Middle East and North Africaanyone denied a visa in cairo to admitting drug use with doctor?
Maybe i'm missing something, but the person already had their medical exam. Normally one goes and picks up his results as they are in a sealed envelope anyway and takes it with them to the embassy. I would think something tested positive. I've not heard of anyone's medical being sent directly to the embassy, but it could also be a new procedure Cairo is requiring. Will have to wait and see what the OP has to say once they find out.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-02-20 16:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday.....
Afternoon everyone! Beautiful day today. Will get to 70!

Jackie, I literally get to watch the tumbleweeds! Do you know they change
colors in the fall? Fact!!

Annie, sorry to hear of your company merger. Wishing you the best and i'm
positive you won't have any problems finding another position if need be.
Phoenix is growing in all areas. Good luck!!

Vanessa, I cringe at the thought when I have to go on the I-10. It's a crazy
drive from here to Phoenix.

Wael is still very busy with his studies and work.

This week in Tucson is Rodeo week! Yeeeehawww!! We are definately in the
wild wild west!

Sure hope everyone is having a good day!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-02-25 15:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaMedical exam in cairo sent to embassey?
My husband also picked up his medical and took it with him to the embassy. Perhaps Cairo has changed their procedures.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-02-18 11:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Caturday!

Posted Image

Good morning and happy Saturday to all!

Cloudy morning here with a tiny chance of rain!!

Have a great weekend everyone!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-02-27 09:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday, March 5th
Morning! I am always keeping out of trouble!! :whistle:

Will be an awesome day skies, temp will be in the 70's. Many of
the cacti have blooms. Some of the trees and bushes are blooming also. Beautiful
to see when the desert has these gorgeous colors, but only for a little while.

Have a great weekend! Take care and as Rosie says you better stay out of trouble!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-05 10:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday
Afternoon! Wael and I just returned from brunch. Fabulous day the 70's.

Not much happening around this neck of the world. Studying and working. Almost
mid-term here. Wael's had alot of disscussion and research papers to write. He also
has his Honor Society orientation Monday. Has worked so hard to maintain his A average.
I myself am amazed how he can work 40 hrs a week and take 20 units. He has a wonderful
spirit and outlook on life!

Hope your weekend is going good!! Enjoy your day and take care.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-06 16:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaWould you still be with your SO if ...
I too lived in many different countries being a military brat and also serving in the military. I simply LOVED living in the different countries (Europe and Asia). I lived in Egypt with Wael and loved this country. Perhaps it was living in Alexandria a much different city than Cairo. Altho I found Cairo to be fantastic, Alexandria was MY kind of city. I loved living by the sea and everything Alex had to offer. I was treated with kindness and respect. Our apartment had all the anemities that I have here. I have oftened talked with Wael about someday moving back to Egypt, but altho he misses his family he wants to stay in the states. He loves his life here. He has graduate school coming up so his life is very busy.

I had to go to the hospital twice while I was there and both times I had the very best care. I'm lucky to really have no health issues that I would be concerned about.

Perhaps someday.....
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-06 11:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday?

Posted Image

Still morning here so Good morning everyone! Afternoon Terrie!!

Having some cool temps today, but sun is shining and keeping my
fingers crossed for a little tiny bit of rain!

Have a great day. Take care!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-11 13:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Birthday malerie!
Happy Birthday Malarie!! Have a great day!

Edited by JeanneVictoria, 12 March 2010 - 11:43 AM.

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-12 11:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday

Posted Image

Morning everyone! Happy Saturday to all.

I plan on doing nothing today. Don't think I will cook, make the bed,
or anything else that requires "work"!!! It's a come as you are and
eat what you like day. All I really need is a red stapler :lol: .

Jackie, I've already hugged a couple cups of coffee. Been playing on FB.
What an addicting site it is....but sure is fun!!

Hope you have a fun and restful weekend. Take care!!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-13 10:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday! New VJ! Daylight Savings!

Hello MEAN peeps!

The rain has finally stopped and it's time to get out and run some errands. I'm happy to announce that my husband has received his American Passport yesterday - 10 days since putting the application (without any rush order) so we are officially off the Visa Journey path ...

Wishing everyone a great day!


Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Great news Dorothy!!! Posted Image Posted Image Posted Image

Now, where the heck have you been?????? Don't be a stranger. Come say hi every once in awhile!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-14 16:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday! New VJ! Daylight Savings!

It's a rainy gray day in Chicago-land~we are so nerdy, Ibrahim is on the computer and I am 2 feet away on my laptop Posted Image

Biometrics for EAD on Wednesday! AOS is moving right along.


Jackie, put Wael and I down as nerds also! We are 3 feet away...both on our laptops!! Good luck
with your AOS!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-14 12:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday! New VJ! Daylight Savings!
Good morning! Just when you have mastered the art of finding where you are, alas we have a new format!!!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Will do a little grocery shopping today.

Take care and have a good day! Sunny skies here. Guess our rain has gone for the year!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-14 09:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Moanday MENA!
Good morning! I'm also still trying to find my way around on VJ!

Has anyone been following the series "Undercover Boss"? I really like it!!

Have a good Monday! Take care.

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-15 08:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaVote for me MENA!
Looks so yummy!! Voted for ya sweetie!!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-18 19:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday... Chilly .. Cold...

Hey Jeanne! When is Wael eligable for citizenship? My brother in law *sisters hubby, will be in December this year, and Adam will be in August of next year!
Im sooooooooo excited for that!

Hey Tammy! Wael will be eligible in Oct. I'm just so excited for him!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-21 17:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday... Chilly .. Cold...
Good morning! Happy Sunday to all. Beautiful spring weather we're having. By Wednesday we are to have 86! Yikessssss

Hope you are having a good weekend. It's going to be a relaxing day I hope. Wael has some papers to write and loads
of studying. He finished another accelerated course Friday which made him a happy camper!
I'm beginning to see some sprinkles of gray hair!! Poor guy.

Jackie, happy belated Anniversary!!

Aya, welcome to America!

Terrie, happy to hear Kamal received his card!! WhoooooooHooooo!!
Wael will apply for citizenship in a few months. Time is going by so fast.

Hope everyone who is waiting for news about their visa will have some this week. Good luck to all!

Take care and have a wonderful relaxing day.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-21 10:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoroccans or Muslims in Houston
Isn't Chantry (Amal) in Houston also?
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-18 19:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaPlanning a trip?

Yeah, that would be cool for him to go back as an American citizen. Thats what I would like to do with my husband one day, and we can finally go into the casino together.

When my husband comes to me in the Fall...I'm going to take him to the Grand Canyon, California, Nevada, Colorado and show him how fabulous the US is...and of course back to Egypt to visit his family. I have this incredible urge to show him everything and experiece everything together. lol, I probably have to teach my husband how to fish and kayak. All the times we've spent together were the best times of my life! I cant wait to see him in May when I go back to Egypt for 2 months.

Are the "classes" your talking about for Naturalization? Are they required to take those classes or could we just purchase a book or study guide and take the test?

He's attending college completing his Bachelor's in Economics. He has a BA in Accounting from Alexandria University, but the
UofA only transferred a certain amount of units. So he's going to school (taking 20 units this semester) and working 40 hrs a week.

Naturalization requirements are online.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-21 15:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaPlanning a trip?
We are planning a little mini vacation this summer once classes are finished. He has 2 wks vacation, so plans include
the Grand Canyon, northern California and San Diego. Will also head up to northern Nevada to see my twin....then on
to Twin Falls, ID to see my brother. What he really wants to do is go fishing!!!!!!!!!!!! Me....I am so not into fishing,
but did tell him will sit on the pier, dock or whatever and have my coffee and all will be well with the world!

Our plans are for next year to go back to Egypt for a visit. What's so exciting is he will go as an American citizen!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-21 12:54:00
Middle East and North Africatuesday!
Good morning! Beautiful cloudy overcast day here! Just think we might have a little rain.

Have a good day everyone!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-23 10:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Afternoon all!! Well you all need to just come to Arizona!! Beautiful day here...high will be 81 today! It's pool time again!

Today is Wael's birthday! We will celebrate this weekend if he doesn't have too much to study. Has his mid-term in Calculus today.

Sure hope everyone is having a good day so far.

Don't you love spring training!!!!!!!!!!!! Baseball is back...FINALLY!! How I LOVEEEEEEEEEEE the game!

Take care and have a wonderful day.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-25 14:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt is officially Friday
Good morning! Happy Friday to all!

Have a great trip and best of luck at the interview!

Take care and have a wonderful day everyone! Anyone have any fun plans for the weekend?

I'm going to sit and instead of watching the grass grow will watch the pool water sway ever so gently! Posted Image Posted Image
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-26 07:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday

Thanks Jeanne! We're both looking forward to it. I did hear back from graduate school. I was accepted to Boston University & University of Westminster in SLC and I wasn't accepted to Washington State University. They cited that they received an overwhelming number of qualified applicants and try again next year. Boston University and University of Westminster didn't offer me any type of research assistantship or teaching assistantship so it would be all student loans and at the out of state rates that's really expensive so I can't afford it. I could afford one year but not the full curriculum and I can't justify spending that type of money. The government has really cut a lot of funding to education and we're seeing the schools whittled to the bones. I could have afforded the out of state rates at Washington State University because they have a waiver for Idaho students. I could go but I have to send in my acceptance letter to study there and I think I'm going to wait another year. I realized later that I really want to study Middle East and Islamic Studies and that isn't at any of the Universities I've applied to. I'm still making up my mind and my mind tells me take a year or two break between school right now. Do more research into Graduate Schools and make some money. This isn't like starting a new chapter this is like starting a whole new book. I've got a Husband coming and need to take it easy. My family is in a tail spin because they expected me to go off to graduate school again and not stick around here and they're all pressuring me about finding a job everyday. Currently I'm looking for work. I've put in 44 applications since Dec. and only received 1 call back so far. I've revamped my resume about 10 times. This economy is grueling for the unemployed and newly graduated. People say that they get 200 applications for one job and have to sort it all out. Other people tell me I have to know someone to get an in on a job right now. Layoffs are still happening here and not many jobs are being created. I'm registered with the Department of Labor and other work sources. Everyday I'm applying for jobs. Everything is corporate and online now. It's not meeting face to face anymore. If I got to apply for a job they want me to do it online and it takes 4 hours. I have to register for their website and keep track of user ID's and passwords. They want cover letters so you'll stand out and you have to write one for each job you're applying to. Then there is no confirmation if they get all your information. It's super invasive the things they ask such as a list of places you've lived for the last seven years. Why do they need that? It really gets exhausting. Applying for graduate school is a lot like applying for a job these days.

Times have changed so much for everything Olivia. Jobs are very non personal anymore. Whatever happened to "interviews"!!
I am always for change when it can help, but anymore things have become so complicated and overwhelming. One has to have
a PhD just to push the freakin' buttons on the phone when you need to call someone!! Don't let it get you down sweetie. Everything
takes time and there's always reasons for our decisions or decisions that are made for us.
I've learned to take one day at a time...enjoy that day...thank God for what I have...and things always fall into place. Sure beats
worrying and stressing over things we have absolutely no control over. Just take your time and enjoy your husband. You have waited
a long time. At least you will have him to help you thru and help in many of the decision makings.

Yes, Tucson can be a very interesting place to live. We live at the foothills of one of the 4 mountain ranges here. Many areas are still
underdeveloped which makes it feel like your own nature reserve! We get to experience all kinds of animals and birds....just simply beautiful.

Take care hon. You will be just fine.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-30 10:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
Morning everyone! We are in for a very warm day today!! Will be 87 here...thank goodness it will cool down in the
next couple days!

Good to see you again Olivia! Any news on Graduate School? Happy to hear Waleed will be here SOON!!

Congratulations Andrea! Finally!!

Not much happening in our neck of the neighborhood. Wael is busy with his studies and work. He saw his first
bobcat the other evening!! We certainly have the critters roaming here. Have a family of javelinas that are fun
to watch. Momma, daddy and 3 little fat ones!! Hummingbirds are everywhere and doing their thing! Nature is
at our doorstep!

Hope all is well with everyone. Have a wonderful day!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-30 08:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday
Good morning everyone! Another warm day here. Will be 87. Good news will be a little cooler tomorrow.

Hope your day is going well. I think I need another cup of coffee but am too lazy to get up and fix it. Sitting
here watching the birds building their nests, hummingbirds are fighting as usual, little rabbits are everywhere,
quail can one leave the show!!

Have some shopping to do. Thank goodness it's only a little. Biggest deal is getting out in the Tucson
traffic with all the nut cases Posted Image . But I thank God I don't have to drive in Phoenix!! Poor Annie and
condolences. Posted Image

Have a wonderful day all!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-03-31 10:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaEaster Sunday
Good morning and Happy Easter to everyone!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-04 12:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Monday
Afternoon everyone! We're having a beautiful warm day here! Love it when it's in the 80's.

Felt the earthquake yesterday! What a surprise. Don't know if Phoenix felt
anything, but it rolled here in Tucson! First earthquake Wael has experienced.

Not much happening here today. Baseball season has begun!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and a great weekend.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-05 14:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaHump Day!

Posted Image

Morning all! Another beautiful day here! Love the slightly cooler temps!

Hope everyone is doing well and having a good day so far.

Not much happening around here and I love it like that! Don't like nor want "issues"!

Finally got to watch "The Informant". I thought it was brilliant! But of course, anything with
Matt Damon is outstanding.

Have a great day and take care!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-07 09:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday
Morning everyone! Happy Friday!!

It's beautiful in Arizona. Wish it could stay like this for a couple more months!

Wishing everyone a wonderful day and a fantastic weekend!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-09 10:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday April, 10
Can't believe i'm up this late! Happy Saturday everyone!

Hi Donna! How are you?

Tammy, have you decided where you will go on your vacation?

Well i'm off to bed. Have a good day and a wonderful weekend!

Night all!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-10 01:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaUpdate on 3rd Interview

Wow what a journey, I just want to say I am very proud of my husband he put up a very good fight. You know VJ'ers, I don't want to bad talk a CO, I just hope this will help the next person to not give up and to fight the good fight. You will need to be prepared when you go for the interview and you will probably learn something new from this, I hope.

Our first interview was great, my husband went in...interruption-did you guys know that our significant others have to stand while being interviews?...and answered the CO's questions, the CO even made a joke with him but after reading up at Visa Journey we knew that it's best to not indulge in their jokes. So, he smiled and than looked at him as he was being attentative. He asked him questions like: Where did you meet? Where does she work? What city, state does she live ine? The joke was "what country does she live in?" ha ha ha Mr. CO. He asked him what day did she arrive when arrived in Morocco the last time I visited. This was the only question he could not remember. My husband told him it was the first week in October.

After the interview was over the CO told Kassim they will call when the visa is ready. They called him the same day and told him to bring his passport, he did. Than they called the following day and told him that he would have a 2nd interview (this is where it got weird) with the ambassador of the US Embassy. He went the following day and it was the same CO who interviewed him. The CO asked him a few questions about me but I think he really couldn't wait to do what he does best. He than asked Kassim if he's had any online relationships to marry for a visa. Kassim told him no, he than proceeded to ask him if he knew, for the sake of discretion I will not say the last name, DOE. Kassim could not recognize the last name and said no. CO-Do you know JANE DOE? and Kassim said I know 2 JANES online. The CO asked for information about both Janes. Kassim told them what he thought they only needed to know and that any kind of relationship he had with them one more than the other was over. The CO was not satisfied and gave him a 221g and it stated Bring all information regarding Janes.

After Kassim left the interview, the CO called me at work. I answered the phone I knew something was going on. He asked me If I knew about Kassims online relationships I said yes, I've had relationships in the past and I am ok with that. He asked me if I knew Jane Doe, I said no, he said well Did you know that Kassim was suppose to marry her for a visa. I said that I was not aware of this and that this is something that Kassim would have informed me of. He said do you know about the men in Morocco, I said well I read about stories online of situation that happen to some women but that can happen anywhere. He said well the men in Morocco only want to marry women for visas. I said well me and Kassims story is bit different and that we know each other and I know he loves me and that I love him. I said we have a daughter together and she needs her father. He said I've taken that into consideration and that is why I have not denied your case and Kassim knows what he needs to do.

After I spoke to the CO I spoke to Kassim and he was pretty upset. He told me that he doesn't understand what the CO wants he has nothing from these women. I told him to take a breath and lets get through this. He went back to the hotel and we talked over the phone. I told him that we needed to get in touch with the one Jane he had an online relationship with. So, I was able to locate her info and than I called and left a message, finally i just emailed her my info and she immiediately contacted me back. She said that Kassim was a sweet man and that she enjoyed the time with him and that she does not want to get involved. So, I called the CO, yes they transferred me to the CO can you believe it. And we had a long conversation about how we have no information regarding these Brendas and I told him that I spoke to this online Brenda and that she does to want to be involved. He asked for her phone number, I told him that she specifically said that you could get her information the same way I did, but I gave him the number. He than said that the Men in morocco only want Particularly women from the US and that they go to school just to learn english so that they can pursue these woman. That they even Impregnate woman just to get a visa. He said he asked Kassim why he knows so many women from the US and that Kassim did not give him a valid reason and that if he just said he was just like American women he would have been fine with that. Kassim was never asked that question because the CO had access to his Messenger contact list and Kassim explained where his contacts were from he had one from Columbia, UK and Australia. After consulting our lawyer the lawyer informed us that national security has access to our messenger accounts and that his how the CO received after they run the security checks. So after I told the CO about the phone conversation with Jane he said that he had no information regarding her that all I did was just confirm everything. That he was just going on a hunch and he said that since we don't have any informatino regarding the Janes other than what I just provided him with he will try to contact Jane and will call Kassim for a 3rd interview.

Immediately I contacted my US Senator and the Lawyer for some advice. The Senators office immediately contacted the consulate and the Lawyer as well. We just received information back stating the status of our case. But by contacting these offices helps to note your case that you are well involved in these matters as well you should be and have every right to be. Our Lawyer is a Pro Bono Lawyer, God bless her, and really all she could do was note our case and tell us that at the 3rd interview just be forthcoming, tell the CO in a manner of honesty and that's all we have at that point. But Kassim felt that he was forthcoming but said he will go in and fight for his family that he felt the CO was trying to crack some sort of conspiracy wide open. LOL! So, my hubby went to his 3rd interview....boy we prepped and prayed together.

Kassim went yesterday to the interview and it was the same CO, he immediately asked for information regarding Jane Doe, Kassim told him, in more detail, about his online relationship with this woman. Told him that he was not sure what the consulate really needed to know about their online relationship that he felt it should be discrete and out of respect for his wife he wanted to lay those things to rest. He said that he wants the CO to ask him about his wife, he said he loves me and my daughter and that he is their at the consulate for us. Than the interview was interrupted, and a woman brought Kassim to a closed room and left there a little bit later the boss of all COs entered the room and explained to Kassim who he was and said that we need to know everything and if you are not ready to tell all we will give you 1 more month. We know that your wife has contacted her senators office and that she has a lawyer. Do you want to come back in 1 month? Kassim said no, I want to finish this today. They brought in another CO to interview him and she asked lots of questions about me and he answered them all. She said "I am going to issue the visa", it will be ready for you tomorrow. But, If I find out you are not with your wife, I will come to the US and take the visa from you.

My baby picked up the visa 1 hour and 35 minutes ago and now he's on his way home................

I also had to stand with Wael at our petition interview (DCF). I'm curious....why would you write that statement? Just asking!

Need2Know - trust me - I'm right on this. There was something there in his background that made Casa decide to interview your man 3 times. Know this - each consulate is a business and a lucrative one at that. Those interviews cost the State Department a lot of money. If they didn't, they wouldn't charge everyone $130 plus dollars each time to do one. By them taking so much time to process and review his case and drill down information, and even bring in other people to ask questions - believe me - they don't just do that for anybody. Phone calls abroad - girl, please. It is rare that a CO will call anyone (hardly heard of on VJ) - so to hear that they're making calls to this woman is quite surprising. Go through the MENA forum history of VJ - if they don't believe your story they'll deny you. Most times, visa interviews go on prima facie (face value) evidence. If they think that there is something shady going on, but they would like to give you the benefit of the doubt (which I believe they did because of your daughter) they will do some investigating.

I'm not accusing your man of being shady - they did or at least they made it out that way. Through their review of his messenger and email accounts they found something that made them suspicious. In my opinion, for you and your daughter's sake, they decided to accept his story and approve his visa.

You can say that I don't know what I'm talking about. hehehe I began this process more than 6 years ago and have loads of experience with DOS and DHS - it's been oodles of fun. What you went through is rare and almost unheard of. Just sayin'. Posted Image

I agree with you Staashi. Good post!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-09 08:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday

Morning Mena! Waiting for hubby to come home from his license yesterday and he took the van for the first time.

Getting ready to go to Chicago today with a friend. We are going abaya shopping. I actually get to go somewhere that isn't a book sale for once and with a friend!!!

Its kind of cool today. Have a nice weekend.

Congratulations to Kamal! Have fun shopping Terrie!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-17 10:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday
Morning everyone! Beautiful sunny day here in Tucson. Will reach 89 today! Summer is here!

Have a little shopping to do today. Hope everyone is doing well and having a good weekend!

Wael is busy with homework and research papers. He is amazing. Days are going by so
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-17 09:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday
Morning everyone! A little overcast this morning. Will only be 80 today which is perfect!

Hope your weekend was relaxing. Have a great day!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-19 10:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew Magrehbi
So happy to hear he is home!! He's a cutieeeee!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-19 10:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew Magrehbi
Congratulations Amy on the birth of your new little guy! I'm so happy to hear he is doing much better.
Hugs and prayers for you, Ayman and your family.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-06 14:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday!!!
Good morning and happy Tuesday! Beautiful skies with a high of 87. Tomorrow and Thursday will be cooler
with a chance of rain!!! Cool and rain....the perfect combo!

Have a good day everyone!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-20 10:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday

Amal and Jeanne, does your immigration status have to do with your eligibility for FAFSA?

Hi, Beth!!!! Good to see you post hun!! Posted Image


Aya, here's a link to some of the questions you might want to know about FAFSA. I hope this helps!
Good luck!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-22 19:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Afternoon everyone and happy Earth Day! Overcast and cool today!! Just might have some sprinkles!

Amal, when Wael applied for his FAFSA it took a couple days for a response. Will tell you if you
are eligible but won't say for how much. It is up to the college to determine how much you are eligible
for. Good luck!

Hope everyone is having a good day. Wael has his last Calculus exam today!!! I would be nuts if I had
to take it.

Take care all!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-04-22 15:32:00