CanadaCanadian winters are killing me...ok not really but
Winters were ALWAYS bad for my skin and I was born and raised there! In the winter, my skin was so dry that it would hurt when I put lotion on. Shea butter is pretty good for dry skin so maybe look for something with that in it.
misaFemaleCanada2007-11-16 12:58:00
CanadaWhat to do while awaiting I-130 Petition
Debbie, do your parents live in the U.S. at all?

I was born overseas. One of my parents was a U.S. citizen but never lived in the U.S. One of my grandparents was also a U.S. citizen. Could I have derived U.S. citizenship?

If your parent was a U.S. citizen when you were born but had not lived in the U.S. for the required amount of time before your birth, but one of your grandparents was also a U.S. citizen and had already met the residence requirements, then you may still have derived U.S. citizenship. For more information, please check our website, or the State Department website at (page 2)
misaFemaleCanada2007-09-06 10:35:00
CanadaBringing Money (Savings) to USA/Paying USA tax
I agree with the others to wire it over, do NOT walk around with your savings in cash! Anything could happen from here to there. Good luck! :)

Also I checked the US customs form, I grabbed two the last time I was at the airport and kept one in my bag and the others are right about not having to declaring cash or other monetary instruments if it is under $10,000 USD.
misaFemaleCanada2007-01-06 11:46:00
CanadaAnyone get messages via VJ?
I don't have my IM info here but received a PM from someone I've NEVER interacted with asking to IM.
misaFemaleCanada2007-11-18 12:40:00
CanadaAnyone get messages via VJ?
Delicia, I just got one a couple of days ago... probably the same person. Going to forward to the mods.
misaFemaleCanada2007-11-18 12:37:00
CanadaWhere's Misa at?!
I'm here! Everything is fine, I've just been so busy working (which is good because that means $$). I swear I'll be on more frequently again in the next few days!

misaFemaleCanada2007-12-05 10:35:00
CanadaOff to Montreal I go....
GOOD LUCK!!!! You'll do just fine. smile.gif
misaFemaleCanada2007-12-05 10:36:00
CanadaThe in-laws from heck
My in-laws are great! Well my MIL and my husband's brother. Step-father is okay but I don't really talk to him much.
misaFemaleCanada2007-11-01 19:40:00
CanadaTransporting your cat on a long trip in the car
Regarding Feliway, I've used it before and it's helped some cats and others it didn't (I used to do cat rescue and fostering). It is extremely pricey in Canada but much cheaper here in the U.S. It may have dropped in price in Canada since I've used it (a couple of years ago). It was previously only available at vets in Canada.

Kimmbo, if you need some, I can pick some up for you and mail it to you. PM me because I order some special supplements from an online store for my dog and can easily tack some onto my order. I can get a bottle of the spray here for $21. I believe I paid $50 for the spray in Canada before.

Kathryn gave some great advice. You all know your cats the best. I knew mine could not travel unsedated as two of them would try and chew through the bars potentially hurting themselves.

Edited by misa, 12 August 2007 - 11:24 AM.

misaFemaleCanada2007-08-12 11:22:00
CanadaTransporting your cat on a long trip in the car
Kimmbo, you should be able to stay in the car with the cats while your husband is inside getting his I-94, etc. for his K3. :) I grabbed my husband to come inside with me because I wasn't sure if he had to be there or not. Plus the parking lot officers were watching our car, windows were cracked and the temperature outside was very comfortable (this was late March). If I had to do this in the summer or winter, I'd definitely make him stay in the car with the animals.
misaFemaleCanada2007-08-11 23:34:00
CanadaTransporting your cat on a long trip in the car

I would definitely get a leash and harness for stopping points if you plan on taking them out of the carrier. A lot of people lose pets on car trips. Most rest areas have pet areas, too. Sometimes like to walk around. If you want them to use the bathroom outside then give them a good 20 to 30 minutes to explore the area first.

Remember never to leave them in a car alone even for five minutes. Temperatures get high very quickly in the summer and your pet can die within a few minutes.


Yes, I kept my dog on his leash at rest stops. Even though he's fairly reliable off-leash, I would never risk it in an unknown area where there are also so many cars.
misaFemaleCanada2007-08-11 22:42:00
CanadaTransporting your cat on a long trip in the car

I am concerned reading that the cat will be in a carrier in the back of a truck. Is it an enclosed truck? Is it air conditioned? If you are travelling anywhere south your cat will definitely be at very serious risk of heat stroke and death if it is in the back of a truck or an unairconditioned vehicle. Because of the concerns we had about the cats and the weather (we moved early May and we had to have the air conditioner on by the time we reached Kentucky) we ended up renting a van just so we could have the cats in with us where it was air conditioned. Please, please, please rethink having the cat in the back of the truck even if it means travelling with the cat carrier sitting on your lap the whole time. You don't want to fool around with the temperatures that we have here in the south - they are deadly! Commercial carriers and rentals will not allow you to carry animals in the back. In addition to the heat concerns, you also have the risk of something shifting and falling over on the carrier or knocking the carrier about. For a trip of that distance, the animals -both of them - need to be in the cab with you.

I missed this part Kathryn! For some reason when I was reading Tinker's post, I assumed it was the back of a truck as in an SUV or something (i.e., inside the vehicle).

Ditto what you said!

We travelled in a (rented) SUV with heat and air-conditioning (we needed heat for the first day and a/c for the second day).
misaFemaleCanada2007-08-11 22:18:00
CanadaTransporting your cat on a long trip in the car

there is also something called Rescue remedy, you can buy that at nutritions stores, I use that for the dog when there are storms or fireworks..smells like whiskey to me :lol:

LIZ do NOT hurt me on that one. Someone at the humane society recommended that! :blush:

Flower essences! That can help too (I didn't use them during the move/drive but have in the past). See this link for other flower essences that may be helpful.

misaFemaleCanada2007-08-11 22:16:00
CanadaTransporting your cat on a long trip in the car
I think that if they're safe in the cab together it might help. You might also want to do a dry run and go for a longer drive with both of them. I'm pretty paranoid driving with animals though so my dog is never loose in the back seat. There are harnesses available to hook onto seatbelts. I dont' have one but I hold onto his collar in case there is a sharp stop. Will your fiance let your cat in the cab in a carrier? Might help him (your cat) if he can see your dog.

You could try catnip... depends on how your cat reacts! Some get neurotic and some chill out after a few minutes. And some don't react to it at all and ignore it. :) I actually grow catnip in our garden and the leaves are HUGE!

As for sedatives, definitely talk to your vet about the upsides and downsides. Was worth it for us because 2 of them would have broken their teeth on the carrier bars by trying to chew their way out if they had not been sedated.
misaFemaleCanada2007-08-11 22:14:00
CanadaTransporting your cat on a long trip in the car
I think your cat would probably appreciate a carrier where he can stretch out and turn around comfortably in but not so large that he'll get jostled around a lot while in there. So maybe consider going one size up.

Also for anyone travelling with cats or dogs, stock up on bottled water for the car. Sometimes there are stretches of road where the next rest stop and gas station isn't for hours.

I brought blankets, paper towel, bowls, food, treats and water with us in the car.
misaFemaleCanada2007-08-11 21:28:00
CanadaTransporting your cat on a long trip in the car
I just re-read my post and I meant to say that my cats were given sedatives because they're kind of nuts when travelling. They still complained for a while in the car but they didn't try and break out of the carriers because they were on sedatives.
misaFemaleCanada2007-08-11 19:15:00
CanadaTransporting your cat on a long trip in the car
You're correct that cats do not need vaccinations or a health certificate when crossing the border by car, but if you can get a certificate from your vet, it's always good to have. Also print this out in case you run into an officer who insists on vaccinations:

Read my POE experience (in my signature) for my experience with my 3 cats and 1 dog. CBP didn't bother to really look at them or ask me anything about them but I had ALL their vet records with me in the car for easy access.

As far as pet-friendly chains... um... we ended up sneaking all the animals into a Quality Inn & Suites room. :P We didn't bother to ask about their policies as it was late and we were tired. I've recently seen a flurry of ads for here in the U.S. stressing that they are "pet friendly" so you may want to see their locations.

Depending on the health and age of your cat and how well he/she travels, you may wish to consider sedatives. Risks are low with sedatives if your cat is healthy. I gave my cats mild sedatives (provided by the vet) during the travel as they were not able to come out of their carrier until we were in the hotel room.

My cats are all fed on schedule so I know when they need to use the litterbox and when they don't so it fit in nicely with the hours we were actually in the car and the hotel (and then home).

Kathryn here travelled with 6 cats... there's a post kicking around here where she gave some awesome tips.

ETA: We drove over 2 days about 8 hours each day. Also, there's a limit on how much cat food you can bring with you at the border, so take that into consideration when you're packing up the car. I don't know what the limit is but CBP didn't confiscate any of what I brought.

Edited by misa, 11 August 2007 - 07:11 PM.

misaFemaleCanada2007-08-11 19:08:00
CanadaFiling 2006 Canadian Income Taxes

That's what we did for Michael - there is actually a box to check for living apart for the entire year.

Thanks Sandy!

Perhaps I should look at my tax form and actually do my taxes! :P

So I can file as married, but living seperately, his US salary exceeds mine, so if I claim his salary isn't it just going to make it that I owe more money or will his salary not even come into the picture ?

I don't think you need to claim his salary. I won't be claiming my husband's (the USC) and he won't be claiming mine.
misaFemaleCanada2007-02-25 12:51:00
CanadaFiling 2006 Canadian Income Taxes
I'm going to have to do that too. We got married in early November 2006.

Can you file married but separate? Like just continue to file as if you were single but check the "married" box and not claim any additional benefit?
misaFemaleCanada2007-02-25 12:24:00
CanadaEasy way to build credit
Ah! Okay thanks. I'll try and set up a joint thingy with him.

Stupid credit ratings here. Yeah, I cannot use my Canadian credit in any way, shape or form... I suck! tongue.gif
misaFemaleCanada2007-08-26 12:40:00
CanadaEasy way to build credit
Any ideas for someone like me? I do NOT want to try and use my Canadian credit (it sucks... bad). I have an SSN card here now and will be getting a State ID card soon so I'm going to try getting a Target card (a state DL or ID is required). I can't build credit off my husband's credit (from his credit card) since there's that FICO thingy saying they're not doing that anymore. I have a regular chequing account here and a joint chequing account.
misaFemaleCanada2007-08-26 12:10:00
CanadaEasy way to build credit
Not credit related, but account related (didn't want to start a new post so hope this is okay?).

Anyway, when you do end up getting a U.S. "check card" and want to use it with your Paypal account... no can do. The Canadian accounts ONLY accept cards where the billing address is in Canada. You'll need to start a NEW U.S. account with them or close your Canadian account and start a new U.S. one.
misaFemaleCanada2007-08-09 09:33:00
CanadaCanada Forum
I like #1!
misaFemaleCanada2007-08-26 12:39:00
CanadaCanada Forum
Just changed mine because the stalking of my mailman starts TOMORROW!

Monday - "Where's my green card?"
Tuesday - "Where's my green card?"
Wednesday - "Where's my green card?"
Thursday - "Where's my green card?"
Friday - "Where's my green card?"

misaFemaleCanada2007-08-26 12:35:00
CanadaCanada Forum
misaFemaleCanada2007-08-26 11:24:00
CanadaCanada Forum
QUOTE (KarenCee @ Aug 25 2007, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh god...somebody come sit on my hands...tie them behind my back...I wanna post in OT!!!! *begs*

NO! Bad Karen... BAD!!!!!

*rolls up a piece of newspaper*
misaFemaleCanada2007-08-25 19:08:00
CanadaCanada Forum
QUOTE (KarenCee @ Aug 25 2007, 09:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wish there was a way to put certain forums on ignore so I can't click on them. I have so little self control! GAH! I'm drawn like a moth to the flame...and then I wind up getting upset. *slaps forehead in disgust*

I hear you there! And are you sure it's a moth to a flame or a sloth to a flames game?

Edited by misa, 25 August 2007 - 11:43 AM.

misaFemaleCanada2007-08-25 11:42:00
CanadaCanada Forum
Oh, I'm not on Facebook or Myspace. I already have too much stuff going on! Say, a private invite only yahoo group would be neat. :) We could all ###### about things. :P
misaFemaleCanada2007-07-13 10:51:00
CanadaCanada Forum
Somebody moved the sicko thread to Off Topic... which means that thread will degenerate pretty damn quick. :P
misaFemaleCanada2007-07-06 20:32:00
CanadaCanada Forum
That's awesome guys! :P
misaFemaleCanada2007-07-03 19:49:00
CanadaCanada Forum
Don't forget the tattoos as well. :P
misaFemaleCanada2007-07-03 14:15:00
CanadaCanada Forum
More pictures people! (not me though :P)
misaFemaleCanada2007-07-03 14:06:00
CanadaCanada Forum
Great pics everyone! (yeah, I kind of don't like having my pic on the 'net either, so no pics from me) :)
misaFemaleCanada2007-06-29 16:12:00
CanadaCanada Forum

I'd like to see ya all!! I mean come on now when I think of Misa I think she's a beaver drinking timmies :help:

LOL! Nope, far from it! I'm a petite asian girl with a big attitude and lots of tattoos and piercings. :)
misaFemaleCanada2007-06-29 13:55:00
CanadaCanada Forum
^^ It's because we're Canadian and nice. :D
misaFemaleCanada2007-06-29 13:06:00
CanadaCanada Forum

(he sang the Littlest Hobo theme song for days!..LOL)..

There's a voice that keeps on calling me
Down the road, that's where I'll always be.
Every stop I make, I make a new friend,
Can't stay for long, just turn around and I'm gone again

Maybe tomorrow, I'll want to settle down,
Until tomorrow, I'll just keep moving on.

Down this road that never seems to end,
Where new adventure lies just around the bend.
So if you want to drive me for a while,
Just grab your hat, come travel light, that's hobo style.

Maybe tomorrow I'll want to settle down,
Until tomorrow, the whole world is my home.

So if you want to join me for a while,
Just grab your hat, come travel light, that's hobo style

Maybe tomorrow, I'll want to settle down,
Until tomorrow, I'll just keep moving on.

Maybe tomorrow, I'll want to settle down,
Until tomorrow, I'll just keep moving on.

There's a world that's waiting to unfold,
A brand new tale no-one has ever told.
We've journeyed far far and know it wont be long;
We're almost there, and we've paid our fare with our hobo song.

Maybe tomorrow, I'll want to settle down,
Until tomorrow, I'll just keep moving on.

So if you want to join me for a while,
Just grab your hat, come travel light, that's hobo style.

Maybe tomorrow, I'll find what I call home, Until tomorrow, you know I'm free

misaFemaleCanada2007-06-29 12:47:00
CanadaCanada Forum
Yup! I only venture into the AOS/EAD/K3/CR-1 forums for actual info and hang out here... I like it here. :)

Off Topic area is... well... you know... :P

Edited by misa, 29 June 2007 - 12:12 PM.

misaFemaleCanada2007-06-29 12:09:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
QUOTE (kimmbo @ Oct 24 2007, 10:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
2 more approvals today!! woo hoo, 3 more interviews next Wednesday on Halloween!

still waiting here, trying to keep it out of my mind and stay busy by cleaning out closets and our storage trying to decide what we actually will take with us when we move...Hopefully some day soon though we will go to the mail and find our envelope...

Congrats again to everyone with interviews or recent approvals, and good luck to those of us still waiting!

Hang in there girl! *hugs*
misaFemaleCanada2007-10-25 11:41:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
QUOTE (SpiritAlight @ Oct 22 2007, 12:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone have experience with this?
I cannot seem to find any clear info on whether I need to order a marriage certificate from my previous marriage.

Depends on whether you're going through Vancouver or Montreal. Vancouver requires it along with your divorce decree/whatever it's called but Montreal (someone correct me if I am wrong) only requires the divorce decree.

From the Vancouver checklist (for K3, I'm sure it's the same for K1 but probably says, "if you or your fiance"):

Divorce and Death Certificates: If you or your spouse were married previously, obtain one certified copy of your marriage certificate(s), and one certified copy of the divorce decree, annulment, or death certificate to prove the dissolution of each such prior marriage. The certificate must show that it is an extract from official records and must bear the seal of the issuing authority.

Edited by misa, 22 October 2007 - 11:47 AM.

misaFemaleCanada2007-10-22 11:44:00
CanadaMTL Timeline to Interview
misaFemaleCanada2007-09-21 14:59:00