CanadaCanadian Pizza Question

That being said, if you are downtown T.O.... you gotta go for Cora's!

I remember many nights as a teenager being drunk and having a slice outside Cora's at 2 a.m. :P
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-13 16:22:00
CanadaCanadian Pizza Question
I hate large pizza chains. In Toronto, I pretty much only ordered from

Edited by misa, 13 May 2007 - 12:55 PM.

misaFemaleCanada2007-05-13 12:54:00
CanadaOur wedding
Congrats to you both! :)

Now, welcome to the AOS waiting club. :D
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-16 11:48:00
CanadaWhat exactly is in the Packet 3?
Definitely hold out for the CR-1/IR-1! :)
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-17 10:05:00
Nah, it doesn't bother me since I'm used to it! Comes in handy sometimes like, you know, leaving the country and not having to deal with parents giving me guilt! :P

Ugh, sorry to hear your family gatherings always turn out that way.

Friends for the holidays sounds soooo much better. It's pretty much what I used to do to back in Toronto. Ha! Sounds like I haven't been there in forever but I only left less than 2 months ago!
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-14 22:11:00
Seriously, the conversation went like this when I turned 16.

Me: I'm moving out next month.
Dad: Do you need help moving?
Me: :blink:

Conversation when I told my mom I got married and was moving.

Me: So uh, I got married and I'm moving to the U.S. in about a month.
Mom: Do you want that jewellery I'd been saving for your wedding or money? Are you taking your animals?
Me: Um, don't you want to know what his name is and where I'm going?
Mom: I guess so.
Me: :blink:

This is so typically my family. They're good folks, just not close. :)

Edited by misa, 14 May 2007 - 09:15 PM.

misaFemaleCanada2007-05-14 21:13:00

are we related?

family isn't worth all the hype ;)

Maybe we're distant cousins or something! :P
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-14 21:02:00
I think the less than enthused family members probably just don't want to lose the person that is moving away.

I'm in a little bit of a different situation. My family isn't close at all... we get along okay, we're just not close. Only one sister knew I got married and that was after the fact. My parents didn't know I was married OR moving until a month before my interview. They met my husband the day before I left and weren't really concerned I was leaving. :P

To understand my family a little better... I moved out a month after my 16th birthday and my dad helped me move. :D

Edited by misa, 14 May 2007 - 07:44 PM.

misaFemaleCanada2007-05-14 19:43:00
CanadaMontreal doesn't have our case
Yeah, we were looking at the Canadian process and it's nice that you can submit EVERYTHING at the same time, unlike the US process for CR-1/IR-1... file this, wait, file this, wait, here's your barcode, wait, etc...
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-17 18:01:00
CanadaMontreal doesn't have our case
Can you get a neighbour to check your mail daily for you and contact you if something comes through? If I recall, the last few CR-1/IR-1 applicants got their packet 2-3 weeks before their interview date.
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-17 14:12:00
CanadaMontreal doesn't have our case
NVC schedules interviews with Montreal around the 15th of every month. So if you don't get an interview date from calling them this month, then try again next month after the 15th.

I believe that the package you'll get from Montreal for the CR-1 will be pretty big with lots of stuff in it like medical instructions, etc.
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-17 12:02:00
CanadaVancouver Embassy, anyone?

I am waiting for my package 3 from Vanvouver!

Stacey, if you don't receive it by Friday, email them over the weekend. Give them your case number, Mel's name as the petitioner, your name as the beneficiary and your mailing address to confirm they have the right one.
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-16 09:53:00
CanadaVancouver Embassy, anyone?
They are still months faster than Montreal. :)
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-15 21:04:00
CanadaI guess She is Due her own Thread

ahhh there will be no AOS for us........we sent the choice of agent and aos fee back april 4th.

Lucky! You guys are one of the last to be able to go back for CR-1! :)

Again, congrats! When's his big moving day?
misaFemaleCanada2007-04-19 11:58:00
CanadaI guess She is Due her own Thread
Congrats! Now you don't have to kill him, clone him and then kill the clones! :P

Now welcome to the world of AOS! :D

Edited by misa, 19 April 2007 - 11:22 AM.

misaFemaleCanada2007-04-19 11:21:00
CanadaI guess She is Due her own Thread
Spill it girl! How did it go??? :D
misaFemaleCanada2007-04-19 10:24:00
CanadaI guess She is Due her own Thread
Good luck and tell him to behave himself!
misaFemaleCanada2007-04-17 17:56:00
CanadaIs there a barcode when you print out DS 230?
Barcode not needed for K applicants. Misty, not sure about CR-1/IR-1 applicants. Hopefully Our Mao or Riblet can advise you on that.
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-19 21:09:00
CanadaUpdate on our Case being processed after Denial
CONGRATS!!!!!! Finally you can be back home with your husband. :)
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-21 08:56:00
CanadaUpdate on our Case being processed after Denial
Has anyone contacted the um... person who is at the top of the consulate there? Can't remember their title.

Would contacting the U.S. Embassy in Ottawa do any good? Do they oversee the U.S. consulates in Canada?

What a mess... hang in there!
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-17 15:54:00
CanadaUpdate on our Case being processed after Denial

Yeah I'm on the phone holding right now for Montreal. I'm sure nothing is going to happen but I'm going to have to start pestering this woman like no one's business.

Any updates from the phone call?
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-14 21:10:00
CanadaUpdate on our Case being processed after Denial
I hope your case gets resolved soon! :)
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-09 10:18:00
CanadaHow long does it take at Monteal?
Glad you were able to book a later flight. It's interesting about Air Canada. My flights out to Vancouver were waaaay cheaper on Air Canada than on West Jet when I booked earlier this year.
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-21 12:05:00
Canadainterview done!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats! I think Vancouver is pretty fast with follow-ups. They are an excellent consulate to deal with.
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-21 08:51:00
CanadaBlame it on Stacey33
Hmmm... I'm from Toronto so the rest of Canada thinks that Toronto people are self-absorbed don't they? :P
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-21 08:50:00
CanadaMay2-4 weekend
"And it is pronunced ZED, not ZEE!!!!!!" :P
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-22 12:09:00
CanadaMay2-4 weekend
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-22 09:13:00
CanadaMay2-4 weekend

Happy May 2-4 to everyone... wouldnt it actually be called a 2-1 today though?!...Hmmmm...LOL... When I moved to Canada 5 years ago I never understood if the holiday wasnt actually on the 24th why was it still called the husband just says , thats just the way it is....LOL

I'm pretty sure it's because it represents a 2-4 of beer. :) At least that's what I was brought up thinking/being told. The weekend where everyone goes to "open" their cottage for the summer season (closing it out usually on Canadian Thanksgiving weekend) or first camping weekend of the year. Lots of beer involved whatever people end up doing.

Edited by misa, 21 May 2007 - 10:57 AM.

misaFemaleCanada2007-05-21 10:56:00
CanadaMay2-4 weekend
Happy anniversary and glad you're having a sweet May 2-4! :)
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-21 08:59:00
CanadaEdmonton Medical

you guys just sent in ur checklist this month?? and they're sayin u can get ur interview in the month of june/july?? how were you able to ck that??? plzzzz help me i dont want to wait 7 months, caz thas wha i have heard. anyways, how r u suppose to call and ck the status of ur case???????

Their case is DCF for an immigrant visa which is completely different than K visas.
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-17 23:31:00
CanadaPacket 3-DS156-page 3 barcode
Yup, the page 3 barcode is a BIG block that looks like gibberish, but isn't. :)
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-21 11:29:00
CanadaThings You Wish You'd Thought of Before You Crossed the Border
Oh, this isn't a tip for leaving Canada but I thought I'd put it here since we're talking about photos. The photos you submit for AOS & EAD are NOT going to be on your actual cards. The photo they take at your biometrics will go on your cards, so make sure you brush your hair before you go to your biometrics appointment. :) I almost showed up makeup-less with messy hair because we were going to leave early for the appointment. Luckily I read in the AOS forum about the photos.

Edited by misa, 22 May 2007 - 11:32 AM.

misaFemaleCanada2007-05-22 11:32:00
CanadaThings You Wish You'd Thought of Before You Crossed the Border

I scanned the 2 passport photos I had left, put it 4-up on a 4"x6" page and got a few sheets printed out at CVS on their Kodak photo machine thingy. Total cost for two 4"x6" sheets (8 photos in total), 60 cents. Sure beats the $20 Cdn I paid for two!

For K visa holders, you'll need 2 to submit for AOS and 2 to submit for EAD. So make good copies of your US sized passport photos before you end up submitting them all for your medical and K visa!
misaFemaleCanada2007-04-25 11:12:00
CanadaThings You Wish You'd Thought of Before You Crossed the Border
Mo, that's a good idea. I know I'm sick of having to take more passport photos! I think I have 2 left which I'm sending in for my EAD, but I'll need more for AOS (I'm filing them separately).
misaFemaleCanada2007-04-07 21:33:00
Yup, everyone is correct here. No criminal background, no fingerprints required, just a Canada wide background check (i.e., name check against the National crime bank or whatever it is called). In a moment of panic, I even emailed Vancouver about it before my interview. Here was their official response to me:

"Since you do not have any criminal record, you are not required to do fingerprints. The clearance you received suffice the requirement of RCMP clearance. Thank you."

Edited by misa, 21 May 2007 - 09:04 AM.

misaFemaleCanada2007-05-21 09:01:00
CanadaDS-156 HELP!!!!!
- He should do it online since it will generate a barcode. He needs 2 copies after filling it out.

22. When Do You Intend To Arrive In The U.S.?
- I put down an estimated date. They're not going to hold you to it. The application is used for many different types of visas so that's why it's on there.

26. How Long Do You Intend To Stay in The U.S.?
- Permanently.

27. What is The Purpose of Your Trip? To get married??
- Not sure what K1s put down (I'm a K3)

32. Do You Intend To Work in The U.S.? Yes No
- Yes, upon work authorisation. Employer unknown.

36. Has Anyone Ever Filed an Immigrant Visa Petition on Your Behalf?
- No. K1s have not filed an immigrant visa petition.

Edited by misa, 22 May 2007 - 03:04 PM.

misaFemaleCanada2007-05-22 15:03:00
CanadaImmigrant visa petition question
It should be "No". Not sure if it will be an issue. You could always just redo it and send them a new one stating that you made a mistake.
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-22 16:22:00
Yay yay yay!!!! Finally! :)
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-22 11:30:00

I wonder if they have " Line of the Day" meetings there before they start the day.......someone spins the big wheel


:click click click:

"Okay, today the standard answer will be... 'Wait 5-7 months for an interview'"
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-14 21:04:00

I asked ......and no. if the CO said his name, Scott doesnt recall it. When he called back after the initial phone call from the CO, he asked if he could get the guys name and they said no......just send the fax to the IV issuance office. When Mr John Doe Co Officer called , he made it sound like it would be a rather simple quick process so hubby wasn't overly concerned.


Damn, that's too bad. I know about the email address convention since the guy who helped me with my transfer emailed me personally.

You never know though, they could get to his case this week. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! And him... since you might still kill and clone him... ;)

Hang in there!
misaFemaleCanada2007-05-14 19:37:00