K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2010 CSC filers!

Thanks for those nice words! They are appreciated! She got results from her 3 days of Sputum today and they were all negative for the acid, so that's some good new anyway. And that CSC seems to be moving again!

Congrats to all Filers who were approved yesterday!

Having a positive skin test for TB only means your immune system has had exposure to the antigen sometime in the past. Most people who are skin test positive will never actually get TB. The sputum is to look for the bacteria. They identify the bacteria using a series of chemical treatments to the specimen. One of the treatments uses acid and if the bacteria remain after this they are deemed to be 'acid-fast' bacteria. I think this is what your fiancee was referring to. The chest x-ray is very important also in this to look for evidence of actual TB disease. Hope all is well for her!

And thanks for the congratulations, it is so good to have this behind us now!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-03-08 14:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2010 CSC filers!
NOA-2 :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

I hope everyone else will now be seeing the same! I called USCIS this morning and was polite but also kept insisting things were not right! I never got to a level 2 or service request so I don't know if the call helped. Obviously didn't hurt though!!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-03-07 21:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2010 CSC filers!
Hurrah!!! I see August is now getting NOA-2's. :thumbs: :thumbs:

Edited by james&olya, 16 December 2010 - 06:15 PM.

james&olyaMaleRussia2010-12-16 18:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInappropriate Interview

It is a privilege, but that doesn't give some paper pusher whose salary I pay the right to ask questions that no decent person would. I understand it's a useful means to spot fraud, but there a lot of ways to spot fraud without getting into questions about sex; the COs just have to work harder. The day we, either as Americans or intending Americans, start just bending over and letting the government treat us anyway they see fit in order to get some "privilege" from them is the day we cease being a free people. And sadly, it's happening already.

It is precisely BECAUSE such questions are so very upsetting that they are useful in helping to spot fraud! It is harder to perpetuate a fraud when you are emotionally upset. Maybe using a polygraph would be more useful, especially at weeding out the fraudsters that are using the USC just to get a green card! But if the option is either to deny based on a 'soft' interview or have a chance at approval with the horrible 'stokes' interview, I would think most people would opt for the latter. Just try to keep in mind that they are only doing their job, they have no personal or prurient interest in the answers. Think of it like going to your gynecologist! Horribly invasive but for a good reason.
james&olyaMaleRussia2012-02-26 10:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaDO they deport me if my fiance leave me in US?
Troll? :rofl:
james&olyaMaleRussia2012-05-28 20:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhy the obsession with Muslims and sex?
It never even occurred to me to wonder about Muslims and sex!! :blink:
james&olyaMaleRussia2012-05-31 22:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow have your children been with new hubby/fiancee?

james&olya...both of you having kids is much better than one never being a parent before...the one who hadn't had any children (though we have our own together now)doesn't know what tehy are getting into with 3 teens (often other aged kids too) not that someone who hasn't been a parent before can't do a good job, I just think many of them come running in with rose colored glasses lol Sounds like an ideal situation for all of you though! If my hubby had a kid with him when he came, he would have been more understanding at first!

Yes, I agree with you that both of us already being parents helped more than a little! In fact, I wasn't really even considering trying to develop an on-line relationship with any of the women I met that had not had children. I admire you and your husband for being able to be certain of your compatibility enough to get married and become new parents together! And triplets!!! That must be very exciting but tiring at the same time! I hope everything continues to go well for your family! :)
james&olyaMaleRussia2012-06-10 03:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow have your children been with new hubby/fiancee?

Being a good step dad is a very hard thing.. step mom too...

Sorry for jumping in here but this topic interests me a great deal. In our situation we both are adjusting to being step-parents. My sons are all late teens and they have all accepted their new step-mom but with varying degrees of closeness. I think they were secretly skeptical at first but now they see we really are in this relationship for real. On my part I will say that one of the very best things of this whole 'journey' has been getting to become 'dad' for my 15 y/o son and 3 y/o daughter! Yes, children are a lot of work. They disrupt your life constantly and can be a huge expense (my daughter developed seizures 36 hours after arrival and before we had any insurance for her!). But the reward of parenting is priceless!! I would not trade any of this! My own sons, as well, are becoming very close to their new step-siblings. While I know little of the unique dynamics of MENA/USA blended families, I would still believe that the biggest factor is less the country or region and much more the individual personal attitudes towards parenting and step-parenting. One of the biggest things that brought my wife and me together was our shared attitude about family and children. Being compatible on this has to be the most important issue of all in my opinion.
james&olyaMaleRussia2012-06-09 23:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone had a home visit by Homeland security?

I don't recall the OP ever saying it was because of her screen name on this forum or her fiance's store name that she was visited by DHS. It could have had something to do with it but maybe not. We'll never know. But truly if the Feds really had concerns about her they wouldn't have shown up at her door. They would tail her from afar, building a case, and she may never have known they were there. Those guys who get arrested occasionally for bomb plots, do you really think they knew they were being surveilled?

I'm a Unitarian Universalist so I also understand that perspective, though I have always believed the Crusades to be one of many, many horrible blemishes of Christianity. The Inquisition is up there too. But once I started learning Arabic I came to the realization that so many words that can inspire fear in us are either just normal words or their real meaning is something different than what we're told. Jihad being a perfect example. Doesn't mean holy war. It means the struggle to do good for your home/community/nation in the name of God.

Despite my respect for my fiance's faith there are things I disagree with, which is why I never see myself converting. And despite his respect for my faith there are things he disagrees with. There are lots of interfaith couples who grapple with the same issues and deal with them in similar ways.

Terrorist groups like the ones calling themselves "Victorious Sect" are nutty extremists who believe the Crusades never ended and that their brand/version of their religion demands they win it for their team by any means possible. It is debatable to even call them Muslims because they violate so many basic tenants like by killing innocent people and women and children. Unfortunately the narrative so many people get over here in the States is that all Muslims have a hive mentality. Or to put it another way (thus outing myself as a geek), they are the Borg. This is laughable and crazy to me because like every other religion their population runs the gamut from extremely traditional to very open and secular and everything in between. Faith means different things to different people across the board. Some believe scripture is verbatim the word of God and follow it without question and some see the texts as guides for how to live their lives.

As for rough and tumble, that's why I don't visit the P&R subforum. I wouldn't be getting my work done at the office if I started in on that :lol: .

My concern here for the OP is that if everything else truly was in order maybe it actually did come down to something as superficial as a business name that was misinterpreted by DHS. Especially since, as another poster told us, that very name is also a name of a known terrorist group. Some of us as Americans take too much for granted our rights to free speech and being innocent till proven guilty. This does not apply in other countries and does not apply either when our government deals with foreign nationals seeking visas! And like you say, we will probably never know for a certainty what caused the K1 rejection. I was trying to get the OP to see how someone could see her online name as a possible problem but my devils advocate kind of questioning kind of back-fired on me! :blush:

I find much admirable in both Christianity as well as Islam. But I have found much to disagree with also. I have enjoyed the writings of a J. Spong who was an episcopalian bishop. He ultimately came to consider himself a 'non-theistic christian' and I have adopted that identification for myself as well.

I enjoy a little too much the lively political and occasionally religious arguments that we get going over in P&R! :lol: I usually only get on here when I am at work and it is slow but I should be trying to catch up on paperwork or at least get some sleep. But it is just too much fun matching wits with right-wingers and such. There are many that I disagree with often but nonetheless respect and like them anyway. A few are just annoying, a couple are infuriating but it is fun to try to rock their boats a little! You are right though, it is not for everyone, probably not right for most people except those of us who really enjoy a good argument! :lol: (though I hate to and almost never do argue with my wife! THAT could have significant negative consequences! :rofl: )
james&olyaMaleRussia2013-03-13 00:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone had a home visit by Homeland security?

Hi people!
thanks to everyone who tried to help with a positive reply or a non positive,cause i beleive that critics helps too.
well i introduce my self,iam the moroccan fiancé and iam the owner of a very modest computer's shop called victorious sect's technology and i really wonder how this shop's name became the topic and not the case!!
so am going to feed the questions of some people and talk about my backgrounds of choosin this name hoping that it will end this situation of "store's name".
my shop was born in 2011 and as u know you need to follow steps and a philosophy to create a busness name,cause A good business name helps you succeed by being easy to remember"and seems i Succeeded in this :whistle:" and representative of you and your business.
and as there is a stiff competition in this kind of busness here in morocco i tried to look up for a name who Expresses some challenge,thats when i was influenced by a hadith of the prophet muhamed peace be up on him who says:A group of my nation shall remain steadfast, on the truth, victorious, unharmed by those who oppose them,until the Day of Resurrection"...and muhamed didnt name this group by a name but the old shcolars of islam and not the new ones named that group by victorious sect or saved sect or survivor sect...
so i took the challenge word "victorious sect" and i added "Technology" cause i have to Determine the elements of my business wich is computers and electronics...and why i choosed victorious sect's technology and not saved or survivor sect's technology ,is to get a nice abbreviation of my shop's name so i thought that VST will sound cool then this is the story of this name.
and i dont care if this name is used from a terrorist group or no cause as i said this name was mensioned from the old scholars who lived in the past centuries...and my shop has nothing to do with any group or organization, and this word has nothing to do with terrorism and doesnt mean that, people who play extreme games or call ther self extreme team,is that mean that they are extremist!!!of course no its just names and words for the challenge.
and what it concern me yes iam A MUSLIM but i never been in a group who follow a man who go to the bathroom as i do,but i beleive in followin allah and his prophet and i beleive in the one nation and i hate to be a part of a group made from someone so am just a muslim dont panik!
and yo people plz just use some logic what a stupid terrorist who has a background to hurt people and who belong to a terrorist group callin themself victorious sect will use tht in a visa application!i think tht someone who wants to do a crime he will just hide his face and reality, and use a streape tease's company name or something like i think its so inoncent to think in it this way.
well we are cool and we are not doing anything wrong, all we want is to be together and build our future and as she has a 12 and 15 daughters they can not be integrated here in morocco and we care to ther studies in the us and not like wht some people accuse muslims that they dont let ther girls to go to school, and as ther is more opportunities to work and study and build a nice future ther thts why we choosed to apply for a visa...and at last its our busness to apply or not "u hear me james"

and i just want to say something,in my interview first i said to the officer was good morning and she didnt respond me and the first she said is rise ur hand and swear that this relation is true!!And Through the interview one of her questions to me were when ur fiancé converted to islam i said "I THINK IN" So she judged my english expression and she said u think!!!and i said i mean first i meet her she was a muslimah like a year and half ago who means she converted in 2007 ,and for me when i used "i think" expression i was just talkin algorithm!
and then she asked me the weird question :why she converted to islam?
i said she was a buddhist and she did her research and thn she beleived in islam!
and thats when her energy changed and she said its just like that she chaged her life cause she beleived in islam?i said yes its like that...and after this i got a hail of illogical questions,so i was doin my best and i answered wht i know and i said i dont know for wht i ignore..
and i know tht my english is not tht much but i studied communication 10 years old ago and i confirm tht the lady wasnot professionel and am not her only victim but visajourney forum is full of her victims!!

so i will try to post whts happened exactly in tht interview when i have a time and thanks to everyone trying to help us and i hope that u got and understand my reply and sorry for my bad english expressions.

ALLAH SAYS in Surah Al-Hujraat
O mankind! Lo! We have created you from male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! the noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware. (13)

:thumbs: You sound like a decent person. I hope you and your fiance are soon together and have a happy and prosperous life together. Dealing with DHS you must understand that they are under enormous pressure to prevent another terrorist attack on the US. While it would obviously seem illogical that a terrorist would openly use a name that made them sound like a terrorist it will still draw attention if a person's business name sounds suspicious. Just like here in the US you cannot even make a joke about having a bomb or explosives when in an airport. I hope all the people at DHS can avoid the all too human impulse to make judgments about people when they first meet or, as in those of us applying for visas, when they read our initial paperwork. Some people would suggest that would be giving them too much credit to assume they can withold even subconsciously judging someone before all the facts are present. In a court of law you are innocent till proven guilty. This is different. Here, if you are coming from countries considered high risk (morocco?) you are probably considered guilty until proven innocent, at least when applying for a visa. Fair? Perhaps not. But the mission of DHS is safety, not fairness. Good luck!
james&olyaMaleRussia2013-03-12 20:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone had a home visit by Homeland security?


"Victorious sect" is a reference to at least several Hadith. I wish Sofiyya was here to explain it more completely and professionally. But to the best of my knowledge, it basically says that Muslims should stick to their faith and obey the requirements of their religion until Judgment Day, no matter who tries to fight them, because they will be victorious in the end. It long predates any groups who have may have hijacked the phrase to try to give their unGodly behaviors some kind of religious justification.

:thumbs: Thank you for enlightening us! I apologize for having such a protestant christian background and mindset. My reaction, and I am afraid many others as well, comes from a christian point of view that the battle you are in against forces of evil is entirely an individual one. Christianity as a religion or sect does have a distant history of seeing this battle in terms of the group and that was manifested in the crusades. It is unfortunate for the great majority of decent, peace loving muslims that the actions of a few have so poisoned attitudes and understanding. Even those of us who try to see other points of view often need things like this name or phrase explained so that it no longer causes us fear or alarm. I would again suggest to the OP that she go out of her way to be sure that all who are looking at her case know from the outset, before their attitudes are set, that this name is not in any way indicative of the mindset that they belong to a group that seeks victory over non-muslim groups.

I apologize as well for bringing our more rough and tumble Politics and Religion forum kind of discourse to your regional one. I saw the OP's post on the home page and didn't initially realize I was in a regional forum discussion. :blush:
james&olyaMaleRussia2013-03-12 14:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone had a home visit by Homeland security?

INsha Allah looking forward to it, Haters gonna hate :dance: you still in the states?

Not hating on anybody! You posted asking if anyone else had a visit from DHS and I responded about what some people might think could be a red flag. If you didn't want opinions on why you might have had this visit I am not sure why you posted. I do think it would be wise to find out all you can on why they chose you for this visit as well as why your K1 didn't go through. Getting married does not guarantee that they will issue a visa later and if there is anything that needs clearing up you should do it now rather than after another denial! And uncomfortable as it might be, it is probably smart to go on here like you have and invite comments like you did. Everyone else that just reassures you and says everything is fine might make you feel warm and fuzzy but it is not helpful to your case to be lured into a false sense of complacency! If everything was OK you would not be having the problems you have encountered. It is important to figure out what those problems are so they can be fixed. Sorry I upset you and your friends here, I mean no harm, was just trying to point out what might be off-putting to the folks who have to try and prevent harm to american citizens.
james&olyaMaleRussia2013-03-11 02:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone had a home visit by Homeland security?

why does it have to be personal? as it is not.
I hear your concern thanks for your response, He wants his family to be victorious! insha Allah Ameen for this :D

And his family becoming victorious depends on him getting a USC to sponsor him on a K1 visa? :blink:
james&olyaMaleRussia2013-03-10 21:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone had a home visit by Homeland security?

there is no need for concern my fiances technology stores name is victorious sect :)

Maybe it is just me but I can see where DHS would find your fiance's choice of a name for his store quite a red flag! Who or what is meant by "victorious sect"? Which sect? Victory over who? :help:
james&olyaMaleRussia2013-03-10 21:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone had a home visit by Homeland security?
I am struck by your online name here, 'victorioussect'! Should anyone be concerned about your choice of a name? Does it imply anything that should concern homeland security? :unsure:
james&olyaMaleRussia2013-03-10 19:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDid anyone spouse come from chicago?

Would anyone please share experieince who came from chicgo POE? Everyone has to claim luggage and pass through custom at POE. How is the baggage forwarded to final destination? Does a person has to take luggage to airlines counter for the baggage to be forwarded or just leave in luggage belt? Thanks in advance

I haven't yet done POE at Chicago but my fiancee will in about 2 weeks, I hope! I have been through there multiple times though, and I can answer some of your questions. I am meeting her there when she arrives as I was unable to get time off from work to go all the way to Russia and come back with her and her kids.

Yes, you have to claim your luggage after going through immigration. It is on the big belt. They usually have lots of baggage carts available. You take the baggage through a doorway into the customs area and then you recheck the bags right beyond that if Chicago is not your final destination. They have a counter just for that purpose right there. Then you take the train from terminal 5 back to the domestic terminals, usually 1 or 2. You will have to allow time to go back through security there as you have to leave the secure area to go between terminals. Your bags will usually make it onto your flight without any problems.

When will you or your fiancee be there? Maybe we will be there at the same time! Good luck!

Edited by james&olya, 09 May 2011 - 12:00 AM.

james&olyaMaleRussia2011-05-08 23:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUrgent Help
Just so you know, if you admit to using drugs in the recent past (within the last several years) you will probably get denied a visa until you can show with repeated random drug tests that you are 'clean'. This process could take a year or more and they might never give you a visa. Just saying based on other stories we have seen reported here. Honesty is usually the best policy but here there is no easy answer.
james&olyaMaleRussia2012-01-03 15:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPregnant wife x-rayed
Don't be worried! The amount of radiation that the baby would have received, even if there were no lead apron shielding, would have been extremely small. If you are not too worried to have her fly in a commercial airliner than you certainly have no basis to be worried over a screening CXR. If you still wanted no X-ray than you had the option to postpone the medical (and the visa) till after the baby is born!
james&olyaMaleRussia2012-03-19 19:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow do i make this sound good?

The baby would be a USC so it would be eligible for benefits, although not a great way to start a new life and marriage. Gramps needs to read the contract (never sign anything without reading it) and understand that if she receives any means tested benefits they could come after you first and him if they can't get the money from you. The contract remains in effect until she has 40 quarters of qualifying work, becomes a citizen, dies, or loses her green card so it could potentially be for life. Even if things do not work out and you divorce it does not negate the contract.

The baby being a USC will help but if she came here prior to the delivery and had the baby with medicaid insurance (federal means tested benefits) your grandfather might wind up owing the gov't a lot of money. It might help if you worked out that issue first, maybe being certain the baby will be born over there to avoid those very large expenses. Then you would need to assure him that no more babies would be arriving at his expense until you had a job with insurance covering your wife with maternity expenses.

Maybe if he was able to meet your wife and get to know her first it would help. Get your wife on skype with him and make sure she turns on the charm! Good luck!
james&olyaMaleRussia2012-07-19 19:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 Visa On hold? Need Peace of Mind......
Definitely get over in the RUB section and read there about life with RUB women!

If you are like most of us you have changed your life for the better in many ways.
james&olyaMaleRussia2012-11-30 03:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy head is spinning

I doubt that anyone that enters a marriage legitimately would ever imagine any of those negative stories that we have all read would happen to themselves. May God be with you throughout everything. Do take care.

Marriage to a citizen of another country carries the same risks as a marriage between 2 US citizens, plus some additional problems involving cultural differences. The amazing thing to me is how many international marriages do well. I know that for myself I have been very careful not to assume that we share attitudes on anything important without discussing them freely. I think this is the way to have the best chance for success. Actually, I think a long distance relationship can have some advantages in that it takes away the distractions of the physical relationship that so often clouds judgment early in a relationship. But the possibility always remains that one or both partners have been dishonest. In the end there are no guarantees, we are all taking a chance for love. I hope you have good fortune in your relationship! Keep your eyes open but stay optimistic!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-01-09 22:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdenied k-1 visa
Is it routine for them to say at the end that they are sending the file by diplomatic pouch "due to the personal nature of the information"? Unless this is routine in these cases I wonder if this is a hint that they discovered something that they want to hide from prying eyes in the government there. Maybe they are helping you in a way you do not yet realize!
james&olyaMaleRussia2010-10-28 22:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about I-134

FedEx goes to many places so that you don't have to make the trip yourself. No the 134 form can be signed and dated a few months before the interview but your recent paycheck stub copies should be just a few weeks before the interview. You can scan those in and email them so they can be printed out over there. That's what we did.

Thanks for the good advice Phil. :) I might have had some additional reasons for wanting to make the trip. Some things can't be sent by fed-ex!!

I will remember to send the pay-stubs and bank statements as well. I hope the interview comes before I have another tax return to send but if it is available I will send it as well. And I am hoping to be able to get the time off work and the visa to go to Moscow when she has the interview.
james&olyaMaleRussia2010-12-01 23:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about I-134

You send it to her after you get your NOA2. You should read the instructions for the I-134 and collect the documents you will need. Sign and date it just before you mail it off after the NOA2 because she needs a copy of the NOA2 as well.

I-134 is for the interview not the initial package sent to USCIS.

Is it required anywhere to wait till you have the NOA-2 to fill out and sign the I-134? I was traveling there to see my fiancee again and didn't know if I would get to make another trip before her interview so I filled it out, signed it, and attached all the possible documentation they might ask for. I hand-carried it to her as the mail there is less than reliable. Do I need to re-do the I-134 after the NOA-2 or will the one I already gave her be sufficient? I know I need to send her the copy of NOA-2 when I get it, could this be an e-mail she could print there?
james&olyaMaleRussia2010-12-01 21:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBased on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated between

Yes. Or VJ will give you your next estimate for FREE

At the risk of getting in trouble with some here I must say I thought Gary's comment OK. We all need to lighten up a bit and try not to be too judgmental. Gary's advice is usually very informed and has been very helpful to me. We all have our own personalities and maybe what is meant as a friendly and humorous response is taken the wrong way by others that don't understand or appreciate a bit of friendly sarcasm. We are all stressed while waiting so long. Let's try to cut each other some slack. :)
james&olyaMaleRussia2010-12-03 22:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmbassy contact the employer

No I am not talking about background check, I am asking if embassy contact my employer that I worked for and ask him question about me?

I think that is a component of a 'background' check.
james&olyaMaleRussia2010-12-22 22:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVSC

Hi guys,

I can't understand why CSC is faster than VSC? I'm almost on my 5 months and nothing about NOA2

I understand your frustration! When I first got on this site it was the opposite, VSC was moving faster than CSC. If you are now at 5 months you know what I am talking about. Bet you didn't have a problem with it before! :devil: I have heard many theories but don't know if any of them really explain why. Now I am glad I am with CSC, though before I wanted to switch to VSC. Good thing that wasn't an option. I always choose the slowest line at the bank or the supermarket! Don't want to, it just works out that way! :lol:
james&olyaMaleRussia2010-12-26 23:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresplease helpj

It sounds like he has PTSD, the same thing happend to my friend and his wife. He returned home from IRAQ and he was 100% different, yelled randomly, screamed in the night, called her names always accused her of being sneeky and doing strange things shes never done. He refused counceling and she ended up having to leave him because the stress and the things he said was so horrible.

He finally went into counceling and they put him on medication. Hes a lot better and almost back to how he was before but he has to continue the medications and the therapy for the rest of his life. PTSD is very common for people who spent a large amount of time in IRAQ.

I think this makes a good point. Iraq has improved but it still can be extraordinarilly stressful for our soldiers. This woman's fiance needs help! Whether caused by or exacerbated by his time in the war zone, if she loves him, instead of just leaving him, she might want to call him out on his words and threatened behaviors and ask him to get the help he needs. He has been there doing the dirty work for all of those of us who let our government make war there on our behalf. Not everyone, maybe not even most people, can experience what they are going through without suffering psychological wounds. But if this woman wants to give him a chance she needs to have help from someone to monitor the situation and keep her safe. Maybe his commanding officer or someone else in his chain of command could help?
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-01-01 23:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F question 18 - Meeting in person

No it's way too long. The size of the box on the form is the length they are expecting. I used two sentences:

We met online on October xx, 2008 and corresponded using various mediums almost daily. We met together in Kiev, Ukraine from Feb 14, 2009 to Feb 24, 2009.

I amm relieved to hear from you and others that the supplementary sheet is not necessary. I did not include one as it did not sound like it was necessary from their instructions. Since I sent the I-129F petition in I have read so many posts that seem to acknowledge that it is practically required to provide a highly detailed account of the meeting. Now I will relax and not worry that an RFE will be headed my way. Thank you!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-01-04 20:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresParental Sabotage

Unfortunately, if your parents call or email the consulate it very well might sink your fiance's chances of getting a visa. They usually take reports from family members pretty seriously.

I think you really need to put your foot down with your parents. It's time to cut that apron string. You've been an adult for a decade now. You're more than old enough to be making these decisions for yourself. If I were in your shoes, I'd tell my parents to either accept the decision I made and welcome my fiance into the family, or stay out of it entirely. I'd also make it clear that if they did anything to sabotage the visa then I'd move to Honduras, marry my fiance, and they'd never hear from me again. Ever.

Being an adult means making your own decisions for major life events and then taking responsibility. If you consider yourself an adult act like one! Kindly, gently, but firmly tell your parents they must support your adult decision, that you would like their support, but you have made your decision. Good luck!!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-01-01 20:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIf K-1 Visa Fiance does not marry within 90 days can she stay?

She has to go home she cant stay. Shes not legal to work.

Shes not able to adjust status in the US any other way because of her K-1 she came in on.

Over-staying her visa can make it difficult to near impossible to get legal status in the future, depending on circumstances and length of overstay. Not a good idea!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-01-09 20:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs Printing Skype Call Records Possible?

Like most people here I use skype to talk to my fiance because it's cheap and the sound quality is much better than the phone. Normally we call skype to skype but my fiance is going to her hometown for Chinese New Year so I'll be using skype credit to call her cell phone since there are no computers there. I thought this would be a nice chance for some further evidence that we are in a relationship if I can have a print out of calls I've made to her during that time. Anyone know if this is possible?

Yes, I do skype calling mobile to mobile on my iphone all the time. You go on your skype account and click on call history. It will give you month by month records which you can print out.
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-01-18 13:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to get a human on the NCSC customer support line

I'm ready to scream. it's been 5 months exactly since I got the receipt.

Called NCSC support line, followed the menu tree to where I was supposed to enter my receipt number. Entered it, and then it told me I didn't enter enough digits. I'm sorry, I did enter enough digits dammit!!!!!!! This is exactly the same number I use to access my case status online. I listened to all the rest of the menus. There seems to be no way to get a human being to talk to about my case.

What can I do? This has all the appearance of a classic IT SNAFU, the kind you don't want to be caught in the middle of. Please help!!!

Agree with the other posters about entering the numerical digits for the letters first. I called today, entered the numbers only and got the message you did. Then I entered it again with a '922' (for WAC) first followed by the other numbers and was talking with a real person immediately!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-03-01 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOFFICIAL COPY OF DIVORCE PAPERS needed during interview?
Something I have wondered about is if they prefer the 'divorce certificate' or the 'judgment of divorce'. I didn't even realize at first that there even was a 'divorce certificate' but then found out that most (all?) states have the county courts send the divorce information to the state as a certificate of divorce. This is a one page document. When I found out about this I was able to easily get copies for each of my previous divorces. It doesn't contain all the messy details of division of property, child support and visitation issues, etc that are contained in the judgment of divorce. The main advantage was its brevity, being a single page. So I sent the certificates rather than copying the long and complicated judgments of divorce. I am still waiting for my noa2 so I don't know if I did the right thing. Anybody know for my sake and that of the OP if this is a good way to go or not?
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-03-04 12:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow did you compile your packet?
Office supply stores like OfficeMax have plastic envelopes that have adhesive on the back to attach to heavy paper. I used these on card-stock paper to send all my photos. I top-punched everything and used in a binder with fasteners like those shown in the above post. Must have worked OK, got my NOA2 on the 7th, no RFE!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-03-16 13:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWaiting for NOA2 and got this instead...
On the chance that it might actually have been supposed to be your NOA-2 you might consider calling NVC to see if they have received your package. The number is on here in other threads. The people there seem to know more and be more helpful in my experience. Good luck!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-03-25 13:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy fiancee is pregnant and I'm about to submit the I-129F
I agree about it not helping speed up your petition approval. But there is a chance the consulate in Kyiv might be willing to get you in for the interview sooner if you explain your situation to them. They have latitude to consider other factors and maybe they would agree with you that she should give birth in the US. It is worth a try at least. Congratulations and good luck!
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-03-25 13:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHard decision to make, As many opinions as possible would honestly be appreciated
No question about it, you need to consider your fiancee first! If it were my son I would do everything I could to attend but I would NOT let my son postpone the wedding because I had visa issues! I would suggest you set up a skype connection so that your father can attend electronically if he cannot be there in person. Let him say something, if not during the wedding, at least a toast at the reception. This keeps him involved. Best of luck to you and I hope he gets the visa as well.

Edited by james&olya, 27 March 2011 - 08:37 PM.

james&olyaMaleRussia2011-03-27 20:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFlight isn't nonstop... Problem?

I don't know about Boston but anything less than 3 hours in Chicago is going to be tight. Not only will you have the immigration processing time but you will have to collect your checked bags and drag them over to the domestic connecting flight carousel then cart your self to wherever your connecting flight is. O'Hare is a big airport so that can take a while.

In Chicago there is a baggage recheck area immediately as you leave the customs area in terminal 5 (International arrivals). I don't know if they handle baggage for all airlines though. I do know that it is no problem for flights booked on United/Lufthansa, etc.
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-04-06 15:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 signature not current enough?

Mine was dated from July in anticipation for a September interview; that had to be rescheduled and was for November. I only sent newer pay stubs. All went OK.

Thanks for the info Phil, that sounds pretty close to our situation. Only problem would be if there is some arbitrary '6-month' rule as somebody suggested elsewhere.
james&olyaMaleRussia2011-04-28 19:37:00