US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Denial - Morocco, of course

Ambassador, the Consulate General and teh Cosulate Chief Officer - I know of Mckeever could i have names and address of others,

Ambassador Thomas T. Riley - he is the only one located in Rabat

Here is the link that will give you all information, including the names of all staff contacts.


I hope this helps.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 15:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Denial - Morocco, of course

This whole report of what the CO wrote in her report was fabricated.

It IS a tough situation.

That being said, why would a consulate go out of their way to "fabricate" a story against you and your husband, "personally"? I don't see what they would have to gain by doing so.

That's a very serious claim you are making..................and to make such a claim, you hopefully have something to back it up,

Because, if it's just your word against theirs....................and that's all you got, I don't think you will get very far.

Especially when they seem to have a pretty good argument and explanation for their side.........judging by that email.

You are right - it is a very serious claim, but you also do not know the CASA Consualte. Maybe fabrication was too strong of a word to use - but assumtive is not - feel free to read my attachment - it is a detailed account of my husband's interview - and at the same time please realize that this consulate is very good at lying and doing whatever they choose. And even sadder - the way interviews are done - it will always be my word against theirs - there are no tapings of said interviews by video or by voice - so basically the interviewee is always screwed fro mthe beginning if something does not go right in the interview. I can also go have an interview with someone and take things said at that interview and turn them to say what I want to report - does it make it right - no, not even close and if I thought the way you are telling me to think - I might as well throw in the towel right now and not fight for something that I know is right. The woman would not allow any pictures, no letters, no conversations , not even a statement written by me taht I have been living here - not even the stamped paper from there own office taht had my change of address registration with them. Never will I be one who will stand back and quit because there e-mail is such a good argument. Cases are tried in courts for both sides to be presented - I could have wrote that e-mail too - does not make it right.

consulate can lie til they are green in the face. they are the issuers of the visa rember that when pointing a finger. rolling past that.. how about showing the proof to the USICS. They dont care about assumptions they want FACTS.
you need an attorney to help you with your rebuttle.

We have an attorney and the CO hear will not even speak with him even after repeated tries. He approved my rebuttal because it was very precise - he only made a few changes in it. I am continuing our fight here in Morocco while he is working on presenting case law to USCIS in the states as well as watching for the final approval of our CR1. The CO did make assumptions and turned around things said to fit their own desire to return the papers. Why does this CO do the things they do? Who knows, but they do and it does happen - yes they realize that the USCIS will have the final say in this, but it does not mean that they can't delay it and also, let us be reminded we all wonder sometimes where money comes from in the US - we the fees for the VISA are paid up front at the CO and they are not refunded if the CO says no, so if they keep making you come back - they keep getting more money for something that is not being issued.

When she was in Morocco? correct me but isnt she living there?


Im sorry you are going through all this. While I cant offer any advice for your situation I hope that you find a way to set things straight so that you may be given the opportunity to with your husband.

Thank you for your comment!
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 15:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Denial - Morocco, of course

let me ask you this. when you was in Morocco. did you have alot of his friends around translation between the two of you? and did you have to hire a translater. this is with the exception of documents or the use of a translater for the marriage.

address the point to USICS:

"When asked how you met and communicate, he could not specify the website via which you initally made contact, simply saying that it was shown to him by a friend. He also said that he largely relies on friends not only to handle written e-mail communication with you while you were in the U.S., but also for verbal communication when you're in Morocco. "

Again - please let me go over this - you are relying your statements and opinions on "just" what the CO said in her report. I have attached again the letter I wrote in rebuttal to the Consualte on what took place in the interview and what was said. Again let me state - I LIVE IN MOROCCO WITH MY HUSBAND - sorry for the caps, but jsut wanted to make that point clear. We have never been around friends that much - once in a while we will meet up with a friend, but most of our time is spent with each other and family here. We have never relied on anyone to do any type of translaiting for us. We never even had a translator for our marriage or any other type of service - the only translating done in this marraige was for the translation of arabic documents into english documents and that was done by a professional. Her statements were not true, but I am not going to continue to point that out - again I am not calling her a liar - I am saying she drew from things said to make a report. They would not give me this report for thrre weeks - it took me pushng and pushing every day to get something from them - and I was merely asking to give us every opportunity to prove our case because the opportunity was not given in the interview. Please read my detailed letter and interview before you make anymore comments of what the CO said - those were not what was said.[attachment=3741:Detailed...2007__2_.doc]
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 15:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Denial - Morocco, of course

according to our lawyer this consulates denial rate is over 50 percent.

Aicha, I am curious about this statistic. Did you lawyer go into any details about how this rate was deterimined? Does it include tourist visas as well as family based immigrant and non-imigrant visas? Was this an educated guess based on his expertise int he field or also in conjunction with available government data?

I know Vj does not represent but a small percentage of families going through Casa and I do not think we as Vjers are truely reresentative of the group as a whole either. The success rate for Vjers is much higher and for these reasons may or may not mean much.

I wish I could answer this for you - the only reply that I can give is taht our attorney only works in the fields of law that govern immigration - their whole firm is only for immigration attorney's - so I am sure in some case they have to be experts in their field. They deal with immigration all over the world, so I am sure that they have some kind of statisitics going in their office that one of their assistants keeps track of. I can send him basically any CO and he will tell me if they are a good one or bad one as far as VISA's are concerned. He has been talking to us already about last resorts if we can not get this overturned at the CASA CO, then he wants us to take up residency in a nearby country to file for VISA through a more friendly CO. Here is the statement he made on another CO that is a problem in Vietnam:

Morocco is more of a problem than other jurisdictions. We had a recent case where there was a problem with the Ho Chi Minh Consulate in Vietnam, another PIA Consulate. The couple then married in Jamaica and we processed there. The Jamaican Consulate wanted to know what is going on and we told them about problems at Ho Chi Minh. The Kingston staff then contacted Ho Chi Minh directly and asked for comment. When Kingston received a reply from Ho Chi Minh, the officer forwarded it to me with his comment: "That's ridiculous!" The spousal visa was issued in Kingston.

If I get more information I will let you know.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 13:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Denial - Morocco, of course

if you and your husband speak the same language whats the problem? apprently the embassy is under the impressing you both talk through a communication device such as babble fish. if this is not true then PROVE it. That is how you will over come this denial.

oh yeah and you have to prove your husband KNOWS you. apprently he knows only 3 things about you.

For one, this was only a very minimal of what actually transpired in this interview. I have a very lengthy letter that was drawn up of the entire interview and for her to come to the those conclusions was wrong - my husband tried to give this woman proof, she walked away and would not allow it. There were many more questions and I think if my husband only knew three things about me - I would not be here living with him.

then you have to provide the proof with your rebuttle. you must address each issue WORD FOR WORD. Drop the fabrication ideas. and refocus on how to get this over turned. basicly READ what the embassy is saying and understand what they mean. I am not saying this to humour you but, to help you. sometimes when we are in this situation its easy to be damm bitter and not focus on the issues at hand. so first step - your husband has to PROVE he knows YOU. I am not talking about simple stuff.. I am talking he has to really know about YOU apprently the embassy is getting a diffrent impression. Stop blaming the translater. there was something in the way that your husband communicated that left a diffrent impression. ok FINE. now address it.

as far as his e mails to you. ok have him keep sending emails to you. show the USICS all the proofs. get this monkey reaffirmed!!

Aicha ,the only thing that i can say is yur case is sent back to Homland security (on the back of your file) I130 or 129 the officer wrote (realtionship)thats all that means he want the homland security to make sure that the marriage is entered in a good faith not just for immigration benifits ,and 221g is NOT a denial if you take a look at it again you will see that they are asking for more process thats all ,are you a US citizen?if not that means you will have to wait untill you are a USC ,if you are he will be called for an other interview and he will be here for sure .

Thank you - I do know that the case has been sent back for further review - it has not been denied - I have not received an actual denial - and it was just my I-129 - he said he returned the I-130 also, but this was a lie - his office has never had my I-130 petition - it is still at the NVC - I have not paid the fees for it yet. Yes - I am a USC and yes in time I know my hsuband and I will leave Morocco together and walk hand in hand into the USA. My husband will never take this journey alone and I will not either - we are together - we will stay living together side by side through all of this.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 13:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Denial - Morocco, of course

shoot I forgot to add. if you and your husband speak a common language such as english . there would have never been a need for a translator. that in itself is a big RED FLAG. unles you both speak fluent language other than english. then I would see why the need for a translater- coz the embassy personel speak english. but if you ONLY speak english and your husband speak somethign else. then there was a translator the embassy would keep in their heads the entire interview
" how does this man communicate with this woman" . you understand? so thats why you have to prove the embassys idea is WRONG. not point fingers but show the proof.

My husband and I speak in combinations of three languages - arabic, english and french - I am fluent in english and speak some french and arabic - My husband is fluent in arabic and is getting fluent in english and speaks some french. We have been speaking for over a year - 14 months to be exact - we have been living together seven months out of that time. My current residency is in Morocco with my husband. The translator was called for one explanation because my hsuband wanted to answer the CO with no mistakes. We again, are not pointing fingers - there was misunderstandings - the opportunity was not given to provide proof - the woman asks him for proof, but walks away instead.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 13:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Denial - Morocco, of course

if you and your husband speak the same language whats the problem? apprently the embassy is under the impressing you both talk through a communication device such as babble fish. if this is not true then PROVE it. That is how you will over come this denial.

oh yeah and you have to prove your husband KNOWS you. apprently he knows only 3 things about you.

For one, this was only a very minimal of what actually transpired in this interview. I have a very lengthy letter that was drawn up of the entire interview and for her to come to the those conclusions was wrong - my husband tried to give this woman proof, she walked away and would not allow it. There were many more questions and I think if my husband only knew three things about me - I would not be here living with him.

then you have to provide the proof with your rebuttle. you must address each issue WORD FOR WORD. Drop the fabrication ideas. and refocus on how to get this over turned. basicly READ what the embassy is saying and understand what they mean. I am not saying this to humour you but, to help you. sometimes when we are in this situation its easy to be damm bitter and not focus on the issues at hand. so first step - your husband has to PROVE he knows YOU. I am not talking about simple stuff.. I am talking he has to really know about YOU apprently the embassy is getting a diffrent impression. Stop blaming the translater. there was something in the way that your husband communicated that left a diffrent impression. ok FINE. now address it.

as far as his e mails to you. ok have him keep sending emails to you. show the USICS all the proofs. get this monkey reaffirmed!!

Maybe you are not getting my point, so let me try this again - I know talking over computers can be very treacherous at times. In another post/reply here I attached a very detailed accounting of what transpired in our interview. My husband and I for one, speak to each other in three languages - last I knew that is great for the mind - my husband had problems with one of her questions because he was not quite sure how to explain the exact details of one question in particular - should nto be construed as we do not understand each other. My focus is on this every day - I do not get stuck on the fabrication ideas - that is merely a word I used to speak to all of you - does not mean I am stuck on it. I am working night and day and my hsuband is by my side - together we are working very hard to overturn this. I have read what the embassy said and I have rebutted it - the consulate chief only knows what she said - now he knows all detail by detail even my explanation of how I could see how she came up with some of her statements, but not solid proof and as he tried to give her eveidence she walked away never looking at our evidence - wrong on their part, not ours. I ca ngo through detail by detail and get this overturned - I am not worried about that - our life together is solid and we never have anyone communicate for us. No one can humor me on issues that just are not right, but I am not bitter about it either - I am very focused - my lawyer is very pleased with my progress in this matter - I have got more response then he has. As for my hsuband knowing me - he even sat down at the computer himself and sent a very detailed letter to the embassy about us and our relationship and he was very polite in that letter as well even after the way he was treated. I am not blaming the translator - I am not blaming anyone - jsut that there was miscommunication here and misunderstandings and assumptions made, not solid proof conclusions. I am addressing it everyday - it has become my 24/7 job. Your last comment about e-mails - why would my husband be sending me e-mails - we have been living together since November 2006. I am registered here and have residence papers. Another thing he could not pull out to show them.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 13:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Denial - Morocco, of course

This whole report of what the CO wrote in her report was fabricated.

It IS a tough situation.

That being said, why would a consulate go out of their way to "fabricate" a story against you and your husband, "personally"? I don't see what they would have to gain by doing so.

That's a very serious claim you are making..................and to make such a claim, you hopefully have something to back it up,

Because, if it's just your word against theirs....................and that's all you got, I don't think you will get very far.

Especially when they seem to have a pretty good argument and explanation for their side.........judging by that email.

You are right - it is a very serious claim, but you also do not know the CASA Consualte. Maybe fabrication was too strong of a word to use - but assumtive is not - feel free to read my attachment - it is a detailed account of my husband's interview - and at the same time please realize that this consulate is very good at lying and doing whatever they choose. And even sadder - the way interviews are done - it will always be my word against theirs - there are no tapings of said interviews by video or by voice - so basically the interviewee is always screwed fro mthe beginning if something does not go right in the interview. I can also go have an interview with someone and take things said at that interview and turn them to say what I want to report - does it make it right - no, not even close and if I thought the way you are telling me to think - I might as well throw in the towel right now and not fight for something that I know is right. The woman would not allow any pictures, no letters, no conversations , not even a statement written by me taht I have been living here - not even the stamped paper from there own office taht had my change of address registration with them. Never will I be one who will stand back and quit because there e-mail is such a good argument. Cases are tried in courts for both sides to be presented - I could have wrote that e-mail too - does not make it right.

Oops - hit the send button before the attachment - try this again. Obviously I have nothing to hide - I have communicated with these people, but I was lied to repeatedly by them in many e-mails - that is what I have going for my case - a lot of continued proof against them - even my attorney has been continually unanswered by this consulate.[attachment=3739:Detailed...2007__2_.doc]
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 11:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Denial - Morocco, of course

This whole report of what the CO wrote in her report was fabricated.

It IS a tough situation.

That being said, why would a consulate go out of their way to "fabricate" a story against you and your husband, "personally"? I don't see what they would have to gain by doing so.

That's a very serious claim you are making..................and to make such a claim, you hopefully have something to back it up,

Because, if it's just your word against theirs....................and that's all you got, I don't think you will get very far.

Especially when they seem to have a pretty good argument and explanation for their side.........judging by that email.

You are right - it is a very serious claim, but you also do not know the CASA Consualte. Maybe fabrication was too strong of a word to use - but assumtive is not - feel free to read my attachment - it is a detailed account of my husband's interview - and at the same time please realize that this consulate is very good at lying and doing whatever they choose. And even sadder - the way interviews are done - it will always be my word against theirs - there are no tapings of said interviews by video or by voice - so basically the interviewee is always screwed fro mthe beginning if something does not go right in the interview. I can also go have an interview with someone and take things said at that interview and turn them to say what I want to report - does it make it right - no, not even close and if I thought the way you are telling me to think - I might as well throw in the towel right now and not fight for something that I know is right. The woman would not allow any pictures, no letters, no conversations , not even a statement written by me taht I have been living here - not even the stamped paper from there own office taht had my change of address registration with them. Never will I be one who will stand back and quit because there e-mail is such a good argument. Cases are tried in courts for both sides to be presented - I could have wrote that e-mail too - does not make it right.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 11:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Denial - Morocco, of course

if you and your husband speak the same language whats the problem? apprently the embassy is under the impressing you both talk through a communication device such as babble fish. if this is not true then PROVE it. That is how you will over come this denial.

oh yeah and you have to prove your husband KNOWS you. apprently he knows only 3 things about you.

For one, this was only a very minimal of what actually transpired in this interview. I have a very lengthy letter that was drawn up of the entire interview and for her to come to the those conclusions was wrong - my husband tried to give this woman proof, she walked away and would not allow it. There were many more questions and I think if my husband only knew three things about me - I would not be here living with him.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 10:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Denial - Morocco, of course
sorry this posted twice - not sure why!
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 10:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Denial - Morocco, of course
I was vasked about my situation and if I had informed the VJ of my situation - No I had not as of yet - been really caught up in the process of fighting this denial. I did update my timeline and put a note in my profile - but now I will try to give details of our situation.

Our interview for a K-3 VISA was on March 21, 2007 at 8 am with the wonderful Casablanca, Morocco consulate. I know this consulate has had a lot of mixed review and according to our lawyer this consulates denial rate is over 50 percent. I would love to add our detailed step by step interview, but it is quite large. Through many daily contacts and lies from the consulate - I finally got the confirmation date of return of our papers and also the reason for denial. Mind you I contacted them daily and finally sent out a very long letter to the Ambassador, the Consulate General and teh Cosulate Chief Officer - with this I got the specific reasons for denial. Here is that response:

This is in response to your recent e-mail message to Ambassador Riley and Consul General Greene regarding the Immigrant Visa case of your husband, Mr. Mourad Hattari..

The record indicates that, despite the assistance of an English-, French- and Arabic-speaking interpretor during the interview, Mr. Hattari could provide very few details about is his relationship with you other than your name, occupation, number of children, and birthday. When asked how you met and communicate, he could not specify the website via which you initally made contact, simply saying that it was shown to him by a friend. He also said that he largely relies on friends not only to handle written e-mail communication with you while you were in the U.S., but also for verbal communication when you're in Morocco.

Mr. Hattari was given numerous opportunities during the interview to provide information in his native language about you and your relationship, but was only able to provide the bare minimum cited above. Therefore, the Consular Officer returned the file including the original I-130 petition (which is standard procedure in such cases) to the Department of Homeland Security's United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) via the National Visa Center for a further review of the of the relationship. Unfortunately, this office has no authority over the case at this time and to seek information about its status, you need to contact the USCIS National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283.

I trust you find this information helpful.

Do I find it helpful - lol - NO! This whole report of what the CO wrote in her report was fabricated. She took details from our interview to turn them into something else that was never said. Example - her question "How did you learn english?" My hsuband's response "I learned from friends." The translator was provided for one question - that question was what is the member directory? ( referring to yahoo personals member directory) and my hsuband had a hard time trying to explain the details of how that system works, so he was provided a translator for that one purpose. The woman through this entire interview used norrible body language, hand gestures and made numerous disgraceful faces - what a nice impression she made. She finally at the end of the interview asked my hsuband for our proof of rrelationship and as he was trying to show her everything, including my residency here, she handed him the 221(g) and walked away not even allowing him the chance to show her anything. This is a rundown of our experience and I even have a lawyer - the consulate will not respond to him at all, not even one time. The Consulate Chief Officer told me in the reply above that he returned our I-130/CR1 - this was another lie of theirs - my lawyer said our CR1 is ion process at the NVC and plus I have not paid the fees on it yet, so it has never left the states to even come here yet. This is how this Consulate works - they don't! My lawyer even went on to tell me that we should divorce and marry in another country or at least try to get to anotehr country and get residency papers and then we would go through that country's consulate instead - I was applaed at my lawyer for this - I need him to do his job, not give me things that just are not an option finacially or emotionall!

Well there it is - a brief description of our journey so far - not a fun one.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 10:23:00