K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about 6 months.
Which day do they go by when they look at if you have hit 6 months ... is i the day they sign and receive the package or the NOA1 date? Thanks in advance.
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-05-26 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinancial support
I think you maybe missing what a couple of us have tried to say here. Basically we are saying "sometimes" using receipts of money being given to the beneficary can be seen as a negative at the interview ... we are just saying use other things like chat logs, phone logs, pictures , snail mail, etc to show them your ongoing genuine relationship at the interview .... it isn't a bad thing to have those receipts with you for the interview just in case you need them ... but I would suggest not giving them as proof of your ongoing relationship is all I am saying. There are other things that can be used for this that is far better to prove to them.

However the interviewers are also smart enough to know the majority of the beneifciary's from the Philippines is getting financial help from their SO to gather all the documents and do all the travel neccessary for the whole process ... but just don't give them a reason to question anything by handing them a years worth of money transactions to you ... like I said above there are cases in the past where it was looked at as "buying love" sort to speak. Hope I made sense to you ... just trying to help you out as much as I can smile.gif
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-07 07:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinancial support
Here is the thing about sending money to fiance .... sometimes it can act against you in the interview process .... sometimes not ... you do not want to use this as evidence for your genuine relationship ... it can possibly be looked, or seen at by the consulate as "buying" love.

What I suggest is saving the receipts and keeping them in a folder for the interview ... I would not use them or show them as proof of your relationship when they ask for ongoing proof ... however I would have them with if asked for that kind of thing at the interview.

Someone else may have other suggestions ... but from what I read this can sometimes have a negative affect on the interview ... unless already married of course.

Edited by SomedaySomehow, 06 June 2009 - 02:24 PM.

SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-06 14:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVSC is getting ahead of CSC?
My vote goes for CSC ... but my vote might be a bit biased smile.gif
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-01 18:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpedited processing
QUOTE (susita83 @ Jun 13 2009, 07:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Why don't you check with the registrar at your university?

There is a refund policy - like mine is if you cancel the first week of classes 100% refund, so you could technically pay and then cancel if he can't make it. Again, I'm not sure what their refund policy is but it's totally an option.

My thoughts as well .... I've never heard of a university not refunding tuition if the courses are dropped or withdrawn after a certain date of the course beggining ( Usually 1 week sometimes 2 ) and usually they will even refund a percentage of the tuition if you withdraw further into the course .

Anyway ... I am with the others here ... this is most likely not a reason for a expedited case ... although if it is the case that you can not get a refund for those courses I do feel for ya ... its not fun to loose a chunk of money because of this process ... but really it is what it is ... for the most part this process is out of your control and no solid plans should even be made until that day the visa is in hand.

Edited by SomedaySomehow, 13 June 2009 - 08:40 AM.

SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-13 08:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetitioners Income
QUOTE (Bill+Maria @ Jun 13 2009, 10:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks a lot everyone!! I would need to look at the 2 as it would be Maria and I correct?

SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-13 10:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetitioners Income
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-13 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs mortgage loan debt an issue?
Most likely won't be a issue that I know of ... as long as he doesn't loose his job and income ... that is what they are most concerned about .. however the bank will take his home if he stops paying for it lol
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-13 09:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPapers for interview
Read through this ... this is the email you two will receive after receiving your NOA2 ... it lists everything she must do and provide prior and during the interview .... good luck ... it also lists all the medical requirements at the bottom ..


One thing to keep in mind is to keep checking back at the requirements as they could change prior to your interview ... but that link is the official Manila Embassy requirements so just book mark and read through it .... hope this is what you were looking for smile.gif

Edited by SomedaySomehow, 14 June 2009 - 06:05 AM.

SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-14 06:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Filers April 2009
I think April filers have a little wait yet ... looking at Igor's List they are just starting the early March Filers ... and it seems to be a boat load of March Filers for some reason ... well more than the the April anyway by quite a few ... I think we may finally see a non expedited April filer approval sometime early to mid July ... good luck .. we are getting closer and closer everyday at least smile.gif
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-06-17 21:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 - California vs. Vermont
Well even with CSC ahead of VSC right now ... VSC is statistically still pumping out quite a more approvals on a weekly average compared to CSC ... this basically tells us VSC has a higher work load I would assume ... however the average daily approvals are really close to each other ... the past 3 months CSC has slowed down ALOT ... in january and febuary it seems they made a big push to try and catch up on the backlog ( I assume hired more adjudicators are shuffled some around from VSC or something ) but now it is slowly going the opposite direction again .... heck there was some Feb timelines I remember seeing who where together here in the US within 3 months of filing ... we have been waiting that long already just for our NOA2 ... I really wish they would come up with a more efficient way for this whole process ... for starters they need to put Family type visas in front of any other visa type IMO ... work type visas should not have priority over Family / spousal / fiance visas ... but that is my opinion I guess ... anyway I will stop with my little rant here hehe

Edited by SomedaySomehow, 15 July 2009 - 04:00 PM.

SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-07-15 15:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre the poverty guidelines before-tax or after-tax? Are they gross income or net income?
Gross Income ... unless something has changed recently .. which I doubt ..

line 22 of your 1040 is what is looked at ...

Hope this helps !
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-07-22 21:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved...
Congrats to you Kevin and Michelle !! Grats bro ... looks like Michelle will probably be with you sooner than Jenelyn will be with me ..

Those two still keep in contact after meeting at that hell hole known as the CFO hehe The second trip back to the CFO though was a success, they finally gave her the CFO ... such a frustrating ordeal though ...

Edited by SomedaySomehow, 02 August 2009 - 02:27 PM.

SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-02 14:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE's
QUOTE (Otto und Karin @ Aug 16 2009, 12:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SomedaySomehow @ Aug 16 2009, 11:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
What I didn't include however was my passport ( Stupid mistake, wish I would of read here alot more before hand ) and statements from my bank and credit card showing the payments and with drawls in the Philippines during that time.

Sounds like you're almost good to go - not sure how much else you would (or even could) submit (besides the requested passport copies).

And to kind of add to the advice - if/when submitting passport copies - especially to show entry/exit stamps - it is best advised to copy the entire passport (not just the pages with stamps). The pages are numbered so copy even the blank ones.

Thanks for the advice ... that is what I did ... I am trying to cover every base possible and leave no doubt in their mind. I honestly think they lost half our documents or something because I submitted a ton of receipts etc originally ... the one thing I didn't include was the passport. I included a original birth certificate along with the other travel documents. Only other thing I can think of is they don't accept E-Ticket boarding passes ... but even that has the scannable bar code on it.

Thanks for the help and reply's everyone ! This website is the best !
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-16 12:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE's
QUOTE (Otto und Karin @ Aug 16 2009, 12:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SomedaySomehow @ Aug 16 2009, 11:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am confused if what they sent me is merely meant all for the Passport and the other information about pictures etc is just meant there as reference if I didn't have a stamped passport .... I just want to get this right so we can move on already.

Photographs are considered secondary evidence and do not carry a lot of weight (with or without dates) - I would imagine the notation regarding photographs is incidental (as you surmised, in case you have nothing else). I would venture to say that most folks don't submit date/time-stamped photos (we didn't).

Without knowing exactly what you sent originally, it's a bit of a guess as to what more you would need (other than what they directly stated; passport copies). The meeting in person within the past two years is a very important objective to meet though so you want to be sure to include any and all evidence you can.

I honestly can't understand for the life of me how they didn't see we were together in March and April of this year ... I submitted all boarding passes, flight iteneray's, hotel receipts with the original petition. They all clearly showed the dates with my full name on them .. at this point I can only assume they just want my passport copy ... here is advice to others starting the process ... regardless of anything include your passport ..

What I didn't include however was my passport ( Stupid mistake, wish I would of read here alot more before hand ) and statements from my bank and credit card showing the payments and with drawls in the Philippines during that time.
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-16 12:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE's
QUOTE (Arabella @ Aug 16 2009, 11:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'd like to know the answer to this one too. Mine didn't have dates made by the camera . . . just hand written dates on the back by me.

That is what we did as well ... she did her copy she has and I did my copy here. We wrote the dates with a brief explanation of who was in the picture and what we were doing.

I am confused if what they sent me is merely meant all for the Passport and the other information about pictures etc is just meant there as reference if I didn't have a stamped passport .... I just want to get this right so we can move on already.
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-16 12:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE's
Matter of fact I will type out the RFE word for word .. I want to make sure we get this right before I mail this thing back to them ... we just don't want to keep waiting and waiting ...

Passport : The petitioner and the beneficiary must have met in person between April 30, 2007 and April 29, 2009. If the petitioner met with the beneficiary in a country other than the benefificiary's country of residence, then it must be shown that both the petitioner and the bene were visiting the same place at the same time. Please submist a copy of the petitioner's US passport, all pages ( with or without stamps ) including identification page.

Note: If there are no admission stamps in your passport, please submit the following 1) a copy of the petitioners US passport, all pages 2) indicate in a letter that no stamps were put into your passport, and 3) evidence of meeting your fiance within the two year period immediatly preceding the filing of this petition, other than what has orginally been submitted. Such evidence may include ATM and credit card transactions, flight itinerary on a airplane/travel agency letterhead only, hotel receipts, etc. The following DOES NOT constitute evidence of meeting: letters, phone bills, and greeting cards.

Meeting in Person : The petitioner and the beneficiary must have met in person within the 2 year period prior to filing of this petition. Please submit FILM DATED PHOTOGRAPHS of the petitioner and the beneficiary together. NOTE: USCIS will accept non dated photos if dated photos are not available. However, if no photos are available, please submit any evidence that will help USCIS to determine that the petitioner has physically met the beneficiary in person within two years.

Foreign Documents : Any document written in or containing another language other than English shall be submitted with a full English translation ( including any and all admission and departure stamps). The translator must certify that the translation is complete and accurate and that he or she is competent to translate.


The decision of whether to approve or deny the petition will be based upon the type(s) of evidence sumitted and its credibility.

Edited by SomedaySomehow, 16 August 2009 - 12:05 PM.

SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-16 12:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE's
Thanks for the replies ... another question for you all ... this has me a little worried now as I reread and reread the RFE ...

Quick question for you all ...

Did any of you include pictures that didn't have the time and date imprinted on the picture?
Unfourtantly I am don't know much about camera's, matter of fact I only bought this camera for the purpose of taking pictures with her and I when I was there.
On the bottom of the RFE it says include "film dated photographs of you and your fiance when last you met"

The problem is the camera setting was defaulted to not include the time and date and I didn't realize this until now and it won't allow me to add the date and time now after the fact to reprint and send the pictures. I read the manual and it sounds like date and time is engraved into the image at the time of taking the picture. However on the digital screen it shows the correct date when the picture was taken ... anyone know how I can get this date to show up when the picture is printed??? I am a little worried now .. I would hope they wouldn't deny us because the pictures are not time dated ... I mean I have the passport with the exit/entry stamps from March and April of this year when I was with her. I also included bank statements showing atm with drawls and also the credit card statement showing the payment to the hotel. Maybe I am just a little over paranoid now because of this whole RFE thing ..

But on the bottom of the page it in bold it says :

Provide film dated photographs ..... which we don't have because the camera won't imprint when I print them out now ..
Sign the enclosed Form G-325A forms.
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-16 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE's
We got a RFE on August 11, 2009 and I received it in the mail today.

It is asking for a photo copy of my passport ... it also lists Meeting in Person ... I assume this is in reference to the passport and the entry/exit stamps.

But to make sure I am resending boarding passes, hotel receipts, atm withdrawls etc ... I sent most of that originally I am not sure if it got lost or if the Meeting in person is just in reference to the passport request.

My question here is ... do you need to send the "originals" of boarding passes, hotel receipts etc?

Thanks for any help, we appreciate it!
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-08-15 18:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo more sending of the packet 3 to fiance
This is essentially packet 3 for the manila embassy .... when you call to set up your interview date they will give you this website address ... really it is a nice fast and efficient way of doing this process in my opinion, if you know about it ahead of time anyway. You will not send anything in to the Manila embassy... she will bring all the required documents listed in the address below to the interview.


Hope this helps ... good luck!
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2009-09-30 12:37:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
hello mga momies,. tanong ko lng my mapapansin ba kayo s ktwan nyo pg malapit na kyong manganak???or sign ???
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2010-05-24 15:08:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
davanj 34 weeks pregnant ka rin at s july 1 due date mo???? kc ako 34 weeks na dn last saturday due date ko july 3 or 4 ehehehe,.,. :)
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2010-05-24 05:46:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
helooooooooo mga mommies ``` hay ngayun plng ako my time kc bc s pg lipat s new home nkakapakod din khit wla me ginwa ehehheeh,. musta na kayo??? AKO NAMAN S ORMOC `MATAG-OB AKO SA LEYTE,. sa tacloban ako kmoha ng passport` NBI`NSO`Khit :)
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2010-05-23 07:00:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
thank you ,. oo nga ehhh sarap ng feelings,. excited., then after excited then pg labas ni baby ehehhehe,.
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2010-05-21 10:20:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
HELOOOO```` updates ko lng wre so excited to move in new home,. finaly lilipat na rin kmi s sarile nming bahay,. kc dti nka apartment lng kmi,. ang mahal pala ng mga bahay dto tpos dmi png bilihin for the home mga gmit ,. pero ok lng atlest now we own home ehehehhe,.,
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2010-05-21 05:31:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
ahh gnun ba kc ako wla akong hapas eheheheh,. alam nyo na pg s atin kailangan ang mga bontis mg hapas pra di malamigan eheheh,.
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2010-05-20 13:51:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
ahhh gnunbah akala ko kc msakit ung epi. ask ko lng nung nag bontis kyo my pahapas2x ba kyo ehehe kc ako wla ehh ., ung pg tinahi ung ehem nyo after lumbas ang baby ma feel nyo ba? ang skit cgro eheheh,.
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2010-05-20 06:02:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
mabuti nlng na hanap ng husband ko tong site na to,. kc d2 ko lng nlalaman o nkonan ng idea about pregnant at pg eeri eheheh,. thnz guys ha,. pcncxa na rn if d nyo msyadong ma intindhan tgalog ko kc visaya ako ehehehheeh,.,.., :lol:

mabuti nlng na hanap ng husband ko tong site na to,. kc d2 ko lng nlalaman o nkonan ng idea about pregnant at pg eeri eheheh,. thnz guys ha,. pcncxa na rn if d nyo msyadong ma intindhan tgalog ko kc visaya ako ehehehheeh,.,.., :lol:
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2010-05-19 11:05:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
ehehhehe nakakatwa naman,. ako dn kc takot ako mg patorok, para kcng masakit ung epidural ehhh kc nkita ko s tv pg tinurokan prang ang skit.. ilang months mo ba ma feel ung skit lalo na pg umihi . :wacko:
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2010-05-19 10:59:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
ask ko lng ha after manganak. masakit ba pg umihi ilng months??
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2010-05-18 20:06:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
nkakatawa nman eheheh,., alam nyo ako dn ehhh di ko rin alam kng anu tlga maramdaman o constraction ang akin nlng kong my mramdaman akong masakit na maskit un na un ehehhe., kya ung husband ko ask ng ask kng my nramdamn ba akong kaka-iba., masakit ba yung epidural???
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2010-05-18 19:55:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
im 32 weeks last saturday ,. so probly my baby now is 4 pounds,. kc noung last ultra sounds nmin nung april 2 hes 3 pounds and 2onz.
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2010-05-17 19:57:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
oo nga ehh nung 1month ko nga 72 to 74 pounds lng ako eheheh,. ok na ngayon atlest 101 pounds na eheheh,.

ang cute ni ethan., nkakatuwa ang cute ng mga babies ,.
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2010-05-17 05:27:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
ang ganda ng panahon ngayon,. s wakas di na malamig eheheeh,.,
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2010-05-16 09:32:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
eheheh oo nga ehh,. sa computer nmin hinanap name nya ehehhe,., 101.6 pounds na ako now eheheh im so small and skinny kc, kya ung OB doc ko nag ala-la kc ang li-it ko dw eheheheh but im doing good now eat and eat eheheh,..,
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2010-05-13 05:55:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
gender ng baby ko lalaki,. name nya jagger james,. eheheheh
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2010-05-12 16:49:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
oo nga okie lng yan kc sarap ng feelings mo if nka pg labas ka ng sama ng loob dba??
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2010-05-12 16:47:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
hello` oo nga ehh malapit na rin akong manganak sa july due ko,. :yes: i wonder if anong hitsura ng baby ko ehehehhe.,,.
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2010-05-11 05:29:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
HI` im 31 weeks pregnant now., nag enjoy kami sa mga vedio ng mga baby nyo ang cute,. nga pala sa ORMOC LEYTE ako,.
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2010-05-09 19:15:00
PhilippinesAll pregnant Mommies
hi to all mom.. im jenelyn im pregnant to eheheh,.., musta na kayo??? :D
SomedaySomehowFemalePhilippines2010-05-09 07:09:00