PhilippinesPassed interview today Visa approved

All the best on your wedding plans too!


Service Center : California Service Center
Consulate : Montreal, Canada
Marriage : 2009-04-15

Journey through California Service Center

I-130 Sent : 2009-09-01
I-130 NOA1 : 2009-09-15
I-130 RFE : 2010-02-02
I-130 RFE Sent : 2010-02-06
I-130 Approved : 2010-02-19

NOA approved in 157 long days!!!

Journey through NVC

NVC Received : 2010-03-02
Received DS-3032 / I-864 Bill : 2010-03-13
Return Completed DS-3032 : 2010-03-13
Receive IV Bill : 2010-03-13
Pay IV Bill : 2010-03-17
Pay I-864 Bill 2010-03-13
Receive I-864 Package : 2010-03-13
Return Completed I-864 :2010-04-28
Return completed DS 230 and Supporting Documents: 2010-04-28

Optin Electronic

2010-04-28 accepted
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-04-28 14:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVISA Approved!!!!
SO HAPPY FOR YOU BOTH!!!!! Sometimes I wonder if they make us wait a long time to see if we really want this! CONGRATS!!!!!
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-10-24 02:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCSC - Five-Month Hold???

I have learned from this process that the call center people don't know much except your status at the moment. Maybe, a BIG maybe, a supervisor is able to tell you more. The process is slow especially when your waiting!!!:clock:The best you are able to do is read the guides and make sure that you have submitted everything needed so that you don't get an RFE because you missed something, and the already SLOW PROCESS becomes even slower :cry:.

All the best to those waiting :thumbs:
JadenjewelFemaleCanada2010-11-09 14:34:00
CanadaHanding back green card - what needs to be done? I'm in doo-doo.

Just wanted to give a quick update - and say thank you all for your help!


I did finally call USCIS yesterday from my computer... My first call I was told they couldn't help and they directed me to a US Customs Enforcement...who then directed me to Freedom of Information Act offices as well as contacting the office directly where i turned in my GC.



I did contact the office where I handed in my GC, they looked up my file and said everything was tickety boo.


Other places I called said they couldn't help.


I called USCIS AGAIN and this time got someone super helpful!

She took some info and then said she'd transfer me to an immigration officer.

I had to hold for 45 Minutes! BUT it was worth it b/c the officer looked at my file and basically said, yeah, nothing's wrong, there's no deportation list, the letters are being sent to you by mistake.




Called husband, told him lawyers at is company are dorks and don't know anything.

So now, even though we HAVE to use them, I have decided to take a more active role whether they like it or not.

You'll probably be seeing more questions/posts from me as I sort out what the heck we're doing, lol:-)


But again, thank you all for your help!



simistarFemaleCanada2014-04-19 11:48:00
CanadaHanding back green card - what needs to be done? I'm in doo-doo.

very cool - thank you for the help! I'm assuming since I have an iPhone that google hangout app would work...?

May give that a try - so much more convenient than using my computer if it works!

simistarFemaleCanada2014-04-13 22:20:00
CanadaHanding back green card - what needs to be done? I'm in doo-doo.

Google voice is a voice call program available through gmail.  It's completely free for Canadians to use to call the USA.  It even shows up as a US number.  I use it to call Canada from home.  


thank you:-)

I shall install it and give it a whirl hopefully on Monday!:-)

simistarFemaleCanada2014-04-12 22:27:00
CanadaHanding back green card - what needs to be done? I'm in doo-doo.

Use google voice from your computer. :)


USCIS isn't actually open today so you wouldn't be able to speak to an ISO if you wanted to.  

 Sorry for sounding ancient, but is Google Voice the same as Skype...? (that is, could I just use a voice call via Skype...?)

simistarFemaleCanada2014-04-12 16:03:00
CanadaHanding back green card - what needs to be done? I'm in doo-doo.

Thanks so much for all your info - very helpful!

Unfortunately, we don't really have a choice with regards to the lawyers...we just have to trust they know what they're doing (eeek)

However, I would really like to call USCIS to ask what's up... anyone know how I can do this from Canada???

The 1-800 number for them doesn't work from here... they only have an email for Canadians with "general inquiries"....

I did a search on here and someone suggested to another Canadian poster they contact the Department of State... just not sure what department to ask for when I call there or what of the hundreds of numbers they list on their site to call... Sigh.


simistarFemaleCanada2014-04-12 12:20:00
CanadaHanding back green card - what needs to be done? I'm in doo-doo.


Sounds like you did the right thing then.  Do you still have a copy of your A# somewhere?  (You'll need it regardless)  You could call the USCIS and ask what is up and have your A# as your reference.  


I agree with Harpa though, it sounds like the lawyer had fish for lunch.   :)


This is a GRAND idea NLR! I do have a copy of my Alien number somewhere...wouldn't that be great if all it takes is a phone call and a fax/email of the signed paper... I can hope, right?:-) You never know...lawyers do tend to try to complicate things:-)

simistarFemaleCanada2014-04-11 22:42:00
CanadaHanding back green card - what needs to be done? I'm in doo-doo.

Alrriiiiighty then.

Husband spoke with company lawyer this afternoon who deals with employees moving to and fro United States and Canada.


NLR and Harpa - I would tend to agree with you on the lawyer fishing (aren't they ALL?:-)) - except these are lawyers employed by my husband's company as this company has moved a LOT of employees back and forth between the US and Canada. That's not to say they wouldn't pad the bill, it's just in everyone's best interest, including theirs, to get this thing sorted.


All that said, they obviously didn't do their homework in terms of the documentation my husband and I sent them. (I said they were employed by my husband's company, I didn't they were GOOD :-))
Turns out, they didn't know I had signed that document.

This is the problem with having to go through HR, who then talks to the lawyers on your behalf I guess. It's like playing telephone.
So I also don't know how they know I'm on a deportation list, but they insist I am and until they can sort out this piece, they can't get started on getting me back into the country legally.


They did offer some hope in that it looks like if I signed that paper and handed in my green card, that maybe someone in US Immigration made the SNAFU. Maybe didn't file the paperwork? Maybe it was overlooked when they added me to the deportation list? I don't know. But PRAYING it can be sorted before the end of the world comes. I at least don't feel quite as panicked as I did last night:-)


Thank you all so much for your help - and I will most definitely keep everyone posted as to how this turns out since who knows, maybe someone else will be faced with this weird problem:-)



simistarFemaleCanada2014-04-11 22:38:00
CanadaHanding back green card - what needs to be done? I'm in doo-doo.

My guess is that you had a conditional card and that you didn't remove conditions so you automatically get put on a removal list. But, I don't know if it matters really because you can show the embassy that you did indeed leave. Did you have a 2-year card?


I wonder if a lawyer actually checked this list, or even has access, or is s/he is just saying what happens if you fail to remove condiitons.



I did have a conditional card so did not remove conditions as I had moved back.
I'm not sure what lawyer has access to etc etc...My husband is meeting with one of his company's lawyers this afternoon so hopefully we'll know more by later today.


I checked and the paper I signed is almost identical to the one NLR posted...

I'm hoping this paperwork just got overlooked and the lawyer can show it to whomever and get the ball rolling ASAP on getting me off the deportation list!
I'll keep y'all posted on what the lawyers says... you know, in case anyone encounters this most bizarre problem:-)

simistarFemaleCanada2014-04-11 15:11:00
CanadaHanding back green card - what needs to be done? I'm in doo-doo.

That sounds really odd.  You are supposed to go to a US consulate or embassy to relinquish your card, not the CBP.   Did you fill out this form?  http://photos.state....3/dhs/I-407.pdf


Thanks NLR,

I checked and the paper I signed is almost identical to the one you posted. It didn't say I-407 at the top BUT was titled Abandonment of Lawful Permanent Residence and asked all the same information.

Signed by agent/officer and myself. Hmmmmm.

Possible someone at YVR didn't file the paperwork? Or someone in immigration missed it??

simistarFemaleCanada2014-04-11 15:05:00
CanadaHanding back green card - what needs to be done? I'm in doo-doo.
Thanks so much!
Will get the form I filled out tomorrow morning and check. I honestly can't remember. (3-4 years ago... Sigh.)
I didn't know I had to hand it in at a consulate or embassy ... So yeah... Sounds like I screwed something up. Yikes. ( you'd think someone official would have said something...?)
Help much appreciated:)

simistarFemaleCanada2014-04-11 00:08:00
CanadaHanding back green card - what needs to be done? I'm in doo-doo.

Hi there!


Haven't been on here for a WHILE, but holy cow everyone was super helpful when I applied for - and got! - my green card.

Now I have an issue I'm REALLY hoping some of you might have experience with or know about.

For starters....

Husband is American, I'm Canadian.

In brief: we moved to US for a little while, but then husband's work had him back here in Canada. We left the US permanently (or so we thought)  in 2010.

I handed my green card in at Vancouver Airport to US customs. They took my card and gave me a photocopy. They also made me sign a

paper(s) said various things, cant remember all, but one section the guy had me write something to the effect of "I am moving to Canada but possibility of moving back to United States in future." I was given a photocopy of that as well (sorry, it's in my son's room and I can't wake him to get it right now:-))


And that was that. Or SO I THOUGHT!


Fast-forward to now... Husband needs to be transferred back to US... This time it's company's decision, not his, so they have lawyers dealing with most of the #######.

BUT I just found out today, the lawyers say I'm on a deportation list??? omg, whaaaa? They say I didn't fill out some paperwork that needed to be done when I handed in my green card!


Anyone know what I missed?? (woudln't customs agents have made me sign everything I needed to?) Lawyers have limited time and availability to talk so hoping to do some research before we talk next... as well, everyone on here knows lawyers can be... wrong:-)




Thank you so much in advance!

simistarFemaleCanada2014-04-10 23:45:00
CanadaIN A RUSH - does anyone know California requirements for bringing a cat from Canada??

The stuff we used is called Zylkene (wrong spelling before) and is quite benign. I was too worried our cat would have an adverse reaction to any doping meds in the air. Zylkene is essentially just tryptophan - the same amino acid found in turkey that makes us sleepy after Christmas
dinner:-) The spray we used is a pheromone.


I had read somewhere from someone that a vet checks out the pets to make sure they look healthy and if they don't the pet can be quarantined. But I guess not! yay:-)

simistarFemaleCanada2014-07-22 23:04:00
CanadaIN A RUSH - does anyone know California requirements for bringing a cat from Canada??


BIG sigh of relief - our big fat cat made it through!:-)


No rabies shot and no certificate of health... 

I haven't been able to talk too much with my husband (the one who took the flight with the cat) - but I don't even think a vet looked at the cat? I will double check this and post again.

He did say they made him take the cat out to put the bag through the xray machine thingy...this is NOT a friendly cat and super high strung, so he suggested he be allowed to take the cat out in a room, so they let him do that so the cat wouldn't run away.

He had to be there 1/2 hour before usual for catching his flight.

We gave our cat some zilcene (basically the same thing that's in turkey that makes us sleepy) that the vet recommended...she said sometimes it MIGHT make a cat a bit calmer like after a human drinks a glass of milk at night:-) OR it may not work at all... I think it did calm him a BIT...also used something called ThunderSpray (from petsmart) that I just sprayed in the carrier right before putting the cat's like aromatherapy to calm cats:-) NOt sure if that did anything:-)


And just to clarify, for anyone wondering, this was a cat being brought from Canada (Vancouver) to California.


Now we just have one more cat to go! Yikes.

simistarFemaleCanada2014-07-22 15:49:00
CanadaIN A RUSH - does anyone know California requirements for bringing a cat from Canada??

Thanks for all the info everyone! My husband will be flying (attempting to:-)) with one of our cats Monday... I shall let everyone know how it goes:-)

simistarFemaleCanada2014-07-19 20:48:00
CanadaIN A RUSH - does anyone know California requirements for bringing a cat from Canada??

The regulation is the same for the lower 48.

Check out the link to the USDA: http://www.aphis.usd...al_imports_pets

Good luck!


Thank you so much! Admittedly only gave it a quick read but it seems like every other document I've read...specifies dogs but doesn't really say anything cats.... i could be wrong and will give it a more thorough read as soon as I can:-)


Just get the shot.

Though I'll add that though yes mine was a dog and yes we drove down...nobody asked to see proof of vaccination. They did, however, ask me if she was up to date on her shots.

Though you're flying a cat down to Cali in the winter...make sure you have a good water dish for in kitty's crate - and perhaps see if you can get kitty to drink from one of those bottles like you get for hamsters. It is going to be very hot on the Tarmac and you'll want to keep the cat hydrated. Not only can flying be stressful but...
In this weather not in winter. Seriously auto correct how did you even do that???

(Or perhaps heat is also frying MY brain)


Thank you too!:-)

Yeah...I've been able to find lots on dogs (definitely need a rabies shot!) but cats ...harder to find the info!

Actually one of the reasons we're in this last-minute mess is that cats can't be flown under carriage right now... most airlines won't allow it b/c of extreme heat, so we have to take our cats (we have two) in the cabin. Thankfully, it's only a 2 1/2 hour flight.


I brought my cat with me from Canada to Florida on the plane but in the Cabin. For flying in the cabin I needed to have her health certificate from the vet that says she had a check up within 30 days. She also needed her up to date shots. FVRCP and rabies. At POE at Pearson in Toronto, they just asked for her paperwork and that's it. 


I didn't want to be held up for anything because it was a stressful situation as is. You should get it done either way.



There's also this,


Aaaaand, thank you to you too, lol:-)

It's kind of ridiculous how there's not just an easy reference guide for this stuff, lol:-)

The country says one thing, each state says another and even the individual airlines can have their own rules...GAH.

After being on hold forever with the airline (two hours!) we've sorted out they don't require anything... and it seems neither does California for cats...

BUT, we are in a rush since our moving company just changed our move dates to a WEEK early, so we are scrambling to get the cats down before us since travelling with two cats and a toddler just doesn't seem like fun:-) So, we are going to chance it without the rabies shot or even a letter since vet can't fit us in this weekend...Sigh.

I shall post again on Monday if the first of our cats makes it through!:-)

simistarFemaleCanada2014-07-18 23:50:00
CanadaIN A RUSH - does anyone know California requirements for bringing a cat from Canada??

HI everyone!


So sorry, I have done a quick search and couldn't find what I'm looking for (apologies if is is out there)...

I urgently need to know if the state of California (apparently all states have different requirements) requires that a cat being brought from Canada into the US (and into California) have a rabies vaccine..??

I can't find anything saying they do? only dogs. But can't find anything "official" just anecdotal postings in chat rooms ...


The airline we are flying also has its own requirements, as does the federal US government. Federally, cats are not required to be vaccinated against rabies. On hold with airline (for the past hour) now to find out its requirements...


Need info on California ASAP as I need to know whether to book vet appointment before cat flies on Monday!

Thank you all so much in advance!


simistarFemaleCanada2014-07-18 17:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA1..maybe......?

Yes, its an NOA1. 08/01/07 should be the receipt date. and 08/03/07 is a touch. Probably cashing a check or putting your case in the computer or something. You were lucky to get this info. :thumbs:

Just remember, anytime you call to ask something they will enter that as a touch, it does not mean anything was done on your case, just that they spoke with you cause you called. Plus, it has been said on other threads....the more we call, the more we tie up personnel that could be working on our cases, so if it is not an emergency, please do not call them, use the RFE trick etc. It is hard to sit tight I know but we can do it with the support of everyone here.
Kim&WillFemaleCanada2007-08-13 15:08:00
PhilippinesIs my relationship hopeless??????
US gov's list of countries
LizaGFemaleSweden2011-09-08 12:27:00
PhilippinesIs my relationship hopeless??????
Philippines is not the most safe country to just 'move to'.

I hope you can find a good attorney to help you with this case, because it is so complicated. Don't give up!

Edited by LizaG, 08 September 2011 - 12:20 PM.

LizaGFemaleSweden2011-09-08 12:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - January 2014

Definitely haha

Kerstin + FaisalFemaleSaudi Arabia2014-01-04 14:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - January 2014

Your husband's tax status (the amount taken off his pay check) and his filing status are two different things.  He can continue to get single taxes taken off but most move it to married so that they are taxed less.


If your AOS is submitted before April 15, 2014 then the 2012 taxes are the last ones needed.  If the AOS is submitted after that date or he's done the 2013 taxes already, you must/can submit those.  


No documentation is needed to do MFS, however he will not be able to file electronically.  He needs to write NRA (non-resident alien) in the SSN box and mail the taxes.   He can also submit for an extension and wait until you've arrived in the USA to do his taxes if he's not required to send them with the AOS (my husband did this.)


You are the one being interviewed.  I'm unsure in Manila if they allow the petitioner to be there or not, check the reviews and your regional forum.  Either way, this is a visa interview for you and as far as I understand in Manila, he is not required to be there.  (Some embassies/consulates are different.) 


NOA2 hardcopy isn't really needed and you can update any and all addresses with the NVC (who do everything via email anyhow.) 



Thanks for info! That helps so I'll be less stress about it and plus I did forward mail address change with the US post office as well just in case. ^_^

Kerstin + FaisalFemaleSaudi Arabia2014-01-04 14:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - January 2014

I moved and made change of address online to USCIS on Dec. 24th. Says in the email I should hear a reply by Jan 5th for the request of a address change. Got a email NOA-2 approval Dec. 30.


Should I be worried and call USCIS to confirm the address change? I'm hoping when they approved my case they updated my address. Hopefully will get my hard copy for my NOA-2 so I'll know for sure if it was updated.

Kerstin + FaisalFemaleSaudi Arabia2014-01-04 13:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - January 2014


You can try requesting in your IV package that they close your case and that your husband will bring the PCCs to the interview. No guarantee they'll accept your request, but it's worth a shot! I'd suggest putting the request both in the cover letter as well as on its own paper, between the other civil documents.

 Thanks for the info!

Kerstin + FaisalFemaleSaudi Arabia2014-01-02 13:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - January 2014

For the police certificate can my husband ( beneficiary) allowed to give it to them at the interview stage instead of NVC stage? One will take 2 months to obtain and I don't want any of them to get lost with NVC. It be just easier for him just to bring to the interview. Would I have to call NVC tell them about this or put the info in the IV packet cover letter that he would bring them then? Thanks for your help! ^_^

Kerstin + FaisalFemaleSaudi Arabia2014-01-02 13:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

Thank you saylin ^_^

Kerstin + FaisalFemaleSaudi Arabia2014-02-16 14:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

I have a question. I'm in-home caregiver and I'm trying to fill out my current annual income on I-864. My monthly income can change at any time of the year if the state reduces or increases for a home caregiver worker of their salary. Do I still put what I make monthly now times 12 months anyways to give them my current annual income? Or just put what I made for the year in 2013, even tho it's not my current salary as I have now. Thanks for your time and help ^_^

Kerstin + FaisalFemaleSaudi Arabia2014-02-16 14:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014

Wohoo! Finally just got my case # and IIN #  and handed over both our emails. Finally everything is back on track dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif

Kerstin + FaisalFemaleSaudi Arabia2014-02-14 14:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014


Just for clarity, you are using a co-sponsor, you are the sponsor luv.gif



Any update on this?  I'm curious as to why you received an email saying the I-130 was undeliverable, as the impression I'm under from your signature is that you already had a notice that the I-130 arrived at NVC.



I just finally got home from vacation and check my mail box finally receiving my hard copy NOA2 and a letter stating to complete a AR-11, which is an error since I'm the US citizen who changed my address. Not my husband who changed address.


Since I changed my address so close when they approved our case they sent the approval letter to my old address, but then it was sent back to USCIS. USCIS then sent that same NOA2 with attach letter to complete a AR-11 thinking my husband was already with me in the US 


I called USCIS, which basically knew they would say it was an error after telling them that my husband is in his home country and I'm trying to bring him here. Going to get a person to call me back to make sure everything is in order and that to see if they sent my petition to NVC .


I tired to call NVC, but as you know there not there since of bad weather. Will try tommorrow. happy.png

Kerstin + FaisalFemaleSaudi Arabia2014-02-13 15:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - February 2014
I'm sad and upset. So very confused. I got a message yesterday from USCIS saying this:

The last processing action taken on your case

Receipt Number: MSC1391229XXX


Your Case Status: Card/ Document Production

On February 6, 2014, the post office returned your document I130, IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN as undeliverable. If you do not contact us at 1-800-375-5283 within 180 days from February 6, 2014, this document will be destroyed and you will need to file a new application with fee.

Now today I got email from NVC saying they don't have visa petition that USCIS still has it after receiving two email this month that they did have my petition. Worse timing ever when I'm on vacation with my husband right now :( Have to wait until I go home to call to see what's going on. I hope this is an error and that my petition is at NVC.

Kerstin + FaisalFemaleSaudi Arabia2014-02-07 10:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

Did you refer to the I 864 P, your income should be 19,662. You don't have any friends/coworkers who can help you. Cosponsors could be anybody.


You can use assets if you don't make enough in yearly income alone. If married you need 3 times difference between the total income and poverty line for household size. I'm 2,500 above the poverty with my income combined with my assets.


No, I really don't have anyone. And I work for my mother as a caregiver. She doesn't work because she's disability. No one to reply on who would help as a friend or they don't make enough themselves.


I should be fine when I save more money each month since I don't spend much really. Give them a new bank statement for my husband to take at his interview ^_^ 

Kerstin + FaisalFemaleSaudi Arabia2014-03-20 18:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

I got the same checklist that my income was insufficient. I don't have any income and just did the 864 based on assets - the NVC rep I spoke to said income is weighed more heavily, so as long as you have a consistent 13 grand plus those assets, you should be fine. The directions for the 864 explain this - whatever your poverty guideline is, if you are under, subtract your income from the pg and whatever number you get multiply by 5 - that gives you the number you should have in assests in order to qualify. Hope this helps!


Thanks so much! I was about to have a heart attack here lol. Tho will send another bank statement when my husband has his interview just incase. Thanks everyone ^_^

Kerstin + FaisalFemaleSaudi Arabia2014-03-20 17:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

Yea calculated this up over and over to make sure I was above with income and assets when I filled out I-864 before I sent it in. I'm a bit over $2,500


19,663 -13,969.44= 5,693.56 x 3= $17,080.68

Kerstin + FaisalFemaleSaudi Arabia2014-03-20 17:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

I just got a checklist few mins ago :( Says there waiting for IV packet of course which I will send when I can get the police certificates from my husband, but also says I don't meet the minimum income with the I-864. Don't know what to do since I really don't have anyone to co-sponser for us. Should I just wait little bit to have more money save in my bank account? 


Family: Just me and him so that's 2

My current income is: $13,969.44

My assets (bank savings): $20,348.20 (which increasing every month with my pay)

Kerstin + FaisalFemaleSaudi Arabia2014-03-20 16:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

For the DS-260 for employment history my husband doesn't remember two phone numbers from the two places he worked at in the past in Saudi Arabia. Is it okay just put "000-000-0000" since we don't know?

Kerstin + FaisalFemaleSaudi Arabia2014-03-09 12:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

Yay! so finally got a email with document about me being the agent and to pay the IV fee. I see it's availiable to pay, but when I click on "pay" it's not up yet so hopefully soon ^_^

Kerstin + FaisalFemaleSaudi Arabia2014-03-04 16:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014


I added my case number on each of the documents for the AOS for electronic processing



It submitted my DS-261 on Feb 11 and just was able to pay the IV fee yesterday.


So I have a bit more days ago probably. Thanks! ^_^

Kerstin + FaisalFemaleSaudi Arabia2014-03-04 11:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - March 2014

Should I be worried or call NVC about not getting a IV invoice yet. It's been 15 days since I submitted DS-261 and got an email from them on Feb 26 that they received it. But no IV invoice.

Kerstin + FaisalFemaleSaudi Arabia2014-03-04 10:51:00