US Citizenship General DiscussionTravelling while applying for citizenship

On the form you will enter the date she entered/enters the US. You cannot write "present" or the present date as the date entered US since it is a false statement and USCIS will definitely grill you on that. I would not complicate things and wait until she is back from her current trip. Believe me, it will save you time, money and headaches if you apply once she is back.

I agree that it is better ("safer") to wait until she is back but I'd like to hear from anyone (if available) who might have submitted it while traveling.
Jack and BarbaraMaleBrazil2012-02-08 18:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTravelling while applying for citizenship

I am just wondering :unsure: If you are thinking to send her N-400 while she is out of the country, what are you planning to write in N-400 about her trips? I mean that question in the application about the trips she had taken, as well as the numbers of the days she had been out of the county. How do you guy plan to count her current trip if she is still on that trip? :blink:

I'm assuming the current trip could be listed as from such and such date until present...
Jack and BarbaraMaleBrazil2012-02-08 11:31:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTravelling while applying for citizenship

Depends are her trips taken right after each other (say gone 5 months, return for a few weeks and then gone for another 6 months or so)? If so that can have a big impact. Is there only 2 trips like this for this long of a duration each that she's taken during her PR status? Or has she been taking these long extended trips all throughout being a PR?

Also what is the nature of her trips? Are they strictly just seeing family or is she working at all? That can be another big factor for the interviewer to determine if she was maintaining US residency...

So it all depends on a variety of things right now.

Good points. Right now is her first trip of up to 6 months, potentially followed by another. Purpose is to visit family, no work involved. Any other travel for the last 3+ years has been about 2-3 weeks 1-2 per year.

During the interview itself, does the interviewer review the dates on the package or dates up until the interview?
Jack and BarbaraMaleBrazil2012-02-08 10:52:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTravelling while applying for citizenship
My wife (PR, came on K-1 fiancee visa) is visiting her family abroad and might stay for a few months before returning.

She is eligible for naturalization just recently so I want to get the ball started on that, preferably before she came back. I was thinking of timing sending her N-400 application so that her biometric appointment would be right after she got back. timing is important because she might spend time with her family in her original country after the biometric appointment.

I understand she would need to come back for interview and oath, which would likely be when she stays here for good.

A question I have is, even though both trips to her original country are less than 6 months (and the 180 day continuous presence test would not be an issue), would there be any other issues with her traveling back and forth (such as during her interview)?

Ideally, she would be here during those 3-4 months from biometric to oath, but that might not happen, so any advice is appreciated!

Jack and BarbaraMaleBrazil2012-02-07 21:00:00
US Citizenship General Discussiontraveling out of USA prior to filing N400

Will you still have been physically present in the U.S. for more than half of your total time of residence by the time of the interview? It's not enough to just log 18 months because you have been married for 3 years. At the time of the interview you must be able to show that you have spent at least half of your time of residence in the U.S.

For instance if you have been a resident for 4 years by the time of the interview, you will have to show at least 24 months in the U.S.

You are eligible to apply at 3 years because you are married to a USC, but when figuring physical presence, you have to show that you spend at least half of your time in the U.S.--not just half of the first 3 years.

My understanding is that if you are married to a USC, then you do not have to prove that you have spent half of your time in the US, only the 180 days out of the last 3 years, is this correct?

Also, wouldn't passport stamps be the proof that you have met physical presence requirements?
Jack and BarbaraMaleBrazil2012-02-19 14:56:00
US Citizenship General Discussioninternational travel after applying for naturalization

You can travel internationally before, during, and after the N-400 process. The travel is the same, you'll be a lawful permanent resident until the day you surrender your Green Card, which is the day you become a US citizen.

when you say during, can you apply while abroad? I know there si a quesiton that asks about return date to US which could be difficult to answer while abroad, but I wonder if anyone has ever applied while travelling?
Jack and BarbaraMaleBrazil2012-02-19 15:00:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionOutside the US before applying for citizenship

If you have never been longer than 6 months outside the USA since you became a resident, you can file as early as 90 days before the 3rd anniversary of your Green Card. No need to wait longer.

I believe you mean staying for longer than 6 months outside of the USA for each trip. In the example of being married to a USC, You are allowed to have multiple 5 month trips outside of the US, so long as you do not exceed the 180 day physical presence requirement for the prior 3 years.
Jack and BarbaraMaleBrazil2012-02-22 12:19:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAfter denial

If I understand your question correctly, then the answer is no. Each time you move residence, you need to file an AR-11 address Change with USCIS. However, how the 3 months are calculated is based on when you physically moved.
For example, we moved from CA to TX when I was eligible to apply for citizenship... however, since I moved, I had to wait 3 months before I was able to apply in TX, although I was technically eligible the entire 3 months to apply.


Adding:You are also correct about not required to provide documentation for the there months, but if the IO wants to verify, they may ask for some documentation.

MY wife and I submitted address changes AR-11 for both of us along with a small list of things... IRS taxes, and bank statements (I think)

Good point. It sounds from your response that the 3-month rule only applies to when you change residence and have to file the AR-11. In other words, if you don't move (and file the AR-11), then you do not have to provide documents supporting that you live in the state for 3 months.
Jack and BarbaraMaleBrazil2012-02-22 16:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionAfter denial

You are eligible to apply after 3 months of living in the same residence (that gets serviced by the same locale office). Even if the interview occurs post that mark, you will still be denied since you applied prior to your 3 months. This is what happened in your case as I understand it.

You are able to apply again now since you have been living at that location for more than 3 months... however, I think you need to go through the entire process again and pay the fees again.

Some of the ways to prove it is to show lease agreements that state when you became a tenante there. Another way to do so is by including your change of address form and it will indicate when you filled it. Of course, there are others such as utilities, statements, etc... that are not as definitive since it is a monthly time frame and not a particular day...

Let me know if I'm wrong, but does the 3-month rule come into effect if/when USCIS sees you applied for a K1 visa at one location previously and now apply for N-400 at a different one? I don't recall in the list of requirements having to provide local taxes, mortgage/lease documents, driver's license, utility form or any other document to support the 3-month requirement.
Jack and BarbaraMaleBrazil2012-02-22 12:30:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDoes the N-400 out of country deadline reset?

does it mean i can stay outside of the US for more than 6 months at a time?

you can, but I would recommend against for reasons other posters stated (having to prove you maintained residence).

I'm curious if other people have had any issues at the immigration interview or oath ceremony, if they met all requirements (physical presence, residency, etc), yet took multiple trips of less than 6 months each prior to the interview and within the last 3 years of permanent residency based on marriage.
Jack and BarbaraMaleBrazil2012-02-27 13:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionTime as a Resident in a USCIS District or State

Thank you for the reply. Are we supposed to send any kind of documentation to support this? If so, what would that be? Having a residence in that State and paying property taxes for the past 7 years is an acceptable documentation?

Or copies of paystubs from March 2012-May2012 would be enough?

I am curious about this too. Is any documentation required or so long as you have not filed a change of residence within the last 3 months, then USCIS would send your appointment letters to the address on file and everything is fine?
Jack and BarbaraMaleBrazil2012-02-27 13:22:00
US Citizenship General Discussionis it ok to bring camera with for the interview?
When you got your interview letter, did it state you can get your oath the same day? I'm in Arlington, VA but would have to check if Fairfax is the closest office.
Jack and BarbaraMaleBrazil2012-02-27 13:17:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionUS CITIZENSHIP
I've heard different responses for questions on trip section of N-400. I was planning to go the route of crossing out "5" and replacing with "3" years since I have been a conditional/permanent (LPR) resident for over 3 years (via marriage).

My question is, do I list trips, etc for last 3 years of the N-400 filing date or include any trips since becoming a LPR?
Jack and BarbaraMaleBrazil2012-05-14 10:42:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 OCTOBER 2011 FILERS

She swore me in and then went over my application. I had reported 3 traffic violations and she did not want any documentation - she just noted on my application "traffic citations only" and moved on. I gave her an updated trips list. She did not look inside either of my passports to verify any dates but none of my trips were longer than a couple of weeks anyway. She did ask for my SSN card "if I had it" which I did actually bring along for some reason. She also wanted my green card obviously and my drivers license.


I've read that proof of state residence is required and most people take their driver's license. My wife doesn't have one. i understand another Id form can be received from the local DMV; are there other proofs of state residence (e.g., local bank document with home address)?
Jack and BarbaraMaleBrazil2012-02-07 20:44:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN400 from abroad - How many trips back?

Thanks to everyone that has given input so far. So, we have all of our paperwork ready and are waiting to file in ~2 weeks. I actually managed to talk to a lawyer today and she told me there is a problem with our current plan listed above.

Even if my wife meets the physical and continuous residence test, and no trips longer than 6 months, she has to "reside" in the district we file 3 months before filing and stay in the US during the application process. She can not file and leave because then she does not "reside" in the US during the filing period. The lawyer even told me that she had an applicant that lived in the US for many years, filed for citizenship, and then took trips out of the US during the application process. That person was denied because they didn't reside in the district during the filing period. If that is true then our plan won't work.

Does anyone have any experience with this?


Hi Bryan,

I'm curious how your applying overseas worked out. I have read posts of people who have applied while in the US, then traveled during different parts of the citizenship application process, and I am unclear whether the 3 months residing in the US district means having residence (e.g., mortgage/rent, local taxes, utilities) or if you have to be physically present for those 3 months. I think the former is true because then people would not be able to travel, but I could be wrong.

Does anyone have experiences with this?

Jack and BarbaraMaleBrazil2012-02-20 14:27:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPassport Filers 2
so when they send the passport, it is not ready to be used? they send a card separately?

Can a passport be expedited by taking it in person or only by mail?
Jack and BarbaraMaleBrazil2012-03-18 11:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy email address
Hello folks

Our letter from the NVC indicating that our case was being forwarded to the embassy in London came at the end of last week - and my fiance's (USC) middle name was misspelt on the letter.

We rang NVC and they told us to call the Embassy - which seems to be their answer to everything. As I am not willing to fork out £15+ to fix a mistake that we didn't make, we rang the DOS who gave us an email address -

My question is - is this the email address for London where you have to call the extortion line first before they will accept your email, or is it different?

Either way they told us not to email until London logged our case (we know it's there, but it hasn't been logged on the system yet) I think we have time.
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-15 09:31:00

from what I understand the first is with someone at a window where you present your papers, the second you enter an office and sit down with an officer and have a lengthier conversation. Theyre both scheduled on the same day, just a mini interview at the embassy before the real one. Like I said, read the embassy reviews for lima, theyre extremely helpful

jenni17FemalePeru2013-05-15 21:08:00

my interview is next week, i am flying to peru to go with my husband to the interview. Does anyone know if i can get inside with my husband to his interview? Do i need to get a special permission to get inside with him? i assume because i am american i can easily get into my embassy but i am not 100% sure. please any feedback ill appreciate it!! im soooo nervous and excited!!


It's actually pretty impossible to just walk into the US embassy in Lima under normal circumstances even if you are a US citizen haha but they will let you in for the interview... i don't think you can be there with him through the whole process, from what I gather reading the embassy reviews on here there are two interviews, you are allowed to go for the second ... you should really read the reviews though under embassy info on here though if you haven't already! They are actually pretty comforting ... most people (who post at least) seem to have positive experiences! I think it will help a lot that youre making the trip to go with him, good luck!!! 

jenni17FemalePeru2013-05-09 18:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionConsulate interview: will not working in US affect decision?

if it's the beneficiary who doesn't plan to work that won't affect your case at all as long as you meet the requirements to sponsor

Edited by jenni17, 24 May 2013 - 06:41 PM.

jenni17FemalePeru2013-05-24 18:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVaccination Questions

I have two questions about the vaccinations...

1) Does anyone know where I can find the list of required vaccinations in Spanish?


2) Does anyone know if it is acceptable to get the vaccinations in a local hospital?

I know that the medical exam has to be done by an approved doctor in Lima, but I was talking to a friend who went through the process in 2008 and she suggested that I have my fiance get his vaccinations at the local hospital here in our town to save some money rather than waiting for them to do it for him at the doctor who will probably charge us in $$ instead of Nuevo Soles. 


Thanks for your help and support!! dancin5hr.gif


Here is the list of required vaccinations by the peruvian embassy in spanish... according to their instructions you should not get the vaccinations before going to see the embassy approved doctor however I have been told by various previous applicants that you are allowed to go to get them in other hospitals after being given permission by the medical examiner 



jenni17FemalePeru2013-06-22 22:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionk-1 visa interview on September 3th fiance can't come

hello everyone, my interview is the 3th of september in the embassy of peru and it seems to be my fiance can't come, because of work, he  kinda just start in this new job. This is gonna be really bad for me in the interview? 


I flew down to attend the interview, but the CO looked very surprised when both of us walked into the room... she was like "Oh, you're both here? That's great!" but i got the feeling that it's not at all required. I just preferred to go to give my fiance a little more confidence and to be able to share the moment together. But I wouldn't worry if he can't attend, as long as you have evidence of a solid relationship you'll be fine. Bring lots of pictures, that's mostly what Lima looks at. If you're asked about why he's not there... work is absolutely a valid reason. 


One thing I would mention though, I also just started in a new job after moving back to the states from Peru in January. I've been at my company for 4 months now and my previous two years tax returns obviously didn't show my current income since the job is recent. The Peru embassy ended up requiring a co-sponsor. They wouldn't accept just my employment letter and pay stubs as proof of income. So if your fiance is in the same situation since you say his job is new, you may want to look into bringing co-sponsor docs just in case... I was really surprised that they were so strict, luckily I had brought a I-134 and supporting evidence from my mom just in case. Everything else was a breeze, they asked very few questions and both interviewers at the embassy were very friendly!


Good Luck!

jenni17FemalePeru2013-08-10 17:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPreparation for interview, phone records etc...




I wish I would of thought of that a long time ago, ha!  Well, I'll start taking screenshots of our facetime history from now until the interview.  How much of a problem do you think it'll be to not have a solid phone record history that starts from when we started talking?  I will have printouts of texts from whatsapp/viber/imessage that covers our entire relationship.


The lima embassy is more concerned about pictures than they are call history. Make sure you bring at least 20 photos with you to the interview, they should not be the same photos you sent with the I-129F petition. Be sure to bring the screenshots and whatsapp texts ect, but photos were what they were really looking for, if you have pics of both of you with your family and vice versa that's a plus..

jenni17FemalePeru2013-08-25 08:19:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionGiving up other Citizenship?

There are no issues on the US side with having dual citizenship, you would simply obtain your US citizenship while maintaining your passport in your original country. You'll want to check to make sure that the UK doesn't have any issues with dual citizenship though. If you keep both though you must always enter the US on your US passport. 


As for benefits, keep in mind that with green card status you must live in the us for at least 6 months of the year. If he doesn't become a citizen and you two ever decide to move to the UK to live for a time he could lose his green card and you'd have to go through the process again..

jenni17FemalePeru2013-08-28 16:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

Can we get an Update?


STARLAROSE  Citizenship Ceremony 08/14/13.   Citizenship obtained!  We are all done! YAY!

starlaroseFemaleIreland2013-08-15 09:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

 So frustrating I had my interview on June 18th and got recommended for approval on the day, placed in the oath queue on June 19th and still nothing in the mail.


I called customer service and I put in a service request as it has been right around 45 days since approval.


I am going to be scheduled for Pensacola Florida, however I have no idea how often ceremonies happen if I get a crazy date in 2014 can I request a ceremony in a different location because I want this to be over and done with!!!!I am more than happy to drive to Birmingham or Mobile in Alabama, New Orleans LA, Atlanta GA, Jacksonville, Panama City Beach or Tallahassee in Florida..


I am so sorry it is frustrating.  I think all of us hit that wall somewhere along the process lines.  It would be nice to be able to go to another, faster, better office, but they don't work that way at all.  In our case, once they got 700 in the queue and a location, they scheduled the oath.  Due to where we live, that is done pretty quickly.  My  husband's oath is going to be done at a high school. 


I wish you lots of luck.  Soon it will all be over! 

starlaroseFemaleIreland2013-08-02 12:39:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

Please update the list! 


Starlarose Oath Ceremony 08/14/13!!!!!!  Woohoo!  


Thank you VISAJOURNEY for helping us to get here!  You guys are awesome! Much love to everyone in the process and all those who are now citizens!

starlaroseFemaleIreland2013-08-02 06:55:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers
Hubs passed with flying colors. No oath ceremonies today. Will be a few weeks. So proud of mah man.
starlaroseFemaleIreland2013-07-24 09:11:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers


no need for you to go, they won't let you into interview room anyway.  it's going to be just your husband.


Awesome.  I didn't know if it would be good for me just to be there to show support.  So awesome.  I really didn't want to go and ask my boss.  

starlaroseFemaleIreland2013-06-25 13:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

It took us a week to get our interview letter from when we got the email notification.  So don't freak out yet.



Also, how important is it for me to goto the interview with my husband?  I have been out of my office for 6 weeks due to surgery and I really would prefer if I didn't have to take more time off to just sit in a waiting room.  But I don't want to cause any issues for his status.  Thoughts?



starlaroseFemaleIreland2013-06-25 13:11:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers
Ooops sorry. Healing from surgery so kinda out of it. Date of letter is June 18th. Thank you. :)
starlaroseFemaleIreland2013-06-24 17:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers
Please add Starlarose interview July 24th.
starlaroseFemaleIreland2013-06-24 16:44:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

Please update our listing :)  We have our in-line priority date.


STARLAROSE.....|04/12/13|04/24/13|04/29/13|04/25/13|05/29/13|05/31/13|--/--/--|--/--/--|--/--/--|Washington, DC


starlaroseFemaleIreland2013-05-31 18:51:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers
Please add biometrics date for starlarose. 05/29/13
starlaroseFemaleIreland2013-05-10 22:49:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

We just got an email notification that they sent our letter for bio today.  So we should have a date very soon.  Squee!

starlaroseFemaleIreland2013-05-07 12:24:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

Please update. STARLAROSE  Priority Date is 04/25/13.  Wheee!!!

starlaroseFemaleIreland2013-05-04 18:13:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers

If someone can please add 


STARLAROSE - Check Cashed 04/29/13. 


Thank you!!  We are on our way!

starlaroseFemaleIreland2013-04-30 08:55:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 April 2013 Filers
Can someone please add us to the list!!

STARLAROSE Texas Lock Box. Application sent 04/24/13. Eeep nervous!

Edit: Washington, DC Field Office

Edited by starlarose, 24 April 2013 - 10:49 AM.

starlaroseFemaleIreland2013-04-24 10:46:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionThe USCIS SCREW!! Last Minute Unclassified Fingerprints?!?!?

Thanks for the continuing information.

There is no mention on the letter specifying that foreign countries are to be included, but it states that a report/letter from the Fresno PD and any other local law enforcement from a city that my wife resided in for the past 5 years are to be included, which would include London. I don't see the logic either, given that it is a 3 year based application with the obvious conclusion that sometime in the past 5 years, the applicant would be in their former home country!?!?! But then again, that logic is restricted to normal people... :bonk:

My wife can order the London letter, and the Fresno one is a visit to the counter to get the letter (and some money of course), but the NJ letter is worrying. She called and has to call back in 2 hours for the person in charge of that stuff.

I have the letter from London from back when she filed to immigrate to this country and I have a letter from NJ which was issued one day before we left NJ. But knowing how USCIS works, they want them hot off the printer. Utterly irritating.

I will wait and see how her interview goes. If the person is a real annoyance, I may very well take up calling the Congressperson. But we'll see.

I just want this fingerprint nightmare over has been a pain every step of the way.

Thanks again for the info. Additional information is certainly welcome.

Hey, it's been over a month since your issue with the fingerprinting/police clearance ? have you guys managed to take care of this. I wanted to follow up because I sense we're going to be going through this again too.
My wife had to get her biometrics doine twice, both times fingerprinting failure, then after our interview they sent us and RFE to send police clearances for the last 5 years. which was Jordan, UK and US for my wife.

I'm dreading having to go through this again, and I agree it makes no sense after the initial AOS process to bring police certificates from abroad. Have you managed to find more accurate information about this ? thanks
Bibi and BeebtiMaleJordan2011-03-19 11:45:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 - JANUARY 2014 FILERS



This forms is used for both 3 and 5 yr applicants so there are several questions which you need to adjust.



Hi Udella&Wiz, 




Did you also adjust your answers for all the other '5 year' questions...e.g. residence, employment etc ? 

Bibi and BeebtiMaleJordan2014-01-27 13:47:00