Middle East and North AfricaWednesday, May 20th
Good morning! This week is going by too slow! Seems like it should be Friday but think it's

Another hot one here. Got excited when we had a few clouds yesterday, but they sure didn't
stick around!

Tasha, thank goodness Malek is feeling better! How are you doing sweetie?

Mornin' Nagi, Ronell, Maureen, Judy and Rosie....afternoon Melly!!

Wael has a 3 day weekend so don't know what we will do yet. Biggest goal is to stay
out of the heat.

Have a great Wednesday everyone. Take care and stay safe.

Mornin' Charles!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-20 06:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday
good.gif kicking.gif good.gif Way to go Dorothy!! good.gif kicking.gif good.gif
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-21 13:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday

Morning everyone! Nothing worse than having bites on your feet! I surely don't like the heat and mixed with humidity it's the pits. At least here in AZ it's hot and mostly dry.

Maureen, I don't know how you managed to clean your shoes! I would have been throwing my whole body in that water! laughing.gif

Tasha, sweetie I am praying for you everyday. Take one day at a time.

GG you are up early!

Melly, good luck with all your critters! I hope you will find something that will help
your bites.

Morning Charles!

Have a great Thursday everyone. Take care and above all stay safe.

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-21 07:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaEgypt in the summer... What was I thinking?
Yes Amy it will be hot there during that time. As far as the window unit goes, if it's a plug in, just remember the current is different in Egypt. If I was you, I would just purchase a couple fans for your apartment.

I'm sorry as I don't know that area of Giza, so I can't help you with where your daughter will play during your stay. Did you ask your husband for some ideas?

Best of luck and have loads of fun!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-18 14:59:00
Middle East and North AfricaFinally Friday
QUOTE (jessNgeorges @ May 22 2009, 10:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!!

I LOVE his hair Jess!!! What a little cutie!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-22 13:47:00
Middle East and North AfricaFinally Friday
Good morning and happy Friday to everyone! Had some fantastic rain yesterday! We are to have rain again today, but it's just too much to wish for!!!

Nagi, I do hope you are feeling better today.

Morning Judy and Maureen!!

Afternoon Melly! Hope you are having a good day!

I have a few errands to run today. Wael wants to go to the movies this weekend, but
don't know what is showing that's interesting. We do love Ben Stiller, so maybe it's the
new Night at the Museum.

Tasha, we did see Mall Cop and Valkyrie. Laughed thru Mall Cop! Tom Cruise is awesome!

Has anyone seen "Taking Chance" with Kevin Bacon? What an awesome peformance. A
sober and moving movie. Cried thru most of it.

Have a great Friday everyone. Take care and be careful!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-22 06:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaVisa Approved!
kicking.gif Congratulations! kicking.gif
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-21 13:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday 23rd of May

Good morning! Happy Saturday to everyone. Still a little overcast, but
the sun is out. Looks like it may rain again!!

Doesn't it feel good to know you have a 3 day weekend!! What a long week.

Nagi get yourself to the doctor luv. Somethings going on that needs
to be taken care of now. Just want you to be ok.

Afternoon Melly!

Hey Rosie, wish I had my shower already!

Charles, welcome to the daylight!

Hi Angie!

Morning Tam! Have you and Adam made any decisions yet
about moving?

Wael is still sleeping. He thinks he is on a little vacation! Must get
him up coz i'm up devil.gif

I sure hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend. Have fun and stay safe.

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-23 09:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaAlright, MENA people, what do you think are our chances of Visa approval at Cairo?
There have been many of us who have gone thru Cairo and I must say it's always a surprise to see the different scenarios that each of us have gone thru. Same country, same Embassy, different CO's, different questions, different waiting times, hoping and hoping we have everything they want.

Amy, all I can say is you just have to be confident is submitting ALL your evidence of a bonafide
marriage. Basically when it comes right down to the nitty gritty of it all, this is what they want
and require. I do think it will be at the mercy of whatever CO you have. Some are outstanding, others are not.

Wael is muslim, I am catholic. I was married before, he was not. I knew him 2 yrs before marrying him. Made 4 trips to Egypt, lived with him for 7 months. At our interview we submitted e mails and only a very few pictures. I didn't have books and books of items. Others have submitted many more things than we did and had a longer wait than us.

One cannot determine if your case will be approved or denied. Only the embassy can. There are factors they look at and determine the importance in approving or denying a case. You have great evidence to submit. Wishing you the best of luck with your process!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-24 09:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaLazy Sunday

Morning everyone! Can't believe i'm actually starting the thread!

It's a lazy Sunday here....sun is out and will be another hot one.

Hope everyone is having a good holiday weekend. Love seeing all the American Flags out.

Take care and stay safe!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-24 08:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaPresident Obama will just stay 8 hours!!!!
QUOTE (Ihavequestions @ May 25 2009, 06:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So what? When China was trying to impress the world because it wanted to host the Olympics grass was painted green. You do what you have to do to make an impression. Besides, it's not like money well spent. Along with President Obama is going to come a lot of people - reporters, commentators, groupies - and those people will probably bring US dollars to spend. Imagine the LE taxi drivers are going to make charging the ususal "tourist prices"!

In my opinion, he should stop by more often and visit various parts Egypt. It would be spic-n-span in no time.

good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif good.gif
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-25 10:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday
Tasha i'm so happy Malek is feeling better!! Poor little man!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-26 17:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaTuesday

Morning! Am up and think it's Tuesday. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

GG go get em girl !! laughing.gif

Mornin' Maureen, Judy and Jess!

Amanda, won't be long now. Only a few more days!

Have a wonderful day, take care and stay safe.

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-26 07:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaMonday!

Good morning everyone! Happy Memorial Day! Hope you are having a great

Have a good time chillin' and grillin' today!

Take care and stay safe.

I would like to take this time to honor my father and grandfather who are
buried at Ft. Donaldson National Cemetary for their service to our country.
May you rest in peace.

To my brother and my twin sister I thank them for their service to America.

We are forever a military family. I'm very proud to be a military veteran.

To all veterans I salute you!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-25 09:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday!
Annie, my twin sister and I had our own little codes for escaping everything! My poor mom. She had some terrific stories. Congratualtions to the twins for turning 1!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-27 18:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday!
It will be on ESPN! Hope he can watch it.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-27 10:37:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday!
QUOTE (100% Al Ahly Fan @ May 27 2009, 06:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Melly 2 @ May 27 2009, 08:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (100% Al Ahly Fan @ May 27 2009, 04:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Anyone watching the Manchester United vs Barcelona match today?

They don't usually have soccer on here at the in-laws, but my father in law happened to turn that match on (I think it was that match) just before we had lunch.
From the looks of it (while sitting at the table eating lunch), Manchester won? smile.gif
I was thinking, while watching the few minutes of the match that I did, that I'm really really REALLY happy my hubby isn't a soccer fan. lol
He used to play a lot when younger, but was never a huge fan of watching.
I can watch a little bit but then get too bored. Unless my son is playing. That's an entirely different situation. luv.gif

Hey Melly...did the soccer match start?? I thought it didn't start until 10pm (Misr time). Oh, hubby's gonna be ticked he missed it!

As for soccer, I grew up on it. I love it. That and basketball are the ONLY games I am willing to sit and actually watch. As for our children playing someday, yes, we tolerate so much. My son loves baseball....argh! I can't stand it, but of course, he thinks I LOVE IT kicking.gif <--that's his mama at the games, but really I am like this inside--> wacko.gif InshaAllah you are blessed with a healthy son (or daughter) so that they may torture you with whatever sport they love, hee hee yes.gif

The game will be televised here in the states beginning at 2:30 EST! Will go for Barcelona!!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-27 09:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday!

Morning everyone! Ohhh happy day it's Wednesday! Hot one again.

Congratulations Melly! Wael and I will be married 3 yrs in Oct!

Maureen what a lovely surprise your hubby did! I love birds.

Tam, it will be over in no time hon. Good thing about IV sedation...

Amanda just keep the faith sweetie! Interview will be here before you
know it.

Mornin' Tasha! Have fun at your meetings today. How's Malek?

Have a good day all and take care. Where has the month of May gone!!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-27 06:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaWE HAVE A DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!
kicking.gif Congratualtions! kicking.gif
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-27 16:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaTGIF MENA!!
Opps!!! Good morning Amanda!! Great minds think alike!! laughing.gif
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-29 06:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday


JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-28 16:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaThursday

Good morning and happy Thursday! Coffee is excellent this morning.
Everything must be right with the world!

Enjoyed the Barcelona-Manchester game yesterday. Happy Barcelona won.

Another hot but beautiful day! Have a great day everyone. Take care.

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-28 06:55:00
Middle East and North Africavisa approved
Congratulations!! kicking.gif kicking.gif
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-28 07:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaFriday!

Good morning! Time to rise and shine ladies and Charles! It's finally Friday.

Tam, hope you are feeling better!

Annie, it's your party weekend!! Have loads of fun.

Tasha, how's Malek doing?

Jess, big hugs sweetie! Wish you were home too!

Wishing everyone a wonderful peaceful day! Take care and stay safe.

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-29 06:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaCaturday in Cario


JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-30 09:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaCaturday in Cario

Good morning and happy Saturday! Beautiful day today.

Olivia, sorry to hear you are ill. Hope you feel better soon!

Will make a trip to the mall today. Don't know about where you
live, but have you noticed that the malls and stores aren't as crowded
as they used to be. We were out last night and noticed the traffic was
down also. Perhaps it's the rising cost of gas, but we certainly have
seen a difference.

The University of Arizona sent Wael a letter yesterday stating he will
need another MMR immunization before he begins classes. Some states
require only one MMR but Arizona requires two. He feels like a pre-schooler!! laughing.gif

Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Take care and stay safe.

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-30 08:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday in Cairo
Morning Bridget!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-31 09:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaSunday in Cairo

Good morning and happy Sunday! Hope you are having a great day.

Olivia, sorry to hear you are still having tummy probs. Hope each day
will get better and better.

Tasha, have fun at the recital today! I'm sure it will be great.

Tam, plz say hi to Monnik for us! Happy you are feeling better.

When we would go to the embassy from Alex, we always would just take
a taxi from the train station to the embassy. Is that what you are doing
Olivia? I'm not sure what the underground is. But you are right about the
embassy....they are sticklers for everything. I loved taking the train from
Alex to Cairo. Loved seeing the little farms, the date palms when they are
in bloom with their brilliant red dates, the little kids waving thru the window
at me and giggling when I waved back! What fantastic memories.....but then
the memories of the embassy are forever in the back of my mind!

Hi Jackie, Nagi, GG, Judy, Jess and Maureen!!

Well it's already warm here. Don't know what we will do today. Had fun at
the mall yesterday and then dinner at Mimi's.

Have a wonderful Sunday. Take care and stay safe.

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-31 09:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 Denied
Hi Kat, I miss seeing you here. Thanks for posting!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-24 12:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaSmall Question !!!!!
QUOTE (KHPerfectMatch @ May 29 2009, 06:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He completed the application process at Sears... (on their computer) took their "morals" test and everything... he must have passed because they gave him an interview appointment on the spot...(from the computer)... That was on Saturday... his interview was for the next Thursday... Monday they phoned and cancelled the interview without a single word of explanation... Guess his MENA name must not have been "caught" by the computer... rolleyes.gif

Not a fair statement KH.
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-05-29 09:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaTFIF

Good morning and happy Friday! A cloudy day today with

just a little rain! Hope everyone is ready for their weekend!

Tasha, TFIF!! laughing.gif Happy to hear you finally heard from your hubby, but sorry he has been ill.

Have a great day and a fantastic weekend.

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-01-23 12:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaHot Off The Press
kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-01-22 19:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Saturday!!!
Good morning and happy Saturday!

Tasha, hope your little guy feels better today.

Amal, did you complete your move?

Quiet Saturday morning here. Low clouds with a little fog! But it's to be in the 70's.

Have a good one!

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-01-24 10:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaHappy Sunday all!
Happy Sunday! Good morning everyone! Day couldn't be any better...beautiful skies...

Take care and make it a good day!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-01-25 11:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe best and worst day ever was today
Just take care of your sweet little guy Amal and the rest will fall into place! Hugs for you sweetie.

Congrats on your house!!! Finally!! kicking.gif
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-01-23 12:44:00
Middle East and North Africamonday morning thread

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-01-26 09:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaMy new pad

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-01-27 10:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow would you feel
QUOTE (brnidokiegurl @ Jan 27 2009, 11:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
agreed we have had no problems (bad) in a long time and its been nice, good.gif takes effort to make the name and go after someone and for what reason? im done, i got way much more to consider this week blush.gif

good.gif good.gif
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-01-27 13:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow would you feel
QUOTE (Donna A @ Jan 27 2009, 07:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
im not saying this to be mean or anything so dont take it that way but i remember a while back u said u are wanting to go overseas to live and ur still saying the same thing now. are u sure ur not wanting that more then to save ur marriage? maybe it is in ur mind to go back over there and ur looking for reasons to go. maybe ur priority isnt in ur marriage.

You said it best Donna. At this time I think it's more of a justification on her part to leave. I'm sorry
she couldn't work things out. If one wants a marriage to work, they don't plan for a leave of
absence. I know Nutty will say "well my husband wanted to go back", but perhaps it is because he misses his home country as most MENA men do, But in time their SO helps them to try to adjust with patience, not running off coz things aren't going their way. The grass always looks greener on the other side, but somewhere lurking are sink holes.

As someone said, there are always two sides to a story.

JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-01-27 10:09:00
Middle East and North AfricaFamily is telling hubby to shave
Don't you think we have lived interesting lives!!! I was searched in Rome. Think it was the umbrella I was carrying. Fun, fun, fun. Gotta love those Italians!
JeanneVictoriaFemaleEgypt2009-01-21 11:47:00