IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDocuments for Visa Interview
NO you do not need to take originals if you have already submitted them to NVC. Did you also include copies of all the documents you sent?
You might need more photos, I can't remember.
JoannaVFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-04 10:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI 130 and K 3 Visa for resident in london

@canadian_wife : thanks for guide the guide . i ll have a look at it.

@marriedtomrg : thank you very much for detailed information. we are married for almost 3 years now and we got kids too (they've already got american passports). Will that make any difference? also i have got valid visit visa for usa and i have got secure job here in the UK but i have heard that when you apply for visa (like k3) they revoke it, but its wrong perhaps.
@JoannaV : thanks for exsplaing about the medical and telling about interview. thats a big relief to have it in London rather than some where else. Also is it like she will apply for I-130 in usa and ill wait till it gets approved over thered and then I have to apply DS-230? or once she files i-130 , then i can file for ds-230?

thanks for your replies and great help.


marriedtomrg is right, because you have been married for over 2 years you will get an IR1 visa and a 10 year green card. That means you won't have to pay to remove conditions after 2 years! :D

Your wife will file the I-130 (with which she sends G-325a forms and various documents, read the instructions and the online guides!). It is only after that has been approved that you will be asked for other forms. You will have to pay some money then send off the I-864 (proof of financial support) and then pay some more money and send off the immigration visa stuff, which includes the DS-230 and all your documents. But one thing at a time, get the I-130 sent off first!
JoannaVFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-08 14:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI 130 and K 3 Visa for resident in london

also a stupid kind of medical test is there?

How long does it take?

Your wife will file the I-130 in the US. You will interview in London. From sending off the I-130 to receiving the visa in the mail can take from 4 to 12 months. (Or indefinitely, if there is some complicating factor.) Right now you are looking at 8+ months, probably. So send off the initial forms as soon as possible!
You will indeed have to have a medical, in London, some time before the interview. It really is nothing crazy, very straightforward :)
JoannaVFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-04 10:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFile I-130 while in the US VWP
Apply asap. I don't really see the need for you to attach your return flight info, but if that's what she said then I guess you could do it. I sent off my I-130 whilst in the US in August 2009, and left in November. You just answer the questions properly: yes you are in the US, entered via VWP, write the arrival date, the expiry date as shown on the I-94 in your passport, and the I-94 number. In question 22 you will fill out the right hand side, that you intend to interview at London in the UK. Really, given that you're writing that, there's no need to include your return flight info. That seems like extraneous paperwork that isn't needed.
JoannaVFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-26 22:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresExtending our CR1 Visa!!
A very brief trip to America would cost the same as another set of visa processing fees, and the latter has the possibility of denial.
JoannaVFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-02-28 12:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresincome level-saying I need a Co-Sponsor

Also can anyone tell me what I can do if my congressman cant help me with making them see i make enough there any way to get around this need for a co-sponsor as I do make enough to support my wife,,,any info will be welcomed,,,thanks to all.,,Hoopy

Friends of mine got a blue slip a few months ago at Guangzhou, because the Interview Officer felt their income was not enough, even though they were well over the minimum. My friend lives in Calif. so I can see the Interview Officer's thinking on that. I could not afford the house taxes he pays. Congressmen can not help. The final decision is all up to the desretion (personal opinion) of the Interview Officer. Sorry, but that is just the way it is. To be on the safe side, just get a joint sponsor. :yes:
Bob gMaleChina2010-11-29 17:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresincome level-saying I need a Co-Sponsor
Many times the Interview Officer will ask for a co sponsor when the income is not much over the minimum, even if you have income over the minimum for 3 years, and include assets. At our Dec 09 Interview, the Interview Officer mentioned that my income was low, even with 2 houses, good IRA accounts, and rental income. So for this second attempt, we have a co sponsor. The government poverty level posted is only a guide for the Visa process, and the Interview Officer has the final say. A steady $25,000 income is very good in some parts of the US, but is not so good in some parts of the US. Good luck.
Bob gMaleChina2010-11-27 09:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Affidavits
I have read that the USCIS does not always send all supplied material to the NVC, but NVC does send all material to the consulate. I sent a minimum of photos and no affidavits to USCIS with the 130, no problem. I reprinted the few photos I sent with 130, along with several more to send to NVC with the DS230. I printed photos on 8 x 11, 2 to 6 photos on a page with typed information, name, date, location, for each. I sent 12 affidavits with the DS230 also, some notaried, some not.
Bob gMaleChina2010-12-05 12:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresyahoo call log

hi Vjs
i just want to know how to get the calllog from yahoo messenger i tried copy and paste & this is not working someone knows how to do?
thanks for all

I use a program, "Captura" to capture the screen shot of my Yahoo Messenger call history log, save to my documents, and print out later. I believe the Captura program is "Captura by Hernada".
Bob gMaleChina2010-12-07 08:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is going on?
If you look at Filers of June, May, April, March, others have and are going through a similar situation.

You will see a few that are processed in less time, but for the most part many have to wait 5 and 6 months.

Bob gMaleChina2010-12-16 10:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion Filing RFE's for Electronic Processing Cases

I did not see the P3 before. I did not go with the electronic process. My computer is not very reliable, and neither is my brain.

My typing skills are terrible also. I believe I have this old timers thingy going on.
Bob gMaleChina2010-12-24 06:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion Filing RFE's for Electronic Processing Cases
I did not see the P3 before. I did go with the electronic process. My computer is not very reliable, and neither is my brain.
Bob gMaleChina2010-12-24 06:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion Filing RFE's for Electronic Processing Cases
I was following the LingChe guide lines, and I did not see anything about P3 Supplement. Talked to a couple friends ahead of me on this process, that did not know anything about the P3 Supplement.
Bob gMaleChina2010-12-24 05:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion Filing RFE's for Electronic Processing Cases
Thanks Eric, The NVC email gave me a link that come up blank.
The P3 Supplement looks like a simple cover letter. thanks, Bob
Bob gMaleChina2010-12-24 04:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion Filing RFE's for Electronic Processing Cases
I received an email 18 Dec from NVC that documents were missing, and on 20 Dec I received another email that the documents were not missing. Today 23 Dec received an email, they need more 864 documents that I sent. I put the case number at the top right corner of each document I sent, but they still lose things. Todays email says they want a P3 Supplement, Packet 3 Suppplement sheet, what ever that is. :wacko:
Bob gMaleChina2010-12-23 23:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTime between Visits
I am hoping to go to Chongqing, March/April for 3 weeks again. January and February is just too dangerous to fly. So much snow, airports are shut down often. My April 2009 trip took 50 hours travel to get there. On my March 2010 trip, I just got out of the Atlanta airport a few hours before the snow hit, and shut down the airport. This time I will try a March/April visit, 3 weeks again. I am hoping the Interview will be around that time. More snow today, glad I have plenty of firewood....... :hehe:
Bob gMaleChina2011-01-12 10:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTime between Visits
In regards to prove a Bona Fide relationship for CR1, how often should one visit their loved one?

Today, my wife says someone told her if I do not come to visit before March 2011 this year, she will not

receive the Visa, since my last visit was March 2010. The guide lines say, that "must have met

person", but the real requirements in number and frequency of visits may be different. Any


Edited by Bob g, 10 January 2011 - 01:34 PM.

Bob gMaleChina2011-01-10 13:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReg:1-864

Thanks for the advices. I earned around $21000 from 2008,2009, and 2010<I should have earned more in 2010, but i took around 2 months off to have vacation with my hubby. As you mentioned about a letter of employment for 2011, the 2011 annual income will be around $24000, with my IRAs $2000 + bank checking deposit $5000,and my house is in debt $142,000, do you think i still need a co-sponsor?

Having 3 years, 2008, 2009, and 2010, over the minimum would be very good. Having the 2011 employment letter, and recent pay stubs at Interview Time showing $2000 monthly income should be very good also. I would not mention the house debt. If your house was paid for or had alot of equity built up, that would be a good asset. Cash, income, IRA, Deposits, is easier for Guangzhou to understand.
Bob gMaleChina2010-12-05 23:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresReg:1-864

Another question:
After I read some topics that related to tax transcripts, NVC needs 3 years of tax transcripts,But my 2007 income was $17,000. Should I wait for 2010 tax ?

In my opinion, YES for the 2010 Tax return, 2009, and 2008 tax transcripts, and a letter of employment for 2011. Your income is not far over the proverty level. This year a friend of mine with an income a little more than yours, got a blue slip, and had to get a co sponsor, months of delay for the Visa. My income is barely over the minimum, with 2 houses paid for, and a large IRA. The Interview Officer said my income was "low". The income minimum is only a guide for the Visa Officer. Being over the minimum is not always what is the "real" requirement. I do not wish to sound negative, but Guangzhou is not always easy. Getting a Visa is the "descretion/personal opinion" of the Interview Officer. You may want to consider getting a co sponsor with a very good Income, it would save months of time, rather than get a blue slip. Best of Luck... :yes:
Bob gMaleChina2010-12-05 09:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJune Filer's
drbob, there are a few of us in a similar situation as you. The Guz is sure not easy to deal with. Just hang in there. Best of Luck.. :yes:
Bob gMaleChina2011-01-06 19:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy wife's Horror Story from Guangzhou,

I met My wife 12-08-2008 we got married 09-09-2009 yes my daughter is my step daughter. I spent 62 days wonderful and loving days with my wife after we were married. I did contract my congressman this morning. He sent me a privacy act release form and told me to send all the information I had on my wifes two interview. I have all this information ready to fax out first thing in the morning I will never give up hope and I will never give up on my wife. Thank you for your concern.

Your timeline looks similar to mine. I believe you just had the bad luck of getting a Butthead Interview Officer :bonk: , this happens sometimes. Having 1 trip can be a negative, but not always. If you had 2 trips of 30 days each rather than one 62 day trip, that would have been better. It is not always easy to travel more than 1 time each year. The Interview Office ask about your communications. Did you send documents with your petition showing your ability to communicate and how often? After our K1 denial in Dec 09, I received a letter from USCIS in August, that the K1 had expired. Another friend I talk with, same situation, got a letter in October 10, that his petition had expired in March 10. He had hopes that USCIS would do something positive. Me, I just applied again. I read that 1 couple, 1 week after their denial, applied again with another K1, was back in Guz in 6 months, with sucess. K1s are not the same as Marriage Visas I know, but have about the same problems with Guz if one gets a Butthead Visa Officer. The way the process is today, is it will take an Act of Congress to change the BS going on with the Visa Process. Best of Luck.. :yes: .
Bob gMaleChina2010-12-03 09:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRecord of Money sent to China
I have been using Western Union for a couple of years. I get a paper receipt that I email a copy of to my wife. The Western Union fee has been $14.

The money sent was one of the question asked twice, at my wife's Interview in December 2009. I believe the Interviewer did not see the receipt of the first time I sent money, by my bank wire transfer. For the purpose for our next Interview, I have made better copies and logs of money sent.
Bob gMaleChina2011-01-17 09:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIdea when to file Tax to save time
If your Interview is before 18 april, which I doubt, the Interviewer most likely will not ask for the 2010 tax return because the return is not due. If your Interview is after 18 april, the Interviewer may ask for the 2010 tax return. If you look at other timelines here, you can see things move slow most of the time at NVC, and Guangzhou compared to Visas to other countries.....
Bob gMaleChina2011-02-10 19:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThai Marriage Certificate
Your welcome Namwan! I hope you enjoy visiting Thai website which I recommended you. Talking about evidences, I think more than enough. Good luck, Natty
nattyFemaleThailand2006-08-30 09:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThai Marriage Certificate
Hi Namwan!

You need only one picture of you to give your fiance.


I recommend you to visit this Thai website.
nattyFemaleThailand2006-08-29 11:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThai Marriage Certificate
Hey Bill! Good to know you and welcome to the board. I don't know if I am right or wrong, but when my husband (he was my fiancee back then) I gave him only 1 picture of me. That was all I did. But I think if your fiance divorce she should summit Check it out. Click here to see Application Procedures: Bringing a Fiancé(e) to Live in the United States
  • A copy of any divorce decrees, death certificates, or annulment decrees if either you or your fiancé(e) have been previously married.

nattyFemaleThailand2006-03-09 16:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 after a divorce
Thank you for that. Perfect example of what I expected to hear. My friends and family are all here. The US offers me only a step down job wise, not a step up due to my training, and I will require complete retraining if I wish to remain in my field. Not to mention my children are settled, and it pains me to yet again uproot them after too many years of being relocated with the CAF. So very frankly, its not the country I want in the least. The only thing the US has to offer me is being with the man that I love.

Yeah. My insight on your situation smells fishy.
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-06-08 05:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 after a divorce
I have written and notorized permission for the girls to go with me, and when its time I'll have a Letter of Consent from him. hopefully that will be enough.

I was in a similar situation and we filed as soon as my divorce became final with no question or problem. So to answer your question, as long as the divorce is final, there will be no problem. All the USCIS requires is to prove you are able to be married. far as the fact you have may need to sort the custody issue before they can legally come to the US. You will either need permission from your ex or a court order in order for them to immigrate with you. If they do not intend to immigrate with you, then the divorce document is all you need.
Hope this answers your concerns.

Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-06-07 22:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 after a divorce
My fiance and I have been together for a year and a half now. However, the biggest thorn in our side has been the fact that I've had a long unfortunate drawn out divorce proceeding (talking years here) that will finally be over and done with by August. While I do want to be able to be with my fiance ASAP, I'm wondering if there are any huge pitfalls to filing the I-129F within a month or so once my proceedings become final. I also have 2 children, will that complicate matters or extend the timeline? (im the foreign fiancee, he's the USC)

Thanks to anyone who might have some insight on our situation
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-06-07 20:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureslong form birth certificates?
when applying for a K-1 with children involved, do we need the children's long form birth certificates as part of their identification? I have both wallet sized certificates, but if its needed, would much rather apply for all 3 of us at the same time
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-06-10 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOther names used?
I-129F ready to go, except for one thing. I'm a bit cloudy on as to whether or not I should put my band name in the other names used section. I'm Metis, and shortly after my birth, my father gave me my band (native) name. My fiance, his mother, all his friends, and a good portion of mine call me by my native name, however its not on any of my legal documents as I have not formally changed my name yet. All the same, should my native name go in the Other names used section with a supplement to explain?
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-07-20 05:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiance is on a plane right now, thanks to VJ
congrats and best wishes to you!
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-07-25 20:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Q
I dont think anything has ever made me as paranoid as beginning this process :unsure: Think I'll stick to my immigration reading on VJ, else I come out of this process a complete nutbar.
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-08-01 01:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Q
I-129F package all filled out while fiance was problem that neither of us caught even with triple checking it then checking it again until he'd already driven the 9.5 hrs home...missed one of my jobs entirely. Yes. Huge miss on that one, will never again fill out important forms in the middle of a medical issue while on pain meds :( Would we be better off for him to send one of the G-325A forms to me, fill it out and send it back to him, or would I be able to use the downloadable form and send 4 copies with original signiatures on it. Ive read that downloaded forms may potentially make USCIS cranky, even though they come from their website.

Edited by Amanda-Lise, 01 August 2006 - 01:24 AM.

Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-08-01 01:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSent in!!!
good luck and wishes for a speedy approval
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-08-08 12:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F sent

Welcome to the journey, it is alot of fun and very exciting.

You will find this web site a great source of encouragement and sometimes, disscouragement if you let the fast approvals get to you. For most the process takes months and months, so get ready for a long journey.

Hope that your petition is approved quickly and the two of you are united here in the U.S as soon as possible.

Rob and Melinda

If it happens in under 8 months we will be ecastic, but looking at others' timelines, irregardless of going through VSC, we expect a long wait, plus going through the Montreal consulate, which seems to have long wait times for interviews. We waited so long just to be able to file, that it feels good to be waiting but knowing there is an actual light at the end of the tunnel somewhere.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts :star:
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-08-18 15:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F sent
half an hour ago, Ron sent out our I-129F. A few delays, and paperwork snafus, but its on its way. First step and a long wait ahead. But its on its way! :dance:
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-08-18 11:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReapproved
congrats! (F)
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-08-18 15:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCheque is cashed!
congrats! :dance:
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-08-19 11:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI'm in shock...and loving it
congrats to you and hopefully the rest of the process will speed by for you!
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-08-18 15:09:00