
Hi all,

I looked at the list of required vaccinations and my wife doesnt have alot of them. will she need to get them before she will need to go to the medical or will they administer it there?


St. Luke's will be assessing her vaccination records and decide from there which ones she need. A few of the vaccinations listed are age-dependent. You don't have to worry about the costs since it is included in the P15,050 medical fee. If she would be needing follow-up shots or boosters (some vaccines need more than one), they would just inform you to get those once she is in the US.

Usually, the delays from the medical involve infectious diseases like pulmonary tuberculosis (have to undergo treatment before being cleared). No need to worry about the vaccines.

Good luck! :thumbs:
Deren & YamyMalePhilippines2011-09-04 08:20:00
Philippinesembassy to 2go
this is likewise my problem and would like to know too. i'm also from pampanga. :thumbs: can't track my case too in the website :help:

looks like if they would still send it out to 2GO, it might take them until tuesday to do so since it's a non working day on Monday. heard it might take 3-5 days in average. 10 days at worst (for those in remote areas).

I would like to think 3 because that's favorable for both of us :yes:
Deren & YamyMalePhilippines2011-09-04 08:33:00
PhilippinesOn her way :)

Nookie Alert!

Really? A rather rude assumption.

Thanks again everyone, we are still getting used to the fact that we don't need to log into skype to talk :thumbs:

Been trying to straighten out an issue with a UPS parcel we shipped to the states. The clerk in the Philippines branch filled out the wrong form, and had it arriving as a commercial package. We were asked to pay a $584 fee to pick it up (on top of the $200+ fee to ship it)!

Found out there is an Immigrant Non-taxable shipment option via UPS. I'd suggest this method to anyone who would like to send clothes, books, etc to themselves. Although at this point, I would use Fedex.. haha very fed up with UPS :angry:

Here is what we have been dealing with. Phone calls all day with them!

Attached File  ups.jpg   276.63KB   9 downloads

Deren & Yamy
Deren & YamyMalePhilippines2011-09-30 10:06:00
PhilippinesOn her way :)
LOL, fresh out of bagoong, and as far as bananas go... those belong only in bread :whistle:

Thanks everyone :) Look out for her POE review, Chicago seems to be a mixed bag!
Deren & YamyMalePhilippines2011-09-22 12:49:00
PhilippinesOn her way :)
Yamy's flight departs from Clark in about 10 minutes! Yahoooooooo!!! Lands in Chicago tomorrow morning :dance: !!!
Deren & YamyMalePhilippines2011-09-22 10:55:00
PhilippinesCFO Seminar Review/Feedback

Sorry about the bad experience with the CFO Seminar. At least you got your Certificate and Sticker now.

I, on the other hand, had a wonderful experience at CFO because I was the only one going to the US so there's not much people there. They did not make me watch the horrible video and sit for an hour to listen to the lectures. Instead, I sat with the councilor and chit chatted for almost an hour talking about my love life and just question and answer (I was the one who did all the talking and questioning). No Metrobank/Landbank business talk either! It seemed like a girl talk all the way and she even recommended I join Visajourney. I thought it was funny! The people at the reception even wished me good luck and waved when I got out. When I walked out of the building I was smiling coz I didn't expect it to be a fun experience. You are right about the overpriced photocopy but it's expected. So it's advisable to go there not on a busy day. By the way, I went to Good Shepherd Convent at 1PM on a Tuesday.

Have a nice flight! :)

Yes, I didn't expect it to be like that since I read the same experience from those who attended PRISM but not St. Mary's.

In my batch, we were around 20 people with various destinations (some to Germany, US, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia).

I really wasn't expecting the suggestions they gave. It sounded a bit one-sided or opinionated.

Anyhow, it is still an experience. At least, one major chunk in the to-do list is crossed out! Flying in 3 days! Woot! Thank you very much! :D
Deren & YamyMalePhilippines2011-09-19 23:40:00
PhilippinesCFO Seminar Review/Feedback

because they have their own xerox and copy machine inside their office which is kinda over priced>dont you think?make more money for that isnt it?????

True that. It is pretty overpriced for a bad photocopy. I asked (she looked surprised that I asked) how much it costs each. It's Php 3.50/page (compared to Php 1.00 to Php 2.00 outside). You can't bring any form outside of the compound. Good luck with that! I asked for a receipt though. Hahahaha.

thanks for the review! for me, CFO is one last rip-off from our beloved corrupt system before you leave the country. grrrr

It is and it will continue to be so unless they work on the program. I understand the "cause" -- to address the rise of domestically abused Filipinas abroad. However, it's pretty obvious that the program is very premature. The counselors are not well equipped. They look like they (like us) just need to do it and they're just given 4 hours. Do you know the feeling of watching an unprepared classmate present a report in front of class? That's how it feels.

In fact, not all Filipinas married to foreigners experience this BUT we do encounter problems in our adjustment in life there. Abuse is just a possible risk amongst the many others.

Right now, it's a complete waste of both money and time. You won't think of it too much while sitting there because you have your eyes on a goal: GET THOSE CERTIFICATES and STICKER!
Deren & YamyMalePhilippines2011-09-19 18:09:00
PhilippinesCFO Seminar Review/Feedback
(Deren here)

And I'd like to add to what Yamy posted here about the material covered in this required seminar. Not only do they provide ZERO helpfull information, but they also are insulting the petitioner at the same time. Most cases are real, loving, open relationships that will continue on to be life-long partnerships. It hurts me so much that my wife-to-be had to sit through a sesion of horror stories just so this office can scare a few extra people into signing up for their banking services.

...the comment about "if it doesn't work out in 90 days, just marry someone else." I just about died... I'm assuming these seminars are required because marriage is so sacred and serious (they want you to be absolutely certain about your decision) in the Philippines, and yet they encourage you to just "find someone else" if things go sour. Not only would that be fraudulent, but it's completely unmoral.

Deren & YamyMalePhilippines2011-09-19 12:17:00
PhilippinesCFO Seminar Review/Feedback
Hello, everyone! So, I just attended my seminar today (11AM) in the Good Shepherd Convent since I read bad reviews with PRISM (additional P150.00 handouts which is unnecessary cost).

They gave a feedback form but I wasn't able to drop it into the box.

Here's what I think about the experience (registrant with VISA in hand):

LOCATION: If you are going to use the LRT Line 2, it's pretty convenient. It's literally right next to the Katipunan Station (from Recto, Santolan bound). CFO satellite office is right in the same compound as St. Mary's.

It's pretty humid in the waiting areas and the canteen with a few of the fans working. Only one in the Guidance & Counseling waiting room. The canteen is like a random space that they decided to turn into a canteen. Not much food to see or expect here. The fans are turned off too unless you ask the lady to turn it on. TIP: Bring your food and drinks. I had no choice because I was hungry and was moved to the 11AM session since I was late for the 8:30am session.

The seminar room is air-conditioned and is in the 2nd floor.

REGISTRATION: Staff is fair to okay. Not really the welcoming hotel receptionist type. I was a bit annoyed when she asked for 3 photocopies of my passport and my visa when their website didn't state that as far as I remember. She will give you a form to fill-up which is pretty much the same as the one from CFO's website. They will take a digital picture of you and receive your seminar payment of Php 250.

CONTENT: I'm very much disappointed with this. 4 hours of rambling and beating around the bush about domestic abuse. In my opinion, the seminar is not well structured, biased and pretty subjective.

1st part, there was this representative from Metrobank promoting opening a Savings Account and an OFW Remittance account. When I asked her 3 simple yet important questions, she can't answer it. She keeps on describing the accounts but when I asked the crucial questions that everyone cares about, she can't answer it. The questions involved: available bank affiliates in the countries we're going, bank transfer charge (to compare with other wire transfer services like Moneygram or Xoom), how fast the money will be received.

Short briefing of St. Mary's history as an NGO and being an affiliate of the government goes here...Why the seminar was mandated by the government...

2nd, they required us to introduce ourselves to the group. I'm a bit off with the idea since in my head, you (other participants) don't need to know stuff about me and my partner in a way that it is a requirement. I'll tell you if I want to tell you. But for a format to be followed...BLEH. (Name, age, country of destination, optional background story) In my opinion, where is confidentiality. I'd prefer to have these facts asked privately.

3rd, we were shown a video clip of Magandang Gabi Bayan, an old show of Noli de Castro from more than a decade ago? It featured 3 cases of domestic abuse in different forms (physical, emotional, financial/mental) by foreign spouses of Filipinas. The title of the episode is "Karanasan/Kapalaran ng Pilipina sa Dayuhan" (Experience of Filipinas with Foreigners). Can't find it online though.

We were asked about our individual reactions. I expressed mine which is in sense goes like this, "The key is, regardless of being married or not to a Filipino or a foreigner, you have to be vigilant, self-reliant and ready with a contingency plan for the worst scenario. The scenarios presented to us are not limited to foreigners alone, even Filipinos hurt their wives. No one have a good grasp of what's going on another person's mind may they be spouse, friend, sibling or stranger. So, it's important to be prepared for the worst and save some for yourself."

The seminar was more or less 3-4 hours of unstructured rambling and prejudiced opinions and uneducated suggestions (marry someone else if it doesn't work within 90 days...I can't believe they even suggest that. I was expecting "go home to your family and be banned from a K1 visa. 1st, the K1 visa has your fiance's name on it. It's also pretty insulting to say it won't work or your relationship with your lover will fail and is not genuine.")

4th, we were given forms. Asked to go downstairs for the individual interview. Pretty basic questions. I was delayed with the requirement of a "landline". Okay, it might be for record checking but in this time, everybody else is going wireless and for them to require a landline number is absurd.

5th, releasing of Guidance & Counseling Certificate. Annoyed me more when they require you to pay Php 14.00 for the photocopy of documents they would keep/forward to CFO Paco. We paid almost Php 700 and you can't cover that for a copy of our papers? What about the "centralized system" they boasted about during the seminar which reaches until foreign countries? Can't they input that there?

6th, proceed to CFO satellite office "at the back of their building". I was expecting a more decent space. It was like an old stock room / random poorly maintained public bathroom from the outside with little signage of CFO-this-way-->

Small lounge after a small hallway to the tiny office. Processing is fast here anyway. You need to pay the Php400 here. They will staple the CFO certificate to your passport, check the CFO form (from online or filled-up from St. Mary's if you don't have it), put the sticker on a passport page.

Then, I went home at around 2:30pm to 2:45pm.

Over all, I think they should work on a much structured module for this seminar to include a crash course of starting life in another country (finding jobs, intercultural relations, support system, communication methods, currency/saving & spending in a foreign currency, education, relationship matters, etc.) I think the domestic abuse subject should just be a part of it instead of being the WHOLE thing.

I also suggest doing the CFO and Seminar after receiving the visa to save you from the hassle of traveling back there for your sticker.

That's all I can say for now.
Deren & YamyMalePhilippines2011-09-19 10:25:00
PhilippinesI avoided girls from Mindanao

MURA KA UG NAMALENGKE!!! gikan ko sa Mindanao. Sa Malasila, Makilala North Cotabato ko nagdaku, human ning balhin ang among pamilya sa Asuncion Davao del Norte, sa pagkakaron ang akong ginikanan nagpuyo sa Bayugan, Agusan del Sur. Sa Mindanao ko gadaku pero sa kalooy sa Ginoo buhi pa man hangtod karon ug wa man ko makaagi ug g'yera sa akong pagdaku sa Mindanao.
Ang ako lang ika-ingon sa imoha ayaw paghukmi ang tibuok Mindanao kay dili tibuok nga Mindanao gubot nga lugar. Ang imong pagtrato sa mga babae diri sa Pilipinas mura ug Palengke. Mura ka lang ug muadto sa palengke ug namili kung unsang klase nga karne or isda ang imong gustong ka mubo ang imong pag tan-aw sa amo-a. Pero imo ra gihapon gilamon ang imong garbo kay diri man ka ningkuha ug babae para imong asawahon. Bisan asa ka adto nga lugar kung oras na nimo...wa kay mahimo. Bisan sa sulod sa imong mans'yon daghan gihapon ug peligro, mahimong mahulog ka sa hagdnan or madalin-as ka sa imong banyo. "KUNG ORAS MO NA, ORAS MO NA"

Deren & YamyMalePhilippines2011-08-07 02:49:00
PhilippinesI avoided girls from Mindanao

Anyway when you are looking on the website you can see in the girls profiles where they live, along with a lot of other information.

Seemed like a strange thread to me too :) Sounds more like shopping...

"Avoid the ones with XYZ in the serial number. Those include a manufacturing defect!"
Deren & YamyMalePhilippines2011-08-05 21:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-34 avadavit of support
QUOTE (motu @ Apr 10 2008, 12:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BigCityDave @ Apr 9 2008, 11:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well you need to do at least two of the 3 that are listed on the I-134. Providing bank information would put the icing on the cake if you are already above the poverty line. Just provide as much information as possible and you should be fine.

Good luck.

P.S. I hope I pass my 1-134 too, it can be a tricky thing especially when you're in college!

Incorrect. You do not need to send anything else if you are over the 125% of poverty line. Relax and Good Luck

Don't understand why it wouldn't hurt. If you have it why not show it?

Edited by BigCityDave, 10 April 2008 - 07:24 PM.

BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-10 19:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-34 avadavit of support
Well you need to do at least two of the 3 that are listed on the I-134. Providing bank information would put the icing on the cake if you are already above the poverty line. Just provide as much information as possible and you should be fine.

Good luck.

P.S. I hope I pass my 1-134 too, it can be a tricky thing especially when you're in college!
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-10 00:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffadavit of Support I-134 ORIGINALS or COPIES?
QUOTE (azezohome @ Apr 13 2008, 11:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The I-134 form and its supporting documents are needed at the interview not when you file the I-129F and it has to be the original notarized not copy. So i suggest you have another one filled out notarized with its supporting documents and send it to your fiance. The one you sent with the I-129F might not work because its has likely been months since you filed the I-129F but this is my suggestion. So if i am wrong please somebody correct me. Goodluck to you and I hope this helps.

Can you not make 3 copies and have each one notarized all at the same time?
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-13 14:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRetired persons as co-signers?
QUOTE (motu @ Apr 11 2008, 08:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BigCityDave @ Apr 10 2008, 11:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone,

Well my parents are now starting to show interest in co-signing to help me out. Only problem is they are both now retired and my Father just retired today.

How does it work for retired persons?


I am also retired. A retired person can show a statement from Social security - if that's the source of their retirement or as in my case - a private retirement institute - I tell them to send me a letter of verification of income and that's what they give me. It shows how much money every month I will receive and for how long (my case it is life time). I would then attach my tax return or returns (if they want three years returns for example). In case, they have their own personal retirement - then they can show statements of their funds from the annuity company; stock brokers/mutual funds people. Good Luck

Thanks motu
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-11 13:29:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionRetired persons as co-signers?
Hello everyone,

Well my parents are now starting to show interest in co-signing to help me out. Only problem is they are both now retired and my Father just retired today.

How does it work for retired persons?

BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-11 00:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionClothes to wear on the interview
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Apr 18 2008, 08:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I always suggest business casual or business dress. Dress for success. My wife felt more comfortable in a skirt but slacks are equally acceptable. Any actual "dress code" would be more like "Wear clothes, including shoes."

Amen pushbrk,

Dressing nicely for a job isn't any different than dressing nicely for a Visa.
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-18 10:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUncommon Situation
QUOTE (richelmichael @ Apr 18 2008, 08:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dearest Everyone,

Maybe you were thinking why the title of my topic is "Uncommon Situation". Me and my Hubby are really worried about our uniqueness. We're not sure if our uniqueness will be an advantage or disadvantage for us. My Hubby is an adoptee. I haven't heard or read anything about an adoptee here filing for Petition for foreign fiancee or fiance. I think we're just f*cking up the system of USCIS because of our uncommon case..LOL We're really worried that maybe they will ask for documents about his adoption. Would it be possible? Anyways, if there's someone out there whose experiencing the thing as we are, you're not alone.

thanks everyone for taking time....Godspeed!

Anything is possible and they could ask for documents about his adoption if they see a need for it. I would keep it on hand just in case they send you an RFE for that however it is very unlikely.

Don't worry, your case is not that much different than anyone else's.
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-18 10:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket 3 question
QUOTE (Kratos @ Apr 18 2008, 05:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (azezohome @ Apr 18 2008, 12:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes packet three contains DS-156 and DS-156K and she needs to fill it out and send it to the embassy along with the check list.

And i dont know how old your I-134 is but its better to have it dated closer to the interview but thats just me and it really depends on the consulate, I hope this helps goodluck.

My I-134 contains is from about August 07. I think it may be too old then, where can I get a copy of the check list from a packet 3?

Actually your I-134 is still acceptable. Says so on the USCIS website. Check it out here
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-18 10:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiononce more I-134... tax returns
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Apr 20 2008, 07:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BigCityDave @ Apr 19 2008, 10:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Tax return forms as in the forms you receive from your employer correct?

No, a tax return is what you file to tell the IRS how much you own them or how much they owe you. A complete return includes at least a 1040 or 1040EZ and any w2's or 1099's you may have received.

My tax return includes about 20 pages. Some are much thicker. Many are just two pages and a W2 form.

That's why we recommend and they prefer IRS Transcripts of the returns.

Thanks for the clarification.
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-20 14:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussiononce more I-134... tax returns
Tax return forms as in the forms you receive from your employer correct?
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-20 00:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionApplication forwarded from NVC to Embassies
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Apr 1 2008, 09:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BigCityDave @ Apr 1 2008, 08:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (kid brooklyn @ Apr 1 2008, 07:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BigCityDave @ Mar 31 2008, 11:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't understand it, I am having a very difficult time getting through to the NVC to find out the status on my case. Anyone else have this issue?

I found that the lines are usually very busy during the day and early part of the week. On Wed and Thur, it would be better, especially in the evenings, after 8pm eastern.

Thanks for the reply I guess I should just keep trying. I will try calling more towards the evening.

NVC operators don't know what day your case was shipped. They know what day it was approved to go to the mail room for shipping. Tracking is a nice game to play while you're waiting but calling the DOS visa info line is the best way to keep track of your case progress after it leaves NVC. Somebody in the appropriate regional forum can probably tell you how long it takes from NVC to your Consulate to log the case in as received. Some are days. Some are weeks. Some are a two or three months.

Just got done checking and it has already been sent to Budapest, Hungary.

Woohoo! kicking.gif
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-01 18:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionApplication forwarded from NVC to Embassies
QUOTE (kid brooklyn @ Apr 1 2008, 07:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (BigCityDave @ Mar 31 2008, 11:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't understand it, I am having a very difficult time getting through to the NVC to find out the status on my case. Anyone else have this issue?

I found that the lines are usually very busy during the day and early part of the week. On Wed and Thur, it would be better, especially in the evenings, after 8pm eastern.

Thanks for the reply I guess I should just keep trying. I will try calling more towards the evening.

Edited by BigCityDave, 01 April 2008 - 10:18 AM.

BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-01 10:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionApplication forwarded from NVC to Embassies
I don't understand it, I am having a very difficult time getting through to the NVC to find out the status on my case. Anyone else have this issue?
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-03-31 22:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of Support - Official Bank Statement
QUOTE (fwaguy @ Apr 25 2008, 07:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (JULIAFERNO @ Apr 25 2008, 09:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (fwaguy @ Apr 25 2008, 09:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do you need the assets to make up for a shortfall in income?

Alone, I would, although I don't think my assets would make up for it. My co-sponsor does not, and I think his tax returns and account balances alone will show that he has more than adequate income.

Someone just PM'd me and told me the visa could be rejected for this and that my bank sucks...thanks for the encouragement. good.gif

Don't always believe what you get via PM's. I submitted no asset information and was not refused.

They probably want to see your account information since you fall short. For the Co/sponsor it wouldn't matter if they already meet the Poverty guidelines.
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-25 11:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK1 Refusal with Blue Form
Keep us updated as to how it went.

Good luck.
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-26 10:59:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNEED HELP!!! sealed packet from US Embassy tell you "do not open"
If you are still concerned about it you can simply call your embassy and ask if it will be an issue.
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-24 10:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice Certificate(s) – Translated?
QUOTE (CL79 @ Apr 24 2008, 05:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Please do check with your Embassy if it needs to be translated into English. I know I had to translate all my non English documents into English by an official translator as advised by the Embassy here.

Where can you find a certified translator?
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-26 11:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNumber of days to complete the medical exam and interview?
Ours is taking one month.
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-27 10:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI need your prayers..
Good luck to you both and God bless. Remember that if its meant to be then it is meant to be.
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-27 10:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIf someone's K-1 visa gets denied
QUOTE (bogartnoir @ Apr 27 2008, 01:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (panamania79 @ Apr 20 2008, 10:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Or are there any options ? does the denial thing happen often? can you tell us why you got denied so other people can learn from the mistake?
now i'm terrified to be filing tomorrow.
i was under the impression that if you read the guides and could wait a bit the visa would be yours ohmy.gif

Well, in this case there was a robbery.

As has been stated before.

Illegal stays

All good reasons to get you denied. If you are free of those then the chances are very slim. Like slimmer than a cardboard. No worries.
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-28 00:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIf co-sponsor is married, must both sign affidavit of support?
I received the same instructions in my packet 3. I assume that when you go to have it notarized you can have both the wife and the husband sign on and above the line in front of Notary Public.
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-28 00:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionH E L P !!!! Visa on hold at the embassy
Another case showing the evident benefit of being present.

I am sorry to hear about this. Maybe the consulate had a bad day? No other way around it though, hopefully it will work out.
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-19 20:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionk-1 interview denied temorarily?
Wow, hearing stories like this makes me want to be present during the interview.
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-03-26 10:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-1 Interview and Medical
I hope they handle the financial information with mine like they did yours.
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-04-28 00:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPassport Copy
When I made copies of my passport the woman who was doing the copies told me that in making copies of the passport they want to have all pages. So yes, make a copy of each page, even if it is blank without any stamps. Just to be on the safe side anyway and it couldn't hurt.
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-03-31 23:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDoes the Petitioner attend interview with Beneficiary?
Email the consulate, they would know.

For me I can attend but they said they might want to question me as well. Financially I might not want to do it but I am so nervous that something bad will happen.
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-05-01 18:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice Certificate / NOA 2expiring?
QUOTE (albkos @ May 6 2008, 11:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi -

Fiance still has not received police certificate......But the expiration date on the NOA2 is May 15,2008. I know I need to email the embassy and all. But do they have to extend the petition or can they send it back?


The embassy will usually extend your petition automatically, but be sure to contact them ASAP.
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-05-06 14:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionour dream comes true visa approved
Congrats on the approval. What exactly did the consulate look at and stress the most?

Edited by BigCityDave, 06 May 2008 - 11:04 PM.

BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-05-06 23:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUrgent:I-134 questions
Yeah follow that example form and you are all good to go!
BigCityDaveMaleHungary2008-05-07 09:03:00