US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today


Congratulations on your NOA2....

You have got very good advice from MPGGPM that I am glad you follow. I'm wondering if you can contact the consulate via email. That is the only way the US Embassy in Thailand has available for contact. No calls. period.

Despite all the bumps, I believe you'll get through them fine.

I wish you the best.
Ladywhite (F)

Below is one the responses I received a while back from a member here. I am not sure if it helps, but I feel like sharing it with you. My point is this should be manageable with the consulate:

"...I was subject to the foreign residency requirement which was to end, back then, 7 month later. During those 7 months, we got our petition approved in 28 days but the K1 visa appointment was on the same day I was done with the rule (the consular officers selected that day on purpose as they knew that I would be eligible to receive the visa). So it means that I could have got the visa 5 months earlier but I wasn't eligible! I don't know if it was necessary or not but we included every possible info about the 2 year rule(Certificate of eligibility, Record of Departure from the US) in our application for the petition. "

Maybe, you would just have to explain your situation to a consulate office and ask for your interview to be scheduled on the day your HRR is up. I have heard that if the consulate schedules the interview after the valid date of NOA2, it means your NOA2 has been extended automatically by the consulate. But in the cases I have heard, their interview dates were like several days after. I am not sure if it is still be the case if your interview is like months after the NOA2 expires. But, if the consulate schedules it, it should mean they have full knowledge of the expiration of NOA2.

Just a thought.

Again, Good Luck.

(F) (F)

First of all thank you very much for being there for me. VJ is definately the place where I get most of the support and most valuable advice. As I already mentioned I trust you guys so much better than the lawyer we have because people that went through this know exaclty what it's all about. I am sure that everything is done for the best and that 'till the end everything is going to be fine. When I told my future mother-in-law that we might have to have the wedding in the Fall rather than summer, she said she'll take me any season :)
About the consulate. What I am thinking to do, is what MPGGPM adviced me and that is slow down the process as much as possible first...That is not immediately send the documents to the NVC. By the time the embassy will receive them, it will probably be May and that is when I am going to Moldova. The process itself with the packages and until they will set an interview date will take's say two months...When I get the interview date I will just postpone it for later unless it's already set for when my HRR is expiring (as in the case of the guy you shared with me). So far this is the most reasonable path I'm seeing. We still need to confirm every step of the way but the situation seems pretty clear. Plus I will probably apply for an internship in Moldova since we have the offices of the BIG 4 accounting firms in the capital. It will gain me some work experience :) and enrich my resume...of course if I will be accepted.
The thing that is totally killing me in this situation is the long time I'm not going to see Mike. The only thing that is soothing it is the thought that since we went through pretty much all my college having a long-distance relationship, we can do it for a little longer....for the last time....
My mom-in-law says that good things take time. Maybe I should start listening to her :)
Thank you so very much. I cant even tell you how greatful I am to meet people that care about someone else's pain.
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-28 16:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

I just read through the post from yesterday. I am so sorry you had to find all this out, but at least you found it out while you can still do something about it.
I think the worst part about this is that it will delay you from entering into the states. :(
However, From what it seems to me, if you need to still wait out the 4 months, you should be able to do that with an extension on your NOA2.
I wish I had some sage advvice for you, but I hadn't even heard of HRR until I read you thread from yesterday.
Good Luck Sweetie!
I know you two will get it figured out. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

and I almost forgot...Congratulations on the NOA2!!!!!!!!!1
Feel free to let go of your anxiety in order to celebrate your approval!

hey there..
Sorry with so many posts I tend to overlook some. I just noticed it today.
The HRR deal...well, what can i do really? I will try to just find out what my concrete 100% sure options are and choose one which looks best :) Everything is going to be alright one way or another. Mike and I have been dealing with a long-distance relationship for the past 3 years. What doesnt kill you makes you stronger as they another half a year will only add to the value of our relationship :) Plus I will get to Maine in fall...for the first time and have a very colorful wedding....I might not be able to still have a BBQ campling wedding I was dreaming of all my life but I'm sure we'll figure something out.
God I love Maine. I feel so comfortable there. I feel like it's my home and it completes me and makes me so happy. I miss it so bad...The trees and everything. Mikey's parents own a campground and our appartment is located right there...and it's all so beautiful around...and the air is clean and the birds are singing...even the mosquitoes are not that annoying just because I love it there so bad...and then the ocean...the most beautiful thing ever...aaaaaaah...It's ok...soon enough I will be enjoying all that with my honey and his family :)
Ok...well...on a less romantic not...I gotta go and Study for my Auditing Exam ...according to the Generally Accepted Accounting
Thank you for ur warm words :)
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-28 11:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

I have to tell you, your video made me cry, how beautiful. Good Luck to you and your fiance.

Thank you very much. I made that video with all of my love for him. He's my sunshine and the reason I wake up every morning :)
Good luck to you and your fiance as well :)
Everything will be ok...'till the end :)
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-28 11:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

Lawyers................................... :angry:

If the guy (If I understood you correctly) trying to tell you that because it's been 5 years since you left, that the 2 year HRR doesn't matter anymore, ......................I'd start to be REAL skeptical about this guy. He sounds like he has no clue....................

Anyways.........I would think you have these 4 options...

1) Delay sending everything to the NVC (don't they give us like a year to respond?......maybe that's just for a CR-1...but I thought it was that long even for a k-1? ) No one says that you now have to send everything to the NVC so quickly. Just go slow, when you send things to the drag out the process.

2) Let the visa process normally, if you don't want to delay at this point. Then, if you feel your interview is too early when you get the actual date, and are worried, contact the consulate and postpone the interview until a date with which you are comfortable.

3) With this scenerio, you still allow the visa to the consulate. One thing I have heard from a call I made to our own embassy a while back, because I had the same concern about our visa processing too soon...(the RFE we got sure put an end to that :hehe: ) , is that the person I spoke to at the embassy said they would "hold" the visa if they felt more time needed to be served. I specifically asked her if they would just flat out deny it, and she said no. She said the worst case scenerio, my wife could attend the interview, and they might tell her to wait until her time was served. You should SPECIFICALLY ask your consulate the very same question. It is possible that not all consulates/embassies etc...have the same policy.

I also don't know how long exactly they'd be willing to "hold" the visa. I would imagine if someone were REALLY early (say...had a year or more left), they'd deny the visa, rather than hold it for a such a long period of time.

4) Don't do anything different. Cross your fingers real hard ;) , and hope that when you get your interview at the consulate, they will not "nit pick" about the remaining 4 months time you have left, and will just go ahead and grant you the visa. I HAVE heard of several cases where this has happened(and yes...EVEN with that amount of time left to be served)..........but I would NOT count on it. It all depends on who interviews you. Probably a few other circumstances as well.

Personally...I would first try option #3. If the consulate is willing to hold the visa, you could at least attend your interview with no (or not as much, anyhow) worries. Worst they will do is hold it.....but not flat out deny.

Good luck. :thumbs:

Lol :) I like the way you're thinking...Bullet points :) I'm the same way...
Speaking of out lawyer. Well..I never trusted the guy. Mikey and I are split about our opinions. He's sticking to the Lawyer's opinion, I'm stiucking to what people on VJ are telling me....I sort of like the "been there, done that" principle
Anyways to keep it short.
1) I like the option 1,2 and 3 but I am not really willing to risk 4 unless there's only 1 month left or so...where they wouldn't really create problems
2) I called the embassy today but the only thing i've heard over and over again was an answering machine that didnt really give me an option to talk to an agent. I did read on their website that for non-imigrant visa information you have to pay at a Romanian bank and then you get a PIN and can actually talk to a person (the problem is tha ti am not in Romania right now and not even close to it). Another thing that i will try doing is having mikey pay the service with a Credit Card, to get a PIN so we could find out mor information
3) Mike said he'd call the USCIS and see what information they have on HRR and if they know what out options are
4) The lawyer said he's gonna research the issue and give us his advice (though i like yours better than ANY advice he's giving us)

Thank you very much for the time you spent on advising me. I will make sure I will keep everyone posted in order to prevent anyone from being in my situation or advise further :)
You live, you learn

:dance: Congrats El ! No more daydreaming about NOA2

awww...Thank you :) Yeah my site didnt show a move from Feb. 22nd 'till today...March 28th :) so yeah...i agree with the people now...touches dont mean anything :) Thank you hun...hope you're gonna have an easy way yourself :)
Hugz ya
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-28 11:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

:thumbs: Congrats on the NOA-2 none the less :thumbs:

Thank you very much :)
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-28 10:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

I leave for a short time and all this celebration of your NOA2? I don't want us to be left out! I spoke with Karolina about you today and she's hoping the best for you! So, congrats Elena and Mike! I know you hit a small bump in the road here. Stick with it and things will be just fine ;)

aaaawww :)) Thank you much...let us hope for the best :)) I really hope u guys will get approved soon as well :) Tell her i said hi ;) and I will keep everyone posted on my progress (or regress) whatever will happen :)
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-27 20:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

Haha, wow, we need to stop replying to the reply to the reply... :)

Time to make a new thread in off topic about weddings and dresses :yes:
i bet all men on that site get sick reading our replies :whistle:

Lol...we should do that...thank you for support guys :) it's 4 am my time so i better go to bed...hugs all :)
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-27 20:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

Haha, wow, we need to stop replying to the reply to the reply... :)

I think it's getting fun :) no answer to my original question but nonetheless :)))
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-27 19:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

psh, get the dress! You know you'll need it plus its SUPER fun trying them on :-D I bought mine already and sit around in it all the time hehe!

mean the wedding dress? Cant wait to :)
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-27 19:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today
[quote name='NYGirl' post='804398' date='Mar 28 2007, 01:52 AM'][quote name='kinzaza' post='804389' date='Mar 27 2007, 08:50 PM'][quote name='NYGirl' post='804379' date='Mar 28 2007, 01:46 AM'][quote name='kinzaza' post='804368' date='Mar 27 2007, 08:41 PM'][quote name='NYGirl' post='804364' date='Mar 28 2007, 01:39 AM'][quote name='kinzaza' post='804362' date='Mar 27 2007, 08:37 PM'][quote name='Paula&Minya' post='804356' date='Mar 28 2007, 01:34 AM']Just an idea....I don't know how your university in Bulgaria is, but I wonder if by talking to the school administration and perhaps your professors, you could get permission to finish up early (if you can do that...for example take your exams a few weeks early, and/or e-mail any final papers/essays you have for classes) and be able to leave Bulgaria earlier than that 1.5 months.
I don't know if this is allowed at your at some universities this can occur if the student has other obligations, and they can work it out w/ the professor that they can leaver earlier than the actual end of the semester....and just send in any unfinished work via e-mail. Its a matter of how familiar you are w/ your professors and how lenient your school's administration is.

Congratulations on your NOA2 by the way!!! :)
Good idea but this is an American University in Bulgaria. The only thing they are would be able to do is give me Incomplete...and i will have to come back and's my graduation...:( been dreaming of it for 4 years :((( i know that the school wont allow it

[quote name='NYGirl' post='804359' date='Mar 28 2007, 01:34 AM'][quote name='msu17' post='804352' date='Mar 27 2007, 08:32 PM']Hehe, thats hilarious! CONGRATS! Its about time you got that NOA2! I'm sure everything will work itself out. You are not the first with the HRR and wont be the last.[/quote]

I was just about to say the same thing, everything will fall in it's place
Just go with the flow!!!
Stop worrying yourself it may not be a problem at all............!!!!!
I know, it's easier said then done but still, try to calm yourself down and think only of good things like you'll be with Mike very soon and no more distance :yes: :thumbs:
I wanna whine...Can i get mariiiiieeeeed nooooooowwwwwwwwwwww?????????????????????????

Girl, you have your whole life ahead of yourself with this man, stop whining :) it will happen eventually and even sooner than you think, you'll see :whistle:

Do U guys have a date yet?

No, because i am afraid to jinx it :)
I am thinking of Novemer 11, but will see :) October 7th would be great too since most of the business will be closed on monday the following day but it's just not enough time for the whole preparation process :)
Nov 12 many business will be closed due to veterans' day so that is why i am leaning towards that day. I won't even look up the dress or the hall until he gets his visa in hands........i am not a risky person if you know what i mean :)

Well, if u gonna get married when the leaves are changing in New England that would be very romantic :) just not sure when it's Oct. or Nov. The only time i was in the fall in the states was 2001....Georgia...wicked hot

In October it's still pretty warm here in NY and in Nov it's chilly already but i am hoping for no snow or a rain, i guess i can deal with everything else :D

do you have an idea about your date?

oh my god, we're so off topic, sorry for ruining your thread :P

To be honest no clue Mike is the greatest procrastinator...he never ever plans anything...going with the flow :) Sometimes i think he's high
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-27 19:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

Just an idea....I don't know how your university in Bulgaria is, but I wonder if by talking to the school administration and perhaps your professors, you could get permission to finish up early (if you can do that...for example take your exams a few weeks early, and/or e-mail any final papers/essays you have for classes) and be able to leave Bulgaria earlier than that 1.5 months.
I don't know if this is allowed at your at some universities this can occur if the student has other obligations, and they can work it out w/ the professor that they can leaver earlier than the actual end of the semester....and just send in any unfinished work via e-mail. Its a matter of how familiar you are w/ your professors and how lenient your school's administration is.

Congratulations on your NOA2 by the way!!! :)

Good idea but this is an American University in Bulgaria. The only thing they are would be able to do is give me Incomplete...and i will have to come back and's my graduation...:( been dreaming of it for 4 years :((( i know that the school wont allow it

Hehe, thats hilarious! CONGRATS! Its about time you got that NOA2! I'm sure everything will work itself out. You are not the first with the HRR and wont be the last.

I was just about to say the same thing, everything will fall in it's place :)
Just go with the flow!!!
Stop worrying yourself it may not be a problem at all............!!!!!
I know, it's easier said then done but still, try to calm yourself down and think only of good things like you'll be with Mike very soon and no more distance :yes: :thumbs:

:) I wanna whine...Can i get mariiiiieeeeed nooooooowwwwwwwwwwww?????????????????????????

Girl, you have your whole life ahead of yourself with this man, stop whining :) it will happen eventually and even sooner than you think, you'll see :whistle:

Do U guys have a date yet?

No, because i am afraid to jinx it :)
I am thinking of Novemer 11, but will see :) October 7th would be great too since most of the business will be closed on monday the following day but it's just not enough time for the whole preparation process :)
Nov 12 many business will be closed due to veterans' day so that is why i am leaning towards that day. I won't even look up the dress or the hall until he gets his visa in hands........i am not a risky person if you know what i mean :)

I always dreamt of labor day weekends wedding, but that would be too soon, so no luck with that :devil:

lol :) Labor day is too agitated :-P
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-27 19:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

Just an idea....I don't know how your university in Bulgaria is, but I wonder if by talking to the school administration and perhaps your professors, you could get permission to finish up early (if you can do that...for example take your exams a few weeks early, and/or e-mail any final papers/essays you have for classes) and be able to leave Bulgaria earlier than that 1.5 months.
I don't know if this is allowed at your at some universities this can occur if the student has other obligations, and they can work it out w/ the professor that they can leaver earlier than the actual end of the semester....and just send in any unfinished work via e-mail. Its a matter of how familiar you are w/ your professors and how lenient your school's administration is.

Congratulations on your NOA2 by the way!!! :)

Good idea but this is an American University in Bulgaria. The only thing they are would be able to do is give me Incomplete...and i will have to come back and's my graduation...:( been dreaming of it for 4 years :((( i know that the school wont allow it

Hehe, thats hilarious! CONGRATS! Its about time you got that NOA2! I'm sure everything will work itself out. You are not the first with the HRR and wont be the last.

I was just about to say the same thing, everything will fall in it's place :)
Just go with the flow!!!
Stop worrying yourself it may not be a problem at all............!!!!!
I know, it's easier said then done but still, try to calm yourself down and think only of good things like you'll be with Mike very soon and no more distance :yes: :thumbs:

:) I wanna whine...Can i get mariiiiieeeeed nooooooowwwwwwwwwwww?????????????????????????

Girl, you have your whole life ahead of yourself with this man, stop whining :) it will happen eventually and even sooner than you think, you'll see :whistle:

Do U guys have a date yet?

No, because i am afraid to jinx it :)
I am thinking of Novemer 11, but will see :) October 7th would be great too since most of the business will be closed on monday the following day but it's just not enough time for the whole preparation process :)
Nov 12 many business will be closed due to veterans' day so that is why i am leaning towards that day. I won't even look up the dress or the hall until he gets his visa in hands........i am not a risky person if you know what i mean :)

Well, if u gonna get married when the leaves are changing in New England that would be very romantic :) just not sure when it's Oct. or Nov. The only time i was in the fall in the states was 2001....Georgia...wicked hot :))))
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-27 19:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

Haha, I know what you mean, I feel the same! I'm so impatient :) Dont miss your graduation if you dont have to. I am so glad I went to mine, and its the last time to see everyone you graduated with, especially since your moving! And I whine just as much hehe!

Exaclty...i have been with those people for 4 years of my life...cried with them, laughed with them, studied with breaks my heart that I have to leave and it's the i want to at least say goodbye properly
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-27 19:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

Just an idea....I don't know how your university in Bulgaria is, but I wonder if by talking to the school administration and perhaps your professors, you could get permission to finish up early (if you can do that...for example take your exams a few weeks early, and/or e-mail any final papers/essays you have for classes) and be able to leave Bulgaria earlier than that 1.5 months.
I don't know if this is allowed at your at some universities this can occur if the student has other obligations, and they can work it out w/ the professor that they can leaver earlier than the actual end of the semester....and just send in any unfinished work via e-mail. Its a matter of how familiar you are w/ your professors and how lenient your school's administration is.

Congratulations on your NOA2 by the way!!! :)

Good idea but this is an American University in Bulgaria. The only thing they are would be able to do is give me Incomplete...and i will have to come back and's my graduation...:( been dreaming of it for 4 years :((( i know that the school wont allow it

Hehe, thats hilarious! CONGRATS! Its about time you got that NOA2! I'm sure everything will work itself out. You are not the first with the HRR and wont be the last.

I was just about to say the same thing, everything will fall in it's place :)
Just go with the flow!!!
Stop worrying yourself it may not be a problem at all............!!!!!
I know, it's easier said then done but still, try to calm yourself down and think only of good things like you'll be with Mike very soon and no more distance :yes: :thumbs:

:) I wanna whine...Can i get mariiiiieeeeed nooooooowwwwwwwwwwww?????????????????????????

Girl, you have your whole life ahead of yourself with this man, stop whining :) it will happen eventually and even sooner than you think, you'll see :whistle:

Do U guys have a date yet?
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-27 19:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

Just an idea....I don't know how your university in Bulgaria is, but I wonder if by talking to the school administration and perhaps your professors, you could get permission to finish up early (if you can do that...for example take your exams a few weeks early, and/or e-mail any final papers/essays you have for classes) and be able to leave Bulgaria earlier than that 1.5 months.
I don't know if this is allowed at your at some universities this can occur if the student has other obligations, and they can work it out w/ the professor that they can leaver earlier than the actual end of the semester....and just send in any unfinished work via e-mail. Its a matter of how familiar you are w/ your professors and how lenient your school's administration is.

Congratulations on your NOA2 by the way!!! :)

Good idea but this is an American University in Bulgaria. The only thing they are would be able to do is give me Incomplete...and i will have to come back and's my graduation...:( been dreaming of it for 4 years :((( i know that the school wont allow it

Hehe, thats hilarious! CONGRATS! Its about time you got that NOA2! I'm sure everything will work itself out. You are not the first with the HRR and wont be the last.

I was just about to say the same thing, everything will fall in it's place :)
Just go with the flow!!!
Stop worrying yourself it may not be a problem at all............!!!!!
I know, it's easier said then done but still, try to calm yourself down and think only of good things like you'll be with Mike very soon and no more distance :yes: :thumbs:

:) I wanna whine...Can i get mariiiiieeeeed nooooooowwwwwwwwwwww?????????????????????????
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-27 19:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

Hehe, thats hilarious! CONGRATS! Its about time you got that NOA2! I'm sure everything will work itself out. You are not the first with the HRR and wont be the last.

You are totally right...gonna try and call direcly the consulate's customer service tomorrow...and ask them...if i figure out exaclty for how long i was in MD out of these washed out passport stamps :)))))
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-27 19:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

It's about time you got your NOA2 :thumbs:
Sorry, don't know the answer to your problem :(

Pasiba zayka...v lyubom sluchae...znaesh vot zakon podlosti...kogda nu ochen hochesh ne prihodish...kogda nadeeshcya chto ne sluchitcya, sluchaetcya...:) Ya bila by takoy schastlivoy esli bi uznala etot Home Residence Requirement menya ubivaet...posmotrim k chemu eto vse :) but hey...we got it the same awesome is that ? ;)

I know what you mean :)
I was looking at the uscis site few times a day but today my mind was occupied with other stuff so i didn't bother as much :) Then I looked at my blackberry and i noticed that i have way too many emails, as soon as I clicked on "emails" i knew right away, 5 of them instantly one after another one :) It's a great feeling!!!!
Hope you can resolve your issues ASAP!!!!!
Hey, at least something made you smile I am sure :)

P.S. why aren't you sleeping girl? :)

Yeah,...Mikey's excitement did :) He was adorable...said that i'm eligible to marry him and should be honored (as a j/k of course)...he said if i'm not gonna celebrate with him, he'll do it alone :) gotta love that guy :) he's my sunshine :)))))

Love------it's worth EVERYTHING :yes:
there is no bigger happiness than to love and being loved :P

I know right? :) If i only knew how to solve the problem that i have :(
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-27 19:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

It's about time you got your NOA2 :thumbs:
Sorry, don't know the answer to your problem :(

Pasiba zayka...v lyubom sluchae...znaesh vot zakon podlosti...kogda nu ochen hochesh ne prihodish...kogda nadeeshcya chto ne sluchitcya, sluchaetcya...:) Ya bila by takoy schastlivoy esli bi uznala etot Home Residence Requirement menya ubivaet...posmotrim k chemu eto vse :) but hey...we got it the same awesome is that ? ;)

I know what you mean :)
I was looking at the uscis site few times a day but today my mind was occupied with other stuff so i didn't bother as much :) Then I looked at my blackberry and i noticed that i have way too many emails, as soon as I clicked on "emails" i knew right away, 5 of them instantly one after another one :) It's a great feeling!!!!
Hope you can resolve your issues ASAP!!!!!
Hey, at least something made you smile I am sure :)

P.S. why aren't you sleeping girl? :)

Yeah,...Mikey's excitement did :) He was adorable...said that i'm eligible to marry him and should be honored (as a j/k of course)...he said if i'm not gonna celebrate with him, he'll do it alone :) gotta love that guy :) he's my sunshine :)))))
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-27 19:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

Congrats on the NOA2.

Thank you so much :)

Shine on!!!! This is your happy day!!!! Worry later.
Your announcement of your NOA-2 gave me chills. Truly, I'm very very happy for ya !!

You are a WONDERFUL person u know that? :)))))) Thank you and I really hope God will be with u along the whole way
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-27 19:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today


CONGRATULATIONS, woman!!!! :star: :dance: :thumbs: (F)
I hope you can get everything worked out.

Thank you :) I am sure it will all be fine 'till the end :)))) but yes...thank you thank you :))))
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-27 19:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

It's about time you got your NOA2 :thumbs:
Sorry, don't know the answer to your problem :(

Pasiba zayka...v lyubom sluchae...znaesh vot zakon podlosti...kogda nu ochen hochesh ne prihodish...kogda nadeeshcya chto ne sluchitcya, sluchaetcya...:) Ya bila by takoy schastlivoy esli bi uznala etot Home Residence Requirement menya ubivaet...posmotrim k chemu eto vse :) but hey...we got it the same awesome is that ? ;)
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-27 19:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today

Have you researched your consulate?

What is the average length of time it takes them to get Packet 3 to you?

After you return Packet 3 to them, what is the average length of time it takes for them to schedule an interview?

First try to ascertain these things. We then might be able to help you figure out what your options are.

Not sure how exaclty to research that....i mean i went to the says that for moldovan citizens it takes an average of 68 days (from the embassy receipt of the petition 'till the interview date) for the Romanian consulate (where Moldovans belong) it is 51 days average from the receipt 'till the interview date..I still need to change my information as processing center being Romania and not Bulgaria as it was originally. which is ok...68 days that is about 2 a month of them to get the petition from the USCIS to NVC, from NVC to the consulate and all that...i am saving around three months...but how much longer? If i can postpone the interview date by a couple more months than scheduled, great...but what about the polie certificates and all?DO i have to get a new one for bulgaria before i leave the country ( it's valid 6 months) ...i have too many questions...sorry all
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-27 19:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 today
Those of u that are familiar with my HRR limitation (about which i only found out yesterday) know the problems that i'm facing at the moment. I got RFE's no nothing when I actually started hoping it is going to take them a while since I will only leave Bulgaria and go to my home country in about 1.5 months....that's already stealing 1.5 from NOA2 four months validity...I need to stay at home for at least 4 months from then towards the expiration of NOA2 should I extend the expiration date (can it only be extended once?) or should I just procede and get an Interview date and postpone the inerview...or both? We called our lawyer today. He said he's going into HRR but he thinks it should be a problem since the HRR is 5 years old...what do u guys think?
Thank you in Advance
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-27 18:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview day!!!!!

Hey guys!!!

My Interview date is on 16th of April!

CONGRATS :-P That's 3 days before my BD :) You better let us know the results so I could celebrate it with a BD toast :-P
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-20 06:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI need some help

First of all i would like to say hello to everyone on this forum, found the site by accident and i think its really cool.I have a few questions and i'm a bit worried. Lauren and i decided to apply for this type of visa, which we will fill out later today, but now we are worried about being denied because of her anual income probably being too low ( something to do with imigration sponser) so i'm asking your advice on this. My second worry is about the interview, doing it doesnt worry me, what worried me is where will it take place? am i giving it at the US embasy here in my country or i have to fly to Nevada, is she giving and interview as well? and if yes where? Thats all i probably have on my mind right now.
Thanks in advance and good luck to you all!

Welcome to VJ :) I looked at the statistics :) The good new is that Romanian Consulate works pretty fast :) The biggest problem is gonna pe getting her petition approved :)
Good luck to you

Uh oh you're making me worry :blink: and well i hope i really do hope that its working fast :), not much of a fast paper work in Romania. By getting her petition approved do you refere to the K-1 applycation form?If so i really hope that it will be approved!

Well...ok...all this approved :) Go to the guides and then K-1 will tell u step by step what to include in the package u're sending to USCIS :)

Assembling the I-129F Package: Checklist
Forms and Documents (follow these assembly instructions. All supporting documents must be in English or be translated as noted here.):
1. Payment as required by USCIS. Use a personal check so you can track the payment.
2. Cover Letter (see example). Should include a description of what your are petitioning for (I-129F), a table of contents (list everything in the packet). If you need additional room to explain your case, attach a separate sheet (list the attachment on the cover sheet). Make sure to sign and date the cover sheet.
3. Form I-129F: Petition for Alien Fiance(e) (see example)
4. Declaration of how you met in person in the last two years. This should be a single typed page regarding question 18 of the I-129F. Make sure to sign and date it.
5. Original statements (from both the US Citizen and foreign fiance) certifying an intent to marry within 90 days of entering the US on a valid K-1. (see example)
6. Proof of having met in past two years. (click here for examples)
7. G-325A (all four pages) filled out by the US Citizen signed and dated (see example)
8. One passport-type photo (see specification) of the US Citizen. Write the full name of the US citizen on the back. Place in a plastic bag and label the bag "Photo of <Insert US Citizen's Name>". Attach the bag to a sheet of paper and place behind the corresponding G-325a.
9. G-325A (all four pages) filled out by the foreign fiance(e) signed and dated (see example)
10. One passport-type photo (see specification) of the foreign fiance(e). Write the full name of the foreign fiance(e) on the back. Place in a plastic bag and label the bag "Photo of (insert foreign fiance(e) name) ". Attach the bag to a sheet of paper and place behind the corresponding G-325a.
11. Copy of the Birth certificate (front and back) for the US Citizen or a copy of ALL pages of the US Citizen's passport issued with a validity of at least 5 years or a copy of the US Citizen's naturalization certificate (front and back). This is used to establish citizenship.
12. Copy of final Divorce Decree(s) or Certificate(s) for the US Citizen and/or foreign fiance(e) if either has been previously married. If the previous marriage of the US Citizen and/or foreign fiance(e) ended due to the death of their spouse then include a Copy of Death Certificate(s) documenting that fact.
13. Proof of Legal Name Change if either the US Citizen and/or foreign fiance(e) is using a name other than that shown on the relevant documents. You must give USCIS copies of the legal documents that made the change, such as a marriage certificate, adoption decree or court order.
14. In regards to Section C Question 2, if applicable provide certified copies of all court and police records showing the charges and dispositions for any specified conviction(s) (in accordance with the IMBRA). See section 9 of the I-129f instructions for more information.
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-20 06:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI need some help

First of all i would like to say hello to everyone on this forum, found the site by accident and i think its really cool.I have a few questions and i'm a bit worried. Lauren and i decided to apply for this type of visa, which we will fill out later today, but now we are worried about being denied because of her anual income probably being too low ( something to do with imigration sponser) so i'm asking your advice on this. My second worry is about the interview, doing it doesnt worry me, what worried me is where will it take place? am i giving it at the US embasy here in my country or i have to fly to Nevada, is she giving and interview as well? and if yes where? Thats all i probably have on my mind right now.
Thanks in advance and good luck to you all!

Welcome to VJ :) I looked at the statistics :) The good new is that Romanian Consulate works pretty fast :) The biggest problem is gonna pe getting her petition approved :)
Good luck to you
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-20 06:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa payment

Actually this is what is says:

Application Fee

Your application will not be processed if you have not paid the application fee of USD $100, in the local currency equivalent. You must pay the application fee at a branch of the Israeli Postal Authority (six locations) or at any branch of the Cairo Amman Bank in the West Bank (13 locations). Click here for locations. You can no longer pay the fee at the Consulate General. You must submit your receipt with your visa application.

can you pleaase give me the link to that, i didn't see it on their website.

Thanks a lot :jest:

Certainly :)
Hope that somewhat helps :)
Good luck ;)
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-20 22:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa payment
Actually this is what is says:

Application Fee

Your application will not be processed if you have not paid the application fee of USD $100, in the local currency equivalent. You must pay the application fee at a branch of the Israeli Postal Authority (six locations) or at any branch of the Cairo Amman Bank in the West Bank (13 locations). Click here for locations. You can no longer pay the fee at the Consulate General. You must submit your receipt with your visa application.
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-20 18:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa payment
well this is what it says on the Romanian site:

A non-refundable US$ 100 application fee is collected (only cash or travelers checks are accepted).
Try going to the American Embassy consular section site of Israel
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-20 18:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTopic reposted

Hi Elena! Relax! Take a deep breath! Exhale! I'm sure there is a solution to the what you're asking. Where are you going to after May 30th? I believe at the USCIS website, you make the change of address through their website. I'm looking now about if changing consulates is done the same way. It can't be difficult. I'll look a little more. Hopefully, someone will come along and provide more information for you. Don't freak out on us! ;)

Thank you Joe!!!
I think what i'm gonna do is wait 'till friday and see if I hear anything or not and then ask Mikey to call our lawyer and talk to him about this problem. From what I know he mentioned to mikey before that u can somehow change consulates...I'm just no too sure how. He probably knows :)
Thank you for the support though :) If this is gonna continue like this I'm gonna proclain u and Vita my VJ heroes ;)

Just relax a bit, pleeeease? :)

Sofia will not accept your case if they follow the guidelines of other Consulates. They will require that you have evidence of permission to remain in Bulgaria for 6+ moonths forward. You do not have that.
Your petition will default to your home country; you can make this correction when your case is headed toward the NVC--they are the ones in charge of sending the case to the Embassy.
As you are working with a lawyer, be sure to call this to her attention and ask her to take the appropriate steps.

:))))))))))) Yeah I guess I have that freaking out ability. Thank you for calming me down. Phewwwww...You have no idea how relieved i feel right now. So if my home country does not issue fiance visas but forward it to Romanian i will just have to deal with the Romanian consulate. If i'm in Bulgaria for 2 more months can I have the romanian consulate send packages to me in Bulgaria or it HAS to be my home country? (Moldova). And if they can is there a problem for me to change the adress by contacting the consulate since i'm gonna move sometimes in May?
Thank you so so so so much!!!!
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-20 13:42:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTopic reposted

Hi Elena! Relax! Take a deep breath! Exhale! I'm sure there is a solution to the what you're asking. Where are you going to after May 30th? I believe at the USCIS website, you make the change of address through their website. I'm looking now about if changing consulates is done the same way. It can't be difficult. I'll look a little more. Hopefully, someone will come along and provide more information for you. Don't freak out on us! ;)

Thank you Joe!!!
I think what i'm gonna do is wait 'till friday and see if I hear anything or not and then ask Mikey to call our lawyer and talk to him about this problem. From what I know he mentioned to mikey before that u can somehow change consulates...I'm just no too sure how. He probably knows :)
Thank you for the support though :) If this is gonna continue like this I'm gonna proclain u and Vita my VJ heroes ;)
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-20 11:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTopic reposted

Ok guys. Here is the situation. I'm going through VCS and I have my case pending since Feb. 13th. It was last touched on Feb. 22nd. I don't know if I will be asked for an RFE or not but I applied for the case to be processed at the Bulgarian Consulate in Sofia. I'm an International Student here and a graduating senior, therefore I have an expiration date of my visa as being May 30th 2007. Now I really don't know what to do. If it's going to take forever to get an NOA2, should I change to the Romanian Consulate (it's the closest one to Moldova). Or maybe I should just wait and still hope for Bulgaria. Or should I wait 'till it gets to Bulgaria and have them transfer the information to Romania? and if i do, how do I provide the new consulate with a new adress and phone number and all that?
I want to cry. Seriously sad.gif

Just a quick thought, did you know him before you came in as a student? If not and you didn't come here with the intention to marry, I think you could if you wanted get married right here before your Visa expires and stay in the U.S.

Mmmm...I think i wasnt too clear. I'm not in the US right now. I'm in Bulgaria finishing college and the Bulgarian visa is the one that's expiring and the consulate i applied for to process the visa is in Bulgaria :(
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-20 09:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTopic reposted
Ok guys. Here is the situation. I'm going through VCS and I have my case pending since Feb. 13th. It was last touched on Feb. 22nd. I don't know if I will be asked for an RFE or not but I applied for the case to be processed at the Bulgarian Consulate in Sofia. I'm an International Student here and a graduating senior, therefore I have an expiration date of my visa as being May 30th 2007. Now I really don't know what to do. If it's going to take forever to get an NOA2, should I change to the Romanian Consulate (it's the closest one to Moldova). Or maybe I should just wait and still hope for Bulgaria. Or should I wait 'till it gets to Bulgaria and have them transfer the information to Romania? and if i do, how do I provide the new consulate with a new adress and phone number and all that?
I want to cry. Seriously sad.gif
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-20 07:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFreaking out

I have an old post on here somewhere about what my wife had to go through to get her police report. Her dad ended up having to give them a case of vodka and about $100 to get the report made. The police chief ended up giving him the key to the police station and he wrote it himself (it was a holiday).


My fiance is originally from Ukraine so I sent him to the ukrainian embassy to order his police report. I read on their website that it should be FREE. Today my fiance went there and had to pay up front $50 and they told him that once he'll receive it there are much more fees to pay ( but i don't care about that, that's the least of the problem)
Now, he has asked how long is the wait and they told me him that by law it should take about 3 months but from their own experiece people don't receive it earlier than 8-12 months and not to expect earlier than in 8 months The lady told him that he can go to Ukraine, live there for 15-20 days and obtain it himself. That's impossible, he can't quit his job and school and just move to Kiev!!!!!
Any suggestions?

I am freaking out :crying:

NYGirl, don't cry. :) The easiest solution is to have someone do it for your fiance in trust. Here's a description how - if you read Russian:
http://www.greencard...icates/ukraine/ (go to the end of the page). You can search up a paid service on, and this way it may take less time since such people have established relationships with govt. officials. Good luck!

After he paid the fees and all, the lady told him that there is a law office right around the corner from them that represent the embassy and works directly with Kiev to go there and see if they can speed up the process. He went there and the lawyer told him that for $340 he can get it within 4 weeks, if needed even earlier he'll get it for 10 days but it'll be much more expensive. So..........Vova and I decided to go with this lawyer but if you can get that info for us then I'll greatly appreciate it. I will wait for your answer before he goes back to that lawyer. Vova is so pissed, why couldn't this lady tell him this right away and told him AFTER he paid the $50 fee? Is that their ways of making money or something :cry:

He has a very close friend there that can do it for him but he knows they won't give her anything even if she'll pay them but i wonder if she can try at least!!

Thanks all!!!!

R u serious? Whoaaaaa...only in post soviet countries...i'm surprised Moldova it costs.....$5 to get it and about mmm....$2 to translate and legalize...the stories u guys have on here are freaky
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-04-01 01:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFreaking out


My fiance is originally from Ukraine so I sent him to the ukrainian embassy to order his police report. I read on their website that it should be FREE. Today my fiance went there and had to pay up front $50 and they told him that once he'll receive it there are much more fees to pay ( but i don't care about that, that's the least of the problem)
Now, he has asked how long is the wait and they told me him that by law it should take about 3 months but from their own experiece people don't receive it earlier than 8-12 months and not to expect earlier than in 8 months The lady told him that he can go to Ukraine, live there for 15-20 days and obtain it himself. That's impossible, he can't quit his job and school and just move to Kiev!!!!!
Any suggestions?

I am freaking out :crying:

NYGirl, don't cry. :) The easiest solution is to have someone do it for your fiance in trust. Here's a description how - if you read Russian:
http://www.greencard...icates/ukraine/ (go to the end of the page). You can search up a paid service on, and this way it may take less time since such people have established relationships with govt. officials. Good luck!

This is so strange. In Moldova it's done in 1 day..It cant take that long and yeah...have someone do it for him.
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-30 05:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionso worried

My fiance interviewed on March 26 They asked him usual questions , and seemed satisfied. Only then they asked him about his birth certificate and why it was issued only a few months ago. He explained they dont nec. issue them in Pakistan when ur born, his parents never got one for him . etc. And his brother went to the govt place and got it issued for himHowever before that he saw a pink paper next to the man, who was very nice to him, that said visa suspened. after questions the man handed him his passport and said ur visa appl. is suspended untill we finish "additional administrative processing" and we will call u within 4 to 6 weeks and u can then send ur passport and we will send it back with ur visa. On the paper it stated under 221 G ... and then checked other and said Additional Administrative processing needed. Does anyone know what this means? Pleae help. Im still stressing...

also I want to add interview was in LONDON UK

I dont know what exaclty that means and I hope that the link given to you will help. My brother applied for a Canadian visa recently for a Caregiver program and he kinda had something like that. After the interview, he's been waiting ang going crazy for 2 months while they were "checking" stuff. He got approved 'till the end so I assume it's just a careful check of whether or not the information submitted is truthful
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-31 08:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFinally visa issued and travelled home.


With visa in hand, Sveta and I finally travelled back home on March 26!!!

Our adventure took a little longer than expected due to the fact that the Embassy in Bucharest would only accept police reports issued directly by the Russian department of internal affairs and not one that the Moldovan government (her country) had requested.

On March 21 she had her medical and on the 22nd her interview at the embassy in Bucharest, Romania. Very pleasant people in our case and took about a total of 2.5 hours. The visa was issued while we waited. We had lots and lots of proof as to our relation in particular to emails. I was worried this might have hinder our case but we got the opposite reaction. The interview itself took about 10 minutes. We were both sworn in and the questions were directed at the both of us. Very straight forward. Some of the questions they asked Sveta was if I knew what I did for a living, and if she knew the name of my mother or had sopken or met her. How many times I had gone to see her, etc...

The next day we flew to her home country, Moldova, where we had a small family celebration and she did final preparations with her luggage. Two days later on March 26 we both flew home to Florida. POE in Miami was also pleasant but took about 1.5 hours to process.....this was a quick process according to the official. They gave us a quick explanation as to what we could or could not do before and after marriage and then proceeded to have some small talk about our wedding plans after we were giving the entry stamp.

Hope this helps for the next person coming through Miami.

Take care ya' all!!

Hey there
First of all congrats with the visa and safe ending of the trip. I'm expecially happy since I'm a moldovan as well :)
Question...What was the problem with the police certificate? Asking that because I have a romanian version translated in english and legalized...I'm seeming to misunderstand...They want it in RUSSIAN????????
COngrats...Very happy for the two of u guys
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-03-29 09:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionChanging Embassies
Hey guys,
Another problem just came my way. I tried finding a similar situation through search but nothing really matched my problem. When we sent in the package to USCIS, we wrote the adress from the Bulgarian Consulate in Sofia. Since it was February, I thought we might make it since I'm currently studying in Bulgaria and graduating in May. My right to stay in Bulgaria is only until May 30th though so I need to change the consulate to the Romanian one in Bucharest even though I received Package 3 yesterday. Anyone went through that? Any advice could be helpful
Thanks much
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-04-17 04:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionChanging Embassies

There are some VJ members who are dealing with this same issue. Check out this link to find out more info, especially what form needs to be filled out.;#entry799628

thanks a lot!!!! (F) (F) (F)
AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-04-17 14:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionChanging Embassies

Hey guys,
Another problem just came my way. I tried finding a similar situation through search but nothing really matched my problem. When we sent in the package to USCIS, we wrote the adress from the Bulgarian Consulate in Sofia. Since it was February, I thought we might make it since I'm currently studying in Bulgaria and graduating in May. My right to stay in Bulgaria is only until May 30th though so I need to change the consulate to the Romanian one in Bucharest even though I received Package 3 yesterday. Anyone went through that? Any advice could be helpful
Thanks much
PS: When our petition reached the NVC we DID give them a new adress (in Moldova) and were pretty much ignored

Update everybody that will be dealing with the same problem and is going to try finding it in Search!
I called the Bulgarian Consulate today and they told me that in order to change embassy the new one (in my case Romanian), has to send the Bulgarian Embassy a written request for the paperwork to be transfered. Hope this will be helpful to at least someone

AUBGERFemaleMoldova2007-04-17 07:46:00