K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThoughts on the 90 day ceremony deadline

If your doing the K-1 Visa, having a wedding in Canada, then POE, then entering the United States......your going to have to start all over with the CR-1 Visa. You cannot do this. You have to POE, then enter the United States, and THEN get married, with in the 90 days. Not before. your going to commit fraud.

The poster's location is listed as Niagara. Take a look at where Niagara is on a map. I'm sure she meant she'll be over the border, half an hour from her Canadian home for the wedding.

To the OP, my husband and I got married a few days after he arrived, just the two of us at the courthouse. We're planning a big "wedding"/vow renewal for next year. I think most people do it that way.
slangofoilFemaleIreland2011-03-28 06:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Meeting

I'm here on what's called a de-facto visa (visa for a couple in a long term relationship) which permits me to work. It's the same stamp as a spousal visa but I would still have to resubmit as his spouse which could take 2-4 months and cost 150 euro. So I guess it seemed like more trouble to do it that way and I'm kind of anxious to get settled in the States again so I can finish school.

I don't think you would have had to get a new stamp in order to go ahead with DCF. Since the stamp for a spouse is the same, and still only given for 12 months initially, there would be no difference. You'd just have to prove that you are (a) married and (b) the USC has been legally resident/maintaining their principal residence in the State for the preceding six months. And DCF is usually considerably faster than a K-1.

Just saying in case someone else has this situation. I had a stamp 4 from the de-facto "visa" as well, but I left shortly after getting it for economic reasons and we didn't get engaged until 6 months later. Would have been nice if we could have done DCF, but since I've been back in the states for over a year now I'm better equipped to provide for him when he first comes, since I have a stable job and whatnot.

Good luck with your process anyway. :)
slangofoilFemaleIreland2010-09-01 20:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long of work history do I need for K-1 Application?


I'm applying for the K-1 fiancee visa. I was told (my gf read on Chinese site) that I need to show proof over work for 1 year+ in order to apply, but I can't seem to find any relevant information. Is there a strict time we have to have worked to apply for the K-1 visa?

Thanks in advance!

First, it's nit-picky, but work on getting the terminology straight. It will serve you well in this process. YOU are not applying for a K-1 visa. You are submitting an I-129F PETITION that, when approved, will allow your fiancee to apply for a K-1 visa in China.

I'm sorry if this is obvious but I can't find where it asks for work history on the I-129f?

Am I looking at the wrong form (looking to apply for fiancee visa for my gf)?

Also I'm 24, I graduated university at 22, went to China, met my girlfriend, came back to the US about 10 months ago and have worked the past 3 months. So I have 1 tax form from when I did an internship junior year of college. I have pay stubs for my company now and that's about it.

I'm trying to follow the step-by-step guide but it doesn't say anything about 5-year work history either (says I just need pay stubs)? Am I looking at completely wrong things?

Now to address your questions, I don't think previous posters were being very clear. When you submit the I-129F, you also have to submit a G-325A Biographic Information form for yourself, and one for your fiancee. On THAT form it asks for your addresses for the past five years, as well as employment for the last five years. That doesn't mean you're required to have five years of employment, just that you have to fill it in. So if you were unemployed at any point, you can state that.

AFTER the petition is approved and sent to the consulate in China, you're fiancee will go to her interview and will have to bring the I-134 Affidavit of Support, with your financial information. That will usually include three years of tax transcripts, and evidence of your current employment, such as a letter from your employer, and a history of paystubs. You have to prove that your current income is enough to support you and your fiancee (and any other dependents you might have). Theoretically, CURRENT income (at the time of the interview) is what you're judged upon, but each consulate functions a bit differently, so if you don't have much of an employment history, it's possible you'd need to have a co-sponsor as a backup. You'd have to check the regional forum for China for China-specific information.
slangofoilFemaleIreland2011-05-13 06:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLength of time dating before marriage proposal
A little less than 4.5 years of dating before getting engaged. We met October 2005 when I was studying abroad in Ireland for a semester. Started dating immediately. Then I went home in December and he came over three times in the next 18 months, each for a week's visit. In September 2007 I went back to Ireland to do a masters program (and to be with him). I left Ireland in May 2009 because of the ####### economy. I visited him for a week in Dec/Jan 2009/2010 and we decided to get engaged a few days after I returned home. Filed the I-129F in March 2010. He came for another visit that July, and then moved over on the K-1 in Sept. Married Oct 1st 2010!
slangofoilFemaleIreland2011-05-21 10:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen will you marry?

CO Will not hand you a blue slip because of that, but thanks for sensationalizing something like this on a board where people are already emotionally strained

Looks like you didn't read the entirety of Jim's post... :bonk:
slangofoilFemaleIreland2011-06-09 08:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI think I'm pregnant...
Congrats on the hopeful Baby

You are thinking about how it will impact your VISA appl process and from the previous threads above it doesn't sound like it will affect how USCIS will process with the mods mentioned above. However I think when you look at your timing its not going to be USCIS which will be your problem as more so your ability to travel by the airlines. I dont think airlines let you travel if you are more than 7 months pregnant. You might be delayed moreso due to the preganancy and have to wait to deliver and have everyone in good health status to travel which could add more months onto the already long process. It sounds like your cork will be ready to pop right at interview time and the airlines will so "Whoa Nelly! Need to have that Bambino there before you fly our friendly skies"
Jubi & TonyMalePhilippines2011-02-08 14:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSupporting Evidence
In reference to supporting documents. I'm a Gov't employee and we receive a government form called an SF-250. This is a form that shows my level within the Gov't and my salary. I make way above the poverty level so I'm not dealing with that verification. My question is do I still need to have a letter from my Admin Office stating my employment status when I have an official gov't form that states it already. Admin is so long and difficult to deal with in the gov't as we can all see how long they take to do this visa process :)
Jubi & TonyMalePhilippines2011-03-03 07:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 filing fee
Maybe the check bounced?
Jubi & TonyMalePhilippines2011-03-16 08:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresService Request Results :(
Hang in there I have the same NOA1 date as you and at Vermont Service Center and submitted my service request on Monday and I heard today that I was apporved : ) It will happen soon
Jubi & TonyMalePhilippines2011-03-17 12:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresALRIGHT. HONESTY Please
I actually made two copies of the orginal packet. So I could send in the orginal packet to USCIS, mailed my Fiancee a packet (actually I hand delivered it on one of my trips to see her), and i kept a copy for myself with the presumption that I will always have a packet as a backup. Now I just have to wait for them to approve
Jubi & TonyMalePhilippines2011-03-17 07:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWaiting...
There is skype and there is oovoo, also if you have a phone with Yahoo Messenger that helps a lot when your out and about. Skype has a feature that lets people on your friends list to be able to automatically establish video connection automatically. We use this feature a lot on weekends to where I put my computer on speaker and my Fiancee will sign-on just before I am to wake up or sometimes she works on a document and watches me sleep (I do the same for her as well) and when the other wakes up you can greet them and say good morning dear. I did notice that as the five month mark waiting on our I-129F approval came and passed the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. and when we received the NOA2 (6 months 1 week 1 day) it was as if someone released the valve to the pressure cooker.

I think it makes it easier if you advance you skype sessions from always expecting to be engaged in a conversation to being connected and doing things that need to be done and saying hi as you pass into view. The house still needs to be cleaned and laundry needs to get done. But how one vacuums...well ;) you can be creative in that too to make it fun : ) Sometimes I switch to laptop and cook while she chats with me and she then tries the recipe there as well for her relatives.

Be transparent with each other but yet not demanding of each other. Remain flexible day to day. What worked well for Monday may not work well for Tuesday. Let each other know in advance changes in schedules as best as you can (e.g. - If you always chat Sat and sun and you have an event on sat that will cut into your normal time of chatting then let the other know in advance and not at the last second. Its just respecting each others time and not taking it for granted.

Most of all, let God be your guide
Jubi & TonyMalePhilippines2011-03-23 07:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduressmall income and no co sponsor
what I might also suggest is that you think of getting two jobs to get your income up. If you love her you really dont want to bring her over her unless you can really provide for her
Jubi & TonyMalePhilippines2011-03-24 06:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThoughts on the 90 day ceremony deadline
We are planning for Jubi to POE into Hawaii...I will fly out there and meet her. We will marry a few days after her arrival in a small civil wedding on the beach with maybe 2 other people attending. Then we will plan to have a Catholic church wedding in the philippines abt a year later. We figure we will be cleared to travel at that point. We are at the NVC stage now and can't make plans yet until she clears the physical. She had TB several years ago and is bringing her treatment records to the St Lukes physical and we know that the prior TB will show up as scars on the chest x-ray. So we don't know if they will require additional tests (delays) or accept the medical records of treatment as satisfactory. Trying to bring as much documentation to medical to help minimize any possible delay but that final decision is out of our hands.
Jubi & TonyMalePhilippines2011-03-28 06:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVSC NOA2 from Sept approved today!
Congrats! The rest of the Journey will go quicker now. Less than a month since our NOA2 so I still remember the joy of finally receiving the notice. You can look at our time line to see how long it will take to get to NVC and then embassy. Big thing with NVC is that once you get the NVC letter (different than NOA2) you can have your Fiancess go for medical and get that out of the way before receiving the packet 3. The NVC forum has good info on how to track your package from NVC to embassy. Good luck and congrats
Jubi & TonyMalePhilippines2011-04-05 06:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused about USCIS Service Center
I was in your shoes when USCIS first decided to switch to the texas lockbox. What I did was include the letter of intent made out to the service center that would be handling my petition (VSC) and sent the whole package to Texas Lockbox.. My letter of intent was made out to VSC It passed with flying colors so i hope this helps
Jubi & TonyMalePhilippines2011-04-19 09:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvery strange call to uscis
Just having gone thru the process I was told and experienced that NVC is just a pass thru. Yes it goes thru NVC but just to be documented to a Case File and logged into the State Department system and then is shipped to the embassy
Jubi & TonyMalePhilippines2011-05-17 07:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Affidavit of Support when Petitioner works with the US Air Force
Having Served in the Military don't worry about your taxes not reflexing a higher tax income.

On the LES (and have 6 months copies)

It will show:
1) His gross salary
2) His Non-taxed Allowances
3) His taxable Salary
4) His years of service

When asked about his job its ok to say which unit he works for and the type of work (he is a mechanic or admin support guru) and if they ask more than that just reply that you and he have an understanding that because you are a foreign National that he can only share a limited degree of information with you. That should answer the mail for you.

Good Luck
Jubi & TonyMalePhilippines2011-05-17 07:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support
Can anyone tell me if they were denied at the Interview because they printed their return info from the tax return software and not from the IRS? I make well over the poverty level and I work for the Govt so my pay stubs reflex my income levels and length of service. I also provided an appoint level to my current position level which also reflects my annual salary.
Jubi & TonyMalePhilippines2011-06-21 07:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support
Look If you are clearly over the poverty line I don't think they will be scrutinizing over whether you tax return was certified copy from IRS or the one you print off. If your pay stub matches up with what you are claiming on your return I'm sure they won't have a problem. Was anyone who was clearly over the poverty line ever denied because they didn't provide certified copies of their tax returns? I doubt it but if you were please speak up.
Jubi & TonyMalePhilippines2011-06-21 07:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAny issues getting married days after POE?
We are doing her POE on 9 Aug and the Wedding on the beach 11 Aug and then do honeymoon : )

We decided on Hawaii because well its Hawaii But most of all it was about half-way for both of us and I could meet her after doing POE procedures with Immigrations.

After the Honeymoon we travel back to VA

Check with your State's Health department which over sees marriage licenses in most states as to what that states requirements are. It really varies a lot from state to state. In Hawaii: no waiting period, no blood test. Just proof of ID and eligibility to marry
Jubi & TonyMalePhilippines2011-07-13 10:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat questions to expect at interview
If you have already been through the interview procees..what was it like? What were you asked? Any tips?
Tonga 'OfaFemaleTonga2011-06-30 15:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSuch a thing as too much proof?
Should I just include a range rather than everything? Or is it better safe to provide everything, than sorry to not provide enough?
Tonga 'OfaFemaleTonga2011-07-10 19:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSuch a thing as too much proof?
Hi all,

I have collected A LOT of things as proof of having met my fiance and proof of an ongoing relationship.

I have a lot of paperwork, including phone records, text records, calling card records and bank statements, plane tickets, envelopes and mailings, photos, and facebook chat conversations. All of these records span over a 5 month period so I have accumulated a lot of paper.

Is it possible to provide too much paperwork to the point that it becomes a detriment to the case?

Tonga 'OfaFemaleTonga2011-07-10 19:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffadavit of Support worries hellpp please

Later at the adjustment of status phase (when filing the I-864 affidavit of support) you will need to explain if you were not required to file a tax return for any of the 3 preceding years. See the form I-864 instructions for an explanation of what the sponsor must submit in this case. It wouldn't hurt to prepare the statement now.

Well, I did file taxes, I just didn't make above the poverty guideline for a household of 1. I made a little and got all my money paid back on tax returns. I just wasn't sure if the low income would be a problem.

I'll definitely go ahead and prepare something though, explaining I was a full time student and a full time volunteer. Thanks!
Tonga 'OfaFemaleTonga2011-07-13 20:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffadavit of Support worries hellpp please
Oh that's a really good Idea. Or, provide both I guess? I have a Bachelor's Degree and can prove it, obviously. I can also prove my service in the Peace Corps. I think that should be sufficient. Thanks everyone!
Tonga 'OfaFemaleTonga2011-07-13 19:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffadavit of Support worries hellpp please
Also consider by the time I will send the affadavit I will have worked at this job for probably 9 or 10 months and can provide pay stubs. Will this help?
Tonga 'OfaFemaleTonga2011-07-12 21:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffadavit of Support worries hellpp please
Hello Everyone,

I know what is required for the Affadavit of Support >> 125% of the poverty guideline, which for 1 is like $13,000. I make an annual salary of over $30,000, but I just started this job about 4 months ago. My past three years of tax forms are very low income because I was a full time student, still living with Parents, and then joined the Peace Corps where I was a volunteer and made NO money.

Will my support be denied to my fiance based on past years income? Or do you think I will be okay if I can prove my current income is over 30K and I am in good standing with my employer? I don't have a co-signer.

Please help, any advice will be appreciated! Thanks!
Tonga 'OfaFemaleTonga2011-07-12 21:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresContacting Congressman/woman
I sent a letter to my Senator. I received a letter back from his office in less than 10 days. Lucky for me he serves on the Committee on Veterans Affairs (I just so happen to be a US Army Veteran), and the Committee on Foreign Relations. Anywho, they’ve already sent an inquiry to the Vermont Service Center…so again, we sit and await word.

Depending on when you received your NOA1, I’d wait until you get to that ‘magical’ 5 month processing time date. Ours was 15 March 2011. I called the NVC, they stated that since I’m “technically IN my 5th month, they can’t submit a service request so wait until the end of the month .” My letter was received from the Senators office 2 days past my 5 months. Here’s to hoping….again! We’re any day now…god willing.
jamienshanieFemaleSouth Africa2011-03-24 12:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiancee is pregnant and I'm about to submit the I-129F
First off Congrats on the baby! And I wish I could tell you better news about baby rushing the K-1 process. We just had a baby on 31 Oct 2010, mailed our packet early Oct...NOA 1 15 Oct. And still have YET to hear a single peep out of VSC. So frustrating. I have 2 kids here in USA from previous marriage, new baby and still waiting on this K-1. It's so frustrating. I'm holding thumbs that you all have better luck with faster processing time....we're still waiting. :(
jamienshanieFemaleSouth Africa2011-03-24 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is "too much" and "not enough"?
I should just have the interviewer look at our Facebook pages...that in and of itself tells our entire story (for the most part). :)
jamienshanieFemaleSouth Africa2011-03-28 08:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTravel to USA while waiting for NOA2
My fiance has been here in USA most of the time with me (we now have a 5 month old son together). We even stated in our letter that he will spend a lot of time back and forth (ours is a little more complicated though as he has 2 kids in France (born and raised). He has gone back and forth to France quite a bit this last year to see his kids and take care of other things. He hasn't actually 'moved' here per say. But he's been honest at the POE each time he's come to the USA. We've never had any issues at all with the CBP officers. Even when he brought his boys with him for Christmas was a breeze (he has a South African passport and his boys French). But to be safe, yes bring those documents with you. SImply answer the officer's questions and have the papers ready if need be. It should be simple. And remind yourself AND the officer it would be stupid to stay here illegally when you've come this far in the process, you'd lose far to much to throw away your chances of a happy/legal life here. best of luck to you guys...
jamienshanieFemaleSouth Africa2011-04-12 09:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresproof of tax return
IRS can fax you your transcripts. They faxed mine to me while I was still on the phone with them...he sayed on just to make sure I received them. Extremely pleasant process and with the IRS nonetheless! ;-)
jamienshanieFemaleSouth Africa2011-04-28 10:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie ... AGAIN!

The "guides" will be your best friend! They will walk you through the process. VJ members are always here to help too....

What Caly posted will help you a lot - K1 Guide

Thank you, I eventually found it (the Guides), so far I have everything except Inyang's G-325A, his letter of intent, passport picture and declaration of how we met, hopefully I will have all that by next week (to be sent via Fed Ex).

I was schedule to be in Nigeria on my birthday (June 16TH), originally, to marry, I will still be going (got ticket) so I'm really torn on IF we should go ahead and just marry and I'll file the CR1 ... am I in a "win, win" situation? PLEASE HELP ME TO DECIDE.
Inyang Loves DeeFemaleNigeria2011-04-08 13:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie ... AGAIN!

Be prepared for extra questions and make sure you ahve lots of proof. Lagos is hard enough the first time

LOL ... I know
Inyang Loves DeeFemaleNigeria2011-04-08 13:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie ... AGAIN!
I went down this road 3 years ago (2008) and honestly, I'm so glad that the CO (at the time of my former fiance's interview in Lagos, Nigeria)did not "approve" his visa, long story short, we eventually broke up (a few months later)and it wasn't until this year that it came out that HE thought he was going to USE me to get to the U.S. Anyway ... 3 years later I'm at it again (with a new love)and this time I KNOW IT'S REAL! (looked for the signs real early).

There's been many changes since 2008, unfortunate for me back in 2008 I hired an Immigration Attorney to do the filing and found it was a "waste of my $3,000! I remember some of the forms but not all. Right now, I have completed my I-129F Petition, I have a copy of my passport, divorce paper, evidence of owning my business and Inyang's passport. In 2008 I remember there being a list posted giving step-by-step instructions, I've searched VJ and cannot locate it, I NEED YOUR HELP! So, I ask ... what's next?

Edited by Inyang Loves Dee, 08 April 2011 - 12:01 AM.

Inyang Loves DeeFemaleNigeria2011-04-07 23:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere do I mail my completed I-129F Packet?

For U.S. Postal Service:

P.O. Box 660151
Dallas, TX 75266

For Express mail and courier deliveries:

Attn: I-129F
2501 South State Highway 121 Business
Suite 400
Lewisville, TX 75067

Vermont has been pushing 6 months between NOA1 and NOA2 - plus whatever time between NVC and consulate - quite a change from 2008.

Good luck to you!

Inyang Loves DeeFemaleNigeria2011-05-03 03:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere do I mail my completed I-129F Packet?
I've been searching to find out where to send my completed packet. Three years ago (2008) I filed a K-1 (was with someone different) and hired a useless Immigration Attorney, I guess I'm now getting my $1,900 money's worth because I pulled out my FORMER fiance's packet and used all that information as my guide for my "current" fiance. My issue is, I have "no clue" where to mail the completed packet, because the Immigration Attorney did the filing, the packet was sent to my Immigration Attorney, then walla, I received my NOA1 & NOA2 within 4 months (I wonder if I'll be that bless again). Back then (2008), the entire process (from the receipt date to Embassy interview) was 6 month. Doh doh bird FORMER fiance botched up his interview, he took everything as a joke and thought because of his big time position (as Protocol Officier of International Security at a Security comapany in Nigeria) he would get preferencial treatment ... NOT! He showed up unprepared, no emails, no phone records (the C.O. asked for them too), didn't answer the questions PER INSTRUCTED BY THE ATTORNEY, so, he wasn't issued his Visa, in the end, I'm HAPPY his visa wasn't issued, it turned out that he wasn't for me. We broke up and 2 years later, I met Inyang (through a friend) and I KNOW Inyang's THE ONE.
Inyang Loves DeeFemaleNigeria2011-05-03 03:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this acceptable?
If there is anything in your application that you think might be confusing, you can always explain it in a cover letter.
JoannaVFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-28 07:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew and terrified
One idea: if you can, get your ex-husband to make a notarized statement saying he pays the mortgage in lieu of child support, and also provide a receipt or something showing he paid it one month.

You'll be fine. You obviously have plenty of evidence. I'm sure that you will be able to provide enough financials too. However, just to reassure you: if it gets to the interview and there isn't enough financial evidence, they should send you away to get more evidence rather than rejecting.
JoannaVFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-30 03:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswill cancellation of K1 affect my B1/B2 visa?
If you are certain you don't want to continue with the K1 Visa then yes make sure you contact the Embassy. If you aren't certain then you might want to try to reschedule your interview for a later date, so that you have a bit of time to work out what you want to do. This should have no affect on your existing visa.
JoannaVFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-30 01:45:00