K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA 2 finally received
Congratulations!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Good luck on the interview, and hopefully the rest of your journey goes quickly and smoothly! :yes:
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-29 20:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChalk another NOA2 Approval up from CSC
Congratulations! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Good luck on the rest of your journey. :yes:
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-29 21:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThai Marriage Certificate

From what I have read, and to my understanding, there is never a time in the entire process you need a marriage certificate, until it is the one you and your fiancee get after you are married! For previous marriages, only divorce certificates or decrees are required. I hope you sent in a Certified English Translation of her Divorce Certificate, otherwise you WILL get a RFE.

As for her Birth Certificate, if it is not the original, she will need her Thai ID card and Tabien Ban (House Registration) when she goes for her interview. Her Birth Certificate and the Police Certificates are not required until her interview at the Embassy. Why did you submit them with your I-129F? They are only valid for 6 months from the time of issue, so you better hope her interview is within 6 months, or she will have to get new Police Certificates.

If you want more information, I suggest you read the SAWASEE2 and original SAWASDEE threads. There is a lot of good information in both threads for people with Thai fiance(e)s.


Hello Robert

thank you for your's been a big help. well..I just read instruction on I-129F form which required police I thought I would submit the police certificate...I hope it won't be a problem with my petition. I lose alot sleep over this...I am missing my baby very much...stayed for 21 days in thailand, now lonely thinking about her, and our fun time in thailand....such a wonderful feeling...


The criminal background questions on the I-129F refer to your criminal background, not the benificiary.

The benificiary will need to prove her criminal background at the interview stage.

Good luck on the journey, including her police background in your K-1 packet should not hurt you, although it was irrelevant to the process at that stage. :yes:
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-29 00:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI HAVE MY FIANCEE VISUM..........YIEHAAAA
Huge Congratulations!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: Have a safe trip over, and enjoy the rest of your lives together! :yes:
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-28 21:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWe have our interview date!!!
Congratulations!!! Good luck on the interview, and best wishes on the rest of your lives together! :yes:
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-30 09:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinally getting the I-129F together
Good luck! Double and triple check everything you send in... :yes:
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-27 21:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC APPROVAL!!!!
Congratulations!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: Good luck on the rest of your journey! :yes:
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-30 21:42:00

A public forum brings in all the garbage.

Pardon william??? OP is a troll I am guessing?

Congratulations to YuandDan however! :dance: :dance: :dance:
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-30 21:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarch 6th NSC, approved in CSC August 30th
Congratulations!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

May the rest of your journey go quickly and smoothly! :yes:
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-30 10:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVSC Approval

Congratulations!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: Good luck on the rest of your journey! :yes:

:pop: from a CSC'er who is likely to be waiting 3 to 5 times longer for NOA2... If we are lucky... :crying: :crying: :crying:

Just so there is absolutely no misunderstanding, I am very happy for YuAndDan, I don't want anyone to think this post was in any way, shape, or form meant to take away from their joy.
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-31 02:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVSC Approval
Congratulations!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: Good luck on the rest of your journey! :yes:

:pop: from a CSC'er who is likely to be waiting 3 to 5 times longer for NOA2... If we are lucky... :crying: :crying: :crying:
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-30 21:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescertified document
The financial information will be asked for at the embassy stage of the process. So you did not make any mistake by not sending them along with your initial I-129F filing.

Good luck on the journey! :thumbs:
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-31 02:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSorry, just venting
I tried to respond to this post earlier and just could never quite finish... I feel very happy for everyone who get's their approval, after a short wait or especially after a long wait. All should be celebrated.

I suppose I can understand those who have waited an unreasonable amount of time, in the dark as to progress on their petition, being injured by the posting of rapid approvals (generally from VSC) while they continue to wait on CSC.

More than merely understanding, and despite my mere 22 days and counting since NOA1, I fear our case could well become just such a horror story. Like the veterans still waiting after grotesque amounts of time, I can say 'they got approved and they filed after me!' So how can I not worry?

Make no mistake, I will continue to hope for approval every day until it comes. And I will continue to look forward to living the rest of my life together with the woman I love dearly no matter how long it takes. CSC won't break me, or shake me from achieving our goal of being together!

I appreciate the wisdom and good nature of those on here who are currently living the nightmare yet manage to be so helpful and cheerful. And when they break down a bit and rant, more power to them...

But I think it is appropriate to celebrate everyone who wrestles approval from the quixotic USCIS system.
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-31 02:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThis case has been approved. 38 days!
Congratulations! :dance: :dance: :dance: Good luck on the rest of your journey! :yes:
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-31 11:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresofficially waiting
Hey there matt! Good luck, and a smooth journey for you! :yes:

Feels pretty good to be on your way I bet! :D
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-31 02:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe Value of Exeidited Approval
Money does not seem to be the issue... VSC appears to have an efficient processing system, while CSC appears to believe applications must ripen before being processed.
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-31 11:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBit worried... any help?
Yep... Quite normal. I-129F's sent to Texas and Nebraska are then sent on to the California Service Center... From there it is impossible to say how long or short your processing time will be.

Good luck on your journey! :yes: And be patient, at least you are on your way! :thumbs:
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-31 00:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOn a Student Visa?
Probably tempting I am sure, but you may be better off doing it right. If you are in Canada and he the USA, then visiting should be relatively painless while you wait for your fiance visa to process.

Just a thought... Good luck what ever route you decide to take though.

Of course you could find your student visa held up by the fiance visa... perhaps Aussiewench can give you an answer to that scenario???
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-30 00:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 received.
Others have done a great job how to explain checking on your progress so I will just say good luck! :thumbs:
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-31 11:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSomebody help me.......
No expert here, but perhaps do both? I would give them the BC and also get affidavits from your parents to explain the issues with the information on the BC.

And I sincerely hope, every day, to see you get your approval gugu! :yes:

Good luck!!! :thumbs:
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-31 18:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFormal call for immigration reform...

Thanks again for the information, meauxna. I am definitely mulling things over... :)

Now, on to what's been on my mind the last day or two...

I’ve followed this thread all the way through and contributed a bit. Now I’m ready to say my own full piece. Though I haven’t yet been waiting long, I sure don’t like the likelihood that this process will likely take much longer for me and many others than it should. I don’t ask anyone to agree with my thoughts and assessment or suggestions, but I do think I've been logical and more than fair.

I’ve heard some of you argue that USCIS and its service centers are understaffed. I’ve heard others say that we have no real grounds to complain since wait times have been clearly declared. I’ve read still others of you saying that those of us voicing unhappiness with the current situation and lack of information are spoiled by the speed of the information age. Frankly, none of these statements holds water. I’m not a hot head. I’m not unreasonable. But I do believe strongly in accountability. The people of the USCIS work for the people of this land, as does any federal office, department, or body. As employers, we are entitled—not privileged—to any or all information that concerns us or current operations. We are also entitled to timely execution of work. We are the dog. USCIS is the tail. It is time that the tail stopped wagging the dog.

Anyone who has ever read Ayn Rand is familiar with a thread that runs through much of her work: Tolerate mediocrity, and you should learn to expect it. It is clear to me from the way many of you write that you have indeed become accustomed to mediocrity and are complacent in the face of it. You don’t like it, but you don’t really see that anything can be done about it. Well, here’s another important truth: People will only rise to the level to which they’re challenged. USCIS must be challenged to do better, and we are the only ones who can pose that challenge. Is the USCIS understaffed? Probably. Are their resources stretched? Almost certainly. Whose aren’t, I ask you? I work in a highly successful, privately held company of 900 employees. Nearly all of my colleagues and myself are overworked and underpaid. The execs are currently navigating a recapitalization of funds so that individuals who invested in the company in its infancy can now receive a return on their investment. New investors need to be found. There’s a high need to be fiscally conservative and responsible. Our job descriptions and lists of things to do get longer and longer while our pay stays the same or increases by negligible amounts. Still, we are expected to produce quality results on deadline—and we find ways to do it. There is little or no difference between the public and private sectors in this regard. Therefore, while I have for USCIS administrators and workers a degree of empathy born of understanding, I have no tears to spare for them. They face nothing that is not expected of me, too.

I'm not blind or stupid. Much of what is going on at USCIS, and at the CSC in particular, is no longer explainable by anything but poor strategic planning and management, something for which none of us should have ANY tolerance. For example, whoever it was that recently said the workload was divided evenly—east and west—between the VSC and the CSC is very much mistaken. Do the math. Vermont is processing thirteen states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. California, meanwhile, is currently absorbing petitions from the remaining THIRTY-SEVEN states, plus Guam. That either Texas or Nebraska’s petitions have not been sent to Vermont to even things up is perhaps one of the greatest travesties of administrative mismanagement imaginable. The current differential in both processing times and percentage of approvals says it all. This issue ALONE is enough reason to demand an explanation.

For those of you who want to believe that IMBRA alone has caused the problem (and I’ve read such posts), nuts to that! I don’t buy that malarkey for a second--though I know the March debacle made things much, much worse. The truth is that USCIS has had admitted backlog problems for some time now or President Bush and the former USCIS director wouldn’t have advanced the 2001 “Backlog Elimination Plan.” Fat lot of good it’s done.

Spoiled by the speed of the information age? My sweet patoot! The speed of the information age is a reality. The USCIS is lollygagging in the dark ages. I work for an IT company. An extremely cost-effective system could indeed be devised whereby petition filers and their beneficiaries could have access to much more data than USCIS presently makes available. And if we did have that data at our fingertips, most of us wouldn’t need to call and bother our governmental employees. Programs to run and update weekly statistics and progress are standard for most businesses. My guess is that USCIS already regularly runs the very statistical reports we’d like to see on an internal basis. Sending out a brief explanatory message to explain daily or weekly delays is also a breeze. I send out company-wide updates all the time at my place of work. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Necessity is the mother of invention. If USCIS administration won’t move in more ingenious and productive directions of their own volition, if they’re going to brush us off and move dates backwards to shut us up, if they’re going to insist on keeping us in the dark, then, frankly, they deserve every bit of pressure we can muster to corral them into greater informational accountability and efficiency.

The suggestion raised about filing online is feasible...very feasible. The company for which I work uses a system called VurvExpress to input applicant information. Anyone interested in working for us MUST initially apply online. Applicants express interest in a particular job, enter their personal information, and upload their resumes—all electronically. Then we update their personal file with information concerning their interview process...first interview, technical testing, second interview, job offer, disqualification, etc. Applicants get a password with which they can update their contact information and resume, as well as view their current status in the hiring process. This is basically the type of system to which USCIS needs to upgrade. They could then tell people more specifically: “initial screening,” “security check,” “verifying employment history,”etc. Certain examiner’s case notes could be made viewable while others could remain necessarily confidential. Photographs and other types of supplemental documents would still need to be sent by mail in order to verify authenticity, obviously. But once received and examined, many of those documents could subsequently be quickly and easily scanned or PDF’d and attached to the online case file. Again, I do this all the time with interview notes, test results, etc. It would make information storage and transfer far more quick and efficient and go a long way toward offering filers more access to their case status.

These ideas are just a beginning. There’s much, much more that could be done to save money in the long run, provide greater accountability, disseminate information more effectively, and streamline the entire visa process without compromising either quality or national security. Yes, reform is definitely in order. And I for one intend to push for it. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. We all want our government to work for us? Well then, we’re going to have to insist, put in some effort. Employers have always had ultimate responsibility for company output. Let’s form a board of directors and start influencing and steering policy like we should. Not willing to put in the effort? Stop whining.

That’s my two cents worth. Thanks for reading.

Lots of good thoughts here kirsten... CSC is lucky it wasn't you calling their customer service line today! :lol: :lol: :lol: :huh:

:whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-30 00:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIt's Happened
Congratulations!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: Good luck on the rest of your journey! :yes:
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-31 17:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOriginal Letter?
What exactly did you send matt? This should have been included with the I-129F package you sent.
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-31 23:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestimeline about to start

We did it on our own and we had a very straightforward case, no divorces so it was fine. It was relatively painless.

You really don't need a lawyer unless you have issues in your case I would reccomend doing it yourself!

Plus I don't trust someoene else to do it for me haha. I'm like that though.


Well... I did get a divorce in November of 2004, but have all of the necessary documentation of that. So hopefully that won't turn out to be too much of a complication! And yes, it will be attached to the application. She has never been married, so no complications there.

I think I can handle the paperwork, ours seems to be in order at this point, just finding the courage to send it in and doing a lot of double and triple checking...
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-07-31 01:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestimeline about to start

Good luck and make sure to read the guides before sending everything in!

Thanks Sarah, I have done a ton of online research since early this year! Likely there is always more to learn, just hope we don't have to learn the hard way! lol :lol:

Did you or your fiance/husband go through the process on your own? Or did you hire an immigration attorney?
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-07-31 01:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurestimeline about to start
Hi all, new here. I am about to file, on my own (veterans, good or bad idea before I do?) and am obviously nervous and excited about it.

Our relationship began over two years ago, online of course, as I am sure is the case for many on here. Frequent online contact, and a ton of money spent on phone cards, it is time to take the steps to bring this wonderful woman here!

One unique aspect of our particular case is that my fiance is from the Philippines, but is living and working in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates now. I did not get to visit her while she lived in PI, but just returned from a wonderful if all too brief visit in UAE. Hopefully her location is actually helpful, as I have heard things can be a bit rough going through the process in Manila.

Anyway, any advice for a do it your selfer would be greatly appreciated. It looks to me like I have everything we need to accompany the I-129F. I will start a timeline when I mail off the application. Any critical do's or dont's I should know about before sending in the application????

Wish us luck! And please feel free to offer any help or advice, those of you who have more experience than I do.
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-07-31 00:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of Ongoing Relationship
I would recommend, for a while, trying something like

which I found after almost 2 years of using phone cards (with nothing to show to go along with the soon to be filed I129F) but figure the records from this February on are pretty clear, my fiance and I are in very regular contact! tel3advantage keeps track of every call, and creates monthly logs, which are printable for verification, and no I don't work for them, but the rates are good too! :D

We have a ton of Yahoo IM's to fall back on as well, and I intend to use them and emails to show the length of our relationship, which is over 2 years at this point.

Good luck to you, I am filing soon!
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-07-31 21:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Q

I-129F package all filled out while fiance was problem that neither of us caught even with triple checking it then checking it again until he'd already driven the 9.5 hrs home...missed one of my jobs entirely. Yes. Huge miss on that one, will never again fill out important forms in the middle of a medical issue while on pain meds :( Would we be better off for him to send one of the G-325A forms to me, fill it out and send it back to him, or would I be able to use the downloadable form and send 4 copies with original signiatures on it. Ive read that downloaded forms may potentially make USCIS cranky, even though they come from their website.

I hope downloaded forms don't make them cranky, that is what I have, and I won't be traveling back to Sharjah, United Arab Emirates just so my J can fill out a fancy office copy of the G-325A!!!

Ah well, seriously, I would think they should not have a problem with forms downloaded from thier own website!?! I hope, I hope, I hope...
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-01 01:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWE GOT APPROVED BY CSC!!

I got what I was waiting for today!! :star:


Receipt Number: WACxxxxxxxxxxxx

Application Type: I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

Current Status:

This case has been approved. On July 31, 2006, an approval notice was mailed. If 30 days have passed and you have not received this notice, you may wish to verify or update your address. To update your address, please speak to an Immigration Information Officer during business hours.


YAYYYYYYY!!! (jumping up and down) WHAT A SURPRISE!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Thanks so much VJ!! I read these forums every day and feel so much better knowing that I'm not the only one on this crazy journey! I haven't yet had a question that the previous posts couldn't answer :) I filled out everything just like the GUIDES and FAQS. And I never got an RFE (except for the IMBRA RFE of course).

According to my VJ timeline I wasn't going to get approved until October. I feel so lucky to have gotten approved today :dance:

For those of you still waiting, especially people with NAO1 dates way before me, ugh, I'm sorry. :unsure: I remember when I was SO jealous of the other approvals. I bet your surprise is coming soon! :yes: Just like mine and probably all the other approvals today - it will be when you least expect it!

Congratulations! Putting together our I-129F now, and can only imagine how nice it would be to get such a quick approval!

Attached Files

ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-01 23:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresreturn to PI requirement?

I'm not an expert at this, but if she is a citizen of the PI's and not Hong Kong, then it would be the Embassy at the PI's that would have to do here interview.

umm hmmm That is not True. My wife was a K-1. She is a citizen of the Philippines and she went thru the Hong Kong Consulate for her interview and she received her visa out of Hong Kong.

she does not have to go back to the Philippines for the interview.

That would be awsome! Unless she chooses to move back on her own, having to go back to the Philippines to get here would be quite a burdon... Plus I am hopeful the embassy in Dubai will process our application and be considerably faster than Manila... Hope springs eternal. I-129F should be mailed tomorrow, crossing fingers approval won't take forever!
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-04 01:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresreturn to PI requirement?

If she has a resident visa for UAE (which she should have if she's working there) then you she doesn't have to return to the Philippines.

Yes, she has a work visa for United Arab Emirates (not the easiest thing to get!) But it would be good news indeed if she did not need to return to the Philippines! She is a responsible adult, so it would seem silly to have to return home in order to come here... But the process is not always logical!

Thanks for the responses...
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-03 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresreturn to PI requirement?
Rooky question here. My fiance is living and working in United Arab Emirates. The big question...

Will she need to return to the Philippines in order to get here?

I read another person's fiance will be returning to PI from Hong Kong but am wondering if that is an absolutely necessary step? If so, we will cross that bridge when we come to it, but hoping not!

Edited by ready4ONE, 03 August 2006 - 10:05 AM.

ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-03 10:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpired K1 Visa

Can one secure an extension for a K1 Visa? :unsure: I don't think so!

If so, how? :help:

If Not... What happens if you marry after the expiration date of the 90 day K1 visa. Any penalties or what?

I read once, it is wise to just go to the courthouse and get the 'marriage' done... Don't wait on a fancy wedding (if that is the hold up for you) just get married... Find someone who is licensed to perform the ceremony, and grab 2 witnesses off the streets if you have to... A formal wedding can take place any time after!
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-03 23:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow much support documentation is enough for I129F?

go to this website ***removed*** all your questions can be answer there!
Good Luck on your petition

Why are you continually posting this exact same statement relating to another site. Drumming up business aye :whistle: The same USCIS forms are accessible right here on VJ. Example forms to assist one in completing them are also available here.


Use Q18 to describe in some detail of how you met in the required 2 year period that established the relationship. Then the evidence you submit should support those details. Boarding passes, passport stamps, hotel/credit card receipts, rental receipts if ever lived together etc etc are primary evidence. Photos are secondary which support the primary evidence. What you should be aiming for is creating an image in the minds eye of the adjudicator.

Whilst evidence of an ongoing relationship is not a requirement at the initial filing stage, it can be beneficial to those from high fraud countries to do so. Just go over this evidence very carefully especially emails and chat, to make sure there is nothing mentioned that may be construed in a different way then it is meant.

Well I suppose I could adjust my packet a little bit. I took the advice of focusing on the proof of having met instead of trying to show the ongoing length of relationship for question 18... It would be a simple matter just to print out the oldest envelope from a card she sent me Valentines Day 2005 and add it into the documentation. But the question is pretty specific as to being about the meeting in person...

Jeez! I want to mail this off tomorrow and get the official K-1 countdown going! I think I better adjust my cover letter one more time and include some documentation of how far back we go relationship-wise, since the Philippines is indeed just such a high fraud country. J is as real and sweet as they come though. (L)
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-04 05:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow much support documentation is enough for I129F?

Things your might want to include:

Photos of the two of you together <-- biggie
I've read that a copy of receipt for engagement ring is also a big plus
Read back through the instructions carefully
Make sure every form is filled out completely

You can add your visa timeline and such by editing your 'signature' on your profile page.


Thanks Bill, you bet I will be double and triple checking all the forms prior to submission. I am just worried about including too much, or too little with regards to proving length of relationship. I do have a reciept for a diamond ring, purchased in United Arab Emirates so I think good idea, I will include it!
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-03 23:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow much support documentation is enough for I129F?
Ok, putting the I129F packet together for sending tomorrow... :D But, from others experiences, how much support documentation do I really need?

In addition to all the standard required documents:
cover letter
check for filing fee
His and her passport photos
I129F (of course!)
his and her G325A's
Letter of intent from fiance
Letter of how we met and intent (me) How creative/lengthy should this be?
copies of my birth certificate and passport (including stamped page from my visit)
copy of my marriage certificate (previous)
and certificate of dissolution (so over!)

So how much more documentation do I need to prove ongoing relationship, length of relationship, and proof of having met etc? I have 2 pages (3 pictures of myself with Judith and 1 with her sister and I from the visit) but I also have:

6 pages, covering 5 months (Feb through July 2006) of phone contact (very regular)
emails, recent and going back to 2004 (I would hardly include all, but 2 or 3 samples?)
instant messages which show how far back we go (I would only include 1 page to show how long we have communicated)
letter from the hotel I stayed at indicating my reservation
copies of airline ticket stubs covering the trip to UAE
2 page itinerary of my flight reservations

How much is too much? Any recommendations? Am I missing anything? Too much? :help:

On an unrelated note, how are people putting in flag gifs and pre-I129F filing timelines directly into messages on here?
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-03 23:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho's actually processing my K-1 Petition?

OK, I am slightly confused now. I sent my K-1 petition off to the Nebraska Service Center (NSC) like a good little girl the other day--to exactly the P.O. Box they required. But now I'm reading all this stuff that says that the K-1s sent to the NSC are actually processed by the California Service Center (CSC)???!!! Is that ALL of Nebraska's K-1s or just the ones concerning certain countries--or what? Can this really be true? If it is, why didn't they just tell me to send my petition to the CSC to begin with, for Pete's sake? All this paper juggling makes me nervous...Too many opportunities for screw-ups! And from what I see, the CSC has the highest turn-around times...UGH!!!! Not encouraging...

I was feeling so happy that I finally got the dang thing in the mail on Tuesday...until now. Anyone have any insight on this issue...why the CSC would be processing stuff for other regions? I'm really curious...


I sent mine to Nebraska 3 days after you... GRRRRR!!! I would have sent it to California, and if the applications are going there, why not tell people to just send them directly????

But, I guess we are in for just such a nonsensical journey through beurocratic hell... Heaven is at the end of it though! So... we must endeavor to persevere.

I am going to track your timeline and feel free to track mine, since we filed at nearly the same time, and the same processing center... Should be interesting! :hehe:
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-05 01:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMY QUESTIONS REGARDING I-129

QUESTION:14 Address in the United States where your fiance intends to live?
When my fiance will arrive here, we will be getting our own place together (we do not know where we will be getting the place at).. What should I do?.

I would definately suggest using your current address!
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-05 16:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Signatures

A signature is a signature regardless of how it is signed. What some people have received RFE's for is a signature that is not an original even if it has been. This can happen if one signs in black and it has been advocated to avoid the chance of this happening, to sign in blue ink.

There has been RFE's for not submitting all 4 pages of the G-325A. There has also been members that have only submitted one page of the G-325A and not received an RFE. It is totally up to the adjudicator.

Not letting myself off the hook for only sending one page each... but... The G-325A also requires a passport photo, and they only ask for one passport photo... Just hoping I get the right adjudicator, as I am fairly certain the other three copies get shredded and are not used... If they did get used, we would be asked for 4 passport photos each... Right???

Crossing my fingers, but also having myself and my fiance redo the form in quadurplicate... Just in case I get a caseworker who likes to shred the three unneeded 3 copies! :thumbs:

Actually the passport photos are submitted with the I-129F petition, not the G-325A.

Don't get me wrong... I still screwed up... but... the passport photo is for the G-325A, so since one passport photo is asked for, one copy of the G-325A should be needed...

I will wait for the hammer to fall in the form of an RFE, or the luck of drawing a good adjudicator.

Directly from the guide here on this site:

G-325A (all four pages) filled out by the foreign fiance(e) signed and dated (see example)
10. One passport-type photo (see note) of the foreign fiance(e). Write the full name of the foreign fiance(e) on the back. Place in a plastic bag and label the bag "Photo of (insert foreign fiance(e) name) ". Attach the bag to a sheet of paper and place behind the corresponding G-325a.

Aw well... if I had it to do all over again, I would certainly send in all 4 pages and they could give thier shredder a work out!
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-06 22:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Signatures

A signature is a signature regardless of how it is signed. What some people have received RFE's for is a signature that is not an original even if it has been. This can happen if one signs in black and it has been advocated to avoid the chance of this happening, to sign in blue ink.

There has been RFE's for not submitting all 4 pages of the G-325A. There has also been members that have only submitted one page of the G-325A and not received an RFE. It is totally up to the adjudicator.

Not letting myself off the hook for only sending one page each... but... The G-325A also requires a passport photo, and they only ask for one passport photo... Just hoping I get the right adjudicator, as I am fairly certain the other three copies get shredded and are not used... If they did get used, we would be asked for 4 passport photos each... Right???

Crossing my fingers, but also having myself and my fiance redo the form in quadurplicate... Just in case I get a caseworker who likes to shred the three unneeded 3 copies! :thumbs:
ready4ONEMalePhilippines2006-08-06 21:50:00