IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Thank you guys. Wishing good luck to you guys & Dualie I hope it's a smooth ride here on, I'll keep an eye on this topic I feel attached to it. After all it's been my go to place for a good while.


I feel the same way!  :star:

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-16 16:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Mrs thb, looks like it's you and I left... :(


You guys aren't alone.  I'm staying right here rooting all of you guys along.  I'm a geek, yeah...but you guys are feeling like family now.  All of you :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-16 10:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Some good morning Saturday news.


So happy!!

Wishing you all quick approvals & all the best


Ohmygosh!!!  Congratulations to you!!  Great way to start a Saturday!  :joy: :joy:

Best of luck on the rest of your journey!

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-16 10:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Dualie, thanks for your wishes, I hope you're right about mine getting approved soon, but as far as the e-request, I actually put in for it before you and Robbie and still here waiting :(. You guys left me behind, but I'm so happy for you! I wish you guys the best in the up coming journey!!


**Hugs** to you my friend.  I will be rooting for you, and I'llbe lurking on here until I see the rest of you guys approved.  Have yourself a good weekend! :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-15 21:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Dualiiieeeeeeee!!!!!sooooo happyyyyyyy for you!!! Congrats!!!


Thanks so much dehiguey23!  Hang in there bud, yours has to be coming soon.  Put in an worked for Robbie and it worked for me.  Maybe there's some magic in those things.  :thumbs:

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-15 20:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers


omgosh!  that's horrible.  I can't imagine what you are going through.  children alone with no father isn't fun.  add a baby in the gut and kidney stones to the mix, and word from uscis well, that to me, tops the list!!!


you deserve more than just an deserve (drum roll please) approval and free pass to by-pass NVC!!!  


hang in there momma, soon you'll hear something.  in the meantime, I'd get that expedite rolling.


we're prayin' for yah!!!


I agree!  Sending positive energy and good vibes, and lots of prayers your way,  We are rooting for you!  :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-15 20:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

For whatever reason I can't edit my previous post...maybe it's me, anyway I just wanted to add that staying positive is important.  I felt that slipping this past week, and for a positive person that is scary.  Try to believe that sometimes "no news is good news".  We can't control what happens once our petitions and our docs are out of our hands, and we all know how random things seem in this process.  It helps so much when we come together here to encourage one another, even when we are at our most frustrated.  I thank all of you on here for that encouragement, and I hope and pray that your approvals come soon.

Congratulations Dualie,


This great news and it lifts our hopes a little.


Thanks Zanzibar!  I hope you get yours really soon :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-15 10:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Well guys, Robbie was right and his positive energy worked.





The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: LIN1490300098


Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

On August 15, 2014, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State.  For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.



Nice way to start the weekend!  :)

I'm still gonna lurk around here with my friends!

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-15 09:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Approved......Yippee!!!! Thanks to almighty.... God is grt!!!!
Finally it happened. Jus now I checked d status online n it gave me d happiest news. :) :) :)

Service request for i130 was submitted on Aug 8th and for I129 F request was given for Aug 12th

PD: 21 Feb 2014


Congratulations to you! :joy:  :joy: :joy:  At least somebody got good news today :)  Best of luck on your journey (F)  

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-14 15:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

My god, 8 months+ in the I-130 process, seems like I will be there soon, I believe I am the only California transfer left. CSC is known to be lightning fast with these, I guess my wife's great grandfather's cousin's brother's sister's uncle's great grand daughter was a terrorist at this point. :(


I hear ya.  You must be feeling like a rubber ball.  With all the bouncing around they have done to you, if I were you I would be calling a congressman or senator or something.  That's plain not right.  SOMEBODY JUST ADJUDICATE THIS PETITION ALREADY! 


Sorry, I'm passionate today :)  A little meltdown once in a while never hurts.  Lol!

Edited by Dualie, 14 August 2014 - 03:12 PM.

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-14 15:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

update on the info pass appt. via whatsapp.  I haven't spoken to him yet....but this is good cuz I think I need some time to cool off!!!!!  this is the gist of what his text said.....


"they started working on our case june 11 but was held up 2 months to investigate "derogatory information on me" (w t f?) which has now been resolved. rep couldn't elaborate so (my hubby) put in a request for more information under the freedom of information act. rep was surprised to see our petition went to texas in the first place (and could not elaborate on why texas and not california).  rep said our application should be on track now"


like really?  2 months to investigate "derogatory information" om me?  guess I should have never got that speeding ticket on April 1st!!!!!!  my worst offence to date!!!!!


O M G!!!! :ranting:


I'm really getting maxed out!!!!


now, where's that bottle???


Wow.  Just wow.  Six months plus for an infopass,eh? (Thought I'd throw in a little "Canadianese", lol!)  I'm thinking hubby has a job to do....


Wow, derogatory??  Detention in highschool maybe?  Sorry, my sense of humour (more Canadianese there, lol) filter is broken today.  I really hope they DO move on your petition, it's gone beyond ridiculous.  Throwing a big, fat Canadian hug at ya!  Having wine with my bff tonight and I will have a glass or two just for you :) !

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-14 15:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Good morning! Question for I able to have my wife apply for a visitors visa while all of this is in process? Meaning, would they grant her a visitor's visa if we apply so she can come be with me for a little bit while all of this nonsense goes by? I see you have one, was it before the process started that you got yours?


As others have said here, intent to immigrate has been shown so it is unlikely they would grant a visa, unless she has strong ties to her country showing she needs to return.  It never hurts to try though.  If you do, good luck.  I will be rooting for you!  :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-14 09:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers


Lucky you....August 27 isn't that far off.  We get to wait till Sept 8!  Go figure???  We don't get this either.


We don't quite get why our case seems to be the only one transferred from TSC to Mesquite when others after us have been approved.  This is especially frustrating because we're made to believe it was to alleviate the case load at TSC. \


Perhaps answers to our questions will be had today when my husband attends an info-pass appt. I'm really hoping he's persistent in getting answers and that they are more knowledgeable than the clones we spoke with at USCIS when trying to put in service requests.  


Anyways, I'm home now :( and really wishing we made the appt while I was visiting him.


Fingers crossed.  I'll keep you all posted.  You all have been a great source of motivation to keeping positive. :)


I'm not holding my breath that we will hear anything by that date.  If we do, great, if not, the hubby will start the speed dial thing.  I see no rhyme or reason to the way they are doing things, but I have resigned myself to the fact that it will take as long as it takes and there is little, if anything, we can do to change that fact.  I'm concentrating on staying as busy as possible to help make the time go more quickly. 


Good luck with that infopass.  Hopefully they have something worthwhile to tell you.  You have been a source of inspiration yourself you know...stay strong.  We will all laugh at this someday I know, but right now it's not a laughing matter.   Cheers!  :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-14 09:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers


I got approved the day after (or two?) of submitting and e-service request on the USCIS website. Have you done that?


Yep.  I did that on Friday (I think it was), and they said I should hear something by August 27.  I am hoping you are right!!  :)

Edited by Dualie, 13 August 2014 - 07:08 PM.

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-13 19:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 feb 2014 filers

Yes I was expedited cause of a bad flood in Bosnia in May.  I am the petitioner my husband is the Beneficiary.  NVC is horrible! it's literally taking me much longer then USCIS. I hope you guys get approvevd soon this process is so painful I wouldn't wish it upon anyone! May God help us all!


Yes, I remember you.  Were you able to expedite NVC?

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-13 13:59:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F K3 shipped before I-130 to NVC
There is always a chance, but no one will really know for sure. Wait times seem to be increasing for every step these days. Good luck to you whichever one you end up with. :)
DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-09 09:37:00
USCIS Service CentersK3 / K1 inconsistency

IMHO it has to do with money.  


K1 pay the USCIS more than CR1 and IR1 do.  The faster they can get K1 here, the faster they get money. 


Unfortunately, this is probably true.  The whole world revolves around money.

DualieFemaleCanada2014-05-08 11:31:00
USCIS Service Centersanyone with filling months feb and march 2014 with NOA 2?

I just read a post from a Feb 2014 filer who just got NOA2 today.  There is no rhyme or reason to the process, it seems.  Just bank on at least 5 months, because that is what the service centers are telling everyone, then take it from there..

DualieFemaleCanada2014-05-08 10:59:00
USCIS Service CentersNebraska Service Center

I'm still in the Nebraska center! I hear...... crickets. :(
I knew it would take months, and now that it's been months I think it's fair to feel impatient. Come on already! 

Try following this link :




This list shows the latest approvals from any service center you want to check.  Just set the filters.  I have set it for Nebraska, and it is showing that they are slowly working their way through the petitions they didn't transfer out to California or Texas.

Edited by Dualie, 24 July 2014 - 01:20 PM.

DualieFemaleCanada2014-07-24 13:17:00
USCIS Service CentersNebraska Service Center
This is not very encouraging at all. My husband told me yesterday that our I-130 went to Nebraska Service Center. I am hunkering down for a minimum 10 month wait. I have no expectations. Thank goodness we live only 3 1/2 hours apart, but still...
DualieFemaleCanada2014-02-11 14:06:00
USCIS Service CentersContact Media, Lets Do it Together, For Love!
All of the service centers could use a kick in the pants, so to speak (JMHO), as it is not only K1 visas but also CR1/IR1s that are also being affected. NSC is now transferring petitions out to other service centers because they are backlogged. I was very new on here when that happened last time, and I recall that it turned into a fiasco and negatively affected countless people.

It is my opinion that those in charge need to take a very deep, close look at the system as a whole, because it is broken right now, and throwing a bandaid on it temporarily won't fix it. The problems, and the breaches caused by them, will only hurt the whole system in the long run.

Again, just my humble opinion. And I will gladly pass it on to Ms. Preston.

DualieFemaleCanada2014-07-18 10:51:00
USCIS Service CentersMy case is sent to Nebraska Service Center too
Good luck with your AOS process! :)
I'm not sure what NSC timeline looks like for that process but hopefully it is a little quicker than the one for the I130 petitions. NSC seems to be backlogged, even after moving a bunch of petitions to other centers.
Hopefully your process won't take too long and you will have your greencard soon. Good luck! :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-07-26 08:52:00
USCIS Service CentersNebraska Service Center Case Processing times

Hi everyone,


Did any February 2014 I130 filer whose petitions are still pending call USCIS for their case status. I heard that they are still processing December 2013. Can someone please confirm this.


Hi usdude!  I am 04 Feb 2014.  NSC seems to be the most backlogged of all the service centers if you check Igor's List.  NSC has a backlog of petitions dating back into Oct, Nov, Dec, and Jan (just going on VJ stats).  I haven't called, but according to others who have, they have been told various dates.  Igor's List is showing February 17.


This link shows the stats.




NSC transferred a bunch out in July, and I think they may do it again if they have any hope of catching up at all.  JMHO

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-13 14:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DS-260 Employment History Issue

Just put the first of the month you started working at your former job, since you do remember the month. This is advice the I was given; it is what my husband did for his DS-260, and what I did for my initial USCIS paperwork. We had no issues. :) don't know how happy I am to read this.  I have been digging like crazy for old info, and (well, I'm I have worked at a lot of places and lived in a lot of places.  The DS260 was looking like a nightmare, but this surely helps.  Thank you!!

DualieFemaleCanada2014-05-16 12:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)I am SOOOO frustrated with the NVC not responding on time

Given the increased workloads of the USCIS service centers, it seems as though the load has started to pile up at NVC.  I agree with NLR.  What worked last year, and up to as recently as 6 months ago, won't work any more.  We will likely see more and more of this until they take steps to break up the backlog, if they even do.  I expect to have to wait another 5 months at least once I receive my NOA2, and if I get through sooner, it will feel more like a bonus.

DualieFemaleCanada2014-07-29 11:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Story updated! If Mr Darnell can help! (merged and title edited)


Only a man can write so frequently on a forum AND be so factual.


LOL!  :rofl:

DualieFemaleCanada2014-08-13 14:01:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Submitting documents to NVC as 'ONE package'


I have heard, that by re-visiting the DS-261 could re-start the clock over again, I hope this isn't the case, keep us all post if this occures. Have you downloaded the DS-260 PDF file from Saylin Wiki page, a good source of information bbefore going online.


No, I never touched the DS261 after I sent it.  I think they made him my agent because he paid the AOS fee and his email was on it. 


As for the DS260, I filled that out (Saylin's copy) ages ago.  Just fine tuning the dates of my addresses.  I have lived in SO many places since I was 16, there is no way in this universe that they are going to get exact dates.  Just not gonna happen.  I can get it down to month and year, but that's it.  I am a military brat and was in the military myself, and have moved so many times since then, well, I think they will get the gist.  Aside from that, I'm just playing the waiting game :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-10-04 04:23:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Submitting documents to NVC as 'ONE package'


No problem.


Wife picked up her COC from Malaysia yesterday,(4 day turn-around, not bad, but she the hates having to go there to get anything from the Malaysian Gov.), still waiting for the Singpaore COC, pick-up date is schedule for 13 Oct 2014. Should be able to get the IV packet mailed out by 18 Oct 2014.


My husband has been on the road all week.  Hopefully he will pay the IV bill so we can get the show on the road with the DS260. 


Had the weirdest thing happen today though.  I had filled out the DS261 and chose to make myself my own agent.  Sent that off electronically, etc.  Well, today I get two identical emails, both sent to my husband as well.  Anyway, they said that NVC has appointed my husband as my agent (they also had the IV Invoice included as an attachment).  So what was the point of my filling out the DS261 anyway?  Oh well, I don't mind hubby being my agent...I suppose it doesn't really matter with EP because we both get the email correspondence.


I just might have all my ducks in a row and sent out by the 18th also.  Let's race and see who gets through NVC first, lol!!  :)  Just we have any control over that, eh?

Edited by Dualie, 04 October 2014 - 01:37 AM.

DualieFemaleCanada2014-10-04 01:35:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Submitting documents to NVC as 'ONE package'


Guys and Girls, I would highly suggest, that you submit the Original Certified Police Certificate, unless your in EP status. A Notarized copy will lead to a check list. Don't take the chance!


Thanks for the correction!  I hate giving bad advise :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-10-03 15:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Submitting documents to NVC as 'ONE package'

Snap. Us too. Showed available to pay like 2 hrs ago. Paid it straightaway and mailing the two packages tomorrow as one.

Hope you get yours done and shipped.

I will fill in the DS-260 during the week, going by the wiki it doesn't need completing urgently.

Question - will you be sending original police certificate or a copy???


I am doing electronic processing, so it's a PDF scan of the original.  EP requires us to bring all originals with us to the interview.  :)


If I were you, I would get a notarized copy if you can, and bring your originals with you to your interview.  I do believe they accept notarized copies in the packages (and I KNOW if I'm wrong I will get stomped on!)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-10-02 18:38:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Submitting documents to NVC as 'ONE package'

Just logged in to find the IV fee available to pay.  Trying to contact the hubby to get that puppy paid!  :joy:

DualieFemaleCanada2014-10-02 15:52:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Submitting documents to NVC as 'ONE package'

Our IV fee shows PAID today and the DS260 is also open to complete. YAY!


Awesome!  Good luck Robbie!  :) :joy:

DualieFemaleCanada2014-10-01 12:02:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Submitting documents to NVC as 'ONE package'


Hey Dualie, 

I am waiting for both of fee's to be paid before sending the packages. I called the NVC and asked the lady she said they're trying to be more streamline with the 'one package' process and that is what she would recommend I do.


She said the IV bill should become available this week and we will receive an email when it's ready. So just waiting on that...


It is down to the individual couple to decide what they want to do, however if the advice is to send as 'ONE' package I don't want to go against the advice. 


Best of Luck 


Best of luck to you too!  My AOS cleared this morning, and after conferring with NLR and others here, to me it makes sense to wait for the IV to be paid so you can fill out the DS-260, and THEN send everything together on the same day, in the same package (in my case it will take a few emails, but whatever.. :) ). 


So that means that by the beginning of next week my IV bill should be ready for payment...and then shortly after that, the DS-260.  Maybe things are going to become a little quicker and more streamlined :).

DualieFemaleCanada2014-10-01 11:59:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Submitting documents to NVC as 'ONE package'

All valid points, but it is easy to discredit NVC phone agents due to their past low level of reliability.

But the fact remains that they work in the process and are insiders and not outsiders as you have portrayed them.

My advice to Dualie is to call the NVC, like many here have done, ask specifically ask (maybe a Tier 2?) if both packages can be sent for his specific case after the AOS is paid using the NVC supplied Document Cover Sheet.

I know it's vague from the NVC but for me personally, I am following their instructions that they have personally given me.


Thanks for your advise RobbieG.  I just changed positions at my work and the way my shifts run make it very difficult to find a time where I can call NVC and stay on the line waiting.  I WILL do that if I HAVE to, but they have outlined what I should do, and it makes sense for electronic processing to do so in that order.  I am ever so grateful to everyone here on VJ for your perspectives on things.  Sometimes just talking about our questions on here makes it clearer in our minds.  That is how it is with me anyway.  Good luck with your journey Robbie.  I am anxious to see how yours plays out as opposed to mine, as they being done through two different methods.


Learning is the name of the game :)!

DualieFemaleCanada2014-09-28 16:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Submitting documents to NVC as 'ONE package'


Because they want everything in one package, yes.  The NVC website states in it's steps:


Step 1: Choose an Agent

Step 2: Pay fees  

Step 3: Submit Visa Application  

Step 4: Collect Financial Document

Step 5: Collect Supporting Documents

Step 6: Submit Documents to the NVC


See it says you must pay the fees (both), THEN do the visa application, and THEN send the documents as one package.  It says nothing on the website about sending the package before the IV fee is paid.  I do understand that some/many NVC operators (contract  workers for a call center, not actual government employees) are telling people to send both with the AOS cover fee, and that some people are receiving a document cover page to send all the documents with as well.  The document cover letter I can see sending all the items at the same time but would not recommend sending everything with the AOS cover page before the IV fee is invoiced.


Personally,  I'd email your AOS package after the fee clears and then email the IV package after the IV fee clears or wait until the IV fee is invoiced and clear then send both packages.   Fee clears can take up to 5 days but as long as you're using IE, it normally only takes 2 or 3 at most. 


If RobbieG is a good indication, (cross fingers, do a jig, knock on wood etc..) you'll get the IV fee about a week or so after the DS-261.  


Oh please please please please please! 


Also if you're emailing you may end up sending several emails as the largest attachment they can get is 5mb.  That is ALL attachments on the email, not individually.  The government does this as a security measure most likely. 


My gut is telling me to wait until both fees are paid.  Thanks for clarifying this.  I remember seeing the steps here earlier, but I have a lot going on in my life right now (besides this process) and my brain became addled.  It is easy to overthink things also.  Anyway, I don't hold any illusions that this will make the process any quicker, but if it does (even just a little bit), then that is a bonus.  So I will follow the steps they have set out and keep you all posted as to my progress. 


Speaking of which, better update the ole timeline!  :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-09-28 16:35:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Submitting documents to NVC as 'ONE package'


Saylin and I both agree that sending the IV with the AOS cover letter is just a bad idea.  Even more so for EP because they get the emails right away, it doesn't need time to be mailed or opened in a mail room. 


So, am I understanding you correctly in that you advise waiting until all fees are paid and processed to email anything?  At this point the only interaction I have had with NVC is my initial login, which released the DS-261 (which I immediately completed and submitted).  Then after about five days the fees appeared on the CEAC page.  Paid the AOS fee, as it was the only one with a box to check beside it.  It was paid on a Saturday, so I expect it won;t clear until close to the end of this coming week. 


I am thinking I am supposed to wait until they release the IV bill to send everything in "one package" because that fee releases the DS-260?  Just trying to make sure that I have it sorted properly in my brain.


Thanks for your help NLR (and Saylin!)  :)

DualieFemaleCanada2014-09-28 09:34:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Submitting documents to NVC as 'ONE package'

Be patient your iv fees will become invoiced for payment in less than 30days. Keep checking your email box for nvc invoice notification.


Thanks!  :yes:

DualieFemaleCanada2014-09-27 21:13:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Submitting documents to NVC as 'ONE package'

Dualie, I got mine in 7 days from completing DS261 so I'm praying you get lucky too!

I agree with sending USPS but I sent mine Priority and it arrived the very next day before Noon. $36.00.


Wow Robbie!  Seems you're setting a trend...we hope!   While I wait I am just double and triple checking my docs.  I am using EP as Canada is one of the countries that is allowed to, hence the fine tuning and compression of documents.  I am hearing there is a 50-50 chance it could take sightly longer...or quicker.  I's crazy.  It all depends on so much.  I would just rather not have to worry about NVC receiving packages, possibly losing them.  I can always resend an email.


Anyhoo...I will let you guys know when there is any change.  It kinda feels like we are guinea pigs in this newer process :unsure:

Edited by Dualie, 27 September 2014 - 09:11 PM.

DualieFemaleCanada2014-09-27 21:10:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Submitting documents to NVC as 'ONE package'


I sense this was comming:

IV Fee Email reiceved from the NVC today, IV Fee Bill has been paid, just waiting for it to clear, should be either Monday of Tuesday. Wife is in the process of obtaining the Police Cert's from both Malaysia (Online Submission this morning) and Singapore (on Monday), funny to a point, but a pain in the ### is that the Singapore Embassy has placed limits (Valid for 6 months) on the Police Cert's, all other countries have a 1 year validity.


Our AOS box for Documents still is listing N/A, so no change.


Dualie, expect 30 day to the date the DS-261 was listed as complete to recieve the IV Fee Bill.


Actually kind of relieved to hear that.  I am still puttiing finishing touches on data docs and hubby's employment letter.   Also just changed positions at my job so I have been stressed a little.  Things be rolling along.....  :yes:

DualieFemaleCanada2014-09-27 21:00:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Submitting documents to NVC as 'ONE package'


Please update us once you have paid the AOS, there should be a check-box to the right to the Pay Now link, check and see if there is check-box to the right of the Pay Now link for the IV Fee, if there is no check-box you don't have Access to make payment for the IV Fee.


What you have described is exactly what I saw once the DS-261 was review and completed.


Well you were right.  Paid AOS today, and no box to the right of the IV fee.  That's okay.  Just got the transcripts ready and finished the I-864EZ.  This is feeling creepily easy.  I am feeling like I'm forgetting something, lol.  Well, I guess I will see what happens after they have processed our payment.

DualieFemaleCanada2014-09-27 18:41:00