K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSupport thread for parents & children waiting for k-1

I am not completely sure I agree. I am kind of torn. On the one hand I see my little boy growing up without me, but on the other hand I see the potential for abuse if couples with children are expedited... Also, how do you handle situations like Oregon Bound's? They are not kids in common. Grounds for expedite?? Or is it the fact that you and I have citizen kids and the weight of that citizenship is the basis for the expedite. As you can see, there are all kinds of issues raised by discussing expedites based on children. Now, having gotten all my philosophical ideas off my chest, on a personal level I am 100% behind having my case expedited because of my son. I guess it is kind of like my take on the death penalty. I am philosophically 100% against the death penalty, yet I know that were something like that to happen to me, I would be first in line to carry out the execution. Before I am labeled a hypocrite (which may be justified), I think it really boils down to a difference between rationality and emotionalism.

I think everyone should have the right to get their case expedited after a reasonable amount of time.. maybe then they would have to get the staff issue sorted. It would encourage people to do things the legal way.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-23 15:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSupport thread for parents & children waiting for k-1
My fiancee was in the Armed Forces. He joined the Army as soon as he left school, and he is an ex Marine with honorable discharge. He never talks much about it, as he experienced many horrors. I know he went to Bosnia among many countries. Sometimes tiny pieces of glass come through his skin where they have finally surfaced from explosions during his military service. He watched many of his friends die at war. Horrible! He has done his part for the U.S.A, and never had anything in return. When he came out of the Marines he worked in a meat packing plant, his employer took him on because he was an ex marine, and said he wouldnt usually employ native american indians. (racist!) (hes worked in many of these) and got payed 30c for every pelt skinning. VERY hard work. He never got a payrise when everyone else did because of racism. He eventually left and found another job.. then his boss offered him a payrise.. should have offered it sooner!
He has worked hard all his life.
We were thinking about contacting the congressman. Not sure if it would really make a difference for our case though. I feel bad for him that he cant be with us.. our baby especially. I know this is harder for him than it is for me, because at least i get to be with our baby right now and kiss baby goodnight. It hurts me that its tough being apart, especially when hes given so much of himself to his country, and never asked for anything in return. He works long hours and cant get time off work to visit me. At the moment hes been working up to 14 hours straight every day, taking overtime. Thankfully he has a really good job now, well deserved! And has almost finished his degree!!
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-23 15:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSupport thread for parents & children waiting for k-1

Two of my kids from my previous marriage are moving to the US with me while my eldest has opted to stay in the UK with her father. It's hard on us all and this waiting and waiting is making us all stressed :(

Very stressful. Its hard to plan around everything as you need to when you have kids.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-23 15:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSupport thread for parents & children waiting for k-1

Hey rascalcat,

I'm in. I also have a 1 year who is waiting to be with me here.

there should be a fair time frame in which we can request to expedite our case.
If they were not able to cash our cheques until approval decision, then we would be getting approved much quicker!
Thats a lot of cash from all the petitions they receive!
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-23 15:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSupport thread for parents & children waiting for k-1
If you have any children, feel free to post on this topic thread.
I have a 1 year old, and we are waiting to be with his daddy in the U.S. Its hard on our kids and stressful.. and sometimes we need to vent!
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-23 13:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCoping.. How do we all deal with waiting for our loved ones

Okay, I understand. She and I visit about every other month and I assumed a lot here visited more often rather than waiting 8 months at a time. I didn't mean for my post to offend anyone, just throwing that out there.

I can only imagine the pain you all go through. :(

Are they ok with that? I mean going through customs/ boarder patrol every other month? They gave me the impression they dont like peoples visits to the U.S. to be too close together.. not sure if this has affected you. Have you/ your fiance ever had any trouble with this?
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-04 20:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCoping.. How do we all deal with waiting for our loved ones
I would like to visit my fiance again, but its too expensive to travel.. especially with our baby.. plus we have to save for our flights to U.S. after i get the visa. Flights are so expensive right now.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-04 20:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 After 373 Days

Yes I'm happy but what a ridiculously long wait. At least it's over now. Onward we go.....................

CONGRATS!! on your NOA2 that was well overdue!!

True love gets through anything!.. when you have met the love of your life, you`ll wait forever! So glad your time has finally arrived!!kicking.gif

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-27 16:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa in hand!


Oooh, congrats to you too!


Yeah the sealed envelope was there, although very unimpressive compared to what I was expecting. And huge. I have no idea how I'm going to carry it in my hand luggage!

I am wondering what is in the envelope now. Guessing it must be medical results/ police clearances, as i know i cant open it, so it must be that. Hopefully the courier will be here soon!!!

Edited by rascalcat, 23 August 2013 - 04:20 AM.

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-23 04:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa in hand!

Congrats!!! I am just waiting for mine to be delivered today. Its only 9:07, so probably will be waiting a little longer for the courier to knock the door yet. Im getting so excited for the delivery! Was the sealed envelope that you have to give to an officer at POE included in the package with your passport when it was delivered?

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-23 03:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2012 filers

All of these late(ish) September NOA2s have me refreshing the USCIS page just about every I alone?

lol! i am doing this too! (noa1 on 14 Sept 2012)
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-22 12:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTrying to plan ahead....
i was pregnant at the time we got my engagement ring. So my finger was too swollen to wear it! Had baby a year ago now, and its too big for my finger lol! Will get it re-sized in the future.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-14 07:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed more evidence of relationship

Another thing you could do is write a letter explaining that you have both discussed past relationships with each other including your previous ex husband.. his name where he was from etc. And that past relationships are not an issue between you both. You should take this letter to the interview signed by you, and get it notarized by a public notary. Also Get your fiancee to sign a copy of the letter, and get it notarized by a public notary in his country (local court house or a legal service should be able to do this). Also get affidavits (letters stating proof of your relationship) off friends and family who have seen you both together as a couple, as they can validate your relationship. They should write about when you introduced your fiancee to them and include anything they have done/ attended with you together, such as family dinners together, celebrations, etc. For example, we went out for pizza with my fiancee`s friends. We also had dinner with my fiancee`s parents many times and my fiancee`s parents validated this for us. Make sure you get these affidavits signed and dates by whoever writes them (friends, family etc.), and get them to get the affidavits notarized. They will sign the affidavit they have written, in front of the public notary. This also applies to the letter from you and your fiancee about discussing past relationships. You always sign the affidavit you have written, in front of the public notary. As the public notary will require to do so, so they have proof that it is your signature. Then send these to your fiancee ready for him to take along to his next interview. You could also add photos dated and signed on the back if you have any, that support the affidavits from friends/ family.

I have attached a template for the affidavit of friends/ family. You can word it however you like, to suit your situation. Also use it as a reference to write up your discussing past relationships affidavits of you and your fiancee. Just re word it regarding your mutual knowledge of your past relationships and sign it in front of a public notary.

Also make photocopies of these affidavits once notarized and take these to the interview at the embassy, as you can give them the photocopies and show them the originals too. This means that you would probably get to keep the originals for future reference. But you will obviously need to show the originals at the interview to prove they are genuine and valid.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-14 12:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed more evidence of relationship

My fiancee interview was today for a K-1 visa at the embassy in Ghana. They did not deny it but told him to come back for a second interview on April 23. Here is the background history. I am 7 years older than him and my previous ex husband was from the same country. Is this the reason for all this hesitation? I have known my fiances 2010. I visted him in March 2012 and we got engaged. I turned in call logs, text message, emails, FB chats, pictures from the trip, holiday and birthday cards we have sent. The intervier's questions were how long has my fiance known me, am I an US citizen, was I married before, does he know my ex-husband's name,where is my ex husband from, does my ex-husband still in the states, did I file a petition for him and then the guy said he was not satifised with the evidence and told him to come back. My fiancee asked what else was needed, but the guy did not respond and just left. All the information about my previous relationship was clearly stated on the petition, so I do not undertand why it is a big deal now. Can anyone provide any guidance?

Another thing you could do is write a letter explaining that you have both discussed past relationships with each other including your previous ex husband.. his name where he was from etc. And that past relationships are not an issue between you both. You should take this letter to the interview signed by you, and get it notarized by a public notary. Also Get your fiancee to sign a copy of the letter, and get it notarized by a public notary in his country (local court house or a legal service should be able to do this). Also get affidavits (letters stating proof of your relationship) off friends and family who have seen you both together as a couple, as they can validate your relationship. They should write about when you introduced your fiancee to them and include anything they have done/ attended with you together, such as family dinners together, celebrations, etc. For example, we went out for pizza with my fiancee`s friends. We also had dinner with my fiancee`s parents many times and my fiancee`s parents validated this for us. Make sure you get these affidavits signed and dates by whoever writes them (friends, family etc.), and get them to get the affidavits notarized. They will sign the affidavit they have written, in front of the public notary. This also applies to the letter from you and your fiancee about discussing past relationships. You always sign the affidavit you have written, in front of the public notary. As the public notary will require to do so, so they have proof that it is your signature. Then send these to your fiancee ready for him to take along to his next interview. You could also add photos dated and signed on the back if you have any, that support the affidavits from friends/ family.

I have attached a template for the affidavit of friends/ family. You can word it however you like, to suit your situation. Also use it as a reference to write up your discussing past relationships affidavits of you and your fiancee. Just re word it regarding your mutual knowledge of your past relationships and sign it in front of a public notary.

Attached Files

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-14 12:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPOE Possible Technicality

Your best and only legal option is to be open about it and answer the question, yes, I overstayed. You may then attach a letter explaining the circumstances and even better, attach the documentation showing original itinerary and then re-scheduled one (The airline would have given you this). Just because she has a new passport doesn't mean she can erase this event. Besides, they don't go by what is says in the passport but what is in the system. Be honest and you will be fine!

Yes as you re-booked and left asap, then i cant see how you could have broken any law. Natural disasters are out of our control. If you have your original itinerary then this is good evidence you were ready to leave at the correct time, and you can prove your flight was cancelled. So you should be fine after explaining this.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-14 11:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPOE Possible Technicality
I dont think they would have a problem with this, as it was out of your control. Plus as she left a few days as soon as she was able to, then this should not create a problem. I am guessing a lot of people had to miss flights and re book because of the same situation you were in due to the hurricane, so i am sure they are aware of that, as it would fall under the same time frame. You could call the airline and ask them to give you some kind of confirmation of your flight that was cancelled, and the reason why. Maybe you could email them and ask for some kind of confirmation of this. Then you could present this at POE. However, i am sure they could check at POE that her flight had been cancelled, and the reason why. They could easily check with the airline if needed.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-14 11:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi need addition space for fiance address on I-129f
I wouldnt worry about it. You have not given a false address, so you should be ok. However they may ask for additional address info, in which you can then write with the details of petition, so it cant get lost fro your file:

Petition for Alien Fiancee, I-129F

Petitioner: (name)
Beneficiary: (name)

In addition to form G-325A, Biographic Information.

Beneficiary, (name) current address:


(get your fiancee (beneficiary) to date and sign this.)
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-14 07:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical Examination
Thats weird that it had that date. :S I changed it to the correct date. :)
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-16 12:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical Examination
Can anyone give me any insight on the medical examination procedures?
I am curious to know what actually takes place at the examination, what you need to bring, and what to expect during the examination?
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-16 09:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresJust want to be married and be together
Yes absolutely hang in there! I know its hard to wait. We have a baby boy and are anxious to be together. 7 months since NOA2 so far. You should expect an a 8-9 month wait. So i am sure it will be a matter if just a few weeks before you hear something now! Dont start over with a k-3, as its going to take even longer, and is finacially straining enough, without having more processing fees, stress, and time apart. Not worth it. You have come this far and your almost there now!
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-17 07:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout to send off I-129F and have some final questions

Hell yeah I did. That's cool he was in Lawrence. Was he attending KU or something? My girlfriend and I have been there! We wanna move there it's like, the greatest city I dunno. Also I drove 'cause I was on a student exchange, so being without my car would have been pretty shitty.

I have a credit card statement showing I've been in her hometown, but she doesn't have a corroborating statement because she doesn't have a credit card? She's also here with me so our access to her documents are kinda limited. She might have a bank statement showing deposits or withdrawals that line up with my credit card statement. My credit card statement, however, shows obvious evidence of like, elongated residence. Also, I have bank statements in my name that went to her US residence. Also, I have a social security card that was issued in August. She also has a "Visitor's record" right now, which is this full-page printout from the Canadian Border stating that she is, in fact, currently in Canada (you have to give it back when you leave). However, we don't have a matching set of credit card statements necessarily showing that we bought something at the exact same place at the exact same time? I dunno. It seems like that would be pretty redundant though considering I have mail addressed to her current legal residence. I dunno. What do you think?

I meant the affidavit that Rascal proposed, consisting of a friend or family vouching for us having met.

Also, I have some color photos printed of us. What should I mount them on, if anything? Should I tape them to a piece of paper or something?

No you dont need to get these notarized. Signing and dating them should be fine. Thats all we did.
If you have friends/ family writing affidavits for you, confirming they know you are a couple etc. then they need to get these notarized by the a public notary .. maybe the local courthouse. As the notary will witness them signing their affidavit before stamping it.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-17 17:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout to send off I-129F and have some final questions
Also.. the intent to marry letter can be typed or written. Either is fine, as long as you both write on each. You can use the template on Visa Journey if you want and just customize it to suit your needs. Remember you must hand sign and date the intent to marry letter, and your fuancee must sign and date theirs too. (in black ink only).
Another good idea is too #### a contents page that shows everything included in your petition package. This should be listed in the order it is filed in. This will ensure they can see everything you have included, and will look for anything on the list in your packet, instead of accidentally skipping a certain form/ document/ page and asking you to submit it again. This is what we did and it was all accepted ok.

not sure why it says #### on that message i just sent. it should say add

i think i may have put ss on the end of add by accident instead of the dd`s. lol!! :S
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-17 07:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAbout to send off I-129F and have some final questions
photocopies of airline tickets are also good if you still have them. Also affidavits from friends and family are also really good. I posted about affidavids from froends/ family in another thread with info and a template link. I will post the link on here for you.

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-17 07:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWill tourist visa be denied if consular new about K1 process?
I cant see any reason why they would have issues with it. I went to the U.S. to visit my fiance with our baby and traveled under the Visa Waiver Program on the ESTA travel authorization. I stayed just under 90 days. The consular officer knew i had a k-1 pending, and had no issues with it after seeing i had a return ticket. Make sure you have a return ticket when you travel, then they can see you have proof of returning.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-21 07:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSilly question

My fiancé's divorce is not yet final, can we go ahead and file a request for K1 and wait for both?

How long before the divorce is final?
You can still get all the paperwork ready for application and put together the evidence of your relationship. Remember you need to send a copy of the divorce certificate before you send the application off.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-21 15:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat are the chances....
Last time i visited the U.S. was 1st December 2012. I entered the U.S. at Minneapolis airport and i spoke with a consular officer mentioning our k-1 application. (he checked this) I told him i had a return ticket and he asked to see the return itinerary. I think it helps a lot of you have your return itinerary with you as proof of your booked return flight. I was allowed to stay for up to 90 days on the Visa Waiver Program (ESTA). Plus i had our baby with me (but he is a U.S. citizen and traveled on a U.S. passport) not sure if that made any difference. But the return ticket did. I showed him the online booking i printed off my email prior to flying.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-22 12:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresContacting Col. Paul Cook, Local Congressmen

Email your congressman. Why is everyone so complacent? They are understaffed?? Really? Then they are wayyyyyy over-funded. With all the fees they are raking in, they need to get better management to address workload processing, which includes using those funds to hire more people. Simply saying that they are understaffed is only playing USCIS apologist.

That being said, if the OP would like me to post what I sent (a general complaint letter, since I am only 111 days in and can't really start moaning about my own case, yet... I am mostly outraged for July and August -- and now September -- folks). We all need to whine and moan and complain. Only by voicing our outrage will things ever have any hope of changing. Stop making excuses for a federal agency that is failing in its mandate.

Sorry for the rant....

well said!! :thumbs:
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-22 20:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo i have to wait for NOA2 to get the police report?

Hey I paid $78 today to get my fingerprints electronically sent to the RMCP in order to get my police report. It will take 7-10 business days to receive it. Otherwise you can send your fingerprints on paper, from your local police station, to the RMCP which will take 18 weeks to process OMG!! as to why I paid extra to get it soon. The report is valid for a year. Now I just have to get my NZ police report. Hope this info helps!!

Its madness isnt it?! The police department here only do fingerprints on paper. They only do electronic fingerprinting for people who have committed crimes. Guess i should have broken the window while i was there! lol. But then i would get a criminal record... no win situation!!
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-22 20:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo i have to wait for NOA2 to get the police report?
I have made an appointment to get my fingerprints done tomorrow at my local Police Department. Then I will send them to Canada on the form they requested, so they can do a police clearance for me. It costs 69.40 british pounds to get these fingerprints done (around $106 U.S.Dollars), plus $25.00 Canadian Dollars to do the Canadian Police clearance. Expensive fingerprinting!
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-20 09:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo i have to wait for NOA2 to get the police report?

Hey i was just wondering if while I am waiting for the NOA2 if i can get a police report ready? Do I just ask for one at my local police station? Also i was born in New Zealand but i have Canadian citizenship do i need a police report from NZ as well? Any info appreciated!! Thanks

Yes, you will need a police report from NZ. And as you were born there it would be good to get this done anyway, as i am sure they would request you to do this. It would be best to research how long it takes to receive the police report. For me, i have to do a Canadian one, and that takes at least 11 weeks. So i am guessing it will take about 3 months before its complete, as i have to allow for it to be mailed to my U.K. address. Plus i read on their website that they have a lot of applications at the moment, so it could take slightly longer to receive. So check the NZ police website for this, as i am sure they will give the processing times there. And if it takes a while, it would probably be best to do it now.. judging by your timeline, you have been waiting a while already for your NOA2, so if it takes a few weeks to get it, then i am sure it would still be valid once you receive your NOA2. It may take 2 or 3 months to receive the police report, plus allow mailing time from NZ for it to arrive to you.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-20 09:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo i have to wait for NOA2 to get the police report?

I'm not sure where you are in the process but filing for a police certificate from Canada when you are not in Canada requires fingerprinting to be done and sent to them and it can take a VERY long time. You may want to apply sooner rather than later, I have seen some requests take 4-5 months to get the police reports back.

On the application instructions for the Canadian criminal record check, it says it takes 11 weeks if you dont match any RCMP fingerprint holding, and 120 days or more if they match to an RCMP fingerprint holding. I am thinking of doing this Canadian criminal record check now in case the check takes longer. I just wish i had some idea how long i will have to wait not till i receive my NOA2. Being that it could arrive at at any time, i think it would be wise for me to submit this record check applciation now.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-20 07:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo i have to wait for NOA2 to get the police report?
I am the beneficiary. I was in Canada for 2 years. I came to Canada from the U.K. as a visitor (my ex husband was Canadian), and overstayed my visit! However , i left Canada March 2011 and never went back again. Do i need a police certificate from Canada? If so, would i have trouble getting one because of this? (I never got into any trouble with the police at all over there.)
Also.. do you think the fact that i overstayed in Canada will be a problem in my K-1 application?

Would just like to add that i have never overstayed any visits during times present in the U.S.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-19 14:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1-visa applied, moving with a kid. Experiences ab moving with a kid?

Glad a thread has come up about this.:-)

I will be moving to Florida hopefully on a k1 visa and will be taking my year old baby. He is my fiance's Son and already registered his birth at the American Embassy and has a US passport.

My question is (and it maybe silly), does my baby have to go through any medical? If he already has dual citizenship, he shouldn't have to as he should be good to go, right?

Any helpful answers will be appreciated.

Thanks, Sinead

Same here. Our son is a dual citizen too. He shouldnt need a medical as he is already a U.S. citizen.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-22 21:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTourist Visa denied then K1 Fiance visa!! MENA

Hey Moonlight,

No one really knows what the Consular or Embassy will think, or what the result of your interview will be. It could go anyway at all. Many ppl here will tell you that it seemed the Consular Officer already had their decision made, before you even had the interview. The really important thing is that you are honest, and that you provide the proof to back up your honesty. Letters from your family would be good. Just let things with your fiance, evolve naturally. If he is planning on converting, and does so before the interview... good. If he does not feel ready, or does not want to convert, before the interview... good too. Cause really, I think it doesn't matter. They will look at the information you have given them, and form it in their mind however they want to. For good or for bad. So i think its best just to let it happen naturally, and at least that way you will both feel comfortable with your choices, and comfortable giving honest answers at the interview. Just be prepared to be questioned about this, only because as other ppl have mentioned, its not the cultural/religious norm.
Hamza is a Muslim man, and I am a christian by cultural and religious standards its permissible for him to marry me. BUT they still questioned (really grilled him on this) him about this at the interview. They also called his father and questioned him about this, and they also called me and questioned me too... but we were all honest, and we eventually got his visa, after some AP time. If I had converted, just to make it easier to marry, or to look better for immigration, I would have been very uncomfortable answering the Embassy's questions, and I think it would have been obvious. SO as always let things happen naturally, and honestly. Good luck.


I love your video. You guys look so good together... (L) and extremely happy!!! (L)
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-24 19:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOngoing Relationship evidence
Thank you! it takes a lot of weight off my mind!
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-25 08:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOngoing Relationship evidence
(I also have emails, cards, hotel bookings, photos, flight itineraries, barcoded luggage tags from flights, boarding passes, notarized affidavits from friends and family, copy of an old tenancy agreement (place he used to rent, but since moved, however he still has the same landlord) with me and my fiancee`s name on.) I included all this evidence in our k-1 application. Is this enough evidence that i included?

Plus - Since this k-1 application was sent, i have been back to the U.S.A with our baby to visit my fiancee, spent Christmas there with his family and our sons birthday with his family. I have photos of this too, plus ATM and shopping recepts from me shopping over there, hotel bookings, me and our baby`s flight itineraries , our boarding passes, barcoded luggage tags, up to date emails from before and after my visit to the U.S., valentines card my fiancee gave me in February, my fiancee`s 2012 tax returns and employment information, and a statement of earnings from one of his paychecks dated 09/02/2012.
Would this be enough evidence to take to my future interview?

I attended the London Embassy, United Kingdom for our son`s Consular Report of Birth. He has his passport and report of birth certificate and is a U.S. citizen. During the process of the Consular Report of Birth, my fiancee had documents signed and notarized as requested by the embassy. The one document was an affidavit of parentage that was signed in front of a public notary to prove his consent that he is our child`s father. The other was a document that showed his consent to issue our son his U.S. passport, signed in front of a public notary. Before handing these original documents in to the London Embassy, I had them photocopied.
I included these photocopies in our k-1 petition, along with a photocopy of our sons report of birth (certificate).
Are these photocopies good evidence of our ongoing relationship? I thought it would be, as it shows that we worked together as parents to get our sons U.S. citizenship. These documents for my sons report of birth were taken to the Embassy back in June 2012. Is this good evidence??
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-24 18:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa denied under section 221g
what department are you contacting?
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-24 15:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa denied under section 221g
Not by email. You need to call them.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-24 15:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 visa denied under section 221g
did you ask them if they extend the petiton`s expiry date?
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-24 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresService request
And how is it that VSC is processing July 2 applications when CSC is processing July 18.. and CSC is not approving anywhere near as many applications as VSC. They are ahead of CSC by miles!, so i dont understand why they would still be processing July 2 applications. Surely they would be on mid/ late July?! Something is wrong somewhere!
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-25 18:45:00