K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequired Co-Sponser

So... find one who meets the poverty guidelines. Does your USC petitioner work at all? Or have any assets or income? If the income requirements can't be met either by your petitioner (main sponsor) or co-sponsor then you're going to be refused the visa under Section 212(a)(4) which prohibits the issuance of a visa to anyone likely to become a public charge.

I find these sort of posts fishy. Seems like you know what your problem is and what is required to solve that problem. Are you insinuating in your post that you are looking for a co-sponsor on this forum? If so, all I have to say is :rofl:

How did you read that into what the OP said? They indicate they have an interview a few short weeks from now. There isnt much time for anyone to do what has to be done let alone asking a total stranger. Also I suppose the OP knows the co sponsor, if allowed at all, must be a family member or close friend to be accepted.
NingFemaleThailand2012-12-26 11:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequired Co-Sponser

Hello Everybody,
I almost finish all my procedures and forms, My Interview in US Embassy will be held on 08th January 2013.
a Co-Sponsor is required to complete my Journey, unfortunately we discovered that the one I found doesn't meet the poverty Guidelines.
However, I'm looking for Co-Sponsor to complete my Application requirements.
Please if anyone can help/suggest/advice please contact/comment.
Thanks Everybody,,

Does the embassy there even allow co sponsors for K 1 s?
NingFemaleThailand2012-12-26 11:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSavings Account for a K-1

Do consulates look at savings account closely?

Cash money doesnt help much because it can be spent or moved so easily. Its doesnt hurt but it doesnt really help either.
NingFemaleThailand2012-12-22 20:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSupport question

When it comes to the support of your fiance, and the poverty line income , I'm assuming they are basing it off of total gross not net pay. Can anyone make me feel better about this? thank you in advance.

Gross income.
NingFemaleThailand2012-12-26 23:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support was sent before receiving NOA2

Thank you for you response.
Since the whole filling process was done by attorneys, do you think my fiancé and his dad (as a co-sponsor) will still have these forms? It might be a silly question, but if they don't, they attorneys are going to tell me for another time that they cannot give me their I-134s since it is their clients' private financial information.

PS: I'd ask my fiance right now, but due to time difference, it is still morning there.

Your fiance can easily find the form on line. Just ask him to copy to his dad and then both can scan to you. I suppose the lawyer is correct but iyts a little ridiculouse at the same time but such is the law at times. These are some of the same laws and thinking that USCIS officers use by the way.
You may find that in your case this isnt a problem but for many in other countries it would be. The problem we are trying to avoid here is that on the day of the interview if the CO doesnt accept what has been submitted and what you were told, you would be in a difficult situation.
We want you to be granted the visa without delay.
NingFemaleThailand2012-12-28 13:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support was sent before receiving NOA2

UPDATE: I just got a response from the US Embassy in Athens, and after explaining that we had already sent the I-134 with the I-129F petition back in July, I asked if they wanted a more recent and updated I-134.
Their response was: " documents provided with the I-129F are included in the case file. There is no need to provide a new I-134".

You could at anytime simply ask your fiance to scan a updated copy of both 134s to you. They would lack the wet signatures but still be acceptable.
I see what the embassy told you but if there is any question on interview day you will still have to get the updated info. I hope you realise the experianced members here have tried to advise you based on the total body of experiance gained over a long time period.
There are others that are simply responding out of pure ignorance and child like emotion. They dont even understand the situation let alone provide a helpful method to deal with your original question.
NingFemaleThailand2012-12-28 10:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support was sent before receiving NOA2

Ummm...seriously...are you reading again what you're writing? Or maybe not?
Which part of me exactly doesn't want to be helped or can't accept your ''help'' here?
I started this thread to share what my attorneys told me even after I questioned their tactic of the I-134 form. If I had completely accepted their opinion and way of action, then obviously I shouldn't been writing this post right now, just of the sake of posting something here. I said that the attorneys told me that there wasn't any point in sending an updated form of the Affidavit, because that's exactly what their answer was, without saying anywhere if I agree or not. It was just what they told me, therefore I was asking for some opinions from members of the VJ forum.

I couldnt be anymore serious. Well I could but you really wouldnt like it. You simply want to ignore what applies to your situation.
The 134 form isnt yours. It is submitted by you after being filled out by the USC. Its is submitted as part of the P 3 which YOU are required to take care of. Your fiances lawyers are circumventing the proceedures and you are supposed to accept that as correct or so they say. The 134 is submitted at the interview by YOU. Why do you suppose they require you to do so? Could it be that they require a current 134 and not something that is outdated? Will they reject the one submitted many many months before? Who designed these proceedures?
You were advised to take a current copy of the 134 to the interview. You rejected that advise saying the lawyer said not to. The lawyer that said they cant give you a copy which is correct. You either have to take a current copy or hope the lawyers are right.
Read TJ & JRs opinion again. Then decide who you trust.
NingFemaleThailand2012-12-27 15:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support was sent before receiving NOA2

?'m asking here because I trust you guys much more!

No you dont. You just realised you arent the lawyers client so they dont care about you. You want the opinions of independent people but when you get it you dont want to accept it. You cant be helped in this way.
Just go to your interview and see what happens. You can then adjust from there. The worst that can happen is the loss of time or I suppose an outright denial.
NingFemaleThailand2012-12-27 13:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support was sent before receiving NOA2

?ecause the attorneys told me there wasn't a reason to send an updated version of it and that they never had problems every time they sent the I-134 with the petition at the beginning.

If you believe what the lawyers said why are you asking here?
You can just wait to see what happens at the interview. It isnt your 134 anyway if its you that is interviewed so you cant fill it out. If they dont have it or its out of date they will deny the visa until you can get the 134 from the USC.
The 134 is part of the P 3 requirement by the embassy. Submitting it early may mean its out of date depending on how long the case took to get to the embassy. Your lawyers are gambling with your future. You can see by the lawyers responce they arent responcible to you because you arent the client. Convienent isnt it.

Edited by Ning, 27 December 2012 - 01:04 PM.

NingFemaleThailand2012-12-27 13:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBirth Certificate Translation?

Not only non-English documents must be translated, but try to use the recommended translator services provided by the US Embassy in Bangkok.

There is no need NOR a requirement to use any translator service. Anyone competent in both languages can do the translation.
Below is the exact format from USCIS which has been accepted many times by the embassy in BKK and else where. Notice the " certification " is simply the document you see here.

Certification by Translator

I [typed name], certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and ________ languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled ______________________________.

Date Typed Name
If the embassy recomends a service its simply an attempt to stop the people that attempt to extort victims by standing across the street from the embassy. They offer a wide varity of services? to people that are looking for assistance. Most of it is over priced and worthless.
NingFemaleThailand2012-12-31 10:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2nd Chances For A FIlipina

How is it creepy on how I am looking at it? I mean, I know I didn't have the perfect choice of words in the original post, but I never mentioned anything about wanting just sex. All I did mention was that I want a filipina. The traits that most filipinas have, is exactly what my ideal woman is. That's why I said I want to return to the Philippines and see how things go with someone my friend, who is a filipina and is actually married to one of my friends. I want a woman who is very family oriented and family means alot to them, just as it does to me. I WANT a MEANINGFUL relationship, I do not want 'SOMETHING' like I did this last time to where I just got used for a green card. I am sorry I gave you the creepy vibe by something I tried to correct but you are still hooked on what I said and can't acknowledge or understand what I WAS meaning to say. Out of everyone I know, I am not the guy that is looking for a maid or someone just to have sex with. Sex is meaningless unless you share some type of emotional and/or spiritual connection with. I am 33 yrs old and sex is NOT everything to me. I want someone that I can appreciate who she is, where she comes from, what she wants, and everything she deserves and do my best to make those happen for her, not for what she can give me, but for what I can give her and how I can make her and OUR lives better, now that we found each other...


Some one here simply wants to be an amature Dr Phil while giving out advise about your intentions and abilities to find a women. Not one word in the vitriol that answers your real question. You have already corrected your choice of words so that anyone can understand what you meant.
In a previouse post they described being discourteous and tolerant of others. Then we see here the way they respond to you.
I suggest you concentrate on the actual usefull answers to your original question rather that the judgemental rants. See Tim & Mavs responce for the correct info you seek. Thats all you need to know to get on whith what you want to do.
NingFemaleThailand2012-12-30 11:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTax Return with I129F package?

He just told me that he wanted to send Last years tax return with the I129F, but from what I gather here, and if someone will back me up, it is not necesary until you file the I134.

The answer to this was given in the first few responces to your original question. Check into the P 3 submission process and you will see that all that is needed is to follow the designed process.
NingFemaleThailand2013-01-02 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTax Return with I129F package?

Thanks for your advice...I didn't know about VJ when I first filed so I included it because someone told me one of immigration's biggest concern was whether or not one can afford the support (which I am). So I just googled the process and the 864 form came up.

I don't expect my financials to be any different in 6 months. I'll definitely include all of the tax info again when it's the NVC stage and also I'll be including the new year's taxes file because I'm going to file as soon as I get my W2 form.

Thanks to VJ & members' postings, I have more knowledge of the process now. INSHALLAH...I don't feel there should be problems dealing with the Morocco Embassy because our love is true. (L)

What you have done isnt really terrible over all as long as you understand as you do now you will likely have to do over and that it dodnt save you any time.
Even though your income ect wont change as you say the dates on the forms would be best if they are closer to the events they are required for.
Obtain tax transcripts from the IRS when you are ready. They are free and can be had by mail, fax or in person from your local office. Three years are best.
True love isnt enough to ignore the workings of the embassy in Morroco I am afraid to say. You are better off than many simply becuase you are married already but even that doesnt make it easy when it comes to dealing with Morroco. You should succeed in the end but it can be a difficult process for some.
NingFemaleThailand2012-12-31 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTax Return with I129F package?

I frontloaded with documents that wasn't required and I included my 3 years of taxes and the financial proof with my I130 application because I just didn't want anything to be delayed and for them to find a reason to send a RFE & question if I could support my spouse.

One thing that I didn't include for the I130 application was my husband's birth certificate (not required). It wasn't stated as a requirement but I read on the forum that one member had that requested in the beginning stages. So I would say if you can include it without a hassle, why not? Eventually they will ask for it anyways.

Anyways, good luck and best wishes!

Your support and tax info will be outdated by the time its reviewed.You have just submitted your petition. This means your info will be at least 6 months old or more by the time it gets to NVC. Dont be suprised when you recieve an RFE to correct it. You are dealing with one of the most difficult embassies so it would be a good idea to follow the procedures exactly to avoid problems. Find the flow chart here on VJ to see when these docs are required in the process. You will see that the 864 is submitted to NVC not USCIS.
Prepare yourself for the inherent problems associated with Morroco. Most cases there are sent into the blackhole of AP. Do the best you can to understand and follow the procedures for the best outcome.
NingFemaleThailand2012-12-31 11:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTax Return with I129F package?

Thank you so much for all of your fast replies, it is comforting to see how responsive you guys are :) I can see im in safe hands!!

He also suggested getting statements from family and friends about our relationship. Do you guys have any opinions on this? If you do include them should they be officially notarized, or just signed and dated??

Thanks again!

Lawyers serve as information filters. You supply them with the same exact info you need only to have them fill out the same forms then submit to you for signatures. The more info they filter they more money they make.
There are reasons the process is designed in the manner it is. USCIS expects people to follow those procedures. Anyone sending in the support docs in advance of the need is subject to rejection of those docs as being out of date. Thats exactly why the submission of the 134 is just prior to the interview. The request for it is part of the P 3 not the original petition. It is at the embassy level the support is checked. Sending that info early simply slows the process down because someone has to deal with useless docs. Of course the lawyer gets paid to collect all these useless docs to forward to USCIS.
These statements dont help but they dont hurt either. Keep in mind anyone can say anything about any subject. Notaries verify signatures on documents and have nothing to do with the content.
NingFemaleThailand2012-12-31 11:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescan we reschedule interview date?

I have a big question. My fiancee and I will be travelling outside of both our home countries for 4 months. We just filed our I-129 and I would like to know if we are super lucky and our petition gets processed super fast, before we come back to our home countries, would it be possible to reschedule the interview? Is that possible? would it be a wise move or should I get on a plane back home and be there for the interview?
Does somebody have any experience on this area or maybe some good advice??

Thank you so much!!!

You wont have to worry about this problem. You will be just like 99.9 % of the people that feel its taking too long and cant understand why.
Take the time to review the timelines from others and you will see examples of reality.

Edited by Ning, 03 February 2013 - 06:14 PM.

NingFemaleThailand2013-02-03 18:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdisappointed

Hi everyone,
Thanks a lot for your ideas. right now me and my boy friend agreed that he will find a job for we dont know what the CO wanted us to show. and i have a good job here in Thailand but i am not a thai am a filipino that work here in thialnd and ask my bf to address my interview here to avoid absences in going home for an interview.We really plan that if even though we can pass any documents that we think lacking and causes me to not to get a visa and still the CO will not issue me a visa we will get married here and apply for a spousal visa. We are just confused of the policy that we know before applying the fiancee visa because we know that theres a federal poverty guidelines and it was 100% year 2012.anyway we dont have any power about this matter even though we comply the requirements for the fiance visa. it affect me so much but i tried to put smile on my face when i go to work and think that life is still beautiful..last question if somebody knows this situation.. if my bf can find a job next month how long that we can submit a pay stub or other documentd from the employer? do yoou think it is possible that i can get a visa by then? thanks for reading and hope that i can find answers on this matter...God bless

It would be a good idea to have the bf as you call him, post these questions more clearly so you can understand the responces.
Your B F will have to demonstrate a history of working. Get a visa by then? When is then?
NingFemaleThailand2013-02-10 12:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdisappointed

Thats our bf has no assets or properties. he is just receiving the monthly from his being ssdi.he is already 55 and now he is trying to apply for a job. I pity him because he cant stay here long because of his being under ssdi. thats why we try our best to file the fiancee visa but i dont know what to do now.

The embassy probably will not respond to your questions on this issue. The consider this a request to " prescreen " the case which they will not do.
You could simply submit a co sponsor and see what happens. This will result in a denial of at least that co sponsor or possibly the entier case. Be careful as you make these decisions.
Even if he returns to the States and goes to work he will have to demonstrate a history of doing so. How long? In his situation they may require one year. I am not certian about this but taking all into consideration I believe it will take more than just going to a new job. A job he could quit as soon as you enter the USA.
The real problem is your status I think. Meaning you could go to work to help but you have to go thru the AOS procedure which can take at least 6 to 9 months.
All of this can be overcome by simply marrying in Thailand. Doing that allows him to use a co sponsor and results in a C R 1 visa for you. That means you can get a green card very quickly that allows you to go to work.
If you are serious about marrying you must know you have to marry within 90 days of arriving in the USA anyway. Why fight the system to end up in that situation? Just commit yourself to the life in front of you which will include the unfortunate problems your fiance suffers from and you will become part of as well. I hope you have a real sense of life in the USA which is far different than many Thais think. Its a land of milk and honey for sure but we work hard for every drop.
NingFemaleThailand2013-02-10 10:50:00

Focus on the message rather than if it was in caps or not as it makes no difference. Again, I am scared for your future spouses if you make a big deal over the use of capital letters. I suspect some type of abuse will happen in the future by your short temper on silly matters.

Again thank you so very much for your deep understanding and concern for the mental stability of everyone that your message touches throughout the vast universe of V J.
I just wonder about the stability factor. Those caps for example. They make no difference yet you chose to use them? What does that say about the temper of the individual at the keyboard?
NingFemaleThailand2013-02-13 08:10:00


Thanks for posting these revelations. I have to assume you have saved many from a terrible fate. There are so many people that simply would have over looked this very important info had you not yelled it from the mountian top.
God bless you Tiny Tim!
NingFemaleThailand2013-02-12 18:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresresult of administrative processing...

hi there...thanks for the the moment am nervous cause I just sent the docs(bank statement & letter from Fiance) to the embassy yesterday...I inquired about our case last night and the USEM replied this morning that they haven't received my docs yet...but this afternoon, i checked it at status was changed, from AP to Ready then under it, it says that my case is open and ready for interview confused if this means a 2nd interview or they're still reviewing my case?
thanks again...

All cases sent to BKK first arrive at the consulate section accross the street from the embassy visa section. You are contacting the right section but they dont have the case yet. It takes a few days to transfer the cases.
Your fiance will peobably be told they dont have the case as well. Do not panic. Today is Friday so with the up coming holiday I would wait until mid week next week to check.
When you are SURE the case is at the visa section you can send in the P 3 docs. You do not have to wait for the request.
NingFemaleThailand2013-02-15 08:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresW2 and tax returns absolutely necessary??

I should state that I had been a stay-at-home mom for the past 4 years. So I have NO recent tax returns nor did I have unemployment benefits.
I'm seeing now that a co-sponsor wil be a must.

A must is first checking with the embassy to see if they allow the use of co sponsors.
NingFemaleThailand2013-02-24 15:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIncome requirements

You're not seeing all the reasons for my continued questions. You said that I don't get something back from the IRS, but you were wrong, I do. My continued questions were an attempt to determine what it was that I was receiving from the IRS. I didn't ask the same questions, but merely an evolution of the original. It's not that I want the answers from another member, I just don't care to read the extra little stabs you include in your posts when "answering". But right you are with your last sentence, I am definitely here due to my lack of experience with the visa process. Apologies to anson-noyna for this digression, not fair to you.

No I cant read your mind and dont want to hold your hand either. I also dont know what info you recieve from the IRS. I tried to say people dont get a responce simply because they filed a tax return. You seems to expect you would get an automatic transcript.
You have made many mistakes including what you now acknowledge in your effort to be fair. You dont understand how the web site works. My mistake was trying to help you. It wont happen again.
Next time start your own thread in the proper portal so you dont derail the O Ps posts in your ignorance. Keep in mind you posted in the Thai forum. That way you will gain experiance and hopefully get answers relevant to your situation. Ask all the questions you want as many times as you want.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-03 21:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIncome requirements

I thanked you kindly for your previous answer. I was double checking with Jay-Kay because I have in fact for the past years gotten something from the IRS after I've filed. I was trying to determine if this was my transcript or something else, I understand why my questions might frustrate you since you know very well what a transcript is, but please don't aggravate yourself trying to explain something, especially if someone else is helping me come to a conclusion.

Your questions dont frustrate me. But when you ask the same thing I can only determine the answers you got didnt satisfy your desire to understand. If you believe I understand what the transcript is then you simply need to contact the IRS. If you need another member to tell you that its fine with me.
The problem may be your inexperiance with this web site, the visa process and the IRS.
Peace out.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-03 20:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIncome requirements

But this is what I get after I file my tax return, correct ? So unless we get NOA2 sooner than expected I should be getting my tax transcript via the usual way from my account, no ? Or is the tax transcript something I can ONLY get by request ? maybe I still don't understand what the transcript is, because I'm assuming its the paper you get once you've filed your return.

No. You get nothing after you file unless you get a refund check or deposit or the IRS sends a request of some type.
Yes you have to request it. Two of us told you exactly how.
I explained what the transcript is but it seems you dont understand. The transcript is a IRS created document that is basicly a document that condenses all the info on your 1040 and other forms. The existance of this shows USCIS that you filed the return. A return alone proves you filled out a form or series of forms that you may or may not have ever submitted. Anyone could fill out a 1040 form showing they made millions when in reality the were unemployed.
You can submit your tax returns just as you filed them. Just make sure you submit every supporting document that is part of the submission.
It might serve you to go back and read every responce to your original post if you still find you are confused.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-03 20:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIncome requirements

What is the difference between a tax transcript and tax return ? Also, does anyone know if the US Embassy in Bratislava, Slovakia accept co-sponsors ?

We file tax returns. The IRS produces a transcript of that which is a condensed version of the info. The value of the transcript is that is proves you filed the return. The return just proves you filled out the forms not that you submitted them.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-03 14:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIncome requirements

On the I-864, it specifically calls out Adjusted Gross Income. Upon reviewing the instructions for the I-134, I do not see this spelled out anywhere. If it were me, I would put my pre-tax income and then point out that it didn't ask for adjusted gross income, if asked. I would still make sure that my savings account was 5x higher than my adjusted gross income (ie. if you earned 12k adjusted gross and you need 16k to meet the guidelines, then you need 16k-12k = 4k, 4k*5 = 20k required in savings).

There is no requirement to have X amount in a savings account. Money in bank accounts can be removed as easily as it was deposited.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-03 00:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIncome requirements

You may also want to have a co-sponser ready for backup if you are concerned about not reaching the poverty guidelines. Otherwise, your case will go pending longer or get denied all together.

Thailand does not allow co sponsors in most K 1 cases.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-03 00:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIncome requirements


I filled out my form i-134 Affidavit of Support and it asks me to include a copy of my federal return for the current year. What number are they looking for that requires me to be above the povery threshold of $16k? Would this be gross revenue? total income? adj gross income? I'm, having difficulty because I'm a self employed contractor and although my earnings are above, after all the deductions and expenses I'm not sure what line are they looking for.


Its easier to submit a tax transcript. That will indictate your gross income and tax liability or status. If you use your tax return then you must include every supporting document.
Get transcript free from IRS by mail, on line, by fax or in person at any IRS office.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-02 18:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE ALERT SENT TO ME TODAY

Hello my fellow VJ memebers today i received a text message indicating me that my case has been updated. I anxiouslly enter my receipt number and when i check it says that they are requesting evidence.can anyone who has had a similar situation or knows about please tell me what evidence they might be requesting, just so i have a heads up before i receive the notice through the mail. thanks in advanced any help is appreciated.

How would anyone know what you may have left out of your case information? All you can do is wait to see what the RFE says and respond to that request.
NingFemaleThailand2013-01-24 16:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetition requirements

Hello everyone
Someone told me that I can't file for a K-1 fiancée visa because my fiancée and I entered the relationship before my divorce was final, I thought it only had to be final before I file the petition. Does anyone know if this info is correct? My divorce was finalized on January 29 2013, was hoping to send out the petition today. Thanks

Send the petition.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-08 18:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproval of Application

She is very worried about this but my lawyer told me that they usually do not try and find a reason to deny you. I am not able to make the trip to Russia to be with her on the interview but she has her engagement ring and all of our photos.

The only thing that we do not have or are worried about is the misspelling of the fathers name and also the dates were wrong on her work history.

She worked in Egypt off and on for four years. But we also have a letter stating she has never been in jail or trouble in Egypt. So you think we should not worry about this?

Thanks Again

Worry about the spelling of a name? No. This is easily taken care of.
A letter from Egypt? Who wrote it? Doesnt matter as she will need a police report. Check with the embassy to find exactly what they require for submission with the packet 3 info. Your lawyer should know this and be working on these things with her or you now because it may take some time to get this from Egypt.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-10 20:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproval of Application

We got our approval for the application and we have our interview scheduled. We noticed that we made a mistake on the spelling on the application that got approved. We misspelled her fathers name. Is this a big deal?


NingFemaleThailand2013-03-10 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTourist visa AOS to Fiance visa

Well guys I really appreciate all of the feedback. For the record she isn't a Chinese Malaysian, she is Chinese (from Hubei) working in Malaysia on a work visa.

We are still going to take a shot for the tourism visa but it is looking very likely we will just skip that process and go for the K-1 at the end of the month. I will just do a little more research to see if she gets denied for a B-2 and then right after that we decide to go ahead for the K-1, if they will view that as having a negative impact on the K-1.

These things always hinge on the applicants ability to prove beyond doubt why they MUST return. As Boiler says it doesnt hurt to try. A denial has zero impact on a K 1 for example.
The fact that she is there on a work visa will have some bearing on the outcome. Keep in mind any discussion at teh embassy about doing a K 1 would cause them to deny the tourist visa if they think she is simply trying to gain entry by any means.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-12 21:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTourist visa AOS to Fiance visa

You need to do a lot more research into how governments work. Proving ties? If you honestly believe that I have a bridge to sell you. What you're saying is a mother of 5 who wants a US visa can get it even if she's as poor as can be. I will give you any odd on that tourist visa failing! Governments care about money, not people. There is a reason they ask you about applying for past visas and it isn't because they consider it a good thing you are a visa fanatic.

Yes complying with the strongest ties rule is THE MOST important aspect. If you had any idea of what that meant you wouldnt embaress yourself with this B S you put out.
I am afraid the reasoning behind granting visas is beyond you. Fanatic may apply though. Keep the fantasy bridge. You may need it to get out of town.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-12 08:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTourist visa AOS to Fiance visa

Just my two cents.

I have been to Jakarta and my observation is... there are so many rich people there... i meant filthy rich... especially the chinese malaysian... I also had the impression that these people have easy access to foreign travels as evident by my observation with their tourism trade... My cousin is a teacher in a singaporean university there and she gets paid more than half, almost 4 times the salary of a teacher in the Philippines (she teaches in a university in the Philippines too)... and a lot of americans teach in schools there... coz the pay is the same as teaching here in the U.S. but the cost of living is much lower... Although there are a lot of malaysian who are filthy rich... the difference between poor and rich is very evident.

I'd say this is worth less than two cents because it has zero to do with the subject.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-11 20:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTourist visa AOS to Fiance visa

I would do some research on a tourist visa, she will have to come from a very wealthy family or have some serious connections. A student visa is much more obtainable, she could possibly get it with 5-10k in a bank account which would cover enrollment to a school. But a fiance visa would be the normal way for a case like yours to file. If $500 isn't a big deal and you want to throw it at a tourist visa go for it, I'm guessing at the fee. But be aware that if she gets denied a tourist visa and then you go to file a fiance visa right after they might look at her as lying to try to get to the US and give her problems with her fiance visa. I hope whatever you choose to do it works out well for you.

You need to do the research so you can post at least some info that is correct. You should also study the TOS of V J before you advise visa fraud.
The wealth of a family has little to do with being granted a tourist visa. It is about proving ties not how much money someone has.
Advising them to try to get a student visa is similar to advising visa fraud.
The fee for a tourist visa isnt 500 dollars.
Being denied for a tourist visa has no affect on future visa applications.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-11 20:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTourist visa AOS to Fiance visa

If she comes here on a tourist visa, we can marry and AOS to CR-1, will she have to leave the country while that processes or? Sorry, I will need to read a lot more. Thanks for all the quick answers guys.

I doubt she will get a tourist visa but if she did she can marry while here. Any attempt to stay would be visa fraud because she intended to marry and stay before she ever entered. To advise otherwise is a violation of the TOS. So no, she cant tourist, mqarry and AOS to CR 1.
If she did get a tourist visa she could use it to enter and marry but she will need to leave. Once married you could file for CR 1 type visa that would allow her to return in a legal manner later. The C R 1 will also result in a Green card for her once she is in the USA.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-11 18:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould part-time employment be included on G-325A?

I can get the tax transcripts, but I made very little income so I kind of doubt they will care. I know the embassy accepts co sponsors, but I have not found anyone willing or able to help me out with that. I have a part-time job right how and have applied to anything and everything in my area and am hoping to have something full-time in the next month or two so that I don't need a co sponsor. If the job is new, obviously it is not going to show up on last year's taxes, so then would I just provide a letter of employment and pay stubs? One of my job opportunities is an hourly position instead of salaried. Would that be in issue?

They may care more than you think about your current tax status. One very important factor in every case is the ability to show support for the immigrant. With what I see here you should be concerned and possibly should postpone the interview date to allow time to make sure you qualify is some way.
All you can do is submit what you have. If the job is new is still current income. If it doesn't reflect on last years taxes submit the info you listed. Hourly paid is fine.
When you search for a co sponsor make sure you both understand what you are asking them to do. It isn't as bad as most people think. Good idea to post the question here on VJ to find out exactly what it means to be a co sponsor.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-17 10:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould part-time employment be included on G-325A?

I am a May 2012 college graduate, and still do not have an "occupation," but I have had many part-time jobs in the last five years. Should I list those on the G-325A form, or is that not really what they are looking for?

List any job that created income. Prove this by submitting at least one years tax transcript. Get that from IRS web site. They will mail, fax or you can get it at any IRS office. Ask embassy if they allow co sponsors.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-16 20:24:00