Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Afternoon everyone and happy Earth Day! Overcast and cool today!! Just might have some sprinkles!

Amal, when Wael applied for his FAFSA it took a couple days for a response. Will tell you if you
are eligible but won't say for how much. It is up to the college to determine how much you are eligible
for. Good luck!

Hope everyone is having a good day. Wael has his last Calculus exam today!!! I would be nuts if I had
to take it.

Take care all!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-22 15:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday

Good morning everyone. Congrats on the financial aid, the new classes, and the shopping! Posted Image

Jeanne, enjoy the rain. It's been cooler up here but we haven't gotten wet least not in my area. Sara enjoy the park! I wish I could but I'm home sick again. Oh why do parents send their kids to school sick? Then they're coughing, sneezing, turning in papers with germs and then I get sick. Hopefully this will clear up's my second day home but this has been hanging on all week.

Ok, I'm off to get some medicine and then some rest. Everyone have a great day!

Vanessa, the rain is a big ole teaser here!! But love the clouds and dreary weather!
Hope you feel better today. Wael is always loaded down with sanitizer, wipes and anything else
we can find to keep him healthy. He's been so lucky since he's been here 2 1/2 yrs without getting ill.
It's bad when Lysol is your BFF! Posted Image

Enjoy your weekend!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-23 11:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday
Morning everyone and a very happy Friday!

Amal, happy you heard from FAFSA!! When you register financial aid will let you know what you
will receive. It's broken down for each semester, not all at once. Wish Wael would have been qualified for
pell grants, but am so happy what he did get! Good luck sweetie!

Aya, happy you will also be taking some courses! Meet with an advisor and they will tell you what your
course of action will be. Be sure to have your transcripts and your course studies. Good luck to you and John!!

Don't know if you guys know it or not, but if you are in an Honor Society you receive many discounts on
everything from auto insurance, etc. Wael is a member of an International Honor Society. It really pays to
maintain a high gpa!

Have a great weekend everyone! Think it might rain again today!!! yipppeeeee
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-23 10:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaSweet Saturday!

Posted Image

Good morning and happy Saturday!

I admit I am "slightly" addicted to Farmville. It's a game I love to hate! You can also throw
in Cafe and my ever so wonderful fish in Happy Aquarium. Unfortunately, I keep running
back to see how the "strawberries" are!

Hope your weekend is being good to you and your "strawberries" are in full bloom!!

Have a great Saturday everyone.

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-24 10:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday

Thanks for the kind words Posted Image I have to get the associates before I can do a bachelors.......??? right??? At least that's the way I thot it went. My plan was to get a phd in the subject eventually but I thot I had to follow the degrees up.. assoc, bachelors, masters, phd. If I'm wrong..PLEASE let me know NOW Posted Image

I play:
Restaurant City

and if I get bored, I'll add"
Mafia Wars
Happy Habitat
Pet Society
Treasure Isle
Social City
Family Feud
Country Life
Kingdoms of Camelot

and if I get REALLY bored, I'll add:
My Town
Super City
Farm Town
Happy Pets
Cafe World
SPP Ranch
My Farm
and I'm sure there are more that I can't remember at the moment! I can LITERALLY spend the whole day on the computer and not think twice about it. It's bad!

I hope everybody has a great day! Add me as a neighbor in any games you play Posted Image LOL
Posted Image amal Posted Image

Yep you got it right Amal! If you might want to pursue a BS then make sure your Associates course study is for your continuing education at the
University level. Many Universities now have a Master's/Phd program combined. Just check out your universities and see what they offer!!
Really proud of you of luck!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-25 12:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday
Morning everyone! Beautiful day here. Sunny with a high of 86. Wish it could stay like this!

Going to be a quiet Sunday for us. Wael is studying, but wants to go to the mall later. Always
manage to find ourselves at the food court having a snack whether we are hungry or not! We love
mango smoothies!! yummmmy.

Have a wonderful Sunday!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-25 10:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaHump Day!
Morning everyone! We are to have a slight chance of rain today. I see a cloud...maybe it's the rain one! Posted Image Silly weather people!

Mornin' Terrie, Aya and Andrea. Hope you are doing well today. Aya, sorry to hear about the denial.

Have a good day everyone! I'm off for a manicure and pedicure. Take care.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-21 10:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
Good morning everyone! Happy Tuesday to all. Going to be a hot one today...91!

Wael had a very nice surprise yesterday. He received an invitation from Columbia University!! What an honor!!
He will finish out here at the University of Arizona then wants to apply to the top 10 for his Masters/PhD. I'm just
so darn proud of him!

Hope you have a wonderful day!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-27 09:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaIts Friday
Afternoon everyone! Beautiful day, kinda cool with sporadic clouds Posted Image Always wanted to say that!!

I'm really bad....just had some nachos....ohhh they hit the spot but my mouth is kinda on fire!!

Hope your Friday has been good to you! Wael received his first jury summons. Told him just wait till
you do become a citizen! He is looking so forward to voting. What a guy!!

Have a good day and a great weekend!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-30 15:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa In Hand
Posted Image Posted Image Congratulations!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-27 12:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaCookbooks and Calendars
Would love to have the calendar! Sent you an email. What a great idea!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-28 18:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaIts Saurday!
Happy Saturday! Have a hair appt this morning, then will do a little shopping.

Beautiful day with a high of 73! Awesome weather!

Good morning Terrie! Enjoy your day.

Have a good Saturday everyone!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-01 09:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday, May 4th
Happy Anniversary Sandra!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-04 17:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Will be another hot one here also. Yesterday was 96. Going to be a long hot summer!

Have a wonderful day and take care!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-06 09:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday
Morning/Afternoon everyone! Will be another hot one here in Tucson. A/C is on again....there goes the power bill!!

Stock market was unbelievable yesterday. `

Wael and I watched a very funny movie last night. It's called "The Slammin' Salmon"! Sooo funny...really nonsense.
Laughed from beginning to end. It doesn't take alot to entertain us! Posted Image

It's out for dinner tonight, but don't know where. It's just good to get him away from the books.

Do hope everyone will have a nice day and a great weekend!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-07 13:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaToday We Are Husband and Wife!
Congratulations Aya!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-03 22:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday in MENA land

Happy friday everyone Posted Image

things are good here, gonna clean the house and do some cooking today.

on Tuesday afternoon my son texted me on his way home from school and said he and his friends had found a starving dog under a bush. at first they thought it was dead but turns out he was just too weak to do anything but lift his head. my son picked him up and carried him home and frankly I cried whenI saw him. anyway, long story short, he's a boxer and has been fixed - VERY sweet. I've registered him with the pound as found, scoured craigslist for a missing boxer, and had him scanned for a microchip at the vet. in the meantime we are feeding him round the clock, soaking his infected feet in epsom salt 3 times a day ( you can see his toes in that first pic), and last night had to pull a bunch of embedded foxtails(thorns) out of his jowls and gums where they were festering. poor guy.

I think we might have a new dog Posted Image

Posted ImagePosted Image

Ohh Sara you are just a lifesaver!! He looks soooo sweet. Bless you for taking care of him. Yes, you have found a friend
for life!!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-14 11:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday in MENA land
Good morning everyone! Beautiful out this morning. Will be warm but HOT is around the corner! Ughhhhhhh

Jenn, he is just a little doll! Can't believe how much he has grown!

Amal, happy to see you posting again. Best of luck with your new job!! Sorry your commute
is so long....just be careful!

Charles, so good to see you back again! How's your little guy doing?

Wael has 2 more finals. Excitement comes when it's time to sell the books!! Posted Image We love excitement!

Have a great Friday everyone!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-14 09:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaHey Its Saturday!
Morning everyone! Temps are back up. Back to bakin'!!

Tammy, our prayers are with you and Adam. Wishing him the best on his job interview!!

Amal, see a doctor as soon as you can. Don't take any chances sweetie.

Wael is studying for ONE more final and finishing up his last research project. He's kinda in a fog!!
He had another e-mail from Columbia!! He wanted to stay here to finish his last year, but this email
sparked a REAL interest for him. I think he will apply and see what happens. Columbia has 6 different
Economic programs and one was tailored perfectly for what he wants. We talked about the opportunities
of having the best networking right at your front door (NYC). He is just in awe of what doors have opened.
Bless his heart, he has worked so hard to maintain his honors and now he sees they love him!!

Hope everyone has a great Saturday and a good weekend!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-15 09:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday
Morning everyone! Going to be hot here but lucky to have low humidity. Makes it liveable. I'm so not looking
forward to the high power bill again, but, it's either roast or be comfortable. We keep the A/C at 78, run the ceiling fan
and it stays very nice. Nights have been cool which is awesome!! Can at least open the windows.

Have to pick up a few veggies today, so that's about the highlight of my day!! Love shopping in this particular store as
they have coffee! Get my coffee and i'm ready for anything!

Enjoy the day and take care!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-16 09:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaT-U-E-S-D-A-Y
Good morning! Wish it could be a rainy day here! Beautiful morning but will warm up in a couple hours. By
the end of the week we will be hitting the high 90's!

Wael has finished all his finals and papers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yipppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! 20 units was beyond
unreal, it was inhumane!! He's loves challenges.

Aya, I also could go for some Egyptian food! Good luck with your AOS.

Ashley, Sayed is just adorable!! I love his huge eyes!! Does he still go to work with mommy? Posted Image

Charles, thanks for the DVD list!

Have a wonderful day everyone.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-18 09:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaT.G.I.FRIDAY!
Good morning! Today we will have our FIRST 100 degree this year!!!!! It's already 80 at 8:30. Summer is here.

Wael is a happy camper now. Classes are finally over. He's looking forward to his final year. Will be his toughest one,
but the man can do it!!! He has decided to complete his degree here. He's already getting together his plans for applying
to the top 10 Universities for his post-graduate degree. I can't even think past this morning!!! Posted Image Posted Image I love a man
with a mission!!!

I think i'm living in the Twilight Zone here. Around 3 weeks ago I received a citation in the mail from the Tucson City Court.
I read it and it was a "courtesy letter" (or so they call it) to inform me of a parking ticket 3/23/2010. Had my name, but
the license plate wasn't mine. Of course this is on a Saturday, so had to call the court Monday morning. Finally spoke with
a clerk and explained that I was not at that location nor was that my tag. I also told her that I did not receive a copy of the
original ticket that was written as I wanted to see what type of make and model vehicle it was. She just asked me if I owned
a Ford Ranger which I do not. So she stated "just write a letter to the court explaining that is not your vehicle." Yeah right.
I wrote the letter, gave the court my registration and license plate number for MY vehicle. Received a notice from the court
that my request for not having to pay this fine was DENIED! Called again and she told me I have to have MORE proof, so off
I go to DMV. Had my citation and my denial and asked them what the heck do I do now as i'm NOT gonna pay a fine that
isn't mine. She brought up on the computer my car, model and make with this tag. I nearly died and tried not to hyperventilate.
I kept thinking how in the world does this tag go with my car. A supervisor came to speak with me (ever feel like a criminal),
and I kept assuring him that it wasn't my tag and I don't own a Ford Ranger. He went into my registration and asked me if
I had ever registered my car here in Arizona before 2008. I told him yes when I lived here for a few short months, but
that was 4 yrs ago. I actually had forgotten about it. Was there at DMV for 2 hrs and we finally came up with what they think
happened. Whomever wrote out the citation transposed the numbers....the supervisor kept putting in different numbers that
was close to mine and sure enough there was the Ford Ranger. They gave me a paper to take to the court stating that tag
hasn't been used in 3 yrs as I had left Arizona and lived in Nevada therefore registering my car there. Well one would think
that would be proof. NO WAY! Went to the court yesterday and they said I have to have a hearing before the judge as the
"citation" was in MY NAME and the judge is the one who can clear it. Never had anything like this happen. Have all my proof,
(even found my old tag) and still wasn't enough. I just can't wait to go to court!

Sure hope everyone has a wonderful, stress free, no citation day!!!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-21 11:07:00
Middle East and North Africapolice certificate & birth certificate for Egypt

Thanks for the this something they get at the police station?

Yes, he can get it at his local police station.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-22 16:37:00
Middle East and North Africapolice certificate & birth certificate for Egypt
Hi Mandy, my husband is from Alexandria and only took him about 4 days to get his police certificate.

We also had everything translated in english. Best of luck in your journey!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-22 11:00:00
Middle East and North's still Saturday!!
Evening from the west coast! We had a nice lazy day.

Hope your weekend is going well!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-22 23:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaTicket To Egypt
I always use British Air so I book thru their website. I myself have found the personal
website to be more reliable and less expensive. The flight is great with only 1 stop in London.
Good luck and hope he enjoys his trip back home! My husband is from Alexandria. Wish we were
going back soon!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-23 09:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday ... Happy Day

Adam got the job transfer to Wamarts Warehouse. He finishes out the two weeks at his store, then starts there June 7th. He will remain full time, keep all his benefits and time with the company. He will work Monday - Thurs 4pm to 2am, be off every Fri-Sunday!!! So he will be home every night with me and we will get to go to church on Sundays!!!! Awesome! And his pay will almost be double what hes making now in a store, plus his Walmart anniversary is at the end of June and will make his 2 yr anniversary raise then as well!!! YAY!!!! Posted Image

Congratulations! Hope he is also feeling better!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-20 18:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday ... Happy Day
Morning everyone and happy Thursday!

Welcome back Zee!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-20 11:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday in MENA
Morning all! We are certainly having some beautiful weather for a change! No 90-100 degree today!! Feels like we are
going backward to winter. Simply wonderful cooooool weather.

Weekend was a lazy one. Felt good to do nothing!

I guess all the hype is over with "Lost". I haven't a clue what it is or what it is about as I have never seen the series.

Have a good Monday! Enjoy your day!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-24 12:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday

Hey everyone.

I dont really post often anymore because I have made the decision to leave George and we are currently trying to work something out for a way George can still see Josh while in my sight so he doesnt try to kidnap him. I hope everyone is doing well and you all have wonderful lives. I will still post occasionally and Ill always be in the shadows.

Ohh Jess i'm so sorry to hear this. Just take care of yourself and your little guys. My prayers are with you at this
difficult time in your life.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-23 11:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday
Good morning! Beautiful Sunday to everyone!

So nice to see you again Olivia. Know it's a bear trying to find employment. Good luck in
your searches. I'm happy Waleed likes it here in the states. He has so much to look forward
to and Wael and I wish him the very best!

Piper is so sweet! She has really grown!

Don't know what our plans will be today. Probably hiding from the sun! It's hot here.

Have a great Sunday. Stay cool!!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-23 09:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday!
Tammy, have you considered contacting a teaching hospital? It's usually associated with a University and perhaps someone there could direct
you to other sources or possibly have what you need for a fraction of the cost. Just a thought. I hope someone can help!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-25 21:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday!

Woke up with a swollen arm and cramps this morning from yesterday's shot. I have to do the lanudry, the dishes, do some cleaning...ughhh!! Posted Image

Tamara, hope Adam's doc appointment goes well! Let us know how it went when you know. Posted Image

Have a good day everyone! Posted Image


Aya, hope your arm feels better. How many immunizations did you receive?
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-25 15:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday!
Morning! Sure has been beautiful here. Somethings wrong!!! Posted Image Temps have been in the 80's.
Hard to believe the A/C hasn't been on in 3 days! Lovin' it!

Have to mail a package for Wael's parents this morning. Love to send them "goodies".

Tammy, hoping everything will be alright with his tests. Best of luck!

Talked with my twin in Nevada...they are still having snow!

Aisha, have a wonderful time in Sharm! Wish we could go back, but just can't with his schedule.
I need to get my fix seeing the pyramids and museum again. I could live in the Cairo museum!
Always think of the movie "Night at the Museum", and how exciting it would be to go back thousands
of years! Fantastic!

Have a good day everyone!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-25 09:59:00
Middle East and North Africais this the right way to do it? - Egypt

Hi guys, i wanted to ask you if what i think is close to the real thing.

- I am traveling to Egypt in September to get married.
- When i return to the US i will file a CR1 petition for my wife so i can bring her to the US.
- Once approved and case transferred to the Embassy in Cairo, she will receive a package in the mail requesting documents.
- She will send those documents via mail and wait for the embassy to set an interview.

My Questions are:

1- Is what i mentioned above correct?
2- Is a CR1 the fastest way i can bring her to the US?
3- Is it true that it can take from 6 to 9 month before she receives the visa on her passport?
4- Do i have to be there for her interview?
5- Will she have to pay for any more fees in Egypt?

Thank you So much for your help Posted Image

Perhaps it would be better if your fiancee contacts the embassy in Cairo and they can give her exactly
what you would need to do. I do believe, and I may be wrong, but i'm assuming you are a dual citizen now,
that you would be able to marry without going thru the embassy for the free to marry affidavit.
Still it would be to your best interest to have all the right information before your marriage. Best of luck and
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-25 22:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday

101 OMG where are you living? I was melting when it was 93 here over the weekend.

Hey Cheryl! We're in Tucson, Arizona!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-26 17:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday
Afternoon! Warm one today. It's going to be a long hot summer. Tomorrow is to be 101.

Hope everyone is having a good day. I thought it was Thursday. Wishful thinking!!

Has anyone heard from Annie (Nawal)? I sure hope she is doing ok.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-26 14:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday... Nor a Good start
Good morning! Happy Friday everyone!

Sorry Batta he missed his flight. Know it's an extra cost, but have fun if only for 1 day!

Know what you mean about "time"! I used to tell Wael there was the "real" time and then "Egyptian time"!
He learned very early about "time" after he arrived here. When someone said "10:00 it didn't mean hmmmm
whenever you can come. Was funny but ohhhh they learn! Now he is early for everything.

Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend. Have fun and stay safe!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-05-28 08:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaSizzling Saturday!

Posted Image

Good morning MENA! Happy Sizzling Saturday to all! It's going to be a hot hot day.
Temp will be 105 today.

Have a great day and a wonderful weekend!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-06-05 08:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday
Good morning! It's going to be a hot Monday with temps at 107 today! Lookin' forward to
January when we "hopefully" will cool down.

Morning Andrea, Carolyn, Monica and Olivia!

Happy 1st Anniversary Andrea! We will have our 4th in October. Where did the time go!

Here's hoping everyone had a good weekend. Take care and stay cool!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-06-07 10:49:00