USCIS Service CentersCalifornia USCIS has Stoped????????????/

Looking at the data on the USCIS website CSC only completed 1000 applications combined in Dec and Jan. Where VSC has completed 8800 applications in the same time span. I would post the link to where I got this data but VJ will not allow me.

When I first filed my application I was happy to see I was sent to CSC now I am very disappointed.

Wow thats quite a difference in applications completed :o
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-23 12:16:00
USCIS Service CentersCalifornia USCIS has Stoped????????????/

I am in the same boat. My little dude (also already got his CRBA and passport) is down in Peru growing up without me. He will be 1 next month and luckily I am able to go down and be with him on his first birthday. I don't know if you have the same luxury... I hope so... if not, I really feel for you loads.

I too hope this is over soon, but I won't stop at just hope... I am going to push as much as I am able to get my family up here with me.

Good luck fellow traveler :)

:thumbs: I am the beneficiary. I went over to the U.S for christmas until feb 24. (our sons 1st birthday was 6 feb) so we were able to spend it together as a family. I feel lucky that we were able to do this. It took us a year to save up for the flights! My fiancee had to miss the birth of our now 1 year old. I hope things start to move faster with processing times!

Good luck to you and your family.. you will be together soon. :star:
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-22 21:27:00
USCIS Service CentersCalifornia USCIS has Stoped????????????/

Ummm. Well, I can certainly imagine that I will be interested in different threads after I am done with this stage. So, you will probably hear little from on threads about this particular type of subjects. Look for me on Embassy topics and later I will be found on the AOS forum.

I don't know that I have seen anyone "belittle" your case. They simply have pointed out that you are making statements about how they should feel when they are waiting far longer than you had to. I see them more as pleas for a little empathy and understanding. Being only 120 days in myself, I can only imagine what July, August and September folks are feeling. My heart goes out to them. I have urged many to join me in applying whatever pressure we can to try and fix a broken system. Maybe its Quixotic, but if everyone maintains this type of attitude and pressure instead of displaying utter complacency, maybe things will change.

You talk about not being done with USCIS. Okay, fine. AOS will be a walk in the park. Why? Because I will be with my family. Maybe we will get a little frothy in the mouth if AP and EAD take much longer than is expected, but the AOS is just paperwork. The longer that takes, the more layers of proof of our genuine relationship we'll have. It will cause the gates for the other visa hurdles to stretch out a bit, but okay... we'll be together. We'll be living our lives. Much much different. Again, I think (and forgive me if I am mistaken) this shows a lack of empathy on your part. Of course, as I say it, my own words haunt me... maybe it is lack of empathy on my part... I constantly say everybody's case is different, and I suppose the same could be said for AOS... I admit that I don't personally see it, but I will reflect on this. Sorry if my hypocrisy has offended anyone. I will atone after a period of reflection on this aspect of the process.

Okay, back to USCIS-bashing :)

All i care about is being reunited as a family.. being together every day. I dont care how long the wait is for anything else. I just want to be with my fiancee and bring our baby boy home to his daddy. He is missing out on seeing him grow. I doubt he will get to see him learn to walk. And i doubt our son will remember his daddy by the time we get to be together as a family. My son is a U.S. citizen and i wish i could bring him home to be with his dad. I am trying to stay positive but its tough on the phone to my fiancee who is depressed and missing his son. I have to try and stay positive for them both, and i keep telling him we will be together soon.. just wish it was soon!
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-22 20:29:00
USCIS Service CentersCalifornia USCIS has Stoped????????????/

Here's one opinion

<< Since DACA went into effect, it went from "we won't process these petitions until fees collected allow hiring of additional resources" and "These petitions will take 3-6 months to process" to nearly IMMEDIATE approvals (over 100,000 so far), nearly 500,000 applications received, and as many as 600,000 still expected. CSC is practically at a standstill and slowing. Couple that with potential for more chaos from any comprehensive package passing this year and some people are going to be in for a loooooong wait. It is nice to know that these are being prioritized over petitions filed by american CITIZENS, and accelerated beyond capacity of the USCIS to use due diligence, while we are scrutinized under a microscope and made to wait. These folks are already here and have been here for years. God forbid they had to wait another 6 months for a work permit. I'm so pissed right now. If you check the USCIS website for case status, it now says they won't even have new cases online for 30-45 days after receiving them. Just a month ago it was pretty much the same day. They are being overwhelmed. Political pressure has dictated what is to be priority, and it's not us. Good luck to everyone waiting. >>


rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-22 16:00:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC is making people upset
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-24 14:39:00
USCIS Service CentersMoving target
Yes they are not consistent with anything they say. Too much bureaucracy to get anything done. (e.g. asking for the same documents over and over.. wastes time and money) They make something simple so complicated!
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-22 20:40:00
I think we need to sign a petition about all these delays. Its not like situation was not bad enough already! Every day their work load gets higher and higher which is causing more setbacks. The way its going we will be lucky to get an approval this year! Petition to the ombudsman???
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-26 16:04:00

Step 1 - put a group of porta potty's outside the CSC office
Step 2 - use hand sanitizer
Step 3 - work on K1 Visa's

problem solved

:thumbs: :thumbs: lame excuse to take a couple of days holiday! wish we could all do this!!
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-26 08:14:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC Closed for 2 days
I have not seen any CSC petitions approved on here in a very long time. Petitions are approved every day from the VSC. I think they have completely stopped processing k-1`s at the CSC. I dont think this delay will make any difference. Until their work load goes down, i dont see thay will be approving any k-1`s any time soon. I am expecting at lest a 9-10 month wait. So i am guessing i will hear something around July at the earliest. If delays continue for another 2 months, then i am sure i will not hear anything until September-October at the earliest.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-26 11:18:00
USCIS Service CentersCalifornia Service Center.....what is going ON????

Fiance = male
Fiancee = female

That is where the confusion came in.

either way, we are not elegible for the DCF route, as in our case the U.S. citizen has not resided in the U.K. for 60 days and doesnt have authorization to do so. When the U.S. citizen resides in the U.S., you have to go through the process at the California Service Center (unfortunately in our case :`( Had we the chance to do the DCF, i think we would have totally gone for it. The wait at the CSC is a long time. Probably going to be a 10 month wait to hear about an approval. Would be nice if we could have just dealt with it at the London Embassy from day 1. I would have thought it would have been easier to do clearance checks on me from there.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-27 17:39:00
USCIS Service CentersCalifornia Service Center.....what is going ON????

I think I just got totally confused. I thought the USC was a woman who gave birth in the UK because the USC was being referred to as "fiancee" which is the term for a female. I thought the USC was resident in the UK at some point. Frankly, the whole thing is rather confusing.

lol i did say he was in the U.S and i was only refering to the word fiancee as my other half who i plan to marry. my fiancee as being a he not a she. Like i said in the previous post:
"So it made sense for us to go for the U.S. fiancee visa, as my fiancee has a good job over there and has also finished his degree." So this would mean i am female, and the beneficiary in the U.K.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-27 12:05:00
USCIS Service CentersCalifornia Service Center.....what is going ON????
we thought of getting married in the U.K. but there was no way he could have taken time off work to do this. He would not have got enough holiday time to do this for a long time, as he had just started a new job.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-27 10:18:00
USCIS Service CentersCalifornia Service Center.....what is going ON????

HUH? DCF and being married in America is not fraud. I think you are thinking of entering the US under the VWP with intent to immigrate and adjusting status.

Yes i think i am confused here. How would i have done the DFC? Would i have got married in the U.S. 1st?
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-27 10:12:00
USCIS Service CentersCalifornia Service Center.....what is going ON????
i would not want to move to somewhere else in the EU and have him quit his job, with an unfinished degree.. theres no future in that for us.we have to look at the long term situation.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-27 10:03:00
USCIS Service CentersCalifornia Service Center.....what is going ON????

You could have done the EU loophole and been back to the UK in a year or two, no wait apart. :unsure:

I have the same problem with the UK, so it would be difficult to do for us, however we can live anywhere else in the EU. Don't underestimate those EU rights if you really find the UK appealing.

I'm so confused - you have a child who was born in the UK by your American fiancee. Why didn't you just marry at the time and do DCF? :unsure:

We looked at this, but DCF being married in the u.s. would have been classed as fraud, as i was on the visa waiver program.
i did not want to risk a 10 year - lifetime ban in the U.S.
with my fiancee`s better work situation recently, it makes sense for us to be together in the U.S. As we are more likely to be able to buy our own family house eventually.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-27 10:01:00
USCIS Service CentersCalifornia Service Center.....what is going ON????

For a nation absolutely built on immigration, I am astonished at how painful this process is proving to be.

When we initially applied for the fiancé visa back in August 2012 it was a toss up between the UK or the US and we figured the US visa might be a better option because they have a more established and defined immigration service....and because we figured we'd be applying through California, which typically processed more quickly than Vermont....

....boy were we wrong!!!

Here we all are, doing it absolutely by the book (many don't!!) following all the procedures and paying the fees. And what do we get? 8 months of nothing.. Nothing, nothing, nothing!!

And now the latest is that the California Service Center is closed.....because the toilets don't flush. I am absolutely lost for words at this process.

Anyone else out there staggered, astonished and appalled at how awful this process is, I feel your pain!

We are September filers. Its a nightmare! We have a 1 year old baby together, and couldnt apply in the U.K for my fiancee`s visa, as I do not earn enough to do this. i look after the baby full time. Part time work would no where near give me the required amount to sponsor my fiancee.. even though our son was born over here and is a dual citizen. It makes me mad! Especially that the law changed in the U.K regarding immigration, in that you can no longer have a co-sponsor. So i am forced to leave the U.K. with our British born son. Yet apparently people who are illegal in the U.K. and commit rape and other nasty crimes are allowed to stay?! So it made sense for us to go for the U.S. fiancee visa, as my fiancee has a good job over there and has alost finished his degree. I find it amazing that the California Service Center actually manage to get anything done at all. The plumbing issue is a minor problem that could have been dealt with by providing temporary facilities for staff.. just like everywhere else does, even during building! I find the whole process so unprofessional. Everything is run so poorly!

*almost finished his degree
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-27 09:31:00
USCIS Service Centersdear biological clock is ticking....
[quote name='pachacuti' timestamp='1364953006' post='6114163']
I relayed that to her :) Made her day. Thanks.

She looks amazing :thumbs:
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-02 20:52:00
USCIS Service Centersdear biological clock is ticking....

Why only ladies can have a biological clock ticking??? :D I'll be 40 in June, and unfortunately life has been such that I don't have children yet. I don't want to be 60 years old with a 3 year old!!! can have biological clocks too!!! :P :rofl:

The saddest part is that life is much too short, and every day that USCIS lets go by, it's a day in the life of your loved one that you can never have back, all because we've managed to meet someone in a country different from ours, and our GOVERNMENTS have rules and regulations. I guess we should be happy USCIS didn't exist when our families came off the boat to begin with...well most of us anyways. ;)

But women`s biological clock runs out before a mans. Most men mature later in life, and are more ready for children by their late 30`s - 40`s. For women, some go through menopause as early as their late 30`s, some in their early 40`s.. some late 40`s... just depends.
our 1st baby was born last February, and my fiance is 43. I am 32 (i gave birth to our son in the U.K. while he was U.S. he was unable to be there for the birth). You still have plenty of time :)
Our son was about 10 months old when i was finally able to travel to the U.S. Its extremely demanding and tiering looking after a baby 24/7 without him! So hopefully this visa will not take forever. As i dont have anyone to babysit or help out much with the baby, so i do not get to go out anywhere.. like the gym or meeting friends for an hour in the day. Its extra depressing being away from my fiance. Definately our lives are on hold.. and its impossible for me to work from home.. as i cant be with my fiance on his days off work when he would be able to look after our little boy. Hurry up CSC!! :(
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-02 20:43:00
USCIS Service Centersdear biological clock is ticking....

My fiancee had our little dude at 41. Not even CSC can take that long for you :)

she looks way younger! i though she was in her early-mid 30`s.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-02 20:25:00
USCIS Service CentersToday on Barak Obama FB page. Let's Storm it!

From the site, it would appear that it is not. It seems to be an example of one of the problems that Mr. Obama intends to address with his executive orders:

"I migrated to the U.S. with my parents in 1986. We were lucky to have had the opportunity to enter the U.S. legally. However, my now husband did not have the means to be able to migrate in the same manner. He migrated to the U.S. in 1993 and remained illegal until 2008 due to advice by lawyers that there was no way he could fix his status. When we finally decided to apply for his U.S. residency, his visa was denied and he has been in Mexico for 5 years now...and in the meantime we continue to be separated."

So, 5 year separation? They have my sympathy.

I am definitely not opposed to DACA and other types of deferral actions. I am just opposed to them being made a priority at the expense of other, more legitimate, visa petitions (and, yes, I consider family visa petitions to be more legitimate, as they are not intended to correct some past, let's say "inability", to follow the law. At most, they should just queue up along with the rest of us.

But what do I know? I am apparently supposed to be spending my time getting to know my fiancee.

Its hard for us all being away from family.. you really do feel it more when you have a child together. As a parent, theres nothing worse than seeing your child suffer in any way. And being separated from a parent effects every child. I dont want my little one to forget his daddy and have to get to know him all over again and re bond.. every time we have to separate. I know this will happen if i visit again and can oly stay for 90 days together!
I really feel for all families legal or illegal in these situations. I do think that the Government should have staffed the whole issue adequately. They never organized this accordingly. This had caused many problems and delays, and it is causing them to get more and more back logged.

I really hate having to keep moving our baby to and away from his dad.. i know this confuses him. It takes weeks for him to settle and bond with his dad, and then by the time he does, we have to leave again. So upsetting!!

Edited by rascalcat, 04 April 2013 - 09:28 PM.

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-04 21:25:00
USCIS Service CentersI-129F Delay at the CSC: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Data

Agree and disagree ... yes they are not cutting in line, because there is no real line. There are sets of work to be done and the CSC is putting the illegals' work far ahead of ours.

Economic sense ... what does it matter? My fiancee will get a job soon after she is allowed to come here. Both her or an illegal can work and contribute to the US economy. And if you want to talk economic impact, consider that so many of us on VJ are sending money abroad via Western Union to help support our fiancees that doesn't see the light of day in the US. One of these days I would love to not be a hermit in my apartment and go out with my loved one and enjoy a nice dinner and a movie, go bowling, go shopping with her (did I really just say that?) ... things that can help our economy.

Also we still have to apply for work permits which again takes ages!! So we have no better starting situation that illegals. I think the work load was just handled poorly, and the government just did not prepare for the the inevitable. I myself would like to set my own business up eventually online, and would be bringing money in to the U.S. from all over the world.. who knows, maybe i will employ an accountant eventually = and give someone else paid work! I dont see how we can contribute any less compared to anyone else already in the U.S.. illegal or not. Especially if we prove we are NOT a public charge!

Its just silly that they should need to backlog applications causing further chaos for their departments. They would have been better off staffing this adequately, instead of making people panic who are illegal and legal! Both would get sorted out in a reasonable time frame more efficiently! And all applications have fees, so its not like they can not afford to staff this efficiently.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-27 10:41:00
USCIS Service CentersI Cannot Believe It!!

Stop the nonsense and start preparing for your fiancee to arrive. You have a lot to do.

The process is not broken, the process is not designed to answer the anxious questions of every petitioner. So stop it. You will only become more frustrated and accomplish nothing to help your fiancee.

You will get a notification in the mail when the petition is approved.

There is only so much you can do to prepare when you are thousands of miles apart. We already have everything ready for the interview.. with no guarantee of when we are going to get an interview. There is no excuse for the process to not be designed for being courteous over the telephone. The advice people are given by the USCIS is to contact by telephone to speak to a representative. There is also no reason why they should not be answering peoples concerns when we are seeing later petitions being processed Nov/ Dec petitions ahead of people still waiting from July.. who have everything in order. More than enough evidence with a contents page in correct order, plus the required paperwork included.
If they can cash so many cheques so fast, then there is no excuse to keep putting people on hold.
Clearly the system is broken, like most Government departments are. It was a terrible mess when i went to register my sons birth abroad for hos U.S. citizenship. The guy behind the desk was trying to argue that our son could be my ex husband`s.. even though i clearly pointed out the fact that we had been separated for 2 years prior, and my ex was in Canada while i was in the U.S. at the time of conception (my passport clearly showed). But apparently he though it was possible that i could have been pregnant for 12 months (even if he thought i had still been with my ex.. i left Canada 12 months before my son was born!) Imagine that.. 12 weeks overdue?! ummm i think not!!! i would have been induced at 2 weeks overdue at the latest! Then when they finally issued my son`s U.S. passport, they sent the wrong passport. Not only did they send the wrong passport, but they also sent me someone`s old passport and an enclosed envelope with that persons address on that it was supposed to have been mailed in... WOW! Clearly someone was not doing their job properly!
Then i was on hold for at least an hour over the phone, trying to notify them of this mistake! When i finally got through, the representative did not at all seem surprised that this had happened as if he deals with this a lot. So i am guessing they send a lot of wrong documents out to people.
I can quite honestly say that they actually made a complete hash of everything! It delayed my son`s passport and i had to mail everything back to them.
It makes me wonder if they just drag people off the street to work in their offices?! :bonk:

lol my fiance is Native American (lived in the U.S. all his life.. and they saw his birth certificate, driving licence, SSN and dates he served in U.S. Army and Marines) and.. is a Crow Creek tribal member .. and they were still arguing whether my fiance was actually an American citizen at the interview. :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:

Edited by rascalcat, 14 April 2013 - 11:28 AM.

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-14 11:20:00
USCIS Service CentersNew info regarding CSC

Other than being frustrated with Government, my fiancee understands. Unfortunately however her family has been far less than gracious. They keep telling her that I'm scamming her and that she will never come, even though they all know me from my nearly two years working in Uganda. It's really stressing my fiancee out with all the aunties and uncles making snide remarks.

Sorry to hear about snide remarks for her family members. Its none of their business! Anyway, i am sure you talk to each other regularly, and as long as you communicate well and re assure each other then you have nothing to worry about. After the NOA2, things move along quickly.
rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-17 12:32:00
USCIS Service CentersCSC any approvals today?
i have just been approved.. no RFE! :thumbs: i just posTed about it in the forum too. our (NOA1 was sept 14, so it took just over 7 months)

Edited by rascalcat, 20 April 2013 - 06:08 AM.

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-20 06:04:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Mine was in Admin Processing for 2 days before it changed to Issued too.

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-29 11:19:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

At last! Looks like things are finally starting to move along!! 

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-29 07:51:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

I agree with the above post.. you have to be pretty much there now, and should hear something any time now!! I know i was anxious waiting for mine.Longet we have been apart since we filed the i-129f was about a year! As i gave birth to our son in the UK and my fiance had just started an new job. We didnt have the funds for him to fly over for the birth. So i gave birth on my own, with just 2 nurses present lol. And we couldnt make it back over to the US untill our son was almost 1 after the birth. So it was a long wait for him to see me and his newborn son! We did make ot over last chrisrmas, and stayed for our sons birthday, but of course i had to return before i overstayed.. so me and baby had to leave him in feb.. havent seen him since. We cant wait to be together now. It has been a long depressing road.. more for my fiance because he has also been apart from his son. So glad we will be home to him soon and can finally get on with our lives as a family. I have had to be a single parent while here in the UK.. being mom and dad to my little boy while he has to be apart from his dad. Its going to be amazing when we all reunite!

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-27 08:22:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Keeping my fingers crossed for you all.. hopefully it will be any day now that the embassy receive your packages for the courier. I am sat here waiting for mine to be delivered today, as i had a call yesterday that my passport etc. is being delivered today. Will be glad when i have it in hand and can check that all the details on the visa are correct.. only thing left for me to worry about!





rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-23 03:05:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

The whole thing is just poorly organized. I am not sure why the embassy would need to do additional background checks after the interview, especially after approval. They already have the best part of a year to do all the checks they need to do.  It takes a long time to get the documents to the courier. Government departments do not seem to be able to communicate with each other in order to get things done efficiently. Such simple things that my 1 year old son could organize it better!

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-22 16:16:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

The Embassy must be having a lot of stressed callers over this. I think they will end up scrapping this new courier system.

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-22 12:40:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??


I actually have no idea who they are. I am beyond frustrated. Apparently I need to contact the embassy to sort this out because they didn't give 'permission' for my passport to be home delivered.


Lost, I have. They are just saying that I need to collect it from the collection depot and that if I wanted it delivered I have to sort out things with the embassy.

Also they must be stupid or something, because the whole point of you wanting it delivered is because you cant travel to the depot to collect it. Thats why we are paying for delivery. Its your right to request it be the fact that you have already paid for this. They are shrugging their responsibilities to you as the customer.  

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-22 12:26:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

That is crazy! What the hell are they doing?! They should be sorting this out with the embassy themselves as you have already paid. What did the embassy say about this? They cant take money off you for a delivery that they have not arranged to make. Sounds like they have not offered to refund you, so they have to deliver. Lack of communication between the courier and the embassy. Typical of a government department!



rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-22 12:23:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??


I actually have no idea who they are. I am beyond frustrated. Apparently I need to contact the embassy to sort this out because they didn't give 'permission' for my passport to be home delivered.


Lost, I have. They are just saying that I need to collect it from the collection depot and that if I wanted it delivered I have to sort out things with the embassy.

That is crazy! What the hell are they doing?! They should be sorting this out with the embassy themselves as you have already paid. What did the embassy say about this?

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-22 12:19:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Is it necessary to call DOS or the courier if my fiancé's status is still in administrative processing? It's been there since August 6th....12 business days. My fiancé had all of his documents, and nothing suspicious or anything. What could be taking this long?? Will they be able to tell us what's going on or will they just say its in administrative processing? He already paid the delivery fee over the phone a few days ago, does that mean its ready to be delivered? They told my fiancé he would have his visa in hand by the 20th.

Not sure why they took a payment for delivery over the phone if they dont have it to mail out yet. As the courier told me they couldnt take a payment for delivery until they had it in hand ready to send out. I think they are making a right mess of this!! 

Call the embassy to see if they have received it yet to send out to the courier. If not, then call DOS as they might be slow updating on the CEAC tracker. Mine said issued 2 days before the courier received it to mail out.. my updates seemed to be afew days behind the stage it was actually at.

Also i think it is poor that the courier does not email a receipt for delivery payment.


I think you need to phone the couriers and start getting mad if it's just sat at one of their depots. Have the payment receipt numbers handy for the deliveries you've already paid for (and any corresponding tracking numbers) and ask them what they're doing about getting your passport to you. 

Yes. You have already paid for delivery. This is their responsibilty. They were fast enough to take the delivery fee! If the courier has it, then they should be sending it out to you, not messing you around. I cant see any reason why they cant just send it out if you have paid delivery. Terrible system!

Edited by rascalcat, 22 August 2013 - 12:16 PM.

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-22 12:14:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Actually want to cry. I've rung that number you posted rascalcat and they told me once again I need to go and collect it or sort it out with CSC. I have no idea what to do now except go up to London again and go and get it after paying twice for home delivery sad.png.

Why are they telling you to sort it out with CSC. Isnt CSC the California Service Center? 

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-22 12:06:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

The courier system is confusing. Originally they told me to wait for a confirmation email from them. An email never arrived. 

Its always best to  call them yourself to sort these issues out, as you can explain exactly what you are waiting for to be delivered, what you were instructed to do (whether you payed online or was told at the interview to wait to be called), and how long ago you had your interview at the Embassy. As they seem to have different ways of dealing with the delivery, depending if you did things online or not. Personally i think they should scrap the online payment etc. for delivery online, as it doesnt seem very efficient. It would be better to pay at the Embassy on the same day as the interview for delivery, so that they can deliver straight to your door (none of this collecting at a hub business when you have already paid for delivery!). Plus the embassy always gave receipts for delivery payment which was nice, as you had automatic proof you paid, and the date etc. Much more professional and simple. I dont understand why they scrapped the courier payment desk at the embassy. 

Edited by rascalcat, 22 August 2013 - 08:45 AM.

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-22 08:40:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Awesome news - congrats! smile.png



Our interview was 8/13 and still nothing yet..really hoping we hear today.


I have a dumb general UK question - if I'm counting out 10 business days which was how long the Embassy said it could take, Monday is a bank holiday in the UK...does anyone know if the embassy follow US holidays or UK holidays?  I'm assuming a courier would still be open on a bank holiday but maybe not over there?

It is listed as a summer bank holiday on the London Embassy website at: http://london.usemba...v/ukpubhol.html

DX do not operate on Monday 26 August, as it is a bank holiday. But they resume as normal the next day on tuesday 27 August.

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-22 08:34:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Hopefully someone here can answer this.  When they deliver your Visa, do they require identification or just a signature?  If they require ID, what can you use if all you have with your picture is your passport which is in the package being delivered?  My fiance doesn't have any other government issued ID besides her passport.  She has credit cards and a bank card in her name but nothing from her government or with her picture.  Hoping some who have already had or will have their passports delivered in the near future could chime in and let me know.  Hoping it's not going to be a problem.  I'm sure I'm overthinking it, but better safe than sorry

The courier just spoke to over the phone today as they are delivering mine tomorrow. They told me that you can use driving licence, debit or credit card, or a bank statement. (just has to be something official with the recipient`s name on). I am guessing you could also use a birth certificate too.

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-22 08:27:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

I heard from the courier today. They told me that they received my items for delivery this morning, and they took payment over the phone by card. (delivery fee was around £8)

They told me they are going to deliver it tomorrow. good.gif finally!

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-22 08:21:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

Interviewed 15th of August, issued on CEAC 16th of August, still waiting i've heard nothing. Seems like as usual they don't do anything in chronological order.

My interview was 12th August, and didnt show up as `Ready` for interview on the CEAC website on 16 August. So they were late updating! Then the status went to `Administrative Processing` on 19 August. Then it went to `Issued` on 20 August. And the Courier have only just received my package with my passport etc. in. They called me today to take the payment for delivey and they are delivering it tomorrow. The courier should have yours soon now. You may hear from them tomorrow or by Monday.

rascalcatFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-22 08:10:00