ----------------- 04/30/04 (CSC) ----- 05/31/05 ----Pending
kimmykashi-------------- 04/26/06 (CSC) ----- 08/25/06 ----02/28/07 ---- 05/24/07 (Pending)
w1n78 ------------------ 06/13/06 (CSC) ----- 09/05/06 ----11/16/06 ---- 03/02/07 (visa granted)
The_dip_sticks --------- 06/15/06 (CSC) ----- Pending
tomrein ---------------- 06/26/06 (CSC) ----- 09/11/06 ----12/21/06 ---- 03/27/07 (visa granted)
Yocasta ---------------- 06/30/06 (VSC) ----- 04/27/07 ----Pending
Michael and Milahjean -- 07/13/06 (CSC) ----- 09/07/06 ----11/15/06 ---- 03/15/07 (visa granted)
MarocAmer -------------- 07/17/06 (CSC) ----- Pending
Amarceau --------------- 07/17/06 (CSC) ----- 09/07/06 ----01/11/07 ---- 03/20/07 (visa granted)
randynrose --------------07/20/06 (CSC) ----- 09/29/06 ----02/06/07 ---- 05/24/07 (visa granted)
dims1 ------------------ 07/25/06 (CSC) ----- 09/20/06 ----12/01/06 ---- 03/19/07 (visa granted)
Our Mao ---------------- 07/27/06 (CSC) ----- 12/01/06 ----02/13/07 ---- 04/13/07 (visa granted)
EmilyRugBurn ----------- 08/11/06 (CSC) ----- 05/31/07 ----Pending
Xuemei ----------------- 08/16/06 (CSC) ----- Pending
rizthomson ------------- 08/21/06 (TSC) ----- 10/03/06 ----12/22/06 ---- 02/26/06 (visa granted)
niagara_falls ---------- 08/22/06 (CSC) ----- 05/18/07 ----Pending
manana ----------------- 08/25/06 (VSC) ----- 12/06/06 ----Pending
BelwinMills ------------ 08/28/06 (CSC) ----- 10/12/06 ----01/17/07 ---- 05/03/07 (visa granted)
knowledge -------------- 08/28/06 (VSC) ----- 05/09/07 ----Pending
vonicks ---------------- 08/28/06 (VSC) ----- 06/13/07 ----Pending
NYC__girl -------------- 08/29/06 (VSC) ----- 04/03/07 ----Pending
khanshahid ------------- 09/05/06 (VSC) ----- 05/24/07 ----Pending
Florida-Photo ---------- 09/06/06 (CSC) ----- 11/02/06 ----02/01/07 ---- 03/27/07 (visa granted)
Bosnia ----------------- 09/07/06 (CSC) ----- 12/05/06 ----03/14/07 ---- 03/30/07 (visa granted)
Natty Bumppo ----------- 09/08/06 (CSC) ----- 12/06/06 ----Pending
AmberBee --------------- 09/11/06 (CSC) ----- 11/21/06 ----Pending
Heina ------------------ 09/11/06 (VSC) ----- 05/15/07 ----Pending
Brian & Elena ---------- 09/11/06 (CSC) ----- 05/21/07 ----Pending
donquijote ------------- 09/13/06 (CSC) ----- 12/06/06 ----03/14/07 ---- 04/30/07 (visa granted)
dougyceci -------------- 09/13/06 (CSC) ----- 11/22/06 ----02/15/07 ---- 04/12/07 (visa granted)
Justo/Sheyla ----------- 09/18/06 (CSC) ----- 12/27/06 ----02/13/07 ---- 05/07/07 (Visa granted)
Arpita & Deven --------- 09/19/06 (CSC) ----- 11/27/06 ----02/20/07 ---- 05/24/07 (Visa granted)
Dennis & Ezgi ---------- 09/21/06 (VSC) ----- 01/18/07 ----04/10/07 ---- 05/08/07
riblet ----------------- 09/25/06 (CSC) ----- 12/06/06 ----02/20/07 ---- 04/18/07 (visa granted)
anneiy ----------------- 09/28/06 (CSC) ----- 11/28/06 ----12/27/06 ---- 04/17/07 (visa denied)
bsuboyus --------------- 10/05/06 (CSC) ----- 01/16/07 ----Pending
mikeandlani ------------ 10/10/06 (CSC) ----- 05/21/07 ----Pending
jediknight ------------- 10/10/06 (VSC) ----- 03/11/07 ----05/15/07 ---- 07/10/07 (Pending)
hcheun02 --------------- 10/13/06 (VSC) ----- 03/22/07 ----06/01/07 ---- Pending
Exodus2006 ------------- 10/18/06 (CSC) ----- 01/16/07 ----Pending
StarProg --------------- 10/18/06 (CSC) ----- 12/28/06 ----05/10/07 ---- 06/28/07 (Pending)
Karina ----------------- 10/30/06 (CSC) ----- 03/13/07 ----06/01/07 ---- Pending
misfitsbalzac ---------- 11/01/06 (VSC) ----- 04/11/07 ----Pending
sjmartins -------------- 11/07/06 (CSC) ----- 04/25/07 ----Pending
Richisusie ------------- 11/12/06 (VSC) ----- 04/16/07 ----Pending
ktmracer --------------- 12/01/06 (VSC) ----- Pending
Radu & Mari ------------ 12/12/06 (CSC) ----- 02/12/07 ----04/17/07 ---- 05/02/07 (Visa Granted)
jacob88 ---------------- 12/12/06 (CSC) ----- 03/14/07 ----Pending
nchipic ---------------- 12/15/06 (VSC) ----- Pending
Singha ----------------- 01/03/07 (VSC) ----- 06/01/07 ----Pending
Nilz07 ----------------- 01/03/07 (CSC) ----- 06/12/07 ----Pending
nyseness --------------- 01/06/07 (CSC) ----- 05/16/07 ----Pending
mike & elena ----------- 01/09/07 (CSC) ----- 04/16/07 ----Pending
npatel3c --------------- 01/14/07 (VSC) ----- Pending
John & Erica ----------- 01/24/07 (CSC) ----- 04/06/07 ----06/22/07
Kathy & Prabh ---------- 01/29/07 (CSC) ----- 04/10/07 ----Pending
dillydally ------------- 02/01/07 (CSC) ----- 06/14/07 ----Pending
virt ------------------- 02/01/07 (CSC) ----- 06/07/07 ----Pending
Kiya ------------------- 02/07/07 (CSC) ----- 05/03/07 ----Pending
Singh77 ---------------- 02/07/07 (CSC) ----- 04/17/07 ----Pending
arwensun1965 ----------- 02/08/07 (CSC) ----- 05/03/07 ----Pending
Comelly ---------------- 02/09/07 (CSC) ----- 04/19/07 ----Pending
MegDan ----------------- 02/13/07 (CSC) ----- 05/31/07 ----Pending
ErnestoyAlexis --------- 02/13/07 (CSC) ----- 02/16/07 ----05/08/07 ---- 09/26/07
Mononoke28 ------------- 02/14/07 (CSC) ----- 05/03/07 ----Pending
flicki ----------------- 02/15/07 (CSC) ----- Pending
Geist & Stabu ---------- 02/21/07 (CSC) ----- 06/07/07 ----Pending
Jasmin ----------------- 02/21/07 (CSC) ----- 06/22/07 ----Pending
kalina ----------------- 02/24/07 (CSC) ----- Pending
vylex ------------------ 02/28/07 (CSC) ----- 06/12/07 ----Pending
greeneclipse ----------- 03/01/07 (CSC) ----- Pending
S & J ------------------ 03/01/07 (CSC) ----- 06/19/07 ----Pending
Trailmix --------------- 03/13/07 (CSC) ----- 06/05/07 ----Pending
LvivLovers ------------- 03/13/07 (CSC) ----- Pending
Rika60607 -------------- 03/16/07 (CSC) ----- 06/14/07 ----Pending
mdpo ------------------- 03/19/07 (CSC) ----- Pending
CHERRI1 ---------------- 03/19/07 (CSC) ----- 06/06/07 ----Pending
Miriam n Alain --------- 03/21/07 (CSC) ----- 03/22/07 ----6/21/07------10/23/07
LadyJane --------------- 04/09/07 (CSC) ----- Pending
Olechka ---------------- 04/12/07 (CSC) ----- Pending
jundibasam ------------- 04/23/07 (CSC) ----- Pending
RocksAnne ---------------05/04/07 (CSC) ----- 06/22/07
Ereshkigal ------------- 05/21/07 (CSC) ----- Pending
djturbo ---------------- 06/05/07 (CSC) ----- Pending

Miriam n AlainFemaleCuba2007-06-24 13:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCase Completed At NVC
Mark call the inqury number at 202-663-1541 and then press 0 when you hear the automated system. I talked to a lady yesterday and she said when NVC approves the case it is sent over the system with the case number. Then they send the hard copy packet to Bogota and it takes Bogota about 1 week to match everything after the receive it and get things ready to make the interview date. Bogota has had our case since 29 Jan and now we are just waiting for the interview date. Call that number and see what the operator says......Good luck Matt


Congrats Mark, looks like they are still running at about 4 weeks for approval. I was wondering about the update on the recording as well. In any event, I am looking at the 16th of the month for my 4 week day so hopefully can find something out soon thereafter. I will email you this week but great to hear you are on your way. Sounds like you will miss the March interviews unless they get it sent really quick.


Doug: You should be hearing something real soon. I would anticipate our interview will be sometime in April depending on when the NVC sends our case to Bogota. There is still a slight possibility for the end of March, but pretty unlikely since February is a short month. I can handle it either way. I'm just happy our case got completed.

Similar situation... I just talked with "Zoe" at NVC. She told me my review was completed today, 2/6/2007, although the automated msg says that they are waiting on missing info.

She said my case will be sent to the embassy within 2-4 weeks (March 6 at the latest). So, naturally, I inquired why would it be so long before shipping my case to the embassy since the review is already completed... she said because they ship the cases to the embassy in bulk, not one at a time... :wacko:

Looking4Wife: Congratulations on NVC completing your case! I might be seeing you in Bogota. I think our cases will be sent to Bogota sooner than 2-4 weeks. They seem to always over estimate timelines at the NVC. Many times cases are sent out in about a week, but we'll just have to see what happens.

thieving69MaleColombia2007-02-08 09:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCase Completed At NVC
Congrats Mark that's great news.........Another step in the journey
:thumbs: :thumbs: Matt

Our case has been completed by NVC and will be forwarded to to Bogota shortly!

Here is some important information for those of you waiting for their cases to be completed by NVC:
The automated system apparently does NOT have updated information. I called NVC this morning because it seemed to be taking a little longer than normal for NVC to complete our case. I received the same automated message which has been on there for about 3 weeks "NVC has completed the review of your documents and has found some information missing or incomplete. The NVC mailed a letter on Jan 17th indicating what info is missing...." That is the bogus message which most everybody seems to be getting. NVC's asks for the DS-230 even though it was received weeks earlier. I decided to speak with an operator this time just to make sure that there was nothing additional I needed to know. She informs me that our case was completed on Feb 1 and will be forwarded to Bogota shortly! Our case was completed 5 days ago and the automated system still does not reflect our correct status. Those who have been waiting about a month since sending in their DS-230 may want to call and speak with an operator at NVC.


thieving69MaleColombia2007-02-06 11:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCase Completed!!!
Congrats!!!! :thumbs:

Hi everyone, I rang NVC and was told yesterday at 1:00 pm that the case was still under review and to try back next week. I couldnt take the waiting and did my daily ritual of calling the automated system this afternoon. The automated system says that our case was completed on 2/9/07 and will be forwarded to the embassy! YAYYYY!!! Those were the sweetest words ever. Seems like they are on a roll with so many recent completion/approval and Visa's being granted. Good luck to those that have upcoming interviews, and those that are waiting to hear info on your case's, we will be praying for everyone!!! Good luck and GOD Bless!


thieving69MaleColombia2007-02-10 16:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWe're approved!
Congrats!! :thumbs:

Hi all,

Just received via email our approval. It was actually approved Jan 30 but didn't check my email unitl yesterday. Very surprised because we were waiting for an RFE but never got one!

Now we just wait until the next stage!


thieving69MaleColombia2007-02-09 00:39:00