K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
omg i loveeeeeeeee reading your stories. is so cute that everyone has something similar, yet very different. :wub: :wub:

we're probably the youngest around here so here we go with our weird story too. we met on a site called myyearbook around 2005. we were at the end of middle school in the summer vacation. i "secretly admired" him and he added me and started to send me these weird messages where he was telling me everything, i guess he trusted me from the start. we kept chatting in there and on myspace for like (2 we were best friends for years and secretly had a crush on eachother. i had another boyfriend, japanese, he was sooooooo jealous, sam hated him so bad. he was deleting my accounts, changing my passwords so i cant talk to sam cause he knew i loved him. so after a while i just said STOP and ended it, so me and my baby got togheter like it should have been from the start.

when he visited me in january it was sooooooo funny. we said we would kiss a lot and hug and everything when he got here. he was supposed to get here around 6:30pm and i got in the airport at 5 because i was so nervous. and when the plane landed.........nothing. i thought he fooled me. i started to cry, called my family, my friend, i was desperate. i stayed in the airport till almost 11pm and surprise.. he arrived with the next bucharest plane cause he lost the first flight...i was so excited and relieved. i went to him to kiss him. he looked at me and he was like "i lost my luggage........". well that wasnt romance at all :goofy: but when we arrived at the hotel everything turned out sooooooooooo perfect... :wub: :wub::wub: i took him home and my grandma lovedddddddddd him and stuffed him with food. dad was like "i dont care.......". the weeks we spend togheter were amazing. he's such a loving person.

when he left we were both devastated and criend in the airport sooooo bad. it was a pretty hard time since we found out i was pregnant and at a routine check the doctor told me i have an ectopic pregnancy and we had to take it out :( he was very upset about it but he said everything has a reason..maybe thats true. i cant wait to see him in july again :X:X:X less than 1 month and a half now

hope all the march filers here will have luck and get our noa2 fast so we can be with our loved ones at soon as possible and this time FOREVER!! ^_^
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-05-19 18:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Okay, I KNOW it's no fun to be in a long distance relationship, and that there's no reason to romanticize it and make it out to be something that it's not. I also know that the little things that most people take for granted are exactly the kind of normalcy that we crave when we are apart, but there ARE things you can do when you're apart to make it more romantic, and fun.

Stuart and I send each other romantic love letters through the mail, on fancy papers even. (I perfume mine too!) It's so fun to run to the mailbox and see if we have mail! We download the same movie and start it at exactly the same time to watch it together. We wake each other up each morning, and say goodnight to each other every night on the phone, sometimes even falling asleep together. (I love to listen to him breathe!) We leave things for each other to find after we go. (I tried to leave a nightie for him once but he thought I missed it in packing and it ended up coming home with me, but I can't tell you how awesome it is to have something of each others to hold and smell them on it, so a sweater is perfect as you can put it on if it's his, or snuggle it if it's hers) When Stuart opens up his medicine cabinet, he sees my toothbrush, and can picture me there with him. When I open up my sock drawer, I see a pair of his socks and it makes me think of him. We talk a few hours a day (unlimited north america plan, or would be a 4000$ a month phone bill) and we play games against each other on the computer. (I kick his #### at skype Chinese Checkers!) He sings me love songs, and I sing goofy ones back to him :P We've bought the same groceries and ingredients, and used the same recipes and shared the same meals together, even decorating the table in the same way.

So get creative, and share on here the things you do to make it as romantic as possible while you are apart, I'm sure we all have some great ideas.

As to planning the wedding, yes, we make some preliminary plans... I already have my dress, shoes and necklace, and we have a few options that we are looking at. Our favourite is totally dependent on if we can buy a house we both fell in love with when I was there last, and that's IF it's still for sale when I sell mine here in order to come up with the downpayment for it. It overlooks the water and has a deck right on the river that we'd be crazy not to set up there, the views are amazing there. We'd hire a barbeque caterer to roast a pig and corn for us, and bring in musicians. If we can't get that house, then there's a place we went to for drinks that offers wedding and reception services, and it should be able to accommodate us even at short notice given the time of year we'll be looking, I have to sell my house and waiting for Montreal, I'm crazy to think that I'll get my visa before september, and have my house sold too, so maybe a Halloween wedding even? Who knows?

So share some stories, and wedding ideas on here, lets's make this a fun group, while you're at it, share how you met too... Stuart and I met playing an online game called Evony, it had a chat function... he was chatting to some people and I thought he was funny so I said hi to him, we started chatting more and it just went on from there. Cupid had a malfunction that day, one of his arrows veered WAAAAY off course!

yes there are indeed some romantic things that even us, the weird long relationship couples, can do :D i have a tshirt of his and i sleep with it at night so i can feel his perfume or else is very hard for me to sleep, cause since we were togheter i feel that something is missing everytime i go to sleep. we dont talk on the phone, cause damn romania doesnt really have a service that we can afford for international calls, so that will be missing from my interview packet.

and thea, u actually gave me a great idea for the small wedding. never thought to buy my dress before i get there ^__^ it sounds so awsome. ill better start looking at something old victorian and creepy :energy: if someone ever thought to put black dresses in stores......... :ranting:
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-05-18 19:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

I emailed the march filer that got approved. It was not an expedition case. She was just as suprised as all the other march filers out there that she was approved so quickly. I guessits the luck of the draw. Im happy for them, and know that our approval day is slowly approaching. Best wishes to you all.

Regarding the statement of long distant relationships being romantic; they are NOT!! I wish everyday that my Berry was here to go through the everyday hustle and bustle; going to the store, watching a movie, going to dinner or even just waking up in the middle of night and just staring at the one you love. Those are romantic things to me. The people that believe that distance is romance need to stop reading love novels and think about how it would feel to not wake up with theo ne you love.

well i might be the crazy one. we were thinking to make a small ceremony in american style when i get there, dressed goth since we're both metalheads. so im planning to order a black and red gothic dress for the small party in america and then do it in romanian style at my place next summer. :lol:
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-05-17 13:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
it was probably an expedite. 2 months and a half seem a bit too fast to me. still i hope we all get approved in july or max august so we all can get married on still warm weather. as for "long distance relationships are romantic" thats the most non-romantic thing ever. people ask me as well how can people like us go without sex and it makes me feel weird. well i know sex is not the most important thing in a relationship but its STILL imprtant since thats probably the nr1 reason for cheating. my only cure for that is quantity and QUALITY whenever is possible so he'll know no woman is better LOL. and hey, it works :rofl:
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-05-17 08:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
do any of u guys have...communication problems? :huh: like arguing very often, having a stressed relationship? i get irritated so often and instead of getting along we argue 5 days a week. i love him to death but i dunno what to do about all this anger problems i have lately. :wacko:
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-05-14 15:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
wow i wish he had a break from work for even 2-3 weeks... :blink: ur lucky :bonk:
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-05-14 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
i have to wait 2 more months to see my baby it suxxxxxxx. it will be like close to noa2 maybe. but seeing that vsc got faster it makes me feel better. still...IGOR'S LIST IS CURSEDDDDDDDDDDD *kicks it* have to stop checking it >_<
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-05-14 09:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

the default filter is only showing petitions that have not been approved yet, if you want to see every filer then you have to change the filtering at the top.

Not to make you all jealous but I just received my Packet 4 setting my interview date for May 24th. Our case did get expedited though, so it´s a little different than most people.

I wish you all lots of good fortune in this process, though!

congratulations :D you're lucky. you're fiance is in army or something?
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-05-12 13:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

Each day that passes by is a day closer to being with our loved one. It just sucks cos the more you think about all this, the slower the day goes by. If only our loved one is just near our side while going through all this process, who would've complain??? :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

so true...if USA was closer it wouldnt have been so bad, cheaper visits and more often. my fiance has to pay around $2000 everytime. it sux big time

and welcome to our small waitting and complaining corner cananner <3 :D:D:D:D nah just jk, is nice to have people from all around the world supporting eachother here
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-05-12 09:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
ugh, based on the graphic table they started to approve february fillers (looking at vsc), but on the actual list there's no noa2. hmmm.....
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-05-11 18:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..

I have nothing exciting to look forward to right now. I just started a new job and i cant really travel at the moment. I can only wish in my I just realized that the days and months are going by really fast,and july or August is just around the corner...

that's true. every day counts. well at least you have a job i consider it to be an awsome thing. i stay constantly inside the house, maybe go out once a week to buy something. since i started with all the visa things my "friends" avoid me like plague so i have to make myself busy however i can so i wont go crazy
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-05-09 17:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
to make things a little easier for you, you should think whats the next most importat thing to wait for, BEFORE your noa2. and look forward for that thing instead. for example i cant wait to see my sam in july and i only think about that. and after july, you're one step closer!! and it wont be much to wait. even if my timeline is a bit negative and tries to put me down even if it's speeding up everyday, i tell to myself that we'll get it mid-end august. if we dont, no big deal, cause is close to that anyway :D <3
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-05-08 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
omg u have no idea how happy your reply made me i started jumping around the laptop LOL it seems we're a lucky series of petitioners!!! *hugs all*
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-05-05 15:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
a weird thing happened to my timeline and i cant explain it. last time i checked it was showing october-november forgot the exact dates. now it shows "your I129f may be adjudicated between September 23, 2011 and October 11, 2011*.". do timelines change like this? vermont service is speeding up or what? im just confused
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-05-05 13:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
i agree something is wrong about that. USCIS doesnt call people. if there was anything wrong they would have sent the package back to you and they dont start the procedures required for the petition to be aproved if they dont cash your check.
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-05-05 11:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
i know we wont get it in summer, i said that because we asked an immigration specialist and she said from all the cases she had from romania mostly they were approved in 3 months. well, now whatever happens, happens. im not thinking at our noa2 now, i think mostly about july cause i miss himmmmmmmmm :D
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-05-03 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
noa2 is the longest time to wait it seems we'll get ours around july-june since it happened what happened. still i hope sam will come to romania to visit me in summer ill go crazy if he doesnt lol. lucky im an mmorpg lover LOL. nerdy= less stressed XD
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-04-27 09:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
waitting hurts :ot:
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-04-23 21:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
ah nevermind :P little after i posted that he got noa1 hardcopy in the mail. we didnt get any email about it but still now we feel a little better. so the countdown can start for us too. good luck everyone <3
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-04-14 14:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
noa1 handcopy is not important? arent both of them important? i dont really have info about it. when Sam called, they as well told him to wait for 30 days and if nothing happens call again. he filled up the email on the form and checked the stamp but there's not tracking number on it.
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-04-14 11:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
we didnt get any noa1 yet...they cashed the ckeck and he said they also stamped it. he called 3 times they said they cant do anything about it, only if they didnt get noa1 in 30 days. he mailed it in 17th march thats already been too long....
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-04-13 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
same here...geez they are slow...well ive seen many cases where they send the noa1 late but they still keep processing it like normal. system bugs

Edited by DeeDee&Sam, 08 April 2011 - 05:20 AM.

DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-04-08 05:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
we're wating now for our notification, hopefully this week. good luck everyone, dont make mistakes like we did -_-
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-04-06 17:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch 2011 Filers..
march filers too :D started out with a mistake but it seems we'll have it solved. good luck all!!!!
DeeDee&SamFemaleRomania2011-04-05 04:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooks like Cairo just updated its interview schedule
Not yet, but hopefully soon.

Anyone in here on the list???

Jo and ReMaleEgypt2007-04-16 13:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaImportant Tips About Birth Certificate Translation + 2 Attachments
LOL, funny smilie!


Jo and ReMaleEgypt2007-04-27 10:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaImportant Tips About Birth Certificate Translation + 2 Attachments
And I am telling you again, so get off my...

I guess you told me.

Jo and ReMaleEgypt2007-04-27 09:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaImportant Tips About Birth Certificate Translation + 2 Attachments
Well, I am new to this thing, you big mouth.

You didn't know how to simply post a reply to your previous thread with the info? I would think it is just as easy as creating a new thread.

Edited by Jo and Re, 27 April 2007 - 09:11 AM.

Jo and ReMaleEgypt2007-04-27 09:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaImportant Tips About Birth Certificate Translation + 2 Attachments
Well, that's what I tried to do, just couldn't figure it out. I will try again.

Thank you.

Hey guys,

Here's an attachment of what the birth certificate paper looks like before having the translation put into it. Also, these are the 1 L.E. (90 Piasters + 10 Piasters) post stamps I had to buy to put on the certificate after having it translated.

Wish you all the best,

R. & J.

Jo and ReMaleEgypt2007-04-27 09:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaImportant Tips About Birth Certificate Translation + 2 Attachments
Hey guys,

Here's an attachment of what the birth certificate paper looks like before having the translation put into it. Also, these are the 1 L.E. (90 Piasters + 10 Piasters) post stamps I had to buy to put on the certificate after having it translated.

Wish you all the best,

R. & J.

Attached Files

Jo and ReMaleEgypt2007-04-27 08:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaImportant Tips About Birth Certificate Translation
It just seems kinda funny to me that it 'appears' that most of the people here are the sponsors and taking the idea that the benefeciary doesnt come to a site like this.
She as the benefeciary wanted to contribute. *shrug*

Thanks again Jodo and Doodlebug

- Joe

P.S. I do help here where and when I can.

This is what she did, and how she did it so others have an idea. I didnt help her with this process.

- Joe'd be ok with ME if you did help her out Joe ;) I like it when people who love each other help each other. :)

Jo and ReMaleEgypt2007-04-29 07:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaImportant Tips About Birth Certificate Translation
This is what she did, and how she did it so others have an idea. I didnt help her with this process.

- Joe

Moody: Grow up. My Fiance uses this account as well as myself here, she thought it would of interest to those that are in Egypt right now going through this same thing and how to do it and what all she did to get this accomplished. I am not there to possibly help her out in dealing with paperwork and what all to go through. So she is not codling or pampering me in any stretch of the imagination. She likes to be able to help others and this was no exception.

Doodle: Thanks, I am glad some people around here appreciate the tips and what to go through, we've had half a dozen PM's thanking her for the information she provided.

- Joe

Why would you need to help her if she's the petitioner and knows how to do things in Egypt? You would have traveled to Egypt to oversee her getting translations done???? Same goes for women. She doesn't need to be coddled either. She clearly knows what she needs to do.

Jo and ReMaleEgypt2007-04-28 21:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaImportant Tips About Birth Certificate Translation
Moody: Grow up. My Fiance uses this account as well as myself here, she thought it would of interest to those that are in Egypt right now going through this same thing and how to do it and what all she did to get this accomplished. I am not there to possibly help her out in dealing with paperwork and what all to go through. So she is not codling or pampering me in any stretch of the imagination. She likes to be able to help others and this was no exception.

Doodle: Thanks, I am glad some people around here appreciate the tips and what to go through, we've had half a dozen PM's thanking her for the information she provided.

- Joe


Doodle, if your husband is so insulted by gestures of help, how do you think he'd feel if he knew you were here trying to pander info for him? I'm thinking that may piss him off.

I'm not pandering for my husband one iota. I'm trying to defend a new visa journey member who came in here and took the time to post some information that might be helpful to the members here but instead got shot down and most likely will never do another kind thing on here again because he got rammed from the start.

Jo and ReMaleEgypt2007-04-28 16:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaImportant Tips About Birth Certificate Translation
Well, that's your own problem if you're all annoyed by important info. Other people are valuing and appreciating my help than you. Go have a cup of tea and relax your mind, Mrs. Moody. LOL.

Because I get annoyed by useless threads and posts.

Jo and ReMaleEgypt2007-04-27 09:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaImportant Tips About Birth Certificate Translation
Why do you seem all moody and bitchy then?

I'm having a great day actually.

Jo and ReMaleEgypt2007-04-27 09:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaImportant Tips About Birth Certificate Translation
LOL, you don't sound like you're having a good day there, are you?

Please keep the threads about the same subject to a minimum.

Please stop babying your men and start treating them as grown, capable adults who can take care of something as simple as obtaining a translation.

Jo and ReMaleEgypt2007-04-27 09:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaImportant Tips About Birth Certificate Translation
Please, keep it for yourself.

Forgive me if this sounds betchy but the wives/husbands of beneficiaries don't have to deal with birth certificate translation. The beneficiaries take care of it. It'd be like giving my husband info on how I would go about getting my driver's license renewed or something. I already know how to do it, he isn't involved, why should he have to know. These topics are so annoying. I think we should stick to things that we as petitioners need to know. Beneficiaries (for the most part) know what they need to do on their side. My husband never once asked me how to get things translated or where he needed to go for physicals or whatever during this process. He got the packet 3 or whatever, it had the info he needed. Why did I have to get involved? This kind of info is only useful for nosey wives. It's not actually helpful.

Jo and ReMaleEgypt2007-04-27 09:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaImportant Tips About Birth Certificate Translation
You're most welcome and good luck with everything.

Thanks for giving all this info!!! Definitely will help many people out!!

Jo and ReMaleEgypt2007-04-27 09:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaImportant Tips About Birth Certificate Translation
Attachments related to "Important Tips About Birth Certificate Translation" were just posted. Check it out.

Jo and ReMaleEgypt2007-04-27 08:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaImportant Tips About Birth Certificate Translation
Poor guy. Poor me as well. We have to go through all these ####### but it's all worth it if you wish to be with the one you love. Anyway, stamps are not that expensive for them to charge him that much.

No way, that must be a joke about the fees he mentioned. The most I thought I would pay for getting my birth certificate translated was not more than 20 L.E. Translation would never be that high, dear.

I'll ask him again. I don't think it was just for the translation but to pick the certificate up, have it stamped here, then go there, then have it translated, then have it restamped, etc. I know it added up to more than like 20 EG pounds for sure. That's why his eyes popped out of his head when I told him he had to get all the other documents (birth cert., police records, etc.) translated too!

Jo and ReMaleEgypt2007-04-27 08:52:00