Russia, Ukraine and BelarusProof of Ability To Support

Perhaps. But it's rarely the threat of being disbarred or sanctioned that sends chills down your average lawyer's spine. It's the cost of mounting a defense. You can literally win your case and lose your house.

And you wonder why people hate lawyers!!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-04-22 11:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?

I'm going to be totally blunt with you ONA. You are coming off as being very selfish and planning on doing everything to "force" your children to learn Russian, regardless that they will be living in the US. Russian only elementary schools (good luck on finding one) and sending them back to Russia in the summers.....what about letting them live their lives as a kid and to be a kid and to have local friends so that they can grow into happy, well-adjusted young adults? Will your your parents love them any less if they don't speak perfect Russian to them? I don't think so.

Alla and I have discussed this in great depth concerning Leonid and we both feel as strongly as you do.....but we understand that he is living in the US and they speak English here and THAT will be his primary language. We would rather he have a greater command of that than any lesser command and know more Russian; we feel that by surrounding him in both languages (even though with preschool and all people he comes into everyday contact with) speak all English.

We do have Russian-class at home and he has and freely watches both English Dora and Russian Dora DVDs as well as hundreds of other Russian DVDs and childrens books Alla brought back with her.

We also realize that he himself will find his own comfort level with the languages; we don't try to force anything down his throat, 'lest we start to make it feel like he's being forced. reason why he is here (and one reason why my wife is here with me with him) is that he is being given the great opportunity to study and grow up in the US where we both feel he has more opportunities ahead of him to live a nice fulfilling life, and allow him the opportunity to make his own decisions about his future (and have some real abilities to fulfill those dreams.).

FWIW, I don't see it being selfish at all to encourage children to learn a different language and culture. Just the opposite! What an incredible opportunity for a child! I feel that my own life has been enriched more than I ever would have imagined completely above and beyond the benefit of meeting my fiancee. I would love to have been able to give my children the opportunity that ONA describes. I hope she follows through and does it!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-04-05 14:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?

DO not play any kind of card game with Anybody at the Airport.I'm serious !!!!

Are you referring to Paris, Amsterdam or KBP? I won't go into details about the 'education' I received at KBP and the 'tuition' I paid! OUCH!! :ranting:
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-04-03 20:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?

I hope Johnny is just having a great time and not in some Ukrainian prison. ;)

I think he has better things to do right now than post here! :whistle:
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-03-30 15:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Kiev in 7 days, any tips?

Well...I'm all packed and heading out 2pm tomorrow. I have 17 hrs of travel time, here to Memphis then Amsterdam then Kiev. Will be in Kiev around 5pm Friday.

I got a long padlock and did our names with a sharpie permanent marker. I got an extra padlock if we can find someone out there to engrave something in Russian on it.

Have it engraved in English lettering! It seems everything has more status if it is not cyrillic alphabet. I had a tough time finding printed tee shirts with anything in cyrillic. Everybody that wears that sort of thing buys stuff with English on them. Sometimes what they said didn't make much sense but they didn't care, it was being in English that seemed to matter. :lol:

Edited by james&olya, 23 March 2011 - 09:19 PM.

james&olyaMaleRussia2011-03-23 21:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusParent permission to leave Russia on K1

Five years ago, my then fiance came on a K-1 from Russia with her 14 year old child. There was no letter of permission from the father required. I understand in Ukraine this is different. A letter is required. This has to do with an agreement signed by the USA and Ukraine about child kidnapping, where Russia has not signed such an agreement.

I have heard references to potential problems with boarding airline flights if you don't have such a letter. I don't know whether this actually happens but I did ask Olya to get such a letter from the father just in case. I would think this issue would be easily clarified by the embassy but I have had no luck there. Anybody with more info on this please chime in anytime!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-04-27 15:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow I-134 requirements.
Thanks Phil and Gary! If it were just me I would probably do nothing more than I have already. But since Olya is convinced based on talking with other women on a russian version of this forum that she must have a current I-134 signed within 1-2 months and it must be an original I will send it to her. Her happiness and peace of mind are well worth the money. Looked at this way it is a good investment! :)
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-04-29 10:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow I-134 requirements.

Why take that risk rather than send a new one?

As Phil points out, it is really simple to scan and email an update, some updated check stubs, etc. Since they are most concerned about income rather than the date you signed what is basically a "cover letter" it would be most important to make sure she has updated proof of income.

I agree with you on this. She has all my check stubs till 2 weeks ago going back to last July! Also bank statements every month from Jan 2010 and my 2010 tax return. I guess I will UPS a new signed I-134 but mainly for Olya's peace of mind. I cannot believe they would hold up a visa over that when we have so much proof of my ability and intention to support them. It would be nice if they would more clearly and definitively spell out the details for all these requirements and then stick to them on a consistent basis. I cannot help but wonder if a little bit of the russian governments approach to laws and regulations hasn't rubbed off on our government. Having ambiguous or even conflicting requirements allows them cover to deny visas to anyone when they don't want to disclose the real reasons. But I must say that my own experience so far has been quite positive with the process with the exception of having to wait 152 days between our NOA-1 and NOA-2. I will be much happier when they are here and we don't have to worry about bureaucratic hang-ups. Then any delays are nothing more than a nuisance as we will be together and since we don't need to depend on her finding a job right away.
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-04-28 23:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow I-134 requirements.

Scan a current signed version and email it to her.

What about letter from employer?

I hope they accept that from last October. My employment has not changed in 14 years and my still working there is proven by my w-2's, pay stubs, etc. I rather think we may be over-doing it, our I-134 folder will be pretty thick and my guess is that they won't ask for anything in it. I will send a new signed form by UPS just to be safe but I think it is over-kill, like nukeing a fly! :lol:
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-04-28 19:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow I-134 requirements.
Olya goes for her interview in Moscow on the 13th of May (Friday the 13th!!). We just now realized that even though I sent her all my latest financial information including 2010 tax return, w-2 forms, current pay stubs and bank statements I forgot to update the I-134 form itself. I signed one and took it with me when I went there last fall, hoping we would have a speedy NOA-2 but the date I signed it was October 2010. I saw on another forum that another consulate expects only that the form be signed within the last 12 months. Moscow does not necessarily even require the I-134 according to their web-site but the CO has the discretion to ask for one. My occupation and income puts me substantially above the income requirements for sponsoring these K-1/2 visas. Is their any substantial chance that a form signed in Oct 2010, along with past and very current documentation of income significantly above requirements, not be considered sufficient because the form itself was signed 6-7 months ago?
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-04-28 16:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSending a laptop to my Fiancee in Ukraine

A few years ago, computers and such were much more expensive in Ukraine/Russia than they were here. I bought Sergey's for around $600 (same thing would probably be $400 now) and it was going for $1000+ in Ukraine at the time. I really haven't shopped for such things there for a while but I am told the price gap is no longer so big. ??? Maybe you know Eekee.

I bought Roma a 15" Acer with the usual low end specs, I think 3GB memory, 320GB drive last September, cost 19,999 rubles! Same laptop here was going for $500, reduced to $400 on sale. I had no idea how excited he was going to be when I gave it to him! But his old desk-top dinosaur really needed replacing, seemed the right thing to do since my sons here all have their own laptops. And now we can skype using its webcam! :) Olya woudn't let me buy her anything but for her kids it was OK!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-04-29 21:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian stores in America

I'm sure.

Is that where you get all your information on Ukraine? Wikipedia? :lol: About what I expected.

"Russian" new year is the same as our New Year. January 1. Orthodox Christmas is January 7 because the Orthodox church does not recognize the Georgian calendar. New Years is New Year's. Many people (most) there celebrate it more enthusiastically than we do and treat it like we do Christmas, give gifts, etc., because it more or less replaced Christmas during Soviet times (and still) but It is the same day as ours. In Ukraine and Russia it is not known or referred to as "Russian New Years" Anyone that ever lived there or had a spouse from there would never refer to it as "Russian New Year" :lol: It is just "new Years" It is not based on another calendar like Chinese or Vietnamese New Year. Good grief.

FWIW we continue to celebrate New Years and more or less ignore Christmas. Makes no difference to me and that's what Alla and the boys always did PLUS we get our gifts for 50% off by shopping after "Catholic" Christmas

Ah, but there is also an 'orthodox new year' as well! Instead of 2 holidays those of us with FSU wives get 4 at that time of year! Dec 25, Jan 1, Jan 7, and Jan 14!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-05-01 04:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian stores in America

I'm sure.

Is that where you get all your information on Ukraine? Wikipedia? :lol: About what I expected.

"Russian" new year is the same as our New Year. January 1. Orthodox Christmas is January 7 because the Orthodox church does not recognize the Georgian calendar. New Years is New Year's. Many people (most) there celebrate it more enthusiastically than we do and treat it like we do Christmas, give gifts, etc., because it more or less replaced Christmas during Soviet times (and still) but It is the same day as ours. In Ukraine and Russia it is not known or referred to as "Russian New Years" Anyone that ever lived there or had a spouse from there would never refer to it as "Russian New Year" :lol: It is just "new Years" It is not based on another calendar like Chinese or Vietnamese New Year. Good grief.

FWIW we continue to celebrate New Years and more or less ignore Christmas. Makes no difference to me and that's what Alla and the boys always did PLUS we get our gifts for 50% off by shopping after "Catholic" Christmas

james&olyaMaleRussia2011-05-01 04:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine specific medical exam question re: sputum smear

Lena passed her medical exam today! Packet 4 received! Next step: call for interview!

Congratulations! Hope everything is smooth sailing for you now!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-05-06 13:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine specific medical exam question re: sputum smear

RE: positive chest x-ray (haziness) during the medical exam in Kiev, and as recommended by Gary, I've read most of the PI threads regarding this matter and it concerns me that if the sputum smear requirement is the same in Kiev as in the Manila, PI, Lena must wait 2 months before she can acquire the sputum smear results, whether negative or positive. Obviously, the clinic is trying to rule-out TB. She has had consecutive yearly chest x-rays as a school teacher and all have been negative.

I would appreciate any insight from those that have had to come back to Kiev to have this procedure performed? It is a 3-day procedure. If negative, were you able to go on with your interview date without delay? If positive, was medication ordered and did this delay your interview and subsequent POE? By how long? Thank you. :help:

From a medical perspective it sounds like you are confusing two different things. A sputum smear can be ready fairly quickly whereas a sputum culture takes months before you can be certain it is negative. Tb bacteria are very slow to grow in the lab making identification that way rather lengthy. A smear could theoretically be ready within hours. I don't know specifically which is being asked for in your case but if they have said three days then I would accept that.
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-04-28 19:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus'Russian' dollars for consulate fees!

I brought pretty worn-off bills from US (as they usually are) withdrawn from the ATM machine at the airport (imagine how they looked like). No problem. I think either:
1) Fiancee misunderstood (more likely)
2) Or cashier did not know (less likely)

It is hard for me to believe Olga misunderstood. She presented the clean, new-appearing US cash and had it refused. But the whole thing sounds a bit bizarre. We were able to pay US cash for the medical exams in January without any problem and that was not a US government agency. And they speak both Russian and English at the embassy so there should not be a language barrier. Maybe I need to write a letter of complaint somewhere?
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-05-13 18:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus'Russian' dollars for consulate fees!

"Russian" dollars are US dollars that look new and nice, with no markings or tears. That's all.
Old looking dollars often get refused by merchants/exchanges in Russia... so I guess embassy just doesn't want to get stuck with cash that has to be shipped back to US to become useful.
And yes, you can change them to "good" bills, but for a small fee, usually 10% or so.

All the bills I left with her were very new appearing! 10 clean 'Franklins' and one 'Grant'!!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-05-13 14:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus'Russian' dollars for consulate fees!
I am wondering if maybe they had somebody new taking payments that had not previously worked on Fridays when they do all the fiancee interviews.
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-05-13 13:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus'Russian' dollars for consulate fees!
Olya had her interview today and all went well after one little scare for her. When she went to pay the $1050.00 ($350 apiece for her and the 2 kids) they refused to accept the payment in US cash that I left with her when I was there! Apparently when they say it can be paid in dollars or in rubles they mean in 'Russian' dollars, whatever they are. They would not accept regular US cash and she had to go to a nearby bank that only gave her 26 rubles per dollar, even though the embassy was using a fee of 30 rubles per dollar. Fortunately she had a bit of extra cash with her. But I guess all is well that ends well, they asked only several simple questions and asked to see a few pictures, then told her she would have the visa in a week! Their flight is booked for the 24th! :D
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-05-13 11:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCouple of things...

Based on my experience with the Moscow Embassy, my statements have a 99.999% probability of being correct.

So I stand corrected, here is a very slight teenie-weenie chance of an earlier date. I'll put money down on my choice.

I requested and was given an earlier interview date. I sent an email to the consulate laying out our reasons as clearly and succinctly as possible. The reason was to get her 13 y/o son here in time to get signed up for summer activities that we hope will get his English skills up to speed for 9th grade beginning in September. They did not require any special forms or proofs. Based on my series of one, I say there is a 100% chance of success! :lol:
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-04-08 21:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSo excited!!!
My Olya just arrived in Moscow this morning. She had already done her physical in January when I was there. She has her interview on the 13th also. She will be the one with the 13y/o son and busy 2y/o daughter! Maybe they will meet there! Good luck to you and your Olga!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-05-11 13:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Embassy & Visa release time

congratulations on your success. not all are successful but if not for VJ we may have all missed the mark

Thanks! VJ is really great! I hope I have been able to add a little to the collective wisdom and knowledge here for the sake of those following us!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-05-21 23:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Embassy & Visa release time

congratulations on your success. not all are successful but if not for VJ we may have all missed the mark

Thanks! VJ is really great! I hope I have been able to add a little to the collective wisdom and knowledge here for the sake of those following us!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-05-21 23:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Embassy & Visa release time
Just an update, Olya had her interview on May 13. No problem with the interview itself. She received the passports with visas by DHL on May 18. So our gamble on buying tickets ahead of time for a lower price has paid off it appears. She will be here on May 24!! :D :dance:
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-05-21 21:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Embassy & Visa release time

OK, then it sounds like you are good to go.

Where does she live or better, where are you having the DHL packet delivered? That could be an issue. My wife lived just north of Moscow so her packet came within three days of issuance and she had it in about 7 days after the approval.

I would suggest you calculate when she ought to have the visa in hand, add one week and book tiks for then.

Thanks for the info! :thumbs: She is from Kazan so DHL delivery should be easy. Just the same, we might have it held in Moscow and pick it up there since we have to go through Moscow anyway.
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-03-15 12:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Embassy & Visa release time

There was a time when my wife had her interview that the COs were asking some pointed questions to some interviewees. Some of the questions were purposefully false made to solicit some sort of repsonse from the interviewee. Your history has nothing to do with what will happen at the interview; what is more important is the evidence you will present to prove your relationshp. Does she speak English? Does she know about how many children you have? What about those past 10 wives? Or, all those criminal convictions? Hopefully your fiancee knows about all of that. How many times have you visited together? The Moscow Embassy is not considered a hard Embassy.

Also is sounds like you need to spend more time on the Embassy website and know the EXACT requirements they want.....if you did you'd know that DHL is the only game in their town (no Pony Express, as you wrote).

Read through the sticky at the top of this forum for a map of the Embassy and the nearby DSL office where to buy the prepaid envelope and the interview/Embassy procedures, which door to use, which line to get in.

What about the medical? Are you two all squared away with that?

What about the 230/156/156K documents? Download the Russian only 156K from the Embassy (the only place to get it from).

What about children to Join or to Follow?

Yes, she knows all about my previous marriages and my children from them. She knows my family, my work and educational history, etc. and she speaks reasonably good english. And I don't know where you get the idea I don't know the embassy requirements, I have read all of that. Someone else used the term 'Pony Express' (like the term 'snail mail' as compared with e-mail) which I understand. We thought of looking for the nearest DHL office to the embassy when we were both in Moscow together 6 weeks ago. I had e-mailed the embassy before then and found out we could get the physicals done even before we had the NOA-2 so that was taken care of then! We are much better prepared than you imply but I was hoping to get more current feedback on the average time to receive the visa after the interview. Prior reading of all the recent interview experiences gave me the strong impression that it was the norm to get it in less than one week. Just wanting to get some more current feedback on this!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-03-15 11:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Embassy & Visa release time

This is not a problem. Remember she can use the visa for up to six months after it is issued. So calculate when you think she will obtain it and then add about two or three months to that, just in case you get a request for more information during the interview, and book your tiks for then. Not a problem. We pulled a 221g for more relationship information and submitted it and had final approval within the same time period as someone who has approved at the interview.

What do you mean clean visa application? We waited until the approval to book the tickets; added one week to the expected receipt from DHL, which came when we thought.

You are kidding, right? Wait two or three months?! Not gonna happen!! My idea is to have them here ASAP. We want to be together now and we don't want to wait any longer than we have already!

By 'clean' I mean one with no borderline or questionable income issues, history of criminal convictions, prior petitions, etc. I know this does not guarantee that we won't get additional review but I would hope it lowers the odds.
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-03-15 09:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMoscow Embassy & Visa release time

A couple days to a week if there is no AP

*that said, do not make travel arrangements or quit jobs before the interview. Its going to cost more for the airfare because its short notice, but the cheap tickets are non-refundable in most cases, so if you miss a scheduled flight due to VISA processing delays you still get "dinged" on the airfare. if for any reason there is AP, your fiance will not want to have quit a job or checked out of apartment then have no income or place to live for several months.

There is no way to know if on security checks you will get AP, so better play it safe.

I have been wondering the same thing. I would like to take the chance and buy the tickets early enough to get the better price. Olya will not have a problem with job or apartment so the only risk is the price of the tickets. I think the gamble is probably a good one. If the last minute tickets cost twice as much and the chance of not having the visa is less than 50% than statistically it is a wise gamble to take. I would be interested in any information about how likely a delay for AP is for a 'clean' visa application. I am guessing the OP has similar concerns. So, yes, I know the 'correct' answer is to wait for the visa and then pay through the nose for tickets. Probably wise if you are also concerned with job and apartment but I don't see where the issue of ticket purchase justifies such caution.
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-03-13 21:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDHL airway bill
There is a DHL office in the large building one block north of the embassy. It is between the embassy and the nearest metro station. Get the map on the DHL site and you will see it.
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-05-29 22:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusThe best of times, the worst of times.
Thank you all for the kind words! She is doing much better now, almost back to normal. Olya and I are finally able to start doing 'normal' things together as a couple. This has been a real roller-coaster this week but I think everything is going to be OK.

Gary, I didn't see the thread you refer to but I have to agree with you that such behavior is despicable! Being a parent is the most challenging but rewarding thing one can ever do in life. It is not when things go well that your skills as a parent are measured. It is when things are hard, when illness or disability strikes that you are tested. And while you never, ever want to see one you love face serious illness, it is then that you can give the most as a parent and in doing so, find the greatest rewards. How this 'man' could turn his back on his fiancee and her child when they most needed him is unbelievable! He sounds like a real loser and they are probably better off without him!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-05-31 15:10:00
VietnamI m bored at work let start a topic with something

My husbands dog just ate the cord on our carpet cleaner while it was being used. All the outlets upstairs do not work. I had to trip the breakers to get them to work again and the carpet cleaner is BRAND new.

Sounds like your day so far is going a little better than mine lol

What an electrifying experience! I got a real charge out of that story! :rofl:
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-03-11 10:44:00
IMBRA Special TopicsAnswering question on I-129F regarding domestic violence

I was told that immigration attorneys frequent this board. That's what I'm hoping for. I have googled "Is deferred disposition a conviction." 100% of the answers say "deferred disposion is not a conviction, and the majority of them say it's the same that occurs when records are expunged as well." Thus the reason there is no record of any of this. I was 99% sure that I should not mention this as there are no records and it specifically asks about "convictions." Now I am thinking from the responses that perhaps I should list it, but ultimately I hope someone who has had a similar situation or an attorney responds. Common sense says "No, you would not list this because it's not a conviction." But it looks as though this board is 4-0 so far saying list it. I'd love to provide paperwork from the court showing it was dismissed but they don't even have paperwork that there was ever even an arrest. I of course kept my records given to me showing the cause #, and terms of the deferred disposition... but that does not show it's dismissed. It simply shows that if I don't violate the terms it will be dismissed. There are no records it was dismissed because there are no records it even occured (other than what I have showing the terms of deferred disposition, which the court does not seem to have).

Max... great point. I will absolutely inform her.

I am not a lawyer and I have no experience with this personally. But it seems to me to be clear cut that if you have no conviction you would be lying if you listed this. I think you risk slowing things un-necessarily by trying to go beyond the requirements and make an issue of this. So I say DON'T list it, but have all your documentation ready to go if they ask about it! Again, I am NOT a lawyer!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-01-01 23:38:00
IMBRA Special Topicsgot denied after 3 yrs and 8 months of waiting..

And you think that AWA and the Registries only affect Sexual Predators?

If only it were that simple.

Did you realize that the following have got people on the Registry:

  • Peeing in your own backyard at 1 in the morning
  • Mooning another adult
  • Grabbing the arm of a kid who ran in front of your car (as you were moving in traffic).
  • Skinny Dipping
  • Walking from your bathroom to your bedroom naked after a shower (neighbor kid looking in your window)
  • 18 year old boy having sex with 16 or 17 year old girlfriend
  • Drunk, peeing behind a dumpster in an alley

Further, some states are putting kids as young as 10 on the list!

Don't equate AWA with punishing Sexual Predators because it casts a wide net that ensnares more who shouldn't be that who should. Why aren't sex crime rates dropping if the List and other such bogus laws are working?

The one part they got right was the Disclosure of petitioner's past criminal record and that's not even part of AWA, it's part of IMBRA! If you want to get around that just marry her and IMBRA doesn't apply!

The intent of the law is good but it obviously needs to be refined! I am glad our government seeks to avoid subjecting anyone to the brutalities potentially inflicted by sexual predators!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-02-21 19:53:00
USCIS Service CentersIs this Fraud by definition

What you need to remember is that Igor's data is based on data that this entered only by members here on VJ at the moment and time. So, this data will always be skewed, because members don't enter complete or accurate data at the time you are reviewing it. If members goes back and correct their data, then the data results will change as such. I personally believe that VJ should remove Igor's data and list, because it is skewed, and members tend to take it as positive facts, which it is not.

I think it is reasonable to assume that with the number of VJ people each month, that this is probably a fairly representative sampling of the total and certainly adequate for watching trends. And the trend right now does not make sense! There are more filers by % approved from January and February 2011 than from October! This is very frustrating to those of us from October. There is no reason to believe that our applications are different in any significant measure than ones being filed now. It should be just as easy to go through a stack of October petitions as January ones! It is not fraud but it certainly calls into question the competency of management when this sort of thing happens. Maybe if we all start calling and writing letters the person or persons at the top may find themselves unemployed and their successors will be more conscientious as a result.

I would be very opposed to removing Igor's list. There is too little transparency now and taking this away would just make the situation more opaque!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-03-01 13:54:00