USCIS Service CentersEmailed the president...

So when you say... "we should all be receiving the same kind of service"... does it means that you will be happy if everyone, including us at CSC, were to wait for seven months (like you)?...

I'd be happy if the work load were shared between both service centers so that instead of some people waiting 2 months and some people waiting 7 months we were all waiting 4 or 5 months. Does that not seem fair to you?

Edited by Nick + Elizabeth, 09 September 2012 - 04:02 PM.

Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-09 16:02:00
USCIS Service CentersEmailed the president...

Interestingly enough, it's you that I find selfish and your attitude absolutely horrid.

VSC should be able to raise their performance without dragging others down.

This person isn't concerned with VSC's performance, they're interested in not having 'their' date delayed at all no matter what the cost to everyone else waiting at the other service center. The suggestion of hiring more people over at VSC is ridiculous and I think we all know that's not going to happen. Having the work load shared between the two centers is much more feasible and is something that would help everyone to have an even playing field straight away. Nothing horrid about that. We all paid the same amount, and we should be getting the same quality of service. Not to mention that it has been said that all of the protective status requests from Syria were going through VSC only, so yes, they are temporarily over loaded and then why shouldn't the work load be split to make this machine work at the best possible efficiency at both location.

And, yeah, I'm "selfish" because I, after waiting 7 months, feel that we should all be receiving the same kind of service. That certainly makes me selfish. Or wait, maybe bitching and moaning because I applied in June and don't want anything threatening MY date, even though there are people that have waited twice as long without hearing a single word would make me selfish, yeah that sounds more like it.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-09 15:49:00
USCIS Service CentersEmailed the president...

I don't feel bad for anyone who feels the best way to get ahead themselves, is by putting down others. Why the need to constantly point out that other people at CSC are being approved faster? Why must the success of others (june filers at CSC getting approved) bring you misery? Why not focus on the real problem, which is VSC processing petitions slower than their 5 month announced timeline? Why must you rain in on the parade of others? Or worse yet, call for other CSC filers' petitions to be held up so that yours gets processed ahead of theirs?

I wish all these "petitions" and "Letters" that people are sending to whichever official figure they're sending it to would just stop sticking to this awful suggestion that the only solution to this problem is that petitions be shared across CSC and VSC, so that EVERYONE gets screwed. Here's a thought, how bout suggesting that more adjudicators be assigned to I-129F's and CR-1's, so that EVERYONE will benefit? Heck, I'd venture a guess that's more likely to be implemented than the "sharing across CSC/VSC" suggestion, and yet that's not good enough for you guys? You need to feel that everyone needs to suffer the pain that you're suffering to feel justified?


/end rant.

You're clearly a very selfish human being. It's no surprise to see that you filed at CSC in June, thusly your attitude. Yes, CSC should share the work load if VSC is over burdened. The wait times should be pretty even across the board. Ugh, your attitude is really horrid.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-09 15:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Dennied under 212 a 6 c 1 !! DON'T KNOW HOW TO PROVE I DIDN'T DO IT!

Maybe because the SSN is given once and for the whole lifetime (maybe she didn't have it written anywhere else)?
She could use the number again, if she'd do all the immigration things the right way.

Uhh, no. She said she got it on a student visa. I am pretty sure you aren't intended to keep that SS card for years afterwards. It would be outdated and invalid. When she applied for her K-1 visa, was approved, and then filed for her AoS she should be issued a new SS card. And if it was wet/damaged/mangled/altered then she really should have tossed it...
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-11 07:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Dennied under 212 a 6 c 1 !! DON'T KNOW HOW TO PROVE I DIDN'T DO IT!

So I was denied under 212 (a) (6) © (i) section but it's all a misunderstanding and that's why I'm so upset about all this. I don't want to sound like a victim but is not fair what I'm going through ..

I was on a student exchange visa in the USA when I met muy fiancè... then When my student visa expired my boyfriend invited me to stray with him for a few months while He was off. So I came back to Mexico and went back to the US on my Tourist visa (that I got 6 years ago). I basically moved in with my boyfriend .. but I never wanted to have problems with immigration so, I never overstayed my tourist visa.I would leave the USA every 2,3,4 and even 5 months to return to my country IN ORDER TO KEEP MY TOURIST VISA.

I was not allowed to work on a tourist visa so I didn't work while I was there... my boyfriend took care of me the whole time, he paid for everything. He even gave me money to pay off my credid cards in phone, gym membership,clothes,EVERYTHING....

I stayed with him for 1.5 years ( left the US every 2 months or so ,as I have explained above) and I was aready tired of my situation in that country. Even though He gave me money anytime I needed something.. I didn't like that- but I was not supposed to work on my tourist visa so. I didn't even think about getting a job back then.

My boyfriend asked me to go on a trip with him so we was our third trip together, but I told him that it would be the last time I was commign back to the USA with him.. I couldn't live that life forever not having money for anything.. or living on another country on that status.

I was not gonna ask him to marry me ofcourse..but I also felt it was time for me to settle down, get a job, and hopefully get married and have my own family.

I dated him for 2 years. and I was doing all those things such as leaving my family ,friends and country behind to be with him.. I felt lonely the whole time I was in the USA. I had my boyfriend but still I didn't have a life, because he went back to work eventually and I would take care of his house and our dog but nothing else... I was so sad bc I didn't knwo what was the best thing to do.. I didn't want to leave him because I am in love with him and just don't imagine my life without him on the other hand I was ALONE! HAVING NO FAMILY,FRIENDS NOR A JOB..I was always depressed. because I didn't see my relationship going anywhere back then.. (I felt that my boyfriend didn't feel like we should get married since I was living with him already).He probably thought I could live in the US with him forever..IDK

One day my boyfriend and I went to the lake to check on his boat, andI felt into the water with my purse on. everything I had in my wallet got wet, but I was too upset that I got wet that I didn't even care abt my stuff in the wallet. I didn't take anything out of my wallet that day, the next day I was taking my stuff out of the wallet and had my SOCIAL SECURITY CARD IN MY HANDS.. (I GOT A SSC WHEN I WAS ON A STUDENT VISA)the SSC was ofcourse not VALID FOR WORK.

So I was with my boyfriend when I said to him that: everything would be easier for me if I had a SSC valid to work so I could actually have a life here and stay with you.

He never understood why I was given that SSC if I was not an american citizen and He thought that the card it was not real at all... since it had that valid for work ONLY WITH AUTHORIZATION thing on it.

He takes my SSC and went into the bathroom with it.. I asked him what was he doing but He just told me not to worry. then He gave me the SSC but it was changed. HE DID SCRATCH OFF THE VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH AUTHORIZATION THING...then he said.. NOW YOU CAN STAY WITH ME FOREVER! YOU DON'T HAVE TO LEAVE EVER! ANDHE SMILED...

I was SOOOOOO ANGRY I KNOW HE DID SOMETHING WRONG AND EVEN WORST WITHOUT MY CONSENT!!! But He was just trying to make me feel better I guess, He knew I never used that SSC anyway so He didn't think it was such a big deal that He changed it... anyway.. nothing happened.. I just forgot about it and kept my card with me in my wallet..

Since I was ready to come back to my country and settle down.. I decided to get a babysitter job just to make some money for the holidays.. Like I said before I didn't have a penny, I stayed with my boyfriend for almost 1.5 years and I was SICK OF MY FINANCIAL SITUATION... never had money to buy him christmas,valentines or Birthday gifts EVER!! same thing to his family.. never brought anything with us everytime we came over his parent'¡s house.. because I DID NOT HAVE MONEY.. (NEVER WORKED). So I'm thinking.. I'm going back to Mexico in 3 months, so maybe I should get a temporary job just to make money for the hilidays and I did... I applied to get a nanying job...

I got the job.. but I was supposed to start a week after our return to the US from our last trip together... which didn't happen... because immigration officers noticed I was spending too much time in the USA and decided to go though my stuff at the airport... they found out I was planning on getting a job. and foun out about my SOCIAL SECURITY CARD AS WELL.. so they sent me back home and took my TOURIST VISA AWAY... It's been almost 11 months and I'm still in Mexico.

My boyfriend came to see me a week after I was sent back home (10 months ago) and asked me to marry him so that we could be He sent in the fiance application and had my interview 2 weeks ago the officer asked me why did I have that ssc with me.. I got too nevous and I just told them that the SSC got wet when I was in the lake with my boyfriend I didn't tell him that MY BOYFRIEND CHANGED IT.. ofcourse I didn't know what to say..I got denied under 212 a 6 c 1 section..

and now I'm requesting a waiver... WHAT SHOULD I DO?? I'M SO CONFUSED.. IT'S NOT FAIR... I didn't dot it. my only mistake was to to fall in love with an american citizen?? my boyfriend did but He was just joking around trying to make me feel better... what should I tell immigration next time the ask me??? PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR ADVICE...



Uhm, here's a question! If you didn't have some nefarious intent why would you KEEP the wet damaged/altered out of date SS card in the first place? You said it was from your student visa... Then you should have chucked it when that ended. Why would you be 'mad' your boyfriend altered an expired SS card that should have been tossed in the bin a while ago? Something is not adding up. If you are just testing out your story here, well, I don't think immigration is going to buy it.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-11 06:23:00
United KingdomBritish Back Bacon FOUND!
I will have to see if we have one, but I have never heard of it. We have a butcher, but they only make it once in a blue moon because it's supposedly very expensive compared to american bacon, boo
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-14 20:17:00
United KingdomNo "Packet 3", letter, etc

Well this thread has just depressed the hell out of you're all saying we finally get to the London embassy part and we hit a wall? No interviews are being issued?????
Our medicals will be invalid.

*Sigh.........this process is so cruel and totally illogical!!!

I have no idea what's going on. When my fiance calls the Embassy they tell him that they are extremely backed up and that he should call back (first they said to call back in 3 weeks, and now they say to call back in 2 weeks) so yeah, same ####### different day/step/location/country/whatever. It seems like some people get ushered through this process just fine and it's all smooth sailing and some people's journey is paved with speed bumps and brick walls. After seeing everyone who I filed with (even the ones who had RFEs) move through the embassy, have their interviews, and eventually get married I couldn't imagine I would still be left here waiting. So yeah, it's insanely cruel, and illogical, and unfair. I've written to my congressman again and will write to my senator again today as well. I'll probably let my fiance do the calling since he 'claims' it's cheaper for him. I don't know. They want $20 to talk to me on the stupid US number. After all of this that's such a slap in the face.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-08 10:08:00
United KingdomNo "Packet 3", letter, etc

Well, to be fair, you would have been approved back in August if you didn't receive the RFE. The DREAM Act had nothing to do with the delay since it has yet to be enacted. If you're referring to the deferred action, that went into effect on August 15, 2012. Have you contacted the DOS line to inquire about your forms and the medical exam results to see if they've been logged?

Actually, it did have something to do with it since 95% of those petitions were pushed through VSC with priority over just about everything else to get them finished up before the November election. There's actually a thread with a lot of information in regards to all of that with links if you'd like me to surface it for you. I'm also well aware of my RFE, but even with one (that had a turn around of mere days) 9 months is absolutely absurd. You can couple that with that fact that CSC was pushing K1 Visas through in 2 months at the time we were finally approved. The fact that my case was not resolved with VSC until I was able to gain the assistance of not just my Congressman (which I had for 3 months), but finally my senator is #######. Also, we had to wait for our service request to literally time out as well as the quote worst case scenario turn around time for an RFE. And yes, I have. Everything was received a while ago, yet still there's no interview date. So yeah, fair? None of this has been fair.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-08 00:25:00
United KingdomNo "Packet 3", letter, etc
We sent ours in November 14th and have yet to hear anything from the London embassy. I don't know what's going on and no one seems to have any information for us. I can't take much more of this. Seems we were screwed over by vermont and the dream act waiting for our NOA2 (waiting almost 9 months) and now that we are at London embassy we've been tossed aside. This process is utter bullshit.

Edited by Nick + Elizabeth, 07 January 2013 - 08:16 PM.

Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-07 20:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NO NOA2 YET PLEASE HELP!!!
Seriously.... Everything is slow there. It will get approved eventually... There are many that have waited and are still waiting longer than your friend.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-13 22:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStarting to loose my control now!

I know the feeling !! It's so frustrating to wait this long, I've been waiting for 6 months already and nothing, no letter, no email, no text. My worst fear is that after all this wait, I will received a rejection letter instead of an approval one, and It's killing me..I barely sleep. This is the worst feeling ever.Sometimes I feel some kind of comfort when I read that there's other people waiting as I am, but other times kills me seeing people that fill out after me and they have been approved already..I just hope to received a notification soon.

^ this! Seriously, when people make a thread just to inform everyone they got approved in 82 days or that NVC has their paperwork after a week only it really burns me up. Sorry, it's great your approved but since there are so many people in agony waiting for sometimes 6+ months it really feels like gloating and rubbing it in. :bonk:
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-13 23:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStarting to loose my control now!
Yep, feb 6th here. The wait is excruciating. However, the February filers thread IS really great. I just found it yesterday and it's great to see I'm not alone. Hang in there... I didn't start to really loose it until the six month mark, but I feel like its coming any day now... I think.... I hope....
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-13 20:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports190+ Vermont Service Center

Today in this thread, "Dos" says they got the NOA2 today and their NOA1 was 2/3...maybe the VSC found our box of files under... i'll let everyone else finish that sentance...hopefully they found it, i dont care where

Under..... The Holy Grail? Amelia Earhart's plane? The Gettysburg Address? The Liberty Bell? Big foot?
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-14 18:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports190+ Vermont Service Center
Well, 191 days here. When I talked to the USCIS guy on the phone he didn't even try to pretend like they were working on a later date. Maybe that's because I told him I was on Visa Journey and could see all the approvals for end of February rolling in after mine! :whistle: So, what he did tell me was that they only get a certain number of Visas that they can give out at a time and when they run out some people get pushed to the side. Right, so I could not ascertain why that would mean they would skip ahead when they DID get more visas to hand out but he said it had something to do with legal reasons. He also told me that I should have my approval by the 20th of August and that if I did not then I should certainly call back for a service request after that date because it would be eligible then for a service request. So yeah, I'm pretty sure all that January stuff is a lie. :unsure: I mean how many dates have we heard from people calling today? Jan 16th, Jan 28th, Feb 2nd... Seems like everyone is getting a different answer because there is no straight answer.

Anyways, I've written my congressman and talked to the woman who handles the visas. By the way, if you talk to your senator or congressman you have to send them a privacy release form and a copy of your NOA1 approval before they will do anything and intercede on your behalf. At least that's the case in Virginia... might be good to know, cause if they said they did something and you didn't do those two things, well, maybe they didn't really do anything? I sent that stuff on Thursday though and still haven't heard a word, but it's only been 3 business days since she sent it so... yanno... What else? You guys saying you will send letters and such... good luck! I have only found one email address for VSC and it's for followups for your service request. Besides, I'm like 99% sure no amount of letter writing will get the ball rolling unless you have someone pretty powerful on your side! :blink: But hey, good luck to all of us! We're going to need it.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-14 18:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports200+ Days and Still Waiting

usually it takes 2wks(since your status online change to rfe RFE response review) for vcs to process your papers..

so if they text you last tue (8/28) expect your noa2 on or before sep 13...goodluck

Well, that's pretty good information. Thanks!
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-30 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports200+ Days and Still Waiting

Browsing through this forum for even 5 minutes will show you that you are NOT, in fact, alone in this. It's quite stupid how ridiculously long VSC is taking to process these atm and I hope you will soon be approved.

With that said, take comfort in knowing that since you've received an RFE, that at least means your petition is now in evaluation. No more long waits for you. As soon as your RFE response gets there and gets relayed to the adjudicator that's sitting on your file, it should take a matter of days for your approval (or heaven forbid, yet another RFE :bonk: ).

Still! You're almost there! Good luck!

I got a text on Tuesday that they had received my RFE though my hopes haven't been too terribly high on getting an approval any time soon. I see the other two people waiting from my day that got RFEs 3 weeks before me are still waiting (but then maybe they haven't even sent theirs back in yet...). Also, I think my 'adjudicator' is not working at what I would call top speed efficiency as it took me well over 6 months just to get the RFE. :/ and yeah, was looking through the forums. Truly though I don't see many people waiting still from the beginning of February or prior to that date. It bums me out.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-30 11:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports200+ Days and Still Waiting
I'm talking about the k1 fiance visa here. Those that filed a I-129f. I am starting to get just a little bit angry that we haven't been approved and are approaching 7 months. We actually got an RFE needing "more" proof that we had met in the last 2 years. Though I had sent tons of proof I was able to scrape up a good bit more and send it back to them. This whole process is really getting to me. I mean, it's at the point now where I feel like the stress is starting to take a toll on our relationship and though I am sure we will come out alright in the end it's certainly affecting us at this point.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-30 11:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNo NOA2 at 217 days or 7 months and 4 days!
Thanks everyone. It's nice to get a little boost of encouragement. The link is good, at least it will give us something to focus on while we wait though I think my part is mostly over since my father is going to be sponsoring my fiance. I have been in school the last two years and so I wasn't working, just studying full time. I'm looking for a job now, but I doubt that's enough to help at this late stage. Hopefully, that'll be okay and everything.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-11 18:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNo NOA2 at 217 days or 7 months and 4 days!

Like what?

Apparently, we didn't include enough evidence that we had met in the past two years. Though I included letters talking about both trips, our flight itinerary, train tickets, photos of us together (us, him with my family, and me with his family), etc. It seems to me that should have been enough evidence, but I guess it wasn't so I sent in every scanned page of our passports, affidavits, more photos, and some other stuff. It's just really frustrating. I miss him. I'm angry it's taking so long. I was depressed before but now I'm just mad. Yeah, and I plan to call on monday and put in a service request. By that point it's almost two weeks they've had our RFE back. It's just frustrating. All the time we wait we're loosing money too, because he had to leave his nice job and get a lower paying temp job till he can move, and I'm covering all the bills here while we wait, and of course, he has to spend a good bit of what he makes supporting himself in the meantime. It's just irritating.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-09 12:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNo NOA2 at 217 days or 7 months and 4 days!
I am getting so frustrated waiting for VSC to approve us. We got an RFE over something stupid, and now this wait seems totally endless. In the beginning of this process I thought we would get it so quick... an uncomplicated visa, we're the same age, no previous marriages, no kids, he's from the UK, never any legal trouble for either of us... and yet, here we are waiting for this never ending process to come to an end. It is to the point of making me really, really angry. I know I'm just venting, but still, every once in a while you have to. Anyone else past the 7 month mark? Sometimes, I feel like this process is taking a toll on us at this point. So mad...
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-09 11:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports5 months and 4days
You've still got a bit of a wait ahead of you if current trends are any indication. I'd get comfy. :unsure:
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-28 05:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2

Congrats to the Op

but ...

this sort of continuing disparity between Service Centers is outrageous !! :o

I totally agree. It's infuriating. I'm at 236 days and we're at the weekend again. I just can't even look at another two month reply.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-28 17:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2
This is so ridiculously unfair I could spontaneously burst into flames.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-28 11:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA1 patience

I'm in the VSC and waiting almost 7 months for my NOA 2. Is there any end in sight to all this waiting? I am going to see my wife on Oct 30 to Nov 4th, so at least I have that to look forword to. :thumbs: :dance:

I can tell you, there is no end in sight.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-10 15:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Hey your not alone, tomorrow will be 7 months and nothing!!!Not even a RFE!!! Then I found out last night that the embassy has changed the rules. My fiancee is from Belarus and must use the Warsaw Poland Embassy. She lives about 400 miles from the Polish/Belarus border. Now she must go to Poland and pay the Visa fee in cash at a Polish Bank and then we can get a interview date. She must get a visa to go to Poland and then return home and get a second visa to go back to the interview. Our US Government has really screwed up my love life. I have an appointment in the morning with my congressman, but have been told there is nothing he can do about the embassy. Anyone have any ideas how to pay this without me flying to Poland??
I guess we will have to just keep plugging along and hope we don't get an RFE((((

I'm sure you will hear something soon. I was just about at 7 months when I got my RFE, though hopefully you won't get one. I don't understand why some cases take so much longer than other or get put on the back burner. There's no method to VSC madness. As far as the rest goes... can you not mail a check or money order? That sounds crazy. I wonder if my fiance will have to travel to London to pay his... Does everyone have to go pay it in person?
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-25 19:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

My apologies if you already posted before, but what was your RFE for?

They said they wanted additional proof we had meet in the last two years. Basically, I hadn't photocopied our passport stamps, and I think that was the real issue. Seems like such a simple thing that they would have approved it quickly. I guess not though... The USCIS supervisor said that when you get an RFE all processing on your petition stops and you go back into holding. I don't understand that. I read a thread from an old uscis agent that said the ones which are sent out for RFE stayed on her desk until they were returned and she handled them first thing when they were returned. That is clearly not the case.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-25 14:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

I know how you feel I just keep getting the same old story that backgrounds is pending. I cant understand that when I have a security clearance but it just means my file has been lost or put to the side.

I have no idea what's taking so long with ours beyond the basic RFE. Even the supervisor I talked to was no help what so ever... I think I'm in the same boat as you, set aside.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-25 13:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

13 days since VSC received my RFE Response and still counting.

:( In 3 days it will be a month since they received my RFE and I STILL haven't heard anything. They sure are taking their time. You should come to the March Filers thread if you haven't already. I just started posting in there last night. It's nice to have people to talk to that are where you are at. Sadly, I don't feel like I have much in common with most of this thread anymore... :unsure: While I'm happy for everyone it's hard not to feel even more depressed listening to everyone talk about their interview dates and packets and such. I feel a lot better since talking to folks in the other thread though; as they say, misery loves company! Just a thought.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-25 12:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
Well, the beginning of a new week. Hopefully, EVERYONE left waiting for their NOA2 will get it this week. I'm starting to get worried my fiance won't be able to make it home for Christmas if they don't hurry up and right now that's all I care about. :whistle: So anyways, as we're left waiting I'm curious... what does everyone do to feel close to their fiances when they are so far away? :blush: We have some things that make us feel closer.

1. We watch movies together online while we talk on Skype.
2. We play video games together on the PS3
3. I have an iPad and I leave him connected on it so I can carry him around the house with me while I do chores.
4. We go to bed together and night. I know this is silly, but I put the iPad in the bed. I can hear him gently snoring all night next to me and I find it really comforting. :whistle:
5. Maybe a little nerdy, but we write stories together in Chapters. Not for anyone else, but just for us to pass the time. It's really fun! I'll write a chapter and then he'll write a chapter, and so on.

That's all I can think of at the moment, but I'm curious what other people do. Maybe I'll get some good ideas!
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-24 06:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
Another week comes and goes. Uscis told my congressman we should be approved 30 days after they received our RFE and if not to contact her again. That's one more week. I'm not buying it. I've gone from sad to depressed to angry. At this point I've completely lost all hope and faith in this process. When people who filed after us at VSC have had their interviews already.... That is not a very good feeling at all.

Edited by Nick + Elizabeth, 22 September 2012 - 02:22 AM.

Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-22 02:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Ugh, that sucks. I'm sorry. Was it a complicated RFE?

Not really. I just needed to add more proof we had met in person in the last two years. The thing is... it's just taking so damn long. I saw you got an RFE too. Was yours complicated?
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-14 19:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
And one more week ends with no NOA2 in sight. I called USCIS today and they told me I had to wait 60 days from the point in which they received my RFE to file a service request. That seems totally absurd to me. That would make it 9 months with no approval? I'm starting to think we should have just gotten married and filed the other thing. It probably would have been faster at this point. :wacko:
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-14 17:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Personally, I don't think so. I think each case is treated individually and I don't recall having to say anything about brothers and sisters on the forms - They don't know you're linked to your sister - assuming you don't live at the same address.

No, we don't even live in the same state. Though my parents did write affidavits for both of our relationships. I don't know. Maybe I'm letting myself get a little too worried over it. It just seems like a long time for something not to be majorly wrong.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-11 14:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
So, I have a question. As we're approaching our 8th month I'm starting to wonder if something else might be in play here. The thing is, my sister is married to a man from Jordan and I didn't even know this until I told her I was marrying Nick from the UK. We don't have the best relationship and I consider her a total flake but that's besides the point. The thing is that the guy is 20 years younger than her and was married to another woman just ten days before they got married and he almost filed a VAWA against this chick, but instead he married my sister. Right, so I think there's something fishy about it and that he's taking her for a ride. However, she swears up and down that she loves him and that's it's legitimate. Fine, what are you going to do? She is my sister after all. However, I told her I didn't want any part in it. I've never met the guy, and from the one conversation I did have with him I didn't have a good feeling about him. Now, I'm guessing because of all their differences, along with the fact of the huge age gap, that he's from Jordan, and that they basically didn't tell anyone they were getting married until like 6 months after... I'm guessing that they have been flagged as a high fraud case. So, here is Nick and I trying to get married. Genuinely, we are deeply in love and this case is taking FOREVER to get approved. My question is... do you think that my sisters currently pending case with USCIS to get her husband into the country could be affecting the quickness at which my case is being processed? I'm really beginning to wonder.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-11 14:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

I don't understand!!

You say they are working on the 6th February, but I have seen people's timelines from VSC people have been approved after my NOA1 date of the 24th February ??!?!?!

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

That's what they tell you because it gives them more time before they have to file a service request.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-30 12:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
Sigh, I can't take this waiting anymore. I feel like screaming...
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-30 11:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

MaryNYC, Nick + Elizabeth. Hope you guys get your NOA2 soon! :thumbs:

Thanks :) Me too! I had really figured he would be here by now. :wacko: But, I guess we're coming up on the end stretch now... everyone! I'll be happy when all the February filers are finished up and moving through NVC. At this point, none of us should be still be waiting, imo.
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-23 19:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
Also, today is our 200th day of waiting. Do we get a cake, trophy, button, or badge of some sort? I feel as If we've earned something for joining the 200 club...
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-23 16:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
Well, after a much needed break from Visa Journey (all of these 60-80 day approvals were making me go nuts) I'm back. So, we've sent back our RFE as of yesterday. Let's hope that the NOA2 comes soon. It's 7 months to the day since I actually mailed in the i-129f. I swear if I knew it was going to take this long I might have just said screw it and married him....

Edited by Nick + Elizabeth, 23 August 2012 - 04:14 PM.

Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-23 16:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

:bonk: ...and here's the link :P http://london.usemba.../visaforms.html Can't believe I forgot to paste that in!

oh, do you know what forms need to be sent in? My fiance will need to be doing that soon...
Nick + ElizabethFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-20 08:14:00