United KingdomI made it!

Arrived in the US on Tuesday and seeing my husband there was the best feeling ever.
Now I am ready to start our new life together...after all this time waiting, it finally happened and it is WONDERFUL.

Saying goodbye to my family was heartbreaking, but they are all happy for me and I know I will see them again :)

Thank you to everyone who helped along the are great...and to all those people still waiting, do not give up's worth fighting for :)

Awaiting the arrival of my belongings now, but I have a lot of adjusting to do in the meantime.

Congratulations :D
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-19 17:30:00
United KingdomPsychiatric disorder in your medical history? Get a note before your medical appointment!
I have a question in this vein actually as I was completing my medical questionnaire today.

I had an eating disorder when I was 15 and was hospitalised for 3 months. That was over 10 years ago now and I'm right as rain.

Would you count this as a psychiatric disorder? I'm not looking for a medical opinion here, just bog standard 2nd opinion :)

My medical is on Wednesday and I stand minimal chance of getting to the GP before then given Easter coming up, so I may just have to suck it up and wait for them to fax the letter if it causes problems. Fortunately we haven't even got P4 yet so we have time if I come up against problems.
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-31 14:04:00
United KingdomHealth care reform, anyone?
I've always been a big fan of the NHS. Yes it's far from perfect and if it's not life-threatening you'll be waiting a long time, but I don't think a lot of people here realise what they've got. I am what's commonly known as a walking disaster and land myself in A&E frequently and have always got amazing care. My mum had breast cancer and her wait for an op was shorter on the NHS than on her private insurance.

My only experience of the American healthcare system is having to go to the ER with an allergic reaction, being charged $3000 for 3 hours I was there and then being chased by bailiffs for 6 months after I returned home over a bill I never maybe I'm a bit biased!! But I can honestly say that I worry more about how I will afford healthcare once I've moved than anything else in this whole process.
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-03-26 08:10:00
United KingdomWedding Planning from the UK Chat

Yup, and the butter cream is under the fondant, so wouldn't be exposted to the air.

I haven't been on this thread for a while, but I'm having wonderful mental images of me taking a feather duster to my wedding cake :D

Publix all the way for me. Fortunately Mr. Jess's parents have offered to pay for the cake, cos it really wasn't something I was that arsed about paying for. I would have happily picked up a chocolate sheet cake from Tesco!!

Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-02-26 05:24:00
United KingdomWedding Planning from the UK Chat
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to non-visa related discussion (still stuck at NOA1 and bored of no movement already ;))

We also did the thing you're not supposed to and booked before the visa. We actually booked before we'd even applied - we like to live dangerously!! But as with Nik & Heather, everywhere we spoke to allows us to move it at no charge. The place we have chosen is lovely and is also a package deal - ceremony, reception, etc all included. Absolute steal as well. They also throw in a wedding planner which for Miss Control Freak over here is great news...I met her for the first time last Tuesday and she seems to really have her head screwed on which is making me relax...a little bit!

Photographer is a family friend of Jason's dad who is doing it gratis - cake from Publix and may make our own invitations to save on moolah.

For my bridesmaids, I have 4 plus Jason has a 'Best Chick', but we can't afford to buy the dresses for them all - so I took a tip out of a wedding mag I found and am having them wear LBDs (then they can decide if they want to buy a new one or not) then having them wear a sash in my colours which I'll buy for them.

My REALLY exciting wedding news is that I bought my dress last Friday!!!! Ladies I would definitely recommend a visit to a Davids Bridal store - I went to the Orlando branch, they were really great, I got to try on loads of different styles, and the one I chose is 75% cheaper than what I'd been looking at in the UK!! Bargain!!

Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-01-18 12:28:00
United KingdomA new way to call the embassy?
Hi folks

This may be an anomaly but wanted to share it...

I happen to work for a certain telecoms company that reckons 'it's good to talk' ;) Part of my perks is that I get free broadband, with a router that has an internet phone attached. This is great as it allows me to make really cheap calls to the other half in the US and generally calls everywhere else are cheaper too.

As I had the displeasure of having to call the extortion line last month I figured I'd give the internet phone a shot on the slightest off-chance it might be vaguely cheaper. I got my bill today....and I haven't been charged for my call to the Embassy. It didn't even appear on my bill. Not yet, anyway - but it was over a month ago now so I imagine it would have been processed.

Now this could easily just be a billing anomaly (and quite frankly, it wouldn't exactly be a huge shock) but if you happen to have the BT Broadband with the hub phone and need to call the Embassy, it's worth a shot. Worst case scenario you end up paying the £1.20/minute - best case scenario, you don't :)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-07 07:43:00
United KingdomHELP HELP I don't have original of USC's divorce certificate
Thank you for making me feel better guys :) my boy is sending me the original so if we do run into problems, at least it is on its way. As my signature says, forewarned is forearmed :)

I think this is proof that, although I have been all calm and collected the past 2 days, my inner stress monster was just gagging to get out!! Time for a cup of tea I think...

Thank you for the good wishes :) cross your fingers!!!

Edited by Miss Jess, 08 June 2010 - 03:50 PM.

Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-08 15:48:00
United KingdomHELP HELP I don't have original of USC's divorce certificate

I have my interview on Thursday and just saw someone got a 'pending' result because they didn't have a certified copy of the USC's divorce certificate.

I have the copy of my I-129F packet (including photocopy of his divorce cert) but that's it. Am I totally jiggered? Will they definitely not approve me on the day?

I thought the interview was all about me (and this was reinforced by posts on VJ) so I assumed the photocopies would do it. Now I'm reading through all my paperwork again and reading it in a totally different light and I can't believe I could be so bloody stupid. Will they need his birth cert original? What about his passport?!

I'm really confused now and have gone from being really relaxed about the interview to totally flipping out. I know it's not the end of the world but it's so frustrating I could just kill someone. Do I have any chance on the day?
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-08 14:27:00
United KingdomFYI: Way to set up US bank account before leaving home
Hi folks

Posted a while back about which financial broker I should be using to transfer my wedding fund...for now I've opened accounts with both HiFX and Moneycorp and am waiting to see what the exchange rates do for a bit.

However Moneycorp do have a very useful additional service. They have a deal with Wachovia to set up bank accounts for Brits before they emigrate. The account is therefore ready and waiting for you to activate in full once you get to the states. It's also a free service which helps - HSBC wanted £100!!

All that is required is a photocopy of passport, driving license and a utility bill, which can be emailed as scans. The account is then opened within 72 hours and you have to deposit $100 within 10 days to keep it open.

Seems simple...not sure I'll bank with Wachovia on a permanent basis but having a bank account straight from the off will be a massive help. I'm going to be delving into this process over the next couple of weeks so I'll let you know how it goes!

Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-01 16:20:00
United KingdomInsurance post-move but pre-wedding!!
Thanks for all the responses guys :)

Thanks for the link - I followed it and then googled 'immigrant medical insurance' and all sorts of options came up! So thank you :)

Now I have to negotiate the minefield that is medical insurance jargon - deductibles, co-insurance, fixed benefits vs comprehensive, etc. Oh the joys.

Justine, we have seriously considered getting married legally first and then doing the big ceremony afters....I think it's just my girly inclination that I want it all to go off on 'the big day' that is preventing it. I know it's silly but I can't get over it. That said, if I can't find any insurance to cover my allergies, we may have to...
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-01 09:25:00
United KingdomInsurance post-move but pre-wedding!!
Hey folks

I'm 7 weeks from the big move now and I'm starting to make all the admin preparations...yikes.

One thing I'm a bit confused about is insurance. I am heading stateside just over a month before we get married and I won't be covered for medical on my husband-to-be's insurance until we get hitched. I've looked at travel insurance but they all technically require me to be a UK permanent resident, which of course I will be giving up upon my departure from the UK.

This is quite important for me as I have a severe food allergy that has landed me in hospital twice this year alone, so it will be sod's law if I don't get insurance that I will accidentally eat a Snickers or something in that lone month and land myself in the ER (last time I was hospitalised in the States it cost over $3000 for 3 hours and I think that was pretty cheap)

Does anyone have any advice? Do I just tick the UK permanent resident box or is there a different solution?

Ta ever so :)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-01 05:16:00
United KingdomShipping advice needed - particularly on Parcel Monkey!!
Hi folks, quick update the end I went with Trans Global Express to book DHL. I shipped 2 suitcases totalling around 45kg for 80 quid plus 6 for insurance for DHL Air Express. DHL picked up the suitcases within the specified time frame the day before I flew out and they arrived at my door in Florida the day after. Just unpacked them and everything is in perfect condition.

Really great service and VERY cheap, will be using them again for sure!
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-24 19:58:00
United KingdomShipping advice needed - particularly on Parcel Monkey!!

That sounds like it could cause problems for them if it appeared they were moving here with things tourists wouldn't normally bring for a short trip. And if you didn't get it right, they could be denied entry. What do they put on their green customs form? Do they turn in your forms and a copy of your visa to the customs officer? He would be separate from the immigration guys. There is a CBP person at each POE you can call. I would call the POE where they will arrive and get specific information about what to do and if it would be allowed. Here's the list of airports, names, and phone numbers.

I spoke to the supervisor of CBP at theHouston airport with some questions about the green immigration form. It wasn't the person on this list but I don't remember how I got his name and number. I was with my fiance/husband and wanted to know if it was a problem if I was bringing two suitcases full of cds, computer parts, and men's clothing for my fiance. And what would I write on my customs form? He told me no problem and just write household goods on the green form and no list of specifics and none of those long customs forms were needed. But I was traveling with the K1 immigrant. So I think you should check it out with the officials since you won't be physically with them with your visa. And get his name so they have a reference if they have problems.

Thank you :) I'm going to get the other half to give them a call in Orlando...otherwise I'll just ship it :) Starting to feel a bit more organised...kind of...
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-03 15:28:00
United KingdomShipping advice needed - particularly on Parcel Monkey!!
So, reactivating this post after a while...

It's now looking like I may well be able to get most of my stuff over with friends bringing additional suitcases with them - at £32/suitcase it seems to be cheaper than the shipping companies (at many of you rightly stated :blush: )

I know this is a bit dubious customs wise, but I'm just wondering if anyone's ever had any trouble doing this? If I fill in the same customs forms as I would with a shipping company and stick them in the suitcases do you think this would be OK?
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-10-03 09:38:00
United KingdomShipping advice needed - particularly on Parcel Monkey!!

If you're not worried about how long they take to arrive, have you considered perhaps packing some of the non-essentials into boxes and then sweet talking your family into storing a few of them? I anticipate that any trips to the UK will involve carting things back from Nik's parents for a couple years. 1 full + 1 empty suitcase going over, and 2 full coming back sort of thing.

I'm thinking about it, but I have limited options. My mum and stepdad are in the process of getting divorced (as I prepare to move to the States, so you can imagine the stress levels in my family :blink: ) and my mum's going to be moving into a much smaller flat so she's out. My one hope is my dad and stepmum. There's just them 2 in a 5 bedroom house, so I might be able to swing storing a couple of boxes there for a year or so...

Best quote so far is £170, but I strongly suspect once I give them actual weights (which they didn't request) that may go up...
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-14 14:43:00
United KingdomShipping advice needed - particularly on Parcel Monkey!!
Excess baggage as a general rule is around £6/kilo. 42kg x 6 = lots. And I am going to have more than one box overall.

Allfreight have quoted me £185 for 4 boxes, 7 days door to airport. Which is even more of a steal, so think I will probably go with them.

Fortunately I have some time but I realised at the weekend how time-consuming this is going to be so best get cracking sooner rather than later :)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-12 05:07:00
United KingdomShipping advice needed - particularly on Parcel Monkey!!
Hey folks

Getting into the logistical nightmare of organising my stuff for the move - I don't know how people with furniture do it, I've only got personal items and it's still driving me crazy.

I started sorting my stuff this weekend and will probably have one big box (45x45x50cm) and 2-3 smaller boxes. Most of it weighs quite a lot unfortunately - LOTS of photos (some in albums but mostly in boxes), some books, and some cuddly toys (I'm a sentimental soul :).

Once I'd got one box sorted I jumped on parcel monkey to get a quote - this was for the big box at 70kg.

The quote was £198, which whilst probably not entirely unreasonable did not seem to tally up with other prices folks have quoted on here. But weirdly the only option I was offered was DHL 1-2 day air freight. Thought they had more options than that. I'm happy to wait several weeks whilst the stuff goes by sea - the only thing I care about is that it gets there safely, not how fast it gets there.

So I guess I have a couple of questions here, for people who have already lived and breathed this most annoying logistical element of the move:

  • Who else have people used for relatively small amounts of stuff (3-4 boxes) - and what prices? (currently awaiting a sea freight quote from Excess Baggage...)
  • Any tips on packing? I.e. Am I better putting lots of stuff into one big and heavy box, or splitting it out into smaller boxes?

Any advice greatly appreciated - I've looked at a lot of the other shipping posts but most are a few years old :)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-07-11 15:30:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

K1 visa holders--you will need the white form I-94 that you fill out on the plane before landing, as well as the customs declaration form. They will give you the bottom half of the I-94 back when they process your entry or staple it inside your passport. It will have your 90 days noted on it and you will photocopy it as one of the things your submit with AOS.

I now actually have a question relating to this. Forgive me if I'm being dense.

I was digging about in my flight reservation for October today (having booked it, I suddenly remembered the LAST time I entered through Chicago with a visa and how bloody long it took, so wanted to check what my transfer time was...) and decided to upload my Advanced Passenger Info and get it over with.

First thing AA want to know is 'country of residence'. I may be being stupid, but should I put UK or US? At that moment in time my residence will be 'the plane' so just wanted to check ;)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-18 07:35:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Well... Had my interview today. It's in 'AP'... :(

They had lost 1 part of the DS230 form. Now I have another week to wait while they look at it again. And probably another week or two until I get my passport back. :(

Aw mate. That sucks. Why couldn't you just fill it out again or give them a copy?

Really hope it works out love...
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-17 12:24:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Quick question! Does anyone know about the ESTA form thing? K-1 holders don't have to bother filling it out, right? My fiance is a bit unsure about that.

ESTA is for people travelling on the Visa Waiver Program your other half has a visa, no need to bother :)

Just as well, because considering you still have to fill out the green forms anyway it's the most pointless waste of space.
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-17 08:04:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

That happened to us. They handwrote some number on the receipt. After a few days I called to inquire. They said the number wasn't a receipt number, but found the record by using the address after I pressed them a bit. They never sent a text message about delivery. They didn't come the day they told me (verbally) was the delivery day. (The truck our package was on broke down before noon, so those deliveries didn't get done.) But they said if I would call at 7:30 the next morning, they could give me an accurate one hour window of a delivery time so I wouldn't have to spend another 10 hours stuck in the house, afraid to go in the back garden and miss the doorbell ring. Of course the "window" came and went. And of course I called again to ask if they were still coming as it was already 4:00. They actually can call the driver and find out where he is and report back, which they did for me. They were actually very nice and helpful, but I think it was because of the circumstances with no tracking number and a missed delivery day. I hope the impatient ones here don't start calling under normal circumstances. It will get like DOS. You used to get straight in on the phone and all the people were extremely helpful. Then people started calling every day when they had no issues but were just curious and impatient. So DOS is now too swamped to be as nice as they used to be.

Thanks for the tip. As it turns out, I needn't have asked, cos my passport was just delivered :D

I thought they were supposed to see my ID though? They just left it with reception downstairs...slightly worrying, I mean it's 'only' my passport... ;)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-16 09:14:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Hey folks, quick question re: the couriers....

I'm not sure if anyone's had this experience, but on the day of my interview SMS's systems were down so I was given a handwritten receipt and told my tracking number would be sent in the post.

Anyone have any experience of how long this takes? I get nervous not knowing where my passport is and having no way of knowing... :wacko:
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-16 05:38:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Quick question for people who've received their visas. Did you remove the big white sticker from your passport before you entered the US? I'm pretty sure it was only applicable on the day of the interview but I don't want to take it off and then find they wanted it left on!

Thanks :)

You mean the 'I' number sticker? That is only applicable at the Embassy :)
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-14 07:39:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Hi guys.....I got approved today!!!!

LONG wait at the embassy but really really positive experience (much better than my 2 previous visits as a non-immigrant visa applicant!!) - at the end of my 90 second interview the CO congratulated me and welcomed me to the family :)

High as a kite...spent a great afternoon in London afterwards with my best friend/maid of honour...just got back to Leeds now and absolutely WIPED but wanted to spread the good news!! :D

Posted Image

Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-10 16:30:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Hey folks. It's been a while since I dropped in, but just wanted to say hey. Got my interview Thursday! Currently I'm 20% nervous and 80% excited - I'm sure that percentage will change as the week progresses but I'm just going to glug Rescue Remedy to keep it in check ;)

Congrats to all the recent approvals...hope I'll be joining you this week!!
Miss JessFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-06-07 03:16:00
USCIS Service CentersI'm so depressed :( come on vsc!!

this argument is really a waste of time. Complaining on here isn't going to get VSC moving again. both service centers are going to go through cycles... but I for one, having tracked their progress for the past 5 months have to say that despite the processing times at VSC I would not want to switch my petition to CSC. While Vermont is approving random petitions out of order for the most part they have been advancing month by month. At CSC the only reason Dec and Jan filers are approved at the rates they are is because Oct and Nov were skipped and were gotten back to later in an attempt to lower the processing average...they got what they wanted because their "posted" time is now the 5 month goal.  CSC just a month ago was a mess and the only reason it's been put in motion again is because people voiced their frustration. If us VSC filers want to see quicker movement we need to make ourselves heard. I'll be writing my congressmen and senators this weekend and calling VSC again but we won't be listened to unless we all speak up. 

jenni17FemalePeru2013-05-23 20:37:00
United KingdomPolice Certificate - Reassurance please!!!!
We're going to apply for honey's police certificate when I visit next week...
NkybabyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-11 17:43:00
United KingdomTravelling to visit Fiance in UK
[size=2][b]I've been 2 the UK twice before I just filed the K1...I will be going to UK next week...I guess they like laughing to see so far I am there every 2-3 months...

But I never had a problem...Each time I was like I'm going to see my boyfriend...I guess this time I will say fiance...[/b

Edited by Nkybaby, 11 January 2007 - 05:24 PM.

NkybabyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-11 17:19:00
United KingdomCost Of Medical Increased
I actually...was glad I didn't have any problems getting into Gatwick on the day of the storm...Actually I arrived in the UK from US on the 1st flight in on Continental...I think I got in a 6:30am....but I saw all the stuff going on with the weather...

I called up a few days ago to make my appointment for my Medical and they told me that the price has increased by £10.

It went up from £160 to £170!!!! :ranting: They must be raking it in!!!! :yes:

Oh well, just another dip into the bottomless money pot which is a requirement for this Visa!!!!! :rolleyes:

By the way, I hope the horrible weather in London didn't affect anyone over the last few days. I saw on the news that flights were cancelled at Heathrow!!


Edited by Nkybaby, 24 January 2007 - 05:00 PM.

NkybabyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-24 16:56:00
United KingdomEver had a package to UK lost?
I've always sent stuff FED EX to UK and always had a 2 day turn around time Priority overnight...and he has always sent stuff to me via Royal mail and normally I get it in 1 week time from the day he sent it I guess I shall continue to keep my fingers crossed...
NkybabyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-25 18:29:00
United KingdomPacket 4!!! yay!
NkybabyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-25 18:20:00
How long do you have to complete packet 3?...Like because we are waiting for a few things...what is the max time frame...On my noa2 it says valid between Jan 10th-May 10th...So would it be okay to turn the Packet 3 back in lets say March/ long as it is before the NOA2 expires...

Thanks in advance...

NkybabyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-26 12:58:00
United KingdomNVC, packet 3, Packet 4, Interview ?
NkybabyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-26 12:07:00
United KingdomNVC, packet 3, Packet 4, Interview ?

Mag just stay off my thread eh, I dont need your kind of help. And yes working 12 hour shifts 5 days a week dealing with a 4 year old son full time, Im sorry I dont have much time to sift through post after post to find the information and yes i did try the search feature and didnt find it much more helpful. Dont like it as I said before stay off my topic then.

Ignore this link its for my own personal reference as i said just trying to compile all the data in one spot for easy findings and referencing later.;#entry672553

Thanks Nky, did you get your letter from NVC before or after you got your NOA2 in the mail? I know it took them like 10 days before we got our NOA1 in the mail and about the same for our rfe.

Yeah told my fiancee today he had to go to the police station when he got up, hopefully he will hes the type that needs a little prodding sometimes lol.

I got my NOA via email on Jan 10th & then in the mail on Jan 16th and then a got NVC in the mail on Jan 22...but the letter said they had received my file and that in another week or two it would be sent to London...but when I called NVC they had sent my file on London on Jan 12th & London received it on Jan 18...So I guess they just took an overlasp in mailing the letter from NVC...

Hey we shall all try not to be too hard on others...I mean I find out the more i read on here the more I learn something new everyday...Like when fiance gets visa in hand and comes to good to come via JFK to get 90 temorary work permit while waiting to file papers for Advanced Parole and Adjustment of Status and Work Permit...

Don't be too hard I understand it can get frustrating at times...sometimes I feel I am more on top of things than my fiance however, people only act upon their I can't get mad at him because he's more laid back them me...and in a partnership it's more about getting the job done that is most important...

However, no matter who answers's always best to cross reference and double check things out...

And I have learned that this is a stressful process...

I have 2 kids in the that is mine and another a family member...also my computer is down at I try to surf as much as possible during the day while I have access to a computer...because every piece of information counts...

Everybody have a nice day and just enjoy...the moments of being able to come together from time to time...
I wish everyone well...I know we are all stressed...but it will all pay off in the long run...
NkybabyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-26 11:13:00
United KingdomNVC, packet 3, Packet 4, Interview ?
Hope this help
NVC phone number is on their website...just google it...I thought I wrote it down but I can't remember it off head...they will give you the number to the embassy in London however, you can only call that number if you are inside of the UK for 60 pences per minute and to call from US there is a 1-866-number that will ask for a credit card for you to pay $16.00 (US) for 7 minutes of help...

NkybabyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-25 18:13:00
United KingdomNVC, packet 3, Packet 4, Interview ?

sigh, I see your another look at the timelines person.. I know where the timelines at and have looked at them many numerous times. I dont need to know the length in days so let me be more specific about what I want to know.. Whats in packet 3, The PHONE NUMBER to the NVC and how long I should wait before I start calling them, what information do I need when I call them, How can I track my Petition from the NVC to the embassy in London, Once my petition is in London what do we get in packet 4, what is the PHONE NUMBER to the london embassy, how long should i wait once the petition leaves NVC before I start calling the embassy to find out our Interview date, what information will I need for that call. When should we make the appointment for the medical exam? I kinda want all this information togther in one post, so that way when i Look back for reference I can just go to this post find out what I need and go on again.


Here's how things went for me so far if you look at my signature line...and also you should receive a letter in the mail in a few days from NVC with a case # that is different from your receipt number and then if you wait a few more days you can call NVC back and they will tell you when they sent the file to London and the date London received it...

So I guess now we are waiting for packet 3...I hope this helps some...If you go to it will give you a highlight of what is in packet 3

Also tell your fiance to go to his local police station now in UK and request for a police certifcate it will cost 10 pounds and he needs a driver's liecense and passport or utilitybill...It will take 40 days max for them to mail it back but I heard normally 2-3 weeks he should get it...and also if he has lived any where else in the world since age 16 for more than 6 months he will need a police report/certificate from any other country....

Hope this help

NkybabyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-25 18:05:00
United KingdomAirfare from UK to US

My family have booked tickets to come over for my wedding in November.
Continental Airlines, Gatwick to Newark direct, £160 return each, inc all taxes etc. What a bargain!! :D
& I think their sale may still be on.
I found it through Airline Network, but they charged £170, £10 more than Continental.

Yeah I like Continental....that's what I use to UK (I always find a ticket to UK for $400 roundtrip, except in Aug it was $730), but we haven't had to fly the other way around far only me coming out there....but I will keep the good deal in mind....
NkybabyFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-11 18:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Visa in Hand

yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyPosted Image Posted Image Posted Image

:thumbs: :dance: Great news Sugarapple :dance: :thumbs:
Sasha_CoolFemaleJamaica2010-06-11 19:47:00
United KingdomBringing electronic equipment to the U.S.
Hi there,

Nigel is feeling very sad to leave his stereo in the U.K. when he moves here. Did anyone bring any electronic equipment with them and use a converter to use it? I've blown a few different things when using U.S. appliances in the UK using a converter so I'm worried the same will happen to him if he brings his stereo over.

beaner0500Not TellingEngland2006-02-20 19:26:00
United KingdomFinding work

So, what is the situation with finding a job and how difficult is it adapating to american working life than that of the UK?

I work in recruitment as a Bid Manager, anybody work in similar sector or role?


Nigel, the other half of "beaner0500"!!

Edited by beaner0500, 20 February 2006 - 10:12 PM.

beaner0500Not TellingEngland2006-02-20 22:11:00