K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresName after marriage
QUOTE (Mark and Hannah @ Jan 6 2008, 04:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not quite the same situation but, after I left my first husband (but nine months prior to final divorce papers), I changed my surname back to my birth surname by deed poll and also added an additional middle name that I have been known by since I was a child. When Mark asked me to send him documentation I included a certified copy of this deed poll with the other evidence even though my passport, birth certificate, and even my final divorce papers all show my birth surname. The deed poll service is quick, easy, and relatively cheap... and if you don't have any other official record of the change this might be a good back-up to have in-hand. Better to have it and not need it!

What my Fiance is trying to say or ask I believe is....

Should he use his birth surname or the name on all of his relevant papers (passport, bank statements, leases, plane tickets etc..of course excluding his birth certificate) on all of our paperwork for the K1 process and just list His birth surname as other names known?

SHould he have his name officially changed by deed poll (legal way to change name in UK , recognized by all government agencies) would it matter that it was just done know and not when he was little?

What other thing should we include to explain the name change? We thought a notorized letter from his mother saying that David went by his stepfathers last name since age of 5
his doctor that all medical records have been in that name as well

he has nothing with his birth surname except his birth certificate so it seems logically he should use the name he has gone by for the past 29 years. but we do not want a RFE or worse visa refusal......

Missing.himFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-06 17:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy baby is coming home on the 18th!!! :D
Congrats!!! She will be fine and home with you soon!!! good.gif
Missing.himFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-08 22:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespeople, what do you do?
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Jan 9 2008, 07:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Missing.him @ Jan 9 2008, 06:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You spend as much time "together" as possible. We use skype, email, and the webcam is a lifesaver!!! We plan our wedding even though we have no idea when it will be. When its really rough we cry, scream and curse (well at least i do!) You just have to realize that its not forever and at least we have each other , at least we know we will see each other again. I went through the physical pain last time David left. I went weeks without sleeping, could not eat, felt like I could die. But for me I had to get my a*# in gear as I have a small child. Yet I made it through that and we will see each other Friday for a few weeks or months depending on the POE. Yet we all have to go through this if we want to be together. Just think of it as a test of the strength of yourself and your relationship, you will make it through because the only other choice is to give up and I know for myself I am not giving up the only man that has made me believe in love..
So be strong! think of all the good times you have had and all the many more you will have in your lifetime together!!!!!!! heart.gif

You brought tears to my eyes!!!

me?? aww i am sorry!!!
It made me a little weepy too!
Missing.himFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-09 18:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurespeople, what do you do?
QUOTE (~Laura and Nick~ @ Jan 9 2008, 07:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
MSN/Skype voice and video chat, play WoW together, we rent movies and watch them at the same time together while voice chatting. We eat dinner together on webcam, leave our webcam's on all night. It's pretty fun.
I work a lot and save as much money as I can and he does the same.

We are both working towards the same goal. I love him so much!

You spend as much time "together" as possible. We use skype, email, and the webcam is a lifesaver!!! We plan our wedding even though we have no idea when it will be. When its really rough we cry, scream and curse (well at least i do!) You just have to realize that its not forever and at least we have each other , at least we know we will see each other again. I went through the physical pain last time David left. I went weeks without sleeping, could not eat, felt like I could die. But for me I had to get my a*# in gear as I have a small child. Yet I made it through that and we will see each other Friday for a few weeks or months depending on the POE. Yet we all have to go through this if we want to be together. Just think of it as a test of the strength of yourself and your relationship, you will make it through because the only other choice is to give up and I know for myself I am not giving up the only man that has made me believe in love..
So be strong! think of all the good times you have had and all the many more you will have in your lifetime together!!!!!!! heart.gif
Missing.himFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-09 18:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures90 day visitor under 'visa waiver programme'
yes it is up to the POE as it does not actually say how many times you can visit
my fiance has been here 3 times since May of 07 on the VWP stayed 3 weeks the first time. 7 weeks the next and 11 weeks the last time...
He has been back home in the UK for almost 2 months now and he is coming tomorrow to Canada so we can vacation together! YAY ( i cannot wait to see him!) We will try to come back here so it will be interesting to see if he can come here for the 4th time... it is technically another year as he has not visited in 2008 yet LOL!!
Wish us luck! smile.gif

Edited by Missing.him, 10 January 2008 - 08:28 PM.

Missing.himFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-10 20:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Decree - seal?
QUOTE (mox @ Jan 7 2008, 02:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Missing.him @ Jan 7 2008, 10:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just a question? Have you filed your petition without first obtaining your final divorce decree? Because I am waiting on mine it will be another month or so and have not filed my petition because of it? Can i file then include it later... and when later?

Is your divorce final? You can't file your I-129F unless you are legally allowed to marry at the time of filing. If you file before your divorce is final, you will be denied. If, on the other hand, the judgment is final and you're just waiting on the paperwork to get to you, then I suppose you could go ahead and file now. You'll get an RFE requesting the divorce decree, at which time you should have it and can send it in.

QUOTE (LuciansGirl @ Jan 7 2008, 10:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Doesn't the term "decree" simply mean "judgment of the court"? Mine doesn't have "decree" on the actual document but it does say "judgment of dissolution".

Yeah, sounds like the same thing.

thanks mox....
it will be final this week but will take a month or so to get the decree... did not know if it was worth filing now getting an RFE
or waiting until i get it and file. I do not know if i am saving us any time by doing it the first way...
Missing.himFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-07 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDivorce Decree - seal?
QUOTE (mox @ Jan 7 2008, 01:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (CBR @ Jan 7 2008, 09:41 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm still wondering what the "decree" is though. That term is not on my papers anywhere. I asked for a decree at the courthouse and they said this is pile of papers that I fileld out stating who gets what etc that the judge signed.

Does everybody get that or is a decree more of a one page certificate type thing?

Hmmm, pretty sure mine actually says "decree." I'll check it out when I get home.

QUOTE (LuciansGirl @ Jan 7 2008, 09:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My divorce decree is similar to yours since I'm also in Cali so I'll go with the copy that the court sent me with the court's stamp. Thanks, mox!

My decree is from Colorado, actually. But probably very similar.

Just a question? Have you filed your petition without first obtaining your final divorce decree? Because I am waiting on mine it will be another month or so and have not filed my petition because of it? Can i file then include it later... and when later?
Missing.himFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-07 13:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion regarding Fiance name change
QUOTE (TracyOz @ Jan 19 2008, 03:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Common Law Name change - is quite legal and valid (without official deed poll name change documents).. However you must supply further proof about the fact that the name has been used and for roughly how long.

Eg:- a Stat Dec. (or affidavit) from a couple of people (with a photograph of your fiance on this declaration). stating that I (blah blah) have known (blah blah blah) shown in this photo for x number of years, I have only known them as the following name;-
Have these documents notarized or witnessed by a JP.

Also include anything else that shows use of that surname, especially anything official (legal) from that country - such as drivers licence, medical records, school records, bank statement, tax file number etc.

Along with a statement (affidavit or similar) from the actual finance stating that this is their birth certificate number, registered on x date and that since x date they have gone by the surname of x.

Hope that helps (I know it means more paperwork whistling.gif grin but what the hey? During this process there is really nothing like another couple of trees being chopped down for our photocopying is there?? regardless of the fact that on the bottom of all the forms that we have to fill in it refers to the paperwork reduction act... LOL... big joke).

have a GREAT day

yeah i laugh at the paperwork reduction act as well.. I never would have thought that marrying someone from another country could be so complicated and bad for all those trees sad.gif
If he were American we could have been married the same day
Oh well life is life...what we do for the ones we love tongue.gif
Missing.himFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-19 17:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion regarding Fiance name change
We are finally getting ready to send in our petition in a few weeks and wanting to avoid any RFE's
I am wondering I know we do not have to include my fiance's birth certificate. His passport and all other documents except his birth certificate are in his stepfathers last name. He was never officially adopted but has went by that last name since he was 4 and he is now 34...
he listed his birth father on his g325a and he put that last name as other names known. He is in the process of getting his name officially changed by deed poll and will have a confirmation that the name he uses is "legal"
it states in the guide that Proof of Legal Name Change if either the US Citizen and/or foreign fiance(e) is using a name other than that shown on the relevant documents. You must give USCIS copies of the legal documents that made the change, such as a marriage certificate, adoption decree or court order ... what are the relevant documents for him as he does not have to provide anything for the petition besides the G325A and the intent to marry? so I guess my question is do we bother to include the birth certificate and deed poll name change in the petition or does he need this for the interview only?
I think that the more info we send the better as they will not have to question anything...
Missing.himFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-19 09:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical related question
I think first of all you should absolutely seek help! this process is stressful and sad and can rattle even the most "stable" person. Its ok to go talk to someone. I really do not see how it will affect your petition. First if I am correct the only ask the beneficiary not the petitioner medical questions. It is sad though that depression is seen as being a mental disorder and something to be looked down upon when actually it is a chemical imbalance or just bottled up emotions... This forum also is excellent at expressing your feelings, venting and commiserating with others going through the exact same thing... take care and talk whenever you need.
Missing.himFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-20 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSeperated in Canada. Can my finace still apply for a K1
QUOTE (wishiwasthere23 @ Jan 22 2008, 12:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi All,

First off, i am very happy i found this site.

After google searching like mad, and no help, I would like you to get some of your opinions on this matter.

My fiance in the US and I, want to start the I-129F petition. I am currently seperated in Canada from my husband, but haven't started the divorce procedings yet. We have been seperated for over a year. Just wondering if we should(have to) wait till my divorce is final before applying or can he still do the petition with me being seperated.

Thank you all for your help, its greatly appreciated. smile.gif

You have to supply the final divorce decree with the petition so you would have to wait until your divorce finalizes. I would get on it as quickly as possible if you want to file your petition soon.
Missing.himFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-01-22 12:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOKAY VERMONT FILERS, WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING
QUOTE (MrsRowe @ Jun 18 2008, 08:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OKAY, GUYS, TIME TO RALLY THE TROOPS. Vermont is not moving from July 30th, we need to make a huge effort here or continue down this pathetic road. I say that we are being taken for granted. I say that Vermont is doing nothing at all, posting July 30th while approving applications filed in December and leaving October and November applications behind. Let's pull together and figure something out. We need to do something to get their attention or this is going to go on for a long, long time. Who is with me. Let's brainstorm. I am in battle mode. Tired of sitting around waiting while my husband is miles away and my daughter is growing up without him. Come on people, lets work together. Gather ideas, something has got to give. crying.gif mad.gif

Count me in! Is it possible to get the medias attention on this matter? I am thinking of the New York Times as one possibility.Does anyone have the expertise on how to contact the newspaper? Just a thought.

Richard and AidaMalePhilippines2008-06-18 18:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOKAY VERMONT FILERS, WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING
QUOTE (Ilya R. @ Jun 18 2008, 09:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
write a mass letter to the new director of immigration(with CC: all important members of congress/senate) stating a big problem with their fifo system, attaching everyone's EAC #? hoping for a response?

Excellent idea

Richard and AidaMalePhilippines2008-06-18 17:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-3032
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Jun 24 2008, 08:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
IF the form is on the state department website, then it is valid.

OMB No. 1405-0126 EXPIRATION DATE: 12/31/2006 Has to do with data collection done by Office of Management and Budget, it is the due date for a survey conducted by OMB, not an expiration date for the form itself.

Thank you
Richard and AidaMalePhilippines2008-06-24 10:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-3032
Hi everyone

I have a question on the ds-3032 form that I down loaded from James shortcuts.On the form it says expiration date 12/31/2006.Is this okay to use?

Thank you and I am learning quite a bit from this site

Richard and AidaMalePhilippines2008-06-24 06:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCase Approved!!
QUOTE (foreverido @ Jun 30 2008, 08:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am pleased to inform everyone that our case has been Approved. National Visa we come!!! My wife does not know yet ( she is sleeping)... i am so excited...i need to tell her now. she is gonna scream when i tell her. kicking.gif

Congratulations kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
Richard and AidaMalePhilippines2008-07-01 19:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 email today!!!!!
CONGRATS kicking.gif
Richard and AidaMalePhilippines2008-06-28 17:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 question on form
Hi Everyone I am learning a lot from this site.Thank you.I do have a few questions on the DS-230.On question 21a of page two pf four it says persons named in 14 and 19 who will accompony you to the U.S.14 is the spouse (me) .What should I put here because if possible I wil go to the Philippines to accompany her to the U.S.,but I dont know that now whether I will be able to or not.My other question is how far to go with the N/A and none in blamk spaces? Example of question 19 on 2 of 4 it says list names and places of birth of all children.Is it okay to just put none in one column?or fill in each and every blank with none or N/A? Thank you
Richard and AidaMalePhilippines2008-07-16 00:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 APPROVED!!! FROM VERMONT SLOW CENTER
QUOTE (jeffmich2007 @ Jul 17 2008, 04:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Richard and Aida @ Jul 17 2008, 02:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
HI vj FAMILY.TODAY I RECEIVED A LONG AWAITED E-MAIL STATEING I130 approved.The hard copy is in the mail. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif WOWWOWEEEEEEE!!

I did not receive any touches prior to approval except exactly when approved was one touch 7/17/2008.This has been a long wait.Lets all pray that Vermont Slow Center will become Vermont Fast Center and many other NOA2s will follow mine.We thank everyone at VJ for all the info in the past and for info we will need for the second part of our journey.We thank God all the goodness bestowed upon us.

CONGRATULATIONS !!!! Coming out of Vermont is such a nice feeling smile.gif I too was at Vermont but got Approved on 26th June now we are at the last leg of NVC ...I will be sending in my DS-230 's for my son and myself this week so hopefully i will be case complete in a couple weeks if all goes well smile.gif our files were on the NVC system on July 2nd so it only took a week to get out Vermont to NVC.

Interview in London in Sept if im lucky smile.gif

Your on your way ..... Good luck !
NVC are so much nicer to work with compaired to USCIS but im sure USCIS they have thier reasons as to why they can't answer hardly any questions.

If you follow the Fast way to go through NVC it should save you atleast 1 - 2 months time smile.gif

All the best to you both smile.gif


Thank yo and I will take your advice and do the fast way.
Richard and AidaMalePhilippines2008-07-17 15:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 APPROVED!!! FROM VERMONT SLOW CENTER
HI vj FAMILY.TODAY I RECEIVED A LONG AWAITED E-MAIL STATEING I130 approved.The hard copy is in the mail. kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif WOWWOWEEEEEEE!!

I did not receive any touches prior to approval except exactly when approved was one touch 7/17/2008.This has been a long wait.Lets all pray that Vermont Slow Center will become Vermont Fast Center and many other NOA2s will follow mine.We thank everyone at VJ for all the info in the past and for info we will need for the second part of our journey.We thank God all the goodness bestowed upon us.
Richard and AidaMalePhilippines2008-07-17 14:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresoctober Filers CR1
QUOTE (KIMF @ Jul 17 2008, 12:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Have October filers CR1 been approved?

After waiting so long and hearing nothing, what should I do? Is Vermont working?

I am 4 months pregnant and things are staring to get really hard.

If there are October filers still out there please let me know that I am not alone...

Good Night

You have got to be very close because I am September 28,2007 and we just received NOA2 e-mail on July17,2007.Good luck and I pray your NOA2 is soon.
Richard and AidaMalePhilippines2008-07-20 17:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBad lawyer experience-please help!
QUOTE (emberiza @ May 23 2008, 09:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone!

We hired Holmes & Lolly lawyer office to take care of our K1-visa and had bad experience from them. First it did weeks for them to send our application to USCIS. It turned out that the paralegal who was assigned to our case was sick for some time and our case was dusting on her desk! After many phone calls my fiance found this out and someone else was assigned to our case. And they started to ask for a document we had already sent them and it took a long time to convince them of this! Eventually they sent our application to California Service center. It is very hard to get any reply from them to any question and they are really rude! They definately just don't care.

We are waiting for the NOA2 approval now.
If we decide to request all our documents back from the lawyer office and discontinue their services before we get NOA2, is that possible? I mean if we inform USCIS that we are no longer using the services of Holmes and Lolly mentioned in the K1 application? And what is the phone number or fax number where we can contact USCIS?

I'd be really grateful for your replies!! =)

Thank you so much for the info on Holmes and Lolly.Wow I was ready to hire them and I dont know how but I camr across your letter while I was waiting for a call from them!Good luck.

Richard and AidaMalePhilippines2008-05-23 08:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI might have to give up hope :(
QUOTE (ChelleKeith @ Sep 3 2008, 07:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have just found out that I am not able to find a cosponsor. Everyone I have asked have said no they dont feel comfortable sponsoring someone from another country. Without a co sponsor we dont have a prayer of being approved.
My heart is breaking here as I dont know what to do and I cant imagine living my life with out him in it.

I finally found a man to treat me with respect and someone who doesnt use his fist to get his point across and treats my children the way they deserve to be treated and right now it looks like we cant be together.

I dont know what to do but am sitting here with tears running down my face because I have noone to help me and this is very sad news.

Sorry to hear,but have you tried assests?like house bank account etc? Do you have any income like social secutiyetc that can qualify you? try everything you can and dont give up.Good luck.
Richard and AidaMalePhilippines2008-09-03 06:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureslower income in 2006 but higher than poverty line now
I would think the safest option would be to get a joint sponsor.

You husband should definitely file tax return for 2006 which should show his income both in Korea as well as his income in the U.S. I am not sure about your situation, but you can use 2005 and 2004's tax return to show financial independence.

QUOTE (rohscat @ Jan 14 2008, 02:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I asked a question below.. after checking my situation, here is one more question...
We need tax return for 2006 to file I-864. My hubby(US citizen) worked a Korean company in Korea several months in 2006 and come to USA in August 2006 and he got a job in December 2006 in the US.
He hasn't file tax return for 2006 yet. Checking his income, his total income for 2006 is lower than poverty line. His present salary is higher than poverty line(he will send 'employment of verification' and pay stub with I-864). In this case, should we need joint sponser? or should we need some asset(cash..)?

charles_nyMaleSouth Korea2008-01-20 15:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStarting a New Journey

Dear everyone,

Thanks a bunch for great information on this website. With your help, I filed my I-129F on Feb. 27, 2007.

I will keep you guys posted on my progress...
charles_nyMaleSouth Korea2007-03-01 18:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes! - I-129F Approved
What's next? Give me a heads up...

Vermont is really efficient!
charles_nyMaleSouth Korea2007-03-27 23:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEntering the U.S. with K1-Visa
Hey everyone,

Does my fiance need any other documents when entering the U.S. with K1 visa? We will be coming in through Detroit airport...

I heard that you should have the K1-visa petition approval form with you... and was wondering if there are anything else what we should be on the look out for...

Thanks again for your help!

charles_nyMaleSouth Korea2007-06-12 15:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresno photos of wedding?
I don't have any wedding photos either. I have a video, but no photos. I think it would be good to have wedding photos, but it isn't necessary. Your marriage certificate is proof of a genuine marriage.
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-06-30 15:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswant know what this email mean?

After 10 days of sending an email to nvc appointning my wife as my AGENT i got this email

"Your inquiry has been received at the National Visa Center (NVC).

The NVC has updated the address. Please continue to notify the NVC of
any change of address or change in personal situation, which may affect
the beneficiary's entitlement to a visa.

A packet containing the Affidavit of Support (I-864) Processing Fee
Bill has been sent to the petitioner or attorney of record. The payment
due amount listed on the fee bill must be paid according to the
instructions before the I-864 will be accepted.

The NVC is resending a duplicate packet. Please allow at least 10-15
business days for the packet to arrive.

NVC has received the Agent of Choice selection. The Immigrant Visa
Application (DS 230) processing fee bill will be sent to the designated
agent on the case. The fee must be paid according to the instructions
before that form will be sent. Please allow two to four weeks for the
designated agent to receive this fee bill."

what does this email mean ???

It looks like you informed them that you have changed your address, and they have updated your records in accordance with that. Also that you have selected your agent of choice (your wife) and they are confirming that they have received information in regards to that subject. The e-mail is also informing you of what has been sent to the petitioner, and that fees will have to made in accordance with the various forms before they will be accepted.
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-07-07 13:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWaiting for NVC and Interview

Aussie you didn't make the changes so I did ...

Oh gosh lol I was so excited for you I forgot

Adding MrsBruce5 with case comlplete :thumbs: Congrats again


BrianATGemma....12-27-04....09-19-05..251...Manila Philippines....03-23-06....451.....??-??-??
konfuz..........03-12-05....12-08-05..271...Manila, Philippines...07-12-06....487.....??-??-??
timandbethanie..04-20-05....05-17-06..392...London, England.......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
Mermaid.........04-22-05....04-28-06..371...Montreal, Canada......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
kimjoshian......06-07-05....10-05-05..120...Abu, Dhabi............03-27-06....293.....??-??-??
mrs.mnez........07-14-05....12-09-05..148...Manila, Philippines...03-27-06....256.....04-28-06
melliemel.......07-15-05....12-19-05..157...Montreal, Canada......04-19-06....278.....??-??-??
jennieh.........07-21-05....01-13-06..175...Casablanca, Morocco...??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
Chicken_Little..08-01-05....11-17-05..101...Montreal, Canada......03-20-06....231.....03-21-06
louandmikek3....08-05-05....??-??-??..???...London, England.......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
Gurney..........10-01-05....02-16-06..138...Montreal, Canada......06-14-06....256.....??-??-??
classic.........10-03-05....01-12-06..101...Manila, Philippines...??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
crashandcari....10-10-05....02-23-06..136...London, England.......05-02-06....204.....05-04-06
shonjaved.......10-16-05....01-31-06..107...Islamabad, Pakistan...??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
yellow stars18..10-20-05....02-21-06..124...London, England.......04-28-06....190.....??-??-??
BobandXiaomei...10-21-05....01-10-06...81...Guangzhou, China......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
euro............10-25-05....02-14-06..112...London, England.......04-28-06....185.....??-??-??
YamSam..........11-15-05....01-04-06...50...Bombay, India.........03-23-06....128.....03-24-06
approvemedammit.11-20-05....03-24-06..124...Montreal, Canada......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
Aussiewench.....11-29-05....04-04-06..126...Sydney, Australia.....06-05-06....188.....??-??-??
Fischkoepfin....11-29-05....02-27-06...90...Frankfurt, Germany....03-31-06....122.....04-13-06
crazi4christ....12-08-05....03-13-06...95...Lagos, Nigeria........??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
ofelya_tr.......01-10-06....??-??-??..???...Ankara, Turkey........??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
JoelAndAnalyn...01-12-06....04-21-06...99...Manila, Philippines...??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
blahblah........01-14-06....04-05-06...81...Montreal, Canada......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
daisy...........01-17-06....04-06-06...79...London, England.......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
yabasta.........01-25-06....04-21-16...86...London, England.......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
joyeann.........01-27-06....05-10-06..103...Ankara, Turkey........06-06-06....130.....??-??-??
germangel.......01-31-06....04-28-06...87...Frankfurt, Germany....07-17-06....167.....??-??-??
jennyjenny......02-02-06....04-04-06...65...Guangzhou, China......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
PSoft...........02-09-06....04/12/06...62...Islamabad, Pakistan...??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
BC_Ed...........02-16-06....05-16-06...89...Montreal, Canada......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
doodles.........02-19-06....??-??-??..???...Manila, Philippines...??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
Shortie81.......02-21-06....05-04-06...72...Manila, Philippines...??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
dadowanana......02-22-06....05-18-06...85...Cotonou, Benin........??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
MrsBruce5.......02-27-06....05-22-06...84...London, England.......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
vitek1971.......03-03-06....05-10-06...68...Tashkent, Uzbekistan..??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
ylime0411.......03-27-06....??-??-??..???...Manila, Philippines...??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
meddykomp.......04-12-06....??-??-??..???...Stockholm, Sweden.....??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
sarahtr7........04-17-06....??-??-??..???...Montreal, Canada......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
scroll..........04-28-06....??-??-??..???...Rio, Brazil...........??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
munchkins.......05-16-06....??-??-??..???...London, England.......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
ClovesC.........05-16-06....??-??-??..???...Manila, Philippines...??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
tommysgirl......05-18-06....??-??-??..???...Montreal, Canada......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??

Aussie here is our info

waiting4goozy I130 submitted 09/02/2005, NOA & case # 09/08/2005, approved & forwarded to NVC 01/18/2006, NVC case # w/ choice of agent 02/01/2006...Montreal consulate for Egyptian, NVC case complete 06/07/2006

Thank you

Aussie you didn't make the changes so I did ...

Oh gosh lol I was so excited for you I forgot

Adding MrsBruce5 with case comlplete :thumbs: Congrats again


BrianATGemma....12-27-04....09-19-05..251...Manila Philippines....03-23-06....451.....??-??-??
konfuz..........03-12-05....12-08-05..271...Manila, Philippines...07-12-06....487.....??-??-??
timandbethanie..04-20-05....05-17-06..392...London, England.......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
Mermaid.........04-22-05....04-28-06..371...Montreal, Canada......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
kimjoshian......06-07-05....10-05-05..120...Abu, Dhabi............03-27-06....293.....??-??-??
mrs.mnez........07-14-05....12-09-05..148...Manila, Philippines...03-27-06....256.....04-28-06
melliemel.......07-15-05....12-19-05..157...Montreal, Canada......04-19-06....278.....??-??-??
jennieh.........07-21-05....01-13-06..175...Casablanca, Morocco...??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
Chicken_Little..08-01-05....11-17-05..101...Montreal, Canada......03-20-06....231.....03-21-06
louandmikek3....08-05-05....??-??-??..???...London, England.......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
Gurney..........10-01-05....02-16-06..138...Montreal, Canada......06-14-06....256.....??-??-??
classic.........10-03-05....01-12-06..101...Manila, Philippines...??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
crashandcari....10-10-05....02-23-06..136...London, England.......05-02-06....204.....05-04-06
shonjaved.......10-16-05....01-31-06..107...Islamabad, Pakistan...??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
yellow stars18..10-20-05....02-21-06..124...London, England.......04-28-06....190.....??-??-??
BobandXiaomei...10-21-05....01-10-06...81...Guangzhou, China......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
euro............10-25-05....02-14-06..112...London, England.......04-28-06....185.....??-??-??
YamSam..........11-15-05....01-04-06...50...Bombay, India.........03-23-06....128.....03-24-06
approvemedammit.11-20-05....03-24-06..124...Montreal, Canada......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
Aussiewench.....11-29-05....04-04-06..126...Sydney, Australia.....06-05-06....188.....??-??-??
Fischkoepfin....11-29-05....02-27-06...90...Frankfurt, Germany....03-31-06....122.....04-13-06
crazi4christ....12-08-05....03-13-06...95...Lagos, Nigeria........??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
ofelya_tr.......01-10-06....??-??-??..???...Ankara, Turkey........??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
JoelAndAnalyn...01-12-06....04-21-06...99...Manila, Philippines...??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
blahblah........01-14-06....04-05-06...81...Montreal, Canada......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
daisy...........01-17-06....04-06-06...79...London, England.......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
yabasta.........01-25-06....04-21-16...86...London, England.......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
joyeann.........01-27-06....05-10-06..103...Ankara, Turkey........06-06-06....130.....??-??-??
germangel.......01-31-06....04-28-06...87...Frankfurt, Germany....07-17-06....167.....??-??-??
jennyjenny......02-02-06....04-04-06...65...Guangzhou, China......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
PSoft...........02-09-06....04/12/06...62...Islamabad, Pakistan...??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
BC_Ed...........02-16-06....05-16-06...89...Montreal, Canada......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
doodles.........02-19-06....??-??-??..???...Manila, Philippines...??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
Shortie81.......02-21-06....05-04-06...72...Manila, Philippines...??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
dadowanana......02-22-06....05-18-06...85...Cotonou, Benin........??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
MrsBruce5.......02-27-06....05-22-06...84...London, England.......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
vitek1971.......03-03-06....05-10-06...68...Tashkent, Uzbekistan..??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
ylime0411.......03-27-06....??-??-??..???...Manila, Philippines...??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
meddykomp.......04-12-06....??-??-??..???...Stockholm, Sweden.....??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
sarahtr7........04-17-06....??-??-??..???...Montreal, Canada......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
scroll..........04-28-06....??-??-??..???...Rio, Brazil...........??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
munchkins.......05-16-06....??-??-??..???...London, England.......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
ClovesC.........05-16-06....??-??-??..???...Manila, Philippines...??-??-??....???.....??-??-??
tommysgirl......05-18-06....??-??-??..???...Montreal, Canada......??-??-??....???.....??-??-??

Aussie here is our info

waiting4goozy I130 submitted 09/02/2005, NOA & case # 09/08/2005, approved & forwarded to NVC 01/18/2006, NVC case # w/ choice of agent 02/01/2006...Montreal consulate for Egyptian, NVC case complete 06/07/2006

Thank you

oops forgot # of days to case complete 278
Movin on New LifeFemaleEgypt2006-06-15 09:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat's the difference between co-sponsor and jointsponsor
Well, I asked about a co sponsor and was told it is a joint sponsor so there must be a difference. I was wondering what the difference was myself when someone pointed that out to me.
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-04-30 15:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresquestions during interview.
I suggest you be truthful! Trust me, any and all deceit when it comes to US immigration ALWAYS comes out eventually and will bite you and cause you even more problems. Besides, what makes you sure they do not already have that information and will catch you in a lie??!! I strongly urge you to complete the fomrs honestly and completely and simply have the backup documentation to prove your intentions to return home.
Movin on New LifeFemaleEgypt2008-09-05 19:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat is the latest on police reports and medical?
QUOTE (frali @ Oct 25 2008, 08:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would recommend posting in the regional threads as well as they will have the updated knowledge regarding the validity of each country.

Police clearence certificates depends on the country of issue.

the regional threads? thanks
Movin on New LifeFemaleEgypt2008-10-25 08:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhat is the latest on police reports and medical?
with the sometimes never ending changes, I was wondering what is the latest on how long the police reports and medical are good for? I have heard both 6 months and 1 year. Are they different for each country? we have been waiting for a year now on our 601 waiver so I know we have to do the medical again.. but we went ahead and did the police reports for US Egypt and Canada last month and just want to be sure how long they are good for. One other thing regarding the police reports... if there has not been any travel to the country since last police report do you still have to do another one for that country? Thanks much
Movin on New LifeFemaleEgypt2008-10-25 07:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Petitions NOA 2 . ALL approved in November 2008
QUOTE (waiting4goozy @ Dec 20 2008, 01:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (W H C @ Dec 20 2008, 12:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I still don't have my case number as yet the NVC operator told me to check next week . I feel as if i am going out of my mind help. Does any one hava and idea of when the processing might be completed for people who were approved under the category Ir/Cr 1 for and I-130 petition. Help!

sorry to bear bad news... but you still have a wait.
If I understand your timeline, you have been approved with USCIS and now waiting for case number from NVC?
If I remember for us it took 30 to 60 days from USCIS til NVC sent us papers with case number. Then you have all their processing, you are looking at atleast 6 to 12 months total time. Sorry... but as you will see from many many posts here... patience, thoroughly completed papers, patience, follow up calls.. etc are all part of it

Let me know if I can help any further. Best to you

sorry I double checked... it took us two weeks to get our response with case number from NVC. Then took from Feb 1 to July 5th for it to be processed and then leave NVC, a week later Montreal received and our interview was set for August 21. Hope this helps you. You should be receieving your NVC case number very soon.. perhaps it was delayed a few days because of the past two snow storms in Vermont..
Movin on New LifeFemaleEgypt2008-12-20 01:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Petitions NOA 2 . ALL approved in November 2008
QUOTE (W H C @ Dec 20 2008, 12:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I still don't have my case number as yet the NVC operator told me to check next week . I feel as if i am going out of my mind help. Does any one hava and idea of when the processing might be completed for people who were approved under the category Ir/Cr 1 for and I-130 petition. Help!

sorry to bear bad news... but you still have a wait.
If I understand your timeline, you have been approved with USCIS and now waiting for case number from NVC?
If I remember for us it took 30 to 60 days from USCIS til NVC sent us papers with case number. Then you have all their processing, you are looking at atleast 6 to 12 months total time. Sorry... but as you will see from many many posts here... patience, thoroughly completed papers, patience, follow up calls.. etc are all part of it

Let me know if I can help any further. Best to you
Movin on New LifeFemaleEgypt2008-12-20 01:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresour I130 processing time
so sorry I am way over due in getting this information out to you.... Here is what our time frame for our I130 processing has been.

US Citizen & Egypt sent to Vermont Service Center with Montreal interview processing

09/02/05 I130 Sent I130 application and fee $185 priority mail $30
09/08/05 I130 NOA USCIS Recd 190 - 999 days to process
09/26/05 I130 Sent letter USCIS confirming Montreal processing
10/28/05 I130 Sent letter to Montreal Embassy confirming processing ($12)
11/02/05 I130 NOA request for G325A Biographic
12/08/05 I130 Sent G-325A Biographic ($14 priority mail)
01/18/06 I130 NOA USCIS Approved fowarding to NVC
02/01/06 I130 Recd DS-3032 Choice of Agent form
02/01/06 I130 Recd I864 Affidvat of Support Fee bill $70
02/02/06 I130 Sent DS-3032 Choice of Agent form
Priority mail ($14)
02/06/06 I130 Sent CORRECTED DS-3032 Choice of Agent
Priority mail ($14)
02/04/06 I130 Sent I-864 Affidavit of Support fee $70
Priority mail ($14)
02/17/06 I130 Recd I-864 Affidavit of Support
02/27/06 I130 Recd Visa Application Fee bill ($380)
03/02/06 I130 Sent Visa application Fee ($380)
Priority mail ($14)

03/10/06 I129F Sent application with $170 fee
Priority mail ($14)
03/13/06 I130 Recd DS-230 Part I II Visa Application
03/15/06 I129F NOA Recd, allow 60 -180 days for processing
04/06/06 I130 Request for W2s, were missing from Support of Affidavit
04/24/06 I130 Sent DS-Part I Visa application
Priority Mail ($14)
04/27/06 I130 Notice, they are still waiting to recd our Visa appl
04/28/06 I130 Sent certified copies of docs for DS- 230 Part I
(had mistakenly sent photo copies) Mail ($30)
05/03/06 I130 Called NVC, told to disregard ltr, they recd Visa Appl,
allow 2 - 4 weeks to review

** Other fees paid:
Police Certificates US $75, Egypt $45, Canada $25 postage $14
Certified Copies of Docs: Marriage $20, Birth Certificate US $20, Egypt $20

thanks hope the end is near
Movin on New LifeFemaleEgypt2006-05-05 01:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresour processing time
I have tired and cannot get this into our blog page (guess too much to put into signature) so thought i would just post it for info.
thank you
]US Citizen & Egyptian w/ Montreal processing
2005/09/02 snt appl w/ $185 fee priorty mail $30
2005/09/08 NOA USCUS recd 190-999 days to process
2005/09/26 snt ltr USCIS confirming Montreal process pm$12
2005/10/28 snt ltr Montreal confirming address pm$8
2005/11/02 NOA request for G325A Biographic
2005/12/28 snt G325a Biographic pm$14
2006/01/18 NOA approved snt to National Visa Center NVC
2006/02/01 Recd DS-3032 Choice of Agent
2006/02/01 Recd Affidavit of Support bill $70
2006/02/02 snt DS-3032 Choice of Agent pm$14
2006/02/04 snt corrected Ds3032 pm$14
2006/02/04 snt Affidavit of Support Fee $70 pm$14
2006/02/17 recd Affidavit of Support form
2006/02/27 recd Visa appl bill $380
2006/03/02 snt visa appl fee $380 pm$14
2006/03/07 snt Affidavit of Support pm$14
2006/03/13 recd DS-230 Part I II Visa appl
2006/04/06 recd request for W2s missing from AOS
2006/04/07 snt W2s pm$14
2006/04/24 snt DS I & II visa appl pm$14
2006/04/27 NOA they are still waiting to rec DS-230 visa application
2006/04/28 snt Certified Copies of Docs that were to be with DS-230 pm$30
2006/05/02 NVC rec DS-230 2 -4 weeks to process
2006/05/04 Request for eligibility to be in Canada
2006/05/06 snt aabove info pm$14
2006/03/10 snt appl pm $14
2006/03/15 NOA recd 60 to 90 days to process
2006/03/28 touched
* additional fees paid: plice certificates US$75 Egypt&45 Canada$25 postage $14, certified copies Marriage $20, birth cert $20 Egypt $20
Movin on New LifeFemaleEgypt2006-05-09 21:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC Times

Just wondering as long as there are no major hiccups.. once the NVC have recieved your petition from the USCIS how long until an interview date is issued..

i realise that cases are different would just appreciate a guesstimate..

oh by the Way we filed the I-130 in Vermont (Not sure if this makes a difference..

Listed below is out time frame.. (We had some hold ups getting original certificates from Egypt and police reports from Egypt) Hope it helps..

US Citizen & Egypt with Montreal processing

09/02/05 I130 Sent I130 application and fee $185 priority mail $30
09/08/05 I130 NOA USCIS Recd 190 - 999 days to process
09/26/05 I130 Sent letter USCIS confirming Montreal processing
10/28/05 I130 Sent letter to Montreal Embassy confirming processing ($12)
11/02/05 I130 NOA request for G325A Biographic
12/08/05 I130 Sent G-325A Biographic ($14 priority mail)
01/18/06 I130 NOA USCIS Approved fowarding to NVC
02/01/06 I130 Recd DS-3032 Choice of Agent form
02/01/06 I130 Recd I864 Affidvat of Support Fee bill $70
02/02/06 I130 Sent DS-3032 Choice of Agent form
Priority mail ($14)
02/06/06 I130 Sent CORRECTED DS-3032 Choice of Agent
Priority mail ($14)
02/04/06 I130 Sent I-864 Affidavit of Support fee $70
Priority mail ($14)
02/17/06 I130 Recd I-864 Affidavit of Support
02/27/06 I130 Recd Visa Application Fee bill ($380)
03/02/06 I130 Sent Visa application Fee ($380)
Priority mail ($14)

03/10/06 I129F Sent application with $170 fee
Priority mail ($14)
03/13/06 I130 Recd DS-230 Part I II Visa Application
03/15/06 I129F NOA Recd, allow 60 -180 days for processing
04/06/06 I130 Request for W2s, were missing from Support of Affidavit
04/24/06 I130 Sent DS-Part I Visa application
Priority Mail ($14)
04/27/06 I130 Notice, they are still waiting to recd our Visa appl
04/28/06 I130 Sent certified copies of docs for DS- 230 Part I
(had mistakenly sent photo copies) Mail ($30)
05/03/06 I130 Called NVC, told to disregard ltr, they recd Visa Appl,
allow 2 - 4 weeks to review
5/05/06 I130 NVC requesting proof of elibility to currently be in Canada
05/06/06 sent request info NVC recd 05/11/06
05/23/06 had to resend...NVC had no record of receipt of above
05/26/06 I130 NVC recd allow 2-4 weeks for review
waiting for interview in Montreal

** Other fees paid:
Police Certificates US $75, Egypt $45, Canada $25 postage $14
Certified Copies of Docs: Marriage $20, Birth Certificate US $20, Egypt $20

Just wondering as long as there are no major hiccups.. once the NVC have recieved your petition from the USCIS how long until an interview date is issued..

i realise that cases are different would just appreciate a guesstimate..

oh by the Way we filed the I-130 in Vermont (Not sure if this makes a difference..

Listed below is out time frame.. (We had some hold ups getting original certificates from Egypt and police reports from Egypt) Hope it helps..

US Citizen & Egypt with Montreal processing

09/02/05 I130 Sent I130 application and fee $185 priority mail $30
09/08/05 I130 NOA USCIS Recd 190 - 999 days to process
09/26/05 I130 Sent letter USCIS confirming Montreal processing
10/28/05 I130 Sent letter to Montreal Embassy confirming processing ($12)
11/02/05 I130 NOA request for G325A Biographic
12/08/05 I130 Sent G-325A Biographic ($14 priority mail)
01/18/06 I130 NOA USCIS Approved fowarding to NVC
02/01/06 I130 Recd DS-3032 Choice of Agent form
02/01/06 I130 Recd I864 Affidvat of Support Fee bill $70
02/02/06 I130 Sent DS-3032 Choice of Agent form
Priority mail ($14)
02/06/06 I130 Sent CORRECTED DS-3032 Choice of Agent
Priority mail ($14)
02/04/06 I130 Sent I-864 Affidavit of Support fee $70
Priority mail ($14)
02/17/06 I130 Recd I-864 Affidavit of Support
02/27/06 I130 Recd Visa Application Fee bill ($380)
03/02/06 I130 Sent Visa application Fee ($380)
Priority mail ($14)

03/10/06 I129F Sent application with $170 fee
Priority mail ($14)
03/13/06 I130 Recd DS-230 Part I II Visa Application
03/15/06 I129F NOA Recd, allow 60 -180 days for processing
04/06/06 I130 Request for W2s, were missing from Support of Affidavit
04/24/06 I130 Sent DS-Part I Visa application
Priority Mail ($14)
04/27/06 I130 Notice, they are still waiting to recd our Visa appl
04/28/06 I130 Sent certified copies of docs for DS- 230 Part I
(had mistakenly sent photo copies) Mail ($30)
05/03/06 I130 Called NVC, told to disregard ltr, they recd Visa Appl,
allow 2 - 4 weeks to review
5/05/06 I130 NVC requesting proof of elibility to currently be in Canada
05/06/06 sent request info NVC recd 05/11/06
05/23/06 had to resend...NVC had no record of receipt of above
05/26/06 I130 NVC recd allow 2-4 weeks for review
waiting for interview in Montreal

** Other fees paid:
Police Certificates US $75, Egypt $45, Canada $25 postage $14
Certified Copies of Docs: Marriage $20, Birth Certificate US $20, Egypt $20

OOPS... mean MOntreal Interview processing... our service center is Vermont
Movin on New LifeFemaleEgypt2006-06-03 17:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa in Hand

Congrats !!!!!!!!
Wish I was in your shoes, looks like another 4 months for me. Damn Montreal !!!!!!!

Oh yes! Congrats to you!...alast we are also stuck under the dark waiting cloud of Mntreal as well boohoo
Movin on New LifeFemaleEgypt2006-06-05 09:13:00