K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and immediate family

I agree. any posters do not present the important details if for no other reason than they have no idea what details may turn out to be important. And my sense is that most VJers don't want to hear about having a discussion of the details with an immigration attorney - some even after a consular officer has hit them upside the head with a 2x4 by refusing their visa application.

I guess my point is that there are only two ways of fairly and 'properly' handling the sort of question we get here (meaning VJ as a whole, not just the K-1 area). We can either make the assumption that there are details not spoken and in the light of our knowledge that even small details can be wholly significant in an otherwise apparently simple case, almost inevitably recommend the poster seek professional help (which has been suggested before of course), OR take the poster at face value and address the issue as specifically described in as far as it can reasonably be addressed in that way.

The question being asked in this thread, for example, is actually a very simple and generic one, not much related to the specifics other than the fiancee's relatives, unlawfully present. So it seems to me quite reasonable to address that broad question with the broadest of answers to underpin the basic principles upon which such a situation is adjudicated. It may not be entirely wise to make the assumption that over and above that, the OP is likely sensible enough to realize that more detail responses addressing his specifics would at least require more detailed information to be given, let alone that since there are relatives unlawfully in the US that a good immigration lawyer would be a wise investment, but I do assume that when I consider the replies I provide. Particularly since, as we all know, it can help greatly when engaging in consultation with an attorney, to have at least a grounding in the issues on which to hold that conversation and to understand and evaluate the advice then given.
AndyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-04-04 15:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and immediate family

I don't think you're re-statement of what meauxna wrote is accurate. As you point out, the OP presented sparse details. For the OP to get good advise specific to his situation he needs to have the full details reviewed by someone who can identify which of those details, if any, might be a problem.

Sure, we can have a general discussion of the issues here on VJ, but I believe that for the OP to get good guidance that will be relevant to his specific situation is beyond us. I think that is what meauxna believes also.

I think you'll find that in my response to the OP, I gave exactly that 'general discussion' which I feel to be of usefulness in the sense that the OP has some basis on which to consider the relevance of issues that are specific to his case, whether known to us or not, and which also addresses the broad issue for the benefit of other readers, and may help serve to pinpoint the generalities in a way that wasn't achieved previously in the thread.

I'm not personally much concerned at whether you consider my 're-statement' of what meauxna said is accurate or not, and I certainly wasn't suggesting an attorney consultation was inappropriate. I'm curious why this issue would be seen as any more complex than many others where discussion actively takes place unchecked and where the same rules of adjudication for the visa exist. It might readily be said that almost any question here contains sufficiently difficult potential issues that it ought best be referred to an attorney, particularly since it's entirely likely that salient details are not included in the question because the poster may not be aware of the significance of some facet of the case.
AndyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-04-04 15:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and immediate family

IMO, this is one of those famous 'not straightforward' cases that should be discussed, in private, with an immigration attorney....

I'm curious as to why you would think this is more problematic to discuss here than a range of other issues which have similarly difficult implications and potential complications that are often not stated.

There are always good reasons to seek specialist, qualified, legal advice when dealing with any aspect of this system - after all, the slightest mistake could affect the rest of one's life. However, on the face of it - meaning, based on the sparse details actually posted rather than assumptions about what isn't said - the implication of having relatives unlawfully present in the US is as broadly outlined. If one were to examine, for example, the criteria for finding a person ineligible, one would not find any mention of a history of unlawful presence of family or friends, and aside from doubts over the authenticity of the relationship, the only basis on which a visa can be denied is on a specific ground of ineligibility.
AndyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-04-04 14:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and immediate family

That would really bite being denied based on the actions of the relatives. It seems like it all boils down to that old saying, "You are judged by the company you keep".

Well, no. If the fiancee lists the relatives on the form and is open about their situation, they don't have any impact on the K-1 visa other than reinforcing the need for the couple to prove they have a real relationship. It may raise the bar on what evidence is needed by a small degree, but otherwise it's not an issue, just a factor to be aware of.
AndyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-04-04 14:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and immediate family
The question being asked here is a perfectly valid one, and it actually affects quite a few potential K-1 and spousal visa cases.

The problem is that as has been pointed out, there are occasions where a beneficiary is asked to identify relatives present in the US, thus the relatives in this instance DO play a part. One could simply not list them, which is a dangerous proposition since their presence in the US can be seen to have a bearing on the validity of the visa application, or declare them, in which case they may be made vulnerable to deportation.

If the former option is chosen, and there is any reason by which the consular officer believes there ARE in fact relatives present, or discovers it to be so, the fiancee could well find herself denied a visa on the grounds that a material factor had been withheld. At the least it would be likely the case would go into review pending investigation of the family members. If the latter and the family are declared as required, assuming the fiancee herself has no reason to be ineligible (ie, overstays or criminal record etc as normal), and that all other details are as briefly described, the existence of family in illegal status won't prevent the visa being approved. There MAY be questions raised as to intent of course, that with family present, even if unlawfully, is the fiancee more intent on joining them than being married, but that matter can be overcome with good evidential substance showing there is a valid, ongoing and genuine relationship.
AndyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-04-04 14:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and immediate family
I think we need to stay on the topic of the question being asked here, rather than stray off into illegal alien territory - there are plenty of places to discuss those issues, whichever side of the fence you are on!

ON EDIT: Thanks Captain!

Edited by Andy, 04 April 2007 - 02:03 PM.

AndyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-04-04 14:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpired Forms

....I may error on the side of caution and send a more 'updated' one via Fed Ex - depends on how paranoid I'm starting to feel around then....

That's a good general plan. No harm in getting everything ready in advance, but bearing in mind each consulate can exercise it's own view of what does and doesn't meet evidential requirements for financial support, it's wise to have updated materials unless it is expressly known that the specific consulate aren't overly concerned. Better to be prepared unnecessarily than unprepared and get asked!
AndyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-04-03 13:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiled for K1 VISA - Filipino Fiance Pregnant - Advice

Should I notify the US Immigration that my Fiance is pregnant? Will this adversely effect our ability to get her VISA approved?

It's important that you do in fact notify the USCIS of the pregnancy because by the time your fiancee is interviewed, she will either be very clearly pregnant (and pregnancy will have an impact on the medical of course) or she'll have had the child. In either event, if there is no clear indication from you, the petitioner, that you are aware of the pregnancy and wish the case to proceed, the embassy will return the case to the USCIS for administrative review, which at the very least will require them to write to you to tell you there is a pregnancy and ask if you wish to proceed. In some cases it would result in revocation of the I-129F approval. If you have already notified the USCIS of your knowledge of it and you wish to proceed, there would be no need for review and no risk of revocation.

Write to the USCIS, quoting the reference number on the receipt you have received from them, and enclosing a copy of the receipt for reference, stating that you are writing to let them know that your fiancee is pregnant with your child, and you wish the case to continue, and be expedited if possible. They won't expedite the case, but asking is a clear statement of your wish and intent to proceed. In due course, write another note along the same lines, but addressed to the Consulate so that your fiancee so she can include it in paperwork submitted to the them when the time comes, so it is also clear to them that you have knowledge of the pregnancy (or child if it has been born by then) and wish the case to proceed.
AndyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-04-04 11:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhy does it is take so long to get a K1 visa
Every embassy IS different, but their purpose in the process is the same, even if they set about their task with a different perspective for any of various reasons.

There are some factors to consider though. For example, it is not the consulate's role to determine 'future outcome' of a K-1, other that that the couple are genuine about their intent to marry and have evidenced a genuine relationship as the basis of that, and that they intend to live together as man and wife in the US. The fact prior marriages may have failed, and for the most part even who's fault that may have been, is not relevant in any but a secondary sense to the process of adjudication.

There is also no involvement of prior spouses or cooperation of such needed in the K-1 process. Both petitioner and beneficiary need to provide evidence of prior marriages - certificates to prove the marriage took place and divorce decrees, death certificates etc to show they were lawfully ended, but that is all. If the petitioner has children by prior marriages, that is of very little interest to the system as long as they are listed on the petitioner's G-325A. If the beneficiary has children by a prior marriage, they are of interest to the system in as far as any direct involvement in the case, but again, as long as they are listed so it is clear the petitioner knows of them, they don't really impact on adjudication.

That isn't to say that prior marriages and children don't play a part because like all other factors they are considered in the context of each case as a separate entity, and like every other aspect of the system embassies vary in their focus and concerns based on local factors (such as incidence of perceived visa fraud). But it's important to realize that the consulate's purpose is solely to determine the beneficiary's eligibility for a K-1 visa, thus even in high fraud posts where denials are higher than normal, if the couple focus on the need to provide sufficient and telling evidence of their genuine relationship, and assuming the beneficiary is not ineligible for any of the normal criminal, health, prior violation type reasons, the K-1 will still be granted.

I suspect that by and large, where K-1 visas are denied or sent into administrative review, it's because the couple made mistakes in the details or documents provided, or did not focus appropriately on the evidence they needed to provide, based in part on the local concerns of the consulate. Of course, that's not to say there are not some relatively harsh and problematic adjudicators who deny seemingly valid applications - there are always a few such - but no-one can predict these, so while they exist they don't represent a pattern to be considered when trying to navigate the system.

K-1 visas take so long because like any bureaucratic system, they require volumes of paperwork to be considered by numerous bureaucrats for brief periods each, between which the file sits on a shelf collecting dust in a long queue of dust-collecting files. Every now and then, a worker checks that the file hasn't been lost, but otherwise for the most part each of several hundred thousand cases pending in the system just get forgotten until they shuffle to the front of the queue and fall off the shelf into someone's lap to be dealt with in some way. Then, to assuage the convoluted thinking of lawmakers who don't believe in simple being best, the process is broken down into three stages between two different branches of government in three locations, thus requiring all the paperwork to be shuffled from place to place at the requisite time. It's inefficient, soulless and almost entirely non-responsive. On the UP side however, as much as it doesn't seem like it sometimes, the K-1 process for most couples is actually faster than almost any other visa process in the US immigration system.
AndyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-04-03 07:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes CSC work Saturdays?
Business days are Monday-Friday, but there are work process programs and volume targets to meet that mean that yes, some USCIS staffers could well be working over weekends. For the last few years this has always been the case, so there is no reason to believe that the presence of a 'touch' on a Saturday means anything other than that a staffer logged an action relating to that file on that day.
AndyNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-03-28 13:36:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNew to the site - Just a newbie
QUOTE (Yardiewife @ Nov 1 2007, 11:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Teena @ Oct 31 2007, 06:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (clairern @ Oct 31 2007, 03:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Teena @ Oct 30 2007, 07:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Yardiewife @ Oct 30 2007, 03:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi! Welcome to VJ! I agree...ask any questions you have. There is the Yardie thread with tons of people at all stages of the process...feel free to join us there smile.gif

So if you don't mind my long have you been together? How many times have you been to JA? Have a great trip next week...I am so jealous wink.gif Eat all the food you can tongue.gif

I don't mind telling you that we have been together a month and this is my second trip to JA next week. We talk about all of the obstacles that will come our way, but we both know that if we can get through this process and stay committed that we will be fine. I have been married previously and divorced for over three years. Kevin has never been married. He has two kids. It is strange because when I met him all of my check lists (the superficial ones) went out the window. He just has a really good heart and is a nice guy. I can not explain it, but I left my heart in Jamaica when I left. It is still there and will be there until I get back. Chat soon.

Girl, no worries. Don't mind what anybody says about your relationship and how long you have been together. I fell in love with Mike before I even met him in person. yes.gif We started our friendship over the phone, then I met him and it was alright. blush.gif Just follow your heart. If anything is off the chart, you will know. good.gif Best of luck and safe journey.

Thanks for the encouragement. Kevin has such a good heart and was eager to meet his ENTIRE family before I went home the first time. He is not perfect, but sincere. Negativity is not in our spheres. We are working on keeping us together. good.gif

That's a great attitude to have yes.gif I agree...follow your heart and your head and be smart about everything...and don't let others get you down.

I hope you have a great trip next week! Are you guys going to get married in JA and then file or are you going to file a fiance visa and get married here? If you need any help with all the paperwork I know there are a ton of us who don't mind helping out. VJ is a great resource yes.gif

I want to get married here in the States, but the whole wedding thing is not my cup of tea. I did the big wedding thing for my first husband so I am not impressed about the entire ordeal. I am praying that God gives me a sensible solution...if there is any such thing in dealing with weddings laughing.gif Kevin of course wants a wedding (he has never been married before), but is more concerned about his family in the states and his mother in JA. He is an only child by his mother so they are very close. We will try to work something out. You know I was telling Kevin about this site and then I started tripping on him because of the negative vibes and comments from people. He said that the site is making me doubt him. He wanted to know who started this site and wanted to know if it was created to be a source of discouragement. I am not saying that I am not going to visit the site for information, but I can not let other people's experiences dictate how I treat my man and make me paranoid and crazy. Let me know your thoughts on this.

TeenaFemaleJamaica2007-11-03 02:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNew to the site - Just a newbie
QUOTE (clairern @ Oct 31 2007, 03:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Teena @ Oct 30 2007, 07:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Yardiewife @ Oct 30 2007, 03:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi! Welcome to VJ! I agree...ask any questions you have. There is the Yardie thread with tons of people at all stages of the process...feel free to join us there smile.gif

So if you don't mind my long have you been together? How many times have you been to JA? Have a great trip next week...I am so jealous wink.gif Eat all the food you can tongue.gif

I don't mind telling you that we have been together a month and this is my second trip to JA next week. We talk about all of the obstacles that will come our way, but we both know that if we can get through this process and stay committed that we will be fine. I have been married previously and divorced for over three years. Kevin has never been married. He has two kids. It is strange because when I met him all of my check lists (the superficial ones) went out the window. He just has a really good heart and is a nice guy. I can not explain it, but I left my heart in Jamaica when I left. It is still there and will be there until I get back. Chat soon.

Girl, no worries. Don't mind what anybody says about your relationship and how long you have been together. I fell in love with Mike before I even met him in person. yes.gif We started our friendship over the phone, then I met him and it was alright. blush.gif Just follow your heart. If anything is off the chart, you will know. good.gif Best of luck and safe journey.

Thanks for the encouragement. Kevin has such a good heart and was eager to meet his ENTIRE family before I went home the first time. He is not perfect, but sincere. Negativity is not in our spheres. We are working on keeping us together. good.gif
TeenaFemaleJamaica2007-10-31 20:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNew to the site - Just a newbie
QUOTE (sjb1221 @ Oct 30 2007, 06:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Teena @ Oct 30 2007, 02:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello Everyone,

I am so new at this that my "husband" and I will be on-line tonight filling out the 129F. I will be traveling to JA next week - to stay in Negril for a week. I want to play, but I know we must take care of our business too. Kevin has so many plans and his mother wants to cook everyday. I will let them lead since I am trying to chill and go along with their flow. Just wanted to get acquainted with some good people so I do not feel like I am in this journey in the states alone. No one seems to understand...but then again....I have not told a lot of people about our relationship just yet. Advice anyone:)


Welcome Teena. What part of VA do you live in? I'm from Arlington, VA.

Good luck on your visa journey good.gif

I live in Suffolk, but I work for a mobile medical ultrasound company and we are all over Hampton Roads every day. unsure.gif
TeenaFemaleJamaica2007-10-30 18:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNew to the site - Just a newbie
QUOTE (Yardiewife @ Oct 30 2007, 03:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi! Welcome to VJ! I agree...ask any questions you have. There is the Yardie thread with tons of people at all stages of the process...feel free to join us there smile.gif

So if you don't mind my long have you been together? How many times have you been to JA? Have a great trip next week...I am so jealous wink.gif Eat all the food you can tongue.gif

I don't mind telling you that we have been together a month and this is my second trip to JA next week. We talk about all of the obstacles that will come our way, but we both know that if we can get through this process and stay committed that we will be fine. I have been married previously and divorced for over three years. Kevin has never been married. He has two kids. It is strange because when I met him all of my check lists (the superficial ones) went out the window. He just has a really good heart and is a nice guy. I can not explain it, but I left my heart in Jamaica when I left. It is still there and will be there until I get back. Chat soon.
TeenaFemaleJamaica2007-10-30 18:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaNew to the site - Just a newbie
Hello Everyone,

I am so new at this that my "husband" and I will be on-line tonight filling out the 129F. I will be traveling to JA next week - to stay in Negril for a week. I want to play, but I know we must take care of our business too. Kevin has so many plans and his mother wants to cook everyday. I will let them lead since I am trying to chill and go along with their flow. Just wanted to get acquainted with some good people so I do not feel like I am in this journey in the states alone. No one seems to understand...but then again....I have not told a lot of people about our relationship just yet. Advice anyone:)

TeenaFemaleJamaica2007-10-30 13:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is the worst they have done ?
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Oct 19 2007, 12:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
offtopic45vn.gif offtopic45vn.gif

Shouldn't this be posted in OFF-TOPIC forum? How does this post relate to the K-3 Visa application process?

offtopic45vn.gif offtopic45vn.gif

The craziest thing that my Dad actually told me is when I was about 21 and I met a guy from Alexandria, Africa. He was really nice and sweet to me. We dated for about three months and my Dad kept saying that he was going to hit me one day because "all African men beat their women". I actually tried to provoke him by making him mad, being rude, and mean to him just to see, but he never did. I felt so bad that I had hurt his feelings that I stopped dating him. I am sorry that I listened because I ultimately hurt someone that had been very nice to me and he did not deserve that. I did apologize and tell him that I was sorry, but guilty is not a good feeling. So I still ended the relationship. That is the last time I listened to stereotypes when I decided to date someone that I genuinely liked.

TeenaFemaleJamaica2007-10-29 17:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAPPROVED!!!!
Congrats! You have given hope to a newbie. Have a happy and blessed wedding. kicking.gif
TeenaFemaleJamaica2007-10-29 18:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresany VSC people from Virginia?
QUOTE (shrewdgal @ May 12 2008, 04:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey guys.
Here is a thought. why dont we all in each state get together petitions(pleas) whatever you wish to call it, put our info into one packet and send the information to our state senators??

its worth a try and Im from VA if anyone wants to get with me.

Well, since it is election year that might not be a bad idea. Eventhough I am from VA, I have not filed any paperwork. My fiance has a 10 year Visa and we travel back and forth quite frequently between VA and JA. We don't want to mess anything up before the wedding that would effect his ability to travel. We are going to wait until after the wedding to start all of the paperwork. I just don't need any extra stress right now. I will let you all know how things progress. We are getting married in JA on Oct. 11, 2008.
TeenaFemaleJamaica2008-05-12 18:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting on a Visa and the K1 process - Help
QUOTE (clairern @ Nov 22 2007, 08:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif Congrats Teena. I am very happy for you that your SO has received his 10 year visa. Good thing is that he can visit you at times instead of you going to Ja all the time. You both can spend valuable time together and it will make the transition easier for you both when he moves her permanently. Once again congrats and good luck. dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

Hi Sister,

Thank you. I am so excited about Kevin coming here on Saturday. I can hardly sleep. We keep laughing and talking on the telephone. You know there is so much he has not seen or done. He does not know about the cold weather. I have been out shopping for warm clothes and a jacket. He does not own a coat:) We have been laughing so much about the weather and the other differences in culture. This will be a very interesting and fun trip for the both of us. I wish I could see it through his eyes ...all of the new things...things that I/we take for granted here in the US. I pray that he will adjust fine. I know that he will miss his family especially his Mom and his son. He is an only child so this will be very different for him. He tells me that he is ready. I am so happy.

Thanks for the words of encouragement.

TeenaFemaleJamaica2007-11-26 19:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting on a Visa and the K1 process - Help
QUOTE (Gwen666 @ Nov 22 2007, 01:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
if you marry, you are not eligible for the K-1 visa. You will have to apply for a spousal visa.

You can get married in the US on the tourist visa, but then you must go through the process for the proper visa for him to stay in the US - a K-3 or CR-1. He cannot stay in the US on a tourist visa - that is crossing the line into visa fraud. You cannot continue the K-1 process once you are married, so if you intend to get married soon, don't start the K-1. He can come back and forth while the visa (whichever one you choose) is processing as long as he can prove his ties to Jamaica if questioned at the US point of entry, but once the visa is applied for you may find that he will be questioned more closely.

Thank you. He is only staying two weeks this time. I think we will just continue with the K1 process. We will discuss this soon. I don't want to rush anything and want to have time to plan the wedding. Also when reading the timelines the K1 process seems shorter then the K3 or CR1 process.

TeenaFemaleJamaica2007-11-22 01:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting on a Visa and the K1 process - Help
QUOTE (SHELLYandFCO @ Nov 22 2007, 01:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't know the answer to your question but wanted to extend congratulations to your fiance on the 10 year visa.

Thank you.
TeenaFemaleJamaica2007-11-22 01:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting on a Visa and the K1 process - Help
Hi Everyone,

Hopefully someone can help with this situation. I just returned from Jamaica with my fiance. We filled out all of the forms and did everything for the K1 visa. I have not mailed it in yet, but since last week he was approved for his 10 year Visa from the Jamaican embassy. He is coming to the US next week. I have several questions. Do we still continue the K1 process? Can we get married while he is here? Can he come back and forth until we are married? We plan on getting married in the US, but have the celebration in October 2008 in Jamaica. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


TeenaFemaleJamaica2007-11-22 01:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInterview in Eleven Days!
QUOTE (WestmorelandLove @ Dec 6 2007, 12:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Marlita @ Dec 5 2007, 12:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (WestmorelandLove @ Dec 2 2007, 03:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Dec 1 2007, 03:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (WestmorelandLove @ Dec 1 2007, 12:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thanks everyone for the information. Our time is sooo near and we want everything in order!

Thanks a million!!!

The K1 visa fee is $100, usually to be paid in the equivalent local currency. However, that's the non-immigrant visa fee. If you asked somebody about the "immigrant visa fee" that would explain the different answer. They are not the same.

Can you explain to me the difference between the non-immigrant visa and the immigrant visa? I've read the Kingston website and USCIS website and I really don't understand the difference? I'm sorry if this question has been posted and answered before - I searched and didn't find. Thanks again!

Hello there. Welcome to VJ. Well the (K1) visa which you are applying for is a non-immigrant visa. basically its like a visitor visa with an option to get a permanent one. A permanent visa is an immigrant visa (CR1/IR1). Those are for married individuals and their familes who are looking to come to the us "permanently" and become a permanent resident. That means they are an immigrant within the US.

Thanks for clearing that up for me. For some reason - all of Len's co-workers try to give him advice. They've never done the process, but they have their two cents to give him. This causes confusion for him - and frustration for me. Only 6 more days until the interview. Whew - Thank God!

Congrats! I know the feeling about input from everyone and their brothers, uncles, friends, whomever. It is so funny because no one that gives advice have been through the process. I just try to read as much as possible.

Again Be Blessed on your interview.

TeenaFemaleJamaica2007-12-07 05:36:00