US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Earlier than Expected!
:dance: :dance: Consulate Recieved My CAse NOv. 20, 2006 and Recieved Packet Online NOv. 22, 2006 and I FAx Them My Interview Appointment Same DAy! :yes: And Today I Got A Phone CAll From The Embassy And They Confirmed That My Interview Is Scheduled On December 12, 2006! :yes: That was FAst and early Than Expected! :dance: I Was Thinking My Interview will be Early JAnuary! :dance: I Am Soooo happy Right Now! My Fiance Is Still Sleeping And I have To wait In the Morning To tell HIm The Good News! :D Finally I can Be HOme For Christmas!!! :dance: :dance: To All VJ's Thanks So Much For All Your Help & SUpport! GoodLuck And Best Wishes To Us All.... :thumbs: :D
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-11-27 06:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNEED HELP!
Hi Everyone,

I Need Your Help....I Will have my Interviw December 12, 2006...I want to ask On The Forms DS156, DS156K, DS230, SEO97 i want to clarify if which of them needs to be signed during the interview? Is it only the DS156K and CAn I sign ther rest of the form where it says Signature of Applicant? Help and Information Is greatly Appreciated.......:)
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-11-29 21:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPhilippine citizens abroad

Thanks for the responses, and I know we are not alone dealing with this issue, so I will include another option beyond having someone back in PI obtain the NBI.

(This is from another visa forum, same question was asked.)

QUOTE(rhiadraiss @ Nov 29 2006, 03:07 PM)

source :


You can visit the nearest Philippine Consulate Office and asked for a Fingerprint Card Form.
a.) Fingerprint Card Form – fill up the personal data called for on both sides of this card truthfully and legibly.
b.) Request the assistance/endorsement of the nearest Philippines Consulate Office for the police agency in your locality to have your fingerprints impressed (ROLLED IMPRESSION) on the appropriate spaces. The officer/person who fingerprinted you should sign his name state his official designation on the space provided for the purpose in the card.
c.) In case you are a married woman, the order of writing your name is as follows:
c.1) Your maiden surname (father’s surname).
c.2) Your husband’s surname.
c.3) Your first name or given name.
c.4) Your maternal surname (family name of your mother)
d.) Attach a latest copy of your 2”x2” photograph (white background), taken within three (3) months before this application at the appropriate box in the fingerprint card form.
Upon completion of this requirement, please send back your form to us and enclose Money Order in the sum of Php 200.00 or any currency/bankdraft of its equivalent which is negotiable in the Philippines payable to the Director, National Bureau of Investigation, Taft Avenue, Ermita 1000 Manila, Philippines.
We will mail to you the corresponding clearance certificate after we have processed your application papers.
Upon receipt of your clearance certificate, please examine it for the presence of the embossed NBI DRY SEAL at its lower left portion, the clearance is invalid without it. Also, you must affix your clear and properly taken THUMBPRINT on the space provided for it in the clearance certificate before submitting it to your end-user, otherwise, your clearance will be subjected for further verification/authentication and will cause the delay of your immigration requirements
Hope it will help her .


Im In Korea Right Now and NBi Is Needed for My Interview, what i Did is that I went to the Philippine Embassy here In Korea Got Fingerprints and bring 2pictures with me and they give me the documents with my Fingerprints on it and have the documents with your finger print send to one of your fiancee's relative back in Phils and her old NBI if Any then have them do it for her....Mine only took 1 day from NBI to issue my NBI and Have My relative send it back to me Thru FEDEX! Hope this helps....
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-11-30 01:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed Help!

Dear Liza,

You can fill out and sign Form DS-230 Part I only; you can also complete Part II up to item # 35, but you shouldn't write anything in the 35 question case (meaning you mustn't sign it before the interview).

Then you have to complete DS-156 in duplicate; do not sign it, you will do it in front of the Consular Officer.

Form DS-156k can also be filled out beforehand, but signed during the interview.

As for SEO-97, I'm afraid I can't give you any piece of advice, it's probably specific to the US Consulate in Seoul.

Good luck! (F)


Thanks So Much Callina! :D That's A Big Help :yes: Goodluck And Best Wishes to You :star: Pls Keep Me Posted of How Your Interview Goes....I was Surprised When The Embassy Called me and Give Me My Interview Schedule they told me I can leave By Dec.18 :yes: It only take them 2 Days after the interview and You can have your Visa By Mail....Im Happy that EMbassy here are Nice And Friendly! They are quick on replying Inquiries ;) I Guess they misunderstood Us! When we send them the Packet 3 back thru Fax, we Inform them if they could give us Early Interview Between 18-29 December So, My Fiance could be at My Inteview But they Understood it that I wanted to leave For US By Dec. 18 :D Which Is A Good thing cuz they gave us Earlier Schedule than Expected! :dance: Which Is Goodnews For Me and My Fiance :yes: :dance:
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-11-30 21:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed Help!

When you have continually provided answers to questions like this for a year, perhaps you will understand my straightforward and direct response.

How Would Newbies like us will know that you've been asnwering same anwers to questions for over a year? People who are new here are asking things that need to be sure not to messed everything up.

You seem to be missing the point.

I explained the reason for my straightforward and direct response. I did not say I expect you to know that I have been answering questions for over a year.

This is not a confusing question that needs to be confirmed with VJ members who have been through the interview because it's completely clear on the form. All you need to do is read the instructions on the form and the section in big black letters.

If you don't like my advice, don't take it. Wait until someone else tells you exactly the same thing - the answer is on the form.

Thanks Kitkat!!! :D You Dnt have To Worry About it Anymore ;) Just Always think And Try to be Nice Sometimes!!! It was never been A confusing quess but just a sort of clarification and wanted to make sure I'm making the right thing...Wont hurt to ask!!! Sorry For A Dumb Quess..if it is for You!!! And Remember always that using CAPSLOCK to People Is means Yelling and Can Sometimes HUrt Other People's Feelings!!! My Quess and clarification have already been answered!!! Goodluck And Best Wishes To You!!! :yes: Wish You Long Happiness Always And God Bless!!!
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-11-30 10:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed Help!

You may think KK is mean, but she's not. READ THE PAPERS, if it says sign, SIGN it. It's not hard. Any adult can figure this out.

Hi Everyone,

I Need Your Help....I Will have my Interviw December 12, 2006...I want to ask On The Forms DS156, DS156K, DS230, SEO97 i want to clarify if which of them needs to be signed during the interview? Is it only the DS156K and CAn I sign ther rest of the form where it says Signature of Applicant? Help and Information Is greatly Appreciated.......:)

Look at the Example Forms at the top of where it says "Example Forms".

If a form says:

DO NOT SIGN this form until instructed to do so by the consular officer

then don't sign it

Websters dictionary says, when looking for tact:

Tact: The opposite of "Kitkat's" typical response on VJ.

This forum is to encourage and assist. Not belittle or annoy.

My apologies to the moderators. But, in the immortal words of Popeye, "That's all I can stands and I can't stands no more..." :)

When a form says DO NOT SIGN, that should be something every VJer can read & understand. KK is not out of line. Too many VJers don't search or read guides.

Thats Why I Clarify If DS156 is The Only Form Need Not To be Signed!!! Atleast People Who Answer Quess can try to be Nice in Giving Info to New Members.....Me and Fiancee talked about which form is to be signed or not but I Suggest that I can try to Ask VJ Site to be Sure and Wont hurt to Ask and try to be sure .....NObody's Perfect and KNows Everything!!! There's nothing wrong of asking help but atleast Say It in a nice way!!! We ask here bcuz we trust VJ Members can help Us.....If She Didn't mention about the Example Forms then I wouldn't know about it, atleast that helps too!!! But Atleast Say it in a Nice Way....Anyway Goodluck to Everyone!!! Not All Members have to Sit and monitor On Pc All the time and Just read Everything written here though.... Most people Might Missed the topic and didnt know it has already been asked by other Member! Sometimes We also have to understand that some of Us has no PC and has a hectic and busy schedule at work but still trying to post any quess that they think VJ member can help and Give Info to them or atleast Guide Them.....Goodluck To EveryBody and Best Wishes!!!
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-11-30 08:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed Help!

Websters dictionary says, when looking for tact:

Tact: The opposite of "Kitkat's" typical response on VJ.

This forum is to encourage and assist. Not belittle or annoy.

My apologies to the moderators. But, in the immortal words of Popeye, "That's all I can stands and I can't stands no more..." :)

Some answers don't actually need to be posted as they can easily be found by reading the guides and following the instructions.

The forms make is extremely clear; if you are not meant to sign the form, there are BIG BOLD BLACK LETTERS to indicate that you should not sign the form.

When you have continually provided answers to questions like this for a year, perhaps you will understand my straightforward and direct response. I'm not going to spoon feed when answers are easily available - I prefer to direct Ariesgurl to where she can actually read and locate the answers to her questions herself.

base On People Who Have Done with Interview......Im Just trying to Be Sure ...wont hurt to be prepard and be ready for it!!!!

This has nothing to do with what other people have done at their interview. The answer is very clear and is actually provided for you directly on the form. All you need to do is read the form to find the answer.

How Would Newbies like us will know that you've been asnwering same anwers to questions for over a year? People who are new here are asking things that need to be sure not to messed everything up....My Friend that have just done with her interview this month and i go with her to teh embassy didnt sign all the paperwork until the day of her interview, thats why im asking if I can sign ahead base on people who have done or been thru their inerviews.....If You think your tired asnwering same questions then you dnt have to answer them if you will just try to be rude and mean to people....We're new here thats why we want to ask info and help from people who are willing to give info or help us! If You find some quess annoying then better ignore it than being rude and mean to newbies.....I'm Sorry but It's not because your old member here then you should be like that to New Member....I'm Sorry But I have just read some of the post you have answered to new people here and I just cant stand watching it how you were rude and mean sometiems to them.....
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-11-30 07:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed Help!

Hi Everyone,

I Need Your Help....I Will have my Interviw December 12, 2006...I want to ask On The Forms DS156, DS156K, DS230, SEO97 i want to clarify if which of them needs to be signed during the interview? Is it only the DS156K and CAn I sign ther rest of the form where it says Signature of Applicant? Help and Information Is greatly Appreciated.......:)

Look at the Example Forms at the top of where it says "Example Forms".

If a form says:

DO NOT SIGN this form until instructed to do so by the consular officer

then don't sign it

Examples dnt hve Any Signature Either....That's why Im making some clarification. Im TryingTo ask for Help not to Mess Everything Up!!! base On People Who Have Done with Interview......Im Just trying to Be Sure ...wont hurt to be prepard and be ready for it!!!! Everyone is free to ask any quess necessary for paperwork here, So hope You dn mind me asking!!! Atleast you could be nice....People ask quess cuz they need help and not to get mean answers to People here On VJ!!!
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-11-29 23:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed Help!
Hi Everyone,

I Need Your Help....I Will have my Interviw December 12, 2006...I want to ask On The Forms DS156, DS156K, DS230, SEO97 i want to clarify if which of them needs to be signed during the interview? Is it only the DS156K and CAn I sign ther rest of the form where it says Signature of Applicant? Help and Information Is greatly Appreciated.......:)
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-11-29 21:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview

Hi guys,

Just wondering the average wait time for the interview, i sent off the forms yesterday to say i have everything and am ready for the interview. What would be the wait time i should expect?


Did You Get The packet 3 Yet? if not I Guess You Have to wait Until They Give you Notice that Your Case has Already Been Forward By The NVC. Before You Can Send Them The Forms Or Else They wont do Anything To The Form You Sent Them. I tried Sending The Form Once The DHL we were tracking online gets to the EMbassy But They Called me and Says They Cant Give Any Appoitment Until The Case Is On Thier System Yet;) So I Have waited few More Days and They Call Me when They Got My Case and Then I Fax them the Packet 3 Back and Got My Interview Schedule within A Week! But Sometimes It Depends On the Consulate in Your Place ;) . Hope This Helps....
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-11-30 21:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa in Hand!!

Just wanted to let some of you inquiring minds know that Ana's visa was received this morning (in hand) via DHL!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

I posted the review on the Embassy Reviews page!!

Thanks everyone!!!!!!!!

I Tried Browsing For Your Last Post And there I found Your Fiancee's Interview Experience;) At First I Thought Its Same person from what I have read Last time but The Name You USe For Your Fiancee, "Anna" and "ANia" Give Me a second thought ...But Now Its clear To Me!!! Thanks So Much For Sharing..That Helps Alot :yes: Goodluck And Best Wishes To You Both!!! :D Im So Happy For You..Soon You Both Will Be Together (L) :dance: :dance:
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-11-30 09:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa in Hand!!

Just wanted to let some of you inquiring minds know that Ana's visa was received this morning (in hand) via DHL!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

I posted the review on the Embassy Reviews page!!

Thanks everyone!!!!!!!!

:dance: :dance: Great News :yes: Congrats!! :thumbs: :dance: I'm Sooo Happy For Both Of You!!! :dance: I Will Have My Interview Soon Too!!! :yes: Can You Give Some Update Of the Quess They Ask On The Inerview to Your Fiancee? Just to get More Info.... That Would be A great Help!!! Once Again...Congrats!!! :dance: :dance:
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-11-30 09:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Interview

Copies of BC and police cert....

I just need to make a photocopy of each? Thank you for the replies, i really appreciate it.


You Might Need Certified Copy Of Birthcertificate And original Copy Of Police Certificate and Other Country you have visited for more than 6months! But I have Both The original Copy Of Birthcertificate of My Fiance and Mine just incase They ask for it ;) GoodLuck To YOu and We'll All Crossed Our Fingers For You :yes:

Copies of BC and police cert....

I just need to make a photocopy of each? Thank you for the replies, i really appreciate it.


You Might Need Certified Copy Of Birthcertificate And original Copy Of Police Certificate and Other Country you have visited for more than 6months! But I have Both The original Copy Of Birthcertificate of My Fiance and Mine just incase They ask for it ;) GoodLuck To YOu and We'll All Crossed Our Fingers For You :yes:

Copies of BC and police cert....

I just need to make a photocopy of each? Thank you for the replies, i really appreciate it.


You Might Need Certified Copy Of Birthcertificate And original Copy Of Police Certificate and Other Country you have visited for more than 6months! But I have Both The original Copy Of Birthcertificate of My Fiance and Mine just incase They ask for it ;) GoodLuck To YOu and We'll All Crossed Our Fingers For You :yes:

Thank you for the info, and help. I shall copy the long and short birth certificate as well as the police certificate just to be sure. I do not have my fiancee's birth certificate, i cant recall ever being told i was to need it at any stage and therefore i just never got it from her. Thank you once again, and good luck to you also.


Just Try To Hope They Wont Ask For Your Fiancee's Birthcertificate ;) Then You'll Be Fine :yes: But If There Is A Way You Can Have A Copy Of it Then Better Take it With You Too...Keep Us Updated :D Once Again GoodLuck!
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-12-02 08:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Interview

Hey guys and girls, i have my London interview for the k-1 next week and i just wanted to run a little checklist of things to take, and it would be nice if anyone could tell me if i have forgotten anything, or suggest anything i might want to take...

Original reciepts from the original petition with the USCIS
My birth certificate
My police certificate
My colour photographs
Statements from friends about our dating and engagement
Photo's of my finacee and i
Both our college transcripts to show we were at the same university at the same time
8 (email) airline ticket reciepts from the last 2 years
Affidavit of support from fiancee and our co sponsor
Tax records, financial info from co sponsor
What tax records were available for my fiancee (she is a student and yet to be in full time employment)
Medical results/immunisation forms
My passport (duh)
Interview letter

Does anyone know if i need anything else? Is anything of my fiancee's needed?

Thank you for any replies i might get.


DS156..DS156K..DS230..SEO97....Checklist & And You May Also Need PAssport Of Your Fiance(Copy)
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-12-02 08:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLondon Interview

Copies of BC and police cert....

I just need to make a photocopy of each? Thank you for the replies, i really appreciate it.


You Might Need Certified Copy Of Birthcertificate And original Copy Of Police Certificate and Other Country you have visited for more than 6months! But I have Both The original Copy Of Birthcertificate of My Fiance and Mine just incase They ask for it ;) GoodLuck To YOu and We'll All Crossed Our Fingers For You :yes:

Copies of BC and police cert....

I just need to make a photocopy of each? Thank you for the replies, i really appreciate it.


You Might Need Certified Copy Of Birthcertificate And original Copy Of Police Certificate and Other Country you have visited for more than 6months! But I have Both The original Copy Of Birthcertificate of My Fiance and Mine just incase They ask for it ;) GoodLuck To YOu and We'll All Crossed Our Fingers For You :yes:

Copies of BC and police cert....

I just need to make a photocopy of each? Thank you for the replies, i really appreciate it.


You Might Need Certified Copy Of Birthcertificate And original Copy Of Police Certificate and Other Country you have visited for more than 6months! But I have Both The original Copy Of Birthcertificate of My Fiance and Mine just incase They ask for it ;) GoodLuck To YOu and We'll All Crossed Our Fingers For You :yes:
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-12-02 08:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCan I go pick up the package3?

I was wondering that my fiancee' can go to the US embassy in Thailand and pick up the package3. I case left NVC on November 29th, and I have the new case number. I just want to bypass the Thai postal service and the bad weather that's all. Also, how wi ll I know if the embassy received my case?

I Guess You Have To wait To hear From Embassy! They Will Send You or Your Fiance A Notice Or Email Once They Got Your Case From NVC and Will Send The Electronic PAcket 3. Goodluck And Just HAng In there ;) Your Getting Closer! :D
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-12-03 02:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAfter NOA2 approved

Hey all...

I was hoping maybe someone who has received their NOA2 could fill me in on what I (the beneficiary) am going to receive in the mail soon... I know my fiance will have to fill the Afidavit of Support.. but I understand I will have to fill out forms too?
I just thought maybe if I knew what they were I could get a head start to speed up the process...



YOu Will Receive YOur packet 3 But You Can Start Downloading the DS156, DS156K, DS230 part I, SEO97 Online And You can Filled them Up Ahead while waiting to hear from the Embassy or Consulate! Those Forms Mentioned Above are the Packet 3 that You Will get from the mail But You Can download them Online ;) Hope That helps.... :yes: Goodluck To You And God Bless!
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-12-07 02:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical

Can you get a medical at any time or do you get sent forms that you have to take in with you?

THANKS! :thumbs:


With The Consulate here, you have to do your own appointment for Medical but Not Sure how it works with the Consulate at your place! I Guess, Once The Consulate got Your Case You Can Do appointment for Your Medical. Goodluck ;)
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-12-07 05:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview was a success!

Susie just called me and she was freaking out. She said her visa was approved and she has to go on Monday to pick up her visa. She will be here next Thursday. I asked her about a couple questions they asked her but she was too busy talking and talking so I didn't understand it all. She was so excited. Here is what I deciphered though:

My birthdate
Her birthdate
Asked who will pay her debt in Korea (she has none)
Will she look for work if her visa is approved
How is her relationship with me

I'm sure there was a couple more but she said it was real easy and they didn't ask her much. I'll post more when she gets home and gives me the whole scoop. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

I heard that Too..Im So happy And Excited for Both Of You Too! Congrats and GoodLuck! :dance: :dance: :dance: Im Pretty Sure Your Very happy and Excited right now! :dance: :dance:
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-12-06 22:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionChennai K3 interview completed yesterday
:thumbs: :dance:

yesterday, dec 6, 2006. My wife went for her k3 visa interview and was approved. :dance: :dance: Thank you all for your help and support. :thumbs: :thumbs:

good luck to the rest on their journey

Here is a long version of how things went at the embassy:

My wife’s interview was on Dec. 6th at 9:00 AM. I flew to India to support her during the interview process. The day before the interview, she and I flew to Chennai. After we checked into the hotel, we started to practice questions that they could potentially ask. One area we focused on was explaining why she was denied a visitors visa before the marriage. This caused us a lot of stress, so we spent a lot of time on practicing answers.

The day of the interview, we woke up extra early and practiced questions again. We then took a taxi to the embassy. Once there (at 7:30AM), we tried to stand in the line, but the line usher kept telling us to come back 15 minutes before the interview time. We tried to explain that we were not there for a visitor’s visa, but he was not listening. We finally went to another person and he asked to see our interview letter. Once he saw the yellow letter, he immediately realized that it was for an immigrant visa and asked us to stand in a corner. [advice: keep the interview letter in your hand] At that point all the guards treated us very nicely and were joking with us. When the rush at the entry counter became less, they asked us to jump into the line (near the front) and we were eventually let into the embassy and directed towards the immigrant visa section. Once there, we were told to sit and they eventually collected her interview letter. We waited till about 8:30AM.

They eventually called her name and we both walked up to the counter with copies of the information we sent through the VFS courier service and two large wedding albums. I asked if I could be present and the lady said yes after asking if I was the petitioner. The consular lady then looked at the paperwork and asked a few questions:

1. She asked if this was my wife first marriage and then she asked me the same question.
2. She asked if my wife has ever been to the US and when.
3. She asked if she has been to any other countries and for how long. (it is not a problem unless the stay is for longer than 6 months)
4. She asked if she ever had a US visa denied
5. She asked for the date of the marriage

She then took the demand draft of 4600 rupees ($100) and stapled it to the chart. She also took her passport and gave us a number (#730). Both of us were excited as we were told that if they accept the money and take the passport, we were approved. We were ready to jump up and down, but before that I asked her if this meant our visa was approved. She nicely stated that she was just gathering the paperwork and that the consular officer would call my wife when it was her turn. I then asked if I was allowed to be present at the time of the interview and she replied yes.

We then sat down and waited. While waiting, my wife’s name was called again, and we went up to the counter thinking it was time for the interview. Unfortunately it was not. They called her to return our proof of relationship, which by itself was a book. They simply stated that it was not necessary. They did however keep the pictures of our marriage and honeymoon with them.

We then started to compare our number with others and found that we were one of the first numbers so we were excited thinking that we would have an answer soon because we thought it was first come first serve. The consular officer came at 10:15 AM and took about 20 minutes to review a chart then she called the number 731. We then realized that the numbers they gave out were useless except as identifiers.

A second officer then came to a window and also started to review cases. The one thing we noticed that these officers acted differently than the officers for the visitors visa. They were much nicer and actually listened and gave time for answers. When they rejected someone, they would let the person ask questions and respond.

At around 11:30 they finally called our number and we were somewhat scared as everyone before us did not receive their visa. We went to the interview counter and I asked once again if I was allowed to be there and the consular officer said yes. He then looked at the paperwork and gave us a receipt for the visa fee. He then asked some questions:

1. what visa did you go to USA before and why?
2. what do you do?
3. he looked at me asked me what work I did in USA?
4. why was her visitor visa denied in may 2006?

After listening to her answer, he said well that does not matter for this visa and told us that we were approved and that the visa / passport will come in three to four days via courier. We were so excited that we hugged each other. Then I asked him if it was possible to get it sooner as I needed to go back to the USA and I wanted to take my wife with me. He then spent five minutes looking for a paper that gave us instructions to get the visa sooner.

Overall, other than the long wait time, we were very happy with our experience and surprised that the officer only asked a few questions. We left the embassy, went to our hotel and called our family and then celebrated.

Thank you Visajourney and all its members for supporting us through this portion of our journey. Once we get back to the USA, we will start the next process.

:dance: :dance: :dance: Great News Congrats To You Both! Im Sooo happy For You Guys! :dance: :dance: :dance: That's Calls for A Celebration :whistle: :dance: :dance: :dance: Thanks For Sharing Thats helps Alot! :thumbs: My Turn Will be Next Week... :whistle:
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-12-07 02:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDHL receipt

Yes, DHL is for the courier service for Passport to be delivered after interview, and your fiance can get it at the entrance of the embassy. You need to pay $100 VIsa fee to Shin Han Bank and they will give you the receipt for your fiance to bring it to the interview. The visa will not be issued without the receipt. Good Luck!

HI Theresa, How are you? Are YOu Korean? :yes: I was Suppose to pay at the bank(Shinhan Bank) Here At Our Place For My Visa Fee for the Inerview but I Need Any Idea how to tell them In Korean? Do I have to get what they called Money Order? Cuz BAnk Here dnt really speak Much English. I can Understand and Speak Korean But Not really that Fluent. Help Is Greatly Appreciated..Thanks In Advance ;)
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-12-03 06:08:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDHL receipt

With Susie's interview less than four days away in Seoul, we're checking everything twice so things will hopefully go smoothly. I'm a little confused about the DHL receipt. This appears on the checklist as an item needed...what is this receipt for and at what point do we need to get it? Does this have to do with the shipping of the visa if it is approved? If so, does it apply if we're going to pick the visa up from the embassy when it's ready?

Also, at what point does the fee for the visa have to be paid?

Thanks for the help. I'm starting to get nervous about this.


She CAn Get The DHL Receipt At The Entrance Of The EMbassy Where She Will Have Her Interview and I Guess They Still MAke You Pay For The DHL Even If Your Visa is For Pick Up! You Wouldnt know if your Visa Is For Pick Up Not Unless After The Interview, And You HAve To Pay for DHL Before The Interview. With Regards Of PAying The Visa Thats What I Ask Susie Lastnite Too Cuz I have read online that All K Visa's Should Pay At The BAnk(Any Shinhan Bank). But Not Sure If K1 Visa Must Pay At The Bank Too. Hope This Helps!

With Susie's interview less than four days away in Seoul, we're checking everything twice so things will hopefully go smoothly. I'm a little confused about the DHL receipt. This appears on the checklist as an item needed...what is this receipt for and at what point do we need to get it? Does this have to do with the shipping of the visa if it is approved? If so, does it apply if we're going to pick the visa up from the embassy when it's ready?

Also, at what point does the fee for the visa have to be paid?

Thanks for the help. I'm starting to get nervous about this.

Yes. That's Right DHL Is For Shipping of HEr Visa When It Gets Approved ;)
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2006-12-03 02:20:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionA little help - a couple questions

she needs to go to consulate closest to you and get passport amended they stamp married name in it,very simple if expired get in married name [new passport] then every thing she has is proper!!!

I just finished with my "report of marriage" and passport ammendment process two months ago. Before she can have your last name on her passport, she has to apply for "Report of Marriage" first and then have her passport ammended. If she does not report your marriage with the Phil. Embassy then her name will stay the same as her maiden name. The process won't take long as long as she have all the documents required with her during the process. The officials at the consulate will help her through it. Once she had your marriage reported and ammended her passport then her name on passport will be the same as the rest of her US documents. All in all the process only takes few hours in one day. The report of marriage can also be done by mail but the passport had to be done in person. But like I said, it would be easier to do it in person and have all of them done in one day.

We don't have a Phil. embassy here in WA. The closes we have is in California but they hop from state to state from time to time. We had to call them if when will they be around the area. Last time they we're in Oregon and we had to drive more than 5 hrs just to get the paperwork done!lol
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2010-09-11 21:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionA little help - a couple questions


Ok...well, when Susie got off the phone with you earlier today she was all worried. It seems to be a misunderstanding on her part. That is what I thought. :D


Yeah. I told her to explain to the IO about culture differences in the PI about how we take our father's last name as our middle name if she will asked about it. She just got some few concerns on why US born citizen siblings have different midddle names from each other and I explained to her that here you can make up your own middle name to what you want it to be. Where in our country you take your mother's middle name before marriage and take your father's middle name after marriage then your spouse lastname...LOL

It's kinda complicated! Im sure there are other cultures that are more complicated than ours;) Goodluck on the process!
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2010-09-11 20:06:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionA little help - a couple questions

I'm seeing a bigger problem with that other thread. Like that one, my wife took my last name but her previous last name is now her middle name. Every document is labeled the same way except her Philippines passport (which obviously has her names different).

I guess I'm failing to see a problem. The other thread mentioned a conflict with another file, which shouldn't be a concern here. Everything we've done has been consistent and she has three names, not four like the other thread.

Is she worrying too much here? I don't see a need to change her name. Everything was done the same (SSN, DL, Mil ID, Marriage Cert, Green Card, etc) after we got discrepancies.

Finally, her Philippines passport is it necessary for her to renew it? She just wants to get a US one after her citizenship is finished.


She doesn't need to renew her passport not unless she wants to apply for dual. Once she apply for dual the passport application is included on the process and it takes the same day for the process and passport will be mailed to her.
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2010-09-11 19:56:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionA little help - a couple questions

We are starting the naturalization process for my wife. A little background:

- My wife has been a resident since 11/2007 (received 10 year card in Feb 10)
- I am active duty military for over 20 years
- My wife came here on a Fiance Visa
- She has not left the country since she came here

When we got married, my wife took her maiden last name as her middle name (as many Filipinas do). She took my last name as her last name. All of her documents are like this but her old passport from the Philippines lists her current middle name as her last name.

My wife recently got a call from her friend about how someone got denied due to a similar situation...something about possible fraud. I told my wife that her case isn't unique and I'm sure there have been countless others like this. There has to be some other mitigating factors.

Immediately after talking to her friend, she goes on an on how she needs to get a lawyer to change her name back. Obviously, this would present many problems since all of her documents since she got here have her previous last name as her middle name.

My question is this: can anyone shed any light on this? Is this an issue or an obvious misunderstanding and overreaction on her friend's part? I tried to search the forum but admittedly, have taken a break from the process (until now) because it's draining working full-time, running a part-time business and dealing with all of this. Now that she's approaching her three year residence mark, we are trying to start her papers. To me this reeks of overreaction but I'd like to know if there is any validity in this. I told her that if she starts changing things then that will definitely look sneaky and that her situation probably isn't new.

Thanks for your help. Sorry if this seems "newbie" like but I really don't want her stressing out and stressing me out in the process. Everything up until this point has been done without lawyers and I plan to keep it this way.

She doesn't need a lawyer to change her name. She can go to court and apply for a name change. Here is a link to someone who had a conflict with middle name complications:
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2010-09-11 19:21:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionSeattle Office Hours
Hi! My local office is also Seattle and I did a walk in. I showed up @ 800am. I only waited about 2hrs until they called my name. It think it was atleast about 15 of us who walked in that day and we all made it. Goodluck!
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2010-09-13 11:53:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionPassport received!!!!

United States passport came in the mail today!!!!! :dance: :dance: Now my so called :D :D Alien is free to move about the world!!!!

Wohoo! Congrats..... :dance: :dance: :dance: I'm happy for you!
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2010-09-11 20:09:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionChange of Address Question

Not really - we are moving soon (oh my signature is outdated) so I will be able to find out whenever we go through this process. I think 2-3 weeks is about the average.

If you are moving just up the hill then you're fine. I sent my change of address documents and N-400 Application just few days apart and it went fine. Goodluck!

Btw, We moved to another city but the same County!

Edited by Lhiz21, 13 September 2010 - 03:16 PM.

Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2010-09-13 15:15:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionNeed some help, please!

Thank you so much for your answer, that's really helpfull.
I am married to the same USC, and i looked at my GC, it's dated as Permanent Resident since 9/25/2005.Now my next question is , last year i was out of the country for 6 months, i come back to the US in February this year, i had to renew my nursing license in my Country. Do i have to add this six months before applying for naturalization. This was my longest trip outside the US. I go in Romania once a year but not more that 2-3 weeks vacation.
How long is Naturalization process? I know when I removed conditions it took forever.
Thank you again for answers, you guys are wonderful!

3 to 5 yrs of being a permanent resident and have not stayed outside of the US for more than 6months in 3 yrs time. I think you are eligible to file for N-400 now. Best of luck! I am just going through the post and come across yours. I know you posted it way back but nobody has answered you, I just thought i'd drop by. I am on my process of mine too and It's has only been over 3 yrs since I became a PR.
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2010-09-13 19:11:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow to check details of case status?
[quote name='Lhiz21' timestamp='1284474359' post='4186425']
Hi! You will know if your case has been touch by going to this site and creating an account:

You then enter you case number and such then check alerts on if you want to receive alerts both through e-mail or mobile. Once they updated your status you will get an email and text but you won't really know the specific detail of your case until the actual documents shows up on the mail. With determining if your case has been touch, you will know it once the date next to your case number changes.

For example:

Hi! You will know if your case has been touch by going to this site and creating an account:

You then enter you case number and such then check alerts on if you want to receive alerts both through e-mail or mobile. Once they updated your status you will get an email and text but you won't really know the specific detail of your case until the actual documents shows up on the mail. With determining if your case has been touch, you will know it once the date next to your case number changes.

For example:

Number of cases in portfolio: 4

To sort cases, click a column header below. Select

Receipt Number E-mail Alert Mobile Alert Last Updated (mm/dd/yyyy) Form Number Form Title

Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2010-09-14 09:33:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionHow to check details of case status?

Hello, for n400 filers, how do you guys check the specific details of your case online. For example how do you know when your case has been "touched" or when there is an "RFE"? If I understand correctly, there are general categories on the USCIS case status website like "Acceptance", "Initial review" etc... but how can you get greater details? Thanks,

Hi! You will know if your case has been touch by going to this site and creating an account:

You then enter you case number and such then check alerts on if you want to receive alerts both through e-mail or mobile. Once they updated your status you will get an email and text but you won't really know the specific detail of your case until the actual documents shows up on the mail. With determining if your case has been touch, you will know it once the date next to your case number changes.

For example:

Number of cases in portfolio: 4
To sort cases, click a column header below. Select Receipt Number E-mail Alert Mobile Alert Last Updated
Form Number Form Title NBC******** Y Y 09/14/2010 N400 APPLICATION FOR NATURALIZATION

Edited by Lhiz21, 14 September 2010 - 09:28 AM.

Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2010-09-14 09:25:00
US Citizenship General Discussion319(b) Military Spouse

Hey Lhiz21, Thanks again for your reply.

I called the military hotline yesterday and they confirmed that the 319b applies only when you go abroad with your spouse.
Oh well, I just need to make sure I have all the necessary documents and signature before my husband leaves.

Lhiz21, good luck on your stationing abroad.

Thanks. It's a pleaasure...Glad to help if you have any question in the future and If I can help just let me know;) Goodluck with yours too! Take care
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2010-09-14 18:02:00
US Citizenship General Discussion319(b) Military Spouse
I applied as 319(d) under military spouse or dependent. I believe that 319(b) only applies for military family of active duty spouse or US spouse that works oversease as contaractor is deploying and you are going with him. You have to provide documents to prove that you are both deploying oversease. From what I have read from other forums Expedited application does NOT speed up the application process, but it does waive the 3 year wait period completely. Mine with 319(d) took 3 months which is not bad. Most people I know who aren't military spouse or dependent took about 6 months or even longer. I think it depends on every situation. Goodluck and hope that helps!

Here are links you can check out to give you more info about 319(b):
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2010-09-11 15:37:00
US Citizenship General Discussion319(b) Military Spouse
I did some research and it says that the elibibility window opens on the later of:
A ) 90 days prior to the third anniversary of your "Residence since date", and
B ) your third wedding anniversary.

Hope that helps!

Edited by lizaw21, 11 September 2010 - 02:00 AM.

Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2010-09-11 01:58:00
US Citizenship General Discussion319(b) Military Spouse

I've been doing my research on the expedited naturalization under 319(b)
and I like to get some help with the questions I have.

My husband will be deploying in the next spring around the same time I'm eligible for the naturalization.
I like to know if I can start the process before he deploys. I would love him to be with me at the Oath ceremony.

(1) When can I start the expedited naturalization process?

(2) Is it possible to have the interview done in Fairfax, VA? If so, how can I request to have it done in VA?

(3) Do I mail the application to Nebraska?

Thanks in advance.

Hi! I am also active military spouse July 2010 filers. I mailed my application to Nebraska. I believe that one of the USCIS requirement is you have to be atleast 3 years or more of having been a permanent resident of the United States or your application could be denied.

I believe that you could start submitting your application on the month that you became 3 years permanent resident. My answer is based on the checklist that the USCIS sent me when they mailed my application back due to incorrect amount of check payment when I mailed my application. Maybe there are other people out there that had the same situation you have and was able to apply early. Maybe they could give you another opinion.

You will be asked to appear for an interview at your local USCIS office. If you think that you cannot make it, you may send them a mail explaining your circumstances or you can go in person and asked them if you could have your interview in Fairfax, VA.

Hope that helps! Take care

Edited by lizaw21, 10 September 2010 - 11:30 PM.

Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2010-09-10 23:28:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionMarital status question
1.) 1
2.) 1
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2010-09-17 15:29:00
US Citizenship General Discussiongot a question
Did you work since 2007-2008? If NOT then you should be fine!
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2010-09-18 08:59:00
US Citizenship General Discussionneed help
If you became an LPR since March 2006 then you only have few months to wait to be eligible for the 5yrs rule citizenship application. You only have less than 5 months waiting time be qualified:dance: :dance: :dance: Just hang in there!

There isn't that much requirement that you have to submit for the 5yrs citizenship application compared to 3yrs rule application. Just proof of you being physically presenf here and haven't been out of the country for more than 6 months, income tax, GC, Birth Certificate, passport, etc....
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2010-09-19 22:09:00
US Citizenship General Discussionneed help
In your case since your divorce is on the process, I would recommend to wait after 5yrs before filing your US citizenship. I believe that filing after 3yrs ONLY applies if you are still legally married with your USC spouse. One of the requirement of filing after being 3yrs is the proof that you still live in one roof and still legally married. If you file after 5yrs, you don't have to submit any proof of relationship with your USC spouse but you are applying on your own which you only have to proof that you have been a legal resident and physically present here, and you meet the requirements to apply for USC.
Lhiz21FemalePhilippines2010-09-18 08:54:00