PhilippinesOne Week in Manila

We've run into a hiccup with her birth certificate. Hopefully if we can get that cleared up this month, and her passport, then we'll schedule an interview for probably June or July. Everything is depending on this birth certificate issue right now...

Wow so you're sending close to $1000 just for expenses? Hmmm, so I guess Manila is more expensive.

Kris --I am just covering all my bases if any additional expenses comes up . And yes --manila is more expensive --they charge you more for everything :thumbs: . Besides my fiancee will use the extra money to prepare for the trip to the USA later.
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-05-01 20:44:00
PhilippinesOne Week in Manila

From those who have been there and done that, I would greatly appreciate some scheduling advice...

I plan to send my fiance to Manila for about a week (her father may accompany her, as she has never been out of the Visayas or even her island for the most part). So in 1 week, she needs to get her Medical exam done, go do the CFO thing, and an Interview. Is it even possible?

How long is the medical exam? I cant tell if it is 2 or 3 days.
How long is the CFO thing?
How long is the interview process? A half day, a full day?

I was thinking: Mon-Tues (Medical), Wed (CFO), and Thurs or Fri (Interview), with 1 day or so to explore Manila.
Or did another schedule work better for you?


How much money should I budget for this? Her father has a little money, but not much. And she did not sign a contract to teach another year, so her budget is drying up. They're actually very conservative with money, which is good. I just don't know what cost of living is in Manila...

(Please don't include fees for medical, CFO, and interview in your estimates - I think I know those already).

Kris & Leizel --my fiancee is planning to do the same thing . She is coming from Mindanow also in may to do the medical /interview and cfo seminar --all in 1 week . I am sending her about 40,000 pesos to cover all her expenses (not including Visa fees and tickets ) . I plan on day 1 and 2 --Medical . Day 3 --CFO seminar , Day 4 --rest day .Day 5 --Interview .Good luck . When is yr fiancee plan on going to manila ?
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-04-30 20:16:00
PhilippinesOne Week in Manila

As I understand, the CFO sticker must be placed on the visa. If you go to the CFO and pass the class and get a certificate, you still need the sticker and will not have your visa for about 10 days after your interview. How exactly will that work? I ask because my fiancee will be coming to Manilla from Mindanao and will have this issue. any suggestions?

From my understanding --You can attend the CFO Class and get the certificate and when you get the visa and passing back through Manila to the USA or whereever --then you can go in and get the stcker on the visa to travel .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-04-30 20:10:00
PhilippinesAre We Screwed???
Good question . I would call the Embassy and find out if they would take it before scheduling an interview .Cant you get the BC expedited ?? I am sure that you can get around that especially in the Pi (money talks :thumbs: ) .Good luck .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-05-22 20:17:00
PhilippinesVisa on Hand but a little worried about the address
It should not be a problem . Once you enter the Usa and you apply for a social security No --you can change the address. Or if the Immigration Officer ask you at the POE, you can tell him the chage of address since you will have to fill up customs form on arrival .Good luck on your journey .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-05-28 01:24:00
PhilippinesIs wife employed or unemployed?
Technically she is unemployed unless her family is faming large scale to sell and get a large income .Then it would be considered ''self-employed '' . If as you mentioned that she is just helping her family , then it will be fine to say that she is unemployed . Good luck on your interview .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-05-29 13:56:00
PhilippinesFilipina wife issues....advice please...
:lol: I am sorry to hear about your situation . I guess my fiancee is totally different from the stories I read and heard about ''marrying into the family ''. My Fiancee does not ask me for a penny and in fact I have to beg her to accept some gifts and money that I give to her from time to time . Her family is middle class and well educated .I guess I am just lucky to marry into this family . :lol:
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-04-02 21:05:00
PhilippinesFilipina wife issues....advice please...

So, we get a message yesterday from the wife's niece saying she needs about $350 for nursing school by next Friday. The niece is the oldest of her brother's seven kids. My brother-in-law is already in the US, living with another Pinay, while the wife is back in the Philippines taking care of five of the seven kids, while my wife's parents take care of the other two, including the afore mentioned niece.

This is all just background. Now, in the middle of the night, the wife wakes up screaming, and tells me about her dream.

We are walking through the jungle, when we are surrounded by Amazon Warriors. You know the type, fierce looking, scantily clad, large breasted women holding spears. One women tells her, "You okay. You can go. But not your husband. We don't like men."

They grab me, strip off my cloths. They easily pick me up, and lay me face up on a table, holding me down, arms and legs spread. One warrior pulls out a knife, raises it over her head, and as she brings down, intending to sever my manhood from the rest of my body, the wife screams and wakes up.

What does this all mean? :unsure:

It means that you will loose yr manhood :lol:
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-04-02 21:01:00
PhilippinesFilipina wife issues....advice please...

Hey all, first my name is wife is from the phillipines...we have been together over a year and married. We have her K1 visa and we are about to go back to the United States. I am a US Soldier and stationed in S. Korea....for the past year I have been sending money to her family, but during this time we have been financially struggeling. My wife is now 16 weeks pregnant with our son, which is amazing bc we have been trying for about 6 months...and while trying i told her on many occassions that once she was pregnant money would STOP to her family..but yet she doesnt see it that way.

It all started after we first met and her 4 year old sister needed eye surgery or she would go blind, it was only 300.00 USD so it wasnt that bad, but after that it was her family with their hand out on payday. I delt with it but now i cant because my son's future is at stake.

I was sending 350.00 USD every 2 weeks....totaled 7,500.00 USD in 1 year, and then I sent her home with 3000.00 USD when she went home to visit. She has 9 brothers and sisters, two of the boys being 20 and 21. She is the oldest child.

Last night I made a comment on her facebook about how happy I was we were having a son, i check later and her oldest brother posted "send money home now says momma". Now this made me extremely angry not only did he disrespect my way of life but he posted on my comment about my son with such non-sense.

Today she said she wanted to send 150.00 USD home, I told her no we had discussed last check we would send 100.00 USD every 2 weeks...and thats all. She wont talk to her family about them getting jobs, she just sits quietly and lets them beg and i have to see her upset and crying

This is causing our marriage to be in trouble..I love my wife and will do anything to make her happy...but I cant take this stress anymore...what do i do?!

As of now I am not sending any money to them, and she wont speak to me going on 2 days now....

I am sorry to hear about yr predicament . Was she like this before you were married ? You have to lay down the ground rules NOW before it gets blown out of proportions later . Now that you have a baby on the way , you will need all your finances . I am not saying stop sending money , but not each week and they demanding it also .
I am engaged to a beautiful pinay girl but she Never asked me for anything (money or gifts ) for herself and for her family .In fact I have to ask her to take the things that I send or give to her . She is educated and from a middle income family and have good values .
Just hang in there buddy --I know you love your wife and want to have a happy family (not extended family ).Good luck .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-01-18 23:16:00
PhilippinesOnline Manila Hotel Reservations
I booked hotel reservations for my Fiancee through Agoda -They have great discounted deals and is very reliable . I used their service many times when going to the Pi. I received confirmaion immediately .All my Fiancee had to do was print out the Voucher and show to the Hotel .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-05-29 14:39:00
PhilippinesMedical Exams at st. lukes, Pass or not?

Oh They returned my passport, I have my passport with me. Is that a strange thing?

I think it differs from case to case .My fiancee had her interview and they forwarded her medical and passport to the Embassy .Dont worry --u will be fine .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-05-31 22:37:00
PhilippinesMedical Exams at st. lukes, Pass or not?
Once they gaved you the vaccinations on the second day and forward yr passport and medical to the Embassy --consider yourself a pass. Good luck .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-05-26 19:50:00
PhilippinesHow do you cope with missing someone?
I thank the person who created Skype and Yahoo . We video chat as much as possible , send each other pics . The many phots of us together in my house is a constant reminder that soon we will be with each other . It takes faith , trust and perservance . It pushes your love and tolerance to the extreme to be away from each other so long .Love will always win . I wish I had wings so I can fly :lol:
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-03-15 21:32:00
PhilippinesWhat other fees and Taxes to be paid ?

if you're in NAIA 1, left side of the entrance...
(tip) you should pay your travel tax before going to the check in counter...

i dont know where the counter for travel tax... never been there :no:

Thanks --I appreciate the info . :thumbs: I dont wish for any surprises for my Fiancee.
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-06-12 20:51:00
PhilippinesWhat other fees and Taxes to be paid ?

travel tax P1,620
terminal fee P750

MA--thanks for the reply . Is the P1620 terminal fee charged because I did not purchase the ticket in the Philippines ? Or all international travellers pay that fee??
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-06-12 20:30:00
PhilippinesWhat other fees and Taxes to be paid ?
Just a querry . My Fiancee will be leaving to come to the Usa soon . I bought a one way ticket from an agent in the Usa . What other taxes does she have to pay in Manila before departing ? I know she have to pay the departure tax --I think 750 pesos. I read somewhere that you have to pay a ticket tax since I did not but the ticket in the Philiipines . I appreciate any replies .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-06-12 20:14:00
PhilippinesIs it safe to get pregnant after yr immunizations?

Yes, official period to wait after MMR is one month. (it is dangerous to get pregnant within a month)

But when I had mine, the doctor said she would advise waiting at least 3months asthe risk of the immunization on a new pregnancy is so dangerous.

Since you say she had to have several immunizations, you should ask a doctor. Her body might need time to recover.

Check CDC website for information:

And perhaps let her get here, get married and get settled first! :D

Congrats on approval and your upcoming marriage!!

Thanks Helen --she will be here in wks , we will get married withing 1 month , About getting settled -- I last saw her in person about 7 mths ago --so it may hard :rofl: I guess I had no option but to wait before planning a pregnancy . :thumbs: Thanks for yr congrats .

Yes I got it from my personal doctor in Canada, also from the doctor at my immigration medical AND from my OBGYN in the USA when I saw her she talked to me about pregnancy and shots etc and I asked her to confirm and she told me this. So 3 doctors told me the same thing to wait about 5 months if I had been given the MMR shot. Also had been told that it is advised to have this shot if you are low immunity to it when tested because it is not safe for the baby if you don't have good immune levels.

Inky --I appreciate yr advise . I will certainly look into it .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-06-12 21:11:00
PhilippinesIs it safe to get pregnant after yr immunizations?

If she had MMR shot she needs to wait 5-6 months.

Inky --thanks for the info .She did get the MMR shot . Wow --thats a long wait :rofl: Did you get this information from a medical professional ?

I asked this question to the doctor/staff who gave me the MMR shot and she said it's only for one month. I told her my friend who is also a doctor said it should be 5-6 months before we can get pregnant and the doc at St. Luke's said 1 month is safe enough. :)

So Lovejoy --whose advise are you going to take ?? :lol: I may have to seek a medical professional advise also .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-06-12 20:57:00
PhilippinesIs it safe to get pregnant after yr immunizations?
Hi Guys , I have a querry . I know you guys are not doctors , but some of you who have gone throught this process can give me some advise ? My Fiancee just had her medical done and received several immunizations . We are planning on starting a family soon :lol: Is it safe to get pregnant so soon ? will there any ''side effects '' on the new born ? Or is there a ''waiting period '' ??? I appreciate any repies . :thumbs:
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-06-12 20:42:00
PhilippinesJune 2011 Interview Schedule
Good luck to u .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-05-22 20:13:00
PhilippinesBangkok Adultery Fugitives To Feature on LOCKED UP ABROAD

A couple who fled to safety in Bangkok after being banged up in the Philippines on adultery charges are to feature in ‘Locked Up Abroad’ on National Geographic Television this week.

David Scott, from Swindon, Wilts, and Cynthia Reyes, from Manila, made their break for freedom after colleague Andy Chant and myself took up their case in the media in the UK.

At one time it seemed their backs were completely against the wall. Divorce is of course illegal in the Philippines, but if you have a lot of cash it is possible to get an annulment provided both parties agree and one party admits to be mentally unbalanced.

Scores of Filipinas and foreigners may be committing adultery every day as many women in the sex trade have broken, but still legal, marriages. Cynthia was decidedly not in the sex trade. She was actually head of housekeeping at a hotel in Dubai.

Posted Image
David, Cynthia and baby Janina outside the British Embassy in Bangkok after getting the good news

David and Cynthia had met on the internet and he flew out to meet her in Manila. She got pregnant and when he flew back for the birth both were arrested at gunpoint by police and jailed on the orders of Cynthia’s estranged husband, who had heard about the relationship and apparently saw an opportunity to make some money.

Posted Image
Cynthia and baby Janina on the flight from the Philippines

When their child was born just a few days after getting bail British Embassy officials told the couple that under Philippines law Cynthia’s estranged husband was the father. Everywhere they went the couple was faced with demands for cash. They finally had to buy themselves out of the country through Immigration.

In fact this was a financial merry go round with seemingly almost everyone wanting a piece of the action. Luckily friends back home manage to raise to cash for David and Cynthia and their case was taken up by a sympathetic British M.P.

Having escaped to Bangkok David and Cynthia spent half the time at my home and half the time with my colleague Andy Chant, while DNA paternity tests were done and the Home Office in the UK finally relented and agreed to admit the family into Britain and notified the British Embassy to issue the relevant visas.


I watched the documentary on NG last night .It was very touching . It shows how love can previal despite all the odds against them .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-06-16 21:53:00
Philippineshotel ideas

Hi, just wanna ask how you booked the hotel for your fiancee? If you used credit card, did they ask for your card when she checked in? i just wanna know so we can save on charges on sending money thru western union.. Thanks in advance!

I booked and paid with my credit card online through . They said that you will have to send a scan copy of your ID and credit card used , buy they did not ask my Fiancee for it . She just printed out and presented the Voucher that is sent to you after payment and confirmation . I sent a scan copy of my ID and credit to her . They may ask or may not ask for it .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-05-18 21:22:00
Philippineshotel ideas
I booked Gran Prix for my fiancee for 6 nights (she is currently there now for her Medical and Interview ) . She told me that she is happy with the room and the service .It is close to the US Embassy and shopping Malls . Besides it provides free breakfast and have WI-Fi in the rooms (I chat with her everyday ) . It is affordble also . I booked through Agoda .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-05-17 21:22:00
PhilippinesVisa/Passport Delivery Time
My Fiancee received hers in 12 days .It just depends where you live . She elected to pick up her visa at the 2GO office in her city .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-06-16 21:49:00
PhilippinesWhy do you want to bring your spouse to the USA?
Every country has its advantages and disadvantages . Sorry for me --I prefer the Usa . My kids will grow up and stay here . Going for a vacation to the Pi is ok . Maybe when I retire I will consider living there if all the conditions are right . To answer your question --take a poll --over 50 % of pinays wish to migrate to the Usa if given the opportunity -believe it or not .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-06-20 00:12:00
PhilippinesBeware if you travel alone to the Philippines

LOl, it cost me 2000p for a ride from Terminal 1 to Terminal 2 at Manila Airport.

It is free if you have the time and the patience , :thumbs:
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-05-25 20:33:00
PhilippinesBeware if you travel alone to the Philippines

Hey on another note you wanna know the biggest scam of all in Phils! (Manila Customs). How bout those folks like me who send merchandise over to loved ones from America through the USPS and when the packages reach Manila customs at Ninoy they hold the darn package after it is scanned if it seems of value. I sent my fiance a new Dell Computer through express mail, paid $310 USD for the shipment which I tracked online. It arrived in Manila 3 days, but the status never updated to out for delivery for two weeks so I called my Post master to file an inquiry, 2 days later my post master called me back and said the package is held up at customs for some reason and gave me the number to call. So I called and got a woman on the phone (very nice) and I inquired about my lady laptop and she told me that the package needs to be picked up by Ms. Kimberly. I asked why, because my lady lives in Quezon City, which means she would have to travel all the way down and then take a taxi all the way home because its a big box and I stressed to her that I paid for door to door delivery service. She told me that the box needs to be picked up and paid a tax on it. I said WTH are you talking about an additional tax!? SHe said that is the only way to release the box. So I had my lady go down to that place where it was full of angry people complaining about their packages being held and paying excessive tax to be released. Long story short they told my lady she needs to pay 10,000 pesos in order to get the package. I was on the phone with her and over heard this. I was like hell no! Are you crazy...How the hell are people able to afford to pick up their packages with these ridiculous charges. So here I am on the phone now negotiating with this other woman for my fiance , the woman said to me on the phone hey you are American you can afford it just send the money Western Union. I was like woman are you serious. So I knew if I did not negotiate this at the time (2AM EST) I knew Kim would never see that laptop so I was able to talk the woman down to 6000 pesos freakin peso just for them to release the laptop to kim! :angry: SO many people at that place were crying and upset because they could not afford to pay for the packages that was sen to them. I even put on the customs declarations slip GIFT!

Thom --I send a camera to my fiancee and they charged her 2000 pesos to pick it up . Another time --I send about 15 chocolates to her as a Valentines surprise --it cost her about 1500 pesos to pick it up . I know better now .It is more cheaper just to send her the money to buy the stuff there .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-05-11 22:16:00
PhilippinesBeware if you travel alone to the Philippines
At the airport in Gensan in Mindanow --you have to pay to use the baggage carts .Each person have their name on it .If you use it to push yr luggage or they push it on their cart --you have to pay .Then while walking out you have to pay another ''baggage fee '' to some persons at the airport as you exit . What a rip off . Maybe it is ways to make money for the local govt there .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-05-09 21:13:00
PhilippinesBeware if you travel alone to the Philippines
I dont wish to offend anyone but in MY EXPERIENCE (3 visits to the Pi ) - I was asked for money for some rendering some ''petty service '' in Manila and Cebu .The only place I saw polite and couteous people that offered help without asking for monentary compensation was in places in Mindanow . I know they are some that stains the image of some good cities , but as I said it is my experience .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-05-03 20:32:00
PhilippinesBeware if you travel alone to the Philippines

All that needed to be done was for your fiancee to complain or fuss at them. They only ever try things like that when I'm alone. People giving in and giving them any money at all is what keeps them coming back for more. And if you fell for the "sitting fee", well....

BTW, this entire thread would fit better in the Philippines regional forum since is has absolutely nothing to IR-1/CR1.

My Fiancee fussed at them but they ignored her . I thought the sitting fee was real and my fiancee did not know either since it was the first time we visited the Tourist site . I am more wiser now --they cant try those ''tricks'' on me again .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-05-03 20:23:00
PhilippinesBeware if you travel alone to the Philippines

So as many of you guys already know who have been to Phils that some malls men CR's in Pines do not have toilet paper readily available. So I excuse myself from the table becasue after eating a pleasant lunch in the Food court I felt a rumbling in the ole tummy. I tell my lady I will be back shortly and I two step it to the CR. Two pinoy are at the mirror dolling themselves up as I slip and slide in (wet floors). I open up an empty stall and prepare myself for quality relaxtion time. I hear the two out at the mirror laughing but I ignore them and after I am done doing my business I reach for the tissue paper, BUT wait it's not where its suppose to be. I am like "WTH" so now I am totally screwed at this point. Do I get up and penguin walk to the next stall for tissue :no: Do I swallow my pride and ask for assistance from those primadonna's in front of the mirror :yes: so I asked them for some assistance with toilet paper. One guy said $350 peso and at this point I was in no position to bargain so I said 250 peso now and 100 when he hands me the paper. Sur eenough the guy was true to his word and handed me the paper so I handed him the 100 peso. I was able to escape that embarassing moment. Low and behold on my exit from the comfort room I see where you are to purchase a packet of toilet tissue for 50 peso :bonk: Kimmy till this day knew nothing about my Mall CR adventure :whistle:

Thom --thats was funny :lol: . I had to pay 100 pesos for some water to wash my hands in the CR at the Manila airport . Believe it or not .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-05-03 20:13:00
PhilippinesBeware if you travel alone to the Philippines

tallcoolone, i really don't wanna waste time and energy to reply to you but i've had enough of you..

seriously? have u ever been and stayed in manila for an extended amount of time? have you experienced all that manila has to offer?

i'm from manila and where i live isn't a sh!thole.. i'm not sayin the city is so great but it's definitely not a sh!hole!

i just hate people who try to be smart and say sh!t about something without even seeing the real/whole thing..

don't you think filipinos visit the philippine forum and leave hating visajourney because of your stup!d comments?!

you insult thousands of filipinos with narrow minded comments like this so don't you think you are a sad and poor representation of your state or america?!


:bonk: :bonk: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-05-03 20:09:00
PhilippinesBeware if you travel alone to the Philippines
I have many stories also . First when at the Manila airport - when using the Bathroom (CR) --an attendant brought me some water to wash my hands (since they were no running water ) and asked for 500 pesos .I gived him 100 pesos . Secondly , I was in Cebu and was at Kawasan falls (tourist site ) .A guy followed us along the path to the falls and when we came out --he said I owed him 300 pesos as his tour guide .I did not ask for one and he did not provide any service . He insisted and only beacuse I was with my fiancee --I gived him 50 pesos. He was mad . Also while eating at the resort at the falls --they charged me a ''sitting fee '' of 500 pesos. I just sat for about 10m mins and ate at the site . It is ridicoulous --they think we make money --lol . Many times I objected to giving in to them , but only because I was with my fiancee --I did not wish to create a stink . I am much wiser now . :thumbs: but as many said beware .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-05-02 22:45:00
PhilippinesUS government shutdown??

Shut it down.......

Start all over in a few months...........

Trust you to make such a BS comment .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-04-07 23:04:00
PhilippinesMedical & Interview Schedule
My Fiancee is from Mindanao also . She had a week schedule to complete it all . Travel on sunday . Medical on monday and tuesday . CFO seminar on thursday. Interview on Friday . Leave on saturday . My Fiancee was successful in completing all in 1 week . She was alone without kids . I wish you luck .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-07-22 22:16:00
PhilippinesSputum Test
Sorry to hear about your slight set back --but it is for the good for all . Good luck .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-06-14 21:00:00
PhilippinesTime from visa approval until delivery Manila Embassy
Ours took 12 days . It depends where you live also .Good luck .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-06-14 20:56:00
PhilippinesShe is taking driving lesson
Its funny -I have a buddy who married a Pinoy 2 mths ago .He bought a car and was teaching her to drive .She crashed the care twice :rofl: in 1 week . My friend is a patient man . He allowed her to ''learn to drive '' with the car after he left the Pi . I will have to have faith like ''Job '' with my fiancee when she gets to the Usa soon . We will see . :rofl:
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-06-12 21:25:00
PhilippinesReporting marriage to the Phil Consulate
Is it mandatory to register yr marriage with the Philippine consulate in the Usa ???
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-04-19 19:24:00
PhilippinesAnother tragic story of a Filipina

The entire US embassy operation in the Philippines is an embarrassment.

So is the US embassy in China any better ? All embassies operate under the same rules and issues visas based on facts not sentiments . The manila embassy have thousands of success stories --is that an embarrassment? In fact I think that the embassy in the Philippines was instrumental in reuniting more couples than the one in China and who is still in love and have a strong ongoing relationship .
Richie RichMalePhilippines2011-09-23 21:20:00