CanadaOctober 2011 Montreal Interviews
Mine's Oct. 19!!! Haven't booked a hotel yet, but I'll probably just Hotwire it:)
CaliDreamin'FemaleCanada2011-09-25 23:20:00
CanadaMontreal Interviews
I don't know if this means anything, but right before the last batch of appointments became available, the website was down for maintenance. I set my alarm for when it was supposed to come back online, and then refreshed for an hour when they all popped up. Might be coincidence but worth noting!

Good luck!
CaliDreamin'FemaleCanada2011-09-23 14:47:00
CanadaMontreal Interviews
I just booked an appointment for Oct. 18th! I can't believe it! I really thought they would be months away! That means this whole process for me (if interview goes well) is under 5 months!!
There are quite a few more days available everybody, so jump online!
CaliDreamin'FemaleCanada2011-09-14 11:38:00
CanadaMontreal Interviews
I don't think there's anyway to know for sure which month the appointments will be in, but reading back in the forums, it seems like they tend to be 3 months away.
Maybe now that summer's over things will start moving along again!
CaliDreamin'FemaleCanada2011-09-06 22:36:00
CanadaMontreal Interviews
I received my packet 4 last week and have trying, but nothing :( Granted it has been a long weekend though.

It would be great to hear from people who get through so we can jump on the site. All this refreshing is going to be very time consuming!
CaliDreamin'FemaleCanada2011-09-06 12:39:00
CanadaAre they trying to "weed us out?"
Lets all let each other know when someone gets through :) I'd hate for the day that they finally open up appointments to be the day I'm not at my computer!
CaliDreamin'FemaleCanada2011-09-10 18:15:00
CanadaDS 230

I too had this question as I have crossed the border many times living only 10 min. away for years. I would cross to fill with gas. NVC said to put the dates I could remember and just explain what I told them. So I filled out a supplementary form to add to the packet.

They want to know if you have ever been on business or previously resided there, so if you have only been a "visitor" just state that.:thumbs:That's all you should need.

Cheers Jewel
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-04-21 21:45:00
CanadaElectronic processing
Hi all,

I wondering how many out there in visa world have "opted in" to electronic processing. Also what your experiences good or bad may be.

I've found it to be a bit awkward as the operators at NVC are still new to this and the info is still scarce except for the help on here. Somehow they lost us the first go round or there was a communication breakdown. So hopefully here we can share the questions and stories.

Currently waiting for them to acknowledge "optin" all papers set to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

all the best to all of you "patiently waiting".

:whistle:[attachment=12742:IMG_2687.jpg] Springtime in Vancouver
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-04-27 14:57:00
CanadaTravel to US while application pending

Hello all,

Well, we've just sent off our DS-230 and checklist to Montreal, we're doing DCF. We are hoping to hear soon of course, but I doubt it will be in time for a family wedding we have at the end of June in the US. The USC can go to the US at any time right? But can the Canadian applicant/beneficiary travel while the immigration application is still in process? Could we be denied entry? I'd have a return ticket, show the wedding invite, get a letter from the boss verifying return to work, but even then might it not be enough? I know the official answer - the customs officer has right to deny entry as he/she feels fit, but I'm just wondering if any of you have any experience or recommendations about this. I can stay back and let my wife attend alone if needed, but of course I prefer to go too if I can...

Thanks in advance.

I have traveled back and forth at least every six weeks... for the last year. Hubby is the US citizen. I've not had any problems so far. I think as long as you have info with you to show ties to Canada ie. rent receipts, hydro bills, banking statements and return ticket info printed you will be fine. The questions I've been asked are :

1. when are you returning
2. where are you staying
3. purpose of visit

They've only asked once to see my evidence, but its still always nerve racking. Last time my hubby accompanied me and they asked nothing, just said " bye". We both figure all the info is in the system when they scan your passport. I always hope that the CPB has had a good day!

Go enjoy! :thumbs:
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-04-28 20:17:00
CanadaHas anyone visited Canada during the CR-1 process?

Its important to say who your visiting. One time my husband crossed the border and brought some things with him, he was between jobs. He didn't mention he was staying with me and they called him in for questioning. Once inside he mentioned he was visiting "his wife". They expressed "why didn't you say so?"

After a few more questions, and identity check they let him through with a firm statement " no reason not to say who your visiting!".

He is up visiting me at least every two months. The more they see your comings and goings the less either border office worries about your returning to your home country. Plus it also helps for when you need to prove your relationship.

Its so nice to be able to have your mate get to know your home stomping grounds!:yes:

Enjoy the visit, these are great memories in the making!

All the best,
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-05-02 15:27:00
CanadaDomestic abuse
Okay a wolverine no!:rofl:

Common sense must prevail.

911 is the best choice.

Its nice to see the humor on here, and we sure need it going through the visa process!(F)
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-05-05 16:13:00
CanadaDomestic abuse
Yes I would stop and do something, male or female, homeless person or not, animal too. Abuse is abuse!
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-05-05 15:27:00
CanadaDomestic abuse
After taking awhile to cool down myself last night as it was an emotional situation i reflected on the whole picture.

If a bystander doesn't have the courage to stop it, how should we expect the victim to have a voice. I repeat no one deserves this.

I used to volunteer for the crisis line so I know there are many avenues for victims to get help. Having said that I also know this goes much deeper. Like trailmix said many of these people have lost there self esteem and may not have jobs etc. A support network is needed for any victim of abuse and a NO TOLERANCE allowed as well. Hopefully making this subject more topical will help all those who are dealing with the situation realize there are places to go for help and that "we" as a society won't tolerate it.

Having stepped into this I realize I may have to testify in court. The police said they would pursue this even if the woman won't. Why, because there were THREE of us who saw it and stayed to report it. Now what happens from here I don't know. Hopefully the judge will deal with this in a manner that will benefit the victim. If all we did was prevent a possible murder I am relieved. My hope is this woman will go to get assistance and counselling to break free from this situation.

If this was happening in the dark of night the prudent thing to do is call 911. As it was daylight my judgement was to stay with the victim and yell at the perpetrator. Domestic abuse is a very volatile situation in which police take VERY seriously and CAREFULLY.

Living in Canada (till my visa comes through ) and having GUN CONTROL LAWS makes it a bit easier to do something. Although to ignore a violent situation in my mind makes you a party to it.

I know I needed to vent this so I can only guess how this poor woman felt!
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-05-05 12:35:00
CanadaDomestic abuse
I was on my way home tonight and saw a man pull a woman through the driver's window and violently hit her.

I stopped my car and yelled at him to stop. Another car pulled over as well. We called the police and he left.

What is wrong with our society!?

Fortunately for this poor woman 3 people stopped to help her. Unfortunately she didn't want us to talk to the police she was afraid he may lose custody of his kids. I HOPE SO! if he would do this in broad daylight what does he do behind closed doors? The police are going to pursue this as they have statements from 3 of us. She said this wasn't the first time so I hope she gets the help she needs and also the man who did this so no one else gets hurt.

I wondered how someone could ever ignore violence when I heard of the man who died on the street in New York while people walked by him.


Commentators said that possibly this was due to being over exposed to violence and becoming numb to it.

I'm so glad that there were other people tonight willing to stay, report it, and give this poor woman feedback that " NO ONE " deserves that.

I'm glad I live in a city where people still care and will stand up and say no.

Thanks also to our police officers!


JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-05-05 00:12:00
CanadaAmerican Girlfriend is Pregnant
Congrats on the baby!!!

Start this process ASAP as Montreal is taking what seems like forever to process, and have all documents when you cross the border showing ties to Canada.

Follow the guides, and if you have questions, "ask" don't just send it in hoping its right. People on here are extremely helpful.
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-05-05 16:48:00

Hope this is resolved quickly for you!!! Waiting isn't easy!!

all the best,
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-05-12 12:28:00
CanadaBack from Montreal Visa in Hand
Congrats! Next step moving! ;)
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-05-17 10:09:00
CanadaSetting the record straight.....
As everyone on here has said just bring rent receipts, utility bills, and be honest. The one time I was stopped I didn't think I needed to have those things, they still allowed me through with the warning to have them next time! I was naive about this process in the beginning. When you travel back and forth, and they see you come back when you say you will there doesn't seem to be a problem. They have all our info in the computer when they scan our passports. Homeland security doing their job.

The common questions I get .... business or pleasure and date of return.

Hope the POE has had a good day as well!:)
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-05-24 12:15:00
There are many of us blue about the wait. There are quite a few in the Sept. time frame still waiting.I feel for you though as your pregnant and that makes it more trying. Are you able to go visit him for awhile? At least its summer in Vancouver and the most beautiful time of the year! Maybe get out and take photo's so you will remember all the places and things you love here for a scrapbook for your wee one.

All the best for an interview date in July!!!(L)

I-130 Sent : Sept 1 2009
I-130 NOA1 : Sept 15 2009
I-130 RFE : Feb. 2 2010 They lost a passport photo.
I-130 RFE Sent : Feb. 6 2010
I-130 Approved : Feb 19 2010

NOA approved in 157 long days!!!

Journey through NVC

NVC Received : Mar 2 2010
Received DS-3032 / I-864 Bill : Mar 13 2010
Return Completed DS-3032 : Mar 13 2010
Receive IV Bill : Mar 13 2010
Pay IV Bill : Mar 17 2010
Pay I-864 Bill Mar 13 2010
Receive I-864 Package : Mar 15 2010
Return Completed I-864 : April 28 2010
Return completed DS -230 and Supporting Documents: April 28 2010

Optin Electronic

April 22 2010
April 28 2010 accepted !!!!!asked for confirmation of wishing to process electronically:bonk: We would like you to confirm how you prefer us to process your case. All future correspondence regarding this case must be done electronically if you chose to do so.:wacko:

April 28 2010
Dear Sir/Madam:

Please confirm our intent to apply and submit documents through this email.
Thank you.

Resent documents on May 5 2010 as per request.

May 21 Request for official divorce decree which they already have. I went to the Supreme court in Vancouver and asked for help. They said " yes you have the original," the US wants to see a red seal on it. So for $31 they stamped a red seal on it and initialed it and said that should work! :idea:

So this was sent in today MAY 21 2010

still waiting for SIF!
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-05-25 15:24:00
CanadaUS Border Agent Made Me Cry!
So sorry you went through that Reven! There are always some rude people in all walks of life. Hope all is well with you now! I too would complain and use Darnell's advice of what to expect for a reply. Krikits got a great link there too!

I had a difficult time when we were dating once and was in their office for over and hour. Usually though just the standard questions.

Hope this never ... NEVER happens to you again!

Be well and soon you'll live there!!!:yes:
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-06-07 11:08:00
Canada2010 NHL playoffs
As a Canadian, and as Loungo choked and sputtered I'm hoping Montreal will bring the Cup back here:D
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-05-13 11:48:00
CanadaMontreal Interview Review
So happy for you both!!! Now married life will feel for real!:thumbs:
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-06-01 13:55:00
CanadaWAITING and waiting

NOPE, I'm waiting on them aswell.. I've sent documents on March 15th (same day service) and the DOS still says 'waiting for applicants RFE'. Mind you i ts not really even important, I had to send in medical results cause I couldn't bring them with me to the interview.

OH there are a lot of us waiting! :angry:

Trying to be patient but its NOT EASY!
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-05-05 00:24:00
The best of news! Much happiness to all four of you!:luv:
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-06-23 11:56:00
CanadaAPPROVED - Montreal Interview Review
Yahoo, another one approved! All the best!(F)
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-06-25 15:54:00
CanadaVaccinations for Canadians seeking residency in US

Hi, I'm completely new to this site and am not sure where to post my question... I discovered yesterday that I would need to show proof of several vaccinations. I know I've had everything that was on the go in the NS health system in the 80's, and had tetanus on an outpatient basis in 2005. I'm unable to find proof of anything. I read something about a titre test? Would that give proof either way for ALL the required vaccines to show at my medical exam? Thanks


It depends on your age as to what you need. Here is a link for you to use that will help determine what you need.

Welcome to VISA JOURNEY!

Edited by Jadenjewel, 03 July 2010 - 10:36 PM.

JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-07-03 22:35:00
CanadaAugust interviews
Sorry this posted twice... Or repetition for emphasis maybe. So frustrated with Montreal
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-07-13 19:07:00
CanadaAugust interviews

Just wondering if anyone has gotten an interview for Cr1 in Montreal for august? Or are they on holiday!Posted Image
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-07-13 18:47:00
CanadaVisa Approved
Awesome, you'lll sleep well now!Posted Image
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-07-13 18:42:00
CanadaVancouver Criminal Record Check

I also went to the office on Main street. If you have no criminal record all you need to do is fill out the form show your ID tell them it is for immigration purposes and you should have the form within 2 weeks max.

The one thing they did was have someone look at my fingertips which seemed weird to me but apparently for immigration they will do that.

Having a fingerprint check done takes a lot longer, and IS NOT NECESSARY if you have no criminal history.

Not one of the better areas of Vancouver for sure, but if you live in Vancouver this is where you need to go.

All the best!Posted Image
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-07-15 14:25:00

Wow they're even pulling in the retirees! No wonder they're so slow there. Posted Image

thanks for the review!Posted Image
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-07-15 14:32:00
CanadaBargain Shopping Forum
Hey just found this forum... thanks every little bit counts!:thumbs:
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-06-10 13:03:00
CanadaMontreal interviews in August?
wondering if anyone out there has been given an August interview in Montreal Cr1? Or are they on holiday?!!!!!
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-07-13 18:49:00
CanadaBirth Certificate

You need to order the long form birth certificate from http://www.serviceca...tificate.shtml. You will get a request for evidence if you haven't sent the long form in.

It has your parents names and place of birth on it. It looks like our 'funny" money and isn't very big compared to years ago as it is now encrypted.

The link will give you how to order it and pay for it over the phone which is the fastest way.Posted Image

If you order it now you'll save yourself time and worryPosted Image
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-07-18 19:37:00
CanadaGood Luck ChrisCon, Fireray (and Firekari), Bwoo and Zenaxe!
All the best to you all and hope you all have your visa in hand with glowing reviews for those of us trying to wait patiently!11:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-07-26 10:02:00
CanadaWhat's going on with Montreal and CR-1 Visa interviews!?!?

Just be thankful you are going through Vancouver...apparently its not nearly as backlogged as Montreal....

I am going through Montreal and it's been almost a year since I started this journey :( waiting 10 weeks so far for an interview and trying to be patient... Arggggggh!!!!!
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-07-29 08:14:00
CanadaWhat's going on with Montreal and CR-1 Visa interviews!?!?
Let's just hope all of us May and June NVC completes hear soon. All this stress waiting has caused me to be eating junk food and I'm not fitting any clothes. I won't eat normally till all this is over! Argghhh!!!

Soon please!!! I'm also tired of everyone telling me they know someone who did it so easily when I know that's not true!

Keep smiling everybody;)
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-07-28 00:19:00
CanadaSeptember CR-1 Interviews....Anyone???
No worries ;) my computer is down , so need to use my iPhone and that is a slow process lol. Baby spilled coffee on my keyboard. ;)
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-07-30 16:40:00
CanadaSeptember CR-1 Interviews....Anyone???

Hey guys,

We've been corresponding with Montreal regarding interview dates (we were requesting an expedite because my fiance was asked by the leaders of his batallion to have it done by the end of leave)... anyways they had this to say about August:

"August appointments have already been booked as of June"... so sounds like NOTHING has been booked during July? Who knows... but I'd suspect they are coming out with a batch of September interviews any day now.

On a side note... I find a lot of errors in their emails and that they don't pay much attention to what we write in our emails to them :o

Then I laughed at the end when I read this "As soon as the file is complete, we will schedule the interview as quickly as possible". HA!

No offense but I hope everyone get there interviews asap, could we plz keep the replies to the right application. Marriage visa's as opposed to fiancé. It's easier to find applicable responses ;)
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-07-30 16:22:00
CanadaSeptember CR-1 Interviews....Anyone???
Getting more frustrated by the minute. This is ridiculous!!!! There are lots of us from May and June waiting. I hope all of us get a September date. So happy alll our vjer's inJuly got approved!!!!
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-07-30 11:00:00