K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

...and my medical is a week on Thursday. :help:

Miss Jess, there's always Southampton to New york and 'road trip'. ;) (I'd do it. :) )

Right now if you gave me a snorkel and mask I'd bloody swim there.

Well, to me it looks inevitable now but Virgin still haven't formally cancelled my flight so there's nothing I can do. I haven't slept properly since Thursday and my appetite has deserted me (that's how you know it's serious!!).

The horrible thing is that one of my American friends was due to fly back with me from the US on May 2nd - and unless there's still an ash problem then it'll cost her a fortune to rebook - so it's not even like I can postpone until next week cos otherwise I'll be in the US and she'll be here by herself. So if I can't get a flight this week the earliest I'll be able to go is a month from now, and as much as I've been trying to brace myself I'm finding it very hard to prepare myself psychologically for that kind of disappointment.

Aside from anything else I'm so gutted at the prospect of not getting a break from work I'm almost as upset about that as I am about not seeing the boy!! I'm totally burnt out.

I know it could be so much worse - at least it's not the wedding - but I've been on the receiving end of so many cancellations and delays and disappointments in the past 8 months that it's very hard to take yet another travel disaster.
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-19 03:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Ooooh kids. Need some good thoughts please.

Supposed to be going to see the boy on Wednesday - but there's this small problem of an erupting volcano.

I went to see him in the middle of January and my flight was cancelled twice - not to mention the small matter of a trip to Munich cancelled in the British airways strike.

This is my last chance to see him before I move in October and were having a rough spot as it is - couldn't bear to lose yet more time. Cross fingers please!!! :)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-16 16:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

APPROVED! Just got off the phone - he said it was super easy.
They asked him:
If he'd ever met my parents, what I do for a living, and what my brother's name is.
Phew! I'm so relieved! They should be printing and sending the visa shortly - we're hoping for a POE one week from today!!!

I am SOOOOOOOO happy for youuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!

Megger & Ewan. You've got it. And you Mrs, are so deserving. You have been a rock, a cheer and a comfort for everyone else for the last 6 months. This is the good news of the day and I am so, so happy and relieved for you.

Mrs Naddy. Mr Naddy has worrying family situation, he needs his woman, and where are you? Still waiting for a consulate to process you, nearly a month after you sent packet 3 back. Me and you still in the same boat. London still not even logged our cases a month on.

I can't post on the UK interview forum no more due to the presence of a big cheese member, who brags about being personal friends with the UK CO's and who takes great pleasure in berating, humiliating and attacking anyone who dares express frustration, upset at the stresses of their own personal situation, or even humorous jibing about the London embassy for the long wait. S/he has already mockingly pointed out that I seem to think I am "entitled" to a visa (which I have never said), and took great pleasure in emphasizing that I am not and I am clearly not aware that it is in fact, a privilege. It's nice to know there will always be someone who enjoys kicking a dog when it's down.

I will be eternally grateful for the support, comraderie and all the laughs you good people on this forum have given me during these soul destroying 6 months. I love you all x

I had a dream last night that I got my interview letter today......was it a premonition, or just delirium from too many 11-hour days at work? Hoping for the first....yours is coming too Mrs. Dog. Chin up :)

K1 Graduates - Class of November 2009

KisK - graduated March 24th, 2010 (139 days after NOA1)
T and J - graduated March 29th, 2010 (139 days after NOA1)
Megan & Ewen - graduated April 14th, 2010 (159 days after NOA1)

Imminent Examination...
JL_n_JL - 4/29/2010
JohnAnwesha - 5/24/2010
Heisable - 7/7/2010
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-15 05:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

K1 Graduates - Class of November 2009

KisK - graduated March 24th, 2010 (139 days after NOA1)
T and J - graduated March 29th, 2010 (139 days after NOA1)

Imminent Examination...
that_girl - 4/14/2010
JL_n_JL - 4/29/2010
JohnAnwesha - 5/24/2010
Heisable - 7/7/2010
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-13 09:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Hello hello kids!

Passed my medical...just. Doctor said she reckons I'm fine but there is a chance the embassy will reject the report and require further evidence on my prior medical history (i.e. psych evaluation). Hope not, they cost the earth. She also said I was underweight and to eat more, so hand me the cake :D

So for once, no news is good news!! I reckon if I haven't heard from them by the end of next week I'm in the clear :)

Another hurdle passed and yet more money spent ;) Come on P4!!
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-07 07:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Hey folks - happy belated Easter :) I went home to see my mum and stepdad and took a few days off from technology!!

Grrr! Hold out, dear! Maybe we should get Jess to send the French consulate some... coffee and croissants (instead of the bagels we used for the VSC folks)? And while we're at it, let's ship 'em off to Nigeria, Egypt and London so those folks all get it in gear as well.

Hehehe, as it happens I'm in Paris May 7-9 so maybe I'll turn up on the embassy doorstep with some coffee and croissants - the boulangerie across the road from my old studio in Courbevoie did some seriously good croissants, I reckon it'd be easy bribery ;)

Hi guys! Yesterday we were finally reunited!!!! It is such a great thing to finally be together, and start a normal life again. :) :)

Thank you for all your nice words, I am really rooting for all of you to be here (or have your loved one here) very soon!

Woohoo!!! One of us has made it....I will work on my graduation list later, work's a little crazy at the mo :(

I am heading down to London tonight - medical at 10:10 tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed!!
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-06 05:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Have any of the 'Londoners' got an interview date yet, or are these being posted on another thread?

not yet! Sent back p3 on 22/3 so just waiting now...seems to be taking about a month at the moment to get a date. Rang DOS this week and they haven't logged my p3 yet so really hope it got there...

Right now I'm sat at the docs waiting to get yet another note to clarify my health status for my medical next Wednesday. Damn my
complicated medical history!! Lol
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-04-01 04:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Haha! Nice one, Naddy!

Well, Ewan has his medical at about 11 pm tonight (US time). He sent back the form that he needs to have to schedule the interview, and I'm thinking about calling the DOS in a couple of days to see if they've done it. The Auckland embassy seems pretty efficient - they've answered all his emails within a day. Hopefully that means the same thing with scheduling interviews. Now Paris and Mumbai! We might need to head over there with some of the motivational breakfasts we were handing out to the VSC folks. We should probably hit up London, as well.

DEFINITELY hit up London. P3 turnaround to P4 is pretty sluggish over here.

In slightly non-visa related news, I booked a holiday with my mum last night to spend some girly time together before I move to the States :) We're going to Ibiza (for those that don't know, Ibiza = Spanish island in the Balearics famous for being both very beautiful and also the best place to go clubbing in the world) - and I'm trying to drag my brother along so I can let my hair down and party at least one night before I get too old ;)

It's nice to have family things planned before I move so far away.
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-30 07:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

K1 Graduates - Class of November 2009
KisK - graduated March 24th, 2010 (139 days after NOA1)
T and J - graduated March 29th, 2010 (139 days after NOA1)

Imminent Examination...
JL_n_JL - 4/29/2010

Congratulations you guys very happy for you :D

Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-29 04:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

K1 Graduates - Class of November 2009
KisK - graduated March 24th, 2010 (139 days after NOA1)

Imminent Examination...
JL_n_JL - 4/29/2010
T and J - 3/29/2010

Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-25 06:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

K1 Graduates - Class of November 2009
KisK - graduated March 24th, 2010 (139 days after NOA1)

Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-24 06:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

We're in Miami, FL.
It's nice that we seem to be concentrated in the SE!

We're in Orlando.....seems we're all sun lovers here!! :D

So, after two hours of being put on hold at the post office and the bureau responsible for police certificates, they figured out where it is. It was issued, but they forgot to post it. Now they are kind enough to let me go get it myself :)

Yeay, interview tomorrow, wish me luck!

You're the first one to make it to D-Day!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!! I sent off my P3 yesterday :D. The wait for an interview date has begun. Friend of mine (who went through this last year) said she only got 6 days' notice of her interview, but London seems to be in such a backlog that I doubt that will happen...(and I'll be in the States if it does lol!!)

Oooh, I've never been on a cruise! Lucky girl! (Putting my "caution" hat on): Just make sure you don't stop at any non-US lands before you get your AP!
I trust you'll let us know your interview date soon!

AND we'll be hearing some great news from KisK soon, too!

My other half's parents are paying for me to go on the Disney cruise with the rest of the family next year!!!! I am SO stoked...always wanted to do that :D

Honeymoon-wise his mum and dad are Disney Vacation Club members so we've got a week at the Beach Club (pretty much a 'staycation' but who cares we'll be together). And we're going to save up to have a proper honeymoon in a few years time...we want to do Japan and megger's homeland, New Zealand :)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-23 16:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Woohoo!!! Packet 3 is in the post...should get to London tomorrow. Now we have another wait for interview date...but hopefully compared to dear USCIS will seem like nothing. Next stop - medical on April 7th. My doctor managed to pull ALL my medical records in the end (a brilliant note - 'Jessica seems to have a good layer of fat cover' - circa 1987!) and although could not find any documented evidence of my allergic reaction to the MMR vaccine still wrote my medical exemption letter, so I think I'm good to go :D
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-22 10:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

I have the appointment!!!!! Interview is next Wednesday, yeay!

I was at the consulate today handing in all my documents, they were really professional and friendly, such a relief.

Mother of god!! That's ridiculously fast!!! Congratulations, how does it feel to know it's so close? :)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-18 09:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Your spirit is always here, even after the time you spontaneously combusted all those months ago, your spirit lived on until you came home from the burns ward!
I agree about NVC. The lady I got was super charming, I thought I was talking to Michelle Obama.
My packet 3 was sent out on the 12th. But Kristen's took 8 days to arrive in the mail, so I don't think the UK embassy really does post them on the day NVC has record they did. But they certainly are on their way.

fab...all I wanted was for the case to be logged before my medical on the 7th, so I'm set :)

I do have a question about the ds230 though. I know the embassy only requires part 1 to be sent back, but should I be filling out part 2 as well?
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-18 01:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Woohoo - my packet 3 is on its way!!! It was posted on the 15th so I'm expecting it any day now :D

Can I just say how much I love the DOS? Yes their IVR (oh my god, can't believe I just typed that - working for telecoms company syndrome - I mean the 'press 1 for this press 2 for that' thingy...) is the longest thing in the world but I got through to someone, she was exceptionally polite, and told me exactly what I needed to know. Mr. Jess has rung them a few times and says they've been amazing every time.

I almost can't keep up with how much faster everything seems to be going now :)

(PS sorry I've been about less...boss says I need to improve on a 'lack of focus' at work [wonder why?!?!] so I'm trying to restrict my at-work VJing...but still thinking of you all :))
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-17 14:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

That's good news for your arwilson80. Since when have they cared about "what would be easier for anyone"? That's a first, surely! LOL! If that's the case, they'd send me to the Edinburgh embassy, which is across the street from my house! I wouldn't even need to put my coat on!

That DHL tracking thing is fantastic. I tracked mine - they received it on 5 March, but according to NVC, they've not received it, which means, they haven't bothered to log it in yet, London being one of the slowest of all embassies!

Miss Jess, I tracked yours. Yours was received on 8 March, at 1.54pm to be precise!

OMG!!! :D Great news delivered by my favourite dog lover!!! ;) Thanks so much!!
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-11 13:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

How long did you give it before you called NVC?

I guess if you wait a week they should have both received it & forwarded it on.

It's been and gone at the NVC :) - on its way to London now, so we were ringing the DOS (rather than getting bankrupted by ringing the Embassy themselves on their 0900 number) to see if London have received it yet. No dice, but they said to give it 2 weeks.
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-11 11:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Rang the DOS - no embassy joy yet :( said to give it 2 weeks though so we'll try again in a week...
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-11 08:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Miss Jess, do let me know if have been able to fathom out the menu of DOS and found an option to speak to a live person, or even an option to check your status?

It has got me beat! :help:

We've only rung NVC so far and not DOS so I can't help I'm afraid :( sure I will join you in frustration tomorrow!!

In other news, I booked my medical today!! April 7th - just want to get it out the way so when the magic P3 comes through we are ready to go. Simulataneously very excited and kind of terrified - things really starting to happen now :)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-10 12:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

I just got through to NVC tonight (603-334-0700) and they asked for our case number and the names and birthdays of the beneficiary and the petitioner. They were able to tell me when they received our case and when it had been sent out to the embassy but they did not have any tracking information on it and did not know if it had arrived at the embassy yet or not, they told me to call the embassy directly to find out.

Hope this helps!

In the UK Interviews 2010 thread they said you can call the DOS to find out if the Embassy has received your case - we're going to try, given that calling the Embassy costs £1.20/min and there's a minimum of 15 minutes on the experience I've already had the joy of from my J1 visa days :bonk:
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-10 07:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Mrs Dogs DID do that, but guess what? Mrs Dogs got no reply! Kabhatti, an October filer emailed them and he did get a reply, but not till 5 days later, so my advice now is - don't bother with the email. Just keep trying to get through on the phone to NVC. I think Monday is their busiest day on the phones, but I called today, gave up once after 20 minute wait, tried a few hours later and got through after 9 mins waiting. But it was good news when I did get through. They told me they sent my petition to the embassy.

Naddy, you are right, NVC don't mess around at all, unlike our old ladies at VSC. They turn them around in a couple of days.

I'm the same - good news!! Mr. Jess got through after about 30 mins waiting - it's already been and gone at VSC and is winging its way to London :D Not sure on exact dates but he called at 11am so I reckon they must have mailed it out Friday.

One week's waiting feels like nothing compared to VSC. And I'm seriously impatient!!

I've got a good feeling kids (especially about that touch arwilson!!!) - we're off to a good start to the week :)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-08 14:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
I have been round VSC with the special coffee and bagel breakfast and I'm still crossing my fingers for ALL of you still has to be your week!!!

Calling NVC today to see if they've received our case :)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-08 06:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

4 from 'Initial Review' to RFE this morning [for Nov-9]. :(

Still time today :)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-05 11:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Oh god, oh god, we got a touch!!! I think my heart is going double speed.

EDIT: WAHOO!!!!! APPROVED!!!! Oh happy day with joyous glee!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

As far as a date goes, BadWolfProphecy, I think we're planning for doing a small Justice of the Peace ceremony about 2 weeks after Ewan gets here. Auckland seems to be a pretty quick consulate, and we've gotten everything ready for the consulate steps, so I'm hoping we can avoid all the delays that might beset us there.
My mum is a teacher, so after the school year, end of May, we'll have a little reception. Then, after we're both finished with grad school (3 years or so) we'll have the proper ceremony, renewal of vows kind of thing, with friends and family and plenty of time to plan :).
Good luck!

I have one thing to say to this - ABOUT BLOODY TIME!!!! Rest of us next please :)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-02 10:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

I have been touched again today too. :thumbs:

Anyone else starting to think about setting a date.... :blush: I know some people have already done this but I have been holding out. I really want to start planning but I am unsure till the interview is all done, that being said when we could get hitched will fall right during high season and getting a date is going to be murder for getting a place quickly. X fingers would like June 17th 2010, I woke up one morning with that date in my head for some reason. :innocent:

My date is already set (with LOTS of flexibility in our venue contract!!) - but I have advised all of my guests that if they book flights before I give the OK, I won't be held responsible if we have to move it!!

I am going to tell them that they can start booking (at their own risk still ;)) once I've received Packet 3 from the Embassy. Much lower risk of anything going wrong by then...although obviously still a risk :) I have a LOT of Brits wanting to attend and a lot of them, like me, are still pretty cash-strapped from student days, so while I would love to make them wait til the visa is issued that could mean the flights get too expensive. So it's about finding the happy medium.

Does anyone know how you will know when the NVC receives your case? Is it only when you call them and they inform you? Is it via snail mail? I called yesterday and got a human(who said the case wasn't there and should allow 2 weeks or more). I actually would have preferred an automated message. Anyone else get a human?

I think you must be one of the only people who's tried to get an automated message and got a human rather than the other way round!! One of the pinned topics in the NVC forum explains the options to press. I'm going to give it a week before I call - technically they say 2 weeks but things seem to be going faster at the moment.
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-02 10:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

ouhhhhh, i have a question :innocent:

Is being touched after the approval means that the application has been sent to NVC?

I was under that impression but I don't know for certain.

I hope so, cos ours has been touched today too :D
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-02 08:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
GOOD MORNING VSC!!!!! Here, have some more coffee and bagels. It's a bottomless breakfast for you guys if you keep pumping out those NOA2s for everyone :D :D
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-02 04:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Wahoo! Congrats you guys! Oh man, what a day! Keep on truckin' through NVC and on through quick, easy interviews with visas in hand in no time!

Thanks for keeping on the trail, doghandler! I've got a backpack full of doggy treats for you when you rustle it up! And cupcakes for all the folks up there in Vermont. Eh, USCIS workers, you like cupcakes? What are your favorite kinds, and I'll get baking!

they seem to like bagels and coffee...I'll rustle up a fresh pot in the morning to keep them pumping out those approvals for everyone :D
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-01 17:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
OH YEAH........we are SO approved :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

(during me and Mr. Jess's dinner date for our 2nd anniversary!!!!)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-01 13:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

APPROVED ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! :dance: :dance:

WOOHOO!!!! We're still waiting on news...
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-01 13:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Come on, VSC! Make some happy November filers today!

I'd checked so many times this morning already that when I suddenly noticed the date had changed I almost fell off my chair (and I was on a conference call as well, try talking your way out of that one...)

I need everyone to think 'approval not RFE, approval not RFE...'!!! ;)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-01 08:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

I wonder is Nov the 'Disney Filers' month...? :)

You & Your guy
Your 'Disney Alum' & their partner
...and then Me & My Fiancee.

I hope we 'Have a magical day'. :D

Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-01 07:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
RIGHT THEN VERMONT, are you listening?

I know it's Monday morning and you're all a bit groggy and grumpy. Me too. Here, have some coffee. You can have as much as you like. I'll even buy you all breakfast. Need to make sure you're all fighting fit for another fantastic week of I-129F PROCESSING!!! You did such a good job last week - let's keep it up. You have thousands of people counting on you.

Here, have some more coffee. And a bagel.
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-01 04:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers
Exciting news folks...a fellow Disney alum of mine and November filer also got their approval today :D NOA1 date nov 24th....

Need everyone to think positive thoughts tonight!!!! LOTS of approvals this's gotta be all our turns next...
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-28 15:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Never mind monday..

I just did one of my 5000 daily checks on the ucsis...


I will be back with my lady soon..

And may i say again....


I am delighted.

Good luck everyone it seems things are moving fast and the November applications are flying out..

:thumbs: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :thumbs:

Woohoo!! Congrats.......send some of that Yorkshire luck my way please!! :D
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-28 12:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

for the first time in my life i am hating weekends lol!

Bring on monday!


I know what you mean, I've never wanted it to be Monday so much in my life!!

:star: Hi guys, i have been reading and checking this site like crazy. i never posted anything, first time ever. My boyfriend text me saying he has a juicy story to tell me, called him from work....yeah he got a text. Finally, i felt like i needed to so thank you to all of you. I know there is still a long road ahead. I wish you all the best, i will pray for you. I know its not easy :unsure: . God bless! thank you so much. Good luck everyone...

noa1= nov 20
noa2=feb 26

yaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!! Another one bites the dust = fewer in everyone elses way ;) congrats!!
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-27 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Not to appear to be whinging but I see a lot of later Nov filers getting approved but what about Nov 3rd. See Nov2. See Nov 4. see Nov 20 etc
Are we now the date that USCIS has now decided to ignore.

Congrats tho to those November Filers who now are getting their NOA2's

Well technically none of us here who are Nov 20 have got our NOA2....we just happen to have sight that they have been working on our day.

As an example they have still only processed 25% of our day - that's 75% still not done. It could well be the same for you.

I understand where you're coming from though, I was starting to feel that way too. In a way this kind of wait is worse - you know it could be TODAY, or tomorrow, or the next day....but equally you could be waiting weeks longer. Keep that chin up, it's coming :)

I have woken up every night since things started moving for November at about 3am and checked USCIS....I kind of need a decision just to maintain my sanity and my health, lol :)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-27 05:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers

Yeh, our NOA1 was dated the 20th of november, also funnily enough your not too far away from me.. I am in halifax, not too far from leeds.

I am trying to send good luck vibes to everyone in the hope i get some back.

That is quite are literally about 2 exits down the M62. Weird!!

Mr. Jess ran the PHP thingy-doodle again. SIXTEEN decisions today on our day alone. Go VSC - whatever they're feeding them up there I hope they keep this up cos if they do that means they'll get to us next week.......
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-26 18:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2009 filers


Ok, now I have some questions/concerns. I have scoured and read the boards on these subjects and now just want to know others experiences. First we receive our NOA1 on November 27th. Since then he came to visit me in the US during Christmas and I went back with him to Germany in January. Fast forward – He is coming back to visit me at the end of March. Could this really be an issue for him to visit me since we are in the K1 process? And if we did receive our NOA2 before he visited will they let him in the country to visit? I read conflicting stories on this but can’t find any rule saying you can’t see each other during the K1 process.

Second, question. Is it really an automatic red flag if the woman is older than the man? I am 7 years older than my fiancé but no we know, including ourselves, has ever questioned this or thought we were an odd couple. Could this really be problem with getting an approval? Should I plan to attend the interview with him in Germany?

Any insight would be appreciated. After reading the boards more and knowing NOA2's approvals are rolling, I'm starting to worry that something will get screwed up!!!!!

To be honest I think there IS no hard and fast rule.

I went to see Mr. Jess in January i.e. after we'd filed. I ended up entering via Miami as my flight to Orlando was cancelled. I was asked the purpose of my visit and I said 'to run the Disney Half-Marathon' - the truth, but I just neglected to mention I also had a fiance to spend time with too ;)

I have asked this question myself and the advice I received overwhelmingly was - don't volunteer any more information than necessary, but DON'T LIE...if they ask him he should tell them. He should also bring plenty of proof of ties to his home country - return ticket is obviously good start but if he;s asked he'll probably need more. I took my lease on my apartment and proof of employment, as well as a (large) unpaid credit card bill...I wasn't asked for any of those things but it's worth having just in case.

Apparently the Immigration Officer can only tell you've filed for a K1 once you have returned your Packet 3 to the embassy. If (hopefully!) you are at this stage by the end of March make sure he has all of the above plus a copy of the I-129F application and your NOAs. Ultimately it is at the discretion of the IO to let you in - plenty of people who have posted haven't had any problems visiting, but some have.

I'm visiting in April and worry about the same thing, so you are not alone :)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-26 18:01:00