Middle East and North AfricaHappy Hump Day!!
Morning everyone!

Morning Mandy! Happy to hear your case is at the embassy! Good luck.

Morning Andrea! It's tough for our guys to be away from home. Only thing we
can do is give our support and assurance. Some will just take more time than
others. Best of luck sweetie!

Going to be a hot one today. Temps will get to 106. Not a cloud in the sky....

Saw a roadrunner hanging out with a group of quail yesterday. Usually they are a good size
but this one was smaller. Think the quail have adopted a new member!!

Since we have had a few little raindrops, the desert is blooming like crazy!! Beautiful lavenders,
yellows, and some shades of green! Awesome! The mountains have a slight green to them!!

Have a good day everyone! Take care and stay cool!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-04 09:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA Thursday
Morning everyone!

Phoenix has a large Arab Festival in October. It's kinda hard to plan on anything with his studying.
It's a 2 day event and would love for us to attend. Guess we will just have to see. Wish it was in Tucson.

We are going to have a very HOT day today....108...whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww and ugggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh
All I think about is how much warmer our tap water gets!! :rofl:

Have a good Thursday everyone. Enjoy your day and stay cool.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-05 12:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaTGIF
Morning all!

Happy Friday to everyone! Hope your day is going well.

A couple of pictures taken yesterday evening. Sorry about the date that is posted...don't
know what happened to the date with the picture. Crazy camera!!

We had some awesome colors last evening. Brilliant reds and golds....[attachment=13288:Evening storm.JPG]

[attachment=13289:Beautiful!.JPG] [attachment=13290:Storm to the north.JPG]
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-06 12:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday
Morning everyone!

Morning Mandy!!

A little cloudy today! Wanted to take my car to get it washed, but know as soon as I do,
it will flood!!! :lol: I need to tackle some shopping today. Wael is out of ice cream (his fav food group).
The man loves apple pie with vanilla ice cream. Was one of the first desserts he had when he arrived
and is hooked now! How American huh!!! :thumbs:

Have a good day and a great weekend.

Edited by JeanneVictoria, 07 August 2010 - 09:31 AM.

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-07 09:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaRelaxing Sunday
Good morning! Happy Sunday to everyone.

Have a wonderful day!

Saw this clip and looks like it will be a great movie!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-08 10:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday
Good morning/Afternoon! Still have a couple mins of morning remaining!!

Hi MsW and Monica!! Hope your day is going well.

Yes, it is quiet for a Monday. Not much happening in our neck of the desert!
The most exciting thing we have is watching the hummingbirds go at it, the other
little critters scurrying for food and the cacti blooming (like watching the grass grow)!! :lol:

Have a wonderful Monday everyone!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-09 13:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday!!
Morning MsW!! Happy Birthday to Autumn!! Awesome name! :star: :luv:

Gee Mandy, that's a tough situation to be in. Best of luck!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-10 09:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday!!

Good Morning MENA!!! Well we made it through the dreaded Monday :)

Hope everyone has a great day, and try to stay cool!! I hear its scorching everywhere this week

I'm hoping my day is better than yesterday, I was depending on my mother to watch my kids when I go to Egypt next month, and my father called last night overreacting that I shouldn't go for so long. He claims I'm a bad parent for leaving my kids for a long period of time, and its not safe for me to be there for that long either (he watches too many movies) the end he said my mom will not be watching my kids. So now the hunt begins for a sitter :unsure:

Good morning!

Mornin' Mandy. How long do you plan on being away and how old are your children?
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-10 09:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaTGIF!!

Happy Friday Mena Peeps! Adam and I are another step closer towards getting a house! :D Got approved for the loan, signed the paperwork and waiting on the sellers to agree to what we all agree to :D

:dance: Congratulations Adam and Tammy :dance: Fantastic news!!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-14 08:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaTGIF!!
Good morning! Tryin' not to think of "Friday 13th"!! :lol:

Hope your day is going well so far!! It's going to be another hot one here with a temp of 103. Last night at
9:00 was 98. Please give us a little relief!

Wael has one more test in his accelerated class then he's finished for ONE WHOLE WEEK!!! :lol:
He's excited for this final year. Has a heavy course load but he loves anything to do with Economics.

Have a great day everyone! Stay cool.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-13 10:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Caturday!
Afternoon everyone!

Hope your day and weekend has been good. It's to be 105 today...we just couldn't get
any luckier! :lol:

Wael is finished with his class so last night he went to this little coffe shop/resturant for a little while.
He hasn't been there in a year, so was a nice change for him to get out with some arabic
speaking dudes. I think only a couple are Egyptian. I was happy he decided to take sometime for
himself and close the books.

Gotta figure out what we will have tonight for dinner. Take care and have a good one!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-14 15:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday
Good morning!

I love Sundays. So quiet and relaxing.

Will have a mani and pedi today! I'm lovin' it already!! :yes:

Hope everyone has a beautiful day! Take care and stay cool!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-15 09:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan
Ramadan begins today here in Tucson!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-12 08:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaHump Day!!
Olivia, best of luck with the next job interview!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-19 17:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Watched Chasing Mummies last night and if I have to hear one more little peep from Zoe I will NOT watch it again.

These students (Fellows) have a chance of a lifetime to go on digs with his highness "The Pharaoh" and all they
do is complain. What is their problem!!! Get some students who would appreciate this chance of a lifetime.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-19 11:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Good morning! Happy Thursday to everyone!

Going to be hot here also. Only to get to 102 today! We do have a couple clouds, so guess one could
say it's "partly cloudy"! :lol:

Mornin' HG, Mandy, Andrea and MsW! Stay cool!

Wael is ready for classes to begin next week. He's trying to get his parking permit and the fees are
outrageous!! So he keeps looking for new areas that are open for parking with lower fees. Right now
he on the "waiting" list for 2 lots that opened and are $300 cheaper! Fees are just out of sight here.

Have to tell you something funny that happened. Wael is such a laid back, calm, diplomatic man, so
when he told me this I laughed so much and tried to imagine what went thru his mind. To fullfill his degree,
he has to have a language...of course he knew that, so he went to speak with his advisor. The advisor told
him to speak with the Arabic professor as this is his native language and he wouldn't have to take a class.
Off he goes and he ends up speaking to an assistant. The conversation went like this:

Wael: I'd like to speak to someone about fullfilling my requirement for graduation in my native language.
Lady: What is your native language?
Wael: Arabic
Lady: Are you sure? You speak english so well.
Wael: Yes ma'm. I'm Arabic.
Lady: You will have to take a test to prove you are proficient. It will cost $100.
Wael: Can I just take the class?
Lady: No, you are proficient in Arabic. They won't let you take the class.
Wael: If I'm proficient then why do I have to pay $100?
Lady: To see if you are proficient.
Wael: Ma'm I have a Bachelors degree from Alexandria, Egypt. All the classes were in Arabic.
I was born and raised in Egypt. Is that not proficient enough? You have my transcripts.

All I kept thinking about was "who's on first"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say he will take the pay
the $100 and take the test. What fun.

Here's hoping your day will be filled with laughter and fun!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-19 09:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaIt's Friday!
Still morning here! Made it before the noon deadline!! :lol:

Hope your day is going well!! It's hot again. Like what else is new here!!

Congratulations MsW!!!! That's so awesome!

Mandy, if I had to go see Justin I think I would just shoot myself! :lol: Sorry, thanks but no thanks!

Have a great day everyone! Take care and stay cool.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-20 13:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaAdjusting to America
I have to admit I'm so lucky that Wael's transition was a smooth one. He's loved the states since his arrival.
Got his license and car shortly after arriving and I do think this was a key in his adjustment. He was on his own
to search the city, and didn't have me to rely on. Everything was so exciting for him. Once he obtained his
year residency he began his courses to obtain his Bachelors in Economics which has kept him so busy. He
has mentioned occasionally that he misses Egypt, but in the same time he has said he could never live in
Egypt again. Of course he loves his country, his friends and his family, but his home is here and he lives
everyday doing his best in whatever challenges arise.

I love listening to him speak of how amazing America is. He loves to see clean streets, traffic
laws that are enforced, clean air, abundance of food in our many things we live with that are
taken for granted he sees as wonderful and exciting! I've always said he should have been a motivational speaker.
He always looks at the glass half full. Always tells me one can do and be whatever they so choose and desire here.
All one needs is to be committed to hard work and have the desire and motivation to accomplish it.

He is achieving the American dream and i'm so very proud of him.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-19 10:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview at Algerian Embassy today!

NOBODY, NOBODY has the right to make such discusting comments, I dont care if they are friggin government, I would report her to the director of USCIS in Washington. Its humuliating!!! Im so sorry Mandy, so sorry Hon.

I agree!!!!

Mandy, I would be on that phone with someone until they are so sick of hearing my voice!!!! I would hope that these
questions could not be asked by any CO. It's more than's beyond the rules. Don't be intimidated by them.
I am just beyond words. I'm furious. I can imagine how he felt and then having to tell you. Beyond any explanation.
I am so sorry Mandy.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-19 11:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaMY HUSBAND IS FINALLY HOME!!!!!!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-22 11:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaRelaxing Sunday
Good morning all! Happy Sunday to everyone.

Had a couple little sprinkles last night. Did thunder which was exciting!!

Wael begins his classes tomorrow. Couldn't get his less expensive parking
area so ended up having to pay $560 for his pass to park, but at least it's good for the 2 semesters.
Told him we should have bought a plot around the UofA and rented it out!!

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Take care and have a great day!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-22 11:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday!

Posted Image

Good morning everyone! Happy Saturday!

Have a hair appt this morning. How I love when it's time to go to the salon! Makes you feel better
than you thought you felt!! :lol:

Gee, we have a few low clouds. They must be lost! Only a few more months till it's cool again!

Have a great Saturday everyone. Take care and have fun!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-21 09:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday

Hey Mena Peeps! We were going to have a home inspection today but it got changed to Thursday. First time ever to buy a home so this process is interesting. The good thing is, we have a really good realtor helping us with each step. Hopefully this will be the perfect house for us! Its already the perfect price and perfect location!

Hey Jeanne, congrats to Waels news!

Thanks Tammy! Hoping your home inspection will be a smooth one. Good luck!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-24 08:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday
Good morning! Happy Monday to all!

Morning Mandy and HG!

No rain here...just a few little white clouds hanging around. Going to be 101 today.

Wael's classes beging today. Has 6 Economic and 2 Psych courses. He's happy,
so I'm happy!! :lol:

Hope your weekend was a good one. Have a great Monday everyone!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-23 08:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaSecurity checks for MENA men in foreign consulates
Our AP was 6 months. Yes Meghan, I do remember what it felt like.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-24 08:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaSecurity checks for MENA men in foreign consulates
Meghan, although we all would have loved to be on the same timeline with everyone else it just doesn't happen.
When a visa is issued it's issued. There is no set timeline for anyone from any country. A couple people may
obtain theirs in a week, some in 3 months but most within the 6-12 month time frame. Security checks are of
the most importance. They will issue his visa when they are satisified the criteria has been met...not until then.

Our advice for you is just to have faith. Have patience my dear. Best of luck to you.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-22 11:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe Lovely Tuesday Daily Thread
Good morning! Happy Tuesday to all!

Morning Olivia and Mandy!

Good luck Olivia. Hope you will hear some good news. The government jobs are a long process, but worth it if
you get the job. Keeping fingers crossed!

Mandy, it will smooth out by the end of the week! Kids are adorable!

My school child :lol: loves his classes! Most of his professors are from Yale. Coolllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sure hope everyone has a great day. Stay positive. We love it when a plan comes together! I just love that saying. :lol:
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-24 08:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaHump Day
Good morning! Happy Wednesday to all!

Happy Birthday Mandy!! What a wonderful surprise you had with all the decorations!
Hope you have a great day with more surprises!!

Morning Staashi!

The rains finally came yesterday.It poured all afternoon...intersections and
washes were flooded. I had to go into downtown Tucson and what a mess. Was raining
so hard my wipers were in overtime. Had hail also. Temps dropped from 100+ degrees to the 70's.
It really was nice to have the downpour, the thunder and lightning. I was soaked going back
and forth from the car, but how wonderful it was to feel that cool rain. Later it was like we had
our own sauna. I was happy for all the flowers, cacti and critters! Needed the rain.

Hope everyone has a good day!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-25 08:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday!
Good morning! We are having a couple sprinkles!! The desert has transformed to an
awesome shade of green. Simply beautiful!! Will be 99 today.

Morning Aya, Mandy and HG!

Have a great day everyone!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-26 08:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaTGIF
Good morning! Happy Friday!

Morning Mandy!

Have errands to do today. Forecast is for some sprinkles!!

Have a great day everyone!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-27 09:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday!!
Good morning and happy Saturday to everyone!

View of one of the mountains after the rains!! It's green!!!

MsW, happy you had a good time at your TFF concert!!

Mandy, nice meeting you on FB!!

Morning HG and Belinda!

Have a wonderful day!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-28 11:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday brrrr!
Good morning!

I'd settle for some temps lower than 99! About 3 months and "winter" will be here.

We are having a quiet day. Wael is studying. Dinner will be roast with the trimmings.

Hope everyone is having a great day! Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Can you tell i'm excited to see green!!

Attached Files

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-29 12:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaLast Tuesday of the Month
Good morning!

Morning Olivia!

Hard to believe August is about over. Time is flying. September is going to be a good month!

The sun was setting yesterday evening when we were on our way home from dinner. The color
of the mountains were a deep purple and red! We stopped and just looked at how beautiful they
were....the hues of green, purple and red!!! So clear....perfect in every way. What an awesome
sight to see.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-08-31 08:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday Sept 1st

We received dh's EAD card in the mail today! He can officially work in the USA & there are 16 more days until the green card interview! Posted Image

Congratulations to Waleed!!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-09-02 10:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday Sept 1st

Morning Mandy and Jeanne!

Ummm where is the Shetland Islands?:blush:

Posted Image

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-09-01 09:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday Sept 1st
Good morning! September has arrived!

Happy Birthday Adam!!

Morning Tammy, Olivia, Andrea and Mandy!

It's going to hit 100 today. I'm thinking The Shetland Islands sound wonderfully cool
this time of the year!! Think cool.....

Wishing everyone a great day!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-09-01 08:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
Good morning everyone!

Morning Mandy, Charles, Berber Mama and MsW!

Wael doesn't have class on Friday and Monday is a holiday so he is happy to have the
time off to study. We won't be doing much this weekend. Just tryin' to stay cool!

Did anyone watch Chasing Mummies last night? Dr H is really a character!

Take care everyone and have a great day!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-09-02 10:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaTGIF!
Good morning! TGIF everyone!

Morning Andrea and Sachinky!

Going to be a hot 104 today. Still green tho!! Doesn't get much better than that!
Was going to do some shopping today, but talked myself into doing it tomorrow. :thumbs:

We are certainly going to have a quiet 3 days. Wael's buried in the books.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and a great weekend! Stay cool.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-09-03 09:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday!

Couldn't let this one go by. They are adorable!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-09-04 20:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday!

Posted Image

Good morning! Happy Saturday to all! Memories of Saturday morning cartoons!! How times
have changed!

Morning Mandy!! Have a great time with the kids today!

It's my shopping day. I hope I have fun. :lol:

Have fun today and if you go out stay safe! Wishing everyone a wonderful Saturday!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2010-09-04 09:22:00