Middle East and North AfricaWhere does some go from here?

Esalaamu Aleikum Rahmat Allah dearest Aicha!
I pray this finds you in the highest form of faith, understanding and sisterhood. I can only imagine what you are going throu dearest sister.
I myself, have jumped the hurdles of bureaucratic BS and red tape in my husband's country. And I myself, still waiting for Algerian residency...thanks to John Walsh and the new CO here. I keep thinking if I could have only filed last year, when several others had filed DCF and gotten approvals within a month. And I hit my head against the wall, cos I know the conidtion of my dh (if we were in the US) would be solved by now. He would be walking...getting meds that he needs.
But no... Allah destined us for us something else. WHat I cannot say... but I do say BarakuAllah fik my sister. I sa your petition and signed. I comend your efforts and pray Allah ease your suffering and trails.
I do wonder sister, since I see you are filing k3 you are legally married... how can the Morrocan goverment deny you residency? ALgeria is not Morroco, true, but I do not understand how a country can deny residency when it based on marriage? Enchallah I will try to look into and enchallah maybe find you some light in the tunnel. INNA LILLAHI WA INNA ILAHI RAJI'UN Be strong my sister and remember Allah only gives what He can take away. You are in my duúa!

Shukran bezaf for all of your comments - they really meant a lot! My faith has always been my stronghold in life and i can only do my best to try and seek and understand god's plans for me and my husband - and I will do my best to do what he is asking of our life in this struggle. I am so sorry for your struggles also and I can see that your faith is also very high with Allah and that is wonderful - you too keep fighting for what you know he wants from you. What is wrong with your husband, if I may ask? I will say lots of prayers for you also - I feel I am always praying now and Allah must have an open ear with my name on it.

I only understand how corrupt things are here - I have seen so much and anytime you give these people money - they will jump though hoops for what you want. the police here are shocked by what this man did to us and we will continue to fight the powers that be, but until then we need to follow the laws. you also will continue to be in my duùa!
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-12 18:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere does some go from here?
Thank you for your comment
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-12 17:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere does some go from here?

wow , aicha, this is really terrible news for you! :( i always thought you could just stay there as well if you married him! that is really strange they denied you like that. i know you don't want to spend the money, but maybe a bus ride to algeria would do the trick? i can't imagine that would be terribly expensive? i don't know the border rules between the two countries, but i would look into it rather than leave your husband! what about a ferry to spain? i wish you luck :(

Thanks - we will do what we need to do - I still really feel inside there is reason for us to go through this - maybe it is because I am one to start fighting this system - I am not sure yet. But they will not keep us away from each other for long - if I have to just come back here and do this all over again - I will. Right now we are still absorbing I guess you could say and the tears are still flowing - we have a little time to make decisions and we will take time to do that - we are not going to rush into rash decisions that could hurt us. I also do not think I would be too hot on going to Algeria right now - I am sure it is beautiful and it would be a quick in and out, but it is bad enough dealing with the terrorist activity here - do not need to add Algeria on to it - it is worse there.

It is not strange if you know Kenitra - the police here are more corrupt then in other cities - the man is angry because we would not give him money and we brought in people more important them him to get him to finish our papers - he took two and a half months just to process them and it should not have taken that long. I know people who have got them in just a few days because they gave them money. I am tired of having to pay people off to get things done and it is not right - I want things done legal - I want nothing to come back and haunt us for my husband's VISA. Thanks for your wishes!
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-12 16:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere does some go from here?

Aicha sorry you now have more problems maybe someday all this will be brought to the right persons attention that can start the improvement of things. Maybe since your papers were sent wrong your representative can request some special reviewing for you. (F)

Thank you - the Senator is getting them to express mail my CR1 to the NVC, but the NVC will only agree to expedite the process - they said it was the mistake of the CSC not the NVC, so they do not have to show us special services. I do not know how long expediting will take, but I pray it will go quickly. But then again, if the Morocco CO does not decide to re-open, it will only continue to be delayed.

I just know we have done everything by the book and I am tired of these people hurting all of us and it is time for it to stop - I will stand on my convictions and I will make sure this is heard somehow, somewhere - with or without help. I have God on my side - he will give me the strength to fight this.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-12 15:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere does some go from here?

Aicha I am just so sorry for what you and your family are going through with the immigration ordeal. Obviously you have sacrificed a great deal and your husband is very lucky to have someone like you in his corner. All I can say is that if you truly believe that all of your sacrifices are worth it, then continue to soldier on. I sincerely hope everything works out for you and your family.

P.S. Can you keep getting your tourist visa renewed to stay with your husband?

Thank you for your comments - I have tried and the man at the Foreigner's office said No - and I know all they want is money because things are so corrupt here, but I just can not continue to pour out money to these people. We will do what we have to do, but anyone who knows Kenitra, in particular, will know what I am talking about. I could leave and come back, but financially we can not keep doing that either.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-12 15:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere does some go from here?

Salaam Aicha,

It's good to see your resilience and determination for justice and equality in the immigration process. I commend you for your inner strength and wholeheartedly agree that we, as those who have petitioned successfully or also as those who have had unfair denials for legitimate family relationships and/or known anyone faced with the heartache of a denial, need to join collectively as a community to help bring about positive change in Immigration Policy. If we take a more proactive role at the grassroots level especially, I think that our voices will be heard. My heart goes out to you for what you have had to endure, and I am well aware of the emotional anguish we go through about an unsure future with our husbands or fiances. Even though my journey has just begun, I have been reading about what you, Kiya, Limah, brionkiegurl, and others have been through, and when I see others stand up for their rights, I am inspired to perservere. We are all Sisters in this struggle and should join hands to help one another.

Regarding your temporary visitor visa in Morocco, when I was in Fes, they told me the same thing at the Police station about being able to stay for a longer period, if needed. I am not sure but I think you can just leave the country in June (might be more economical to just go to Algeria or another neighboring country by land), and then re-enter to start another 4 month visitor period. I think another option would be to apply for the Permament Residence permit at a Moroccan consulate aborad while you are outside the country. Maybe someone else could shed light on this.

Allah Muk,

Salaam Iysha,

Thank you so much for your words - they meant the world to me - you have no idea! I will continue to stay strong in all of this, but I will never give up on this fight to free all of us from this unjust process we all endure.

I wish I had the money to keep leaving and re-entering the country, but I do not and I will not continue to take money away for our future to justify what these people are doing to us. Incha Allah - God will open the doors I am to go through and he will show me purpose to all of this nightmare - if the purpose is for me to start making a stand for all who need this - then that is what I am going to do - it is obviously long overdue to be done.

We did file for the residence permit - this is what they gave me - I can sit here and continue to fight with them, but it would be more productive for me to fight for my husband's VISA. Thank you again so much and you are right - we are all sisters in this process and together all of our voices can and will be heard.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-12 15:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhere does some go from here?
I do not know how to feel anymore - I thought I would be okay through all of this - even when we kept getting screwed by all of the processes and how they handled our case. First our denial on our K3 and then finding out the reasons were just so out of context and then finding out that our CR1 petition was approved January 31 and should have been in process at the NVC, but my Senator finds out that the CSC erroneously sent it to storage instead of to the NVC! Now we are having to wait even longer for the processing of it. But I still thought I would be okay because my husband and I were together.

I sold everything I own to move to his country to live side by side with my husband until we could return together to the states to start and build out future together. The police and authorities here all told me the same thing - you have nothing to worry about - you can stay here for years, no problem. We did what we were supposed to do and filed my papers here - I went through the interview and the papers were sent off to Rabat for approval stamping - little did we know the man at the Foreigner's Office here requested that I only be given four months. He said we should not have needed any more time than that. We filed all the papers we needed to get my residence permit, which is good for 10 years. But this man screwed us - after two and a half months of waiting - we got our papers back and they only gave me until June 20 to stay here in this country - not a residence permit, only a temporary VISA stamp in my passport. We asked if they will extend it - can we file more papers - the man told us No!

So now not only are we having to endure the American government, but now also the Moroccan government. I do not understand how these people actually sleep at night with their selves - really! My husband and I have shared the last three days now just watching each other and tears falling - we do not even know where to go from here - we both hurt so much more then we can even explain. Both of our families are beside themselves - the hurt is tenfold for all of us!

I am not standing by anymore while the governments of this world continue to do this to innocent people who just try so hard to follow the laws that govern us in life. I am preparing letters/articles to be submitted to any and all media agencies, as well as government agencies. I am not sitting on my hands anymore - it is time we all stand up for our rights and the right to have a process that is fair and just for those that follow the law to do it right. I am so tired of just sitting back and hearing story after story of complete heartbreak in so many people - I really do not understand how so many people in this system over the years have just not done anything to change this. I can not sit back and watch one more person have to bare these atrocities.

Right now I do not even have money to fight this - I have spent every dime I had to fight our own process and denials and on and on, but I will find a way to make this happen, if I have to start walking across America to make a point! I for one can not handle one more hang in there - stay strong comment - I will stay strong by fighting this system and getting the national public to pay attention to what is happening to innocent people who are just trying to love and marry and be happy and do it legally!!
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-12 12:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca, Morocco CO
:thumbs: Okay - I have some good news and hopefully it will hold true. My husband's father knows a man who works with the offices of interior in Rabat and he called to tell us that the CO is set to open back up next week - I hope this happens and we can all get back on to our scheduled cases through the CO soon. If there is any more information before then I will continue to post it here for you all. :dance: :D
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-15 16:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca, Morocco CO

I don't think that once the consulate re-opens they would try to catch up and process the cases any faster than before. The back log will probably just result in longer waiting times to get an interview date.

This is sad, but you are probably right in this one.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-15 10:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca, Morocco CO

(the paying of money to send emails inside does not surprise me, Morocco capitalizes on any situation to make money) -

Now "Morocco" is capitalizing on this? Just because a couple guys are standing outside selling some emails, doesn't mean Morocco is capitalizing on this. Hell, this is tame in comparison to the sick Americans who try to sell pieces of the World Trade Center. This kind of thing happens everywhere.

Excuse my wording - and yes it is tame comparing to what a lot of Americans do to capitalize on a lot of tragedies in America or around the world for that matter - I have seen the amount of things that get sold over ebay from many tragedies and I think it is sickening! That is fine if people want to find a way to make more money here in Morocco - God knows they need to - life here is very hard. So my wording was wrong and for that I will apologize. What i was meaning to say is it is sad to see that another tragedy can make people money. I did not go into it and used the wrong words. My mind is just on the main issue at hand, not another discussion that could have a topic of its own.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-15 10:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca, Morocco CO
[quote name='peezey' post='910569' date='May 15 2007, 03:17 PM'][quote name='aicha' post='910529' date='May 15 2007, 09:55 AM'][quote name='mybackpages' post='910510'

I understand that and believe me I know nothing is simple in doing anything when it comes to things of this nature, but it still is a temporary solution that could work. They obviously want to spend some time to make future security measures effective, this temporary solution would give them that time. And yes I do understand that they are two different functioning places and that it is not a public building - it does not mean it can not be done.[/quote]

How can it be a temporary situation? You say you don't know if we've been to the embassy, but do you understand that it is ILLEGAL for a regular Moroccan to touch the grounds of the embassy? The perimeter and the building is US soil, not Moroccan soil. When there are security concerns the very last thing the US will do is open the embassy up to wider traffic. Spending time to be more secure in the future is not going to include making the embassy secure to let Moroccans in for visa business, when there is history of bombings. This makes zero sense.

Everyone is coming at this with the perspective of needing something from the government, but keep in mind, YOU are not the customer of the consulate during the visa process, the petitioners, your SO's, are.

Just trying to help peezey - I understand a lot of this that everyone is saying - and I was not disagreeing with anyone - just opening up the discussion for solutions - and if it is illegal than fine, but if they do not do something soon it is going to make their lives very miserable just trying to catch up. I am thinking of them, not just us. And I do understand fully that the beneficiary is the one going there, not the USC. This is just a discussion, not a plan. And let me add to the fact that the suicide bombings that have taken place here are nothing compared to Iraq or Algeria. The way the Casa CO sits right now - if these bombers were really out to hurt someone - there bombs would be far greater and done during open hours of service - not minimizing the acts at all, just giving an opinion. Plus on top of that - the Casa CO is open to one of the biggest main roads in Casa and if they really wanted to hurt us or our government, they would just be driving down the road with a car bomb like they do in Iraq. I just feel there are solutions and the door to solutions should open a little to help their own processes and their own backlogs that are being created in this lengthy closure.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-15 10:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca, Morocco CO

Many embassies have consular sections, so I don't think that moving interviews to Rabat should be out of the realm of possibility.

Why would they spend the time and money to secure the embassy for consular activities at the same time they are securing the consulate?

I think both of you are correct. It's not out of the realm of possibility and I would bet it was something that came up in the discussion on how to move forward. At the same time I believe it would have not been a popular idea due to the expense of total reorganization of the entire staff.

I am not sure if any of you have been to the embassy in Rabat, but this place is secure - it is just an option to speak about if it is needed - I am sure they are discussing it if need be - I do not think they would have to spend any money on securing Rabat for consular activities - they also do not need to do full service either and certain services can be scheduled for certain days - not every day of the week. You can very easily schedule these days - people and businesses do this all the time in America - you spend one day here and the rest at the other job site. There are several Consulate Officers and each week one could be the one to do services in Rabat. I have had to organize things like this before for government programs and they work very well. I just think that there can be temporary solutions to this instead of creating the amazing backlog that is becoming apparent. I figure they must do around 50 or more interviews a week and i am sure I am being conservative - the amount of time they have been closed now is creating an undue hardship on them as well as us - I would not want to be in their shoes when it is re-opened and their moods are going to be far from nice. The longer they take to make a solution, whether it be temporary or permanent, the longer the cases build up and then their jobs become enormous. I am thinking of them as much as us here. So I do not believe they would have to do a total re-organization - it is just a temporary solution that can be limited in the amount of time and staff.

The embassy is not the same thing as the consulate. The embassay is not a public building. They have two very different functions in the world of international relations. It is not as simple as opening an office in the building to do the work.

I understand that and believe me I know nothing is simple in doing anything when it comes to things of this nature, but it still is a temporary solution that could work. They obviously want to spend some time to make future security measures effective, this temporary solution would give them that time. And yes I do understand that they are two different functioning places and that it is not a public building - it does not mean it can not be done.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-15 09:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca, Morocco CO
Okay I have checked the other threads - and not saying the information is wrong, but I do know the CO is still closed to the public. They have staff working there and it is open to only staff members. Their concern is re-opening to the public without having more secure security forces in affect to not only protect them, but to also protect all of the people who stand outside waiting in line and across the street - these people in the latter are at serious risk if there were to be another terrorist attempt on a full fledged working day. I understand that some people are being told - wait they may open - (the paying of money to send emails inside does not surprise me, Morocco capitalizes on any situation to make money) - and it is good that people keep going there to check on a daily basis, it lets the CO still see that services are needed and people are trying and waiting patiently.

At this moment in time - they are still closed - and I do believe that the non-immigrant VISA's being handled out of country are for only visitor, work and student non-immigrant VISA's. All other VISA's are still being held here - for those who have not filed their papers yet and if their fiancé or husband can take residence in another country, maybe with family or a friend, then those papers can be filed with the new place of residence. So I guess everyone's situation just depends on how far you are into the process of things. I am watching everyday for news of re-opening or anything else that comes out on the CO in Casa - I am doing my best to pass along as much information as possible. i hope this answers questions - God bless you all in your processes!
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-15 09:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca, Morocco CO

Many embassies have consular sections, so I don't think that moving interviews to Rabat should be out of the realm of possibility.

Why would they spend the time and money to secure the embassy for consular activities at the same time they are securing the consulate?

I think both of you are correct. It's not out of the realm of possibility and I would bet it was something that came up in the discussion on how to move forward. At the same time I believe it would have not been a popular idea due to the expense of total reorganization of the entire staff.

I am not sure if any of you have been to the embassy in Rabat, but this place is secure - it is just an option to speak about if it is needed - I am sure they are discussing it if need be - I do not think they would have to spend any money on securing Rabat for consular activities - they also do not need to do full service either and certain services can be scheduled for certain days - not every day of the week. You can very easily schedule these days - people and businesses do this all the time in America - you spend one day here and the rest at the other job site. There are several Consulate Officers and each week one could be the one to do services in Rabat. I have had to organize things like this before for government programs and they work very well. I just think that there can be temporary solutions to this instead of creating the amazing backlog that is becoming apparent. I figure they must do around 50 or more interviews a week and i am sure I am being conservative - the amount of time they have been closed now is creating an undue hardship on them as well as us - I would not want to be in their shoes when it is re-opened and their moods are going to be far from nice. The longer they take to make a solution, whether it be temporary or permanent, the longer the cases build up and then their jobs become enormous. I am thinking of them as much as us here. So I do not believe they would have to do a total re-organization - it is just a temporary solution that can be limited in the amount of time and staff.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-15 09:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca, Morocco CO

Many embassies have consular sections, so I don't think that moving interviews to Rabat should be out of the realm of possibility.

I agree with you on this - it could just be a temporary solution so the Casa office is not getting so backlogged. No one says it would have to be full fledged service like Casa, but at least trying to keep up with some of the incoming interviews, especially ones close to expiration.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-14 17:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca, Morocco CO

Cheryl (Aicha), could you please check to see if the consulate opened as posted in the other threads? Since you're in Kenitra I figure you're final word on this.

What other threads? and last I looked - it was still closed as of tonight. I am checking everyday - sometimes more than a few times. Will go do some checking again.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-14 16:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca, Morocco CO
I understand everything everyone is saying here - everyone has good points.

There has always been life in the CO - they have continued to do simple services and have very few personnel in the office. You will get response from there - it just takes more time right now.

As for the move to do some services in Rabat - was just a temporary solution if this build for a more secure situation takes an exceptional amount of time. I do believe the building they were looking into is over by the airport.

I did not mean for people to send in angry letters or anything like that - just maybe some helpful solutions or suggestions - I do not feel there is anything wrong with that - it is just showing that we care too about this situation and are trying to support and help. It is the same when something happens in the USA - everyone is encouraged to contact their congress or Senate. These are all merely suggestions, but done with support of solutions.

Maybe if we as a group continue a discussion on solutions for this we will come up with something for all concerned.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-14 16:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca, Morocco CO
Just to clarify on this subject - there is a difference between what they are telling you for non-immigrant VISA (K's) and immigrant VISA (CR1, etc.) I am pasting that info for you below.

The U.S. Consulate General in Casablanca continues to provide passport and emergency services for American citizens. Residents of Morocco seeking nonimmigrant (visitor) visas to the United States with urgent travel needs may wish to consider applying at U.S. Embassies located in nearby countries. The following is a list of Internet sites providing information on visa application procedures at U.S. embassies in other countries where Moroccan citizens may wish to apply:

(list of country websites)

Moroccan applicants for immigrant visas and Diversity Program (“Lottery”) visas will be contacted about the future processing of their cases once normal operations resume at the Consulate.

here is the direct website and then you just click on next to get to the rest of the notice.

Good luck to all!
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-14 10:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca, Morocco CO
I feel like I am the barer (sp) of bad news!

I think everyone who is going through Morocco really needs to be aware of what is currently happening here. The Ambassador to the US Consulate is trying very hard to make sure that the CO stay closed until the Moroccan authorities agree to build a secure wall around the CO in Casa. For those who have interviews waiting or interviews coming soon - this creates a problem for all of us. They are advising all people to go to neighboring countries to pursue their VISA's. The Ambassador is being very headstrong on this and if he has his way, the CO will not be opening anytime soon.

Me, myself I do not understand why they can not just move the services to Rabat, where that Embassy is very secure, until they fix the security issues and concerns. It might be a worthwhile thing for everyone through Morocco to maybe start sending letters to the Ambassador in Rabat - this could be a major problem for all of us. Even if Morocco agrees with putting up the wall around the Casa CO - it could still take months to complete, which still leaves all of us waiting.

Any ideas on this issue? I am looking into this more - but i do know it is on the front pages of newspapers here. And the Embassy website is now stating that they are working with Moroccan Authorities to fix the issue and they are giving referral websites to all the nearby countries for VISA information.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-14 09:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespleaaaze help !

I'm so confused and have one question.
in Immirgant visa for spouse IR1 after you pay the immigration visa processing fee bill and the NVC send you the instruction packet form DS.230 and the list of the required papers.will I have to send the form and the papes to the NVC or just take them with me to the interview appointement???!!!


I'm pretty sure you can find the answer here. Find your embassy in the list, click and it will tell you where what to send :)

She is correct and I sent you the same link in your other post. Just remember to make two or three copies of everything you send in so you have your own record of it all and also so you can take it with you when your interview is scheduled. Just because you have sent it all in to the NVC - does not mean it will actually show up at the interview, so better safe then sorry to keep all copied and in your own folder, just in case you are asked for it, you can show you did it. You will be sending it all into the NVC. DO NOT FORGET the NVC case number on the top of every piece of paper you send in. Good luck!
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-18 08:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImmigtation visa processing(form DS.230) fee bill is coming ,what next ?
Try the following link - it is very useful - it will give you all the details you need. Just remember to not send in anything without your notices and to make sure your case number from the NVC is at the top of each and every piece of paper submitted.


In the drop down list you will select your country's consulate. Good luck and hope this helps - I know it helped me!
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-18 07:55:00
USCIS Service CentersLost I-130/CR1 Petition

Some of you know my situation - so I am not going to cover it again - my question is has anyone else had the experience of a lost petition at a service center after it has been approved???

Our K3 was denied, so our Senator was trying to get our CR1 pushed though on an expedited situation - there was an approval notice sent to our lawyer and so the lawyer's office thought the CR1 petiton was at the NVC by now. The problem is that the USCIS and the NVC both have no idea where our petition is - what another joke in the process of how the immigration system works!!

So now our petition is in investigation mode to find where it is! Are there any other experiences in this situation??

our paper file including all the documents we submitted with the I-130 were sent to the california service center to do the background check for the Adam Walsh Act around the first of feb. the background was noted in the computer file as complete on april 2nd. the problem is that the consulate has been requesting the paper file be returned from the CA service center since then. basically the consulate is treating it as a lost file and we had to re-submit all the original documents along with new I-130 and ds-230. i've called my senators and both have gotten no response from CA service center. according to the senator's liasons, you are lucky if you get a response in 90 days.

I am so sorry for what you are also going through! Luckily on our end the Senator has gotten response and she is not very nice about it - the post before your post has her stated message to me after she found out what they did with our file - I can not believe they actually sent it to the storage unit!!!

any idea who your senator contacted to find out about your file being sent for storage?

Sorry - I do not know the exact person she spoke with - I only know it was at the CSC.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-04 08:59:00
USCIS Service CentersLost I-130/CR1 Petition

Some of you know my situation - so I am not going to cover it again - my question is has anyone else had the experience of a lost petition at a service center after it has been approved???

Our K3 was denied, so our Senator was trying to get our CR1 pushed though on an expedited situation - there was an approval notice sent to our lawyer and so the lawyer's office thought the CR1 petiton was at the NVC by now. The problem is that the USCIS and the NVC both have no idea where our petition is - what another joke in the process of how the immigration system works!!

So now our petition is in investigation mode to find where it is! Are there any other experiences in this situation??

our paper file including all the documents we submitted with the I-130 were sent to the california service center to do the background check for the Adam Walsh Act around the first of feb. the background was noted in the computer file as complete on april 2nd. the problem is that the consulate has been requesting the paper file be returned from the CA service center since then. basically the consulate is treating it as a lost file and we had to re-submit all the original documents along with new I-130 and ds-230. i've called my senators and both have gotten no response from CA service center. according to the senator's liasons, you are lucky if you get a response in 90 days.

I am so sorry for what you are also going through! Luckily on our end the Senator has gotten response and she is not very nice about it - the post before your post has her stated message to me after she found out what they did with our file - I can not believe they actually sent it to the storage unit!!!
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-03 18:48:00
USCIS Service CentersLost I-130/CR1 Petition
Let's add to the insult - here is the next message I received from the Senator - you will love this one!!

"I just discovered that the CSC erroneously sent the file to the National Records Center (NRC) for storage. CSC has agreed to get the file back from St. Louis and express mail it to the NVC. This explains the delay. I should hear more from the CSC shortly and have asked them to confirm the shipment date so that I can alert the NVC for the arrival. Thanks again for your patience, and I will be in touch."

Anyone say immigration reform - do I cry or get angry - wow, what a choice!!
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-03 13:29:00
USCIS Service CentersLost I-130/CR1 Petition

After everything you have been through, I cannot believe what I am reading. It kills me to think this can happen at any stage of this process, to anyone...let alone someone who is dealing with the return process.

What happens if they cannot find it? If they tell you to file it again, I would be having my senator contact the USCIS for expedited processing. This is just ridiculous.

I hope another member chimes in who this may have happened to before.

(F) ~Kiyah~ (F)

Thank you for your comments Kiyah - I was going ot post this on the other board, but was having problems getting logged in - I think the site was having a few bugs. Anyways, will post it later.

But you are right - talk about sending my emotions into another stream of feeling everything and anything. I really appreciate your continued support and words - it helps to know that people care because the government sure does not care about any of us or the things we go through - if it is the last thing I do - I am going to get this known to the world and get this immigration act reformed once and for all.

For those that this process goes smoothly - I am so very happy for you - I can not even begin to tell you that I would never wish this on anyone, not even my worst enemy's!!! And my heart and soul goes out to those who are fighting for their rights to love and marry the person of their choice!!!
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-03 10:56:00
USCIS Service CentersLost I-130/CR1 Petition
Some of you know my situation - so I am not going to cover it again - my question is has anyone else had the experience of a lost petition at a service center after it has been approved???

Our K3 was denied, so our Senator was trying to get our CR1 pushed though on an expedited situation - there was an approval notice sent to our lawyer and so the lawyer's office thought the CR1 petiton was at the NVC by now. The problem is that the USCIS and the NVC both have no idea where our petition is - what another joke in the process of how the immigration system works!!

So now our petition is in investigation mode to find where it is! Are there any other experiences in this situation??

aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-03 08:27:00
Asia: East and PacificWe got married!!

Congratulations on your marriage - may God Bless your lives together and remember to never waste a single moment - everyone of them is precious!

aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-14 06:14:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBeing interviewed for K-3 in a third country (not my native country or US)

This is so crazy.. YOU ARE LIVING IN MOROCCO wth him.. and they are denying your petition.

and I see some of these marriage broker bimbos getting the visas left and right. These girls cannot possibly know all the personal info of these men they meet on the russian trips and then the guys go back home , apply for the 129f and they get approved and then you are actually LIVING with him and they say NO... Whats the deal? You are living with him and you even have SHEEP together.. I want to get so mad I cannot stand it. Makes a person very afraid to do the K3 for fear you will be stuck in some horrible twilight situation. I have seen several of these in Morocco. Whats the deal with the Moroccan consulate?

I wish I could answer that - yes, it is crazy, but I am stuck in this situation for the time being. I can only pray that it gets worked out - the Senator on my case is trying to get things expedited - they were not too happy when they seen the papers were returned. From what I am finding out about the Morocco CO - it is a 50/50 shot for anyone walking in there. We have a lot of things together, but the CO did not seem to care about seeing any of it. Thanks for the comments though!

Cheryl (Aicha)
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-20 18:27:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBeing interviewed for K-3 in a third country (not my native country or US)

My husband and I got married last September in the U.S. and he submitted I-130 in late February. We have received NOA-1. Now we are planning to also try the K-3 route as well.
I am not living in the U.S. nor in my native country (where I have my passport from), but living in a third country due to my work. We haven't submitted the I-129F form yet.
I think the policy is that if you got married in the U.S., you need to be interviewed in your country of "residence." Does this mean a country where you have your official residence (like permanent residence -- more like your native country), or simply where you "live"?

So my question is:
1. Is it possible to be interviewed in the third country where I live in now? Any delays, difficulties, additional forms expected if I decide to go this route?

Thank you!

The K-3 visa interview must take place in the country of marriage (unless married in the US). If married in the US, the interview takes place in the country of your residence, so yes, if you are legally resident in this mysterious 3rd country and indicate that's your residence on your I-129f petition, that is where your interview will go.
A similar thing to our case--I'm US, my husband was UK, he lived in Greece. We filed our entire case through Athens.

Normally, the Embassy in the 3rd country needs to know that you have 6+ months of legal forward stay there. IE: you have a visa that allows you to remain there for the coming 6 months.

I am going to get you two sets of information on this - I happen to be having problems in our consulate, so have been getting information on this very area - not that i am going to do this, but it will answer your questions I hope. So I am just copying and pasting the info out of my e-mail directly from my attorney - here they are:

1) Another option would be to divorce and remarry in another country so that we can process through a more friendly Consulate. Morocco is more of a problem than other jurisdictions. We had a recent case where there was a problem with the Ho Chi Minh Consulate in Vietnam, another PIA Consulate. The couple then married in Jamaica and we processed there. The Jamaican Consulate wanted to know what is going on and we told them about problems at Ho Chi Minh. The Kingston staff then contacted Ho Chi Minh directly and asked for comment. When Kingston received a reply from Ho Chi Minh, the officer forwarded it to me with his comment: "That's ridiculous!" The spousal visa was issued in Kingston. My suggestion would be that you set the record now with Morocco, but do not expect them to issue the visa. It is likely they will not do so. You need to consider moving the case to another Consulate and processing there with explanation. Thank you.

2) Jurisdiction for CR processing is set at the foreigner's place of residence, not the place of marriage. If we could get residency status for your husband in a country other than Morocco, perhaps we could solve the problem.

Good Luck in your endeavor - I hope I have helped in some way.

Very interesting that your attorney would make these suggestions. This practice is known as 'consulate shopping' and is frowned upon if the COs get wind of it. You should be aware that there can still be delays when using this approach, as the 3rd country Consulate will not be familiar with the foreign documents and may send them out---may have their antennae put up because they wonder what the applicant is trying to hide.
I know Casa is a tricky Consulate, but proceed with caution.

Yes, he told me that it was referred to as consulate shopping. I am not even considering this road - to me it is unethical - I did not marry my husband to turn around and divorce him - let alone we are not rich with money. I will continue to go the route we are going and work with Senator's - my lawyer is kind of being pushed out of the picture at the moment.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-20 10:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBeing interviewed for K-3 in a third country (not my native country or US)

My husband and I got married last September in the U.S. and he submitted I-130 in late February. We have received NOA-1. Now we are planning to also try the K-3 route as well.
I am not living in the U.S. nor in my native country (where I have my passport from), but living in a third country due to my work. We haven't submitted the I-129F form yet.
I think the policy is that if you got married in the U.S., you need to be interviewed in your country of "residence." Does this mean a country where you have your official residence (like permanent residence -- more like your native country), or simply where you "live"?

So my question is:
1. Is it possible to be interviewed in the third country where I live in now? Any delays, difficulties, additional forms expected if I decide to go this route?

Thank you!

I am going to get you two sets of information on this - I happen to be having problems in our consulate, so have been getting information on this very area - not that i am going to do this, but it will answer your questions I hope. So I am just copying and pasting the info out of my e-mail directly from my attorney - here they are:

1) Another option would be to divorce and remarry in another country so that we can process through a more friendly Consulate. Morocco is more of a problem than other jurisdictions. We had a recent case where there was a problem with the Ho Chi Minh Consulate in Vietnam, another PIA Consulate. The couple then married in Jamaica and we processed there. The Jamaican Consulate wanted to know what is going on and we told them about problems at Ho Chi Minh. The Kingston staff then contacted Ho Chi Minh directly and asked for comment. When Kingston received a reply from Ho Chi Minh, the officer forwarded it to me with his comment: "That's ridiculous!" The spousal visa was issued in Kingston. My suggestion would be that you set the record now with Morocco, but do not expect them to issue the visa. It is likely they will not do so. You need to consider moving the case to another Consulate and processing there with explanation. Thank you.

2) Jurisdiction for CR processing is set at the foreigner's place of residence, not the place of marriage. If we could get residency status for your husband in a country other than Morocco, perhaps we could solve the problem.

Good Luck in your endeavor - I hope I have helped in some way.

Hi, thank you for the response. Regarding 2) from your attorney, my question is, what is the "residency status" that your husband can get. If he simply moves to another country and live there for a while, that means "residency" in a country? I'm working in this country (not the country of my passport or the U.S.) for about a year under a non-immigrant visa. Would it count as "residence"?

I believe that meauxna answered this question in their post. So did not want to make another post on the same information. good luck
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-20 09:59:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBeing interviewed for K-3 in a third country (not my native country or US)

My husband and I got married last September in the U.S. and he submitted I-130 in late February. We have received NOA-1. Now we are planning to also try the K-3 route as well.
I am not living in the U.S. nor in my native country (where I have my passport from), but living in a third country due to my work. We haven't submitted the I-129F form yet.
I think the policy is that if you got married in the U.S., you need to be interviewed in your country of "residence." Does this mean a country where you have your official residence (like permanent residence -- more like your native country), or simply where you "live"?

So my question is:
1. Is it possible to be interviewed in the third country where I live in now? Any delays, difficulties, additional forms expected if I decide to go this route?

Thank you!

I am going to get you two sets of information on this - I happen to be having problems in our consulate, so have been getting information on this very area - not that i am going to do this, but it will answer your questions I hope. So I am just copying and pasting the info out of my e-mail directly from my attorney - here they are:

1) Another option would be to divorce and remarry in another country so that we can process through a more friendly Consulate. Morocco is more of a problem than other jurisdictions. We had a recent case where there was a problem with the Ho Chi Minh Consulate in Vietnam, another PIA Consulate. The couple then married in Jamaica and we processed there. The Jamaican Consulate wanted to know what is going on and we told them about problems at Ho Chi Minh. The Kingston staff then contacted Ho Chi Minh directly and asked for comment. When Kingston received a reply from Ho Chi Minh, the officer forwarded it to me with his comment: "That's ridiculous!" The spousal visa was issued in Kingston. My suggestion would be that you set the record now with Morocco, but do not expect them to issue the visa. It is likely they will not do so. You need to consider moving the case to another Consulate and processing there with explanation. Thank you.

2) Jurisdiction for CR processing is set at the foreigner's place of residence, not the place of marriage. If we could get residency status for your husband in a country other than Morocco, perhaps we could solve the problem.

Good Luck in your endeavor - I hope I have helped in some way.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-14 05:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Questions and Advice
I thought this was great - you did a real good job here and this will be so beneficial to so many people out there!!

Make sure that people know though that some of these things are not exact to every CO - for instance at Morocco CO - you will not pay in addition for the fingerprinting and medical exams are done a few weeks in advance of the scheduled interview also.

But this is a great guideline for anyone to follow for upcoming interviews!
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-30 07:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Denial - Morocco, of course
thanks hmm1 - it is okay - we will endure and be together one way or another!
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-05-22 05:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Denial - Morocco, of course
I just wanted to put an end note on here -

Thank you for all of your advice. Whether you understood me or not does not really matter - I have learned that people are all individuals in their own rights and that each person can see things in different lights - that is what makes this world so very diverse. I may not agree with some of the things said here and others may not agreee with me, but only me and my husband and our families need to worry about our situation and all the details thereof.

I know we will overcome our situation and no one can ever change that - one day these people will see what we have together and then they will feel like the fools - because anyone out there who knows us, knows that we communicate perfectly, probably better than most people who speak perfectly the same language and born in the same country. My husband and QI have never needed translators or anything of that kind. Our communication and the strength in our love is stronger than most because we work hard to always communicate and to make sure we speak in ways that are understood.

Thank you again for all of your opinions whether agreed with or not - we are all individuals here.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-25 07:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Denial - Morocco, of course

Your letter's a good start, but it might help to strip it of some of the background. They're not going to give a damn that he was tired or had a long commute or was mistakenly asked for originals if none of that figured in the 221g.

You are right in this and I am aware of that - our lawyer just merely wanted on record, so to say, all events and circumstances surrounding the interview. He wanted this to be able to build case law on this. It was meant to be a little personal and also at the same time to be detailed in the steps that took place.

You say in it you've studied philosophy, so you know how arguments work. Grant the assumption; undermine the premises. I'd start with the correspondence they gave you that explains why they denied it. Analyze it into reasons: no common language, including reliance on translators; way of meeting that looks like he went American hunting; and no intimate knowledge of your life.

Then rebutt those one by one with evidence. Are they wrong on the facts? Then show how. Are they wrong on the interpretation but right on the facts? Show them why your interpretation is better. Did they misunderstand him during the interview? Explain what he meant and back it up with documents.

My main reasoning and providing proof will obviously come into play in the instance it is needed. My deatiled letter may have been a little colored for purpose of record, but my arguments that are being worked up right now are quite a bit different. I did mention in my letter that maybe there was miscommunication and misunderstandings or misstatements for a reason. They will be proved in other manners. This again was just a mere answer to there reasons and colored for purpose. Maybe it makes sense and maybe it does not, but there are reasons behind it.

Another thing I thought of as I was brainstorming how I would prove that C. and I were real if it came up....: do the two of you have e-mails where you discuss your future plans, not just get to the USA plans, but things like whether you'd have kids, or whether you'd want private school for them, or whether you think ballet is good for girls or leads to eating disorders? or your favorite memories or stories of your grandma or the little stuff that doesn't look like anything but forms the fabric of the relationship? Things that show that the two of you know each other well that doesn't look like a laundry list of common facts.

My husband and I have daily conversations that show many talks about our future plans and things we want for our future and our plans for that. Believe me - we even had many conversations of what we would do if VISA was never granted, so yes to your question. We talked for anywhere between 6 to 13 hours a day, everyday. The only time my hsuband and I did not communicate was when I was in the travel process to and from Morocco.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 16:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Denial - Morocco, of course

We have an attorney and the CO hear will not even speak with him even after repeated tries.

this is new to me. most attorneys are able to speak with CO's. has he sent an e mail to the consulate?

Yes - my attorney tried to contact them the day after the interview - no one there will reply to our attorney.

He approved my rebuttal because it was very precise - he only made a few changes in it. I am continuing our fight here in Morocco

there is nothing you can do in Morocco. your case is no longer there. the consulate will have nothing to do with you at all. once your case is sent back which i would guess has had to occured since it has been almost a month now the consulate will do nothing. hope you understand this.

Yes - I got confirmation finally, that the papers were sent back on April 4, but they are still talking to me.

while he is working on presenting case law to USCIS in the states as well as watching for the final approval of our CR1

it is going to take at least 6 months for your case to get to CSC. does your attorney know this? your I-130 is still pending with CSC or is it at the NVC?

My CR1 is at the NVC - my mawyer has already got this information.

The CO did make assumptions and turned around things said to fit their own desire to return the papers. Why does this CO do the things they do? Who knows, but they do and it does happen - yes they realize that the USCIS will have the final say in this, but it does not mean that they can't delay it and also,

this very true. USCIS will send you a NOIR and make a decision on your response. but i caution you that the consulate can and does deny a second time.

I am aware of this and prepared for that.

let us be reminded we all wonder sometimes where money comes from in the US - we the fees for the VISA are paid up front at the CO and they are not refunded if the CO says no, so if they keep making you come back - they keep getting more money for something that is not being issued.

the medical is good for one year. the consulate does not charge for the 2nd interview.

Thank you for that information - it helps.


aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 16:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Denial - Morocco, of course

wow... this is nuts... you are Actually Living together.. and they still need more proof??? What more do they want??

Thank you for that - I appreciate that someone sees the irony in this case.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 16:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Denial - Morocco, of course

think of how you can make a BRICK WALL crumble.. this is how you will over come the denial. if you live in morocco then address the need for your man to have a translator.

My husband does not need a translator - he was told taht when he went in for his interview to only answer the questions - nothing more - do not give information not asked for - he had one problem in the interview and that was just trying to explain to the CO exact steps on how he used the website to find and talk to me.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 15:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Denial - Morocco, of course

what is that letter for? to dayum your case or to help it? its not addressing Nothing. too much finger pointing..
I think you need to clean it up.. - try again!

That letter was approved by my attorney and it was to state specifics of the whole detailed interview from start to finsih. Let me remind you - the things I have done have gotten results, so I think I am doing just fine in my fight. My letter did not point fingers - it made facts. It also gave a little bit of a personal part of us - that shows we are human - we make errors and admitted if we did then fine - we are just asking for a chance to prove our case. I will continue doing what I am doing and I am getting results, by being diplomatic and personal at the same time - the last thing we want if for these people to forget we are human beings and so are they - if we can come to an amicable solution then it is good for all - your "opinion" is yours, but my work in this has brought results no one else has managed to get, so I must be doing something right in my letters - and tehy are approved by our lawyer before they are sent.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 15:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-3 Denial - Morocco, of course

Ambassador, the Consulate General and teh Cosulate Chief Officer - I know of Mckeever could i have names and address of others,

Ambassador Thomas T. Riley - he is the only one located in Rabat

Here is the link that will give you all information, including the names of all staff contacts.


I hope this helps.
aichaFemaleMorocco2007-04-15 15:24:00