K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresService request
And how is it that VSC is processing July 2 applications when CSC is processing July 18.. and CSC is not approving anywhere near as many applications as VSC. They are ahead of CSC by miles!, so i dont understand why they would still be processing July 2 applications. Surely they would be on mid/ late July?! Something is wrong somewhere!
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-25 18:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresService request
You received your NOA1 around the same time we did. I emailed the California Service Center a few days ago. I am guessing when they finally get back to me, the will tell me exactly the same thing.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-25 18:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPregnancy and K-1 Visa - Pls help
Yes definately talk to the embassy about this, as I think they would just get you to take it before the AOS instead. I cant see why they wouldnt do this.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-25 08:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRecent VSC speed up, but CSC slow down..
Yes hurry up CSC!!!!!
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-25 20:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresafter noa2, case number, medical, etc
Congrats to you both!!! :star: :dance:
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-25 18:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGoing to visit my fiancee
The longest we have spent apart is a year and 3 weeks (during my pregnancy up until our son was 10 months old) Sadly my fiancee was unable to make it over for the birth because of starting a new job. However i would like to think we would make it back to the U.S before our son is 2. I cant bare him missing our son`s next birthday and Christmas. Hopefully delays at the CSC will not go on that long.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-25 11:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGoing to visit my fiancee
i would like to go back for another visit to the U.S. but its so expensive to fly! plus i have to buy 2 tickets (1 for our son). they do give child fare for that, but its really not much off an adult fare!I noticed the prices have gone up too since i last flew out at the beginning of December. With the cost of my medical, police clearances etc., flights back to U.S. once i have my visa, and a wedding to pay for, i dont see a visit happening any time soon. I am guessing we will make it back by the end of September if we are lucky! If i did go to the U.S. for a visit again before receiving NOA2, i am not sure if i would get in at POE, as they seem really strict. Having said that, it doesnt make sense if they wouldnt allow another visit when they like people to have visits as proof of an ongoing relationship.
Not sure if i should expect more than 10 months max waiting for approval?
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-25 11:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI. Sample Questions About the Petitioner/U.S. Citizen Fiancé(e):
14. what day of the week is the wedding? would they really ask this? as its not likely you could have an exact date to the day at this stage.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-26 13:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout to start compiling I-129F
You can print your digital photos out from a computer on paper or photo paper. On the back of each photo, write the date and write the details of the photograph (place it was taken)in black ink. Remember to also write `Petition for alien fiancee, I-129F` and the petitioner and beneficiary`s names on the back of each photograph. Always print copies of everything out for your own reference. As you should have a copy each (you and your fiancee) of absolutely everything you send in your i-129F application. (never send any original documents, only send photocopies - as they do not return anything, and will ask you to bring along any original documents they want to see eventually at the interview. so keep all your original receipts, tickets, documents, birth certificates etc.). You want to add evidence of your ongoing relationship such as plane tickets, luggage tags from the airport (if you have them), flight itineraries, hotel bookings, emails between you both (again you can print these out and put them in dated order), any cards/ letters though the mail, affidavits of friends and family (they can confirm your relationship).. anything like this.

With the SSN that you had a while back, i dont think you should have any problem with not being able to find it. I think they would be able to track this when they review your application. However, it would be a good idea to mention this in your I-129F application. Mention it on a separate piece of paper including the following:

write this at the top of the page) petitioner:_(name)_______ Beneficiary: ___(name)____

In Support of I-129F, Petition for Alien Fiancee
Supplement to form G-325A, Biographical Information.

(Write the situation explaining about your previous SSN card, including the date it was issues, and date it expired (if you know it, or as best as you can). Also say what you were in the U.S. for and the dates from-to in the U.S. etc.)

remember to sign and date this with your name after (in black ink of course. Always use black ink).

As far as the income requirement, you can find the income guidelines on this site as to how much your fiancee needs to be earning at the time your petition is submitted. If your fiancee is not working at the time you submit your i-129f application, the fiancee can use a co-sponsor that earns the required amount over the poverty guideline, which information can be found on this website. (if you need help with this let me know). If you have savings over a certain amount, this may be in your favor, as they as this on the application. (you can check the guidelines for this). They want to know that your fiancee has enough to support you for the amount of time needed while you get settled and sorted in the U.S. She can use the income from a share in the sale of her grandparents company.. if it meets the required income amount needed to sponsor you then this should be ok. (check the guideline on this site).

As far as your high blood pressure... you shouldnt have a problem with this. However it would be a good idea to get a letter off your doctor (prior to the medical examination) explaining that you are being treated for it and it is under control.
Your medical examilation will be fine! :)
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-26 20:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould i plan a SOON visit to the U.S.?
thanks everyone. reading your input makes me feel we should wait and save this cash for our flight back after my visa is issued. Really hoping any day we will be approved now, as 3 months is a nail biting long time to wait for an interview! :wacko:
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-16 23:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould i plan a SOON visit to the U.S.?
I have been waiting 7 months for the NOA2 so far, and i know this wait could be a further 3, 4 or worse still...5+ months. I hate being seperated as a family for so long. We have a 1 year old son together. He was born here in the United Kingdom. (I am the beneficiary. Last time i traveled to the U.S. with our son was December 1st for 90 days. Our son is a U.S. citizen, so obviously he traveled on his U.S. passport.)
It is very difficult stretch for us financially, however it would be worth it just to be together. It would also be very disapointing to spend so much money on return airfares for me and baby, to then find that we would have to leave a lot earlier in order to schedule appointments,.. "if" we received the NOA2 before my 90 days was up in the U.S. It wouldnt give us much time to raise the cash for our airfares back to the U.S. after my visa was issued. We have to allow for a 6 hour drive to and back from the airport to our home address in the U.S. Plus we have to stay overnight in a hotel, as it is too much travelling for baby in 1 day.
We could afford to do this, however i just dont want to end up spending all this on a visit less than 90 days because of not having that much longer for the NOA2. If it was an RFE, we could submit this while me and baby are still in the U.S with my fiance. If we get a straight approval (hopefully) would i need to return to the United Kingdom straight away? Or would i first have to wait for further instructions before needing to be present in the United Kingdom for the next step (for example, booking a medical examination)?
Really not sure what to do :unsure:

plus i have just seen a CSC early September filer approved!! what to do!! :unsure:

Edited by rascalcat, 16 April 2013 - 09:49 PM.

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-16 21:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmergency - Is it possible to expedite our petition on the grounds of a family emergency
Just found out that my fiance`s dad has a brain tumor... they are not sure if it can be removed yet. all we can do is hope for the best.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-18 20:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmergency - Is it possible to expedite our petition on the grounds of a family emergency
My fiance`s father has been in bad health for quite some time now. (He is has to have oxygen tanks at home).
My fiance called me from the U.S. about an hour ago to tell me that his dad has just had a stroke and is in hospital. We dont know yet how serious it might be. He may be in hospital for some time, and if does come out there is no guarantee that his health will be stable for much longer.
I am the beneficiary. We have a 1 year old son together who already has his U.S passport and is a U.S. citizen. I want my fiance`s father to be able to see his grandson more. As if he passes away sooner than expected, it is obviously going to devastate my fiance.. not just the fact that he would have passed away, but also the fact that that he never had the opportunity to spend time with his grandson.. who is named after him.
It is very tough and stressful for us right now, that i cant return to the U.S with our son to be together in such a difficult time.
We have been waiting for 7 months so far for the NOA2 from CSC, and it could take 10+ months just for the NOA 2. We really need the process to hurry now and move along to the next stage, as i would like my son to be able to spend time with his grandfather before its too late.
During the visits me and my fiance made to his parents house while our son and i was in the U.S,.. it really made such a strong positive impact on my fiance`s father`s health. He really loves seeing his grandson and is very proud that he is named after him.
Also, my fiance was attached to the U.S. Army and was in the U.S. Marines with honorable discharge. (Landing Support Battalion, 1st FSSG/3rdFSSG, January 1998-1992) Would this help expedite our case at all?
We cant afford to fly back to the U.S. until i get my visa.. as we only have enough in savings to make the trip after my visa is issued.
I did consider flying over before.. and even more so now that his father has had a stroke! However we need the funds for the trip with my visa in hand + the visa fees etc.
I really hope my future father-in-law gets better. I want to be able to see him again with our son.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-18 17:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo please

Hi Everyone,
I know I am not the only one here who has not received there NOA2. I filed my k-1 on sep 14. I have been told since Jan. that I need to wait two more months. They finally told me that in may I can do an e-request. I have gotten so fed up that I have contacted my senator and they have told us that they have emailed USCIS and that that is all they can do!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I call USCIS 3 times a week to just be annoying, I have called the lady from the senators office that is working our case and she is no helping. I am starting to wondering if the reason this is taking so long is b/c my fiance is from Turkey? Has anyone from Turkey had this problem? Does anyone have some helpful suggestions as to what I can do to speed this up?
Thank you and good luck to everyone!

Ours was filed the same day as yours, and we were approved on Friday.. so yours is any day now!! Very likely within the next few days.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-21 14:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSupporting documents for I-134

This is a London specific question. When are you going to join us in the UK forum?

London from my 5 yrs experience has not demanded one type of proof over another with the I-134. It's not outlined in law other than saying the officer must be convinced you will not become a public charge. It's a subjective decision and London is not that particular how you prove the income. If the income is nicely over the poverty level, they probably won't even discuss it with you. They will approve without a tax return. They would approve you with only that employment verification. Taking two proofs is a backup. You've got three already without worrying about bank statements.

can you give me the link for the UK forum :)?
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-22 18:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSupporting documents for I-134
For supporting evidence, so far i have his last 3 years Tax Transcripts and W2`s.
I will also be getting together his 3 most recent pay stubs.
Instead of his current employer issuing a letter, he has employee verification online at that shows his proof of employment and income. Is this sufficient?

Does he need to provide any bank account information? If so, what sort of information is needed?
does he need to provide bank statements? if so, how many and how recent?
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-22 18:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalling Each Other Husband and Wife

The UK is part of the VWP - visits of up to 90 days at a time are allowed and re-entry is allowed (no guarantee you get in!)

If you havent overstayed before then usually its not a problem, provided you have a return ticket.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-24 16:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOrginal I-129F package destoryed
not sure why you would need a copy of the petition you submitted at the interview. they should already have this on hand (copy you mailed when you applied)at the interview. i think they are only likely to request original documents.. e.g. birth certificates, passport, .. anything notarized etc. And maybe further evidence/ documents they request that you havent already submitted.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-16 21:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIt's hopeless.

I just want to clear things for me. So my fiancé filed our k1 on October 10 and noa1 is October 12. We tried to expedite it because I'm pregnant, we tried it though we know its not a reason to speed the process. We didn't receive anything about our request so we assume its not honored.

My fiancé called them January and asked how's our request doing. The uscis representative told us that they emailed my fiancé last october too for further evidence about our expedite request, but we didn't receive anything. So my fiancé mailed them the evidence a few days after that. And yes, it is not honored.

So my question is, am I restarting my waiting time back from January? Are they trying to annoy us?? I'm so depressed that a lot of CSC filers are approved now and there's no sign that they are touching our papers.

My fiancé didn't call them, he thinks that it's useless for they only keeps on saying that wait more and more.
After pushing him, he finally asked help from a representative and all we got is its still waiting to be adjudicated, wait for 45 more days.

I'm so lost, my fiancé will be here next week for my delivery, but no sign that we can go back with him



Dont worry! you are almost there now! you are likely to get your NOA2 any day now. Mine took 7 months to receive. After recieving your NOA2, things move really fast! Make sure you have all the forms you need for after your petition gets sent your embassy. Prepare  these now and fill them in pencil (so that you have everything ready and can alter anything if it changes before you receive instructions from your embassy after approval.) get supporting documents ready (your fiance`s letter from employer or work authorization,( for proof of current employer), tax transcripts, bank deposits/ recent pay stubs(also collect most recent ones..after you receive NOA2). 


Here is a list of things i prepared:



* The Notice of Approval from USCIS (he needs to mail you this after he receives it (the original).. make sure he photocopies it first so he has a copy of it.
* U.S. fiance`s 3 or 4 recent bank statements
* Copy of U.S fiance`s bank account deposits (for proof of wages paid in from employer)
* 2012, 2011 and 2010  tax info  (W2`s and tax Transcripts.. you can order the tax transcripts on IRS website)
*Proof of U.S. address.. e.g. -  Copy of your  tenancy agreement and letter from landlady stating how long he has been renting from her. 
* 2 or 3 letters of official mail sent to U.S. address (For proof of residence there)... this can be any official letters, e.g. bank statements, bills etc.)
Hope this helps you!
Its good to start preparing as much as possible, so that it moves along faster once your approval arrives (very soon now!) 
As this will cut all the waiting around out. And everything gets processed fast after your NOA2! 





rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-11 20:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen do i need to pay the $240 visa fee?

Thanks for the feedback. Glad they will email me a receipt rather than posting it.

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-12 14:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen do i need to pay the $240 visa fee?

thanks for the feedback. i guess it couldnt hurt to pay now. Do they give you a receipt when you pay?.. and how did you pay.. online or by phone?



yeah i will wait for my interview date first.( i just have to make sure they give me a payment receipt after.)

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-12 13:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhen do i need to pay the $240 visa fee?

I have received my (packet 3) letter from the U.S London Embassy. It says on there that the $240 visa fee needs to be paid prior to the  interview. Can i go ahead and pay it now? (I am currently in the process of sending for my UK police certificate which takes 10 days. Before i can book a date for my medical) 

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-12 11:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp preparing form I-134, question 8
Just received NOA2, and i am preparing form I-134. Not sure if i need to add our 1 year old son on question 8? He is a U.S citizen and has a U.S passport, and will be traveling to the U.S as soon as i get my K1 visa. Do i still need to list him as a dependent on question 8? as he is wholly dependent on us.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-20 16:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1- add child?
Then you will not need to add the baby on any visa application, as he/she will be a U.S. citizen and will enter on his/ her U.S. passport at Port of Entry.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-06 07:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1- add child?
Yes you just need to register your cbaby`s birth with the U.S. Embassy in your country. Its a good idea to make sure the fathers name is on the birth certificate. And they will also want to see proof of the father`s U.S. citizenship. You can get him to go to a public notary at his locan courthouse and get a copy of his birth certificate and driving licence or passport notarized for this. They will also want an affidavit of perantage that the U.S. father signs to say he is the father. Also an affidavit he will sign to day he gives his consent to issue the child a U.S. passport. You can find this info online at: http : / / travel / law / family _ issues / birth / birth _ 593 . html (type this link with no spaces in between) you can find a link on here for your local U.S. Embassy/ Consulate. You can request an application pack online complete with instructions to register your childs birth at the Embassy and apply for his U.S. passport and Social Security Number.
you can apply for the childs social security number at the same time. Fill out the form for this and take it with you when you go to the embassy, as they will sort this out for you. You can also find the application online that you can print out and fill in. Just follow the instructions.
I have a baby that was born outside the U.S. and went though this exact process to get his U.S. citizenship and passport. If you have any questions, let me know. I will be happy to help you. We used old airline tickets to prove i was in the U.S. at time of conception, as they will ask you for some kind of proof you were both in the same country at the time. (so you could use a stamped passport to show this too).
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-06 07:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa denied under Sec 212 A 5a
If all else fails with your current k-1 petition, then get married! If you have to submit a k-1 application again then you might as well just go ahead with the marriage visa instead. You will probably have better luck in this route.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-21 15:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List
we also sent tax returns for the last 3 years, a letter from employer stating employment info and wages, letters of intent to marry, and affidavits of friends and family about being a couple. There affidavits gave details of friends and family visits we made together. We also both wrote a letter about how we met, and all the visits and things we do together, including movies we went to see at the cinema, places eating out together, hobbies together etc.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-11 12:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List
Although you would think it would be obvious to them that there is evidence of visits to the U.S. if they have a copy of your passport with all the stamps for dates of entering the U.S. They can easily check what airport you entered. I sent my boarding passes, hotel bookings and e-tickets/ reservations. I also sent photos, our baby`s consular report of birth abroad, with my fiancee`s signatures on the documents i submitted when registering his birth abroad. I also sent emails right from the day we met, gift receipts, cards and letters.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-11 12:20:00
ThailandThai Court Order of Sole Custody in liu of Statement of Consent from biological parent
If the biological parent cannot be located or contacted, provide evidence in the form of a Statutory Declaration outlining the details of steps taken to contact the nonmigrating parent, including the biological parents last known address and phone number and their parents last known contact details, if possible, including phone and address. As much information as you can about the biological parent from the last time of contact. A Statutory Declaration could be witnessed by the Embassy.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-26 11:05:00
ThailandThai Court Order of Sole Custody in liu of Statement of Consent from biological parent
That is absurd! What if the mother does not even know where the father is since finding out about the pregnancy of that child, and the biological father wants nothing to to with the situation or to even acknowledge that he has a child out there. There has to be some way of waivering this, as if he is not wanting to be involved in the childs life, then he is not a father. The mother is solely responsible for the child.. this has to account for something. There has to be a way of filling this in court with an attorney. If the father has not been present in the child`s life for a long period of time, then this needs to be addressed in court.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-26 08:39:00
ThailandThai Court Order of Sole Custody in liu of Statement of Consent from biological parent
Especially if she has sole responsibility of the child, then there has to be a way around this.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-25 20:57:00
ThailandThai Court Order of Sole Custody in liu of Statement of Consent from biological parent
Not sure if you would find this helpful, but I found this link that mentions some info on this.. http://www.thaivisa....t-sole-custody/
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-25 20:53:00
USCIS Service CentersNot happy
Thing is, i am travelling with a 1yr old, so it would be better to have a short layover. Most of the layovers are very long for a cranky tired baby. I will have to look on Travelocity though and see whats available. Would love to find something cheaper
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-13 15:44:00
USCIS Service CentersNot happy
Another thing worrying me is the price of flights. It seems the prices have risen a lot. A flight to the U.S.A for my any baby would cost a total of around $3220.00 (off peak) :wow: just checked it out on Expidia.. and apparently thats the best rate going! Madness!!

Another thing worrying me is the price of flights. It seems the prices have risen a lot. A flight to the U.S.A for my any baby would cost a total of around $3220.00 (off peak) :wow: just checked it out on Expidia.. and apparently thats the best rate going! Madness!!

*for me and baby

i think we will have spent enough to purchased a house on the whole process by the time the visa and greencard process has finished!
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-13 12:26:00
USCIS Service CentersNot happy

Gary is right. At least you know that it was received. Start doing your research to see what the next steps are going to be.

Although there is only so much you can do do prep ahead. We have everything ready for the next step. Just waiting for them to ask for the police certificate and medical. Cant really book the medical until then. Also have everything i can have at this stage prepped for the interview. Dont really want to do police certificate yet, as i want it to be as up to date as possible when they ask for it.I made photocopies of everything too :)
We are being patient though, but anxious too! :)
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-13 07:34:00
USCIS Service CentersThe latest news about CSC K1's
25 Feb i got back from U.S.A, visiting my fiancee with our 1 yr old son. Before i went over to visit, it was over a year since i saw him last! Its exactly 7 months today for me since receiving the NOA1. And we are just patiently waiting for an update.. hopefully soon. I think our son will be at school by the time we get approved at this rate!!
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-13 07:21:00
(i highly doubt anything will change until another 3 months for our case, as they are highly back logged at the CSC)
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-20 11:33:00

You are not over 7 months your just barely over 6.

Yes coorection.. i meant over 6. (6 months and 6 days to be approx.)

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-20 11:31:00
Yes we are over 7 months already. So i am guessing 8-9 months at least.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-20 11:00:00
USCIS Service CentersCalifornia USCIS has Stoped????????????/

Looking at the data on the USCIS website CSC only completed 1000 applications combined in Dec and Jan. Where VSC has completed 8800 applications in the same time span. I would post the link to where I got this data but VJ will not allow me.

When I first filed my application I was happy to see I was sent to CSC now I am very disappointed.

Wow thats quite a difference in applications completed :o
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-23 12:16:00