Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DNA NIghtmare!!

Yes, we think you are right. An expert is needed here because we have read and re-read and now we are confused based on all the different information we are getting. We are so grateful for all the responses. Thanks.

Exactly your bold makes our point. It clearly states if the marriage is or was, meaning existing or not. Stepfather married mother before child turned 18 years. The other section about divorce means that proof must exist to show relationship never ended after marriage to natural parent.

Seems pretty clear to me. You get potential immigrant status if your step-parent is a USC or LPR. Even separated if there is an ongoing relationship. But NOWHERE do I see where having been in the past a step-child to a USC or LPR continues to confer any immigrant status after the relationship has ended, which divorce does in a legal sense. It is great if you continue a relationship otherwise but that relationship is not recognized under the law. Seems a waste of money to hire a lawyer but I have no doubt you can find one to take your money. Sorry to say this but I don't see any hope here for you. If you want to be USC you will need to look at other options! Good luck!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-01-06 18:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Oh my gosh! Somebody please help me!

He said he smoked weed about 4 years ago.

Everyone back off! Where do we all conclude he was ever found positive? If he is a decent guy and ADMITTED to once using marijuana, they may be basing this year of testing solely on that honest disclosure! To the OP, explore this possibility. You may have been right to believe him before. Don't jump to conclusions without considering all the possibilities!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-08-12 02:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusbaby fund

Russian mothers get a hero pin and a couple hundred bucks a month after sh!tting out their fifth kid.

Mothers everywhere must really love you slim! :no:
james&olyaMaleRussia2010-12-22 00:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMIL visa application

Thanks - I wasn't clear who was who :lol:

Thanks for the advice. Yeah, Olga is the fiancee. MIL did go to Egypt once but I am guessing that doesn't count for much. MIL has a good job, owns her apartment, has other family there in Russia so I am hoping that she can come. Olga doesn't trust anyone else to babysit the 21 month old if we want to take a honeymoon so it is looking real important to get her mother over for a visit then! :lol:
james&olyaMaleRussia2010-12-24 21:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMIL visa application

I am waiting now for our NOA-2. I had assumed that it would not be possible for her mother to get a tourist visa to come to the wedding here but then I saw posts referring to this happening. Now I would like to see if maybe there is a chance we could do this. My future MIL has a full-time job there, owns her apartment, does not speak English. Does anyone know whether there is a reasonable chance she could get a visa to come for the wedding next summer?

Forgot to say that she (future MIL) has not had a visa to western europe. Only country outside FSU she has visited was Egypt. She has not expressed any interest in ever wanting anything more than a visit here. She seems pretty loyal to the motherland. Olga is the opposite, she has little use for the corruption and other problems that are so common there. She (Olga) got a visa to Portugal several years ago and stayed with a cousin there for 6 months. Since then she has been willing to leave for good.
james&olyaMaleRussia2010-12-13 01:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMIL visa application
I am waiting now for our NOA-2. I had assumed that it would not be possible for her mother to get a tourist visa to come to the wedding here but then I saw posts referring to this happening. Now I would like to see if maybe there is a chance we could do this. My future MIL has a full-time job there, owns her apartment, does not speak English. Does anyone know whether there is a reasonable chance she could get a visa to come for the wedding next summer?
james&olyaMaleRussia2010-12-12 23:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAirline baggage weight limits for Russia to USA

I just had an idea (I hate when that happens, it hurts) Get thermostats and screw then to the wall in every room, then stealthily hide the REAL thermostat. :rofl:

:rofl: :thumbs:
james&olyaMaleRussia2010-12-26 12:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMerry Christmas and Happy New Year RUB

Vika and I wish you all a very happy season, whenever you celebrate Christmas (Orthodox or other). May the new year bring you everything you wish for, and everything you and your family need. May you be close in spirit, even if distance separates you. May you be rich in your relationships, despite USCIS driving you to the poorhouse :lol:

God Bless,


Merry Christmas to you as well, both today and Jan 7! This site and all the great people here are truly a blessing! May the new year bring nothing but quick approvals, smooth POE experiences, and great joy in uniting those who have found love across the miles. :)
james&olyaMaleRussia2010-12-25 12:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDME/SVO ordeal

Hey james&olya !

4 days ago Moscow had a winter storm with alot of freezing rain which brought down power lines and such. Knocked out ALL the power to the terminal at DME and some power at SVO .... even the trams and electric buses in some places lost power. Totally messed up the customs and passport control .... and as of today DME was still not functioning. My Olga has been watching it on Channel 1 and RTR Planeta ( I think that is the station ) and they are reporting many people are stuck there. I guess yesterday there was as many as 10,000 people up on the 2nd floor at DME just milling around unable to continue on.

Wow. I am glad I wasn't trying to connect there when that happened. Sounds like it shouldn't still be a problem a month from now.
james&olyaMaleRussia2010-12-30 00:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDME/SVO ordeal
Care to enlighten us as to what has happened? I was through DME last month and am going again in January. No problem last month.
james&olyaMaleRussia2010-12-29 22:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-693 and AOS

No, RFEs are not a "problem" other than a nuisance and delay. You answer the RFE and everything is OK. The only other thing is that the medical exam she has before the visa is valid for one year. If you do not file for the AOS within one year of the medical exam, you will have to repeat the medical exam here and it can get pricey (for no particular reason other than you have no choice but to pay)

FWIW if you have the DS 3025 and ALL necessary vaccines there is no reason you would need the I-693. The reason people get RFEs is they think that submitting a DS 3025 alone is all they need to do. NO. They have to submit a DS 3025 that reflects ALL needed vaccines have been received.

The needed vaccines vary from time to time. The thing to do is to check the needed vaccines prior to the medical exam, get the needed vaccines (if any) prior to the medical exam, then bring the documentation of the needed vaccines to the medical exam with you. Make sure you ASK for the DS 3025. They do not always just do it if not asked. THEN hope that the needed vaccines do not change between the time of the medical exam and filing the AOS. For a time the HPV vaccine was needed for women under age 27, but now they deleted that. Also they will periodically insert the need for flu vaccines. The USCIS website has a current list of vaccines needed.

Thanks Gary! :thumbs:
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-01-03 22:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI-693 and AOS is well documented on VJ that many folks have also done only the 3025 and have received a RFE. We did as the VJ Guides list and did both, both the 3025 and the 693, and no Problems.

I understand why anyone does NOT want an RFE before the POE. But is there any reason an RFE at the AOS stage is a problem other than a delay in getting an EAD? I ask because my fiancee will not be looking for a job for the first year or two, she has a 2y/o and will be a stay-at-home mom for a while. I don't see any other reason for the hassle and expense of getting the CS to sign off on a 693 but maybe I am over-looking something!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-01-03 18:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHappy New Year!!
Happy New Year to all here!

I just got off skype with my fiancee in Russia after the arrival of New Year's there. It is not news to most here but till I became involved with her I never realized that New Years there is what Christmas is here! I am looking forward to multiple celebrations when we begin our life together! Western Christmas, New year, Orthodox Christmas, Orthodox New Year!! I am finding that they have many more holidays than we have here!
james&olyaMaleRussia2010-12-31 17:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChildren leaving Russia, paperwork?

Russia, and Ukraine, have an unusual document called a "certificate of no father" If no father is listed on the birth certificate in Ukraine, then this is the needed document. She can get it from ZAGS, the same ministry that handles all the other personal vital records. Not sure if it is needed in Russia but I know some other members will be along to answer.

You can also check the Moscow consulate website. anything required by the Moscow consulate will meet the requirements of Russian law. They have no intent to issue visas and have people stopped while leaving. The consulate coordinates this with Russian authorities. The Kiev consulate website is pretty clear on what is needed.

Thanks for the info, Gary. I looked on the consulate website but found nothing talking about children and the K1/K2 process relative to the other parent. I guess I will email them.
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-01-15 16:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChildren leaving Russia, paperwork?

This is on the USCIS website, you should check with Russian Immigration to make sure you know the requirements. This is one you don't want to get wrong and end up dealing with an international child abduction charge, which would be federal crime, and not be able for your fiance to AOS.

U.S. citizen minors who also have Russian citizenship and who are traveling on their Russian passports must have a power-of-attorney, written in Russian, allowing them to travel alone and/or in the company of adults who are not their parents. Such minors will be prevented from entering or leaving Russia if they cannot present such a power-of-attorney.

In an effort to prevent international child abduction, many governments have initiated special procedures at entry/exit points. These often include requiring documentary evidence of relationship and permission for the child’s travel from the parent(s) or legal guardian if not present. Having such documentation on hand, even if not legally required, may facilitate entry/departure. For further information, please see the Department of State’s webpage regarding the prevention of international child abduction.

I looked on uscis but did not find answers for this. Anyone know the details for russia?
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-01-14 22:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusChildren leaving Russia, paperwork?
Hello all. I just noticed the thread relating to this subject but from Ukraine. I have the same question regarding Russia. What paperwork, letter from father, etc is needed for children to be allowed to leave Russia? My fiancee has a 13 y/o son and 2 y/o daughter. The 2 y/o does not have a father listed on the birth certificate. Does this mean no letter is needed? And what do we need for the 13 y/o? Thank you for your advice!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-01-14 20:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSkype Subscriptions

I would be cautious about saying anywhere in Russia. My fiancée is in Novosibirsk and a Skype subscription does nothing for us as is noted on Skype that it is for Moscow and St. Petersburg only. We for right now do computer to computer on Skype, or in my case I can run Skype on my phone and do phone to computer on her end.

I do skype from my iphone to her mobile phone in Kazan. Toktumi line 2 is cheaper though.
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-01-18 16:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFirst trip to Ukraine

what do you mean you "had to eat..." No effin' way. I would starve to death first. :P

:thumbs: :lol:
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-01-19 22:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnother bombing in Moscow

I'm sure plenty of American/UK companies profitted from contracting jobs. Just follow the money....

Getting payback sounded good after 9-11 but now, I'm seeing how stupid it was. I'm all for flattening and reducing them to a pile of rubble. Ain't on board with having to clear out those rubbles and building them modern buildings. How does this benefit us again? Who's footing the bill? :blink:

Benefit us? You and me? Are you kidding? You think the crooks and bozos who managed to get us into this war and who bungle things to keep us there do it for US? Look where they get campaign money to get elected and then get cushy consulting jobs for themselves and family after 'retirement'!

You are absolutely right, just FOLLOW THE MONEY!!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-02-04 11:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnother bombing in Moscow
:ot2: Got here today, Domodedovo open with a lot of security. Not as much as I expected though. Everyone gets screened on entering the terminal now. The place where the bomb went off has some new construction in progress but you would never guess 35 people died there 4 days ago! The plane was only half full going there from Dulles. Nothing different other than that, that I could tell, I got waved through the green line in customs!

Edited by james&olya, 28 January 2011 - 12:56 PM.

james&olyaMaleRussia2011-01-28 12:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnother bombing in Moscow

I don't buy the oli and gas arguments for being in Afghanistan or Iraq or anywhere else. Are you saying that we are actually taking that oil or gas or what? I've never seen any evidence of that. Instead it just seems like we are dumping huge sums of money (and lives) funding the wars. How exactly do we profit from that oil and gas?

Not necessary or even relevant if 'we' profit, as long as Halliburton and the likes and their paid political whores and cronies profit. That is why americans must die and our national debt must be ballooned!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-01-28 12:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnother bombing in Moscow

And I just bought tickets for April...

Thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families. :(

I am to meet my fiancee and her two children at Domodedovo this Friday! I have stood right there where the bomb went off and would have been there on Friday, maybe with Olga and her children!! Very sobering to think of!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-01-24 17:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusLife after move...
Inna, something nobody seems to mention but is very important is the huge regional diversity of the US! The climate and the geography here varies much more than in Ukraine, from near tropical weather in Florida to Siberia like cold in Alaska, from coastal living to the plains of the midwest, the mountains in both eastern and western USA, the hot/dry deserts to the humidity of the southeast. Here you are free to own the land itself. People usually live in single-family homes with lawns and gardens. In many areas you rarely see fences, let alone walls, around anybody's property. The water is usually very clean and safe. We swim in our lakes and rivers without fear of catching disease or being exposed to poisons. Here, people complain about government offices if they have to wait even a few minutes to get something done. You never, ever need to bribe someone to get reasonable service. The lifestyle is different but you are free to make it whatever you want. If you want high quality clothes you can easily find them. If you want great food it is easy to find. If you ever become handicapped you will not be shunned from participating in anything you could be capable of. The list goes on and on. Where here will you live? If you tell us that you can get much more specific comments! I think you will like it! Oh, one more thing, the roads and highways are so much easier and safer to drive on than in Kiev!!

Edited by james&olya, 04 February 2011 - 12:30 PM.

james&olyaMaleRussia2011-02-04 12:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIgnore
[quote name='Gary and Alla' timestamp='1296163740' post='4436408']

I'll bet she was American. And can you imagine they tell us to be careful of these foreign women scammers? :whistle:
:lol: You've got that right!! I refer to my ex as the 'ex-from-hell' and that is an understatement!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-01-29 13:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBridal Shower??? English classes???

This is the RUB forum, you have to pretend you are rich even if you aren't, except for Slim. Slim has blown his cover so bad, no one would believe he was rich even if he won the lottery tonight.

They (other women) presume that you MUST be rich since you are old, fat and bald and have a hot wife (that...or you have a really big c*ck...or both, which is OK to promote also and Slim is still claiming that)

I always feel somewhat obligated to play the part of a stupid rich guy being taken advantage of by a hot foreign woman. :lol: It is my right! You could always say your wife was a former KGB agent that defected to you when you were in the CIA. :lol: This stuff can be just too much fun!

:rofl: :rofl: Thanks Gary, I'm going to use that last one! :devil:
james&olyaMaleRussia2010-12-29 22:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNo love for Valentine's Day in Russia

I don't like it either. We have 8 March coming up, so why have another holiday?

Last October I was talking with Olga on the phone while she was shopping. I asked what she was shopping for and she told me she needed a dracula costume for her 13y/o son for the Halloween party they were to have at school! Seems for the last 5 years they have begun celebrating Halloween in Kazan. No door-to-door trick-or-treating yet. They seem to want everything western! :lol:
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-02-10 16:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

I chose my wife from an online catalog (really).
I had been looking at US catalogs but all that those sites were "matching" for me was......not what I was looking for or meaning to invest in.

My Russian investment pays back in big ways but not at the waistline.

Globalization of this market pays off big time for the 'consumer' here! :lol: If the local 'sellers' want to remain competitive they will need to make certain adjustments/improvements in the product line!

I tried to shop locally but availability of a high quality product at a reasonable cost just wasn't there! It turns out I live in an area with a much higher demand than supply of what I need. Expanding my search to the entire US resulted in finding suitable choices but it turns out that shipping here was impossible! Foreign built, especially FSU, is so much better value for the investment I would highly recommend it to any of my friends. And it turns out that shipping here isn't that difficult, just a bit of bureaucracy!
james&olyaMaleRussia2010-12-29 19:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

-------- :) --------
Just to quickly respond to Slim ( whom I think is one of the funniest, most honest, prolific and down to earth posters this site has ever known)....I wasn't trolling. I may be the USC female ( USA born but raised British) and I know that comes with certain erm really is wonderful to see people of any nationality be proud of their spouse and it's all over the forums here. really I have no agenda other than bragging and being proud of my husband.

Slim, ever think about writing a book? You do have talent!
james&olyaMaleRussia2010-12-26 00:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

I agree with your opinion that when we are working we are not doing other "bad things" :lol: Raking leaves and mowing the lawn does nothing for her. You have to build something, create something where there was nothing before...that is what does it. :P

So you think my hobby of DIY building (built my own home, lake cottage, docks, decks, boardwalk ....) will help keep Olga interested? Reading your posts on this makes me think that I have a very happy future in store once we get that visa! :)
james&olyaMaleRussia2010-12-15 23:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBack from Ukraine/Czech

Perhaps maybe we'll be proud to be spirtitual again someday as well. (And by spiritual I don't necessarily mean Christian, I mean humble.)

james&olyaMaleRussia2011-02-10 21:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUBers Hate Women ???

Stick me...the fun on here has yet to begin..but when it does.... :whistle:

Maybe someone should invite Jenn!! :lol:
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-02-15 21:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGet a international driver's license before coming to the US???

if you live in a place with high traffic then automatic is the way to go

I prefer a stick there also! I drive a 4WD HD 3/4 ton turbo-diesel with 6spd stick and have no problems. I doubt Olya will want to drive it though!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-02-17 14:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGet a international driver's license before coming to the US???

It is easier in some ways, especially in winter.
I want a car with a manual transmission, but my fiance is going to buy automatic for me :(

Hold out for the stick! It is actually cheaper, by up to a thousand dollars, because dealers and manufacturers charge an automatic as an 'option' and way overcharge for them! Maybe you are better with a stick than he is?
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-02-17 14:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGet a international driver's license before coming to the US???

My Jeep is only for me to drive. She can't drive a stick anyway. What kind of foreigner can't drive a stick?

My fiancee has a Lada! Based on her income you would think she could not afford it but I think she makes some of her payments by working as a private taxi driver. She thinks a stick is easier than an automatic!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-02-17 14:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI'm an alien I'm a legal alien... :whistle:

The entire system in America is corrupt. In Russia, you pay the cops when you mess up. Here, you have to pay an entire industry. Meanwhile the taxpayers are also paying for it.

Over there, your DUI costs $50. Here, it costs several hundred bucks each to: get out of jail, pay an attorney, go to court, pay fees, take remedial classes, pay your DL reinstatement fees, increased insurance premiums and whatever else you have to pay to get from point A to B in the meantime.

Slim, I disagree strenuously on this! This is not corruption, this is JUSTICE! There is a very good reason for the penalties paid by people convicted of DUI.
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-02-19 22:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI'm an alien I'm a legal alien... :whistle:

To proceed animal theme I suggest to read that awesome article from our english friends how "One Russian bear learned how to open a coffin. He then taught the others. They treat graveyards as 'giant refrigerators' " :D

That actually makes sense from the whole 'circle of life' perspective!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-02-17 15:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusI'm an alien I'm a legal alien... :whistle:

My fiance does bow hunting and i have no idea where green peace people were when he had this put up on the wall in our bedroom - Posted Image

Hunting enthusiasts greatly outnumber those opposed in my area. Many homes and 'dachas' have these on the walls! :lol:
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-02-17 14:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUB Jokes

From what I've heard, the only time bears "charge" is when mama bear is protecting her cubs. The males will run at you to intimidate you but it's not something that they'll continue if faced with a hail of bullets. It's one of those things where they're showing off and then say, "oh sh!t, he's shooting at me!" They decide to go the other way after that whether it's a 9mm handgun, 12ga. slug, or simply the really loud popping sound of any firearm. Scary stuff for most bears.

For mama bear, it's kill or be killed. Now that's scary stuff!

Kind of like the criminals around here.

Smells like Bigfoot's ####.

When I lived in Fairbanks the stories popular around there talked about how you didn't want to shoot the bear if he knew where you were before you shot. Seems if you shot, even with a lethal chest shot, you would just anger the bear and he would kill you before he realized he was dead! Maybe a little exaggeration but apparently grizzlies have an anaerobic metabolic capacity that does not depend on oxygen delivery to remain conscious and functioning for up to several minutes. What was needed was a shot with 3000 or more foot-pounds of force to a front shoulder to cripple the bear first, then take the shot that would be finish him off. Most of the time a grizzly will turn and go the other way when encountering a human. Key word being 'most'! To me grizzly hunting is the closest to real sport since the grizzly is far from helpless and the hunter could very well fall victim to the bear!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-02-26 23:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusValentines Day

We talking about women or cars here ? :unsure:

Yes :lol:
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-03-07 23:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusValentines Day


High Maintenance and Whiny.

Go FSU girls!

Pretty boring over there in the UK forum, eh?
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-02-18 22:57:00