K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTHIS TIME IT'S FOR REAL!!!
congrats again Kristen! :star:
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-10-04 16:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Heads Up/Warning. Adobe Mess-up
I filled it out with version 7.0, and it worked as it should.
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-08-09 07:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe Power of Spinach
congrats to you Andy! Wishing for a smooth process for you the rest of the way (F)
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-10-04 16:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED APPROVED APPROVED!!!!!
congrats :)
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-10-06 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSubmitted I-129F
good luck and welcome to the waiting game :)
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-10-09 08:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
congrats! (F)
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-10-12 18:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 Vermont
congrats to you!! (F)
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-10-16 21:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved we are so happy
congrats to you, wishes for a smooth and speedy journey for you two
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-10-16 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarcher Approved!
congrats!!! hope the rest of your process goes very quickly for you
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-10-18 17:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHoly Cow! Received Approval Today
congrats to you and best wishes!
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-10-21 14:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED!!!!!!
congrats to you both! (F)
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-11-04 01:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat evidence of having met your fiance did YOU submit?
copies of our flight stubs, credit card and bank statements showing purchases in my town, hotel reciepts, cosigned lease, letters of intent, photos with date and place on the back.
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-11-13 21:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED!
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-12-20 19:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling buddies
Yes. Air conditioning a definite must. When all this is over, we want to start looking for a house, but he isn't keen on going too far out as he works in Richmond. I grew up in the country and I dont make a very good city girl. Hopefully we will find an area that we can compromise on .

Welcome to all the other newcomers preparing to file! Its nice to not feel so alone in embarking on this process
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-08-05 13:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling buddies

Well, see, it depends quite a bit on where you are in Virginia. Summers are hot, humid and icky period. This past week we had temps into the 100's and humidity around 60%. Air conditioning is NOT an option IMO. Fall is gorgeous, we have enough of a temperature change for the leaves to put on a show, nothing compared to Vermont, but still beautiful. Winter is hit or miss, this is where location comes into play. I'm very near the mountains so I would get more than someone next to the beach. Blizzards are rare, quite honestly snow totaling more than 6 inches is a once or twice a year occurance..and if it happens make sure you have milk and bread..not because you won't be able to get out, but because everyone panics! We do get ice storms every couple of years and those can be pretty horrendous. Winter temperatures rarely go below the low 30's-high 20's(that's for daytime highs). Spring is again gorgeous..there's so much greenery that you can really see the blooms and blossoms.
One of my warnings to someone planning to move here would be learn to drive the speed limit. The entire state is known for speed traps..and they're sneaky..will sit at the bottom of a hill so as to catch you.

more than 6 inches a rarity? Yikes. Yep im guessing that will be one of the biggest differences in climate. 6 inches where I am, if we just get that we consider ourselves blessed with a light winter. I really need to learn the conversions :help:
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-08-05 11:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling buddies
I do wonder how the winters are going to compare. My baby has told me that I will probably find them quite warm, and the kids may be upset by a much lower amount of snow. Another difference is the squirrels....the squirrels are so...well...tiny. I'm more worried about surviving the summers, I dont do well with heat and humidity :blush:
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-08-05 10:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling buddies
We will be in the Richmond area. WHen I was able to go back down with him for a week in may, I spent much time in awe of the wildlife, and the beauty of the area. However, I was a little cranky that there were absolutely no sidewalks, and unless I wanted to get run over, no easy way to access even a grocery store on foot.

My parents have warmed to Ron, after spending 2 weeks of vacation with my girls who spoke of him frequently. My friends however badger me, hoping that I will badger him into immigrating to Canada. Even after being told that Ron and I have discussed this endlessly once the option of us going to the US became available with my ex finally agreeing to let me move with the girls, and we came to the mutual decision that if we get the visa, we go there. Which bothers me, but I tell myself they arent privvy to our private discussions, will never have a full understanding of our reasoning for us being the ones to move VS him, and wont have a clue what its all about unless they are faced with the choice themselves.
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-08-05 10:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling buddies
<<Yeah I know... the first time we were getting ready to file, back in January, he sent me his forms in a box with other stuff. Well, it disappeared for a MONTH. He paid 40-something Euros to be able to track it, and tracking didn't work on it. I guess it must've been customs, or something, I dunno. The box arrived smashed with holes in both sides. At least nothing was lost - other than the stamps he sent me for my stamp collection. You can imagine how much we were freaking out about THAT, with his G-325a and passport photos and letter of intent in there, right? Well, this time, the forms will be sent to me alone in an envelope, and we're paying the 40-something Euro tracking shipping again... hopefully the tracking will WORK this time. He's already got a SS# because he was here for 3 years on a religious worker visa, and we don't want something with his SS# just sitting in the mail. :no: >>

I worry about it just getting the past few years ive sent packages to friends in the states that either didnt arrive at all, or arrived literally in pieces. Canada post is notorious for being horribly slow on top of it. All in all we may have been better off just having him complete the package when he comes up for my surgery. However, we have been waiting for over a year to file as it is, and eagerness took over. Shall see which comes first...the delivery of those documents, or the surgery. Maybe I really should look into a carrier pidgeon :P Heres to hoping both our packages arrive in a timely fashion in one piece!

As for the lease, figured anything with both our signiatures on it would be good primary evidence that we've met.

The long distance aspect really does suck :( Im lucky now in that Ron has gotten over his squeamishness on long drives, and has driven up to see us twice, prior to may it had been over 5 months since we had seen each other. Much easier for one person to come to canada vs flying 3 to VA. Friends and family don't understand why we are trying to get the visa to go there. They think that we will be treated worse there than we are here in canada (we're First Nations) Adds stress to an already stressful situation. But we will all make it through!

Edited by Amanda-Lise, 05 August 2006 - 09:46 AM.

Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-08-05 09:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling buddies
I'm Amanda, Canadian, fiance is Ron (USC). We will be filing through the VSC. We were hoping to have it all ready to go when he visited last weekend, but we ended up short my G-325A form, 2 pictures of us from my trip with him back home to VA, and my lease, which he cosigned for me. In the meantime he's printing out the rest of our pictures, and getting his passport style photo. Everything on his end has gotten a bit difficult to accomplish since he is working an odd shift, basically comes home, sleeps, and by the time he wakes has enough time for a 20 min phone call then head back out to work :( We're hoping to have it together to send out the same day he recieves the documents from me...which were sent on the 1st and just cleared the border yesterday. Beginning to think he would get the docs faster had I opted for a carrier pidgeon. So hopefully we will have filed by the 10th. Great topic btw!
Amanda-LiseFemaleCanada2006-08-04 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFeeling a bit stupid.. but I have a question..
Thanks so much guys!
I'm usually so careful, I don't know what happened.

But thanks again!

serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-02-26 16:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFeeling a bit stupid.. but I have a question..
Hey guys,

I've been lurking and have seen that you guys are quite knowledgeable and very helpful to everyone so I figured I ask.
I feel a bit stupid, I thought I made a copy of all the original forms/documents I sent in with my I-129F. But.. unfortunately I didn't.
I have the some files saved on my computer though of course. Those aren't a problem (letter of intent, the way we met, & stuff). I am pretty sure the copies I currently have are copies that I made before my most recent edit. (I don't remember exactly cause I started the forms over so many times, and made so many copies that I don't remember exactly.. Doh!)

When I get my NOA2 would they be sending me my original packet? Or would they be forwarding that whole packet to my the Australian Consulate (where my boyfriend will interview). I read the guides and stuff, and from what I got from the guide, was that I'm to send him a copy of the whole application/everything I originally sent. And he just receives a completely different package after the approval that tells him what to do and stuff.

I hope I wasn't too confusing. I'm really nervous now because I realized that I may not have copied the final submitted documents. Eek.

If you guys have any insight or opinions please let me know.

Thanks in advance!!!
serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-02-26 16:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow Long is an NOA2 valid for?
Congrats!!!!!! :)
serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-03-01 15:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI really wish CSC would stick to '1st come 1st serve'
I really like your signature clock thingy.
I just had to have it too =/ I hope you don't mind!!

I hope you get notice soon!! Best of luck to you, i only just sent mine in like 2 weeks ago and I'm anxious as anything I'd be even crazier than I am right now if it was 2 months in already..
serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-02-28 15:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVISA APPROVED!!
Aww congrats :)
I hope mine is as speedy and easy as yours!
I'm so happy for you! I can't wait till I get to share my good news as well :D
serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-02-28 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures+ signs in G-325A forms

You can just either use an electrical typewriter (like i did) or hand write all the fields on G-325A if you have problem with the + signs and don't wanna download the new Adobe. I was using 7.0 and the plus sign still came up...then I just got bored of it and decided to type down the answers manually. It won't be a problem.

You only write down places where you have lived for 6 months or more under residences last five years.

It's not the version of Adobe that causes the + signs to show up. It's just an option for the display of the forms.

I listed the steps earlier to make them go away. You don't need to download a new version of Adobe just to get rid of the + signs. Most likely even with a different version, that option will still be defaulted in there until you change it.
serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-03-02 20:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures+ signs in G-325A forms
Hehe :P

I don't know if it'd be a problem, but I just worry over things like that and so I redid the ones that would be sent off :P

Glad it helps (I think hehehe)
serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-03-02 20:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures+ signs in G-325A forms
Okay, I had this same problem. I only realized like after 10,000 pages. I was mad! lol

But being as ####### as I am with details, I redid them and got rid of the little plus sign.

The plus sign just tells you that what you typed in the field is bigger than the field itself.

To get rid of the plus signs..
Right click anywhere in the document where you can't type something in and choose the option:

"Page Display Preferences"

Then on the left hand side with the options go to:



Uncheck the box next to the option "Show Text Field Overflow Indicator"

It should not show the + signs anymore and when you print it, they won't appear on the page either.

I hope that helps!

It just sucks that you'll have to reprint everything. I just reprinted ones I would send away, and kept for myself/my fiance the + sign ones as copies.

Goodluck and happy filing!! :)
serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-03-02 20:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot married at city Hall Today

:dance: Congratuations!!! :dance:

That is so great! We're going to do the same thing, though in San Francisco. City Hall first and then the real ceremony and celebration to follow - planned, organized, not rushed!

Congratulations to a fellow Bay Area couple!!

M and M (he's in Turkey)

I was planning on something just like that too!
I have a question, I'm only 21, so I'm kind of naive and not very experienced with this whole marriage stuff (but i do know I want to be with my bf)

So if you got married at city hall say... may 20, 2007 and you planned a ceremony for august 27, 2008.. which would you consider your wedding anniversary? :D
serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-03-01 23:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot married at city Hall Today
WOOO!! :)


I hope you guys years and years of happiness!!! :wub:
serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-03-01 22:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMORE QUESTIONS
We only sent our expedia purchase confirmations for my last year trip cause I lost the actual boarding passes. That seemed to work. I didn't get any RFE and I got approval.

For my boyfriend's boarding passes, we just made copies and wrote on top: "Original Unaltered Copies of Boarding Passes & if needed, we can provide original upon request" And had my boyfriend sign and date that. (I was able to do that, cause I filed this when he was still here visiting me)

Then we sent in photos and copies of our passport stamps. And then our itinerary to the Bahamas for a week together (to show ongoing relationship).
serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-03-03 18:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNotarized Vs Certified Copy
OHhh that was definitely very helpful to me :)
serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-03-04 17:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDecember K-!
Woot! :)

serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-03-02 22:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYou just never know
OHHH! I see. Hehe sorry about the pushiness then.
I didn't know that. I'm a noob.

Well, I guess it's a good thing I'm not on there then.

I wish everyone else speedy goodluck as well!

Thank you FWA

Oh by the way, congratulations on your:
"I-129F NOA2 : 2007-02-20"

That's awesome!

Edited by serendipitous, 28 February 2007 - 10:39 PM.

serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-02-28 22:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYou just never know
Mine's not in there either and I have posted a date for my NOA1.

I feel so left out. I saw your other timeline post and updated my timeline just to be in the list too and I still don't make this one. Shucks!
Hopefully I'm on the next one. :)

Did I happen to do my timeline wrong?

Edited by serendipitous, 28 February 2007 - 10:25 PM.

serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-02-28 22:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHELP ME
This is from Captain EWOK in the sticky thread: General K1 Guides and Info, *Plus special notes to help you now and later during AOS


He gives really good instructions. You should go to that thread on the K-1 Forums (it's one of the first on the list of threads)

Many VJs find it difficult to figure out how to check for touches and ask for helpsmilie.gif. So I thought I'd have this topic to make it easier for everyone.

What is a touch?
As JEDI's defined it (http://www.visajourn...howtopic=20192#):
Any time your application is handled by someone at a Service Centre, the barcode is scanned, which results in an update to the "last date" for your case on the USCIS website. When the date changes, this mean that someone has physically handled or "touched" your case. There are many reasons your application may be "touched" - from simply being moved from one desk to another, to RFE's, to being approved.

There are 2 kinds of touches. There are the ones that show some kind of update, there are the ones that don't bring a new message. By logging into the account, take a look at the date that shows next to your case number. If it's changed, you've been touched.

By clicking on the case number, you get to check whether it was an update touch or not. The ones that don't show updates are connected with some kind of work done with regard to your case - it merely shows that they've taken a look at it somehow.

What? Case number? Account? Hang on, let me explain it. smile.gif

How do I get to check it out?

First thing is, get your receipt number (or case number). You can find it online on the back of the check you used to pay for the filing of the application when it's been cashed. If you can't do that, wait for the NOA1 in the mail. It'll be there.

There are 3 ways to check for updates.

1. By searching online: https://egov.immigra.../jsps/index.jsp - you'll just need the receipt number.

2. By logging into your account. To register on the USCIS site: https://egov.immigra...ectusertype.jsp

3. By e-mail (once you have registered and clicked on the "E-mail on" button.

Options 1 and 3 are good if you only wish to check for status update. Option number 2 shows the mysterious touches (somebody worked on your case but we can't be sure what has been done).

Option 2 in detail:

Log into your account: https://egov.immigra.../jsps/login.jsp

It'll show a table:

Receipt Number | E-mail | Last Updated | (mm/dd/yyyy) | Form # |Form Title

Take a look at the date in the "last updated" box. Then go to "Receipt Number" and check the message. Is it different from the last update you got?

Yes: smile.gif Great! You got an update that changes the status of your case.
No: sad.gif Aw. They have just worked on your case...

Please note that the date on the update notices don't change. For example, if you got a message saying your petition was approved on JUNE 20, 2006, that date will never change. The ones that might change are the ones you get to see at the chart when you log into the account.

Do I really need to check the mysterious touches?
Not at all. Only obsessive people like me, for example, will do it. I find it comforting to know that someone's been working on my case smile.gif

Also, you only get to check the status before your petition is fowarded to the NVC...

I hope I covered it all. good.gif

Hope it helped!
serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-03-06 07:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThank you VSC!
Congratulations!! :)
Your NOA2 is dated before mine!! Hehe.

I hope we both have relatively easy paths the rest of the way!
serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-03-05 23:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2
Congrats david on your recent noa2!! :)
serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-03-01 23:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2
How do we know when NVC receives our petition and so forth? Does it update on the USCIS site too? Or is it a letter that lets us know when certain places get our information?

Same question towards when the Consulates receive the paperwork. Does the site automatically update? Is the system all hooked up together?
serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-03-01 22:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2
Thank you thank you :D

So excited!!
What a great way to end a bad week of bad grades :( / :) lol

So do you guys think this whole process for me/my fiance will be over by july?
serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-03-01 22:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2
Thanks thanks!! :)

Goodluck to everyone else too!
serendipitousFemaleAustralia2007-03-01 15:50:00