United KingdomHow are you getting around the mothers day issue?

I just made my mum a card, and I know that she will be more than pleased with it. It will mean more to here than a bought one anyway as I took the trouble to make it, and here in the US there are so many nice things for card making.

I've handmade cards before and they were always well received. Means just that little more if you know someone has sat down and spent some time making their own.

I send on the UK date. I made my mum a card last year, wrote a nice verse in it, she was crying cause it was sad, but it was a nice verse I thought. I sent her a gift too. This year, I asked my sister to get a card for her and some flowers, and I am going to write another verse and my sister will put it in the card for me.
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-03-14 13:35:00
United KingdomReally Dumb questions you've been asked about the UK
When I tell people I'm from Scotland, they ask where in London are you from? I have to explain that London is in England and it isn't the whole of the UK. Also, if I'm going to teach my son how to speak the Scottish language, and I have to say it's the same as the English language, but with a different accent, lol.
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-03-18 16:14:00
United KingdomWeetabix
I Love Weetabix, I just bought some online as I haven't found it here in the US. I wouldn't think it was Britains most popular cereal though. Cornflakes and Rice Krispies are way more popular.
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-04-29 10:00:00
United KingdomScotland may go its own way

I wrote a post of around 500 words detailing issues with Scotlands independance both north and south of the border, I realised only one person would read it so I'll say this.

Independance will not solve anything, it won't bring Scotlands soldiers home, it will not re-energise shipyards, solve unemployment or bring our country into newfound glory and wealth. It's a ###### election tool.

I am Scottish but I also have an IQ over 20.

What has an IQ of over 20 got to do with it? What do you mean by that statement?
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-05-06 11:48:00
United KingdomAnne Summers
H = Head
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-05-14 12:49:00
United KingdomAnne Summers
F = finger
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-05-14 09:47:00
United KingdomAnne Summers
D= diaphragm
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-05-14 08:54:00
United KingdomAnne Summers

I've been to a few, one of them we had to wear silly name badges and call everyone by the name on their badge. Another game we played, was we all stood in a line, one in front of the other, and had to pass a....vibrating object...which we held between our knees, to the knees of the person in front, when you've had a few glasses of's not as easy as it sounds! haha (No idea what the vibrating object was though :innocent: )


Lol, it's all coming back to me now. There was an 80 year old woman at one of the parties I was at when they passed around the vibrating objects you speak of :whistle: It was funny :lol:
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-05-13 15:05:00
United KingdomAnne Summers
Just wondering. I've been to a few in the UK and they always had funny games to play. One game I remember is, there was 10 of us at the party and they split us into groups of 5. We had to put rubber gloves on, then put a pair of tights on (Over shoes and clothes), then you had to open a Starburst. After you did that, you had to pass the tights to the person behind you and they had to do the same thing. Whichever team did it the quickest won. Except in our case one team had a disadvantage of only having 4 players as one of the women at the party was alergic to rubber so she couldn't put on the gloves, lol. What party games were at the Anne Summers parties you have attended?
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-05-13 14:55:00
United KingdomBaby ladybug season in the UK?

I looked at your photo album and you have taken some lovely pics there :thumbs: There are a lot of ladybugs over here in the US too (You probably know since you lived here, lol). Something I find strange though, I see them here in the winter too. I wonder how they survive through the cold. I haven't seen any in the UK during winter time, weird!

They overwinter in our garden; we leave some herbaceous perennials untrimmed in the winter or we take the dead trimmings and scatter them on the flowerbed. In the winter if you look underneath...nothing but ladybugs. :thumbs: We garden organically as much as we can (we do spray the roses for aphids) and this is the payoff. :star: :star: :star: :star:

That's cool, you can see them all year round then. :thumbs:

Yep, but in winter they're not doing much. :blush: I should have taken a photo in February; I lifted up some dead plant material I had cut down in the fall and left on the flower bed and counted about 200 ladybugs underneath, so I gently put it back down. Little red dots everywhere!

Wow! I've never seen that many in the one spot before, it must have been nice to see. I used to love them when I was kid, I still like them now. Mind you, I used to love snails too, I would keep them in a shoe box outside with food in it, and holes in the box so they could breath. Kind of silly when I think about it now, lol. Good luck with your garden and your ladybugs!
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-05-21 15:54:00
United KingdomBaby ladybug season in the UK?

I looked at your photo album and you have taken some lovely pics there :thumbs: There are a lot of ladybugs over here in the US too (You probably know since you lived here, lol). Something I find strange though, I see them here in the winter too. I wonder how they survive through the cold. I haven't seen any in the UK during winter time, weird!

They overwinter in our garden; we leave some herbaceous perennials untrimmed in the winter or we take the dead trimmings and scatter them on the flowerbed. In the winter if you look underneath...nothing but ladybugs. :thumbs: We garden organically as much as we can (we do spray the roses for aphids) and this is the payoff. :star: :star: :star: :star:

That's cool, you can see them all year round then. :thumbs:
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-05-21 15:13:00
United KingdomBaby ladybug season in the UK?
I looked at your photo album and you have taken some lovely pics there :thumbs: There are a lot of ladybugs over here in the US too (You probably know since you lived here, lol). Something I find strange though, I see them here in the winter too. I wonder how they survive through the cold. I haven't seen any in the UK during winter time, weird!
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-05-21 11:21:00
United KingdomOur New House
Nice house :thumbs:
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-05-18 10:47:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

Right you lot - stand to attention, pin your ears back and hear this !

In November I am coming to the USA and I am going to make my life there - my base there - forever !

I am coming for the following reasons :

A my wife feels out of her depth in Europe
B I can buy half your stolen continent with my beer money given your devalued currency
C I like alligators
D You Americans are a spectacle all on your own - a bit like watching 9-11 with the repeat button on - and it interest me for now.

I want to come in peace and be able to discuss what is happening in my new home without being raged at by hyper xenophobes with nazi tendencies and creeping paranoia and this thread is asking how I do that...

I have had a few suggestions - ranging from
and stay away to
shut up

I think you people need to be taken back to your glorious roots of free speech and progress and the founding fathers would be ashamed of you and your hostile attitudes

Your alright in a mob though aren't you ? I posted on the UK forum as I was expecting some advice from UK bods as to how to handle the situation - instead I get the female branch of the KKK on my neck and a few sneering men taking turns to have a pop..

Now shake your brains about and get with the thread - stop telling me there is no cultural difference - admit there is and give constructive advice as to how to deal with it which does not include obscenities, shut ups or stay home stuff

alright now - stand at - ease ! thinking caps - wait for it - thinking caps - ON !!!


Quite a few people from the UK have replied to your post and given "advice". You have chosen to ignore them and keep bashing America and American people. So obviously you are not asking for serious advice, and just want to irritate your "enemy". Grow up and find some other form of amusement.
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-05-21 10:54:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed

As usual, I agree with HA.

Hey, Alan...I just read some of your posts in that 'Mexican' thread and many of them had me chuckling. But this post of yours has irritated me, for all the reasons HA has put forth, so why bother repeating them, lol?

Welcome to the forum here btw

Thought I might find some Brits or Europeans kicking around in this forum and I might get some insight into how others coped...
My thread is about people being intolerant and getting irritated at opposite views - and you come on and say that iritates you ?
Own goal I reckon

I used to know a woman who was accused of being un-feminine - she screwed her face up into a snarl and smashed her fist onto the table and all the glasses fell off onto the floor - she stood up and towered over the table and bellowed in a very deep loud threatening voice 'I AM FEMININE ' !!!!

It's called irony- the Americans think thats like coppery or steely - they don't get it - but it's the core of Euro-humour

I have lived in the UK, Scotland and England all of my life, until I came to the US over 2 years ago now. I find people will treat you the way you treat them. You want to have an attitude? Well, don't expect to not get the same attitude in return, in the UK, or the US. I have had no problems here with anyone, everyone that I have met have been really nice people. I just have to say, what you expect is what you will get. You come looking for a fight, that's what you'll get. If you come to the US with a good attitude and positive outlook then there is more of a chance that you will have a good life here. As for having flags in their classrooms that you keep going on about, what is the big deal about that? Americans are very patriotic, so what? I'm proud of the UK, maybe we don't express the proudness of our country as much as in the US, but that doesn't make showing that you are proud of your country a bad thing.
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-05-21 09:37:00
United KingdomBritish TV ~ What Were/Are Your Favourite Shows?
I miss all the UK/Scottish soaps. Take the high road, Emmerdale, Coronation Street, and Brookside. I liked Pop Idol and Big Brother, the American versions just aren't the same. Crime watch UK was always interesting, Americas most wanted is kind of a poor substitute. Some of the UK programmes are shown here on PBS. Eastenders is on, but from about 10 years ago, lol. Keeping up appearances, Monarch of Glen, and there is an Irish news programme on here too. There are a lot more shows I miss from the UK, too many to list :)
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-04-08 12:51:00
United KingdomWhat are your favourite British bands or solo singers?

Just watched The Brits last night....####### take that made a successful comeback? *hurl*

Lol, I forgot about them.
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-04-15 20:02:00
United KingdomWhat are your favourite British bands or solo singers?

Don't be hating The Proclaimers!

Did you like them? Strange to not like good ole Marti, but like the Proclaimers. Oh well, each to their own :D
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-04-12 12:02:00
United KingdomWhat are your favourite British bands or solo singers?

Oh I forgot to add: I hate Simply Red too.

How can you not like Wet Wet Wet? Lol.

Mainly due to their excruciating cover of "Love is all around" which was at number 1 for about 7 years. That and Marty whatisname was another one of those smug expressioned singers like Mick Hucknal that needed punching.

Yes, Marti Pellow always had a big cheesy grin on his face, I thought it was kinda cute. I just remembered The Proclaimers too, another annoying couple of weirdos. But, they are Scottish, so I suppose that is something in their favour :thumbs:
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-04-12 09:21:00
United KingdomWhat are your favourite British bands or solo singers?

Oh I forgot to add: I hate Simply Red too.

How can you not like Wet Wet Wet? Lol. I agree Simply Red was an annoying group. I forgot to mention Adam and the Ants, remember them?

Edited by Pauline123, 11 April 2007 - 12:32 PM.

PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-04-11 12:31:00
United KingdomWhat are your favourite British bands or solo singers?
Hi all,

What are your favourite and worst bands or solo UK singers? I like Wet wet wet, Texas, Shakin Stevens (I'm ashamed to admit), Bros, and some others, too many to list, lol. Least favourite has got to be Chas and Dave :yes:
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-04-11 10:30:00
United KingdomGoodbye

I wish you all the best for your future happiness! Take care of yourself. I hope your flight over to the US isn't too bad for you. (F)
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-06-22 11:36:00
United KingdomI am...
I was born and raised in Sotland. And I tend to say I'm Scottish.
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-05-25 09:38:00
United KingdomFYI
Glad it all went well for you. Congratulations!
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-07-04 11:19:00
United KingdomThe World’s Best Candy Bars? English, of Course
Quote from the article:
“I can’t afford to keep the A.C. on all night or a chocolate bar would cost $10, wouldn’t it?” she said.

Why wouldn't she just put the chocolate in the refrigerator? Duh! Lol.

Anyway, any British chocolate is far better than American Chocolate in my opinion. It's just what your used to I suppose.
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-07-16 14:26:00
United KingdomDid anyone watch Posh's TV show last night?
I watched some of the show. It wasn't up to much, in my opinion, no wonder it bombed. Let's face it she has to do something to keep herself on the scene, I guess this wasn't it though. I think she is annoying actually.
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-07-18 09:49:00
United KingdomHP "Steak Sauce"
The steak sauce tastes a little like HP sauce, but it's not the same thing.
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-04-21 10:05:00
United KingdomAnyone Moved From the US to the UK...then Back again?

Call me and I are weighing our options at this point. I just went to take the test this past week for the sheriff's dispatcher....and a hard one at process in 2 weeks is a board interview for those that passed (which I think I did fine on)...and then a polygraph test (lie detector), then an in depth background check...including credit, work history, referrals, etc...oh..and also an IN HOME INTERVIEW. This whole process will take about 2-3 months before I even know if I will be hired or not.

Now, we HAVE NOT received our NOA2 as yet...and I know they will be wanting pay stubs (some of you may remember I lost my job May 1st....perfect timing :angry: ) My parents have agreed to be cosponsors to bring Pete over....(I'm 31, divorced, and have 2 young children from my previous marriage fyi).... I've enrolled back into college as of July 9th, and will have my associates degree in Criminal Justice in 2 years. I've applied and checked back to like 20 different places, with no leads as yet for a job. So, you can imagine the stress level at this point with me not having a job as yet. I know the kids dad will sign off on papers if we do move out of the country.

SO, we were talking about how if the visa happens to get denied...I was wanting to know if anyone knows the process of going to live in the UK from the US...and then after we get everything established....going thru the process to move back to the US. Basically, what does it entail..or could you refer me to a link? Any help would be greatful.

As I said...we are just weighing options...nothing is definite.

I wouldn't worry as long as he has a co sponsor that can meet the income requirements you will be fine.
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-07-22 14:26:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you or your SO from?
Stewarton, Ayrshire, Scotland
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-06-28 17:05:00
United Kingdomi,leaving....
Best of luck Agnes! Safe journey when the time comes! :dance:

Edited by Pauline123, 17 August 2007 - 07:10 PM.

PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-08-17 19:08:00
United KingdomMedical examinations
QUOTE (Lyndilou @ Aug 26 2007, 07:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
does anyone know if having hernias can cause a problem with passing the medical and also I am overweight will they make anything of it?
If our jabs are all up to date do they still do a blood test?

This is a pinned link from the top of the UK forum regarding the UK medical:
I doubt that being over weight will be an issue. You will most likely need to provide proof of a the jabs that you have had already. You can obtain a record of your jabs from wherever you had them done as a child.
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-08-26 19:23:00
United KingdomThe Best of British
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-09-13 20:31:00
United KingdomOMG - we are leaving on Friday and I'm a wreck!!!
I'm sure it will all work out good for you. I hope you have a good and safe flight to the UK. Good luck.

Edited by PaulineA, 19 September 2007 - 12:15 PM.

PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-09-19 12:14:00
United KingdomMcCann Parents Named as Suspects..
QUOTE (saywhat @ Sep 13 2007, 06:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (devilette @ Sep 13 2007, 11:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (saywhat @ Sep 13 2007, 02:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I would still rather be me than some of these ladies so hah to them !

"Clement Attlee had as much charisma as a mouse. He was absolutely monosyllabic. People say conversation is supposed to be like a game of tennis, but with Attlee it was like tossing biscuits to a dog."

You like dogs, don't you Alan?
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-09-13 20:13:00
United KingdomMcCann Parents Named as Suspects..
The only "fairness" is investigating in to the cause of the little girls death. If that means questioning the parents, then so be it.
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-09-13 12:48:00
United KingdomMcCann Parents Named as Suspects..
QUOTE (Nanusia & Lukaszek @ Sep 8 2007, 10:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well isn't it suspiscious that they find the little girls blood in the car the family rented 25 days PRIOR to announcing her missing?

The report states they found the girls blood 25 days AFTER she went missing. Anyway, the parents should most certainly be questioned as all possible avenues should be investigated. The worst thing is that they left her in the hotel while they went to a restaurant. What responsible parent does something like that? Maybe they aren't murderers, but there actions are questionable. I just hope they find whoever killed the little girl and that they get what they deserve.
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-09-08 11:04:00
United KingdomTo the Brits - do you think everything here in the US is too sweet?

Simon is constantly crabbing about everything being too sweet! The bread, the beans, the pastry, you name it, and he thinks it's too sweet.

Is it just him, or do others feel this way too? I don't notice it, but then again, I've always been here. Eating up the sweet life I guess! ;) ----sorry, that was bad, I know. :whistle:


I have found that things over here are too sweet. The chocolate just isn't as good as the British chocolate. The beans taste funny here, and I think it is gross that people put brown sugar in baked beans, lol. I've gotten used to the bread, it isn't that bad anymore.
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-03-07 13:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo whom it may consern...

The more you complain, the more I'll make it a point to be here. Childish, perhaps...but no more so than name calling ;)A point needs to be made. Don't like it? Too bad. Or pm Ewok and talk to him about the *&^(*&^%ing interlopers, lol.

I don't need to make a point - you make it for me every time you post.




Jen, I'm sure loads will pop by. After all, it's a free country, forum!

I thought that was funny Lisa :lol: I've been trying not to use my "Interloping" fingers on the keyboard, but I'm afraid I just had to. Wow! There are some serious issues with some of the people on this forum.
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-05-21 15:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South America1099
Here is a link that tells you about various tax forms, if you scroll down you will see the definition of the 1099 tax form. Hope this helps you.
PaulineAFemaleScotland2007-07-27 20:16:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)time limit to file I601 waiver?
Hi Everyone
Sorry it has been a while since my ls posting... Have been swamped with work, researching the 601 waivers, and I think fighting depression and fustration. I have to be honest... also it hurt too much, I had to take some time away from VJ.. I may not have posted too often but read everyday people's postings and I will say WHENEVER I did post everyone was great with their help!

I guess I never gave you guys any background on myself.... I have been a single parent for 21 years now. Have always worked two full time jobs to do my best to provide for my daughter. Well as you can imagine this took a toll on my social life because I choose putting my daughter and her needs above any personal needs for myself.. No regrets just a choice I made...Don't get me wrong, I dated here and there but only one serious relationship for 4 years... my family just thought I was too fussy... no not really unless you count being fussy over who was involved with my daughter's life.. Yes I guess I was fussy.. This and working so much men and other people like friends just didnt understand and gave up trying to hang out.. I can't blame then. Well working so much seemed to make the years go by wayyyyy to quickly. Just after putting my daughter through 4 years of college... I began dating a coworker of a mutal friend.. I had known him for about two years before we dates... Well things clicked right from the beginning and he is now my husband... We have both gone down the spouse visa journey's ups and downs, misinformation or lack of information resulting in set backs... but made it through... until...
My world came crashing down after our interview at the Montreal Embassy, we were denied due to my husband not completing 10 year ban due to overstay in the past. The consulate letter said he is not eligible for spouse visa until December 2007. My husband was upfront and honest with the officer about the ban and he told us it was definitely better that we told them then instead of them finding out after the FBI fingerprint background check. The Montreal consulate officer was VERY nice and said we could file I601 waiver and I212. Now my question... ( So sorry I got sidetracked earlier in this posting... but I guess it might be the depression, fustration, needing to talk to someone... or something... thanks for allowing me to ramble.. and thanks even more for listening) My question.. is it true there is a 30 day limit to file the I601 waiver? Today is 30 days from our denial letter and I have not even gotten in with the lawyer yet, not to mention gathering of supporting documents... Please does someone know for sure? Ihave tried for past 8 days to get through to the Montreal Embassy to find out!
Please I just dont know if I could handle this let down...
Sorry time to go get a tissue, cold glass of water, and regroup! Thank you!!!
Movin on New LifeFemaleEgypt2006-10-14 16:17:00