K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAtlanta Immigration
Oh trust me Daisy ,Atlanta will not be my POE after I get the K1! I've had enough of Officer Butler last week.
Unfortunatley there's some other personal (financial) problems right now and we have to wait with filing the I 129F now anyway.We hope to put it in in May........
So my son and I should still be able to come back by the end of the year.
Heartbreaking-YEAH.Don't remind me.I can't stand the thought of having to leave my man in just two weeks.I could just cry every time I think of it............
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-02-09 12:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAtlanta Immigration
Thank you all for your replies! Yes I was talking about the Marriage Broker Act of 2005,obviously I miss understood something there when I thought that the new law is going to effect ALL K 1 visas.
Yep that Immigration Officer did scare me.............
We will wait and put the papers in in April.That way I should still be able to come back here by September or October as we had it planned anyways.
As for now we are together for 2 more weeks and that already helps a lot.
Thank you all for your support!!!!!!!!
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-02-07 11:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAtlanta Immigration
Hello all,
as some of you may know,I went to see my man here in the USA last Thursday.
Well we used Atlanta ,Georgia for POE.
And it was REAL bad.
I truthfully answered the Officers question who I was visiting with "my boyfriend',and it all started.
I was asked a million questions like "How long do you know him?" ,"Who has paid for the airline tickets?","What do you do for a living"..........................................I thought that it would be ok as long as I answered all questions truthfully and politley....NO!
I was handed a folder with the I 94,my passport,Customs Form and notes from the Immigration Officer and was told to go to the Immigration Office.
Well there I had to deal with Officer Butler..............Not very pleasant.
He basically told me that if I want to be a pain in the butt(and I only asked how long this was going to take and what was wrong,had to get my connecting flight) he would put me and my son on the next plane back to Germany.
Now my man and I have decided to wait a little while (2 months) with putting the I 129 in.
I have after all been admitted until May 3rd.............But have to go back to Germany by Feb 22nd anyway.
Now we will have to deal with that new law that goes into effect next month.............but we dont dare putting the petition in now as we had planned.............
What do you guys think?????????
Thanks in advance for any replies.
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-02-06 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG 325
Thanks for the advice! Also what do I put where they ask about last residence out of the USA for more than one year.I have always lived in Germany but it asks until when,right underneath the question of the past five years...........
Thanks again
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-02-10 20:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG 325
:help: We are trying to fill out the papers and at least get the I 129f ready to be send after I left the country again and I have tried to print out our G 325 a's but only one page came out.And that was white.How do I get it to print it the right way??????????
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-02-10 20:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI 129 Package
Hello all,
we're getting ready to get all the stuff we need together and I was wondering how do we attach all that stuff?Staples and big brown envelope or Staples and in a folder ?????????
My man is kind a ,well not good at that stuff,so I wanna just put it all together before I have to return to Germany next week.
That way I'll know he just has to wait for his BC and the pics to put in there and it's ready to be send by the end of next onth.
Thanks in advance for any replies
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-02-14 11:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPictures as evidence
Well we plan on submitting phone bills,hotel receipt,boarding passes
The problem is that Jim was told yesterday that he has to move out of his co workers house because the guys wife has a problem with my man,so the phonenumber will change.....
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-02-15 10:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPictures as evidence
Hey guys,
we would like to know how important pictures of us together are?We have pics of each other and I have some with Jim and my son but there is not a single one of us together.............
Simply because back in Germany where we met when Jim was stationed there,we never thought of us putting in a I 129.and now that I am here in the States for a three week visit,we really dont have anyone who'd take pics of us.
How much would it be if we'd go to a Wal Mart and get some (family like ones) taken???????????
Thanks for replies
Natasha and Jim
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-02-15 10:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG 325A
how can I prtint that form out right.????????From what I understand the pages are in different colors so do I need a color printer????
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-02-18 18:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTax Question
Ok, what papers do we need EXACTLY to file for K1.W2's or Tax returns (from like H&R Block?)?
I understand we need them from 2003 until 2005.What do we have to get signed and notorized as in Tax Papers?
And will Jim be able to file for me and my son next year when we get married by the end of this year?
Thanks for any replies
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-02-18 19:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPics for G 325 A
Ok I will go tomorrow and get them passport style pics done which will be a challenge here in Germany since they don't usually do 2inch by 2 inch passport pics here.
Is it correct that the background has to be white? Do they have to be "biometrical" ones like they're now required for the German (any non US who wants to enter the US) passport or are they ok without the biometric stuff? Can I wear my earrings(someone said no) and is it correct that we need 2?
Thanks for any advice
PS: Do I need some for my 5 year old too since he does not need a G 325 A??
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-02-27 05:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG 325 A
OK here we go again with that form.......
I do need ONE passports style pic for the I 129 F -correct?
And what in the world am I supposed to put when it asks on the G 325 A " Applicants last address abroad for more than 1 year"? It says from -to.Well I don't know how long I will still be living here so what am I supposed to put under TO ?????
And then the last question about employment,the first is to list all employers of the past 5 years-my answer is NONE,but then there's another question about employment.Do I have to put in my last job or is that within the 5 year line too?
Please somebody gimme some advice!!!!!
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-03-04 03:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust got real bad news
Sharon filed for the divorce while Jim was deployed.He received the divorce papers downrange,he signed the papers .Sharons signuture was already on them and the papers were notorized.Jim mailed that stuff back to her so she would turn the papers in.Her lawyer wanted 600$ from her which at the time she couldn't(or didn't want to?)pay because she had just lost her job with Sears.
We unfortunatley don't know any more.
Jim can't remember WHAT courthouse it was she filed through but he will try to get a hold of her tonight and try to find out so we can go from there.
I know all of this sounds weird,but trust me we are everything BUT happy about this.
All we want is to finally be together for good.
Does anyone know how a case like this is handled in the State of VIrginia?????????
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-03-09 11:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust got real bad news
Well,just got off the phone with Jim.
Sharon filed for the divorce in the middle of 2004 ,Jim was deployed to Iraq.He got the divorce papers and signed them,the papers wre sent back to Sharon and that was it.
Sharon never turned the papers in to the courthouse.
She filed for divorce in Virginia where she lives.
Jim was stationed in Germany but at the time deployed to Iraq as I said.
He's now out of the military and lives in Oregon.
They got married in Texas.
Does anyone know whether the paprs could still be on file in Virginia? Does anyone know anything about VA Divorce laws?
As I said,there's no kids ,no property,no money or anything.And they have been legally seperated for years.
Any info would be grealy appreciated.
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-03-09 01:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust got real bad news
Thanks to all of you for your advice and support!
Jim has left the US Army last August,so JAG can't do anything anyways.
True,the papers were signed by both and notorized but never turned in......
I hope to God that all we have to do is get Sharon to put them signed and notorized papers in.
Jim going to talk to a lawyer today to find out WHAT we can do to get the man the divorce he thought he got 18 months ago.....
Anja and Ilka-huggs for you girls too!!!!!
Anja,have a great flight and send me pictures of the wedding party!!!!! Don't forget to send /mail me your addy in the USA so we can mail you that thing from ####### Hannah!!!
Ilka,I will call you on the weekend.
Again,thanks to everybody for the support and advice!
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-03-08 11:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust got real bad news
It was a mutual thing back then but since he was deployed to Iraq ,she did as far as I know.Why does it make a difference? They have been seperated for years and she never even came to Germany when he was sent over here with the US Army.The woman has a lot of problems..........
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-03-08 07:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust got real bad news
Thank you all for your support!
Yes it is horrible,and neither one of us knew about it.......Jim always thought he had only miss placed the Divorce Decree (really really bad with papers that man).He knew he saw the original divorce papers,they were signed and notorized so he really never once thought she didn't turn them in......
Now one more question:
In case Sharon ( the "wife") doesn't have the original documents from back then anymore,does that mean Jim would have to file for divorce all over again??????
Can we just (well Sharon or my Fiance of course) put the paperwork from back then in or is that invalid in case it still exists somewhere?
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-03-08 06:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust got real bad news
No there's no kids no property no nothing.
They have been seperated for several years.And she says the reason why she never turned the divorce papers in was because her lawyer back then asked her to pay another 600$ which she says she didn't have.
Jim was in the Military stationed in Germany for 4 years and she has never even been here (in Germany) with him,so they have been seperated for about 4 1/2 ,5 years.
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-03-08 03:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust got real bad news
well my "Fiance" called his "ex" wife last night to get a copy of the Divorce Decree from her so we could get the papers together and send our petition off to NSC.
Now she told him that the divorce has never been finalized and they in fact are still married.
From what Jim told me,he got the divorce papers that were signed by both of them and notorized,he mailed that stuff of to her (and that was while he was deployed to Iraq about 1 1/2 years ago) and she never turned them papers in............
My question now is,
how long is it gonna take until his divorce IS done and over with??????? What can we do,well what can HE do????? And last but not least how's it gonna effect our I 129 (when the divorce IS final and we can put it in!) when it states that has been divorced just a few weeks or maybe even days????????
Please somebody give me some advise!!!!!
I feel so lost and helpless now........
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-03-08 03:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat do you do to keep from losing your mind ?
Right about now,with a new unexpected delay which means that we can't even put the petition in,I AM going insane.And by God I would like to know what I could do so I will get through this half way ok now.
I do agree that this whole thing kinda takes over everything.
Jim and I are also talking about Immigration and problems related to that 90% of the time,the bad thing is I didn't even realize that until now after I just read this post and the replies to it.
It really is a stressful and none the less painful time.
But I believe that all of us having to go through all of that will have much stronger marriages and relationships than people that don't have to "fight" to be together.
It's easy to fall in love,get engaged and get married-but all of us here are tested and questioned before we can actually be with the person we love.That stress,the heartache,the tears will jsut make us and our marriages stronger.
And in the ned,I believe that if two people are meant to be together hey can beat all odds and will end up living happily ever after.
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-03-11 06:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat would happen?
I know all of you are right.I'm just so sick of all them delays at the moment.If we had the K1 application in already I wouldn't stress that much because it would only be the wait until we got the visa in hand and Nebraska and Frankfurt are pretty fast,but we can't even put the I 129 in at the moment since we just found out that Jim's divorce has never been finalized.
So now we have to wait for that to be done and THEN wait for the visa..........That's why I even thought about other ways.......But since that definitley is not an option since it's way too risky.......I guess I just somehow have to hang in there and get through this..........
Dawn-I wouldn't be very good at an interview like that-lol.
No news yet,will let you know once he got a hold of Sharon............
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-03-12 04:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat would happen?
OK,I'm getting really tired of all our delays and problems.......
Now I would like to know what could happen in case I go to see Jim and we get married?
Could we do AOS afterwards?
I know it's very risky business and I do know that usually I would have to leave the country again and we'd have to apply for a K3,but what if we'd get married and I'd stay in the US?
I'm not saying we'll do this ,actually I havent even talked to Jim about it.
But I'm really getting tired of being seperated from the man I love and want to spend the rest of my life with.With the new unexpected delay it might still be a whole year until we got the K1 in hand and I really go crazy by now.
Could somebody please tell me what we would have to face in case we try to do AOS right after getting married and I am in the US on a VWP I 94?
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-03-11 05:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA 2
You're welcome Ilka!
Nope you can't help me........looks like I wont need a visa anymore.......
He's acting weird and still talks to other woman online.....
No details here,but I suppose thats just my life.It's always been that way.
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-03-21 00:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA 2
Hi Ilka,
congrats on your NoA 2!!!
Vermont IS fast.
Make sure he sends you the Letter from his Employer,the Tax stuff,Bank Statements,Pay Stubs,updated Letter of Intent,proof of ongoing relationship (such as phonebills,e mails,letters......),get an appointment for your Medical,get your Police record and your Birth Certificate,-I think that's it.
Good Luck
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-03-20 06:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresComing for a visit
Make sure he's not going through Atlanta!!!!!!! Have almost been sent back by Officer Butler there last month.
Your NoA 2 should be enough evidence and a VERY good reason that he wants to leave the USA again to attend his interview and proof that he DOES NOT want to stay in the US illegally.
Be careful with other evidence,they've tried to use that against me last month!!!!!!
Good Luck
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-03-21 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGerman identification number!
And what do you do when you don't have a drivers license????????
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-04-03 05:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew job
Due to my boyfriend losing his job a month ago,he now moved up to Washington and is looking for a new job.
His divorce will (finally!!!) be final very soon and I will probably go to visit him in WA by November.We thought that if everything goes well we might finally put the I 129 in while I'm there......
Now my question only is ,how long does he have to have the new job? We definitley do not have anyone who could or would be a co sponsor.
He also wants to join the Army National Guards soon.Is that gonna be counted as Income and will it make the entiire Immigration Process any easier?
Thanks for any helpful replies!
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-06-08 00:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAccused of rape
OK, to all the nice repliers:thank you for not judging me and Jim.
I am very very happy with him.I love him,trust him ,belong to him and take him the way he is.He's only human and he makes mistakes but he never has raped anyone and wont ever do so.
I'm not going to discuss our relationship here but we are happy wth each other and we will do whatever we can to be together asap.
To all the ones that "have my safety in mind" hey I'm 30 years old and went through hell over and over again.I know that man and I trust him not only with my life but also with my 5 year olds life!!!!! I can take care of myself very well thank you.
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-06-17 14:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAccused of rape
I have NOT asked anyone to judge the man I love!
I KNOW he NEVER raped anyone.And he told me about this story right after we met so I knew it all the time.
I HAVE BEEN raped twice and by God I know Jim is NOT the type of guy who would ever rape someone.
He is the most gentle and loving man I know.He takes my son who's got ADHD and is really difficult to deal with the way he is and doesn't treat anyone badly.
This "woman" was simply pissed off at Jim for NOT doing anything anymore after he told her he didn't want to see her anymore.And then she turned around claiming he raped her and on top of that that she was pregnant.
Now how come there's no child????? How come she never sued for child support?????? How come she never showed up in court???? How come there was no medical evidence that she WAS raped???
Sorry people but I KNOW my man and I kow for reason that I surley wont discuss here that he would never rape anyone and never did.
I know exactly what I'm getting myself into with that man and I know he's the best thing that ever happened to me and my son!!!!!!
I love him with all my heart and so does my 5 year old.
As for losing his job,
his BOSS told me it had nothing to do with his work performance,they simply didn't have enough work anymore and since he was the last one hired he was the first one to go.
Cable and DSL,oh well....he's a man and after all it's HIS money.
And as for him chatting with other women,hey as long as he's just TALKING who cares????
It's MY life and I love him and I know he loves me so why is it that people think they have the right to judge someone they don't even know???????????
I asked a simple question regarding the new I 129 F form that's all.
I don't want nor do I need someone to lecture me !
Thanks to the few that didn't and just gave me advice!
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-06-17 02:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAccused of rape
O Gosh I just read the new I 129F form.......
OK here's the story,
my boyfriend has been accused of raping some girl years ago,from what I know she pressed charges against him but she never showed up in court and the case was dismissed.He was not convicted or anything.The woman was nothing but a liar and did this to him oput of God knows what reasons.
Now my question is what would he have to put in? Does all this effect him since there has never been a conviction?????????
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-06-16 00:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI 864 and poverty guidelines
There is non..........
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-07-03 17:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI 864 and poverty guidelines
OK thanks for the info.I figured the VA chack counts.So that as of right now means that we're 8800$ short...Well let's hope he'll get the A&P License quick and then the new job soon.
Keep us in your prayers guys it all depends on that now!
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-07-03 13:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI 864 and poverty guidelines
Got a question about the Poverty Guidelines.......My Sweetie lost his job in May and is currently on Unemployment,he's also getting a VA disability check each month.We're hoping that he'll have new job as soon as he's got his A&P Lisence in about 6 weeks.But what counts as Income? Only what someone's making at work ,or also VA check and a period of Unemployment money?
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-07-02 15:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan this cause problems?
I'm sorry but I have to make this comment after getting the reply from anitacastillo:
Number one- the soldiers are doing their JOB. They have ORDERS and once given an order you HAVE to follow that order.You don't need to come up with your ####### ok.I have many friends who served in Iraq so has my man and I'm PROUD of him!!!!!
Not one of them soldiers asked to get injured or killed,they went down heir to serve their country!
And by God I have a lot of respect for each and every single one of them.By your name I take it you're Italian,guess what if you don't want your tax to pay for "legs" then get back to Italy!!!!!!!!
My man and I gladly pay our taxes and if that is what they're used for then so be it.Maybe you ougt to talk to some service members before you make such nasty statements!
I'm not pro war but I definitley am pro soldiers!!!!!!!!!!!
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-07-11 05:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan this cause problems?
Actually as of right now we don't know anything for sure.It COULD be that the company is going down to Iraq,but that depends on how many troops are left down there and whether they need helicopter mechanics (civilian ones) downrange by that time.
And we want to put the paperwork in now,instead of waiting and the company ends up NOT going and we wasted yet another 8 months.
It might very well be that they're not going down at all,but it still is possible and we of course know they're talking about going.
The latest update I got (last night) was that the Army side doesn't like the fact of too many civilians working on their aircraft and they'd rather do it on their own.Which will be very possible once the number of troops deployed to Iraq reduces.
Guess we'll just have to wait and see.I silently pray he's not going............
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-07-11 01:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan this cause problems?
Thanks for the replies.
No he's not on Active Duty anymore,got out 11 months ago but has served for 10 years and was down in the Kosovo and in Iraq.He will join the National Guards as soon as they let him (case being reviwed due to disability from an eye injury he got during his time in).
It moved me how people here feel about the military ........Thank you! It's people like my man who protect America. I'm very very proud of him and I keep all men and women that serve in the United States military in my prayers.God bless all of them!
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-07-10 23:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan this cause problems?
No he is the USC. And the reason why I worry is because they may ask why we got married before he had to go to Iraq whwn we knew ahead that he wouldn't ven be in the US with me for about a year.
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-07-10 04:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan this cause problems?
We want to finally put the I 129 F in by October or November ,hoping we'll have the K1 by next year May then.But my Sweeties company is most likeley going down to Iraq (no Military ,contractor) by June or July of next year.So that would mean that he'd most likely be gone by July,so pretty much right after we got married.......Is that gonna cause problems with the INS?
Thanks for helpful advice
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-07-10 02:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSeattle POE
Well sorry but if I am reading the POE reviews right than a 0.00 (zero) means NO harrasment and a 10 would be = be prepared for trouble........
maybe I should just go with whatever the Travel Agency has ,flight and connection wise as long as it's NOT ATlanta again.
And heck no this time I will NOT tell them I'm going to see my boyfriend.And since he actually doesn't even know I'm coming and we will be staying at a friends house (which happens to be his best friends wife) I wont even lie to them about it.
Still I am worried since ATL in February.....
I understand the Security Checks and all that and yes it might be a little "dangerous" to let ppl in that say they visit their boyfriend/girlfriend ,but I had return tickets and even train tickets to show that I would go back after 20 days.
Anyways,thanks for the input
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-07-25 19:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSeattle POE
well I will finally go to see my man again in September and will be flying in at Seattle-Tacoma International.
Since I had an experience from hell in Atlanta just this passed February I was wondering if anyone could tell me how Seattle Immigration is.I plan on having a freind of ours waiting at the airport as soon as the plane is scheduled to arrive there......just in case.
The reason I got in trouble in February was because I answered the question of whom I was going to visit truthfully with "my boyfriend".Endless questions and an "Interview" at Atlanta Airport followed....Never had any overstays or anything.Haven't even been to the US for 5 years by Feb 2006.......
So,now I'm worried it'll be bad again.........
Also is Seattle a good POE once we get the K1 next year,which we will put the petition for in by October or November?
Thanks for any helpful replies
VetsWife328FemaleGermany2006-07-24 23:28:00