K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-17 22:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
QUOTE (Josh and Nathalie @ Jul 17 2008, 06:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jmmr @ Jul 17 2008, 08:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Josh and Nathalie @ Jul 17 2008, 06:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Got another touch today. Someone likes shuffling my file around...maybe they think my passport photo is cute. *shrugs*

Anyways, my princess was admitted to the hospital last night with a horrible migraine. She is out now...just really overtired. Doctor says she just might have migraines from time to time. Gave her a prescription for something...not sure what yet..I'll find out more tonight when I talk to her. Kinda frustrating to know that she was in the hospital and I didn't find out until today after work...not like I could have done much besides worry more at work...but still... sad.gif

Other than that...not much new here. Approvals seemed to have slowed down a bit late this week. Hopefully we'll see some approvals before the weekend.

Hope everyone is having a good week and ready for the weekend.

YAY For you guys! good.gif I'm happy to hear that. You know that means they are working on your case and soon you will get your NOA2! How exciting! How is your fiance feeling? I bet she's all crazy-happy. I wonder if stevi has heard anything, or caity rose....

Anybody else who filed in March gotten a touch? Besides those approvals tongue.gif I'm so glad and relieved they've started on us. smile.gif I called today and she said the same thing as always. I think they may pull up the same info from the same website; they just word it different. I asked her if there was someone else that may be able to give me a more detailed explaination of my case but she said no... tongue.gif I knew that answer.


Good luck 2 u.

I haven't told nathalie about the touches yet. No point on getting her hopes up. If we get a approved..then, obviously, I'll tell her. smile.gif

laughing.gif I would be calling jorge RIGHT AWAY!! i'm easily amused and get excited too easily yes.gif But still jeez i'm soo happy for you.
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-17 20:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
QUOTE (Josh and Nathalie @ Jul 17 2008, 06:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Got another touch today. Someone likes shuffling my file around...maybe they think my passport photo is cute. *shrugs*

Anyways, my princess was admitted to the hospital last night with a horrible migraine. She is out now...just really overtired. Doctor says she just might have migraines from time to time. Gave her a prescription for something...not sure what yet..I'll find out more tonight when I talk to her. Kinda frustrating to know that she was in the hospital and I didn't find out until today after work...not like I could have done much besides worry more at work...but still... sad.gif

Other than that...not much new here. Approvals seemed to have slowed down a bit late this week. Hopefully we'll see some approvals before the weekend.

Hope everyone is having a good week and ready for the weekend.

YAY For you guys! good.gif I'm happy to hear that. You know that means they are working on your case and soon you will get your NOA2! How exciting! How is your fiance feeling? I bet she's all crazy-happy. I wonder if stevi has heard anything, or caity rose....

Anybody else who filed in March gotten a touch? Besides those approvals tongue.gif I'm so glad and relieved they've started on us. smile.gif I called today and she said the same thing as always. I think they may pull up the same info from the same website; they just word it different. I asked her if there was someone else that may be able to give me a more detailed explaination of my case but she said no... tongue.gif I knew that answer.


Good luck 2 u.
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-17 20:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
QUOTE (Josh and Nathalie @ Jul 16 2008, 11:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (jmmr @ Jul 17 2008, 12:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just got off the phone with my hunny and he says I'm to paranoid... unsure.gif

I can't help it crying.gif I should really stop logging on my computer whistling.gif but it drives me coocoo knowing how far we have come. I mean we're at 114 on Igor's list...which isn't "real," but it sure shows a good estimate of where we are at. I'm hoping they bring more and more approvals; finishing up those late Febz working on Middle march soon. Phew... I need a vacation!! blink.gif

Anybody feel me?!

rose.gif To you all

I don't think you are feel like most of us here. We just want to be with the person we love and this "process" of the visa and waiting with pretty much no idea what is going on just sucks.

I just logged into the USCIS site and noticed I did get a touch on 07/16/2008. We'll see if anything comes from it. I'm pretty pessimistic of this whole process...I've seen others get touches and then not have anything happen to their case for like 2 months. I'll keep my fingers crossed, but not get my hopes up.

I must say that's Bad @$$!! I can't wait til we get our approval. I'm at a stage where my emotions are so mixed. I feel happy one minute, the next I'm sad, the next I'm down...then I'm back up and perky again. Since I've gotten back from Mexico, and I've taken care of most of the paperwork, I get into these crazy moods that I can't even explain. It's so deep in my heart and I cannot control them. For example, about 4 times already I will start to cry out of no where at work. Luckily I work with girls who understand that right now I'm in a strange phase, but it's still rather embarassing. I'm not usually like this. I love this site because I use it kind of like a "journal" where i can ramble anything since none of you know me . biggrin.gif I just...agh...when Jorge is here with me, I am going to feel relieved. I'm so sentimental sometimes. tongue.gif I'm also a big baby.

We talked for over an hour about how I pressure him too much and that I need to calm down because it will make him too stressed. Since I've been back here, he hasn't had the best time there. There were a couple of deaths in his family a month after I left...and his mother isn't doing so well. That being said, my excitement/paranoia/sadness/girly feelings/PMS/and lonliness doesn't really mix well with his emotions right now. I just sometimes feel like running away from here and living there. BUT Then I come back to reality and realize that I could never make a living there, like we would do here. Not only about money of course, but freedom and respect and the beauty of life. I would love to live in Oregon one day. It's so gorgeous there. See how I can ramble? LOL laughing.gif Sorry, I do that.

Thank you everybody for reading my crazy posts, if you have. If you skip them, I understand laughing.gif

Again, I really appreciate this website and everybody in it.

I am very happy you got a touch. I check mine ALL the time to see if anything new pops up. I have a really strong feeling something is going to happen very soon. I think i mentioned this before, i dont remember..but i had a dream that I ran outside to my mail box, opened it knowing that I had my NOA2 there, and THERE IT WAS!! i was jumping up and down and that was it. It was a short clip. It's coming yes.gif I know it. Even if it isn't til mid august, I'll still be happy. *KEEP FAITHFUL* yes.gif

I do love you guys yes.gif
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-17 01:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
I just got off the phone with my hunny and he says I'm to paranoid... unsure.gif

I can't help it crying.gif I should really stop logging on my computer whistling.gif but it drives me coocoo knowing how far we have come. I mean we're at 114 on Igor's list...which isn't "real," but it sure shows a good estimate of where we are at. I'm hoping they bring more and more approvals; finishing up those late Febz working on Middle march soon. Phew... I need a vacation!! blink.gif

Anybody feel me?!

rose.gif To you all
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-17 00:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
star_smile.gif Hi Everybody star_smile.gif

It's Hump day woo! Caity Rose I'm so glad you are having the chance to be with your hunny. YOu must be having a blast down there. Our time is getting very close. The beginning of this week was GREAT! It looks like CSc is catching up for their vacations. I hope we hear something soon. It's almost august. good.gif

I still have not heard anything about my case either. I am SO tempted to call again, but I am holding myself back because there has only been a few march approvals. Once they start bringing April filers into approvals, and mine hasn't been completed, THEN i will call. But until then, I shall wait. There's no reason for not waiting. I know our case is simple, it's just not our turn yet. I'm almost afraid to call because it may slow down the case. I just really hope I get approved with no RFE's. SOOOOOOOOOOOoOOoOoOON!


I keep telling myself "ANY DAY NOW WE'LL HEAR SOMETHING." and that excites me because I don't have to say "3 more months and we may hear something..." YAY. Any day! We're almost through with the worst part of this process. THE WAITING FOR AN ANSWER. mad.gif

jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-16 20:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
QUOTE (jmmr @ Jul 14 2008, 01:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (nabeshin216 @ Jul 14 2008, 02:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Marchies! Has anyone else been touched recently? I sent an email to CSC a week ago and all I got back was an automated message instructing me to contact USCIS. However, I was touched on July 9th! I hope this means something!!! innocent.gif

NO touches for me yet! But I hope it means something good in your case!!! good.gif

USARMNYNURSE- I didn't mean to be offensive wacko.gif I just think this is a frustrating case to be patient for everybody. I wouldn't want to keep calling them repeatedly because it could cause delay on the case. Just be careful ok? Oh and I'm a girl star_smile.gif tongue.gif If you do call, and it seems to have worked for you, let us know, ok? still keep an eye out for that NOA2 within the next couple of weeks. smile.gif

Stevi- I'm so glad you came back to say hello tongue.gif

On another note!! Today feels like an awesome day. I had a dream last night, it was one of those really short "clip" type of dreams. I walked to my mail box and THERE WAS MY NOA2!!! Heeheee biggrin.gif Even though it was only a dream, it sure made me feel so happy today. I keep telling everybody how happy i feel. I just try to look at everything in a positive way. Things happen for a reason. And those things that are negative, we need to learn to use them to our advantage and learn from them. I hope everyboy else has a wonderful week.


unsure.gif I just noticed I wrote this to wrong person.. I meant Bevs not USARMYNURSE headbonk.gif Sorry! I get typing-crazy sometimes blush.gif

I feel so happy for all of those who have gotten NOA2s today. i just logged back on and saw so many new ones ! WOW! good.gif Hopefully everybody is doing great! innocent.gif

jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-15 00:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
OoOps!!? Now I'm REALLY confused. I'm going to eat dinner smile.gif Bye everyone! 'til tomorrow. Have a good night!!
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-14 21:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just made smile such a huge one!!! smile.gif

Congratulations! And good luck on the rest of this process!!

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-14 21:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
QUOTE (SK&SP @ Jul 14 2008, 10:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone,

I'm a newbie around here, but I am also a March filer waiting anxiously for that email that says we've been approved. I thought maybe I was unusually obsessive about checking the USCIS website for an update three times a day(still no touches at all)...but now I see I'm not alone biggrin.gif

I'm glad I found you all so I have some waiting buddies, and we can all share in the joy that is the NOA2 laughing.gif

Good luck everyone!!

Amy heart.gif David

HELLO and WeLcOmE! Nope, you are not alone blink.gif I check that darn website so many times a day. I work on a computer ALL day long. So when i get a short moment, I click Internet and check whistling.gif I can't help myself lol headbonk.gif It's ok. Welcome to the website! You'll find a lot of useful information here. smile.gif

jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-14 15:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
QUOTE (nabeshin216 @ Jul 14 2008, 02:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey Marchies! Has anyone else been touched recently? I sent an email to CSC a week ago and all I got back was an automated message instructing me to contact USCIS. However, I was touched on July 9th! I hope this means something!!! innocent.gif

NO touches for me yet! But I hope it means something good in your case!!! good.gif

USARMNYNURSE- I didn't mean to be offensive wacko.gif I just think this is a frustrating case to be patient for everybody. I wouldn't want to keep calling them repeatedly because it could cause delay on the case. Just be careful ok? Oh and I'm a girl star_smile.gif tongue.gif If you do call, and it seems to have worked for you, let us know, ok? still keep an eye out for that NOA2 within the next couple of weeks. smile.gif

Stevi- I'm so glad you came back to say hello tongue.gif

On another note!! Today feels like an awesome day. I had a dream last night, it was one of those really short "clip" type of dreams. I walked to my mail box and THERE WAS MY NOA2!!! Heeheee biggrin.gif Even though it was only a dream, it sure made me feel so happy today. I keep telling everybody how happy i feel. I just try to look at everything in a positive way. Things happen for a reason. And those things that are negative, we need to learn to use them to our advantage and learn from them. I hope everyboy else has a wonderful week.

jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-14 15:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
Let's just be patient smile.gif Our time is coming so much faster than we realize. If i were you, I would wait out the two weeks and see if you hear anything. Also, keep us posted. good.gif We are a lot closer than we think. I have a wonderful feeling inside. They seem to have picked up a bit, which we should see more approvals this week. I've been watching Igor's time line and it looks like they have some late Feb approvals. Hopefully that means they're picking up on March. Remember that there are a WHOLE Bunch more files than this website. This is just a small fraction. I wouldn't be calling too many times, until you reach your actual "expected" time (6 Months). So really, we are getting approvals faster than we SHOULD be. Let's be thankful. smile.gif

rose.gif Maria
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-13 22:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
Josh and Nathalie..... May i ask you where you did that? I'm thinking i should do that.. What i did was the actual packet that I sent to the USCIS, well... I made 3 copies. I gave him one, and kept one for myself. It's an exact copy. He has a color copy of my BC and my Passport... But I'm wondering if that is not enough for the interview. It's true that it is good to have it just in case... I just REALLY don't want to send that... wacko.gif Thanks you guys.
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-12 14:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
Thank you for your response. I spoke to my babe yesterday and he helped me feel better. I'll just keep going until school sarts up again. I'm sorry for my rambling. This is a good source for venting for me blush.gif Anywho!
I hope you DO get your NOA2 in 2 weeks. Yours is pretty darn close to ours. Mine was started on the 18th of March. I'm still thinking i wont get an NOA2 any later than mid August. I hope... There ARE still a whole bunch of Feb filers left. But in our favor, it looks like the website isn't working properly with updates.
Every time that I have called USCIS they just tell me the same thing. That they are working on (now Dec 18) which is weird. I'm not sure how that works if there are Feb approvals. I don't seem to get any answers at all. I've called 3 times total. Well. Good luck again. Have a great weekend smile.gif
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-12 13:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
Hey everybody. It's the weekend. I have yet another question. What would be the consequences if I decided to leave my full time job that pays pretty ok and go work somewhere else part time... and not make poverty levels this year. As much as i love my job..i think it's best for me to leave. I don't want to go into detail but several things have occured at work recently that I cannot handle anymore. That's what i get for bottling up so much anger. Anyways. Not important why I would like to leave. Right now i make 10.75 an hour for 40 hrs a plan was for Jorge to work with his uncle in construction when he got here. (his uncle lives here). They have discussed pay and such and it's great. We talked about me working part time because I want to focus on school more than work. Work is getting too stressful for being just a job to me. BUT My question is... can i quit NOW and still be ok on the process? I did not file with a co sponsor... Just me. What do i do? Any suggestions? I am sad sad.gif I had a major down day today. I'm sorry I'm not so peppy today... I hate backstabbing hypocrites... Sorry. mad.gif
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-11 20:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
thanks you guys smile.gif
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-11 00:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
I saw a march 11 filer touched today. YAY!! I know its no NOA2 but's a good sign. ADMIT IT!!! wacko.gif
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-10 23:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
Buenos dias a todos! Tomorrow is F-R-I-D-A-Y! Que bueno! Looks like there are some feb approvals coming out...without touches. I wonder if we'll be more an August month... Yea.. probably sad.gif

Currently I am working through my prereX for the nursing program. I will probably be going to school for the next 4 years. I'm hoping to find a part time job later this year/early next year so that i can focus more on school. Working full time and going to school full time is very stressful. I do love where i work, though. But it is very challenging. But so far so good. Thanks for your caring! smile.gif

I hope everybody had another great day. Everyday is another day closer. Still in schock that it's this far into July...I mean jeez. Next tuesday is payday=halfway through july=pay phone bill=+3 days = exactly 4 months of initial file. Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts.

I am sending Jorge copies of my phone bills, emails, receipts for shipments that i have made to him, a really cute hallmark card, and a Carlos Mencia movie that he wanted me to buy for him. The fact that it's time for me to send him this means a lot to me..

You guys.... I really don't want to mail my real birth certificate or passport down there.... i had sent him a package one time and things were missing out of it. I just don't feel safe doing so.... is it necessary that i send him that? I don't think I am going to fly down for the interview either; if i get to go, i will take all of those things, but if I don't.... i hope it isn't essential.... star_smile.gif
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-10 20:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO NOA2's!!!!!!!!!!! In a long time!!!! rofl.gif

it's ok. We'll get ours soon smile.gif Hey... K1 Visa is the easiest/cheapest/quickest method... soo really can't complain too much. I'm in schock it's already been 4 months.

I keep coming up with "reasons" to their slowdown. Oh well. I''m just going to keep waiting. we've passed 7 months already (since I left wenatchee). Time flies like birds yes.gif
Have a good Rest of the Week! yes.gif
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-10 00:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
Aww Caityrose. I'm so glad you get to spend some time down there. I wish i were there crying.gif I miss Jorge so much. Enjoy while you can. You'll most likely get your NOA2 while you are down there. Who knows? It looks like CSc is starting up again unsure.gif I saw a few people getting touches, which is a good sign. Back to work CSC.

How was everybody elses day? I had spaghetti for dinner. YUMM. good.gif
I talked to Jorge earlier and he said that he didnt actually get his promotion. He was late due to a traffic accident which caused traffic to delay.... well...he seemed pretty ok about it. He even told me that things like that happen for a reason. I hope it did happen for a reason.... he thinks something else better is going to come up. Not to sound conseded or nothing but a lot of things happen like that to us... like... one thing happens but it's a piece to a puzzle that later gets completed. It's weird... but that happens a lot to me.

Oh on another note! I just found out that I get another year of full paid classes due to financial aid good.gif YES!! I'm happy smile.gif Sept 22 woooo I love school. I can't wait to go back again... lol I'm a bookworm...? (i had to skip 2 years because i coulnt pay for it. I started back up in January). WOO HOO FOR MARIA


star_smile.gif Maria star_smile.gif

in case you havent noticed....i cant get enough of those little faces!!
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-09 23:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr

laughing.gif SoOoOoOoOn yes.gif

I just got off the phone with Jorge...We talk EVERY night. He told me he got a promotion at his job, and he starts tomorrow. How awesome is that? He is very nervous. He will do fine. He such a great worker. yes.gif He is going to have so many opportunities here in Wenatchee.

I know that they seem to have slowed down, but I also wonder if it has to do with the email technical problem as well. Wasn't that happening a little while back? Seems about right. I surely hope so because I really am getting impatient. LOL I laugh because the closer we actually are, the more impatient we get. ANXIOUS. But really, what is another 2-3 more months? Nothing compared to being apart for as long as we have in TOTAL. no0pb.gif So... ANYWAYS> Have an awesome night. Everybody sleep good. I am going to sit outside for a little while and watch the fire on the far away mountain (it's that time of the year/ lots of fires!). Til tomorrow smile.gif

rose.gif Maria tongue.gif
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-09 00:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
Hey you guys. Looking at Igors' list it looks like they have approved quite a few mid feb filers. MAN! I was hoping we would be getting NOA2's by now... it's like they're a half of a month behind... it's strange. There was even someone for feb 27 that was approved... wacko.gif http://cse.ssl.berke...du/igor/vjdata/ I hope they start to pull those march filers next week. unsure.gif
I just dont get how it really works...
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-08 20:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
YUP!! 1200 is too much! I keep checking for plane ticket prices as well, but they are far too expensive. I haven't seen my honey since December, but we both agree to save the money because it is going to be quite expensive. Especially with all those lovely new fees!! Anywho! It's beautiful and sunny outside today. Having one of those days where people are cranky at work, but for some reason my spirits are very high today! WHOO. I hope everybody is having a wonderful day!! C'mon CSC Let's get it on!!!! good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif

star_smile.gif Maria star_smile.gif
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-08 13:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
Lol it's so sad how our thread is uber quiet!!! How was everybody's monday?! I'm going to make an attempt and write at least one thing a day! Even if it is just HELLO EVERYONE!!!! smile.gif I havent seen much February action lately! Well... last week there were a few. I AM SO PRAYING TO GOD!! I think that mid this month they may start pulling those march filers! It seems like it is on the middle of the month. What do you guys think? wacko.gif

Today was a very busy day at work! I work at a bank, so a Monday after a 3 day weekend keeps us very busy. Lots of cash to count good.gif Working at a bank helps make the days go by fast.... there is always something to do throughout the month, and when we get to certain monthly audits, i feel like "THERE GOES ANOTHER MONTH" Jeez. I can still remember the day that i had asked my supervisor if i could have a month off since i am such a bad a$$ worker whistling.gif HAHA I love working there. It is so much fun.

I wish you guys would say a little something about what goes on in your daily lives. It's always nice to get to know those who are going through the same process. Open up smile.gif Let's see.... trying to think of other things i can ramble on about.... mmmm..... blush.gif

I cut back on viewing my updates because i have a feeling i am going to be one of those that never gets touched and gets approved out of no where. I just hate the fact that i don't have a way of knowing when he will be back. my dad's girlfriend... well she reads stones. It's not like a witch thing its just something she picked up since she was a young duck. Well... she is very accurate in her readings. It's funny. She actually "predicted" her mothers' death last year and ever since she stopped reading her own stones because it is scary to her what she finds out about herself. She has done mine 3 times since January. EACH time it tells her that in my near future i will be getting married. She showed me the symbol for marriage and it actually comes up... it's really neat. I have also asked when Jorge will be here... and it ALWAYS gives the symbol for early fall. She did a recent one that she asked if he will actually be here before Novemeber, and it told her the symbol for Joy. Isn't that Shiznit!? Each time she has done this, it comes the same. One time it told her that i would have a baby within a year! BUt right away i went and got me some Birth Control...and I SWEAR TO YOU to that the 2nd time i did it, and asked that question, it said "UNKNOWN!" It was a blank stone. I think that is the coolest thing. Too bad it doesnt give you an actual date! HAHA I don't normally believe in those things, but these are soo cool because it comes up the same. It helps with the pain star_smile.gif I just love Jorge so much. I don't know how I have lived my life without him. I'm so glad he is going to be my husband and someday the father of my children. I was thinking about how he is going to be my family's just so amazing. Everything is amazing. Yes i am an optimistic person! Everything is pretty to me. smile.gif

I hope that everybody is doing wonderful in their lives. I hope we can keep it up with this thread and share a little about yourselves here. I would love to get to know each one of you. smile.gif

Maria rose.gif
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-08 00:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
Hey marchieS! I hope everyone had a great weekend. I got to go to Seattle and shop; even though i only found one thing!! Oh well. i had good pizza at the mall! Anywho... Not feeling so well for the past couple of days. i feel very unmotivated and lonely. I keep trying to talk to jorge about how soon he will be here and that he doesn't have to put up with mex city for far too long. he even cried... unsure.gif he said not to talk about that. He is VERY frustrated with the length of this process, and he just wants to get here ASAP. The $hiTee part about the past 71/2 months is that he has been robbed twice already; once by some dam*N cops.... he says he cannot take being there much longer because it is wasting his time. He says he just doesn't think it is fair that if he wants to marry me, why he can't just do it!? Why does it have to be such a hassle. I agree. But, it is what it is! I feel bad for him asking me not to talk about the process anymore until we get our NOA2.... but i can understand his frustration. I ALWAYS talk about how close we are. Even at work i talk to my co workers about it. I am always so amazed at how fast it has gone. It helps me feel better, but makes him feel worse. sad.gif

I really hope to God that this month is Marchs' month... There are still some Febz to get approved, but they usually go into the next month as well. Once i see the first march filer, i will be so happy. I will throw a party for myself! haha

Back to work good.gif one more week and then we are half way through July. See how fast it is?

jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-06 23:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
Goodness! I'm so glad the marchies are finally showing some interaction with eachother!! If it were my decision, I would want to be there with him throughout the interview. That way, you still have a chance to take your original documents; therefore, they are safe in your hands and available for the interview. I think gathering the information isn't as stressful as ACTUALLY going through with the interview. smile.gif OMG I CANT WAIT!! I can't believe it's almost July 4th!!!!! Time goes by so fast. These posts we are putting up about this being our month just excites me. kicking.gif It just amazes how fast time goes... Anywho! About your miles. MMM Are you two splitting the price in the middle? If so, it's the same thing if you were to use it for yourself or him. BUT like Caity says... if you're paying for your own ticket, and him for his own ticket.... would you be considerate enough to give him that as a gift? Or since you "earned" it, do you want it for yourself? What I would probably do... this is me.... a married couple is one. sharing is caring smile.gif I would give it to him as a gift and just know that he deserves it. OK I'm going to contradict myself....... unsure.gif I'm sure your two way ticket is more expensive than his one way ticket; therefore, use it for yourself.... LOL I'm sure I'm not help blush.gif Just trying to make you think of ideas. Maybe you can compare how much money he has been putting into this process with how much you are contributing...? Split it! SHARE! whistling.gif Either way~ Have a good time there. Maybe you can even save the tickets for a trip you both go to next year!!!!!!!!!!! What about that idea? star_smile.gif OK I'm done lol. *HUGS* to everyone. blush.gif
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-02 22:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
You're lucky Caity. I wish i could go and visit Jorge in Mexico. I'm still debating on whether or not i should go with him for the interview. i really don't want to have to wait by myself. I'm not from there so it scares me unsure.gif I'm really missin him but I have such a good feeling in my heart. I just know that everything is going to be ok. We have actually started this process since November of 07. we've been planning it since then. SOOO that being said, we are soooo close it's scary. I always told him, oooh just think about when we have only a couple of months left. And we're at that point. I really don't think it will take more than 3 months for him to get here. I CANT WAIT!! My dad also is anxious to have him come here. innocent.gif I'm almost think to go fly down so we can fly together...i wonder if my boss would let me... well. i hope everyone has a great day!!!!! smile.gif

jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-02 16:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
LOL I also think we need to keep this thread active!!! I always log on here and read other peoples' action and compare them to what I have. It helps to know that there are few Feb files that have been approved. i was hoping last month there would have been lots more feb approvals. I hope they catch up... I would be the happiest chic alive if we got approved this month. good.gif Why does it take so long anyways? whistling.gif It also seems that there is technical problem with updates since many have gotten approved by mail rather than e-mail. So I'm not even counting on the website, just mail. Have you guys heard anything new? Any updates? C'MON MARCHIES!!!!!! kicking.gif smile.gif

Maria rose.gif
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-01 20:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
OOH You're awesome, thank you again. I searched through the website because I'm not going to call long distance so they can put me on hold. Maybe I'll have Jorge call them... whistling.gif UMM Here is what i found===>

What documents are required for my interview at the Consular Section?
Mexican passport: a passport must be valid for travel to the United States and must have at least six months validity beyond the issuance date of the visa. If you are not a Mexican citizen you may bring a valid passport from your country.
Follow instructions to apply for a medical exam;
Original and photocopy of applicant’s birth certificate (applicants with non-English or non-Spanish birth certificates must submit a notarized translation with the original and photocopy).
If petitioner or fiancée have been married previously, must bring original and photocopy of proof of termination or dissolution of each such prior marriage.
Persons convicted of a crime must obtain a certified copy of each court record and any prison record, regardless of the fact that they may have benefited subsequently from an amnesty, pardon, or other act of clemency.
Complete, but do not sign the attached Intend to Marry Affidavit (CDJ-401 form).
Two un-mounted full-face photos, taken within the past six months, the applicant should be facing the camera directly and the face should cover about 50 percent of the area of the photo. Picture taken showing the applicant looking down or to either side will not be accepted. It is preferable that the ears be exposed. The head of the applicant measured from the top of the hair to the bottom of the chin from hairline side-to-side should measure 1 inch to 1 1/2 inches. The photograph should measure 2 inches square with the face centered in the frame. Prints may be either in color or black and white and must be taken against a white or off-white background. Photos should be printed without borders. Note: all applicants require photograph, do not matter the age.
If you have obtained any type of U.S. non-immigrant visa (for example, tourist visa, laser visa, student visa, etc.) you must bring it the day of the appointment.
NOTE: If your fiancée have been married before and have unmarried children under age 21 who will accompany or follow he/she to the United States, must present valid, original birth certificate, medical exam, photographs and the DS-156 form by duplicate.

In addition to the listed documents, you or your fiancée must proof to have adequate means of financial support and will not become a public charge in the United States.

I have some questions----

Most of this is refering to me...does this mean that i am required to go there? I've asked this on another forum but everyone has told me that i dont HAVE to. I'll end up going anyways, but in case I am not able to.... Also! if I am not required to go to Mex with the Interview, and I end up going anyways.... and let's say they give us a 2nd interview, and i cannot make it to the 2nd one... I don't it very often they do 2 interviews? I just can barely afford one have 2 is impossible.... I hope that made sense! Sometimes I ramble.
All of the forms that he gave to me (copy of birth/passport/id's etc) is translated and notarized... is that going to be effiecient?

I also called USCiS today, because I wanted to know if maybe someone picked it up. But she told me that it is pending, which I know. She also told me what they always say that they are currently working on December 18. She said "give it about 3 1/2 months." But I don't want to believe that because i see some Feb approvals. So basically that's it. Nothing good yet. If i cannot attend the interview, can we change the date?

Do I ask a lot of questions? whistling.gif And yes I have read the guides... I just always have random questions.
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-01 20:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
OOH Good to know good.gif but how do i email the embassy? The only form of contact that I know if is the 1800 # for USCIS... whistling.gif I'm trying to let things flow ya know? But if there is a way I can prepare, i'm all for it. What is the e-mail? or who do I speak with? My fiance is in Mexico City which means he has to go to Juarez... unsure.gif Thanks for your help smile.gif
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-01 15:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
YEP I'm also thinking it'll be late July.. I HOPE!! I filed March 18, we're pretty close on timelines. Well... If I knew exactly what they would require for the interview, I would let Jorge know so he can get a head start. What i had done is made 2 copies of the packet and sent him one and kept the other. This has EVERYTHING: copies of Birth Cert, Copies of passport, w-2s, pay stubs, pictures, etc. I sent a bunch of informatin just in case. He has all of that. i told him that he would need it for the interview, NOT TO LOSE IT!!! wacko.gif I also told him that he needs to get his police cert because i don't know how long it will take for him to actually have it in his hands. He said he would go this month when he has a day off. He says those types of papers usually take a full days worth of research in Mexico city... mad.gif oh well. Too bad he cant just make a phone call. When he was gathering information about himself, it took about 2 1/2 months to get all of it and sent to me... it took a while. I seriously believed he would be here no later than May of 08.... well that wishful thinking is gone unsure.gif I hope it doesn't take more than late sept/early oct. ... my bday is oct 15, i hope he is here for that and our anniversary is on oct 28.... blink.gif WELL What else does he need to gather up? I have contacted Verizon and they sent me phone call history since Oct 07 so they see we still keep in touch. AND every receipt from gifts that i have sent him and him to me also... so what else is needed? I'm just getting frustrated with the process. mad.gif I don't know why.. maybe it's the weather. innocent.gif I just am so excited to see him when he arrives to Seattle. good.gif
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-07-01 00:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
Hey people. I hope this is our month. innocent.gif blush.gif What do ya'll think? How is everybody holding up? I'm starting to get very anxious. I'm ready for mah baby to come and see me. I'm actually really happy because I just recently asked my boss if i could still go down again for the interview when the time comes. She said we will work something out when the time comes. She's way awesome. That means i have a very good chance of being with him at the interview. good.gif Too bad i still don't have an NOA2 or a touch whistling.gif PATIENCE PATIENCE blink.gif
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-06-30 22:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
OH yea good idea to get things up and running ahead of time. Do you guys happen to know exactly what they require in the interview and medical? Or another forum that lists them..? I won't be able to attend the interview sad.gif I hope it doesn't affect our case..sad.gif
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-06-10 21:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMandatory Greek Army!
My fiance is currently undergoing training in the Mandatory Greek Army. He will be in for ONE year, no less no more.

Besides that being completely lame...

I was just wondering if there is an extension on the 6 months to get him here for our marriage?

I have seen other filers for Greece getting processed in 4-6 months. If he still has 8 months of training to go, then will we have to start this whole thing over again?

I am a giant worrier, and I just can't imagine having to be away from him for a year again;especially if he is already out of the army the second time around!

I am also wondering about how strict dates for interviews are, as he is stationed on Rhodes, an island of Greece, and the boat takes 15 hours for a one way trip, and his time off is limited.

Thank you fellow VJ-ers for time and consideration.

Edited by GreekloverUSA20, 05 April 2009 - 11:37 PM.

gatoula_touFemaleGreece2009-04-05 23:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
Hi Everyone!
Just wanted to update that Jorge and I just had our AOS interview and have been approved. The interview lasted about 10-15 minutes. The questions very silly and very basic. Nothing to fear. It went well.

They let us know that the next step was for us to file a form 3 months prior to the expiration date of the green card that will come in the mail in about 3 weeks.

The interviewer was very kind. We had a great experience. Thanks Visa Journey!!
jmmrFemaleMexico2009-04-12 22:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
Hello everyone!
This is the farthest behind I have seen this forum!! sad.gif
I hope everyone is doing well.
So far we have our NOA for the EAD, AOS, And Authorization to visit Mexico.....i forgot the real name of it!

I will get on later tonight and post my pics. I still have no internet at home so it's difficult for me to get on.

School is almost done for the quarter and winter weather is just around the corner.

Good luck everyone!! smile.gif
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-11-17 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
Hello everybody!
I am happy to see all the good news that has been happening in this thread!! Lot's of good stuff. I hope everybody has a fun and safe halloween! innocent.gif

So far we have sent in our AOS Packet and all that good stuff. Jorge has his SSN already. He is kind of frustrated because he is bored. I have a very busy schedule so it's hard for us to spend a lot of time together throughout the day. He is doing some side duties with his uncle and some friends of mine and my dad. It's not much but every little bit helps. smile.gif Everything is going great. smile.gif I will have to post some pictures of the day we got married. We did it through the court first. Hopefully in the spring we will have a nicer wedding.

Love you guys!

Take care.
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-10-31 19:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
QUOTE (stevi1123 @ Oct 3 2008, 01:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, we FINALLY have an interview date. He goes October 16.....

We did indeed decide to send a second packet 3, which they received on Thursday. It was the strangest thing....all night tonight (thursday night/friday morning), I have not been able to sleep for some reason. It is 4am here, and I had just been catching up on reading different posts here on VJ.

All of a sudden, my aol email "man" says YOU'VE GOT MAIL....When I checked my email, it was from the London Consular Office stating that they received our documents yesterday, and that an interview has been scheduled for October 16, and that my fiance will be receiving a letter confirming it.

I was in TOTAL SHOCK. It was like a miracle. I pray all of the time, but this was totally surreal, because it happened before my very eyes, while sitting at the computer hoping, wishing, dreaming and praying smile.gif and there it came!

I immediately called Taiwo, who was already at work (5 hours ahead of my time). I told him the good news, and it seemed as if I could hear him shout for joy from my window....5,000 miles away!

Well, I think I better try to get a few hours sleep (yeah, right)..Just wanted to share the good news.

And by the way, apparently they DID NOT receive the first packet 3 we sent to them an entire MONTH ago (even though we have a post office confirmation that they did receive it). We have been waiting all this time stressed to the MAX.

So, now all of a sudden I have to rush and prepare to go to London in less than 2 weeks time.

VJ is the best therapy around! It has kept me sane thus far. Now, on to the next phase. I sure will be happy when ALL of this is over, but that won't be for a few

YES!!!!!!! That's great Stevi!!!! I hope everything goes well for you and the interview!!!! I will have you in my prayers. smile.gif

I hope everyone is doing great!!! I still think about all of you, even if I don't show up here that much. It's been very busy since Jorge has gotten here. We found our new apartment and are moving on Tuesday. Long story! We are very excited about it. We bought our dishes today!! HAHA

Take care everyone smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif

Edited by jmmr, 04 October 2008 - 08:18 PM.

jmmrFemaleMexico2008-10-04 20:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
HI!!!!!!! WE ARE NOW MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!

9/27/2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY

jmmrFemaleMexico2008-09-30 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 08 Filers through CA Service Ctr
Hello All~

So far it's been great having Jorge around. We are having a rough time finding an apartment that is suitable for our needs and affordable. We are having this tough time because a lot of people don't like the fact that he doesn't have an SSN.... so they hink we are suspicious, even if we show the visa. Jorge has been looking around since I work. I also started school on Monday OY OY OY Stress stress stress!
We may even get married this Saturday!!! We are going through the court first, and we are planning to have a VERY nice ceremony/reception in the spring of 2009.

I hope everybody is doing great smile.gif

Take care!

Sorry I am so busy with so much stuff. My head is going to explode. wacko.gif
jmmrFemaleMexico2008-09-24 17:28:00