IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPhotos for NVC
Remember to put the beneficiary's name and CASE number on the back of each photo!!!!
RoeFemaleSweden2012-02-19 17:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresentering the country while visa pending?
She can enter the USA on a tourist visa. My husband has entered the US 4 times since our petition began! No problems.
RoeFemaleSweden2012-01-29 12:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFiling I-130, proof of bona fide relationship

Haha, that would make it a lot easier. Would be difficult and highly unreasonable for the USCIS to claim your baby is fake.. Well, we're 26 and 23, no baby will be in the picture for a few more years, and we're certainly not having one for immigration purposes :no:

Do you have Facebook? I used posts form FB. announcing our engagement, then our wedding, etc
We also included 4 letters from friends.
RoeFemaleSweden2011-12-29 11:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresKenyan violence affects
I went down to Kenya in May to see if we could get married and go for the K3 but we ran into problems after a disagreement and thus delayed action while on the ground in Nairobi. Everything between us is back on track now more in love than ever with any issue I could every imagine completely talked through and worked out. I am just kicking myself for the time wasted that the K1 could have been processing. crying.gif Well at least I know how many cows and goats I need now after talking to the family. luv.gif

Hopefully, we will have all the translations from her passport done by mid-week and I can get the package up to Vermont by next week! My lawyer suggested including everything from pics to boarding passes as well in the package for evidence that we have met etc. Now I have 6 more pages of stuff. This package is about 3/4 inch thick now!

Attached Files

KikuyuLoveMaleKenya2008-09-01 15:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresKenyan violence affects
Thank you ZeeNusah!
KikuyuLoveMaleKenya2008-01-30 10:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresKenyan violence affects
We met in Germany back in September 2006 and got engaged in July 2007 and generally see each other every 3-6 weeks. Meanwhile, her visa to Germany is about to expire, so with the time it takes to get approval to come to the States, we thought it best to just do everything back in her home country, Kenya. She went home for Christmas and now all hell is about to break out over the elections there. We want to do the Consular marriage in Nairobi but my work schedule will not allow me to go before late February or early March. I have never been to Kenya, so I have no idea what exactly to expect there. We are very anxious more than ever with the political instability now cropping up in Kenya.

I have heard, that getting her approval to come here can be done start to finish in a about month.

I have a couple of specific questions if anyone can help.

1. Does anyone know approximately how long it takes to get everything through at the Nairobi Embassy? (assuming no problems)
2. Will the local political problems have any affect on processing?
3. (Wishful thinking) Will going into a country with posted travel warnings buy me any points to get things rolling faster?
KikuyuLoveMaleKenya2008-01-29 08:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurestourist visa while I-130 still in process
hmmmm WOW that would suck ... argggghhh the complications! why would anyone not go back if they already have an I 130 ... a legal way to.come back ... like why would anyone stay illegally when there is a legal way for them to.come .. wth!
muzk2012MaleBahrain2012-06-05 19:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurestourist visa while I-130 still in process
thankyou.:) well.she is doing.her ACCA ... and she has 6 more months to.wrap.that.up ... you.think.that would
muzk2012MaleBahrain2012-06-05 18:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurestourist visa while I-130 still in process
hey guys I want to know if my.wife can apply.for any sort of tourist visa while her I-130 is still in process and "initial review" ... the thing is my wife who.resides in bahrain will be free this summer starting july I however have college... we had been talking.for a little over a year .. phone viber .. oovoo and last feb we decided I.would visit bahrain and if things worked out we would hold a religious/legal wedding with a small reception for her close family and froends in bahrain .. and I would return and file for I130... as I.did on may 4th.. and once she gets her cisa we would hold big cultural wedding in bahrain and a reception in the states .. but now its been like 3 months n my wife and I are missing.each otha like crazy she wants me to.visither again but I can't due to college she is however free so is there any way she could come to visit me? ? any.type of visa or procedure that will not.impact the I130 petition in a negative way? thnx in advance to.those that can offer advice ..
muzk2012MaleBahrain2012-06-05 18:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEXPEDIATE request
oh wow yes but they have eliminated DFC in most places that was what i had in mind after the wedding .... but when i called the embassy they said they no longer do DCF and i would have to go back to the states to file the I=130 petition .. whcih i did i wish someone would have told me if i resided there with my wife and filed it would be an "automactic expedite" i would have stayed there and just came back with my wife... but i didnt do my research i was enjoying time with my wife and her family ... and belived that the only other way was I-130 from states...

but i guess i will try .. but what does "humanaterian" exactly transfer to when it comes to I-130 expediate what is a good example?

and one more question if i file for an expediate exactly how fast will the expedite be? and also if it is denied will i loose my current priority date? will i be pleaced in a new que or will i retain or keep my may 7th filing date?
muzk2012MaleBahrain2012-06-07 18:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEXPEDIATE request
oh i hope they are safe it is ok sometimes but sometimes it gets too out of control... i was there in feb and the tear gas was coming inside the house when you go out in the morning you can see where the protestors threw the molotovs.... than there is areas where sunnis and shia collide ... where supporters of the king and protestors collide and also all the immigrants are pretty much in extra danger as they are considered outsiders... i hope your nieces and sister are safe
muzk2012MaleBahrain2012-06-07 17:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEXPEDIATE request
HEY GUYS I WANT TO KNOW EXACTLY HOW THIS EXPEDIATE THING WORKS...i have been told by many because my wife resides in bahrain a country with all these protests and what not going on that i may be able to qualify for an expediate under humanaterian.... also my wife resides in bahrain on a student visa and can only hold part time job which is not enough to cover all her school fees and i am ciurrently a student so it is hard to support her finaancially over there ... if she comes here she can get a job and finsih up her ACCA faster .. and she wouldnt have to rely on alot of help.. i dont send her money regularly but when i do it doesnt end up being alot because of the currenty difference ... because our dollar is like 1/3 of thier currency...
so with this knowledge i would like to ask

- do i have a case that may be expediated?

- anyone with similar situations? or someone that may have filed or a expediate and was it approved and please share even if it was not and why..

- also i understand that i have the burden of proof but how do i prove the current situation in bahrain? isnt the news enough?

thanks guys please do respond ... i already understand the process on how to expediate .. call uscis and ask for expdiate they send letter and ask for "burdens of proof" but my question is more who has been sucuessful and who hasnt ... from thier experince would i qualify ? THANKYOU IN ADVANCE FOR ALL...
muzk2012MaleBahrain2012-06-07 17:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust Got Married Now What
also choice pf agent, have your spouse look fpr vaccaination records.... do research on hpw to obtain police certificate.. so ypu know wht timeframe ypu need to apply fpr pne... go over I-864 ... and WAIT
muzk2012MaleBahrain2012-06-09 13:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust Got Married Now What
hmm make a package ...

cover page with table of contents ..
write a small paragraph pretaining to ypur relationship.amd case
g325 yours (with your passportphoto paperclipped)
g325 spouse... (spouse passport pic paperclipped)
(lightly pencil in full name on back)
ypur passport bio page or natrilization cerificate
marriage cerificate ( certified copy amd tramslated)
evidence of relationship (wedding photos,flight iten, amd affadavid of marriage from family and friends..
muzk2012MaleBahrain2012-06-09 13:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisit US while IR-1/CR-1 is being approved
if it was from some other country .. than i would think not but since its canada i dont think you will have a hard time ...
lucky you ... i want my wife to come here while im enrolled in classes over the summer while her I-130 is in process but its alot harder because she resides in bahrain
muzk2012MaleBahrain2012-06-06 23:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP SO CONFUSED
lololol ... hahaha can't argue that and id like to.say thankyou once again :) u made ... cuz I read that you.need to waot for.special barcoded forms you.csnt jus fill out anything and mail it
muzk2012MaleBahrain2012-06-10 18:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP SO CONFUSED
and one more :( quest ... the support of affadavit .. 88$ that's one per fprm correct? so one for me and another for co sponser ..176 for both?
muzk2012MaleBahrain2012-06-10 17:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP SO CONFUSED
I did research and the only one they allow todo the whole medical exam in bahrain is " American Mission Hospital"

police certificate usually takes a few weeks in bahrain .. that's not easy and to anyone who might find it useful bahrain police certificates expire in 3 months :(
muzk2012MaleBahrain2012-06-10 17:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP SO CONFUSED
wow ... that was exactly the kind of answers I was looking for thankyou so much for your answer .. just two more thimgs m sorry to ask for more but
1 - wht is this OF-169? ????
2- medical examination .. do they tell me when and where or should I get that on my own?

I have gotten the police certificate but it expires in 3 months :/ so I will have to get another one ..

and oh yes THANKyou for the great response.. it was more than I would expect anyone todo ..
muzk2012MaleBahrain2012-06-10 17:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP SO CONFUSED
hey guys how are you as some of you may already know i have applies for a CR1 visa for my wife ... well not the visa but i have sent out the petition to uscis... so i have 2 questions to which im hoping i get detailed answers from experince...

1- while im waiting for the NOA2 what can i do to prepare myself for NVC process?

2-should i get my wife to mail all her originals here because they need to be sent to NVC OR should i let her hold on to orignials and they will just asked for it durign the interview???

3-also what is this IV packet? i belive this is the DS-230 (part 1 and 2), DS-3032 (choice of agent), the medical examination, her passport biographical page copy, her birth certificate copy, police certificate, correct does this include sending in evidence of relationship pics, travel, phone records ect ect? or no?

4- this is what im most confused about on the guide for ir1/cr1 visa it says OF-169 signed and completed what is this form? and why cant i seem to find it? not even on google?

5- the steps i need to take here for the NVC process is just the I-864 (self), co-sponser (father) and both fo our 3 years tax transcripts, last 6 paystubs, and a employment verification letter. ( i belive this is all am i correct or am i missing something i may need todo for NVC process)

WHILE ANSWERING please keep in mind i will be the agent on my wifes behalf ... so what do i need to send her? what should i get mailed from her?
and what does she need to send and what she needs to keep to take to interview... what do i need to send if i am her agent ? im so sorry for all these questions that have probably already been answered but i would really be thanful to anyone who takes the time to answer my questions ... thankyou guys ...
muzk2012MaleBahrain2012-06-10 15:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP HELP HELP!
hey guys phew! got a letter in the mail with all the mumbo jumbo up top as always someone regarding.your case .... ect ect than the body of the letter said the error .. typographical has been changed and updated in our records.. we did not send a copy of thos change because it would serve no purpose .. sorry for inconvience it may have caused ypu.. so yeap no worries but still a long wait .. thnx for the help
muzk2012MaleBahrain2012-06-22 11:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP HELP HELP!
hey guys ive made a small mistake i hope i dont pay big for it... well i sent my I-130 filled out paperwork and was just excited that i got NOA1 and that everything was starting and the app was accpeted but i just pulled out NOA1 which i recived and read through it and realized that my spouse's bday (she is benifciary) was wrong evrything else was correct but instead of 12/12/1988 i accidently wrote 6/28/1988..... so i checke dthe I-130 i had sent out and it was my mistake i had wrote the 6 instead of the 12... but i check my G-325A and i wrtoe the correct date which was 12... so I-130 i wrote the wrong month and G-325A i wrote the correct info... so as it said under the letter if there are any mistakes report to USCIS and i called and reported it and was told they will contact me in the next 15 days .. so my question is NOW WHAT...

will i have to re-send my whole I-130 packet .... or just the I-130 with a correction ..

Will i retain my priority date ??? or will they send the package back? and i will have to start over?

PLEASE HELP i made the mistake but also if the officer at uscis checked my paper work they should have realized that the G-325A and I-130 didnt match.. and send the file back for correction instead of seding out NOA1 right WHAT WILL HAPPEN HELP!!!! how will my case be effected?
muzk2012MaleBahrain2012-06-14 19:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPlease Help Me with My I-130
I.would say just amend the petotion to change to.reception date but again your marriage cerificate or nikkah nama legal wedding date will not change .... nd uscis asks for this .. so if you write a later dateon petition... nd the date on wedding certificate is on a earlier date than.that's a red flag .. cuz the date you change on ypur petiton will not match with your nikkah nama .. so I would recommend go for it and if it doesn't work.appeal or re file later ..
muzk2012MaleBahrain2012-06-03 01:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPlease Help Me with My I-130
hmmmm I'm a bit confused to your situation ... I'm from pakistan so I can.understand the whole arranged marriage in family .. but my concern is this even if you were to re file the date on your "nikkah namma" would still be the date the nikkah was read .. and this is the time you were in U.S ... so you refiling will not help cuz that wont change the date of your marriage certificate... no matter what your nikkah nama or marriage certificate will have the same date and therefore you would have the same issue .. so I would advise to continue with the case...
uscis understands different cultures BUT at the same time it says on instructions for I-130 that both should be present at time of marriage .. what will help your case are thses things

how many times have you visited pakistan before?

did ypu meet your now husband on.these trips?

if you have visited pakistan and you did meet him would need to explain to iscis that due to extreme hardship at the time you could not visit pakistan for the legal wedding ... but when you could you went to have the cultural wedding nd reception...

also ALOT of evidence would be needed .. try getting notorized affadavits of marriage from both sides of family ...

reciepts of wedding shopping .. wedding hall bookings .. ect ect pictures ...

its a tough one but tgere are ways .. good luck keep me updated chika salam
muzk2012MaleBahrain2012-06-03 01:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresrecived nvc case #
ok guys i recived my NVC case number but how and when do i get my Invoice number?
and what documents should i ask my wife to send? what originals? and what copies? please help and does she have to take a medical whenever possible? or wait until they send her a letter? and one more big question...
i meet the AOS minimun requirements now but i just started my job a month ago ... i did not meet it the last two years will this be a prob?
should i get a co sponser? or will they just look at my current salary?how deeply does last 3 year of tax return play into this? are they cheking to see if i paod taxes or if i met the requiremnt for last 3 years? thanx.
muzk2012MaleBahrain2012-10-24 23:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP!!!
HEY GUYS I KNOW THERES FLOWCHARTS AND WHAT NOT BUT IF SOMEONE COULD BE NICE AND BREAK IT DOWN FOR ME ... THIS IS MY ISSUE IF ANYONE CAN ANSWER I WOULD BE GREATFUL... SO LAST YEAR I DIDNT FILE ANY TAXES BECAUSE I WAS FULL TIME StUDENT WITH NO JOB..... and same for the year before it was very little... with part time job... SO now im working with a bank and am at 18,200.00 (at 25hrs per week) and requirement is 18,900.00 (yearly) but i will be getting a promotion this week which will put me well above the required 18,900.00 because i will get a raise with my promotion and also begin to work 40 hrs... so the question is how much will the last 2 years of no tax and full time student impact me? i just recently started this job and wont be over the required limit until next week. will this be enuff? or should i get a sponser?
muzk2012MaleBahrain2012-11-01 10:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresa sad news this morning :(( :((

thank you for the reply bro!!

Browneyes86FemaleMorocco2013-08-29 17:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresa sad news this morning :(( :((

they did not give her anything but her passport,my case and her case that our husband's not coming because they have to find new houses also saving for our flights,there are some girls who got their visas even their husband's come once.

what Ap means?

Browneyes86FemaleMorocco2013-08-29 16:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresa sad news this morning :(( :((

Salams,my friend was having her interview this morning in casa,and all her documents was good,she asked her  


questions and she gave her,her passport back and told her that they will call her later,my friend got married last 


year and her husband visit her once for the wedding and they have a small engagment cermony with family and 


done their question: why do they give her her passport back?


is that mean they refuse her visa?


is her husband not coming more than once the problem for this?


my case is like her case,i got married last december ,it been 8 months now for my marriage and im wating for 


my visa,my husband is not planing to come but to save money to get us a house and save for my flight when i


get my visa. will this affect me too?

Browneyes86FemaleMorocco2013-08-29 09:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat can i do ? 215 days past for my i130

My wife filed i130 for me in april 2013 and tell now we are waiting for NOA2
215 days of waiting
The case is "msc" National benefits center and i can find even an email to contact with them
What can i do .....
Help me

Just be more patient,same herewe applied in 2013 and still no NOA2 yet

Browneyes86FemaleMorocco2013-11-11 17:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTrack of cases transfered to CSC in November 2008
CMNB, Have you tried this?[/quote]

i dont know if i want to do that..when you call VSC, most of the time you speak with an actual may just offend this crazy a** officer by asking for their boss and they might stick your file in a "DO NOT TOUCH" cabinet.

I called USCIS and asked them to be transfered to level 2 support which they did. The officer gave a generic response that I will be getting my approval soon and they transfer cases to load balance their work. I am again leaving for India in a week and was hoping for a approval which I doubth will happen in a week.

I am taking all forms, pay stub, W2 transcript and employment verification letter to follow my case from India. Do you guys have any suggestion that I should take to India to follow my case from there untill it is approved.
mindmasterNot TellingIndia2008-11-18 17:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIMMIGRANT VISA
even though i was married last year and have informed my CPA but she still claimed me as single on my tax return. I guess I must have lost lot of money that should have been refunded to me. Is there any way to rectify last year error? And more important how NVC/ interviewing office will interpret my tax return.

Payxibka I am learning a lot from your post on VJ. Thank you for all your post.

mindmasterNot TellingIndia2009-01-26 14:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F & I-130 Petitions Lost???
Hi it happend to me that it took more than 30 days from Nevada to the Consulate, I never knew exactly what happened but the way it was resolved was that I kept calling the consulate in my country in Mexico and they told me that they needed the new number which my fiance received my mail, so giving them that new number they told me that they had sent me already the package, almost like a month before but it never arrived to me, so they asked to resend the package to me, but it was already approved. My case was a K1

itzyFemaleMexico2008-11-07 11:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresstill no VISA!!
QUOTE (MAUCHI @ Sep 14 2008, 09:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (DavidnMay @ Sep 14 2008, 07:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
She did not get a white slip?
I would call the embassy and ask why I can give you the number to talk to the right lady to find out if you don't have it.
My wife got a white slip becuse they wanted an additional document she turned it in 2 days later and it only took about 2 weeks after that.

who's the right lady?loraine or grace?my husband called USEM last friday they told us that it is still in review by the CO..
thanks for the concerns

Just wait I know someone waited more than one month but she got her visa
apple pieFemalePhilippines2008-09-14 20:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPink & White Slip with X 1 doc
QUOTE (Boorai @ Oct 29 2008, 08:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

just wait you will get your visa some, people get their visa more than a month..God bless
apple pieFemalePhilippines2008-10-29 19:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresim worried
QUOTE (jonmhei @ Dec 7 2008, 01:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rajaa_Reda @ Dec 6 2008, 11:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
let's face your fears why do you think you'll not pass???

b4 i apply for tourist visa and got denied and now im here again for another interview

than good.gif ks i know i have to face my fear i can do this

thanks i know i can do it

thanks you i know GOD will help me good.gif

thanks good.gif

when is your interview

smile.gif you will be fine. I got denied for 2 tourist visas (Nov 07 & May 08). The CO didn't ask about my denied visas at all. Also another VJ member whose fiancee got denied for 3 tourist visas, wasn't questioned about it in her interview.
Best of luck to u! star_smile.gif
dsd^rjpMaleIndonesia2008-12-07 10:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresim worried
Have faith, that everything will be alright, and it will be.. yes.gif
will pray for you.
dsd^rjpMaleIndonesia2008-12-06 23:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhen WIll VSC approve spouse petitions???
Has anyone called or e-mailed the Vermont Service Center Yet? I am still waiting for NOA1 I filed I-130 for my husband las year Sept2007 all I got is a receipt# which was unclearly xerox copied sent to me..I hope that VSC listen to us..I miss my husband so much..

crying.gif crying.gif :cryinng: crying.gif crying.gif

QUOTE (reehon @ Jul 28 2008, 10:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Everyday, "CASE RECEIVED AND PENDING" that's all i see with the ancient touch 2/24.

I'm sick, tired, and frustrated of theis USCIS/VSC. ALL SUCKS!!!! mad.gif mad.gif

When will they give us our NOA2s????

I hate the wait. I can't focus on anything else. It torturing. crying.gif

crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif crying.gif
nadiaedzkieNot TellingPhilippines2008-08-01 00:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhen WIll VSC approve spouse petitions???
Has anyone called or e-mailed the Vermont Service Center Yet? I am still waiting for NOA1 I filed I-130 for my husband las year Sept2007 all I got is a receipt# which was unclearly xerox copied sent to me..I hope that VSC listen to us..I miss my husband so much..

crying.gif mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif mad.gif

QUOTE (reehon @ Jul 28 2008, 01:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (CJ Vasani @ Jul 28 2008, 02:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
reehon, i am sure because Jan and Feb filers are the earliest pending should look at the bright side, there have sprinkle of approvals from Feb recently and I am confident that they will have to turn things around soon for the US Citizens. Things must be winding down in terms of getting H1Bs and N-400's out of the way. The nat. applications approved now, probably won't be ready to vote for Nov election anymore, given that there is an interview and oath involved, which takes up to 3-4 months.

trust me, i am suffering everyday and trying to be patient. Meanwhile, I keep on spending $$$ for traveling and calling cards. It's even tougher for Anu who quit her job thinking that her approval is probably around the corner!

Biggest regret of my life: NOT filing K-1...who the hell would've known! She'd have been now.

I know, I regret that too. I'm right there with you. But I really really hope that VSc start approving cause i'm going through hell right now. Whats the point of getting married if you still feel single?
What does married mean? It means that staying with each other rather than apart. Stupid USCIS wont understand that!!!

I'm just pissed off and frustrated. Right now, i can tackle anyone. I don't know but i'm running out of patience now>>>>>>>

mad.gif kicking.gif
nadiaedzkieNot TellingPhilippines2008-08-01 00:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresfeb filers at VSC??
blush.gif that is sooo hard to hear that you filed Feb2007 last year and still no touch, well, we are on the same boat almost, I filed I-130 Last yr Sept2007. Still no hardcopy of NOA1. But I got a receipt#though. Sometimes I worry If my husband's petition will ever get approved. I called USCIS about information y they haven't sen NOA1, they said they couldn't find our name in their database. But I don't worry cuz I know that it has been processed the receipt # of the check. I don't know If I should do the Action of what the operator on the USCIS told me that I should resend a copy of I-130 along with a Request Letter, that way I they could send me the info I need..............But like my mother who is also a petitioner of her husband my father I-130 filer who got it approved after 3yrs of filing,...She told me to be patient...She told me that filing I-130 maximum really takes a while.. She told me that she also did not receive a NOA before but just received an approval.. That is why I have a very big hope and faith because I believe that my husband's approval will come soon.....

I hope it happens to all of us that our petition will be approved...just be patient and have lots of faith.. innocent.gif

QUOTE (DianaP @ Aug 2 2008, 07:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (gujufromnyc @ Aug 1 2008, 09:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My last touch was on 2/26/08. almost six months now. any feb filers out there???

I am a feb filler too... But sadly february of 2007... that is right i am sadly a whole year behind you guys... they have recently showed some touchs in my case and on August 1st sent out a RFE....

nadiaedzkieNot TellingPhilippines2008-08-03 23:30:00