K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Yeah, I don't know. If you get your NOA2 after an RFE in two weeks I think you are really lucky. I'm at 35 days and still no NOA2 after sending in my RFE. I feel confident that it will hit the 60 day mark at which point I will put in a service request... and really, who knows how many more days, weeks, or even months USCIS can drag it out after that. I've pretty much given up on the thought that we will be together by Christmas. I certainly haven't put a hold on our wedding venue for next spring because there's no telling if we will be here by then or not. But hey, thank god these illegal aliens are getting their visas so quickly! :bonk:
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-03 13:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

I know it's maybe too popular but I love this one

I love that. Very classical and elegant. :)
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-03 09:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
I might be coming in a little late with this, but this is the song we're walking down the aisle too. I LOVE it so much!

Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-03 06:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

I wonder how did u or ur fiancé proposed to you? :blink:

goodmorning/goodevening! :dance:

On the way back through London from his parent's house he pulled me (bewildered) by the mitten through half the city until we were under Big Ben, just at the clock struck 5pm, and there he asked me. It's funny, it was so loud with the traffic and the clock bonging and the crowds around us that I had no idea what he was saying and I'm just looking at him squinting trying to decipher his words (because he didn't get on one knee which is the dead give away!)... I didn't realize he had proposed to me until we were at dinner. Good thing I nodded "Yes" along with what he was saying! Hahaha.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-02 08:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Well, hopefully there will be a lot of approvals today! I'm counting on it. We have had some not so good approval numbers the last few days... Still waiting to hear back from my congressman. Hopefully, trying on wedding dresses and exploring venues will put me in a better mood! Somehow, I kinda doubt it. :unsure:
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-02 06:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Well, hope everyone is hanging in there okay today. My Mom is in town visiting so I probably won't be on a lot again until Thursday. Tomorrow we're going to look at a beautiful wedding venue, which is exciting and disheartening all at the same time. It would certainly be a lot nicer to have Nick here with us to look at it, but what can you do? Also, as of the 28th we are one month past our RFE. I wrote our congress back today to notify them so hopefully we will have some news or something soon. Three days away from eight months and I just don't know how much more of this I can bear. Even typing that out turns my stomach and makes my whole chest feel tight.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-01 17:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Aww don't get mad.... You and I have the same lazy guy. I'll bet our files are side by side on that clown's desk.

Isn't it amazing how precious our phones have become?? ;)

Haha, they probably are. I was joking with my sister earlier how I think they pick the petitions they will work on. I can't help but visualize them all being in one of those giant claw machines. I picture the uscis agent dropping a quarter in and then going after one (with mine wedged up against the glass or something).

And, yes, I check my phone constantly now!
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-28 21:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

You're still a nice guy!! It's just this darn process!! I sit at my desk at work grumpy these days. Every text I receive I look quickly in anticipation!

Hah, I feel the same about the text messages. My phone makes the slightest blip and I go tearing through the house like a mad woman to find it and see if it's the NOA2. 99% of the time it's my fiance, and I'm always like, "Awww.... but.... Yay!!!!" Cause of course it's nice to hear from him.

As far as RFEs, I don't even understand it. I thought they quickly wrapped up those petitions as soon as they came in. I think my USCIS agent handling my case is a total lazy a$$. The worst part is know that when they get the RFE it probably takes LESS THAN 5 minutes to wrap up the case and still you sit there for days, weeks, months... waiting for your 5 minutes to come. Grr. Getting mad again.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-28 19:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Since none of us have gone as far as you have, I don't know if we can answer that. I would call!! Why not? I just did again, and put in yet another service request, even though I was told I'm within normal processing times. Lol.

How did you put in a service request if you are within normal times? They won't ever let me put on it... Do you always talk to a tier 2?

Edited by Nick + Elizabeth, 28 September 2012 - 03:23 PM.

Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-28 15:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
I want to call them again, but I don't think it will do any good. What I don't understand is that they told my Congressman that I would have it by today. If not I am supposed to follow up with the Congressman. However, when I call they say I need wait 60 days from the date they got the RFE, though that's not what they told the Congressman. I have 30 days in writing. So shouldn't I be able to put in a service request?


"Thank you for expressing your concerns and raising the issues with us. I will forward your email to the appropriate individuals in our agency for due attention and action as appropriate."

:( That sounds like an automated reply...
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-28 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Don't know if you saw my response to that post.... 76 days.... I just couldn't resist. :devil:

Haha, I did just see it. I know it's bad, but there is no part of me that can muster any happiness for people that have waited 2 months. I just want to be like, "Go away!" :angry: And all grumpy and such. I mean, I can be happy for people that are processed in the five month range and after, but now approaching 8 months myself... yeah, I guess I'm just not that good of a person, haha.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-28 11:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
If I see one more person starting a thread to simply alert the world that their visa was approved in two months I will hurl my iPad right through the window.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-28 11:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

This is my song dedication!

Christina Perri - A thousand years

Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-28 08:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
This has always been our song, but somehow in light of what's going on it seems really appropriate...

Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-28 07:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Well, another Friday. Let's hope for a ton of approvals so we're not all left with a black cloud hanging over us for the weekend! I can't bear another two days of no action....
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-28 05:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated between September 18, 2012 and September 24, 2012*.

Yeah, I won't even tell you what mine says... :blink:
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-27 18:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Ugh! I'm sorry!! I have BEEN there!!! When every nerve in your body is so tense you're afraid you would literally and physically snap. I have committed to not talking to them... only about them... this tends to be the lesser of two evils for me. They are trained well, and are SKILLFUL in dodging/evading the point. (They probably do it 100's of times a day) Out of curiosity I wonder how many 821's ever called them to find out whats taking so long? (Naw I don't want to know... I might find out and throw my laptop across the room)...

But why would the 821's care? They've been here for ages illegally for ages and doing just fine. What a few more weeks, months, even a year to them? Good thing they were rushed through over all the USC.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-27 17:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Not sure how far you are from the Canadian border, but once you've got your AP in hand, you can always drive up to Canada and pick up some back bacon!! (I hate the stuff though LOL)

Hah, I just told my fiance that and he said "We'll be having a long weekend in Canada." Haha. He was asking yesterday what the difference was between Canadian bacon (which you can sometimes find here) and American bacon. I told him I thought Canadian bacon was maybe more similar to British back bacon, but I couldn't remember the last time I've had it. Do you think it's similar? I seem to recall it being more 'hammy' than American bacon...

Oh man, I had to get meat from a butcher (the only one in town) while in Zambia. I usually got really good cuts and extra food too because I was a macuwa (white person) with blue eyes (a real treat. But I really felt tricked when I ordered bacon. The cut was awful and I was not thrilled. But I learned from Jayson that what I needed was called "shoulder bacon". Changed my life. American bacon just can't compare.

I wasn't sure what to make of the British bacon but it's certainly grown on me! Still, I love some American bacon. Mmm Mmm! However, for a BLT I'd have to say British bacon all the way XD
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-27 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Further a huge love of his is kapenta. It's fish they leave to dry for a week in the sun... Then eat it. It tastes like it smells... Dry rotting fish. I've told him I'm never making it and if he eats it he will not be kissing me that night. I've tried it. Couldn't manage it and I've eaten bugs. Zambia likes weird food lol

He's great about it and since I've tried it understands. But he forced me to try it before I rejected it completely. Out of love I did it. And out of love he won't force me to make it for him.

That's too funny. I think food has been a 'slight' issue for us. My fiance made me try Marmite last time I was in the UK and it was one of the most wretched things I have ever put in my mouth. For him he HATES peanut butter and jelly, which I can't even fathom how anyone could hate it! We tried to get his Mom to try it and she didn't really understand and put butter on the bread with the peanut butter and jelly; needless to say she didn't enjoy it either, haha. He also detests American bacon. I listen to him lament the approaching loss of his "back bacon" at least once a week, hehe. The only other difference I notice is that we're a bit more laid back and casual here in the USA, and so by comparison the Brits seem a tad reserved (which he's noticed that too), however, it's one of the things I like about him. :D
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-27 11:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

My father works in the department of state and told me about the dream act when it first came up. He had a memo from Obama in his email about it. My dad does visa/passport fraud so they were informed that 60 days from then they'd roll out the new visa. He told me that they usually take a year or more to just change the paperwork for a visa, let alone make a new category up. This was clearly not well planned. He emphasized in the memo they would not hire any one new employees (to me it sounded like a great plan to allow people to legal reside in the US since it's so expensive to do it legally, and to create jobs). I still think they have a great idea on their hands, but they were hasty in rolling it out so soon, not taking into consideration the back log. Obama directed it solely to CSC and VSC. My dad said he had a couple questions on a matter and the first week this dream act took place, NO ONE at his USCIS contact's office would answer the phone. They went into hiding. We aren't the only ones stressed.

Yeah, why the rush? Because he wanted to get this going through before the election. Basically, putting all of these "Dream Act" people in a limbo that he says he will clear up after he's elected for his second term. Sounds like an abuse of presidential power to push the votes in his direction to me. Hah, I guess you can all tell I'm not an Obama fan. To be honest, I'm not a Romney fan either, but what can you do? Anyways, what makes me irritated the most about this is that it makes me feel like a second class citizen even though I AM a citizen. It doesn't seem fair to be shoved to the side for people who came here ILLEGALLY just so someone can get more votes on election day. Grr... I've been waiting too long. Not a happy camper!

In other news, tomorrow is our one month since sending in our RFE with no approval so I suppose if I don't hear anything I'll be writing the Congressman back for yet more assistance. Le sigh...
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-27 07:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

I might be beating a dead horse, but has anyone seen how many more I-821 receipts VSC got compared to CSC? I-821s, are a required component to the Dream Act application. In February 2012, VSC received (and processed ) 90,000 of these applications (Half the national intake) while CSC received 929 of these applications. See the graph below:

C:\Documents and Settings\cdorbad\Desktop\821.bmp

No wonder why VSC is so slow... who should we be angry with? VSC or the politicians and decisionmakers who made this happen?

Obama. And he's not getting my vote in November.

Edited by Nick + Elizabeth, 26 September 2012 - 09:56 PM.

Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-26 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Before I get NOA2, I was feeling so uncomfortable and worried most of the time, just because I've read one VJ member timeline, they waited 9 months and 25 days for approval (no RFE), California Service Center last year.

This in no way makes me feel better.... :unsure:
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-26 21:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

I've given up going to places and seeing friends who keep asking 'have you heard'? 'any news'?
- but it has to happen sometime soon.

I hate when people ask me about it. Then when I say, "Nope, not here yet!" I have to listen to their shock and disbelief which makes me feel angry about the whole thing all over again. And, of course, everyone I know asks me about it every time they talk to me. I know they're just being nice, concerned, and supportive friends/family but it's driving me nuts. :bonk:

Edited by Nick + Elizabeth, 26 September 2012 - 09:13 PM.

Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-26 21:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

I have your answer right here.... this is your new bible :)


Thank you! You know, I had looked at that thread earlier and somehow it escaped my mind. Also, I love the solidarity in this group! Also... Congrats to everyone who got approved today. It's encouraging to see so much movement on the approvals! :dance:
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-26 17:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Congrats to you!!!! Yay!!!

You are very strong and I admire you!

Hahaha I needed that laugh!

Aww, thanks. That's very nice of you to say :)

Mm, and hey... Now I have a question for everyone. What do I need to send in the packet to my fiance after our NOA2 is approved? Is it just the Affidavit of Support, yes? My Dad is sponsoring my fiance as, well, I've been in school full time and therefore not making enough at the moment. I've also sent him a copy of the whole packet I originally sent to USCIS minus the stuff I sent in for the RFE we got which I will also send him with my AoS. Do I need to include anything else?
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-26 16:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Isn't it sad that after waiting over 200 days, we'd actually appreciate even an RFE???

That's how I felt too. I wasn't even THAT sad to get the RFE because it was something and it meant my case wasn't lost. Now a month after turning it in with no word I'm feel decidedly more moody about the whole thing. :angry:
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-26 16:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

I'm sorry to hear that you got RFE and you've been waiting for almost 7 months, I can imagine how you feel. Wait for the request in the mail and see what they're asking for, then take action right away. Wish you and your fiance a quick final decision!

I found this piece of information which I think might be helpful to you and others who ever get RFE:

Responding To A Request For Evidence Or Notice Of Intent To Deny

The Vermont Service Center receives thousands of pieces of paper correspondence each day. A large number of these
pieces of correspondence are responses to Requests for Evidence (RFE) or Notices of Intent to Deny (NOID). As our
contract staff sifts through all of this incoming mail, the blue coversheet helps them quickly and easily identify which
documents should be routed immediately to the file as a response to our request. When the response is matched up with
the file the case is immediately pulled and routed to the officer. However, any correspondence which does not contain a
copy of the RFE or NOID is not recognized as a response and is sent to our Customer Service Division for sorting and
Once the customer service division identifies the correspondence as supporting evidence it is routed to the file to be included
in the record. However, the evidence that you submitted without the proper coversheet will sit on the shelf for the
entire tolling period because there is no way to be sure that what was submitted is the actual response to our request for
additional evidence. Once the waiting period for a response has expired, it is then sent to an officer for review. Because
there is not a way to determine if what was submitted was the actual response to the RFE there is a significant delay in
the processing of a final decision on an application or petition.
It is very important that our staff is able to promptly recognize incoming correspondence as a response to an RFE. In
addition, 8 CFR Section 103.2(b)(11) addresses how an applicant or petitioner should respond to an RFE, ?All requested
materials must be submitted together at one time, along with the original USCIS request for evidence or notice of intent
to deny.?
In some cases it is not possible to identify the case that relates to the submitted information. In the future the VSC may
start returning documentation that is submitted without a copy of the receipt notice or RFE when we cannot determine
which case it relates to.

I wonder if this is somehow slowing mine down... I put the blue RFE pages on top, all 3 just to be safe (though I photocopied them for my own records), and the next thing down was my cover page listing the contents of the RFE... however, on the VERY top I clipped my photos. I mean, they're 4x6 and you can clearly see the blue pages behind them. Some part of me though has been wondering if that is what has caused it to take so long. I can't give VSC any credit for not being totally dumb when it comes to looking at files. :whistle: However, if I clipped them behind the blue pages it wouldn't have sat right and I thought the RFE pages would get torn or something. Sigh, I think I'm over thinking this.

I'm sending my email to Fox later. This is beyond absurd. AND CALIFORNIA IS PROCESSING JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to scream!

Yes, I agree with you. I want to scream too. At this point I want to have a full blown tantrum like I haven't had since I was three years old, hehe.

Edited by Nick + Elizabeth, 26 September 2012 - 12:19 PM.

Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-26 12:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

There was a petition thread floating somewhere right? That has gotta have at least 200+ people on it

Well, that might be good to link in an email to news stations as well. And yeah, I would try to get a lot of people involved. What's the worst that could happen? The way things are going April/May petitioners might be waiting 9 months. If nothing else maybe it will cause them to start shifting petitions to CSC to level the playing field a bit?
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-26 09:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Are you calling Nick+Elizabeth? I can research some direct email addresses of reporters who follow the president as well. It could be a question for him to answer. Who's brave enough to email?

Why Kaaha? Think may be your day :)

Well, I found a Fox News Tips email address. I'm emailing them now. I'm even adding the link to this thread, assuming that's alright with everyone? But I think our comments speak pretty loudly. Along with the link to the immigration timelines for VSC and CSC. The email is: if anyone else wants to write in as well. Will it help? I honestly don't know. I feel like at election time with immigration being such an issue it is important enough to get some coverage. It certainly is a great injustice for those of us attempting to do the right thing as American Citizens. If it doesn't help us, maybe it will at least help people that come after us... if the story even gets picked up. At this point, what do we have to lose?
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-26 05:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Can someone call ABC or NBC or CBS or CNN? Who's willing to air their story?

I don't think this is a terrible idea. Especially when you consider that our cases may be getting held up do to Obama's Dream Act (which is ridiculously unfair. Right at election time I could see as that is such a hot button issue a station like Fox reporting on this. I'll write to Fox. So, yes, consider someone on it.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-26 05:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Exactly! That thought is the only thing keeping me going. The day when we see each other at the airport, and I run because I know never, ever will we have to say goodbye again.

@Nick + Elizabeth & @Andie, it seems you have for some reason or another fallen in with us Marchies, and we really hope we bring you luck!!!

Aww, yeah, that moment at the airport will be the very best. Just... bringing him home. :) And thank you, I'm hoping so too!
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-25 19:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Nice one!

Haha, thanks! :dance: I'm getting to be a pro at it!
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-25 14:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

That's my plan too... CR1 if denied...but I'm thinking positive.

Same here. At this point I'm almost wishing we went that way initially. This has just taken FAR too long already. It's hard not to feel angry about it, but then what does that solve? My fiance will hear none of it. He doesn't even like to think about what's going on because it makes him angry as well and he doesn't like getting worked up over something so futile, as well as not liking to see me get worked up. Though sometimes I just want to vent so thank God for this thread! It's funny how my feeling about all of this have evolved over the past few months. I've gone from hopeful, to worried, to sad, to angry... and now I'm teetering on hopeless. Hopeless is a really bad place to be. Though I guess helpless would be more like it. As a person that likes to be in control, I can't stand having my hands tied over this whole thing. Not only is there NOTHING you can do, but you have to be completely in the dark about everything which makes it that much worse. Have they lost my RFE? Are my papers on someone's desk next in line? Have they been shoved to the back behind a massive stack of other I-129fs on some anonymous shelf somewhere? Urgh. And.... End rant.... :blink:
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-25 14:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

I'm finding harder and harder to stay positive and being patient. Praying constantly like a mad woman and to no avail.--no answer, nothing in the mail, no status change. I want to curl up into a ball and cry! What else have y'all been doing to cope?

This has been one of the most agonizing, torturous process that I've ever had to deal with. My fiance has tried helping me to look on the bright side of things, and yet even his words of encouragement isn't doing much for me. I'm not motivated to work or do anything. I know that I'm not the only one dealing with this process. *sigh* If only I can crawl into a cave and spend the next 2 weeks there with no access to the internet, maybe then I'll feel a little better.

I totally know how you feel. We're still waiting too, obviously. It really does suck the wind out of your sails. That's the same thing I was saying to Nick also, that I felt so unmotivated lately because of all of this. I'm not sure how to make it seem less excruciating. I try to stay busy though and that helps some. I do a LOT of cleaning, and generally just getting the house ready for Nick when he gets here. I started doing Roller Derby, haha. Though the season just ended for this year. I wish I had something encouraging to say :unsure: This process sucks.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-25 11:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

This might sound crazy but we are going to Disney World!!!! :D

omg, haha. We're doing that too when we visit my folks. Not crazy at all! That will be tons of fun for sure. My Dad says, "Everyone must experience it once in their lives!"
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-25 10:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Feel free to vent/rant all you want here; make yourself at home. This is a great group that is very supportive. I probably whine the most ;)

Haha, thanks. Yes, I'm sure I'll be doing some venting. Nice to know I'm in good company. :) Everyone in the February Filers thread is so far past me I don't feel like I have anything in common with them anymore! :rofl:

TOPIC FOR TODAY: What's the first thing you plan to do when your fiance gets to the states?

Oh man, we've been talking about this a LOT lately. It's nice to be able to plan some things and have a positive to focus on! As soon as Nick gets here we're getting married at the court house (our true wedding will be in the Spring or Fall. 3 months is just not enough time to plan a wedding and get all of his family here from England! Plus, we want to file for AoS asap so he can start working and driving like a normal person, haha). The next thing we're doing is going to Washington DC for a few days. I feel like if he's moving here he should see the capital, right? :) Then to visit my folks so he can finally see my childhood home, and spend a few days at the beach... and back home to our 'new' regular routine. I can't wait! :D
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-25 09:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

WOW. You are a model in patience!! I know we will all cheer when you get it!!

I think they tell everyone 60 days just to keep us off the phones. I hope your congressman helps..

Hah, I think the last week or so I've been anything but patient! I'm starting to feel like I'm going to loose my mind if we don't get approved soon. :blink:

Yes, I got the text at 7:45. For some reason I didn't get an email even though my email address was there, and I got 2 texts. I guess they were trying to make up for the 6 1/2 months of silence.

That's funny. I've heard all sorts of weird things: people not hearing anything till NVC contacts them with their NOA2 approved weeks prior, Sunday approvals, no text/email/website update but hard copy comes... I guess there's just nothing predictable about VSC. Well, beyond that whatever they do will be at a snail's pace! :rofl:
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-24 19:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

I agree it is much more than just the accent.
Holy crow you're still waiting on that RFE. You so deserve being approved. Have they even given you any reason why they are taking so long to respond to you?

I have no idea why it's taking so long. I called and talked to a supervisor today and she told me that until 60 days had passed from the moment they got my RFE that they couldn't do anything. I felt a little incredulous by then and pointed out that 60 days after would be almost 9 months from my filing. I guess though, "This isn't fair" doesn't get you very far with VSC :unsure: However, I'm working with a woman at my local congressman's office as well. She was told that they would reply to me by September 28th, and if they didn't that I should let her know and she would take further action. Now, I'm not sure what further action is, but I have a feeling being the 24th that we'll be taking it. :hehe:

March 5 filer and just got approved! Notification came in at 7:45, so don't give up after 5:30!

Congrats, and that's good to hear! Did you get the text/email at 7:45pm?
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-24 19:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

That's quite a lovely tale. I myself am head over tea kettle for my Englishman.

Heh, that's cute. Yes, something very charming about them. Though I'm sure it's not all the accent, I still love it; even to this day. Certain words he pronounces make me grin. My favorite is tortoise, which sounds more like, "toy-tuss"

Hey guys, back to the states here. I received my RFE today. I sent them tons of pics and emails, but they didnt feel like reading through it i guess. I need to sit down and write it down and be very specific with dates, whats what and so on. I need to write dates on the pictures and basically build a case step by step

Not hard, but so frustrating that after all this time they respond with something like this.

I think its the usual RFE when they want more proof of meeting on the last 2 yrs. Anyone had to send letters/ affidavits from friends?

I just had to do an RFE for proof of meeting in the last 2 years. I was required to get 2 affidavits, so I got one from my Dad and one from my Aunt. Don't forget to scan your passports! I did every page for both of ours per people's instruction on VJ. :)
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-24 18:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Misery loves company, so welcome!!

Nick + Elizabeth... Today's topic is how did you meet your fiancé/fiancée?

Ooh, Jinx! I didn't even see you wrote that till I posted, heh. Great minds... :D

We met on a video game. I used to be a little embarrassed to admit that as it's just a smidge dorky and not exactly the most romantic story ever told, but I'm at peace with it now, haha. Nick used to message me now and again for a few weeks, and then one day we decided to do a little photoshop project together and he asked me if I would talk to him on skype. My first spoken words to him were, ~gasp~ "You're British!" and his reply, "Yes, I am. That's not a problem is it?" Little did we know the epic journey ahead of us, brought on by are geographical gap. Still, I wouldn't change his being British for all the tea in China. I just so happen to find it quite charming :blush:
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-24 17:11:00