Middle East and North AfricaIf you get approved on a K-1....

Apparently the fees depend on whether or not you apply for them all at the same time or individually. If you dont do them all at once you can end up paying individual fees per application.

Not necessarily. You can send I-485 first and pay the 1010 fees, then when you receive the notice of action, you can send the other applications with a copy of the I-485 NOA without paying any fees.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2010-06-29 12:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaIf you get approved on a K-1....

My fiancee got approved for his K-1 visa and we are now married and living together in America. We've just started the process of applying for that dreaded next set of paperwork that keeps him in the United States. We've found that there's 3 forms to file, residency, permission to work and an affidavit of support. Just to make others aware who haven't reached this step yet, the 3 forms collectively can run you from $1080 - $1445, depending on how you file them, in fees.

You mean 3 applications, not 3 forms, and the total cost should be $1010.\
Check out the guide for the needed forms.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2010-06-29 10:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaBuying plane tickets
I used Expedia several times, and I had no problem. The first time I booked a ticket for my wife to travel from CZ I booked through British Airways, I got charged for international transaction, then after that I booked with Expedia, no international transaction fees, and no booking fees neither, and no complaints.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2010-07-03 23:43:00
Middle East and North Africamoroccan tv cable or something
I know many people who use this:

One time payment, no monthly bills.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2010-06-27 19:08:00
Middle East and North Africaalgerian embassy busy ?

Hey everyone,

Hamza and I have been trying to reach the Algerian Embassy for the last few days, with no answer. We call, and the voice recording comes on. We go to the consular section, then another recording, that says, they can not answer the phone. Has anyone else had issues with this? Is there a better way to reach them ? We tried Emailing as well, a couple times now, with no answer... and its been a week. Does anyone have any suggestions? Is there a more direct way to get a hold of someone there? Has anyone else had similar problems with this embassy ?

0112137 70 08 20 00
0112137 70 08 22 40

These are the two numbers we are calling. The first is for the embassy, and the second for the consular section, at the embassy.
This is the email we are

Thanks for any suggestions


I sent an email on September 28, 2009 and they answered on October 1st. I used the same email address:
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2010-08-03 06:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaBiometrics, really?

Hey MENA Peeps!!

I have a concern and I am hoping one of the MENA (or anyone in Visajourney) can help.

We had to return my husband's greencard due to a USCIS Error (They spelled his last name wrong). So we send all the prove with the I-90 showing it was their error. They mailed us a notice that there would be no fee. We have been waiting the past 3 and half months and have heard nothing. I finally contacted the senator to do an inquiry. I heard back from them today telling me that the adjudicating officer informed them that we need to do a biometrics appt and that we will receive a notice in the mail shortly for the time and date. This didn't sound right, so I asked the person from the senators office to follow up because I didn't think that was necessary when it was an error on THEIR part. Am I wrong?

Also, if we end up having to go to this biometrics appt, what do we need to bring? Will it be in the appt letter all the information needed?

Thanks in advance!


Having new biometrics taken is part of the I-90 process, but 3 and half months is too long.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2010-09-03 09:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmericans Soldiers Save woman who had her nose cut off

Amazing story of a woman saved by GIS

this is a really inspiring story of a woman who had her nose and ears cut off by her husband and the story of the American soldiers who saved her and helped her reconstruct her nose

PR campaign.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2010-10-17 10:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa to visit Algeria

Asalaam Alaikum!
A friend of mine will be travelling to Algeria in December insha Allah and wanted to know if she can get the visa stamped at the airport when she arrives there. (That's what I did when I went to Egypt, but since I don't know how things work in Algeria, I told her I would ask here).

Thanks for the help!



Depends on what citizenship your friend holds. Algeria applies reciprocity when it comes to visa.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2010-10-05 14:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Occupation of Western Sahara

By the way, have you heard about western sahara or even algeria in the history? i dont think so, but you would find a lot about the kingdom of morocco, which was a great empire. Sorry guys, you would say the same if someone attack and says BS the States.

If you didn't hear about Algerian history that doesn't mean Algeria didn't exist. It means you just have some history to learn.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2010-11-11 12:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Occupation of Western Sahara

I assume you didnt understand my post.nobody said Algeria didnt exist as a land ,you need to put any statement within its political,social context before calling peaple ignorant.i said Algeria was under the OTTOMAN authority,was governed by OTTOMAN empire.means was not considered a country , it was just a state under the OTTOMAN EMPIRE since 1517, they ruled it for 4 centuries.Morocco was considered a country and could not be invaded by OTTOMAN empire .
i hope i could make it clear.Algeria was part of OTTOMAN EMPIRE.then the french occupation came and Algeria was considered part of Paris. until 1962,after so many sacrifices of the true nationalist of Algeria who gave their lives for Algeria and maybe none remember them.

So, according to your logic, when Morocco was under the French protectorate, it was inexistent as a country.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2010-10-31 17:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Occupation of Western Sahara

First when you want to post never say somebody is "Ignorant",you must either be not familiar with the area or talking with more emotions . you should give respect to a soldier whose duty is to defend his country. The whole north Africa including Algeria was under the OTTOMAN AUTHORITY, EXCEPT MOROCCO,WAS RECOGNIZED AS A STATE and never submitted to the OTTOMAN authority..then comes the french occupation i think 1830.
Am not here to discuss political issues,am not qualified for that and you do not seems qualified either,i`ve nothing against Algerienn ppl, i`ve so many very good friends and i lived with them,and my uncle is ALGERIENNE,they love Moroccans , and we love them.
there is no neutral source in Politic, do you have any neutral source? how and since when?are you kidding me? the only thing i knew and the world knows and confirm is that before 1860 Sahara was not an empty wasted land. and that Morocco was the only recognized state governing it in North africa.

A person who believes Algeria did not exist in 1884 is ignorant. Sorry, I thought you were here to discuss politics. I thought the whole issue is a political one.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2010-10-31 13:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Occupation of Western Sahara

Here is a simple good answer that show how Algeria support and caus the problem.this the feedback of a moroccan prisonner in Sahara.i just found it by chance on the net .
"My Name is Ali Najab, I am a ex-Moroccan Fighter Pilot who spent 25 years in Tindouf in Algeria as a prisoner of War.
Question: Is Algeria directly involved in Sahara Conflict or not? The answer is YES indeed!!!!!Otherwise Algeria and those who support its policy should answer these Questions:
1-Why did Boumedienne send his 4 battalions to the Sahara in November 1975even before the Moroccan troops got there.The whole world knows that 106 Algerian soldiers were taken prisoner of war in Amgala in the middle of the Western Sahara in January 1976.
2-The Moroccan prisoners were always questioned by Algerian Officer. It was the case of myself: as soon as I arrived in Tindouf 4 Algerian Officers took me to the Algerian Head Quarters in Tindouf where I spent 55 days being many times tortured.
3-The Moroccan prisoner were held in Algeria.So Algeria was the main responsible for the torture and inhuman treatments We went through during a quarter of century:
-We were forced to do hard works.
-they made us to live in Holes without shilters under the summer hot sun and the very cold winter without any blankets.
-We were forced to give our own blood to the enemy hospitals.
-We were denied adequate food or medical care.
- we were forced to read propaganda in their radio against our country.Any time we refused we were tortured and put in cells for months.Some of us died in their cells.
-At any escape attempt Algerian helicopters were to search for us and when we were re-captured we were automatically tortured and put in cells until death.
- Any time they present us to the Press if our answers did not please either the Algerians or the polisario we were severely punished( torture and cell)
We have buried ourselves 46 of our fellow countrymen who mostly died under torture.
We have mentioned to the International Red Cross (ICRC) when they visited us in 1994 (3 years after the sease-fire) that about 56 articles of the Geneva third Convention were violated by both Algeria and polisario.
If Algeria pretends that She is not taking part in the Conflict why the algerian second desk had taken 476 moroccan prisoners to the north of Algeria ( Blida, boufarik, Boughar) near Algiers. 150 of them were exchanged against 106 algerian prisoners the rest was sent back to the polisario in 1994.
Why Moroccan prisoners were held 13 years after the ceasefire which is a violation of the Geneva Convention which stipulate that prisoners of war must be released immediately after the ceasefire.
According to the article number 1 of the UN convention about torture,there was not a day in which Moroccan POWs were not tortured.
Finally, I'll tell this to Messieurs Halim and Mourad who probably are Algerians:
In 1884 when Spain started colonizing the south of Morocco, was the Sahara( which was not called Western Sahara by the way!)terra nillus? the answer is of course NO.
So at that time which country was a Power or State in the region capable of governing these populations?
Was it Algeria? Algeria did not exist at that time. Was it Mauritania? It did not exist at time. Was it Mali? Mali did not exist at that time. The Only Country which was organized as a State was MOROCCO. It's enough for today!

So according to you, the proof is the word of a Moroccan pilot (an ignorant one who thinks that in 1884 Algeria did not exist)? Still I don't see clearly from what you just posted how Algeria is the cause of the problem.
In Morocco, you are taught that the reason the conflict between Morocco and the Sahara is not solved is because of external forces, namely Algeria, but the real reason is that Morocco does not want to abide by the international rules. Algeria doesn't hold its own unique position about this issue, Algeria supports the U.N. resolutions.
In your previous post you said "if we let people chose." That's exactly the position of Algeria; a referendum, but Morocco has been delaying it.
When Spain withdrew from the Sahara, it's Morocco and Mauritania who attacked it not Algeria. Algeria found itself with thousands of Sahrawi refugees after the brutal oppression by the King's Army.
Please, if you want to post anything, try to list neutral sources, not the usual Moroccan propaganda that always blame everything on Algeria.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2010-10-31 10:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Occupation of Western Sahara

Western Sahara was always Moroccan,and will be always,at a time countries are reunited to become more strong,some peaple are still calling for a 100 persons independance, this is soo`s all about greed and the problem was not Morocco, the problem was Spain, france and all those who invaded africa at a time, torn it and turn it into pieces to control it.if we were left as we were we wouldnt be like this,we would have gone far with the "great almaghrib" but the west never want that happen.Western sahara is a problem created by Spain to continue its domination.
it`s bad that Algerian leaders are supporting and causing this problem, while all of her leaders during the resistence were getting help from Morocco,and living in Morocco, and even some have studied in Morocco.
if the peaple were left to their choices, Morocco and algeria , tunisia, lybia,egypt, mouritania would be one country without borders.
The leader of Polisario was studying in Marrakesh having a Moroccan schoolarship .

How is "Algeria supporting and causing the problem"?
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2010-10-30 21:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Occupation of Western Sahara

I didn't realize I was presenting a high level analysis here. I think I also clearly stated that neither argument will equal what the Sahrawi want. Algeria has it's own agenda, as does Morocco. The Sahrawi are in the middle of a geo-political game. Just understanding the facts of the condition the Sahrawi are in lead to my comments that of course another country will step up to fill that power vaccum if they attain independence.

Not of a high level (Not that I doubt your ability), but at least something that seems from a neutral source, because I've read about the issue a lot, and this is the first time I've heard about the Algerian aspirations to become the new colonial master. What you're presenting here is the usual Moroccan view.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2010-10-20 13:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Occupation of Western Sahara

You don't have to be independent to have infastructure...the US South seceded from the Union and they had an infastructure. My point in this argument is that "Independence" for the Western Sahara is not really independence. The Polisario forcibly control the region and are brutal. Algeria backs the Polisario because of the reasons cited above. There are 500,000 people in the Western Sahara...a desert wasteland that happens to have mineral wealth and coastal access. Morocco has offered them autonomy but to remain a part of Morocco, Algeria/Polisario pushes a referendum with independence as an option. Everyone in this argument has an agenda. I certainly feel bad for the Sahrawi because really I don't think anyone in the argument is in favor of what's best for them, or what their wants are even. They are a pawn in this geo-political game.

When you said that Algeria will step up as the new colonizer, I expected you to put forward some credible arguments not your own conclusions or what the Moroccan side cites.
"Algeria/Polisario push for a referendum." The referendum was planned even before the Spanish withdrawal bu the UN and the African Union, which Morocco agreed to but has been delaying, and the billions that they invested in the south was to populate the region with people from the north in a case a referendum is enforced.
Some would argue that Algeria having less borders with Morocco is in its advantage because of the Moroccan expansionist agenda (the Greater Morocco).
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2010-10-20 12:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Occupation of Western Sahara
"Without a doubt Algeria would step in and be a new colonial master in the region. "

What makes you so sure?
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2010-10-20 11:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaHas your MENA spouse changed their perspective/opinion re: the US after living here for some time?

No worries. No hard feelings. You and your daughter are always welcome to the Arab-American community. Just a little note about the Arabs; The Arabs come from many different tribes, regions, and religions...but in the end, they are still Arab. To say a Moroccan is not Arab is like saying a Korean is not Asian! To say a Lebanese is not Arab, is like saying a Nigerian is not African! Please do not listen to the clueless ignorant minority who deny their Arab identity. The Europeans speak totally different languages (French..English..German...Polish..), and are still united and proud of their European heritage. The Asians also speak totally different languages (Korean..Chinese..Japanese..Philipino..) and are also united as Asians. Now the Arabs speak the same (one) language, (let alone share a common history, culture, and tradition) and some clueless minority do not consider themselves Arabs!!!!! That is laughable. As a Lebanese, I can make the stupid argument and say, "Oh well, I am actually Phonecian, and not Arab". An Egyptian can ignorantly say, "Oh, my people come from the pharos, so I am not Arab". An Algerian can be naive and say, "Oh, some of my people are Berber, so I am not Arab". A Saudi Arabian can also say, "Oh, my people are actually Bedouin, and so I am not Arab". That is all NON-SENCE!. So who the hel! is Arab then? A Moroccan is 100% Arab. A Lebanese is 100% Arab. An Egyptian is 100% Arab. An Arab is an Arab, regardless wither he/she is Christian, Jewish or Muslim. Please do not listen to ignorant people who do not even know their own heritage and history. All of the Middle East and North Africa is 100% Arab (with the exception of Iran), regardless of what the uneducated minority might think. All Arabs share a common language, history, culture and tradition.

Again, no hard feeling...P.S: I like the Irish culture (I love St. Patrick's Day!)

There are lot of misleading statements in this post. I believe North Africans feel differently about their heritage than the Middle Easterns do. North Africans recognize their multiple heritage; Arabs, Chaouis, Amazighs, M'zab, .... And Arab nationalism is not as strong there as it is in the Middle East. Saying that Morocco is 100% Arab is denying the identity of other "minorities".
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2011-01-10 07:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaKeep in MENA

Ok, great news! Adam called the Selective Services today and told them he couldnt find his registration number from online. They checked his name, social, dob and found his SS Registration from Sept 2008. They gave him his number and are sending his card in the mail. They had no explanation as to why we can not find his information when we put it in online. But YAY! Glad to have what we need and can apply for Citizenship this year.

So, word to the guys between 18-25... when you come to the USA, make sure you register with the Selective Services!

Those who entered the US after the age of 26 should send the "Request for Status Information Letter" to the SS. They may need to prove their status vis-a-vis the SS, especially if they plan to apply for school financial aid.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2011-01-11 07:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaFYI RE: Tunis Embassy

My favorite was : "Note to Ben Ali : Send the plane back when you're done. It's not yours. "

yeah, I've seen this one. I hope things well get better for Tunisia, all is not done yet.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2011-01-17 22:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaFYI RE: Tunis Embassy
I've followed the events on Twitter, Facebook, youtube and Aljazeera.
One of my favorite tweets about the topic was this one: "US media FAIL. RT @Galrahn: I just watched a government fall on Twitter while #CNN interviewed the Jeopardy host about a robot contestant."
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2011-01-17 18:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaUS Embassy in Algeria

The instruction letter in the packet specifically says to call or email for an appointment. It doesn't say to use their website to schedule it....

I remember emailing them (to this email: ) last year and they replied in 3 days. I would guess that, due to the holiday season, it may take a longer time to get an answer. Also try getting in touch with them through their facebook page. "US Embassy Algiers Consular Section - Visa Unit"

Did you try this number: 0770 08 22 40 ?

Good luck to you.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2011-01-06 09:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaFAMILY ACCEPTANCE

im not judging anybody !!!!! calm down man you r the one who is judging me i guess
maybe u r a bit senstive when it comes to the 4 wife issue ???? who knows and who cares ?

"i bet u he is just acting like an angel..."

That's not judging a person?!!!
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2011-01-27 13:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaFAMILY ACCEPTANCE

im christian so i only have one thx god
plus who can handle more than one ??:bonk:

So you're talking about "those Muslims"

It's one thing to give an opinion about the issue, and another thing to judge that person.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2011-01-27 11:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaFAMILY ACCEPTANCE

Im from egypt and i can tell u that it doesnt sound right , i bet u he is just acting like an angel who doesnt wanna live here till he marry u and then comes here and see U.S and all the young girls here and thats when reality will hit him and i will not be surprised if he divorces u or go back to egypt and marry 3 more ( since muslim can have 4 wifes at the same time ) sorry to be very blunt but u asked and thats my opnion as an egyption guy who lived in this culture, and the answer wont be any better if im an immgration officer the age different is a huge red flag your only way to prove things different is to marry him in egypt and live in egypt for few years to prove to urself and to the U.S embassy in cairo that he is serious about the marriage and he is not after u to get him out of egypt specially now with this revolution happening there. sorry again if i sounded hard but reality will be harder on u . good luck

How many wives do you have?
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2011-01-26 20:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaProtests in Morocco

We,Moroccans love our king, We are blessed, and things are getting so much better the last 10 years.
Morocco can not be compared to what`s i going on tunisia or egypt.totaly different.

So those people who are chanting against the king are not Moroccans?
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2011-02-12 13:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaProtests in Morocco

They are chanting "Our King, our King, he'll always be our King".

Translated by my wife, who's mother tongue is Dharija (Moroccan dialect Arabic) and was born in Fes, where we still live. There's no unrest here.

It's not 100% clear to me what they are chanting, but definitely not how your wife translated it. I hear more like "Ben Ali left and the king is uneasy."

They're saying "Benali rah rah, wel malik mahou mertah"

Edited by oldahmed, 01 February 2011 - 08:36 AM.

oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2011-02-01 08:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaArabia 3D
Nice 3D movie now playing in some theaters.

Arabia 3D
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2011-02-18 07:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaMiddle East Conflicts, Where are we heading ?

I believe these countries who are fighting for their freedom and escape from oppression are dooming themselves.
What they want and what they will get are not the same. They want freedom and democracy (they say) but I believe they
will get the same thing the Iranians got after their revolution.
Worse oppression than they've ever endured before, less freedom than they had before.
Christians in those countries will now be persecuted and killed as is already happening in Egypt.
I don't believe this is the end of the world, but I believe it is the begining of Revelation in the Bible.
Read Revelation and its like listening to the headlines on the news.
There is only One who can save us and his name is Jesus.
We won't escape the tribulation but we can end up in Heaven.


And what makes you believe so? what are the indications?
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2011-03-21 13:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaDELTA SAYS MOROCCO IS PART OF EUROPE?!!!


I thought this would be the right place to post this thread NORTH AFRICA AND MIDDLE EAST about flying to MOROCCO which is in North AFRICA! I will be flying Delta to JFK and Royal Air Maroc from JFK to Casa. The ticket is the same booked with Delta,so I know that my bags will be checked all the way through going to Morocco. I have heard that Delta considers Morocco as "Europe" and not Africa so the 2 free checked bags for international flights does not apply but only 1!! I looked at some travel websites discussing of this issue with Delta and actually argue about it when they check their bags in saying Morocco is in Africa not Europe and that the 2 checked bags free should apply. Anyone with a recent experience is this true? I thought I would try Visa Journey for advice since so many of you have traveled between the U.S. and Morocco multiply times AND recently.

Thanks Team.

I don't understand this "Morocco in Europe" thing, but what I know is that all major airlines have started revising their baggage check-in policies on international flights. Now, in all major airlines, you have to pay for the second bag regardless of the destination.

Edited by oldahmed, 23 March 2011 - 06:49 AM.

oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2011-03-23 06:49:00
Middle East and North Africawhy is emirates emirates?

isnt emirate an arabic word?well then why does it get plural with S?as in the airline and the country?

I have no answer for this, but those who don't understand Arabic, won't understand why you're confused.

The question was: Emirate is a plural form, why is it written with "s" at the end?

Maybe lost in transcription.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2011-04-21 09:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA AOS/EAD/AP Filers

How do you order your tax transcripts?

Check the IRS link.,00.html
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2010-06-30 11:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmazigh New Year

Even non berbers celebrate it here in Algeria

You're right. It became a tradition even for non Berbers. By the way, I love your name. It's my little 7 months old's middle name. I named her after my grandmother.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2012-02-13 20:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaAmazigh New Year
Today is the Amazigh (Berber)new year, celebrated across the North African Region by Amazighs; berbers, chaouis, Touareg, ...Today is the first day of the year 2961.

Edited by oldahmed, 12 January 2012 - 08:54 PM.

oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2012-01-12 20:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaKalil or Khalil

Kalil (instead of Khalil) that is my question...i am a Kalil in america...i have traced my roots back to syria my great grand father Solomon Kalil and his daughter Sadie (sara)and his son Abraham came here in the late 1800's early 1900's...from the mt lebanon area.. I know he had brothers and sisters that stayed behind... his fathers name I believe was Ferris Kalil (atleast thats what it says on solomons death record)does not list his mother name... can anyone help out here....

My understanding is that you're asking about whether the name should be "Kalik" or "Khalil". Kalik is a very uncommon Arabic name while Khalil is very common.
Khalil is famous here in the US through the poet/write Gibran Khalil Gibran, who himself came from Mount Lebanon around 1895.
I hope this will help.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2012-11-14 08:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Baby Names
Why was my post removed?!!!
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2012-11-14 10:00:00
Middle East and North Africaneed help

She says in her post "I did know that my husband he had been denied for his fiancé visa he had before".

Thank you. I misread that sentence.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2013-01-20 18:20:00
Middle East and North Africaneed help

The US citizen (Patty) was called in to USCIS to interview, she was told her petition was denied (I-130) due to fraud committed by her husband with a prior woman he was engaged too in 2010. That is my understanding :)

And the USC doesn't know that her husband had applied and was denied a visa?
If that's the case, then USCIS did her a good favor by denying him.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2013-01-20 14:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAN U DO ADD TO THIS

It is basically a knowledge sharing/exchange page.

And you think that information on that page can be categorized as knowledge?

I wished the original poster answered my question, at least to explain to me how is posting contradictory, wrong information about the Quran is useful? How is posting an Internet hoax is knowledge?

In this information age, some people instead of becoming information wise, they became information lazy, they share, post, repost, copy/paste or absorb information without checking its accuracy.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2013-01-20 13:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaCAN U DO ADD TO THIS
What is this page about?
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2013-01-17 12:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaPENDING

My fiance had his interview in November and after having some issues with the Affidavit of Support form and clearing that up our case STILL PENDING. The embassy replies to 1/1000 of my emails and when they finally replied they said our case was pending because my fiance gave them the impression that we don't want to live in the US!! He just stated that he was going to come here and spend time with me before the wedding and we would go back together for the wedding and figure out what we're going to do from there. I find nothing wrong with what he said because we both agreed that we would figure out where we would live after getting married according to what both makes us comfortable and what we find easier. The woman that interviewed him was very rude and told him it didn't make sense to make someone who lived in the US their whole life live in Algeria....????!!! As far as I'm concerned that is none of their business. I AM ALGERIAN, my whole family is in Algeria and I visit every summer so I know what Algeria is like. She also picked on him for wanted to proceed with the interview in Arabic and how he was going to the US and couldn't speak English. She was playing (excuse my french) ###### mind games with him.

I am beyond frustrated at this point and just came to vent on here. I don't really have a question but if anyone has any comments or something to give me a sense of reassurance please feel free to express your thoughts. I guess if anyone was in this position or a similar one how long can a case stay pending?

There is something wrong with that statement and it is all of their business, otherwise your fiance would come to you without going through them. If you engage in an immigration process, you have to show them that you really intent to immigrate.
I'm sure the CO was not picking on your fiance, that's how the interview goes.
oldahmedMaleCzech Republic2013-02-06 14:56:00