K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNot allowed to submit K-1 at Vancouver Consulate.
Hey guys :)
I've been snooping around this forum for a while and reading everyone elses questions - but i've never actually had anything to ask!
Well, except for now.

I'm an Australian citizen living in Vancouver, Canada on a working holiday visa - however I just read on the Vancouver Consulate website that they will not process K-1 visas unless you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
I am neither of those, so they're saying I need to use the Montreal Consulate.

The U.S. Consulate General in Vancouver processes fiancé(e) (K1) and spouse (K3) cases for citizens of Canada, or aliens who are Canadian permanent residents. Applicants must also be residing in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the Yukon or the Northwest Territories. All other applicants in Canada are processed at the U.S. Consulate General in Montreal.

My question is - would I actually need to go to the consulate for anything other than the interview? If it's just a once off trip where I actually have to go in person I can handle that, but otherwise I'm probably going to have to head back home and do the whole process from Australia.

Please advise?
jenjensFemaleAustralia2011-04-22 19:53:00
Just to anyone else who needs to get their MMR shot...

I'm in the greater Vancouver area, I got in touch with my health unit and it is a 2.5 MONTH wait to get the vaccine done. Best bet is to get a family doctor (who hopefully does the shots in their office).

I'm glad I started early looking into vaccines!
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2011-08-02 18:26:00
I found out BC had an outbreak of mumps (as of end of June) so they are doing MMR shots right now for people born past 1970 for free. I think I'll jump on that quick, and test for the other vaccines.

That and... I never had chicken pox, I'll probably need that one done. I might of had the vaccine as a kid, I can't recall.

Thanks for all the help!
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2011-07-27 22:00:00
<3 thanks for the advise all!

I don't have an immunization record, all I have is a few slips of paper I kept when I got flu shots over the last few years.

I will go the family doc/blood test route.

How early should I start on it? (making sure I don't do it too early)
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2011-07-26 13:04:00
Hello, I'm new! (newly engaged and about to start the visa process)

My first big stress (weirdly) is the vaccines I need done. After going through topics here I found the medical place that I will deal with down the road, http://www.wokingmed...ccinations.html (27-49 age group, and I need a varicella vaccine)

I'm not sure really where to start on getting what I need done vaccine wise... do I hit my family doctor with the vaccine list? Get that test blood titer done? Go to my local health unit? What did you all do?

I guess why I'm jumping on the vaccine thing right away is for my age group, Hep A & B isn't on there, though with my line of work I should really make sure it's up to date (and I've been waiting for my work to boost me for free). I'm worried since the shots are spaced out to 6 months+ duration, would it effect my medical exam if it isn't done in time? Would it even come up that I need it done at all?
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2011-07-25 12:31:00
CanadaWhere to donate stuff?
I was wondering for us Canadians who have/are locating to the US.. what did you do with all your stuff that you didn't want to move?
Maybe share what city you are in and where you donated so it could give the rest of us ideas?

I have a ton of kitchen things that my fiance has better quality of, so I was thinking of donating mine to:
(Vancouver, BC area)
Gather and Give

Old computer stuff:

clothing: maybe (but there is plenty of options for clothing, I might just donate to my local women's shelter instead - same goes for crafty stuff like yarn/scrapbooking stuff)

I have a ton of books I could do without, but was deciding between a library or one of those book donation bins.
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2011-08-11 20:36:00
CanadaUS Passport Photos and how many?
I went to London Drugs and it was $10 before tax... and I opted to get the picture burned to disc for an extra $2. That way, if you need more all of a sudden, it is easy enough to get more printed instead of going to get the photo done again/ pay another $10.
Also, London Drugs knew what I was talking about for a 2x2 size for immigration purposes.
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2011-08-17 16:07:00
CanadaMy Observations Back in Canada
The big one my fiance and I get mixed up on is "icing sugar". I've called it that, it says its icing sugar on the blasted Roger's sugar bag.. but in california it is "powdered sugar".

First time I requested my fiance buy icing sugar, he had no clue and asked his whole family and they didn't know what I was talking about.
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2011-08-26 18:44:00
CanadaIf you went back to Canada, would you live in the same place?
I'd still go back to Vancouver just for the less winter time. That and my fiance could only find work in big cities, so we are stuck between more or less Vancouver or Toronto.
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2011-08-30 02:36:00
CanadaHappy (Canadian) Thanksgiving!
I'm thankful for all the people who have been helping me along my way through this US visa journey (ha, kinds cheesy, but it sums it up).

And I'm thankful for poutine <3 yum
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2011-10-08 15:23:00
CanadaVaccines - pneumococcal question
I know for the Vancouver medical, the vaccines are broken down by age: http://www.wokingmed...ccinations.html if that helps.
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2011-10-28 11:20:00
CanadaFrustrated with trying to get money to the US!
With the RBC accounts thing.. say I get a physical US cheque err check, how would I deposit it into my account? The nearest branch is probably a 20 hour drive. I know this is probably a lame question.

For student loans.. guessing it's them not wanting to accept american checks? Could just money order it maybe?
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2011-10-26 21:27:00
CanadaFrustrated with trying to get money to the US!

Open RBC Canada and RBC USA accounts and link the 2 online. Have your EI cheques direct deposited into your RBC canada account, transfer the money to your RBC USA account online and you are good to go. I think I pay a $4 monthly fee for each of my accounts, but there is not charge for transfers. If you have Weigels stores where you live, they have no fee ATM's so you can withdrawl money without it costing you anything (or do cash back when you are shopping).

The only downside is if you don't live near a RBC USA branch it there could be some issues if you ever need a branch. I have been here for 2 years and have yet needed to go to a branch.

yeah.. i was worried about this as it appears from the website that all the RBC branches in the US are all east coasty and I'm going to be in California.

I'm having the same problem trying to figure out what to do for banking. I don't have anyone I can leave an extra bank card in Canada. I'm tempted to just close my accounts, dump most of my savings onto Student Loans that won't be interest free anymore and open a bank account in the US/ get added to my fiance's. I checked with my fiance's friend who works for Chase, and he said they will cash Canadian cheques, but it takes extra processing time. But yeah, little nervous about doing that.
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2011-10-26 15:14:00
CanadaInternet phone services
A vote for Skype - you can do long distance calls from your computer to a phone number unlimited for $3 a month.
If you have a smartphone (and wifi signal) you can use your phone (through skype app) to make the call instead of the computer.
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2011-12-04 11:42:00
Canadafamily just dosen't get it :S
oh totally... I'm a K-1er, but I get the beating of "When's the wedding?" and I say "I'll know once I have the visa in my hand" and every week the same people ask if I know when the wedding is/where's the visa.

Then there's the people who will say the method I'm doing is wrong, as they know someone who rolled in and didn't need a visa/paid money for it/etc. Or the "Just go to Vegas and get married" solution is suggested and then I have to explain we'd lose the money/time spent on the K-1 and we have to wait another chunk of time.
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2011-12-20 18:25:00
CanadaI need to get rid of my furniture, but how?
all fails, might be able to find a person on craigslist to haul the stuff to the dump for cheap.

If you have lots of dishes/appliances/stuff on their list, is pretty good about picking stuff up, if you have 8-12 boxes
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2011-12-30 23:59:00
CanadaKinder Suprise
I've been putting together a nice care package to mail to my fiance, helping us through the last leg of us waiting for out K-1's NOA2 to come in.

With boxing day sales, I got a bunch of Kinder Surprise eggs for cheap - but I remembered something about them not selling them in USA (My fiance one time visiting Canada ate a few as he never had them before), so I checked http://en.wikipedia....Kinder_Surprise and low and behold, banned with a $300 fine.

Ugggg... I still want to mail them though. Maybe if I take the toy out and make it separate? I guess I can't hold onto them and go across when I POE? Then finally.. #######?!?! Really lame that they are banned :angry:
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2011-12-28 17:05:00
CanadaMoving / changing address

If your parents live nearby then sure, why not. It's probably safer to wait for your NOA2 before you move just in case (god forbid) it doesn't go through as planned. *I'm sure everything will be fine!*

I tossed the idea of moving home around but I'm glad I didn't. My parents live about an 8 hour drive away from here and everything you need to get done is in Vancouver so it was much easier for me to be here rather than at home. I also didn't want to quit my job because I still needed to save money for my move.

That said, if my parents lived here I would have moved home in a heartbeat!

Good luck with your decision. Maybe talk to your parents about it?

My Dad is so down with me moving there, I guess it's because they get to see me more before I move out of country. My parents are a farther commute to work, but totally do-able. However, is not do-able when I do my medical for showing up at 630am.
But yeah, I'll wait for my NOA2 and packet 3 to come first so it's less chance of error.

I was googling around VJ and saw people picking up their visa at DHL vancouver office.. wonder if they still do that?
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-01-26 16:21:00
CanadaMoving / changing address
I'm waiting for my NOA2 (sooooon!) and am tossing around the idea of moving back to my parents to save a month or two on rent - or at least avoiding paying an extra month of rent in the event I'm only at my place for a week into a new month as I'd really like to move as soon as I can.

Originally, I just wanted wait for my visa to be in my hand (safer) but I really want to cut costs. I was thinking of going and they can store the cube fairly cheaply. I figure if I go this route, once I get my interview date I can officially plan moving to my parents. I need 1 month notice for my current residence.

Would it be okay, say during my interview to update my address to a new one? Or is this something I need to change sooner? I'm worried about my visa/important paperwork being sent to the wrong address. Can I pick up my Visa?
I'm going through Vancouver consulate.
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-01-25 20:29:00
CanadaProof of meeting ? we only have pictures
I've flown to the US every 2 months for over 3 years and only got 2 passport stamps.

Did any of them take time off of work for an extended visit/holiday? I used these documents for when I visited US last, but this might work for proof of meeting, but stuff like a vacation request from work (saying I'm visiting my fiance _____ in ______ for my birthday) and schedule showing I'm not at work/letter from work confirming vacation - then add some receipts or credit card bills for that time period?
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-01-30 11:58:00
CanadaCANADIAN from Vancouver BC
Burnaby! At least for the next few months.

Yeah.. my NOA2 took 5 months :crying:
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-02-03 23:55:00
CanadaFlu shot question
I'm totally getting caught in that MMR 2 shot disaster too - I'm trying to track down my vaccine records as a kid and the health unit didn't sound too optimistic they'll have it.

Woking should really put it on the website we need to bring proof of 2 shots. Same with Varicella. :angry:
Sigh.. tired of getting stabbed with needles.
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-02-14 00:14:00
CanadaFlu shot question

Make sure he has had 2 doses of MMR. I was born in 85 and had to get a second shot because back in the day they only did 1 and you need 2 to have the "full series".

Just to clarify: 2 doses of MMR is the first one most of us got at young age, then the second dose recently to complete the series? Or do we need to get 2 shots right now? I'm hoping I don't need to get another MMR shot
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-02-09 21:14:00
CanadaFlu shot question
I got my shots in this order (Aug-October this year):

1 - MMR (+ blood test for varicella) My family doctor wanted me to wait inbetween MMR and Tdap (that or she needed to order in Tdap). In BC, they are recommending if you were born after 1970 you need to get your MMR anyways, as we weren't sufficiently vaccinated for the mumps and mumps has been going around.

2 - TDAP + Varicella (wasn't immune to chicken pox as per titre, ewww)

3 - Varicella + flu

Varicella burns! OMG that was the worst. Next was MMR for 3 days of acheyness.
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-02-08 23:44:00
CanadaSome random questions about Vancouver interview for K-1

Good luck! FYI - I had my POE at Pacific Crossing (Blaine,WA) on the 18th. It went really smooth but it took a long time to process my Visa. We waited for almost an hour just for the guy to do all of my paperwork. So - if you go through YVR you might want to leave a lot of time to get processed! I thought it would be like 15 minutes lol

ewww yeah that would of been a question I was going to ask before I was POE'n.. how early I should show up for my flight. I'm happy it went smoothly though!

$350 for the interview? I thought it was $100 for some reason so I that's why I was confused when I was looking on the consulate page. Is there a way for my US fiance to book and pay for it? All these extra expenses keep adding up!
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-02-20 00:10:00
CanadaSome random questions about Vancouver interview for K-1
Hey all,

Right now I've got my medical scheduled and just waiting on my fiance to do his evidence of support paperwork before I fax off Packet 3. So the interview for me is coming up soonish.

My random questions:

1. on http://www.visajourn...ndex.php/Canada it says to bring an Expressport mailer - what is that about? I mostly hear peeps going on about DHL shipping.

2. Is there a fee I need to bring payment for to the interview (similar to the medical)? I tried looking through the consulate site but got confused.

3. Not being able to bring electronics - I'm one of those spazzy people that need something to do. So no cellphones, ipods, ebook readers, correct? Do I even need to bring something like a book or knitting? what kind of waiting times is there for the interview?

4. I can keep my electronics at my worksite, which is not far from the consulate - but I have one of those key fob things you scan to enter an electronic door for work - are those okay to take on me to the interview?

Edited by awkwardsoul, 19 February 2012 - 01:30 PM.

awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-02-19 13:30:00
CanadaPolice Certificate in Canada?
I did mine yesterday, haha. The thing is that each city does it differently and for different prices.
I've done criminal record checks before but for work and this process/print out they gave me was much different.

What I did was bring a copy of Packet 3 (I'm going through Vancouver and and able to download it early) and showed them what I wanted. I first said I need a criminal record search through the national database and they were confused a bit and asked what it was for - then I showed them the checklist off my Packet 3 - after that, they understood. They take a copy of that and 2 pieces of ID. About 10 minutes of them typing in a computer and they give you a small certificate.

Mine is yellow and it says :

Canadian Police Certificate For visa applicants/foreign travel/foreign work permits.

Has my name/address/DOB/my signature.

"this certifies that a search basked on the above name and DOB failed to disclose any such person with a record of criminal convictions in the national repository from the criminal records of Canada.

They stamp it and do a fancy embossed/print thing.
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-02-09 14:44:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
My sis met my fiance on WOW and introduced us (and bought me WOW that christmas as she hates me) before Burning Crusade came out. My fiance and I played for awhile but quit together a total of 3 times since we known each other - mostly about idiot guild leaders not being fair with loot/raid participants and idiot other players slowing raid progression.
We were on Kilrogg (horde), Rexxar (horde) and Velen (alliance). He was always a Warrior tank, and I was a paladin tank/retribution. Then as alliance I went priest and druid.

The last time we quit and played Rifts, but got bored fast. We don't play any videogames together anymore since I work too many hours.

My Fiance is HOPING DESPERATELY Diablo 3 will be out soon as he wants a bachelor LAN party with it.
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-03-01 20:44:00
CanadaI saw this on TV yesterday..
BOOOOOO! :protest:
That is pretty #######. That is all I gotta say.
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-03-01 21:11:00
CanadaPOE Success - Blaine WA

Yeah it's so nice here. It did rain the other day but not like it does in Vancouver. Hurry up and get down here already! When is your interview?

Next week, on Wednesday, tentatively. My guy will be done his paperwork and fedex'n it tomorrow. Hopefully it will be here before Tuesday or I'll reschedule.

Did my medical today. Waiting outside the medical building at 6am while it snowed sucked.
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-02-29 19:19:00
CanadaPOE Success - Blaine WA

Thanks all! Yes I know the grass is always greener on the other side... lol :)

Yep.. it dumped snow this morning in Vancouver (washed to slush now). Definitely more greener and sunnier where you are now!
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-02-29 17:51:00
CanadaPOE Success - Blaine WA
Woot, good to hear that it went well! And yeah, an hour seems long, but I'll make sure I go an hour early for my POE - I'm probably going through YVR. If it's too early, more time to load up at Tim Horton's at YVR one last time.

Wahhh, more fees!?! Never ending fees! :bonk:
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-02-29 00:38:00
CanadaPolice Check.. can someone put my mind at ease?
There's lots of criminal record checks and every RCMP office does them differently for different prices. I've gotten them many times for work and volunteer purposes for my field.

But this one is for our K-1 visa is different from the typical criminal record check as it needs to be a national search - The criminal record check I got from my RCMP office says:
For Visa applicants, travel and foreign work permits (but this could be different form depending on the place)

But more importantly should say something like:
"this certifies that a search based on the above name and DOB failed to disclose any such person with a record of criminal convictions in the national repository from the criminal records of Canada."

That's the part they want or similar in wording. All fails and if you need to go back, bring your packet 3 checklist and show them.

Edited by awkwardsoul, 06 March 2012 - 12:20 AM.

awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-03-06 00:20:00
The lawyer emailed over a copy with their signature on it, I dunno if that will do the trick.

However, I found errors on the same form (they didn't apply corrections I had made awhile back) so it's still looking like I'm redoing the form. Geeeeze >__<
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-03-06 14:08:00

Why cant you just fill a new form out by yourself and sign it? Forget the one the lawyer did just shred it up.

That's a great idea! (L)

Sigh.. if you want something done right, you just have to do it yourself....
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-03-06 12:26:00
My interview is tomorrow, I just got the fedex package with all of my paperwork prepared by our lawyer. I'm checking through it, signing papers, inserting originals.

Low and behold - the part that says "Is this prepared by another person on your behalf?" The lawyer information is typed in.. but no signature or date.

YEAAHHHH.... #######. My fiance is probably screaming at them over the phone right now so maybe something could be done about it today. However, is this an error that isn't too important, or is pretty bad?
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-03-06 12:15:00
So it's just ready when it's ready from what it sounds like it. Gah, at least it's one last time (for K-1) to be at the mercy at waiting for something.

Oddly, I did get an email from Loomis today (2 days since my interview) saying my Visa has been picked up from the consulate, but not ready for pick up. The Applicant Summary screen on the site I book my interview hasn't changed however. Whatever, I got a waybill number now, MUHAHAHAHAHAH :devil:
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-03-09 21:04:00
I was approved for my K-1 Visa yesterday at the Vancouver Consulate.

Since then, I've been bumming around VJ checking recent Vancouver Consulate approvals and time between "Interview Approvals" to "Visa Received" times so I can map out a timeline in my head for when I can move/etc.

Reading up on topics and guides, it sounds like some people wait up to a few weeks to have their visa ready for pickup.
However, checking I found 3-6 timelines in the last 6 months that people got their visa in 4-5 days.

What are those people doing to make it faster???!!! I want in on the secret!!!!

Also.. my Applicant Summary is now stating "Loomis" instead of DHL when I first booked my interview... guessing the service provider switched.
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-03-08 20:39:00
CanadaHELP - What is the best route?
My fiance and I chose me to go to the USA, mostly on my fiance having the better job and stuff and the process being cheaper in the long run and faster. At first, I was thinking of going to go to school in the USA, but the tuition is INSANE + international student fees. Then I tried to get a practicum there, but again, costly. A year later we felt ready for marriage.

If you want a marriagey visa - going to the USA is faster. If you could get a job in Canada that would be faster than marriage. US likes to unite families, Canada likes skilled workers. Immigration into Canada is a slower process.

I know 3 people who decided to go from USA and Brazil to Canada via marriage visas and the downside was it took 1-2 years to process and all of them had to wait 1 year after that until they were able to work. Then another 3-6 months to get status to leave Canada to visit family. So my one friend from Brazil has been stuck without seeing his home country for 2+ years (and he went crazy because he couldn't work for a year and was stuck volunteering). With that said, your partner will need to be able to support you for that year, verses immigrating to US is a couple months of support until he gets his EAD (or sooner for CR-1 visa if I'm not mistaken). Of course, there is also a chunk of time without canadian medical coverage (but I know in Vancouver there's ways to get around it, as there are some funded clinics that would take non-MSP holders for free).

But yeah, long distance relationships suck, most of us here have been through it. Whatever you do, it's not completely permanent. You both could always move back to the USA or Canada (once paperwork/etc is done so you don't have to re-do the whole process!).
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-03-09 20:47:00
CanadaMoving, unaccompanied items

I used ABF back in 2010 and I did have to fax my visa and I-94 to them. Your goods can not preceed you so that is why you must provide the I-94, so if the CBP agent asks they can prove that you have already entered the US. Your visa alone does not prove this.

Gah! Okie, I must of gotten a dud agent when I booked...

I just called the local ABF office (not the 1-888 customer service number I called to book it) and they knew the score, I have to fax/email a copy of my visa and I-94 (+ customs form). Gave me all the numbers and such. YAY! Made it much easier than I thought it was going to be.

Thanks all <3
awkwardsoulFemaleCanada2012-03-13 17:25:00