K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Documents
QUOTE (julezabelle @ Sep 26 2007, 02:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (LaPrincesa @ Sep 26 2007, 01:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is a difficult question-so I appreciate ANY advice.

My fiance was previously married. His divorce is processed and we have a letter from the lawyer saying it is processed and a certificate showing that he is SINGLE. However, the divorce is not finalized because no certificate has been made yet and it will not be made until November 27.

Do I submit the I-129F with the lawyer's letter saying the divorce is processing and he is considered single in his country and legally able to marry although the certificate has not been made or do we wait until we have the actual divorce certificate??

I seriously don't understand your question when you clearly stated above that the divorce is not final as there is no official document issued. The stuff from the lawyer will not be good enough. You must wait until the court issues a Divorce Decree. Simple as that.

They do in fact get legal documents in the form of a LEGAL SEP., in this Legal Sep. most have the free from hindrance clause in them where you are considered by law to live as you are single, in example you can date without being hindered by the estranged spouse. This also has all of the property and child custody information in it. It then goes to a family court Judge for signiature after the states waiting period...which makes the Divorce FINAL. They do need to send Vermont the FINAL DECREE in the K1 Package. However, I cannot stress this anymore then I have already said, even though the judge signs you have to wait for the appeals period (most states 30 days), before sending it. The appeals period is set in place in the event that either party in the divorce decides to change their mind or conest the divorce. Be better safe than sorry.
KassFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-09-26 14:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Documents
Trust me when I tell you that VERMONT plays HARD BALL with those divorce papers.

We received our NOA1 on 24 April. We received our NOA2 over 4 months later because the adjudicator that we had played hard ball with my divorce papers. Even though it said FINAL DECREE in BOLD and UNDERLINED on the VERY first page at the top they still gave us grief. They stated that it was not the FINAL DECREE...errr umm can you not read? and I have not been with my EX for four years. It was not like a yesterday divorce. I had to go down to the Clerk of Courts so many times I lost count. The clerk felt so bad for me in this process that they stopped charging me for copies.

First Vermont lost the paperwork from April, then I had to resend the Final Decree, to then be told in the RFE that my divorce was not final. After numerous complaints and tons of phone calls finally our NOA2.

This is not to scare you as I probably had the adjudicator that could not read Legal Documents...

my thoughts to you...wait until it is not ONLY completely final, but make sure that you do not send your package into Vermont until the appeals period of the divorce is over. Most states it is 30 days from the day that the judge signed. So check with your clerk of courts to be on the safe side.

Your attorney should be advising you on this. He/she should know that his letter relative to "process of divorce" is not going to suffice. A red flag would be going up there.

Good Luck biggrin.gif
KassFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-09-26 13:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIRS Question ONE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED and EIGHT
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Sep 27 2007, 10:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kass @ Sep 27 2007, 07:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Sep 27 2007, 10:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kass @ Sep 27 2007, 07:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So basically to be safe than sorry I will send the last years tax returns, then the employers letter and then my pay stubs for the last year. I guess sending more is better than not sending enough at the end of the day.

I will add child support as well, so nothing is left out.

Still unsure if my fiance' income counts as he exceeds the poverty level for himself. That confuses me a bit.

I would make a terrible accountant *lol*.

Thanks for all of your answers.

Um, would your fiance's income continue in the US? It certainly doesn't count as "your" income regardless.

Yes it would as it is his MILITARY retirement from the RAF, which he will get for the rest of his life, and it does exceed the poverty guidelines for himself.

I am only asking questions here to learn.

Happen to find this:

"Can A Beneficiary's Ongoing Income Be Counted?

Q: Can a visa applicant's steady income, which will continue after his/her obtaining lawful permanent resident status, be counted with the sponsor's income?

A: Under certain circumstances, yes."

Well it is retirement so it will continue.

Well, his income doesn't "count" for your I-134 and it doesn't sound like it's needed but I would certainly provide some documentation of it in your financial folder. It will go a long way toward satisfying any unlikely public charge concerns.

I usually recommend the intending immigrant hand over all financial documents when any are asked for. Sometimes they don't even ask for them. Put the required stuff on top, of course.

Yes, I was thinking that as well relative to the Public Charge Concerns. Which is basically their main concern from what I have read. One thing about VJ it does push you to research which is a good thing.

I came across this as well:

Q: Do the new income requirements apply to all immigrant visa applicants even if they use the I-134?

A: No. The 125 percent minimum income requirement, the need for the last three years income tax returns, etc. only apply to those cases in which an I-864 is required. All other cases will be adjudicated on the basis of previously existing guidance and procedures.

This is confusing as well, so basically this is saying that you do not need to meet the 125 percent for the I-134 but you do for the I-864 which is the one that we will file after we marry?!

Well, after reading your responses I am not taking any chances...I am sending everything.....even the "kitchen sink" as one poster put in another thread...loved that one!

Again, thanks for all of your help in understanding all of this!

Edited by Kass, 27 September 2007 - 09:54 PM.

KassFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-09-27 21:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIRS Question ONE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED and EIGHT
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Sep 27 2007, 10:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Kass @ Sep 27 2007, 07:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So basically to be safe than sorry I will send the last years tax returns, then the employers letter and then my pay stubs for the last year. I guess sending more is better than not sending enough at the end of the day.

I will add child support as well, so nothing is left out.

Still unsure if my fiance' income counts as he exceeds the poverty level for himself. That confuses me a bit.

I would make a terrible accountant *lol*.

Thanks for all of your answers.

Um, would your fiance's income continue in the US? It certainly doesn't count as "your" income regardless.

Yes it would as it is his MILITARY retirement from the RAF, which he will get for the rest of his life, and it does exceed the poverty guidelines for himself.

I am only asking questions here to learn.

Happen to find this:

"Can A Beneficiary's Ongoing Income Be Counted?

Q: Can a visa applicant's steady income, which will continue after his/her obtaining lawful permanent resident status, be counted with the sponsor's income?

A: Under certain circumstances, yes."

Well it is retirement so it will continue.

Edited by Kass, 27 September 2007 - 09:31 PM.

KassFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-09-27 21:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIRS Question ONE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED and EIGHT
So basically to be safe than sorry I will send the last years tax returns, then the employers letter and then my pay stubs for the last year. I guess sending more is better than not sending enough at the end of the day.

I will add child support as well, so nothing is left out.

Still unsure if my fiance' income counts as he exceeds the poverty level for himself. That confuses me a bit.

I would make a terrible accountant *lol*.

Thanks for all of your answers.
KassFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-09-27 21:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIRS Question ONE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED and EIGHT
It gets reported as other income as I report it, but they never give it to their managers in their checks only as a sep. check each month, but they never take taxes out of it. I still have to report it at the end of the year. What I meant by non taxable is that they do not take taxes out of the bonus checks.

As for us being above the poverty level, yes I do exceed that. That is not really a worry for me, as I said above I was curious about some things...

One being that my tax return for 2006 does not reflect the income that I have made in the past year. So 2006's tax forms will not be an accurate tool for proving that I meet/exceed the guidelines. My pay stubs of the past year are an accurate calculation of my pay.

So basically why provide a tax return if it does not reflect ones current financial status. What would be the point?

Now this years tax return would be accurate as it would reflect with accuracy my financial status. So basically again, would a letter from my employer and my pay stubs go along with the Tax Forms?

As for child support, our attorney stated that it can and has been used in the total household income of a good many of his clients. I just did not know if I had to put it in our documents if I do not have to.
KassFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-09-27 20:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIRS Question ONE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED and EIGHT
QUOTE (Dan + Gemvita @ Sep 27 2007, 06:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bonuses are taxable, unless its a reimbursement for expenses incurred while working on the job (But then its not a bonus).

You cannot really include anything from your foreign fiancee, unless he or she transfers the assets to you, or has enough to self sponsor.

Military gets some extra benefits to help with cost of living that are not included in income. Thats why the support requirement is lower. But really 125% of the poverty level is hardly enough to live in many places in the US.

My bonus does come each month in a sep. check with no taxes taken out of it.

and he does transfer money monthly from his bank to does that count then?

I am not too worried as we are well over the amount, I am simply curious as it will add to this.

Edited by Kass, 27 September 2007 - 05:28 PM.

KassFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-09-27 17:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIRS Question ONE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED and EIGHT
IRS question One Million Eight Hundred and Eight *winks*.

Our case is headed for the London Embassy this week *dances around the room with the word FINALLY going round and round in my head*!

I have been reading that they will ask for last years tax forms. I have no issues with this, however, it is for the year 2006. Half way through 2006 I was promoted at my job and make more money (of course) then I did at the beginning of 2006. So last years taxes is not an accurate aide to how much that I make. So it is basically useless.

My employer has written a letter for the Embassy with my current pay. I have pay stubs to accompany this.

I also get an additional $100.00 bonus each month in a seperate check as it is non taxable.

Also I would like to know if child support counts relative to your total income as I take in a good amount each month by court order for this.

....and on ending my fiance' recently retired from the Royal Air Force and receives a retirement check each month.....does this count as well?

We are over the poverty guidleline....but this does not stop the worry.

....and why does the poverty guidelines for 2007 expect you to add over 5,000.00 to the amount if you are applying for an immigrant Visa. The only time you do not have to add this amount is if you are active duty military......well this does not seem guidelines are guidelines.


*When processing immigrant visa cases subject to the Affidavit of Support (I-864) requirement under INA 212(a)(4)©, posts must use the figures in the column on the right (125% of poverty guidelines) as the minimum income that a petitioner and/or a joint sponsor must demonstrate, or the column on the left (100%) for an active member of the U.S. Armed Forces sponsoring his orher spouse or children.

Edited by Kass, 27 September 2007 - 05:01 PM.

KassFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-09-27 16:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa issued today!
*Dances around room* CHEERS!
KassFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-09-26 16:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSlower processing times?
Sadly, I have to state from my own experience that they are naturally slow as cold molasses (elections I do not think will have anything to do with this). Some have zipped through while others....well......! I like to call the NOA1 to NOA2 the hurry up and wait period. After this our case has moved along quickly as is shown in my signature.

There is hope at the end of the Bureaucratic tunnel!
KassFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-09-29 05:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfiled k-1 visa Sept 30
It takes about 30 days for your NOA1. You are still within a good time frame.
KassFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-10-23 21:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi-134 Affadavit Support.. ?? and advice please
QUOTE (reeses16 @ Oct 23 2007, 12:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, he still has to fill out and I-134. You can't sponsor yourself.

If you are saying that the fiance' (non American) cannot sponsor him/herself, this is not true. They most cetainly can self sponsor and are in the good if they make over the poverty guidelines for an individual.

2007 HHS Poverty Guidelines
Persons in Family or Household 48 Contiguous
States and D.C. Alaska Hawaii

1 $10,210 $12,770 $11,750
2 13,690 17,120 15,750
3 17,170 21,470 19,750
4 20,650 25,820 23,750
5 24,130 30,170 27,750
6 27,610 34,520 31,750
7 31,090 38,870 35,750
8 34,570 43,220 39,750

For each additional
person, add 3,480 4,350 4,000

Edited by Kass, 23 October 2007 - 09:29 PM.

KassFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-10-23 21:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy no visits after K-1 process has started?
My fiance' came to visit and he went straight through Philly. They asked him, where he was visiting, how long and why and then ended with have a nice visit. So basically nothing to report. He did however have on him proof that he would be going back to the UK, but they never asked. However, I would not push pask a weekly visit.

Good Luck.
KassFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-11-07 07:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Tax Return for K1 Interview
My Tax Returns for 2006 do not show what I am making now. I was promoted and make more money now which will be shown on my 2007 tax retruns which will do no good for us as our interview date in London is next Wednesday 5 December. However, I contacted the IRS and recievied a transcript for 2006 and sent that along to my fiance' last month. I also have a letter from my employer, bank statements and a letter stating that I am in a bonus status for monthly bonuses. My fiance' is retired Royal Air Force as of last April, so he also collects a good monthly retirement check. We are adding everything we can...better to have it then to not.

The Embassy wants to make sure that your fiance' is not going to become a public charge, i.e., welfare bennies etc. etc.

They may not ask for some of this stuff, but at least it is on hand if they do.

Happy Holidays
KassFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-11-29 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOur K-1 interview experience...
Our interview in London is so nervous. The tell all be all part of this process so far. I not only hope that it is as easy as stated above but I hope that the individual conducting the interview is as personable.

...and yes Hallmark does sell song cards...I know I am the store Manager for a Hallmark in Williamsburg, VA. They have some GREAT Christmas ones this year...
"when you care to send the very best" *winks*.

KassFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-12-04 06:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSocial Security Number
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Jan 10 2008, 09:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not upon entry, give it a few weeks before attempting to get SSN, It takes USCIS 2-6 weeks to update the database used by SSA to confirm immigrations status.

Per our local Social Security Office it takes Immigration up to 10 business days to update the system. However, you can bring all of the required information and completed application into your local office and have them file while awaiting immigration. Then they will mail you, your card with number.

Keep in mind that before they issue your fiance' their card they must verify all documents to show either citizenship (N/A in our cases) or alien status with the Federal, State or local office. This can take up to four weeks. Once verified, again you will receive your card in the mail.

Contact information for Social Security on the official site is not the route to go for information or status of your application. You must contact your local office only for this. The 1-800-772-1213 number is for those who already have a social security number or need assistance with benefits or other NON IMMIGRANT matters.

In ending if you are not a U.S. citizen and are applying for a S.S. card for employment purposes and your immigration status allows you to work (yes, a K1 allows you to work), you may legally begin employment while you await the issuance of a card.


Edited by Kass, 10 January 2008 - 03:46 PM.

KassFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-10 15:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCASE STATUS AT NVC
QUOTE (Missy1 @ Nov 12 2007, 11:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

We never had to call NVC as they are pretty organized as opposed to VSC. You have just received your NOA2 so you are still in a good time frame for NVC. NVC will send you a letter as soon as they have finished with your name checks telling you (if all is well) that your case will be forwared to the appropriate Embassy within 7 days. Once it gets to the Embassy you can call the "hotline" as I referr to it for an update or if you have any questions.

However if you really feel the need to contact NVC you can try by this email:

Keep in mind as with the Service Centers i.e., VSC, if they are still within their time frames the information that they give you if at all is going to be the same relative to being in their time frames.

If you are making an inquiry to check that all required paperwork is received I would imagine they would be able to help you.
KassFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-11-13 07:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List
Keep in mind that each service center is not the same and each adjudicator is not the same. Some look for and request things that others do not. In my case the adjudicator wanted my Birth Cerificate (long form and certified), however others are not this picky on the beneficiary. Some RFE's come in the form of a checklist where we received a form letter that was paragraphed with each and everything our adjudicator was requesting. Oddly enough and painstaking due to the added lenght of time, everything on our PARAGRAPHED RFE was already given to them in our initial package. All we did was resend what we had sent out initially. Crazy I know, but sadly it is what it is. However, now we are out of VSC and NVC. C had his medical over a week ago.....that went well. Now the most important part awaits...our interview.
KassFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-10-23 21:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List

Is it possible to know what they are asking for by phone ? As i told before we have been waiting for more than a month to get the letter.
Could you please give me this information ?
We called twice already they just gave us a number to track our request.
Thank you very much for your attention to my question !!!

They claim that they cannot tell you what the RFE was for until it has been processed and sent to you. I called VSC almost daily until I was able to get a customer service rep to tell me. They only gave it to me in bits which made the entire ordeal even more maddening. We were told on 11 July that we were getting an RFE (via the telephone as I called relative to the lenght of time we had not been touched). It was almost a month later that we actually received the RFE. In our case they were asking for evidence that they had already received in the original package sent on 24 April. Talk about not being happy. We sent our RFE packet back by overnight Fed EX on the 13th of August. VSC signed for it on 14 August. Our profile in the USCIS sight claimed they received it on the 21st. However TODAY we received our NOA2 in the mail...well a copy as the original has gone to our Attorney.

One can never tell how things are going to go at these service centers.
KassFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-09-20 16:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List

Add this one to the list. The US citizen must show proof that they are a US citizen. We already know that but they are pretty picky so your birth certificate MUST show BOTH parents names. Fortunately I had already ordered the long forms and they arrived while we were waiting but my opinion is GO GET YOUR PASSPORT!!!!

I thought that we could send the copy of the passport in place of a birth certificate, I believe that was on the instructions for the I-129F? Is this correct or will I get a an RFE? Thanks, Milena.

I can top this one. I am still waiting on my RFE. Filed for NOA1 on 24 April (VSC). Called the VSC two weeks ago and they said that an RFE is in process. Not gone to clerical yet which they claim can take two weeks and then mailed another 2 weeks. I asked what on earth it was for as we have sent in everything. I mean everything. Long form birth certificate, passport stamps for the past THREE years (past the two year guideline), photos, (we have a website as well and have had one for two years), social security card copy, military ID copy with MY picture and Social Security number on that as well, statements from friends and family members as to our meetings in the past THREE years, letter from my employer (even though the Embassy is the financial decider), even though I am over the guidelines for finances we have a back up co-sponsor as well, my fiance' divorce decree from the UK and my divorce decree (signed and notarized by the Clerk of Courts with a current date). There response relative to the REF from the woman on the phone is that she does not have all of the details but she said that she is reading on the computer that my divorce was not final and that my name does not match up! Match up to what? A). you have my Birth Certificate, My military ID card with Photo, my passport photo...errr ummm am I a phigmant of my imagination? I pay taxes, I work full time, I have been part of the U.S. Military world (NAVY) for over 15 years! as for my divorce in question it was granted to me and signed by a judge of competent jurisdiction in 1997. I took it upon myself to go down to the court house this past Wednesday for another certified copy of my divorce papers and the clerk said you were here for this not too long ago and I said why yes I was and I explained why I was back. The clerk then said you are legally divorced and have been since June 3, 1997 and are free to marry per the laws that govern our state! So someone PLEASE tell me how VSC can claim that I am not! and that I am NOT ME! and lawyers they are not help. "We will just send them waht they need and in two weeks time or less after that you will have your NOA2. What kind of response is this? It still does not clear up how VSC puts out the info that they put and how they conjur up some of these things.
Frustrated is MY WORD for the day right now!
KassFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-27 17:51:00
United KingdomFor those doing this with kids...

It may sound silly sayin it this way but i'm pleased to hear that my daughter isn't the only one finding high school a bit of a challenge.
My son is 13 and goes to middle school here and he is finding it rather easy but my 15 year old daughter is in high school and she cant seem to comprehend the homework thing either as being part of the grades and counting towards a pass of fail.
They weren't used to much homework in England, so its a big change for her, the schools here do everything so differently than in the Uk
litlemo-nosleepFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-02-20 10:08:00
United Kingdompaying for the visa
The way Joey559 described it was they way i done it last august when i got my interview notice and payment slips and everything went fine as far as getting the visa at the interview

Hope this helps


Edited by litlemo-nosleep, 03 August 2006 - 08:11 AM.

litlemo-nosleepFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-03 08:11:00
United Kingdomtime to deliver passport after interview?
I lived in the northeast of England.....Newcastle....and ours were delivered the very next day.

litlemo-nosleepFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-10 05:52:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you from?
Newcastle girl here.
litlemo-nosleepFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-08-01 09:59:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Graduates Thread
Many many congrats to you both wes and rebbecca, thats great news, bet its a weight of your minds
I'm so happy for you both
:dance: :dance: :dance:
litlemo-nosleepFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-03-14 07:48:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReturned RFE
I sent back RFE's for my 2 childrens AOS on 6th July, i'm still waiting for any type of touch/update for them to say that they have recieved it.
Even though USPS says it was delivered on 8th July
I called the USCIS mis-information line and they also told me that it can take upto 60 days for a touch/update to say they had recieved them.

Sorry i couldn't have been more help.


Edited by litlemo-nosleep, 31 July 2006 - 09:03 AM.

litlemo-nosleepFemaleUnited Kingdom2006-07-31 09:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussionremoval of conditions with kids
Hi All,

Its been a while since i've been on here but here's hoping i can get some much needed help again.

I am about to mail my I-751 to remove conditions, my 2 year gc runs out next month...yeah left it late again....

My question 2 children came to the USA at the same time as me we filed paperwork at same time but they weren't approved till a few month after me...therefor their greencards dont expire till march 09,

I read somewhere that i could still file for removal for them at the same time as my I-751...can anyone confirm this and supply info on how to do it, or have i been a pure airhead and miss read somthing, and its not possible to do this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Many thanks, Litlemo
litlemo-nosleepFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-08-13 18:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionVSC I-1751 Status List
Can someone please add me to the list, its been so long since i used VJ i dont want to mess the list up for other people.

Many thanks

Date of I-751 09/02/08
Date of NOA-1 09/10/08
Date of Bio's 10/01/08
litlemo-nosleepFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-05 02:36:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Thanks Nich-Nick.

Somehow though I thought for £180.00 we would at least have got a copy of the results or perhaps notification that everything was clear.

But I understand these are the property of the US Embassy, so we have to go with the system.

Many thanks.
dvrjwhFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-22 02:24:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
QUOTE (elmcitymaven @ Jun 20 2009, 10:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If there is anything on the medical that causes concern, Knightsbridge will contact you directly before you attend the interview (assuming, as is the case for you, you have the medical well before the interview). No surprises on the day! If anything is wrong, you would expect to hear from them within a few days of the medical. They should have told you this at your medical -- we certainly were.

Thanks for the reply. I gave up smoking years ago but still wondered whether the xray would be clear!!

dvrjwhFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-20 19:26:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

I had my medical on June 15th at Bentinck Mansions and have had email confirmation that my results have been forwarded to the Embassy on June 18th.

Does anyone know whether that means that everything is ok with regards to the blood tests and chest X-ray?

What would happen if something showed up on either blood work or x-ray - are they obliged to let you know or would you have to attend the interview and then be denied on medical grounds?

Apologies if this has been addressed before, couldn't see the answer anywhere on VJ.


dvrjwhFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-20 01:01:00
United KingdomCertified copy of UK Birth Certificate
Thanks SirJon, I appreciate your reply.

I'm going to try and talk to a supervisor later this evening and see whether I can get any further information.

If not, I think I will forward to them tomorrow via DHL the original of my Short birth cert, together with another copy of the Certified Long one, so that they can make the comparison. I also have a form from GRO which they sent back with my certs which I could include which would add weight to the fact that the Certified copy was ordered via them.

It seems such a strange thing for an RFE!!

dvrjwhFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-13 09:49:00
United KingdomCertified copy of UK Birth Certificate
Hi everyone,

We've just received an RFE for the DS 230 package as they are saying that my Certified Long Copy of my Birth Certificate is not the long copy blink.gif

It IS the long copy!!! I explained that to an operator and she has referred it to a supervisor and told us to wait 15 days. I can't believe they've never seen one of these before?? Maybe I was just unlucky and got a new employee. Do things take long when they get to the Supervisor?

I was thinking of sending over my original short copy so that they can compare the difference. Having checked with my mother, she confirmed she was only given a short copy way back in 1958!! Therefore I had to apply to the UK General Register Office to get certified copy of long version.

Apart from that, we could have got case complete these week and stood a chance of a June interview.


dvrjwhFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-13 04:29:00
United KingdomWhat happens next?

Just got case complete at NVC on 14th May. I'm finding it difficult to see what happens next for us CR1/IR1 people?

Can anyone advise what the next steps are?

Many thanks,
dvrjwhFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-05-16 00:33:00
United KingdomEmails from the Embassy
QUOTE (aidy @ Jun 25 2009, 06:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (dvrjwh @ Jun 25 2009, 02:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi guys,

I rang the extortion line last week to get a reference no. to email the embassy. Sent the email last thursday and havent had a reply yet.
Is it normal to wait a week for a reply?


i e-mailed them over a month ago and still haven't had a reply.! im not sure it costs as much as it states to call them, i called them from an o2 prepay mobile and was on the phone for a good 5+ mins and it cost me just over £2 in credit which would have been great if i hadn't put £30 on the phone expecting a huge

Sods law, having posted this question today, the reply came this afternoon!!

Glad to hear about the mobile charge not being to bad, I had to phone from my mobile as my landline wouldn't connect. I remembered afterwards I had set it up to ban the kids from dialing these high priced lines wacko.gif
dvrjwhFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-25 12:28:00
United KingdomEmails from the Embassy
Hi guys,

I rang the extortion line last week to get a reference no. to email the embassy. Sent the email last thursday and havent had a reply yet.
Is it normal to wait a week for a reply?

dvrjwhFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-25 01:36:00
United KingdomCheap Shipping From UK to USA
QUOTE (JerrysGirlAnne @ Jul 2 2009, 01:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I just came back from my local DHL office. I went there to get some packing materials, which they didn't have. The man at the desk gave me a quote for the dimensions of my package. 10x50x65(pictures in frames) it would cost 97 pounds. He then told me that there is a company that buys space on DHL flights. And that they had a website for parcel shipping and it was a lot cheaper than regular DHL although it really is still DHL. He went to this website and got a quote with the same dimensions and it would cost 37 pounds. Now that is cheaper. He told me that you type in all of your shipping details and then print all of the shipping labels. They will come to you to pick up the parcels, or you can drop it off at your local DHL. Imagine that.

The website is

Hope this helps someone.


Thank you so much, I'm just starting to think about what I'm going to take with me and this will be very helpful.

dvrjwhFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-02 07:45:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)July Interview Date Anyone Hoping For?
Yes I'm hoping for an interview in July.
Realistically I think June might be too optimistic as I've only just mailed the DS 230. I figure they might have processed that by middle of May if I'm lucky so I'm hoping for a July interview. Even August would be good. I'd like to be able to be with my SO by the end of September.

Just hoping and praying we don't get stuck at NVC!

Good luck with your journey.

dvrjwhFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-26 09:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHelp, Medical Denied
QUOTE (grapeeyes @ Jun 22 2009, 05:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Wade+Kristin @ Jun 22 2009, 11:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ghosttridder @ Jun 22 2009, 05:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Marina-Del @ Jun 22 2009, 10:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, wow. Firstly, ghosttridder...don't give silly advice on such an important and serious thread. Your thread is where you can complain about your situation (which IMO is your fault) but not here. Your comment about USCIS lovers doesn't add anything to this thread or help the OP.

LOLZ your opinion is ill. and your advice is ill-advised. dont listen to these people they have no idea how wrong they can be. Get an opinion from a lawyer.
if something goes wrong, these people will be the first to point fingers directly at you. judgemental and too critical because they have so much faith in the system. look at what the system is making you go through.. tsk tsk tsk so sad

Actually, the former poster had very good advice. I get the feeling that you're only upset about his comment about your situation being your own fault, Ghosttrider. You should be careful not to claim his advice is a bad one when he is only trying to help out the OP here.

As for the OP;
I have read through a lot of medical posts because I have been wondering about a few things myself and I can not remember a single case of anyone being denied a VISA due to high blood pressure. I'd have your husbands own GP do a test before the interview perhaps, or even state a history of his former check ups and the value of his blood pressure tests and bring this with you. It's even mentioned here somewhere how the situation itself can make the blood pressure rise. I can only wish you good luck and keep your spirits up! I know it's tough being parted from the one you love, but hang in there!


I would like to thank everyone who was helpful and supportive. Ghosttrider, I am sorry that you are so bitter,and I hope you can get things resolved for you.

Please look at this as a blessing in disguise. I know it doesn't seem like it at the moment as it's causing a delay to your journey. BUT, blood pressure that high is dangerous and as high blood pressure doesn't always show itself with tangible symptoms, you often don't know you have it until it causes major issues.

I have high blood pressure too. I only had it diagnosed when visiting my doctor for a totally different reason and she decided to check it.
I'm on permanent medication which keeps it at a nice safe level. Fortunately I knew this prior to my medical and was able to supply a letter from my doctor stating that it was stable. Medical was no problem as a result.

Once your husbands GP gets things sorted, he can provide a letter stating that everything is stable and they will accept that. Best wishes to you both and hopefully with a GP's appointment tomorrow already scheduled, you are on the way to sorting this out.

dvrjwhFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-06-22 13:04:00
US Citizenship General Discussionoath VIRGINIA

hi guys i am a new user and wondering if anyone else waiting on the oath i had my interview November 1 and been on the oath que since the 8 of November i am about to call them tomorrow cuz thats passed 45 days they said anyone has the same prob in VA plz let me know what is ur ceremony date if you have one thank you guys

I passed my interview on October 5 in Norfolk VA, still haven't heard anything. When I called after 45 days, I was told on two occasions that that information online is incorrect, and we have to wait 90 days to have an oath scheduled. So frustrating to know that even after all we've been through to get to this stage, USCIS are still messing us around.
dvrjwhFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-09 11:42:00