K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLosing US Government Benefits

What if his benefit's change ? There is a backlash in America about this now. Just be informed and be aware that if you have no work history, you will never get ahead. Building a career and experience and the road to more money takes experience and time. Don't waste it. Be very informed on this subject and be aware that the benefits could change 5,10, 20 years from now. America is burdened with debt and there will be pressure to reduce benefits to those who don't need them or take them away.


Wow! You win the "Common Sense Post of the Day Award."

Thank you for bringing sanity and wisdom to the discussion


Edited by Boing!, 30 August 2011 - 12:47 AM.

SuperDuper!Male02011-08-30 00:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSurprise you have a 4 year old daughter!!!
Posted Image
SuperDuper!Male02011-07-21 19:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI give up! I can't schedule the interview online!
Never give up. Keep trying!

SuperDuper!Male02011-09-20 02:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhen to get your police certificate

hey everyone

i was just wondering because im very confused, when exactly am i supposed to go and get my police certificate for my k-1 visa?
and ow long do they take to get?
we just filed for our k-1 visa and we just got our hard copy of our Noa1, when am i supposed to get my police certificate?

You may want to give more info to get a complete answer. Such as what country you are talking about.
The police cert is part of the P 3 info that is submitted to aquire the interview date. This means it needs to be somewhat current a that time. Your police may require a copy of the NOA 2 to act upon the request.
See your embassies web site for P 3 info.
NingFemaleThailand2011-07-24 11:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support

Hi Everyone, I am a little worried abotu the affidavit. I make about 42000 which is enough for a family of 3 but people keep telling me i need about 5000 in savings. I read the paperwork and although the do ask for the bank letter, it seems that the important indicator is how much you make. Can anyone share their experience comments or observation?


Thew most important aspect is the current income. Yours is fine. The bank info is given to indicate cash flow ect. You dont have to have a savings account at all. We didnt & it never came up.
NingFemaleThailand2011-07-23 10:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures8 months 11 days and still no NOA2

How did your husband find the case and get it going?

I will ask him to P M you with some info that he will not go into again here on VJ.
I will tell you here that he was relentless & tried eveything possible. He left Thailand several times to come to the USA just to meet with USCIS for example. He sat down with them 3 times in two states over the many months. They told him to write letters to them & NVC because the case couldnt be found. He wrote 9 letters. No on EVER responded. When he met with them they said " this just never happens & we dont know what to do". Amazing. One officer did tell him he would pursue the case & let him know what was up. By the time he called back my husband had figured out more than USCIS knew & the guy admitted that on the phone.
Calls to USCIS indicated the case was approved & sent to NVC. Calls to NVC indicated the case was at USCIS. Further calls to USCIS found the case had been sent long ago to NVC. More calls to NVC found it seemed to be totaly lost.
He enlisted the help? of Senator Finestines office. They are worthless. It took a month to get any info at all which was the same as we had already. Later they got some new info but sent it to the wrong address. These politicians all employ staff trained to placate the public. They have no real power to influence USCIS at all. Finestines person Gloria has over 20 years experiance in these matters. She just apoligised for the incompetence as if that helped. This all took over 60 days. The last info she had indicated the case was at NVC.
It was in fact on its way to BKK. The original info from USCIS had been correct. NVC had no idea of what they had done nor were doing.
Your case hasnt been approved by USCIS from what you say. This means it should be easier to figure out what the problem is but it has to be done in person at their offices. The last thing they do is assign a bar code. Ask them if they have done that. If not they can find it other ways within their system.
The best thing you can do now is the INFO PASS. All the other efforts are worthless. You need a human to take interest in your case. At a USCIS office they can see exactly what the situation is to a certian point. Then they can take further action to look into the situation.
NingFemaleThailand2011-07-24 21:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures8 months 11 days and still no NOA2

Maybe your right. We are one of fillers who are applied for K1 visa in Thailand. We have almost exactly same timeline as Joe and Korda
We still waiting after we sent RFE respond back last month.

This situation has nothing to do with the connection to Thailand at this point. These petitions are at USCIS awaiting approval which is the NOA2. Petitions are then sent to NVC for processing & on to Thailand for visa issuance is approved by the interviewing officer.
The problem in Thailand for all applicants is the time they will have to wait for the interview dates. Info seen here on V J indicates the embassy is indicating 2 to 3 months after reciept of P 3 info.
RFEs add considerable time to most cases. My own took 60 days after we sent back the info. The case becomes stalled when the docs arent complete. Generating the RFE & the responce takes time. The responce has to forwarded to the case officer & acted upon.
NingFemaleThailand2011-07-24 12:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures8 months 11 days and still no NOA2

USCIS Calif. received our I-129F petition on Nov. 12, 2010. We received a RFE May 25th, 2011. We have been waiting more than a month
since our reply to the RFE. This is ridiculous. I just arrived in Bangkok last night to visit my fiance. This is my 11th trip to visit
her since we first met 16 months ago! Why is my government doing this to me? We have more than enough evidence for our relationship. I
just don't understand why we have not received approval. I feel like USCIS is trying to take as long as possible to test our relationship.
I don't understand why other people are getting approval in 3 to 4 months and we are going on 9 months with nothing. Just feeling sad and
depressed this morning. I am happy to be back in Thailand with my honey, but the stress on both of us is taking a toll.

I am someone that can relate to your situation. We went thru all of this during the 408 days of our case. The RFE we responded to cost us 60 days. Other than that RFE there wasnt anything about our case that was really unusual.
With all respect your government isnt doing anything to you. They are doing something for you. That is extending the privilage of immigration to your fiance. Its a shame that it takes as long as it does in some of these cases. There doesnt seem to be a reason as to why some go thru so much faster than others.
I doubt this has anything at all to do with your realtionship. Many people dont have the amount of time or the number of visits you do & they were approved. USCIS isnt wasting time trying to see if they can cause your relationship to fail or run some kind of inhumane test as though you were lab rats.
Your case has been sidelined for some unknown & undue circumstance. In ours my husband met with USCIS several times to find that reason. All they could say was " this just never happens". Well it did & we lived it. You cant get info from these people on the phone because they simply dont have any. They dont & wont take the time to stop what they are doing to track it down.
My husband advises you to make an INFO PASS appointment right now & go see them as soon as you return to the USA. They will not be able to tell you exactly what is wrong but having human contact will serve several purposes. You will feel better & have a contact in USCIS that will work on the problem. One officer he worked with continued to track the case & try to update us. In the end my husband found a different way to find the case but at least the officer tried.
NingFemaleThailand2011-07-23 21:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance's son emptied his bank account

Ignore the I-134 form instructions. They were written a long time ago when USCIS used the form as the primary affidavit of support. USCIS rarely uses the I-134 since it was replaced by the I-864 in 1997. Consulates still use it as a screening tool for the "public charge" requirement. In the case of a K1 applicant, they're trying to make sure that the beneficiary will have a sponsor with sufficient income (and assets, if needed) to sign an I-864 when the time comes for adjustment of status.

They neither want nor need an exhaustive list of the petitioner's financials. They're not accountants. They don't care. The only thing they care about is whether the petitioner is qualified to sponsor the beneficiary. If the petitioner qualifies on income alone then that's almost always enough information for them. The petitioner can prove this with a copy of their most recent tax return (or IRS transcript of the return), a letter of employment, and some pay stubs.

I dont understand the responce when I look at what you just said in another post which I copied below. Here you begin with the " blanket statement" about ignoring the instructions. I am not trying to argue with you about this just trying to understand.
"Understood, but the experience of one person with one consular officer at one US consulate doesn't necessarily justify a blanket statement about all consular officers at all consulates. There are a great many VJ members who have successfully gotten a K1 visa from a US consulate after submitting an I-134 that was insufficient on income, but had adequate assets (with the requisite evidence) to offset the income shortage. What you say about assets being essentially ignored may be true for that one consular officer at that one consulate, but it's apparently not true of all consular officers or all consulates. The law allows them the discretion to consider assets, and many of them do."
NingFemaleThailand2011-07-30 11:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy name came up in a conversation

I could see how that could offend you. If it did, I apologize. You did flat out write that people asked you for help and you shunned them away. I don't know what I would call that type of person. Certainly not a good samaritan, thus the comment. If a friend asks me for help will I help him/her without judging? Absolutely. If an illegal (who I know) asks me for my help would I help him/her without judging? Absolutely. If a friend asks me to help someone he/she knows and knows that I can help or have the solution, will I help? Absolutely.

I appreciate the opportunity to donate my time and/or money to charities that I choose to help or people that I choose to help. I have no interest in writing a blank check to the government so they can do with it what they see fit.... which is exactly what so many poor people in this country not only want, they expect it and depend on it. The more the government helps, the more dependent people become and the more harm done to this country. Pretty soon it really might be 10% and then the other 90% and when the government goes belly up for trying to support so many for so long what you will have is complete poverty. The government would be better off waning people of the ####### that feeds them. 40-60% will move into the middle class, 20-30% will survive in the bottom class with little government assistance and then 10%-20% or so just might not make it. Bottom line, I'd prefer to see 10%-20% of the population in complete poverty with no way to survive than to see 70,80, or 90% in dumps... which is where we are headed with all these government assistance programs and wars that can't be paid for.

What ever I said didnt require a smart mouthed reply & you knew exactly what you were doing. The first sentence you wrote is in direct contrast to what you say you dont do. In reality I dont think what you have to say is all that interesting nor important.
I certianly did refuse to help them & dont have to meet your expectations in my actions. I am not trying to comply with your definition of a samaritan or Mother Teresa. If you help illegals you are assisting a fugitive. I assist them by suggesting they go home & use the legal methods to enter the USA.
You seem to appreciate some aspects of the USA to conduct yourself as the samaritan you resent while complaining about the same government that affords you those opportunities.
This country isnt perfect but there is a reason many of us that immigrated here feel its the best we could dream of & more than I thought I would be able to be part of.
NingFemaleThailand2011-07-31 19:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy name came up in a conversation

Ning and Squeaky-

It's ok to disagree with ideas and concepts, but the attacking of a person or rude remarks toward a person are unneccesary.

Here is the example YOU set & now condem. You didnt understand what I said yet responded with this. It would be against the TOS to advise anyone in how they could or should avoid following the laws.
"Well aren't you a good samaritan"
NingFemaleThailand2011-07-31 17:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy name came up in a conversation

Ning- You call it a utopia, not really. The US needs to get back to being a republic, a land of opportunity and quit trying to be a social country trying to take care of everyone.

If all social programs were ended you'd be surprised not only how many illegal immigrants would go back to thier countries, but also you'd see a significant decrease in border crossings. Heck, you'd probably even see a serious decrease in legal immigrants wanting to come. That tell you something. That tells you that many come simply for all the free handouts. It didn't used to be this way. 25-30 years ago if a USC got sick and couldn't pay the bill their credit would be destroyed and they would not be able to get credit. Why is it now that millions have babies for free in the US, yearly? Guess who pays for that? The system needs to be fixed.

I came here legally. I came to be part of the republic you say doesnt exist. I am definatly in the land of opportunity & dont need or want any government assistance.
You dont seem to know anything about what it takes to qualify for these social programs. The illegals cant just walk in & sign up. Neither can the legals unless they meet certian criteria. If they do qualify then its great that our tax money provides the help they need.
Nothing is the way it used to be. Time & progress marches on. Your Utopia didnt & wont exist. If you want to fix the system as you say use your right to vote. Take your soap box to your local park & tell it until the ignorant masses around you listen. Run for office. There is an opening in the Weiner office for example.
By the way I see you are in the process of bring an immigrant here. We did you bother with the visa for her? In your new world she will realize her mistake & want to leave anyway. Will she stay for the free handouts?
NingFemaleThailand2011-07-31 11:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy name came up in a conversation

Let's play devil's advocate. Why is it the government's problem or tax payers problem if you can't afford health insurance.

10% of the US population pay 80%+ of the taxes in this country. I'm not going to say that the other 90% of the population's taxes are meaningless in the whole scheme of things, but for the most part it's just not much. My point of the amnesty, open borders and no social services for anyone is this. How many drug dealers, gang member thugs are there in the US from south of the border? 1,000,000? Those are the folks that don't need to be here. The majority of the other 29,000,000 folks are good people. Do some of these 29,000,000 people use social services and milk the system? Sure they do, but it's the government that lets them. It's not their fault that we have screwed up rules and laws allowing free health care for anyone, unemployment, food stamps, etc. Legal US citizens milk the system as well. The problem isn't an illegal immigration problem. The problem is providing these free services to anyone. Stating that one payes taxes so they deserve these services is hogwash. People get these services because of the taxes that the top 10% in this country pay. If social services were done away with and amnesty was granted to the 29,000,000 good illegal aliens those that are here to milk the system would go back. Many illegal aliens are good hard working folks. I'd rather my tax money go toward helping a good hard working illegal alien than a lazy US citizen. The truth is that anyone born and raised in the US has unlimited opportunities. You just have to go and get it. Illegal immigrants do, why can't US citizens? Scrapping all social services coupled with an amnesty solves so many issues. Many illegal immigrants would go back, many won't come, and without government handouts it would put real pressure on US citizens to produce or suffer the consequences. Do I think you deserve to die if you have a heart attack and no money? I don't wish ill will on anyone. However, if you are truly working hard at 2 jobs, and your jobs do not offer insurance and you cannot afford an insurance plan than that is on you. Why? Because you choose your jobs and professions. One thing is certain, it certainly should not be an entitlement that US citizens get all these social program handouts just because. SO back to my original question, "Why is it the government or tax payer's problems if one can't afford health insurance?" Please don't answer, "Because I'm a tax paying USC." There are way too many folks in this country that believe being a USC entitles them to free stuff yet think illegals shouldn't get the same free stuff. that is a horrible way to think. We are all human beings. The only thing that should determine who lives comfortably and who doesn't is "Who produces, who works hardest, and who works smartest." I'm not going to berate you, but if I really worked my butt off at two jobs and I couldn't afford insurance I would switch careers. Insurance premiums are outrageous because hospitals charge outrageous amounts because of all the people who think they are entitled to free care. Until the government does away with all the free social programs nothing will change.

Well this is refreshing news from the soap box. Lets us know when you rule in the Utopia you decribe full of former illegals that you are supporting as you perform in the new found positon of thought police, social director & devils advocate.
We will all sing its a wonderful world & sway to the music. That is if you allow music.

Edited by Ning, 30 July 2011 - 11:12 PM.

NingFemaleThailand2011-07-30 23:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy name came up in a conversation

Well aren't you a good samaritan. I disagree completely. People should not be ostracized simply based on where they are born. Amnesty for all is the solution. But how can we possibly pay for all the people who will take advantage of all the social services? We don't. That's the problem. All the free services, for everyone! Get rid of all social programs for everyone and open the borders. It would work. The real problem is not illegal immigrants. The real problem is this idea that hopitals need to care for a non-paying patient. No money, no service... legal status should not be an issue.

No need for the wise #### remarks. I suppose its the way you were raised.
You think myself or others should enter into helping illegals find a way to stay in the USA? They are breaking the laws while using the services provided for by taxes they dont apy amoungst other things. My guess is you run your mouth while exerting zero effort in any direction.
They arent ostrizised because of where they were born. Its because they arent born here & enter illegally. You think we should just open the boarders to rid the USA of all social problems? You must need to be educated in social sciences badly.
You think the problem is centered around hospitals that care for no paying people? Where we live there are many of those people & they are almost all illegals. You simply dont have a clue.
NingFemaleThailand2011-07-29 19:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy name came up in a conversation

I was talking with a friend who visits our facility about once a month this morning. The last time he was here was before our NOA2. He asked how things were going and I gave him an update. I told him we received our NOA2 on 7/6 and we were on to the next step. He was happy for us. He then said my name came up in a conversation recently. He was talking with someone who has a daughter whose dating someone with an expired student visa. They have no plans on him returning to wherever he came from. My friend told them about me and what I (and all of us here) are going through to do it the right way. Guess he just heard excuses in response. Maybe they'll be caught, who knows. It's just frustrating to hear, and it probably happens more than we want to know. It does however feel good knowing that we're doing this the right way and will have no problems once we're together. I'm sure it will be a rough road at times, but not as rough if we were doing this the wrong way, and were caught.

The mayor of Thai Town near L A recently said there are 250 thousand Thais there. He also said at least 100 thousand of those are illegals. They used all these illegal methods to remain here. They are forced to live a miserable life in my opinion while having no way to repair what they have done. Some have contacted me asking for help. My responce is that they need to go home. I will not assist them in any other way.
I know somone where I live that has done exactly what you describe. She is very sorry for what she has done. He husband will leave soon for Canada. She has no idea of how she will survive here & cant go with him. She works for cash as a waitress but this wont be enough to pay her expenses soon. They have lived with the feeling of looking over their shoulder for a long time. She cant work, drive ect because of the lack of status. I hope she will return to Thailand.
There is no question that immigration must be done by following the laws. Its difficult, expensive & takes a long time but there is no better investment in a lifetime that I can think of. This country has provided me exactly what the Constitution describes as well as the opportunity I had dreamed of.
NingFemaleThailand2011-07-29 11:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 what?

I dont see how this is in short time... I have seen alot of peoples timelines and they received their NOA1 whithin a few days.
I understand i cant speed them up but I ean anything we can do to be ready for the next stage... for example having forms etc prepared so there not much extra wait time..

There are people here on V J that have waited much longer & a few that, like you were lucky. In the end these cases are all unique in many ways. You may find that having a simple reciept doesnt mean much in that the NOA 2 could come at a later date than others who got the NOA 1 long after you did.
What really matters to the USCIS portion of your case is the NOA 2 date. Even that doesnt mean your case will pass others because they all go to NVC. You will see some even today that can not understand why their case seems lost between USCIS & NVC for example. The case isnt lost but it is in a sort of limbo. The cases approved by USCIS become part of the millions passing thru NVC.
Your actual question seems to be what you can do to prepare the docs required in order to have them ready to submit. While you have months to do just that you could begin today on those forms. See the guides to find the forms for your type of case.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-04 14:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 what?

We finally received our NOA1 after almost 3 weeks...disapointed it took so long.

What can we do next to help speed the process along and be prepared for the next stage?

You are lucky to have the NOA 1 in such a short time. Now prepare to sit back & wait for 5 to 6 months. During that time there isnt anything you can do to affect what happens. This isnt good enough for many people so they fill their time with calls to USCIS & then turn to politicians hoping they can do something they cant. Try and no do that to yourselves. The system works but takes its own time which is difficult to endure. Best to educate yourselves about the coming process to help you understand why it takes longer than you hoped.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-04 13:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325a advanced question for K-1 packet...

Hello again.

Another question about the G-325a this time dealing with content on the form.

The form is quite straight forward and simple and very easy to fill in.

I am currently living in Mexico with my fiancee and will be sending in my packet from here. However, I would like all the notices and my priamary contact to be my parents address in the United States.

Should I indicate my present as address as my Parents address instead of my Mexico address?

Can this issue be addressed somewhere else? Like the cover letter? or the I-129f form?

Thanks again!!

Your temporary address isnt important & shouldnt affect what is to come in your case. Keep it simple by using the U S address. You are still a legal resident of the U S A.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-07 00:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 Visa Approved

Thanks, and yes she entered on K-1. I told DOMEX(mail express) to send it to their(domex) location in santiago since thats near her place, and picked it up on the 28th. If I havent told them so, they would take ages to deliver to her home, or even never get there! since she never received packet 4 as well cause mailing system sucks in DR.

Ok, so get married and then apply for AOS. We have to get married before the 18th of october. If we get married before then, can we apply after that date though?


Read the guides & see the forums. File the AOS docs after you are married. Use the EAD form to get her the card as well.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-01 09:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi134 ?'s (W2's, Bank Statements, Paychecks)

Is 4 years of W2's Ok?
I also have 4 years for transcripts.
Do I need the actual w2 forms that I filed and sent to IRS? If so what part of the w2 forms do I need? Its like 25 pages for each one since i filed them online with turbo tax...

Will there be anything else I need for TAXES?

How many Bank statements and Paycheck stubs do you need?

You dont need 4 years of info. If you have transcripts from the IRS for even 2 years it should be ok. If you have those you dont need the W 2s. A W 2 is one page.
They may not accept Turbo Tax copies because that indicates you filled out forms. Transcripts from the IRS show you filed taxes.
Get IRS docs from IRS on line, by phone or at an office. They can mail or fax for free.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-15 19:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Question

I remember asking for your help with this. I have the letter you helped me with, I have the employment letter showing how much I will make yearly, I have the form and all of the information for when the time comes. I just wasn't sure about the tax return....sorry if I asked before. I will try to get those ASAP. I will also write a letter about me being a student.

Thank you everyone!

Please dont misunderstand. You are doing fine & this will go ok for you. You dont have to submit the tax form but it does show you have not only done well as a working student but that you have improved your income with this new source of money. The problem may be that your new income hasnt been long enough to satisfy them.
Also as I said before you are in a good position to be allowed to use a cosponsor where most are not. It wont hurt to submit the letter I helped with & the cosponsors info if there is any question about your income.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-15 00:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Question

I'm collecting information for my I-134 form, and I know some people say pay stubs and a letter from employer are good enough, but do we really need tax information? Because for me, my last year of taxes is going to be way different than the upcoming year because last year I was a full time student making 10,000 per year, and now I work full time making around 20,000 per year (I know that's still not too good, but hey, it meets the 125% poverty line requirement ;) ) so it will be totally different. And some people include letters from their bank???? That's not going to be very impressive for me.... :lol: "Our customer has $543 in checking and $389 in savings...."

What should I collect?

You are having a very difficult time trying to understand & decide what to do. You just have to decide if you want him to have the visa or not. If you do, you need to submit everything required & additionaly anything you have that will help the case. The decision will be made at the window by the officer based on the information submitted. Think over how it will feel & what you will do if they deny the visa or probably postpone the issuance of it until you submit what is needed to make a difference in the intial decision.
You asked me to send you all this info a few months ago which I did.
Your previouse income wasnt enough as you know. Submit the tax transcripts to indicate you paid the taxes on that income. Include a letter indicating you were a student.
Submit what you have to prove your current income. Showing an improvment in your earning ability would be a good idea. If you dont do this what will you do? Refer back to the info you asked me for months ago.
I am sure you are smart enough to know having a few dollars in a bank isnt going to help so why worry about what some people say?
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-14 10:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRegarding K-1

hey folks i'm currently on the process of K-1 we received our Noa1 Hard copy on 13June its been more than 2 Months so far

My fiancee who is USC called the USCIS office to know how long its going to take to get Approved so the Representative said

it will take about 5 Months which is shocking to hear i have seen alot of ppl being Approved in 3 Months and some 4 Months and some 2

Months and even she said you might hear before 5 Months looks like they are not even sure do u think what ever Representative said could

be true

It is very possible it could take 5 months or more to get the NOA 2. The petition then goes to NVC & on to your embassy.
You have to realistic about the time frame. You are going to be dealing with Pakistan. There are many people that have lengthy waits due to how long the issuance of the visa can take after the interview there. Many cases are sent for A P or additional processing. That means background checks which take time.
You should check with people that have been thru that embassy to find out what to expect.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-19 14:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow many times do we have to pay???

I have no idea how much it costs to get medical check ups. I don't even know what tests need to be included in it either.
I am still learning about this whole process and I was going to do that as step by step as we start the process...
But I guess it would be difficult as it costs so much money and you wouldn't want to risk failing.

Its basicly a physical along with some shots. In my country it cost about 400 dollars.
The most difficult aspect is going to be support. Figure out how that will be done to comply with the criteria before you proceed.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-18 09:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow many times do we have to pay???

Thanks for the fast reply!!

Ugh. It costs a lot of money for sure...

So the $1100 you mentioned goes toward getting work permit and stuff like that? They require application fee as well????

Also, during the process I noticed there is a part where you have to state that you are able to support your fiance or the other way around, is it correct?

Does that mean that if we don't have massive amount of savings we are not going to be able to get married???

We are just out of college and still trying to get our lives sorted out.
But we figured money can be earned anywhere...For me, I need a visa to get any jobs in the U.S.

How much would you say should people have before starting filing anything? How much do we need to prove we have in the form of financial statement?


Now that you are out of college you need to spend time studing this immigration process. Try the guides at the top of the page.
The USC will provide a support form ( 134 ). The income level will need to be about 18,500. See the instructions.
Money can be earned anywhere. Anywhere there are jobs. The US economy is worse than any time in the last 60 years with unemployment over 9 %.
You need a visa to enter the USA. You need a green card or EAD to work. You need to do the AOS to get the green card. You have to pay the fees for that ( 1,100 ) & it takes 7 to 12 months. Total time in USA with no work has to be considered.
Before you file people need a clear understanding of what they want. A K 1 for example takes about 9 to 12 months. This means the USC has a few months to find a job & show a work history on thye support form. Check with the Embassy about using a cosponsor if you need one.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-18 09:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow many times do we have to pay???

Hello. I have been trying to gather information on how to apply for K1 visa.
As many of you have probably noticed, it is incredibly confusing...There is too much information regarding to it and I am having a hard time figuring out which is correct and which isn't.

What I wanted to ask people for help was about the fee.
I noticed we pay $350 when filing the petition with I-129.
And when fiance applies for the visa (before going to the interview apparently) we again pay another $350?

I am extremely confused about this. USCIS only says "K – Fiance(e) or Spouse of U.S. citizen category visa: $350.00" but the website of American embassy in Japan says they require another fee online after I-129 is accepted.

If anybody knows anything about this please help me.


Two inital fees. Process petition 340. Issue visa 350. Medical fee for applicant in Japan?
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-18 09:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGetting worried and Impatient..I-29F questions!

Thanks again you guys..and yes, I am a bit unclear on the entire process it's self...But I was unaware that I would need a co-sponsor if I was unemployed...we looked on the uscis webpage about all the guidelines before we sent off our package and we never noticed anything about me (or a co sponsor) needing a proof of income...Why is that? just curious..and is it okay that he gives them the info at the time of the interview, that we will have a co-sponsor?...since it was obviously not included in our package and I am listed as his sole sponsor?

Its a good idea to get clear on the support aspect because it will become the driving factor soon. It will be required just prior to the interview. Check Packet 3 info on your embassies web site.
You will submit the 134 with an explanation of why you dont have income. I would include a letter explaining your plans to obtain work once in the USA & what that income would be.
You should check with the embassy to make sure they allow the use of cosponsors for your case.
The cosponsor will fill out the form & submit it. Its a good idea to submit the tax transcripts as well.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-21 19:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTranslation questions

Hello everyone,

I just had a couple more documents translated for our packet 3. I just noticed that the translator didn't write her address. She does this for a living and has a stamp certifying so, but her address is the only thing she didn't include. We used the same woman for our I 129F and had no problems. Will this be a problem at this stage?

Also, while I'm trying to learn Thai, I would like to send a message to my fiancee on my own. It would be more of a letter though. I speak Thai with her a little, but I thought this would be sort of nice that I try a short letter. Without having someone else do this for me, can anyone comment on igoogle or any other programs that might help with this?

Thank you.

The " certification " is simply the statement I copied for you below. Anyone fluent in both languages can do these translations. I dont think the omission of the address is a big deal. You could always give it to the embassy if asked.

Certification by Translator

I [typed name], certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and ________ languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled ______________________________.

Date Typed Name

Using Google for a word is fine but when you try to construct a sentence it will not be understood in the right context. For example we would describe a road sign as " the stop sign color red" while you would say " the stop sign is red ". The decriptions of things or meaning can be very different in Thai.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-22 08:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTwo Questions About Fiance Visa

Ok, so I have 2 questions:

1. For a fiancé visa-- do you have to have your U.S. home and affidavit of support (income requirements), and co-sponsors already established BEFORE your fiancé enters the USA? Like before you are married? Or is that just for Green Cards?

2. If your Fiancé has full custody of his VERY young child-- can he bring his child? I mean like if he doesn’t have anyone back home who can take care of the child while he is away?

Begin with the guides above at the top of the page.
The support form (134)is submitted just prior to the interview. Check with embassy to make sure they allow cosponsors.
Ask the embassy what is required for them to issue visa for a child. Consent by the father even if the mother has full legal custody from a court in her country. The embassy doesnt care about child care if left behind.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-23 14:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelping friend going through a K1

My wife has a friend in the Philippines who is going to meet her again fiancee soon and start doing the K1. The friend has a baby from a pinoy. From what the friend told us that she hasn't yet registered the child's birth certificate yet. The Fiancee wants her to put his name on the birth certificate as the father even though he isn't the biological father. To us this sounds like it could become a problem for them during the medical and embassy stage. We are lost at the best way to advise her on what to do. I hope their are others here that help us in what advice to give her.

Tim N Grace

Lost? Just weigh the value of the truth against the price of a lie.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-24 10:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLost W2

My fiance lost his 2008 W2. He only has 2009 and 2010 W2's to send to me, but I read that they need W2's for the last 3 years. What should we do? Any advice please. Thank you!

Tax transcripts are the best. He can get them from IRS by calling, using web or in person at their offices.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-25 08:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs my relationship to new to apply for K1?

regarding being 125% above the poverty level. how can this be proved. she is a student and only works part time.

By submiting tax transcripts, pay stubs ect.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-27 12:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs my relationship to new to apply for K1?

Hi. Yes we have met in person. When we first met. a month later we spent a week together in the US and then a week together in London recently.

We have photos together, plane tickets, hotel bookings, phone bills. hours of skype chats and whatsapp messaging.

its a real relationship. we love eachother. soul mates. just worry the goverment might be skeptical as its so soon.

The criteria to meet in person has been met. The USC will petition for you. The process that follows will be months until that petition is approved. Add to that the time it takes to get to the actual visa interview. BY the time that happens you will have plenty of time to make sure you have some further evidence of the realtionship.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-26 19:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBangkok Immigrant Visa Interview Schedules

Based on my understanding, there has not been a truly nasty CO since early 2009. In most cases, they have already made their decision regarding the visa before the interview has even started. Usually, only a few questions will be asked to ensure everything adds up. If you find yourself in a long interview, well, that is a sign of trouble. No need to really practice, unless it gives you piece of mind, Just tell the truth and if all of your other evidence is sufficient, you'll be fine.

I agree with this. The recent cases that I know of where I had contact with the immigrant after the interview indicate exactly this. The wicked witch is dead.
There is nothing to practice really. The few questions are simple. The case is decided based on the docs unless they find a reason to look further. If there is a serious problem the interview will either be delayed or the visa wont be issued until it cleared up.
rsn is correct. Just step up to the window & tell the truth. They know people are nervous so no need to worry too much.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-28 16:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1

Thank you, no but we just making sure we have everything in order. How can she obtain the form as she is not good using internet.

You mean there is no RFE?
If you really mean you need the 134 form it can be found here on V J or USCIS. That form is filled out by the USC & sent to her to be submitted at the interview.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-30 14:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1

Hello fellow VJ's, my USC fincee is about mailing our RFE for my K-1 before we receive NOA2 so we wondering how she can obtain the Affidavit of support, it is a notarized paper from the court or a form we can download.

Thank you.

It would be a good idea to make clear what the RFE is asking for. It would be very unusual for it to be about support. The support form ( 134 ) is submitted to the embassy just prior to the interview. No notary is required.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-30 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPackage 3 question

My fiance lives 6 blocks from the US Embassy in Bangkok and package 3 was sent 6 days ago. Can anyone tell me how many days it took for them to receive package 3 after the embassy sent it? I am getting concerned that it is lost in the mail. Will the embassy send package 3 to my fiance or to our attorney?

Download it from web site & send info in with NVC case number if you have it.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-31 15:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoes the I-134 Affidavit of Support need to be notarized?

Hello Everyone! I am so confused and need your quick advice. My friend who's been through the process said that the I-134 needs to be notarized and my fiance who is getting all the documents ready to mail to me today said it doesn't. He showed the form to his co-worker who is a notary and she said there's no space in the form for her to sign and notarize it. I looked at the form again and yes I am confused. Please advise. Thank you very much!

A notary verifys signatures & has zero to do with content of documents. There is no need nor requirement to notarize the 134.
NingFemaleThailand2011-08-31 12:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnother physical once stateside?

They said I can get the shots anywhere, and they are indeed cheaper elsewhere so once I have all the shots, and the UK physical is less than a year old, I should be golden then. Yes?

Try the county health clinic in your area. We did this & I got 3 shots for 23 bucks. My daughter got 9 for free. A doctor wanted over 300 just for mine.
NingFemaleThailand2011-09-01 13:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresco sponsor proving income with bank statements/assets...not taxes

i have a few questions for you:

beings it will be my fiance and his son applying for the visa, will they both be charged the amount of $350?
what medical information needs to be collected for his son? will he need a medical exam, the same as his father?
if, my father (the co-sponsor) is self employed and does not file taxes, but can show more than sufficient proof of income through his bank account and his assets, will this be fine?

Each person pays the fee for each visa.
Medical is same for both people regardless of age.
Self employment hopefully produces income. Income is taxable.
Its best to submit tax transcripsts. Those prove income & taxes paid in full.
Make sure the embassy will allow a co sponsor.
NingFemaleThailand2011-09-02 19:07:00