K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCanadian Police Check

Hi everyone!! We have been reading different posts regarding police checks from Canada. My fiance has lived in Toronto and Hamilton. Will he need a police check from each city, as well as from RCMP? We keep reading conflicting info. Also, do you inquire for these in person, phone, or online, and how long can we expect it to take? Thanks for any advice!!

RCMP police certificates cover all of Canada. He can go to his local RCMP detachment and fill out the request. It only takes about 10 days. Some cost $50.00 some are free. I had one done at the local police station and it cost $50.00 while the RCMP report was free. If you need it sooner you can request it but there may be a fee.
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-10-23 19:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSSN for K1 Visa holder
After much reading and research no where can I find the answer to a simple question. Does our K1 visa become null and void for SSN purposes after you marry in your 90 day period? Or does it remain in effect until it expires after the 90 day.
finicky darned
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-10-24 11:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescertified copy of decree

Been wondering on exact meaning of it. Been hearing of different copies for it. I personally went to the court and ask for a copy since I never got anything on mail from them. Will that do for my fiancee to take to interview in London? If anyone can help will be greatly appreciated

What did you send with your I-129F package? I received an RFE for this very thing. I had to order a divorce certificate for my divorce but I'm in Canada. My fiance only has a dissolution of marriage certificate which is what is issued in CT. I hope that is all that you require.
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-10-24 17:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion I 134 and D 156
We submitted the receipt for my engagement ring as evidence.
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-10-25 11:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 timing question?

Just looking over the times listed on the nice visa comparison chart. What I am not clear about, is once the K1 process is started, how long does it take until the person has the visa to simply enter the USA (on average of course & not in regards to getting permanent residence)?

I see that it says 7.5 months...but really, am I understanding that correctly?
It can and probably will take that at least that long for your fiancee to have their K1 visa in hand. But They can visit provided they can show proof they will be returning to their own country. I wasn't sure what to show so I took my apartment lease agreement, a recent bill sent to me at my address, my photocopy of our NOA1, a copy of my fiance's id page of his passport. They also said that because they ran my passport they could see my usual travel history. Whew... I was allowed to enter the USA for the summer. But now I have to remain in my country until I have my visa. I used all my days allowed in the USA, well 179 out of the 180 permitted.. good luck.

at long lastFemaleCanada2011-10-25 13:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDocuments signed over 30 days??

I am having trouble recieving mail from my fiance in Thailand. She sent me the G325 and letter of intent in late September. Both documents were dated October 1st. Now it is the end of October and I have not recieved them yet. Will they accept the documents if the signatures are older than 30 days??

Is it possible to have her email documents to you?
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-10-26 20:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOur story

First Congrats !!! on the visa. Second thanks for writing your story it was nice to read and it saves me from writing most of mine. I really know how you feel. For us we had to do annulment first. The lawyer was not a crook just not so competent and in the provinces things can move s l o w. Many times the judge would not show up for court etc. My girl and her parents were always already there and I already spent money for the trip only be told it is canceled. two month delay each time. Once it was not even an emergency he just scheduled one of our dates for the same day he had a seminar in Mnl. One occasion our court date that we waited 2 months for was declared a holiday 1 week before our appearance. No matter how good a case the judge will also expect a " gift" at the end. My thinking was if I dont strangle the man that is his gift. All the time, money and effort and some people thinking it's a scam I hear ya. Like you I could never walk away and of course you could never forget her. I flew there as much as I could, spent more money than I even want to think about but if you really are committed to someone it is for better or worse. Besides, I made a promise and there's a great little kid involved who ought to know what a real father is someday. We read about annulment first and seemed most take a year so thats what we expected going in. We met in May 2008 and our interview is finally set for end of this Nov. I haven't been there since Jan 2011. If all goes well I will be coming to get her and my step-son in Jan 2012. Good luck in the future. Myself I just look forward to having a normal life again. Jim.

Thank you Jim for sharing your emotional and beautiful story. I really hope you either make a copy of what you have shared with us or write an even longer version not leaving out any details. It truly is a story of love, courage and perseverance. It makes me humbled and am willing to wait my turn for happy news. I wish you peace, love and a life filled with all you have been waiting for.
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-10-23 16:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVSC's processing MARCH applicants

WOw Terri,
thanks for putting up the stats...I think it is helping me at least, to let go of knowing when. I have been researching the Embassy website for Aus and reading what packet three contains. Some of their requests have caught me by surprise. So I have foccussed on getting as many thing done as I can now...things that won't be time limited. I've been downloading forms and reading instructions and getting ready. When the NOA2 finally comes through I have a list of actions to put in place immediately. By the time the packet is sent from the Embassy I should be almost ready to send it right back!!! That's the plan anyway...what are you all doing while you twiddle your thumbs?

yes good to keep one step ahead of the paperwork. I am not working so I have way to much time to think about the day when it arrives. I have everything I need except the letter with my new case number on. All vaccinations, police certificate. All forms waiting to be faxed. I have made the arrangements of who is going to buy my furniture, the rest goes to charity. Everyone knows that when I have my visa in hand I'm nothing but a flash ... Color me gone...lololololol... So yes making all the arrangements I think helps.. good luck on your process.
who knows maybe I will work on more stats today....
:rofl: :dance: :rofl: :lol: :energy:
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-10-31 10:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVSC's processing MARCH applicants
Well I had way too much time on my hands this weekend as my fiance signed up for call. He works in a hospital and so on call he gets called usually about 2 hours after he falls asleep. Anyways I went over some statistics taken from VJ. Here is what I found out from March,April. May,June.

March there were 25 entries but only 16 had any kind of records not approved.
stats on petitions approved:

March filers NOA1
they approved 1 -april, 2 - may, 30 - june, 72 - july, 25 - aug, 4 - sept, 1 - oct.

April filers NOA1 - 12 with no records showing 17 total showing no approval so really only around 5 not approved...mine being one of them...grrrrrr
3 -june, 28 - july but they didn't work on them for the first 17 days, 6 were from 18th - 21,and the rest in the last week 60 - aug

there still shows 36 to go for May, 43 to go for june,
that's as far as I got...lolol
pleeeeaaaaassssse give us our NOA2

yes this was just VSC

:crying: :crying: :wacko: :wacko: :o

Edited by at long last, 31 October 2011 - 02:13 AM.

at long lastFemaleCanada2011-10-31 02:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapproved petition statistics

Also agree with not focusing so much on the visa process. I empathize with the desire to be with your love-bug after experiencing loss. I loss oldest son two weeks before I was to meet my fiancee for the first time in 2009, then lost my next son the morning I was to return to see her again, just last Nov. Both of my sons (24 & 26) had sickle cell disease. She was able to come for the 2nd funeral and that was a blessing. Meanwhile, I stopped "watching the clock/calendar" 6 mths after filing the petition. It was finally approved, last week and delivered TODAY. During the process, watching and waiting became too frustrating! :whistle:

thank you and I really understand this stress and the toll it takes on the couple but when we have to add in such life altering experiences like death it almost puts you over the top. Keep us updated on your progress and really enjoy your life. It makes us so appreciative of each other.
I wish you much love and happiness.. Those words sound so cliche but I truly mean them from my heart.. Now off you go and finish your plans....
:thumbs: :dance:
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-01 13:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapproved petition statistics

How about take a country into account and do a full statistical analysis. For example to determine a correlation between approved petitions and country of the beneficiary. This way we may be able to find out that some countries get more scrutinity. :) Just an idea :rofl:

ha ha ha ha ... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :bonk:
I was actually thinking about that last night when I should have been sleeping.....
that is a huge undertaking... need more people power for that one.. teeee heeeee
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-01 11:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapproved petition statistics

I guess March refused to be counting on and runaway.Posted Image

update... April - 5
march - 2
feb - 5
lol..noticed that they are processing April 6 now... oooooohhhh I can taste the NOA2 getting close...... :rofl:
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-01 01:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapproved petition statistics

VSC doesn't work in March??? Just kidding. Also, why only 7 total approved in jan. feb. and apr?

ooops what did I do with march...shoot... better get back to
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-10-31 22:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapproved petition statistics

I naturally assumed you were the petitioner because it's usually us who drive ourselves nuts with processing times and can't wait until our loved ones arrive.

You though DO have stuff to get completed before your move here, so get cracking and get your documents in order for your interview, get the car ready for the long drive to the USA, do all your preparations.

Seriously though, sorry for your recent losses. You are not alone in your journey!

thanks very much. I have everything ready to go as soon as I have my new case number. All my belongings have already been arranged to go as soon as it's a go... vaccinations all done... police certificate, forms filled out ready to be faxed.., updated evidence to prove on going relationship... tic toc tic toc..... Because I have spent so much time down there I had my car shipped down so I could drive it on my visits so no car here either....
just waiting.... :thumbs:
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-10-31 20:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapproved petition statistics

Really sorry to hear about your losses, but wrapping yourself completely around this process will cause you more grief and anxiety than you need right now.

Find something that occupies your time (besides compiling I -129F approval statistics). Seriously, get a hobby or work on getting the house ready for your fiance's arrival - anything to get your mind off the process for a while.

Your time will come very soon now. We're here with you through this - but take some time to unwind and do something besides adding approvals of petitions.

God bless.

thanks I am the beneficiary, and I don't work due to a car accident... going a little crazy for sure... AND I'm a photographer and left my camera behind when I visited my fiance for summer... YIKES.....
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-10-31 20:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapproved petition statistics

You GOTTA get a life! lol.

I have been hibernating this autumn.. Going through the grief of losing my dad and step dad since filing in April... just want to be with my honeybun and have a big hug...
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-10-31 20:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresapproved petition statistics
So while bored out of my ever loving mind today I did some counting.. I love numbers and statistic. If nothing else they show patterns
So from January 2011 until October here are how many were approved. VSC
Oct - 35
sept - 62
aug - 111
july - 120
june - 133
may - 79
apr - 5
feb - 2
jan - 0
so not sure what it is telling us just know I'm still waiting and we have an NOA1 of April 27

How can a process like this turn us logical, mature adults into whining, crying, temper tantrum throwing adults...
:crying: :bonk: :rolleyes:

Edited by at long last, 31 October 2011 - 07:58 PM.

at long lastFemaleCanada2011-10-31 19:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresgetting case number

Received NOA 2 today is there any ways to get case number asap with out waiting for it to get to manila ?

some one i can call to get the case number ?

so we can proced asap with all the other requirements and sch. interview and also medical


I was told by some one on VJ that when your case gets to NVC you can call for your case number
I sure hope it's true .
Congrats... I wish so much for ours to come. We have been waiting since April.
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-02 01:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F almost ready to file


I'm almost ready to file--I've been reading through the guides and the forums on here for tips so that my I-129F goes through without a hitch! I have a few questions though:

Birth Certificate - mine is only a front page. I copied the back too, but it's blank, so it looks like I did not. Should I copy all the pages of my passport as well just in case?
Dates on documents - Is it okay/expected for the documents signed by my fiance to be dated earlier than mine as long as they're within 30 days of filing? I also read that the check should not be post dated--is it okay if it is dated a couple days before I actually mail the package out?
Proof of Meeting - I have e-mail itineraries from Orbitz showing that my fiance flew to Ukraine, and I flew there a month later to see him, but I don't have boarding passes, and we never flew anywhere together. He had a visa to work here for two years, should I include that to show he was here? We worked at the same place in 2009, and our contracts would definitely put us in the same place without a doubt, but it was over two years ago.
Presention of information - I read here that I should two hole punch the top of the packet and use ACCO brackets, but I haven't seen any other mention of this in the forums! I don't want to punch extraneous holes in my application or anything! I feel like I'm being a little weird about something so simple, but if not should I paperclip pages that go together like the three pages of the I-129F? Hand written post-its explaining examples of proof of meeting and relationship? Is it appropriate to provide a timeline of our relationship?

Thank you!

at the end of the day it is up to you how you present your package but if it falls apart they won't be happy trying to put it in order is not their job and it will definitely cause a delay... just make sure it is very secure and is easy to make their way through all your info.... Good luck....
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-02 02:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresphone records

We have about 9 months of phone records, but I recently switched to a straight talk phone. Will it be an issue that we don't have phone records from about August on? Should we make sure and email daily to prove contact? Thanx in advance :help:

Tis better to have too much proof than not enough. I would absolutely have proof of relationship by emails or phone records. cards. anything that proves you are still in a relationship... good luck
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-02 02:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNovember Filers

Hello everybody!

I am new in the forum, and I will be filing a petition for a K1 visa tomorrow. Is anyone else filing this month? :thumbs:

check out timelines - Igor's List and you will see new filers for November at the bottom.
welcome to the circus.. :rofl: :dance: :rofl: :thumbs:
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-02 15:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPreparing K-1 Visa

I think that my fiance and I are thinking way to hard, and overanalyzing this, but we were wondering what others have used to prepare their K-1 visa packet. Like, what did you use to hold it all together, not entirely sure what would work out nicely...and whats considered ok, other than knowing no staples. I know this is silly, but can you please help!?!?! Any other information regarding anything to do with the K-1 visa, to help our chances of being approved would be greatly appreciated!!! =)

ooooh ooooh I know this
I bought the kit and we were told to useOIC Heavy Gauge Premium Prong fasteners capacity 2 inches
two hole punch
self stick tabs to label documents
All documents needed.

the pages are to be punched at the top centre of your documents.
I wish I could show you the information but it is copyrighted
the order in which the documents are as follows
note: this is what I was told to do and not to deviate from this format as it is tried and true
!-129F and G325A
I-134 Affidavit of Support
401 K statements
IRS Returns, W-2's (3 years)
paycheck stubs (3 months)
Birth certificates and CERTIFIED translation
proof of marital status Beneficiary ...we got an RFE because i didn't include my divorce certificate just the final order....
Proof of Marital Status Petitioner
Copy of International Passport (beneficiary)
Letter of Intent to Marry Petitioner
Letter of Intent to Marry Beneficiary

Separate package for Proof of On-Going Relationship
email logs
call logs
pictures Photos of the two of you with family showing front of faces are considered gold
hotel receipts
engagement ring receipt
receipt of money sent
trip boarding passes
other things you feel will cement the proof of your relationship
We added all the payments written by me on an American Bank account for our house remodel
hope this helps, just send me a message if I can help at all.
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-01 17:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresstatutory declaration has anyone heard of this??
I wasn't taking any chances with my vaccinations. I know there were only a couple I needed, but I thought "what the heck, mine probably need a booster anyways so I did the whole list, except rotavirus and that is for children... lololol...
So no one can tell me I'm missing anything...

Edited by at long last, 31 October 2011 - 07:48 PM.

at long lastFemaleCanada2011-10-31 19:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvermont slowed to a stop

Grrr it seems like the vermont center has come to a screeching halt

VSC approved 4 petitions yesterday.
CSC - 3

maybe you meant Texas?
patience grasshopper... :D
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-02 18:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE Stats
ok so now I think it is time to seriously stand back for a bit.......
looking for some lind of answers... :star:

I consulted a Visionary Medium for some kind of guidance. She said money (large sum) on Nov 18, and other life changing event on 10, 12, november
th at the next 3 months were going to be filled with big changes in my personal life and the next 3 months after my life was going to settle and that what my wish for life was going to be realized...
all this from my name, birthdate, and time of birth...
...I wonder how close she will come....?????
:blink: :help: :dance:
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-03 18:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE Stats
So after more counting in regards to the RFE's given out to all of us in September, 21 to be exact....6 have been given their NOA2, of those 6, 3 were given on Sept 29, 1 oct 3. i oct 5, 1 oct 26. 4 were May filers, 1 June filer, 1 April.

so that leaves 15 more to go mine is the only april filer, 7 may filers, 5 june filers. 2 incomplete records both june filers....
they better get a move on it...
We deserve our NOA2...

I'm about ready to throw a serious temper tantrum....
woke up to a cold wet day, and feeling things are getting to be a bit much. Although our fiances(e) are involved with our petitions just as much, they get to go about their normal lives and we the waiting beneficiaries have to sit in limbo while at the mercy of someone hating their job at USCIS. Not knowing or caring how it affects our lives. We have to close up our lives here and be ready to move on but not knowing the when is making me nuts.
So all of you having one of those days let's just pick each other up and help each other through this...
thanks for letting me vent.
Now on with the day....

at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-03 10:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE Stats

This RFE stuff makes me wonder if I did enough in my application...

What do you think?
I provided 4 printouts, including scans of photos, receipts(dates) of when we went to different places (like Disneyland)
Scans and photos with dates of other places.
Scans of receipts showing we both lived at the same address.
Stuff like that...

I'm hoping it will be enough. She and I have been dating for 4 years, lived with each other for 1 year.
I would hope that would be enough.

Only the USCIS will be the judge...
I wish you luck and a short journey. It sure isn't for the weak that's a fact...
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-03 00:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE Stats


The K1/RFE stats on here are only a very small portion of the K1's actually filed. I like how dedicated you are to the process but I hope you aren't letting it overwhelm you. Just relax, it will be your time soon :)

I know the logistics... it just gave me something to As for the all the difficulties of documents filed..all we had to do was send in my divorce certificate nothing complicated...

I know ours will be soon.

we have see the seasons change 3 times and soon it will be 4....... I'm just trying to find positives in all these numbers... that's all....
makes me sad to have someone take the wind out of my sail when I just want to be happy...
thanks for the happy thoughts
I do appreciate them.

Edited by at long last, 02 November 2011 - 04:36 PM.

at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-02 16:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE Stats

it gives me some idea of how mentally insane you are :lol:

:rofl: :devil: :rofl: :bonk:
.. what can I say I'm all about the numbers.... my dad loved to figure out stats on horses for horse Guess I got it from him...
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-02 15:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE Stats

LOL.Your fiance would really love your work Terri..Posted Image.

He does love that I search for answers from stats as they are the truth, not speculation. I just wanted to see what the trend was looking like for our NOA2.. Looks like I will be alone for Christmas. Will have to make up for it when I get there. Maybe he will come and visit me here. :D
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-02 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE Stats
So here are the stats for RFE's since January

Total RFE"S up until July = 70
none been issued yet for Aug,Sept, Oct
total RFE's still waiting for NOA2 = 22
incomplete timelines = 5
Total number of RFE's completed 43
average time between RFE's reply - NOA2 = NOPE NOT 14..... 26 DAYS
the shortest time was 1 day - go figure
the longest 148 days

the last RFE to go to NOA2 was second week of Oct.
Hope this gives some ideas as what's coming

at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-02 14:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmbassy Interview Documents

I am compiling the documents and evidence for our interview and am confused on whether they are just asking for some documents from him as the beneficiary or from both me, the petitioner, and him, the beneficiary.

The two documents in question are;
Marriage License
Police Certificate

The instructions aren't very clear and seem to be asking just for his documents.
Can someone help clear this up for me?

Thank you!

I can't be positive but mine refers to me the beneficiary. I am taking copies of previous marriage certificates but the police certificate is for the beneficiary only
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-10-29 20:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures119 days..
DAY 193 and still waiting....... tic toc tic toc tic toc....
we need an emoticon of someone throwing a tantrum... :rofl: ..I would use it often... keep hanging in there. I know it is difficult...
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-03 00:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED AT INTERVIEW :)
awesome.... (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (F)
a bouquet of flowers for the two of you, Now share the details with this fellow Canuck please.... :lol:
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-03 17:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 August filers- Vermont

I love photography too,Posted Image. If you don't mind, do you have blog website that displaying your work? Thank YOU.Posted Image

I sent the sites to you in a message on your page here
let me know what you think... be prepared... some are nudes.... :rofl: but beautiful....
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-02 18:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 August filers- Vermont
From what I can see there weren't any K1 approved on Oct 27,28, 31, BUT there were a couple of the IR1/CR1 approved yesterday... They need to get back to the K1's as there are soooo many more that need there attention. I'm happy for those who get their approvals but sheeeeesh I've been waiting for mine since April. A phone call to USCIS and the congresswoman will happen today. USC has to make the calls though. This year has been more than a little trying. But what wiats at the end will be freakin' amazing... We bought a house right on the water, had the whole thing gutted and remodeled put in new hurricane glass just in case...and BAM... hurricane Irene came knocking on our new windows... YUP good investment those new windows were. Got some great photos though. (we are both photographers)...

ps - Happy November Everyone
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-01 12:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresContacting congress person

"are not following their own mandate about processing in order of receipt"

Just out of curiosity, where did you read that mandate?

Oh Heck I have to go back and retrace my steps. It was in some US government site.

But that is why we went with contacting our congresswoman . It even has visa specific tabs to click on the congresswomans website. They are there to ask as liaison in regards to visa concerns so why not use this resource, as this is a real issue.
Sorry I can't give you the answer to the question.
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-06 15:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresContacting congress person
Well, here is our situation.. We filed in April, the time that our petition was looked at and the timing of our RFE confirmed they (USCIS) are not following their own mandate about processing in order of receipt. So we just did the filing of the privacy release form to our congresswoman in hopes it will be looked at. Others, just on this site, had petitions filed months after us and received RFE's before us and have already been approved. So yes we believe it is time to ask for a liaison to step in on our behalf. That is part of their position.
Just what we felt was needed at this time.
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-06 15:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswait times for interviews, Vancouver, Canada

Hi Terri,

I'm waiting in Comox BC for the K-1. Great news about the wait times in Vancouver right now. We filed July 19 and it already feels like a long wait.

Can you tell me how you were able to set up an account at the US Consulate in Vancouver? I went to the website but couldn't see how to do it.

Many thanks in advance,


It was like going through a maze, but I will open another window and follow my steps and type here concurrently... let's see what I can do..

go to the bottom of the page, you will see a guy with a laptop and it says"click here for U.S. Visa information, to register for courier delivery and to schedule an appointment online".
read the page check the box just above the confirm button
then hit the "confirm" button
you will have another window pop up, to create your account follow the prompt and questions, You will need your passport as your number. You will see what you need to do.
After you have set up your account and everything you will need your case number to book your appointment. But in the meantime you can log into your account and it will tell you when the next available time will be... example 21 days.

hope this helps
keep me updated on your progress. I'm in Victoria. Used to live in


There is a whole section for Canada specific things.


Post there or have a mod move this over there.

how do we ask a mod to move this topic?
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-06 15:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswait times for interviews, Vancouver, Canada
Hey they fellow Canadians
I have too much time on my hands and use the time to research just about anything to do with this process. I'm most interested in times it takes each couple to go to next task.
I went into the US Consulate site for Vancouver and set up my account for when that beautiful day arrives and I get to book my interview. It says they are booking 21 days. So that is pretty good. So as soon as you have all your needed paperwork and case number then you will be able to plan your getaway for a month later....
And NO we can't book an interview date until we have the elusive case number...

Happy trails everyone
at long lastFemaleCanada2011-11-01 16:59:00