K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIdeas? Need to show Fiancee was in USA

What visa was she on? if the visa is still valid she should get the old passport with the valid visa in it. Are you sure you don't get it back or are you just guessing?

Either way, a good thing is receipts/bank statements. How did she pay for stuff while in US?

Her former tourist visa was in former passport, the former visa had been canceled at JFK because of questions. I do have other materials to show her presence in USA,
Mike & MilaMaleRussia2012-05-22 22:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIdeas? Need to show Fiancee was in USA
Background: My Fiancee, Mila, was indeed in USA when she met me. Now she's back in Russia and we are in process w K-1. Recently, she needed to get new passport and her old passport, containing the stamps and such, was not returned to her. Since I am a little concerned about how it is we can show that she was indeeed in the USA to meet me BEFORE the K-1 date I am curious as to how to obtain perhaps verification from USCIS to verify her arrivals in USA. Obviously, if we had her former passport we could show the stamps but I don't think we will be able to get the former passport back from Russian authorities. The objective is to prove to US authorities her two (2) passsages through customs and immigration at JFK. Thank you for your ideas. Mike
Mike & MilaMaleRussia2012-05-22 22:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReapply for K1 (chances?)

Hi, guys!

I have a question about reapply for K1 visa. Hope you can give me some good answer.

I came to the USA on K1 visa this spring 2012 but we failed to get married. 90 days are over now but we still love each other, and dont want to be separated. I can stay in the USA till 3rd of August (thats the date written by US officer in my I94 card), so 1st of August I WILL SURELY leave the country, so I wont violate visa requirements and wont brEAK ANY OF US LAWS. The reason why we failed to get married is at first we were not sure, then we realized that YES, we are right for each other, but we got to know from the attorney that the prenuptial agreement is not ready (but the point is that we DID think and we were SAID its READY), some paper was missing, and at that time we were too close to the end of 90 days (like a week), so to make this paper and complete the prenup we had already no time. Without prenuptial agreement marriage is impossible in our situation. (he is rich and im not, so he doesnt want to take risk, it is understandable). we want to reapply for k1. We didnt break any laws, any rules, any requirements. The question is...Do you think they will approve us the second time? Will we be alright? Will I get visa again?

Thank you!!!

Just my opinion here BUT--- simple fact is that getting a pre-nup DONE should not take more than a week--even for complex case.
FOR SURE-- something else is going on--- YOU SURE you're finacee' really wants to get married??? OH you're SURE??? c-mon wake up here.

Mike & MilaMaleRussia2012-07-08 21:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm DS-156, Question #35
Hello Visa Brothers aand Sisters:
I am stymied as to how to answer this question especially since this is an electronic filing form. Our attorney suggests marking the answer with a YES and then putting the words "see letter attached",a letter that he would prepare. Problem is that w the electronic filing there is not a way to add additional words. My Financee had been questioned at JFK in the past and she elected to withdraw and return to Russia. They marked her B1/B2 Visa as "CANCELLED". That was the only marking. How best to proceed? Thank you
Mike & MilaMaleRussia2012-07-12 20:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresproof of income for self employed

Hi everyone,
I'm in process of preparing for I-129f and have a question about affidavit of support,
I am self employed but I am incorporated so I work in my own company, it seems to me that letter of employment doesn't make a lot of sense in this situation, and I also don't have any pay stubs as well, I do have w-2 but on that form I make less then 125% limit, but my total income on my 1099 (including dividends) is actually well over that limit, so if using tax forms along it should be fine but I don't know what to do if they ask for any proof of employment

Hi I am in the same situation. My plan is to use three (3) years of tax transscripts, a letter from my Accountant that verifies numerous documents and provides explanation of my business etc. ( I could e-mail a copy of that letter to you if U want), I plan to use letter/statement from my bank, Vanguard mutual funds, life insurance, info as to one (1) property which would be copy of deed, mortgage statement and opinion of value from realtor. Ask accountant about W-2 if it's below--maybe omit that if your tax transcript shows enough on Adjusted Grosss Income. Good luck--let me know about your interview. Mike
Mike & MilaMaleRussia2012-07-11 08:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter NOA2, How long until embassy?
I think U should check this out but I am almost sure, for sure, that the NOA2 is only good for four (4) months from the date of issue. That means if it's issued on Feb 1, 2012 then U have until June 1, 2012 to get the interview thing done. Good luck
Mike & MilaMaleRussia2012-11-25 14:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAfter NOA2, How long until embassy?


After NOA2, we wait for package from the embassy.. Then make appointment for interview...

Is there a maximum time we have to go for the interview???

Here is why I ask...
We have school age children, So we would prefer to go to Moscow for the interview when the children are off from school... Because of the delays at Vermont.. We are now thinking it would be best to just wait and plan the interview, and a vacation, in Moscow in June..

My NOA1 was June 14th, so I am just past 5 months.. Although I am hopeful to receive NOA2 soon, this whole process is turning me into a pessamist. So I am thinking it will be at least 2 more months..

But lest say we receive NOA2 on Dec 15th.. Would be be able to schedule a June 10th interview in Moscow? or is this too long to make them wait.??


Mike & MilaMaleRussia2012-11-25 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSocial messaging as a proof of ongoing relationship
Do you have credit card statement or receipt from Hotel in Russia?? If so include that. If you have airline tickets and boarding passes that coordinate with that trip and your passport stamps, send all that. Make sure your photos are dated to coordinate with meeting "within two years" of your petition. Hotel receipts do not need to be translated.

If you can prepare "affidavits" from friends who were with you or who saw you together at any time "within two years" o your petition. Those afidavits need to have birthday of person giving afidavit and they need to be Notorized.

If you can prepare a "synopis" of your rel;ationship w the pictures. Make it brief-- 1 or 2 pages. Keep it very well organized. No "fluff".

If they are asking for any Divorce papers, send copies of the "final decree" for either party.

Keep it tight and brief--don't overwhelm them w stuff (useless). Remember the US allows approx 1,000,000. immigrants into US everyyear. Thats all done at Vermont, Calif, adn Texas----do the math------------that's a lotta papers.

You will be fine.

Oh forgot to mention. All photos must be "handwritten" on front and back w small description, date and signed by you (Petitioner)
Mike & MilaMaleRussia2012-11-24 02:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSocial messaging as a proof of ongoing relationship
So far as I know you only need to show evidence of two things:

1) That you have met at some time WITHIN the two years preceeding your petition
2) Explanation of "circumstances" of meeting.

At this time you do not need to "prove" an ongoing relationship--that is needed for interview.

There is "primary" evidence such as passport stamps, airline tickets, boarding passes. There is "secondary" evidence such as photos, afidavits, the social media stuff.

I suggest you google I-129f and look for instructions--also I believe there are similar instructions here on VJ

good luck----prepare for approx. 6 months of waiting for NOA2 (Notice of Action)
Mike & MilaMaleRussia2012-11-23 21:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould we wait for Interview?
Hi My info is that a K-1 Visa is the correct course at this time, thus, do the interview now. A B1/B2 is a business or tourist Visa and they may have beelieved she was attempting to imnmigrate using a B1/B2, maybe to get married to you. But using a B1/B2 for this reason would be wrong--that would produce the wrong result. Likely that is why the B1/B2 was denied. However, a K-1 Visa ALLOWS for an intent to immigrate. That's mostly what it is all about. The VJ Member to consult is Jim VaPhuong. In our case Jim answered me in this way:
"In other words, I don't think she was denied entry specifically because they think she worked illegally in the US. I think they used the evidence that she worked in the US to conclude that she had a preconceived intent to immigrate, and denied her entry because of that conclusion.

Fortunately, preconceived intent is not a permanent inadmissibility. It can exist one time when an alien attempts to enter the US, and not exist another time when the same alien attempts to enter the US. It's a discretionary call by the CBP officer. Further, intent to immigrate is specifically allowed with a K1 visa, whereas it's not allowed with a B2 visitors visa (which is why her visa was canceled).

Good Luck Mike

Edited by Mike & Mila, 30 November 2012 - 06:08 AM.

Mike & MilaMaleRussia2012-11-30 06:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNightmares, Insomnia, Fighting hard (K-1 Visa)
The above is all good advice.

The "key" advice is to be organized with your papers, photos and documents. Make a three-ring divider "book"; get it together and keep it together.. This will relieve a lot of stress... if you have your "stuff" together--you will be approved. But remember this, after your petition is submitted you are gonna wait about seven(7) monthss for an answer---yes 7 months ( maybe a little less in you are Caliirnia).. It goes by fast. Plan a visit. Then after NOA2 you gonna have another two (2) months to "interview". Thats the way it is. Get used to this... Good luck on this Journey. It will happen if you make it happen.
Mike & MilaMaleRussia2012-12-19 22:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhotos returned with no instruction...HELP!!!
It sounds to me that you did "too" much. I don't believe I129F instructions say to put photos in little bags. I would wait to see if you get NOA1 and number. Remember, don't send too little stuff and don't send too much stuff. These folks are looking at reams and reams of stuff all day long. You can't "flood" them with things and photos and stuff. Stay calm, Get it done,, You will be fine... Relax and get ready to wait and wait and wait. Mike
Mike & MilaMaleRussia2012-12-19 22:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTax Return with I129F package?

Thank you so much for all of your fast replies, it is comforting to see how responsive you guys are :) I can see im in safe hands!!

He also suggested getting statements from family and friends about our relationship. Do you guys have any opinions on this? If you do include them should they be officially notarized, or just signed and dated??

Thanks again!

Mila and I, in response to an RFE sent in six (6) Affidavits from s frinds etc. Each affidaivit needs the Birthday and place of the Afiiant. There signatures need to be notorized. Also, on several on then we "pasted" into the body of their letter a photograph of all of us together (marking th ID od=f ecah on the photo. I rthink that helped.
good luck
Mike & MilaMaleRussia2012-12-31 12:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC "Additional Processing" ???
Hi I think you've indicated that your papers were sent to Moscow? Did U figure something out about the DHL stuff?

Mike & MilaMaleRussia2013-01-04 18:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC "Additional Processing" ???
I think-- I'm guessing--but a lot depends on the city where your finacee lives? If she is somewhere out in the hinterlands I don't think that's gonna be so good.
Mike & MilaMaleRussia2012-12-27 23:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC "Additional Processing" ???
Call DHL at 888-826-5636-- ask them about this. I suggest if they only ship to business address then maybe U ship to her place of work or another trusted "business" friends business. All I am saying is to check it out-- U don't wanna lose your papers. Remember this is Russia-- their mail system is awful. U need to adapt--improvise
Mike & MilaMaleRussia2012-12-27 23:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC "Additional Processing" ???
Hi I don't think Fed EX or the other does the international stuff--- DHL is the best Mike
Mike & MilaMaleRussia2012-12-27 22:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNVC "Additional Processing" ???
Hi So far as I know this is a typical answer. This means they are simply preparing your papers for shipment to your consulate. Depending on the day the NVC received your papers they should be shipped out within one or two weeks. Once shipped it takes exactly three (3) days for DHL to ship papers to Moscow Embassy. Once the Embasssy gets the papers it will take several more days for them to process the stuff and then they will send you an e-mail w instructions to pereform and then shechudule your interview. Here's a problem. Russian Embassy is closed from about Dec 31st until Jan 7th or 8th. At this time there are no interview slots OPEN for JAN or FEB. Hopefully this will open up once THEY open up. Good Luck---maybe Mila and I will be at interview when U are there. Who knows. We've been waiting. Oh, another thing, I suggest you ship to your Russian Finance whatever papers she may need, I-134 for example (just in case she is gonna do interview wo you). And remember, my info is that DHL will ONLY ship to a business address--you might want to check that out.
Mike & MilaMaleRussia2012-12-27 21:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Visa - Getting married before the visa comes through
Totally agree w ALL OF THE ABOVE.
I've read several Embassy Consulate Reviews where the Officer asks the "trick question"---So when did you get married?? Answer that with "Oh--on so and so"-----your chances of receiving K-1 Visa Approval are DONE-OVER-ZERO. Show pictures that look like a wedding reception DITTO. LISTEN TO WHAT THESE FOLKS ARE TELLING YOU. Get this idea of "wedding" before K-1 VISA is in your hand--OUT OF YOUR HEAD PERMANANTLY!!!!!!!
Mike & MilaMaleRussia2013-01-07 21:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresForm DS-230 Part 2, question 42.
Hello Visa brothers and sisters. I am stymied as to how to respond to this question. In the past my Fiancee was questioned at JFK and she elected to withdraw her request for entry and returned to Russia. They marked her Visa as Cancelled. Does anyone know--will this prevent her from getting a K-1 Visa?? How to answer question # 42. Our lawyer suggests marking answer with a NO and then typing in "On March 13, 2012 at JFK in New York, Applicant withdrew her request for admission to United States.
Thank you for your help and insight
Mike & MilaMaleRussia2012-07-12 19:54:00