K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
Thanks so much everyone........I feel like I am in some really bad novel and I am the long suffering character who can not seem to get it right or get a break.......I wish ....I wish...I wish I could stop what I feel like is whining and just hope for , be patient for and understand this process in my head and my heart but everyday seem no closer then the day before after 276 days of waiting.......If they could just tell me when or why.they need to continue processing a case that has been processed for 9 months now.......It would help but they say nothing but indefinate administrative processing.....My Congressman said if by next thursday we have heard nothing he would try again....God Bless Congressman Wolf....he seems to at least give a care about us......No one else in the government seems to........Lora helpsmilie.gif
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-03-01 17:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (charlene @ Feb 29 2008, 09:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!

I called the State Department today, went to the visa department of the state department and got to speak to someone.
She at first told me that it had not been sent to the wrong place that all visa go to Montreal for Canadains, (I have been told this
several times in the last two weeks....amazing that these workers don't know this is incorrect)....but anyway....I said that that was not correct
because I had been told by the NVC center that they had sent it to the wrong embassy.....
she asked me to hold on and after about 5 min. she came back and ask if I was still there and I said yes and she said she was
checking on it could I hold longer and I said yes of course, and another 5 minutes or longer went back....
This whole time I was on the phone I was reading my Bible and praying to God to please work this out....
she came back on the line and told me that I was correct....she called and talked to the NVC center and they told her that it had been sent to
the wrong place and that it was in Montreal.....THEN SHE SAID THIS....they are sending a CABLE to day and will have your case transfered to
Vancouver for you........I was so grateful I was in tears.....thanking her profusely for helping me......I got off the phone.....praising God and
crying.........I am so relived that she listened to me and didn't blow me off and that she kept working for those 10 minutes to see what could be

I have know idea how to know when it will actually get to Vancouver.....but I am so grateful that it will be moved to the right place!!!!!!

Lora....I will be praying for a quick check on your application at the NVC.....maybe we will both have things picking up on our behalf!!!!!!

Oh Charlene......Great news.....I am so very happy for you....Now I hope for a quick move then interview date for you......I just continue to hope they will finish soon but I have to be truthful.....I am loosing my energy and hope........I am hanging by a thread
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-29 21:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (charlene @ Feb 28 2008, 10:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (OsLoraTamm @ Feb 25 2008, 08:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (charlene @ Feb 25 2008, 09:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone know what form you use to transfer your visa interview to another embassy....we still have not heard from the issue with them sending our
visa to the wrong embassy......I am trying to be prepared if they say they are not going to transfer themselves.

Being how this is for us.....Can you just go to the other embassy.....I know the cost and time and all but I would be afraid to give them anymore ways to screw you guys......Just a thought

Just to let everyone know where we are now....still have our packet stuck in Montreal....we have emailed the embassy and still know reply...we emailed our embassy of Vancouver and they said we had to deal with Montreal....we have talked to the NVC center and so has our congressman and they said you have to deal with the embassy's...they will not deal with you by phone..we have tried....they said it must be by email.....

We are so frustrated with this process of not being able to talk to someone who can help us....VanCouver gave us a phone number which when we called it. it
said it was no longer a valid number....

THe problem with going to MOntreal to do the interview beside traveling 3000 miles is that the wait time is about 4 months and we had just rescheduled our wedding for May.......this was the NVC centers error...they admitted to it....yet why can't someone help us??????

Will the madness EVER stop!!!!!!!!!!

I am so sorry Charlene.......I am in indefinate processing and review at NVC and yes they are of no help.....I know that it is a pain but maybe you should just go to Montreal......Like me I am thinking it will be a year before we can get this visa done.....IT JUST SUCKS helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-28 22:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (charlene @ Feb 25 2008, 09:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone know what form you use to transfer your visa interview to another embassy....we still have not heard from the issue with them sending our
visa to the wrong embassy......I am trying to be prepared if they say they are not going to transfer themselves.

Being how this is for us.....Can you just go to the other embassy.....I know the cost and time and all but I would be afraid to give them anymore ways to screw you guys......Just a thought
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-25 09:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (Mel and Syl @ Feb 23 2008, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lora, what are you sorry for? You are not responsable for my feelings so you dont have to appologize because you are going through such a nightmare. I feel so bad because i know what it means to be waiting for good news. The whole process is just unfair to many people and thats the sad part of it. As already said, everything happens for a reason. Who knows why things are happening the way they are? God surely has a great plan for you and Oscar so try to focus on the day you will kiss him at the airport and welcome him home. Take heart and stay strong, you will be rewarded by the grace of God! When i was waiting for my approval, i could not understand why i had to go through this. But now i am glad i went through it, the whole process tought me a few things in life. I learned how to be patient, i learned how to axcept things that i can not change and i learned how to focus on the happy end of whatever i want to do and not the things that might go wrong. Lora, you also will see some good in this once the pain goes down a little bit and i am sure Oscar will do the same just keep the faith!

Thank you guys for all the wishes! I am so happy that i have found this great family may God keep on blessing you all! rose.gif

I am hanging on my fingernails but I am still hangin.......I just need Oscar to talk with me.......His father said he went to the sacred valley for the day........It is his favorite place on earth innocent.gif ......I am sure it will be better when he gets back....... heart.gif
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-23 14:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (mnieto @ Feb 23 2008, 10:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (OsLoraTamm @ Feb 23 2008, 09:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KimandRuss @ Feb 22 2008, 07:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Lora, I found this link. Not sure it will help you any but it's informative at the very least.

Thanks Kim....the link helped alot........I emailed it to Oscar but I have not been able to contact him since yesterday....I think he needs a little time......We made several mistakes in this process and I hope everyone can take heed.....

1. First we assumed a lawyer was the ace in the hole.....wrong....once they have your money they just push paper.....they have no special help as far as dealing with USCIS/NVC/Embassy then you or I do.....waste of time, money and the peace of mind they supposedly give

2. We assumed that we are average, normal people not trying to dupe the government, or each other or anyone....No false marriage....or deals under the table so this would not be hard because we are for real........We did not meet on the internet we been together for 122 days in 2 years and we are both very sure of the other......easy right???....No they are suspious of you...of your S/O.....and in this process you are guilty until proven inocent......

3. Oscar and I mailed our petition in May 26th........we assumed using the timeline that an Oct/Nov wedding would be no problem.....big ever 6 seconds of my life I get asked about....When is he coming???....When are you getting married????....Is he backing out???...Are you sure???....On and on........

4. Oscar unbeknownest to me was like me so sure all was going to be grear.....nothing to hid and all........that in August he got an offer to sell his business and he did?....He said to me later.....We are not criminals doing bad things so why would they not give us a visa???? he has set since September without a job except for freelance.........He sold his home and moved in with his father.......ALL SUCH BIG MISTAKES....but they are done now........Never ever count on things you do not have in hand

5. We waited from June 2007 until January of 2008 to see each other......always thinking about saving those Frequent Flyer Miles for the interview...the move.....our new life...................Up until June we had seen each other every 2-3 months for 1 1/2 years.......the internet is not the same....sorry.....I am not a rich person....I work 2 jobs to support myself and 2 minor and 1 adult disabled child....but it is important to stay connected....Oh so important

I hope everyone can see our mistakes and learn what not to do.......................Lora

Lora, you are going through a rough time no doubt.....but you talk as if you have been denied .
They screwed up your petition big time and it seems that you have been waiting forever....but keep in mind that they HAVE NOT DENIED YOUR PETITION, Lora! There's no way under God's sky they can deny a visa for Oscar if you guys are regular everyday folks, and it sucks that your petition is a super ordeal. But what matters is that Oscar will get that freakin' sticker in his passport sooner or later.
Your case seems to be in AP at the NVC now and as far as I have read in other threads that happens quite often, but they clear in most of the cases pretty fast!! Nothing is lost , Lora, "only" delayed.....! good.gif

I know I am not denied....I know that all this will end.....I really wanted you guys to see our mistakes and nol repeat them......I feel many of our wounds were self inflicted.......from negilegence, impatience or ignorance we have increased our frustration and pain ourselves by doing the above things.....I would of done so many things differently.......People can look at what has happened to us then go from there........I think it helps to have new people see what worked and what hurt........I have my fingers cross that Os calls me soon
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-23 13:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (KimandRuss @ Feb 22 2008, 07:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Lora, I found this link. Not sure it will help you any but it's informative at the very least.

Thanks Kim....the link helped alot........I emailed it to Oscar but I have not been able to contact him since yesterday....I think he needs a little time......We made several mistakes in this process and I hope everyone can take heed.....

1. First we assumed a lawyer was the ace in the hole.....wrong....once they have your money they just push paper.....they have no special help as far as dealing with USCIS/NVC/Embassy then you or I do.....waste of time, money and the peace of mind they supposedly give

2. We assumed that we are average, normal people not trying to dupe the government, or each other or anyone....No false marriage....or deals under the table so this would not be hard because we are for real........We did not meet on the internet we been together for 122 days in 2 years and we are both very sure of the other......easy right???....No they are suspious of you...of your S/O.....and in this process you are guilty until proven inocent......

3. Oscar and I mailed our petition in May 26th........we assumed using the timeline that an Oct/Nov wedding would be no problem.....big ever 6 seconds of my life I get asked about....When is he coming???....When are you getting married????....Is he backing out???...Are you sure???....On and on........

4. Oscar unbeknownest to me was like me so sure all was going to be grear.....nothing to hid and all........that in August he got an offer to sell his business and he did?....He said to me later.....We are not criminals doing bad things so why would they not give us a visa???? he has set since September without a job except for freelance.........He sold his home and moved in with his father.......ALL SUCH BIG MISTAKES....but they are done now........Never ever count on things you do not have in hand

5. We waited from June 2007 until January of 2008 to see each other......always thinking about saving those Frequent Flyer Miles for the interview...the move.....our new life...................Up until June we had seen each other every 2-3 months for 1 1/2 years.......the internet is not the same....sorry.....I am not a rich person....I work 2 jobs to support myself and 2 minor and 1 adult disabled child....but it is important to stay connected....Oh so important

I hope everyone can see our mistakes and learn what not to do.......................Lora
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-23 09:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (Mel and Syl @ Feb 23 2008, 05:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats Jason-Sasha!

I got my visa today but it doesn't feel too good to post it on here when others like Lora are going through nightmares. Lora i pray that you and Oscar dont let this destroy the love you guys have for each other. Pleas stay strong, everything happens for a reason. rose.gif

No No NO Never ever ever feel bad.....I am so very happy for you....Visa in hand and coming to Virginia....YEAH ........This is just a very long trial for us for whatever reason.......I am sorry if my post make you feel bad....I guess I am just looking for some answer to this.......and since all of you guys understand the anguish of this sometimes I feel better to share.....sorry.....but I am really really hapy for You and Mirla and Jason and soon Bill and everyone else who has been here for a long time waiting..........SO WELCOME AGAIN TO VIRGINIA........kisses Lora
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-23 09:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (Bill y Bella @ Feb 22 2008, 06:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (OsLoraTamm @ Feb 22 2008, 12:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I called State number and was told it was in processing.....Called the Congressman's office that helped me....she told me that for what ever reason that they are doing a complete security check on can take 3 weeks to 7 months..........OMG.........I am dying.......someone please tell me this is a nightmare I will wake up from..............I called Oscar...........he is so angry.......He hung up on me.................What have I ever done to deserve this........Has anyone else have this happen to them????? helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif

Are you kidding me? That is horrible! sad.gif

Something does not make sense to me. I have not heard any explanation as to why only 1/2 the package was sent to the embassy. Was that bad information? Did the embassy send the package back to NVC because the embassy wanted a complete security check and not because the package was incomplete? It seems so strange that a package should be returned to NVC because of their error and instead of quickly correcting the error and apologizing they slam it into an extended security check.

I keep thinking you still have not heard the real story. If the package was sent back to NVC simply due to a NVC clerical error and while it was there it got caught up in a random extended security check, that is bad luck beyond comprehension.

My heart goes out to you and Oscar. I wish so much that I could do something to help.

It is very odd Bill.....but here is what the Cpngressman told me.......For whatever reason it appears they pulled the petition for a full security check which was sent I assume to the FBI but the remain papers were sent to soon as the Embassy checked on the remaining info not sent it was
discovered that it should of never been sent at all so it was sent back to NVC.....but when they do these kinds of security checks it is something that can not be messed with by anyone...not Congressman, State or I am stuck.....Oscar is just so upset about this....we are just everyday people....doing nothing special.....I am really at the very bottom of this hole.........
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-22 19:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (mnieto @ Feb 22 2008, 01:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (OsLoraTamm @ Feb 22 2008, 01:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TBoneTX @ Feb 22 2008, 12:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Gosh, Lora -- could any one case be any more snakebitten? Maybe call your Congressman's office back and ask what materials or information you or Oscar could provide to perhaps speed the investigation. The offer may not be accepted for whatever objective reason, but at least you've asked and shown good faith by doing so.

thanks Tbone.....I just called the Congressman.....he talked with me directly.....He was very kind....He called the NVC and FBI and it is not in there protocol to accept anything from Oscar or me........It is what it is........No time explanations..........Oscar is so upset....He has never done anything wrong....He is a web designer and marketing major from Peru......who breeds dogs ........We just happen to meet in Ecuador and fall in love........How bad is that?????...........He just said to me if the United States does not want me then forget it........I am stuck.....I can not leave here.......I have minor children........Oh God

Lora, I'm so very sorry to hear about your ordeal. Please don't get upset with Oscar because he got angry and said what he said. Being a foreign beneficiary myself I completely understand him. The US sometimes treats us as if we are a bunch of savages who have to be scrutinized super extra carefully...they forget that we (at least most of us) are simple regular folks with normal lives and habits, and that we are not some freaky Neanderthals sitting in caves. What I want to say is that the whole process can be very humiliating and disrespectful to the beneficiaries, and that's most probably how Oscar is feeling now.....please, don't lose hope and let him know that you love him. Don't let this bulls%38T get between you guys....

Thanks so much for the talk.......It helps me alot......When you add the stress of being apart...the stress of this visa process and now this security check thing we can say and do things we do not mean.....He said the exact same thing to me that you said about being humiliated and disrespected.....the only reason for him to come here is me........He has a good life in Peru.....I just can not share it with him now because of my children and so I asked him to come here.......It is a very touchy subject to a proud man to give up everything he has for me......I love him so much...You just showed me how much....Thanks

QUOTE (Jason-Sasha @ Feb 22 2008, 02:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
For anyone here who doesnt know, Sasha passed her interview this morning! Thought we'd share the news with all other VSCers. Thanks goes out to all who have been supportive. and good luck to everyone waiting!!

Congrats Jason and Sasha kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-22 14:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (TBoneTX @ Feb 22 2008, 01:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (OsLoraTamm @ Feb 22 2008, 12:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
[thanks Tbone.....I just called the Congressman.....he talked with me directly.....He was very kind....He called the NVC and FBI and it is not in there protocol to accept anything from Oscar or me........It is what it is [...]

That's kinda what I figured. But, nothing ventured, nothing gained... and your Congressman sounds responsive enough that maybe he's someone to vote for. A lot of people aren't so lucky!

If Oscar is this upset, he cares and is deeply invested in a successful outcome. As a fellow man, I respect this in him. You can tell him that a Norteamericano gringo admires his strength. (I admire yours, too!) smile.gif

Thanks TBone......He is a really good man with a very strong sense of right and wrong.....He finds the questioning of his integrity the worse kind of insult....I am thinking this was the very first thing I admired about him.....Very perceptive of you to see that in him.......You know I think the fact that we had expected this to be so very different then it has been....that we live pretty normal average lives that are transparent....that we just wanted to be together was enough to prove we are no harm to no one but I am thinking now we were wrong..........
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-22 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (TBoneTX @ Feb 22 2008, 12:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Gosh, Lora -- could any one case be any more snakebitten? Maybe call your Congressman's office back and ask what materials or information you or Oscar could provide to perhaps speed the investigation. The offer may not be accepted for whatever objective reason, but at least you've asked and shown good faith by doing so.

thanks Tbone.....I just called the Congressman.....he talked with me directly.....He was very kind....He called the NVC and FBI and it is not in there protocol to accept anything from Oscar or me........It is what it is........No time explanations..........Oscar is so upset....He has never done anything wrong....He is a web designer and marketing major from Peru......who breeds dogs ........We just happen to meet in Ecuador and fall in love........How bad is that?????...........He just said to me if the United States does not want me then forget it........I am stuck.....I can not leave here.......I have minor children........Oh God
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-22 13:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
Well I called State number and was told it was in processing.....Called the Congressman's office that helped me....she told me that for what ever reason that they are doing a complete security check on can take 3 weeks to 7 months..........OMG.........I am dying.......someone please tell me this is a nightmare I will wake up from..............I called Oscar...........he is so angry.......He hung up on me.................What have I ever done to deserve this........Has anyone else have this happen to them????? helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif

Well I called State number and was told it was in processing.....Called the Congressman's office that helped me....she told me that for what ever reason that they are doing a complete security check on can take 3 weeks to 7 months..........OMG.........I am dying.......someone please tell me this is a nightmare I will wake up from..............I called Oscar...........he is so angry.......He hung up on me.................What have I ever done to deserve this........Has anyone else have this happen to them????? helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-22 12:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
Well I called State number and was told it was in processing.....Called the Congressman's office that helped me....she told me that for what ever reason that they are doing a complete security check on can take 3 weeks to 7 months..........OMG.........I am dying.......someone please tell me this is a nightmare I will wake up from..............I called Oscar...........he is so angry.......He hung up on me.................What have I ever done to deserve this........Has anyone else have this happen to them????? helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-22 12:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (virgillionaire @ Feb 21 2008, 05:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (stu1232 @ Feb 21 2008, 12:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (virgillionaire @ Feb 20 2008, 10:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Hey Erica Congrats to you too and the same day!!! Aren't you dying to know where they found our petitions? Maybe in the corner of a car trunk of one of those work from home adjudicators??!!

Ahhhh, free from vsc, what a feeling kicking.gif

Congratulations to you and Ana. kicking.gif Hopefully the rest of the journey will be much quicker.

Here is a possible list that might make Letterman's top ten list.

Where was Virgil's petition at for 8 months?

10. Was received but was used as winter insulation in their walls.
9. The weight of all the July filer petitions caused a floor to collapse mixing all the files.
8. Was taken home to be worked on, but person went into a coma. Just now recovered.
7. Put in a locked desk but , Curley, Larry and Moe forgot the combination.
6. New hire was given file but was later deported.
5. Used as a cushion for taking naps between approvals and became a favorite for all to use.
4. Was in adjucater suitcase on Southwest flight and became lost luggage. Note, luggage was finally found but not adjucater.
3. Janitor was using it as a step latter.
2 The gang at VSC finally sobered up from New Years and realized June does in fact comes before November.
1. New England fan was working it and paying more attention to them until Patriots got beat.

Thanks, and nice list. Maybe I should appoint you the new head of my sarcastic thread "VSC, the V stands for cluster@#%$". I'm retiring smile.gif

Awh Virgil....never retire just go on and have fun and have a great life but please keep that ability to make me laugh even when I was the most down....You were a God send to me.....Congrats again......... kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-21 17:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (Jason-Sasha @ Feb 21 2008, 03:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lora I'm really sorry. They have really dropped the ball with handling your case. I hope you some answers and results very soon. Hang in there.

Thanks you know if calling dept of state number is of any they oversee NVC????
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-21 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
Help me Please someone........I just called NVC and they still have not sent the petition out again........she said we just recieved it on Feb. 17 it still needs to be processed.....I just about died.....I told her it was already processed then sent to Lima and returned because it was only half of it sent.....she told me I had to start over again and the petition was begin sent for processing then a name check......What the hell is this?????.....Can we get a break in all of this???????.....Will calling the State dept number get me some other kind of response?????.................Could stupid be there middle name or what............. crying.gif crying.gif headbonk.gif
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-21 08:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (virgillionaire @ Feb 20 2008, 10:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Hey Erica Congrats to you too and the same day!!! Aren't you dying to know where they found our petitions? Maybe in the corner of a car trunk of one of those work from home adjudicators??!!

Ahhhh, free from vsc, what a feeling kicking.gif

YEAH YEAH YEAH.....Oh Virgil.........I am so very happy for you....thank God

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

I think the Trunk Monkey had it....hahahahahahahaha

OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-20 22:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (ric @ Feb 20 2008, 12:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>



*huge sigh of relief*


QUOTE (OsLoraTamm @ Feb 20 2008, 01:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ric @ Feb 20 2008, 12:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>



*huge sigh of relief*


Oh wait..... kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

I have to do the approval dance

OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-20 13:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (Bill y Bella @ Feb 19 2008, 04:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (OsLoraTamm @ Feb 19 2008, 01:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well Kim thanks for asking.....A funny thing happened on the way to the embassy........they sent only half of the info.........and instead of sending the other half down they had to send the other half up to be reassembled and send it back.......I guess that is why I have NO warm fuzzies or good feelings these days......The embassy in Lima has been great but they told me they could not accept an incomplete or 1/2 of a packet.......Luckily they called NVC and it was located quickily but it is yet another delay in this process from hell......It still has not left NVC for the second time.....I can not get an explaination as to why but it is still least complete New Hampshire I hope not gathering dust again.......I call every day and they are all so nice but it is just a kinder version of USCIS to me at this point.....No reason.....just check back in a couple of days......OMG I just want to choke something.........So you can see this is why I am in such a horrific mood

QUOTE (charlene @ Feb 19 2008, 01:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lora...I can believe this since ours left the NVC center feb 13 and I was so excited until the guy said..."yeah it left for Montreal....and I almost chocked because that is the wrong embassy for was supposed to go to we are in the process of trying to locate and get it moved....I hate this for you...this whole ordeal has been just ORDEAL!!!!!!!!!! kEEP US POSTED AND WE WILL DO THE SAME!!!!!!

This is just simply unbelievable! I do not think I have ever seen such a group of incompetent fools as these clowns at USCIS and NVC. ranting33va.gif

I had thought we had made it when we got out of the hell hole called VSC but I was wrong we just dropped into another hell hole called NVC......Can we please just get to Lima in one piece and let Oscar and I get on with our lives........PLEASE....... helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif helpsmilie.gif On the 26th it will be 9 months of this bullsh*t........I am beyond frustrated...I am furious.....Lora
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-19 16:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (charlene @ Feb 19 2008, 01:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (OsLoraTamm @ Feb 19 2008, 12:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KimandRuss @ Feb 19 2008, 11:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lora, how are you? Forgive my ignorance..or laziness for not surfing to find the info...but have you heard from Peru yet??? Any more news for you???

When I started coming here to VJ in September so many people had already been waiting so long. Some of those same people are STILL waiting 5 months later while others are being approved in 60 days. Not to begrudge anyone else's approval because I certainly am happy for those couples and can only dream of a 60 day approval, but it really does seem so unfair and it makes you wonder what exactly is going on over there!

Well Kim thanks for asking.....A funny thing happened on the way to the embassy........they sent only half of the info.........and instead of sending the other half down they had to send the other half up to be reassembled and send it back.......I guess that is why I have NO warm fuzzies or good feelings these days......The embassy in Lima has been great but they told me they could not accept an incomplete or 1/2 of a packet.......Luckily they called NVC and it was located quickily but it is yet another delay in this process from hell......It still has not left NVC for the second time.....I can not get an explaination as to why but it is still least complete New Hampshire I hope not gathering dust again.......I call every day and they are all so nice but it is just a kinder version of USCIS to me at this point.....No reason.....just check back in a couple of days......OMG I just want to choke something.........So you can see this is why I am in such a horrific mood

Lora...I can believe this since ours left the NVC center feb 13 and I was so excited until the guy said..."yeah it left for Montreal....and I almost chocked because that is the wrong embassy for was supposed to go to we are in the process of trying to locate and get it moved....I hate this for you...this whole ordeal has been just ORDEAL!!!!!!!!!! kEEP US POSTED AND WE WILL DO THE SAME!!!!!!

Oh I am sorry.......I am feeling like I have a mark on my petition that says screw up as much as possible....and a sign on my back that says kick me.......We will over come this too but Gosh this is hard to endure....I saw a post by heart just ache's for her and Virgil
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-19 14:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (KimandRuss @ Feb 19 2008, 11:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Lora, how are you? Forgive my ignorance..or laziness for not surfing to find the info...but have you heard from Peru yet??? Any more news for you???

When I started coming here to VJ in September so many people had already been waiting so long. Some of those same people are STILL waiting 5 months later while others are being approved in 60 days. Not to begrudge anyone else's approval because I certainly am happy for those couples and can only dream of a 60 day approval, but it really does seem so unfair and it makes you wonder what exactly is going on over there!

Well Kim thanks for asking.....A funny thing happened on the way to the embassy........they sent only half of the info.........and instead of sending the other half down they had to send the other half up to be reassembled and send it back.......I guess that is why I have NO warm fuzzies or good feelings these days......The embassy in Lima has been great but they told me they could not accept an incomplete or 1/2 of a packet.......Luckily they called NVC and it was located quickily but it is yet another delay in this process from hell......It still has not left NVC for the second time.....I can not get an explaination as to why but it is still least complete New Hampshire I hope not gathering dust again.......I call every day and they are all so nice but it is just a kinder version of USCIS to me at this point.....No reason.....just check back in a couple of days......OMG I just want to choke something.........So you can see this is why I am in such a horrific mood
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-19 13:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (psiprez @ Feb 19 2008, 09:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No, definitely *NOT* an excuse!!!

I agree with clearing up the backlog. Ignoring petitions will not make them go away, no matter what the reason for the holdup. It only creates a bigger problem. And these are not 'phone numbers'. These are PEOPLE'S LIVES. I like to think there is some sense of urgency on their part, but it's hard to believe that sometimes. Sad to think that even in hospital emergency waiting rooms, there have been patients who have gone ignored and the worst has happened. And if a hospital can treat people like that, it can certainly happen in a government agency.

Let's just hope they keep making headway in clearing up the mess they've created and get those earliest filers approved.

I am not jumping on you at all......forgive me if it sounds that way.....not my intent........It is just after waiting myself for 8 months for an approval and seeing 2 people who filed within days of me still waiting I have little or no acceptance for USCIS/VSC/CSC stupidity in reguards to this situation......I also can not be overly excited....knowing the anguish of these couples to be excited about 60 days or less approvals....sorry for offending anyone but this sucks for so many helpsmilie.gif Not that I wish long waits on anyone.....I do not....but it is unbelieveable and cruel to them to be this screwed up
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-19 10:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (psiprez @ Feb 19 2008, 08:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Probably COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT SPECULATION, but this is how I personally rationalize the processing process. It could MAYBE explain why the processing order is always slightly out of sync with the NOA1 dates. And MAYBE why touches seem to come in batches (ie. so many files getting touched on 2/17)...

I used to work as an accounts representative for the phone company. Once a month, we were handed a big box of files (about 300) to work on for the next four weeks. Each file represented the telephone number and account of a business advertising in the Yellow Pages, and needed to be reviewed and processed for the upcoming year.

This is how we phone company representatives handled it....

When we received the new box of files, we would sort through them to see which could be handled and closed out quickly and easily. We tackled those first, in the interest of closing out AS MANY cases up front as possible. If a file looked complicated or a red flag popped up, we put it into a separate pile to be worked on later. As the month wore on, we would soon be left with only the most complicated files to deal with. There would always be a few files that demanded additional help and review (think RFE). Any files that were not closed out before we received the next month's box (2 or 3 files at most) got transferred to a specialized rep for intensive action, and weeks or months could pass before that file was finally closed out. When a new month began, a new box of files would arrive, and the process began anew!

I could understand this if it was a month or two but for those of my fellow JUne/July/ filers who are still waiting it is no solice case in this process can be that complicated it is just like Bill said NO EXCUSE....NO REASON.....NO EXPLAINATION that can give answers to these couples while people who wait 60-90 days are being approved.....Clear up you backlog with all your new people then start on the newer petitions....It is truly the only fair thing to do
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-19 09:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?

heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif

rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif heart.gif heart.gif heart.gif rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-14 08:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (KimandRuss @ Feb 14 2008, 07:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone.

CONGRATULATIONS LORA!!! ...and all others approved this month! I didn't check the site for almost a month and the first thing I did when I logged on from home was to see if you and all others who have been waiting had any good news. It made my heart leap to see that finally so many of you are on your way to starting your new lives with your love! Congratulations. I know there are a few of you left waiting... I wish I had words but there are simply none left. I do pray this ridiculous process is a distant memory for all of you very soon.

I'm just back from three glorious weeks with my love in NZ! Such a long, expensive trip but the memories...not to mention holding on to my sanity... are so worth it. smile.gif My mother joined me on this trip so that she could meet Russ's family...and we learned that they will be flying here for our wedding! We will file on April 11th (the very day I have my divorce decree) and were contemplating another trip in May/June but by the looks of the VSC we could be approved in as little as 3 months now and the NZ consulate is good at cranking out those packets and expediting the interviews so we may just save the money. R/T tickets to NZ are $2,000+ depending on the season, not to mention the 20+ hours of flying and arrangments for my children... so it's a big decision. Any of you statistical junkies have an opinion on this?? Looking back in time (before the influx of petitions) being approved in just a couple of months was common. Do you all think that trend is going to continue now that it seems they're finally catching up? I'm just really interested in the opinions of the experts here at vj.

Anyway...congratulations again to all of you!

Thanks so much Kim........We are waiting now for the packets and interview date.....I am so glad you had a great trip.....I also was in Peru for the first time since the June filing in January...only for 6 days but we really needed it......I think the way they are approving October filers now it is a pretty good bet they will get yours done much quicker then the group that filed in May/June last year.......I feel so upset about Virgil and Ric's wait.....there is absolutely no excuse for this that VSC could possible come up with that would be good enough for this ineptiness....It is so unfair to them....I can only hope this wait has made there life afterwards with there SO's that much better and appreciated....I know that is how Oscar and I are feeling about it now....but unless you have experienced that rollercoaster ride there is no way to understand how bad it really is.......anyway.....glad you are back.....this thread has been pretty dead for a while now........Hope for your input........good luck......Lora
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-14 08:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (Steph1973 @ Feb 11 2008, 10:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AlHayatZween @ Feb 11 2008, 10:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (OsLoraTamm @ Feb 11 2008, 03:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

I called NVC....this is the petition....... kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

I am still waiting VSC......Ric and Virgil........this week Please.....for the approval dance kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Wooo-hhooo!! Congratulations and good luck! kicking.gif kicking.gif
i've been itching to call NVC all morning, but i know it's not been enough time! giving it my all to be patient.

i hope you and Oscar get a speedy interview date...

Ric & Virgil, here's sending you happy thoughts and prayers. this week is your week! good.gif

I just called NVC and we GOT OUR INTERVIEW DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2/21!!!!

Good for you Steph.....really soon....Yeah.... kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-11 10:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

I called NVC....this is the petition....... kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

2/11/2008 9:28 am Shipment delivered. Lima, Peru
8:53 am With delivery courier. Lima, Peru
4:34 am Transit through DHL facility Lima, Peru
2/9/2008 8:21 pm Depart Facility Miami Gateway, FL
10:55 am Processed at DHL Location. Miami Gateway, FL
8:18 am Transit through DHL facility Wilmington - Clinton Field, OH
8:02 am Transit through DHL facility Miami Gateway, FL
5:21 am Depart Facility Wilmington - Clinton Field, OH
3:57 am In transit. Wilmington - Clinton Field, OH
2/8/2008 9:03 pm Depart Facility Portland - Airport, ME
8:02 pm Transit through DHL facility Portland - Airport, ME
8:01 pm Depart Facility Portsmouth, NH
3:42 pm Processed at DHL Location. Portsmouth, NH
2:48 pm Shipment picked up Portsmouth, NH

Finally we are at the final step........Yeah.....I hope to have this wedding by St Patrick's day.......... kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

I am still waiting VSC......Ric and Virgil........this week Please.....for the approval dance kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-11 10:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
I went on dhl tracking by reference and I am pretty sure our petition left NVC on Feb 8th and left Miami on Feb 9th for Lima..........I am so happy......I called Oscar and started to cry....He thought I was sick again with my pacer.....but I just feel so HAPPY.........I am hoping to be like Mirla with a 3 week interview date.....this whole process has been exactly 1 month behind her from filing to approval now I hope Visa issuance........She arrives in New York today.......Congrats to her and Pat..........

Now I still need to do the approval dance for Ric and Virgil........Come On Now VSC........Bring them on now
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-09 11:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
Seriously guys, call them Vermonticators. I was approved right after I started doing it. It's good luck I tell ya! Either that or someone at Vermont reads VJ and appreciates the amazing superhero name.

For those of us at CSC should we call them Californicators? I hope it is good luck!

I Love It....hahahahahahahaha

You made me LOL
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2008-02-08 16:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
Happy to announce that my visa was approved yesterday In Frankfurt! It was all about having the required documents, the Consul himself didn't ask any questions except where I met my fiance. Then he took my fingerprints and made me swear that all I have said was the truth....that was it!
Frankfurt rocks!!
mnietoMaleGermany2008-03-05 09:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (OsLoraTamm @ Feb 23 2008, 09:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (KimandRuss @ Feb 22 2008, 07:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Lora, I found this link. Not sure it will help you any but it's informative at the very least.

Thanks Kim....the link helped alot........I emailed it to Oscar but I have not been able to contact him since yesterday....I think he needs a little time......We made several mistakes in this process and I hope everyone can take heed.....

1. First we assumed a lawyer was the ace in the hole.....wrong....once they have your money they just push paper.....they have no special help as far as dealing with USCIS/NVC/Embassy then you or I do.....waste of time, money and the peace of mind they supposedly give

2. We assumed that we are average, normal people not trying to dupe the government, or each other or anyone....No false marriage....or deals under the table so this would not be hard because we are for real........We did not meet on the internet we been together for 122 days in 2 years and we are both very sure of the other......easy right???....No they are suspious of you...of your S/O.....and in this process you are guilty until proven inocent......

3. Oscar and I mailed our petition in May 26th........we assumed using the timeline that an Oct/Nov wedding would be no problem.....big ever 6 seconds of my life I get asked about....When is he coming???....When are you getting married????....Is he backing out???...Are you sure???....On and on........

4. Oscar unbeknownest to me was like me so sure all was going to be grear.....nothing to hid and all........that in August he got an offer to sell his business and he did?....He said to me later.....We are not criminals doing bad things so why would they not give us a visa???? he has set since September without a job except for freelance.........He sold his home and moved in with his father.......ALL SUCH BIG MISTAKES....but they are done now........Never ever count on things you do not have in hand

5. We waited from June 2007 until January of 2008 to see each other......always thinking about saving those Frequent Flyer Miles for the interview...the move.....our new life...................Up until June we had seen each other every 2-3 months for 1 1/2 years.......the internet is not the same....sorry.....I am not a rich person....I work 2 jobs to support myself and 2 minor and 1 adult disabled child....but it is important to stay connected....Oh so important

I hope everyone can see our mistakes and learn what not to do.......................Lora

Lora, you are going through a rough time no doubt.....but you talk as if you have been denied .
They screwed up your petition big time and it seems that you have been waiting forever....but keep in mind that they HAVE NOT DENIED YOUR PETITION, Lora! There's no way under God's sky they can deny a visa for Oscar if you guys are regular everyday folks, and it sucks that your petition is a super ordeal. But what matters is that Oscar will get that freakin' sticker in his passport sooner or later.
Your case seems to be in AP at the NVC now and as far as I have read in other threads that happens quite often, but they clear in most of the cases pretty fast!! Nothing is lost , Lora, "only" delayed.....! good.gif
mnietoMaleGermany2008-02-23 10:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (Mel and Syl @ Feb 23 2008, 05:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats Jason-Sasha!

I got my visa today but it doesn't feel too good to post it on here when others like Lora are going through nightmares. Lora i pray that you and Oscar dont let this destroy the love you guys have for each other. Pleas stay strong, everything happens for a reason. rose.gif

wow that's GREAT ! I'm very happy for you, you have waited a super long time for that freakin' visa! All the best!!

BTW, I just got my little binder with all the embassy stuff ready, I think that I am SUPER organized, but you just never know.... no0pb.gif
mnietoMaleGermany2008-02-23 09:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (OsLoraTamm @ Feb 22 2008, 01:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TBoneTX @ Feb 22 2008, 12:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Gosh, Lora -- could any one case be any more snakebitten? Maybe call your Congressman's office back and ask what materials or information you or Oscar could provide to perhaps speed the investigation. The offer may not be accepted for whatever objective reason, but at least you've asked and shown good faith by doing so.

thanks Tbone.....I just called the Congressman.....he talked with me directly.....He was very kind....He called the NVC and FBI and it is not in there protocol to accept anything from Oscar or me........It is what it is........No time explanations..........Oscar is so upset....He has never done anything wrong....He is a web designer and marketing major from Peru......who breeds dogs ........We just happen to meet in Ecuador and fall in love........How bad is that?????...........He just said to me if the United States does not want me then forget it........I am stuck.....I can not leave here.......I have minor children........Oh God

Lora, I'm so very sorry to hear about your ordeal. Please don't get upset with Oscar because he got angry and said what he said. Being a foreign beneficiary myself I completely understand him. The US sometimes treats us as if we are a bunch of savages who have to be scrutinized super extra carefully...they forget that we (at least most of us) are simple regular folks with normal lives and habits, and that we are not some freaky Neanderthals sitting in caves. What I want to say is that the whole process can be very humiliating and disrespectful to the beneficiaries, and that's most probably how Oscar is feeling now.....please, don't lose hope and let him know that you love him. Don't let this bulls%38T get between you guys....
mnietoMaleGermany2008-02-22 13:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
Virgil, that's great news! Congratulations! good.gif
mnietoMaleGermany2008-02-21 03:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting on the VSC to make a decision?
QUOTE (ric @ Feb 20 2008, 12:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>



*huge sigh of relief*

Sweet Jesus, finally!!! I'm very happy for you,CONGRATULATIONS!!! yes.gif
mnietoMaleGermany2008-02-20 13:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
Senator Jim Webb

Dear Senator Jim Webb,

My name is Lora Pauley Heflin and I have lived in Northern Virginia for most of my life. I have been so very proud to be from Virginia and to be an American. I have travel extensively doing medical mission work and have taken many exchange students from around the world into my home. In December of 2005 I was in Quito, Ecuador visiting one of those exchange students when I met who I wish to become my future husband. After many visits and hours of chats and countless emails I applied for a K1 Visa from the Vermont Service Center. They recieved the application on June 5 2007 and I recieved a NOA1 on June 10, 2007. As I write you on November 20 it has been 170 days....10 days from a full 6 months and no answer from USCIS. I have 3 request from you with this letter...1. to request information as to the status of my individual case and 2. to look into the matter of irregularities in adjudicating K1 visas ie out of order and extremely slow processing and 3. the extremely bad customer service that is recieved by petitioners by USCIS ie bad information, misinformation, or outdated information. Thank you for your attention to this matter for me. I am attaching a copy of the certified letter I mailed to Mr Paul Novak, Director VSC and my personal information on my own visa application. I hope that during the next legislative session that possibly some inquiry can be done on this situation and resolution to improving the USCIS processing of family based visas can be streamlined and improved.

Lora Pauley Heflin

this is my congressional letter.......better to fax a copy to your congressman and Senators.........Just to let you guys know what I did......Lora
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2007-11-21 12:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
Mr Paul Novak
Vermont Service Center

Dear Mr Novak,

As a customer of your service center I have become aware of some issues that relate to the processing of applications of K-1 Visa's at the Vermont Service Center so I direct my inquiry to you as it's director. As I understand your policies as stated in the USCIS website your service center is processing applications in the order they are recieved within a reasonable time frame. The understanding being that as much as days or 2 weeks may be out of order. With this assurrance by your service center that the system is fair to all you ask us as petitioners to wait our turn patiently. With the recent increase in applications and the apparent change in priorities that work visas are taking over family visas* the issuance of K1 visas have come at a slower and slower rate of adjudication. It appears that knowing this increase in applications for June, July, August and September should of produced a sense of urgency within the Vermont Service Center to work on the hiring of new personel, training and streamlining of procedures over these summer months but instead the work appeared to come to a slow crawl until recently. I am a member of an internet K1 visa website that tracks such issues and it is very clear to us that something is terribly wrong. Recently people who were not military or cuban expedites were processed in 30 to 45 days, clearly out of order, which is a breech of your policy and our trust that we are being treated fairly. The ombudsman has been contacted and we have recieved emails stating that these were processed out of order for training purposes.
Interesting answer but for those of us now waiting almost 6 months for adjudication not good enough. As your customer and a U.S. citizen I am profoundly interested in understanding how the USCIS and your service center is working to clear your backlog and fix the inaccurracies and injustices of this process and bring your customers confidences that you state is your main goal for this agency to a fair acceptable level.

Thank you for your time and consideration of this matter

Lora Pauley Heflin

Copy of letter to Mr Novak....certified mail.....I also sent to my Congressman and Senators
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2007-11-21 10:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
QUOTE (Deyoungting @ Nov 20 2007, 03:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (OsLoraTamm @ Nov 20 2007, 01:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
O.K. morning has been on the phone so here is what I have found out.....First I did my obligitory call to USCIS customer service...I use that term lightly....and I told them that today I was at 170 days.....on December 1 I will be at 180 days and past there stated service dates of 6 months....she told me that on 181 days I can make a formal request for service.....I ask what recourse do I have as a customer who is getting bad service from this agency has....she said after they are 30 days past the 180 days making it 210 days I can put in a formal complaint which they have 60 days to I said o.k. and moved on......I called the lawyer we used and this is where I got the most information.....It took me a while but he finally came on the line to talk to me....He told me that his office had gotten at least 30 applications filed less then 45 days ago approved from Vermont....I am thinking that couple that we got from 2 weeks ago where from that group.....He said the immigration lawyers association is meeting with VSC head counsel today and hopeful will bring back some explanation of the violation of there own policies in processing these applications out of order...even if they are for training....He said that there were about 1000 pending application that are within 20 days will be outside of there service targets for K1's which then triggers some kind of internal review......He suggested that certified letters to the director of the service center from as many people as possible be sent diplomatically complaining about....1.length of time to process..2.priority of famly based application due to service to American citizens instead of work or study visas for non citizens...3. the apparent violations of there own policies of taking applications out of order to either decrease there wait time ratios or as they say training....He cautioned me to not be aggressive in the letters just ask for reason for these breaches of policy.......He also asked that we contact our Senators and Congressman and ask the same I called both Senators offices and faxed inquiries to them and to my Congressman......I am telling you they all say the same thing about this agency......I am also composing a letter to Mr. Gonzalez and the ombudsman for USCIS.........Can you guys help.........I know some of you all are moved past my stage and some are behind us but this is not getting any better very quickly without pressure.......Lora


I'm with you! I will start composing my letter tonight! I have already contacted my NY Senators...Senior Senator Schumer's office told me that they are also lodging a formal complaint with VSC regarding their policies of issuing Visas out of order.

So hopefully, if all VSC filers can send Mr. Gonzalez a contact their Senators and Congressperson...we may be able to put the screws in!

Thanks for updating us.

Can you give us the address for Mr. Gonzalez?


O.K. guys.....I am home now......came home last night from 2 days in the hospital.....Irregular heartbeats...stress induced....imagine that......the doctor's yelled at me again but I kept on emailing from my hospital bed...and when I got stressed and mad my monitors would go off...they took my computer away yesterday afternoon....but my room mate had one.....I am a stubborn Irish girl.....anyway......My son's mailed my letters certified and now I am going to email and contact all of the Senate members on immigration issues.....Senator Webb office told me to do this to request an inquiry into USCIS policy and procedure irregularities and breeches.......So I am composing a letter now....I think I will put the letters on my home OsLoraTamm here in VJ for you guys to look the new Congressional season is coming up (January) they are looking for issues to write policy , laws and have hearings on......I just need the ear of someone and I can talk it to them......This is now an issue for me reguardless of if or when we get Oscar's visa....can you see now why I am prone to irregular heart beats........Thank you Japanlover for you PM......I needed that........If anyone has any questions on this you can PM me or I leave the computer on all day......I am ordered home rest until Saturday.....I start back to work....Kisses everyone....and Happy Thanksgiving....and Congrats to all the new approvals

OsLoraTammFemalePeru2007-11-21 09:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsATTENTION JULY FILERS!
QUOTE (Deyoungting @ Nov 20 2007, 03:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (OsLoraTamm @ Nov 20 2007, 01:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
O.K. morning has been on the phone so here is what I have found out.....First I did my obligitory call to USCIS customer service...I use that term lightly....and I told them that today I was at 170 days.....on December 1 I will be at 180 days and past there stated service dates of 6 months....she told me that on 181 days I can make a formal request for service.....I ask what recourse do I have as a customer who is getting bad service from this agency has....she said after they are 30 days past the 180 days making it 210 days I can put in a formal complaint which they have 60 days to I said o.k. and moved on......I called the lawyer we used and this is where I got the most information.....It took me a while but he finally came on the line to talk to me....He told me that his office had gotten at least 30 applications filed less then 45 days ago approved from Vermont....I am thinking that couple that we got from 2 weeks ago where from that group.....He said the immigration lawyers association is meeting with VSC head counsel today and hopeful will bring back some explanation of the violation of there own policies in processing these applications out of order...even if they are for training....He said that there were about 1000 pending application that are within 20 days will be outside of there service targets for K1's which then triggers some kind of internal review......He suggested that certified letters to the director of the service center from as many people as possible be sent diplomatically complaining about....1.length of time to process..2.priority of famly based application due to service to American citizens instead of work or study visas for non citizens...3. the apparent violations of there own policies of taking applications out of order to either decrease there wait time ratios or as they say training....He cautioned me to not be aggressive in the letters just ask for reason for these breaches of policy.......He also asked that we contact our Senators and Congressman and ask the same I called both Senators offices and faxed inquiries to them and to my Congressman......I am telling you they all say the same thing about this agency......I am also composing a letter to Mr. Gonzalez and the ombudsman for USCIS.........Can you guys help.........I know some of you all are moved past my stage and some are behind us but this is not getting any better very quickly without pressure.......Lora


I'm with you! I will start composing my letter tonight! I have already contacted my NY Senators...Senior Senator Schumer's office told me that they are also lodging a formal complaint with VSC regarding their policies of issuing Visas out of order.

So hopefully, if all VSC filers can send Mr. Gonzalez a contact their Senators and Congressperson...we may be able to put the screws in!

Thanks for updating us.

Can you give us the address for Mr. Gonzalez?


I have been working on the address for Mr Gonzalez but the address for the Vermont Center is this

the address for the VSC

Vermont Service Center
75 Lower Welden St.
St Albains, VT 05479

make the letters certified and to the Director Paul Novak

You can include your service number or not....your choice but be diplomatic

If someone has the California Centers address and irectors name please post.....Thanks for the encouragement....Lora

Please let me know what your Senator says.......Senator Webb of Va is interested also and so is Senator martinez of Florida
OsLoraTammFemalePeru2007-11-20 16:48:00