IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 230 and I 864 questions
For the DS 230:

On the question:
In what occupation do you intent to work in the United States?

Should my husband put "not sure" or should he put what he has experience in?

Also asking for ALL children (#29) they mean children of him right, since the application is for him? Just making sure....

For employment (#32) List below all employment for the last ten years.........what if there is a two year break? Should he put anything there?

For the I-864:

Where you list your income I want to list a small pension I get monthly from a divorce. It is income and I will receive it for the rest of my life. Should I list it as a second employer? I have W-2's from them and also a letter stating that I receive the pension, when it started, how much I receive per month and year, and that I will receive it for life. They're not exactly my employer but I don't know where else to list it and also list the income.

Thanks! :D
LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-02-13 19:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWOW!!!
That's wonderful!!! Many congratulations!! :dance:
LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-02-15 20:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPriority Date
Ok, thank you, I appreciate it:) I kept reading about priority dates but didn't know what they were for, and I looked at our NOA2 and saw the date was in April and got a little nervous, so I figured I better find out......

If you are a USC the priority date is meaningless for CR-1 visa applications. If you are a LPR it has meaning.

LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-02-19 00:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPriority Date
It's on our NOA2 but not on our NOA1. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't something I needed to know, like an expiration or something....yes it is the date that they received our petition. Thanks;)

I get confused but I think that is when the USCIS received your documents.. It's different then NOA1 date... If you have a receipt number and log it into the website it shows your priority date...

Edited by Lisamarie, 18 February 2011 - 09:13 PM.

LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-02-18 21:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPriority Date
I don't know if I posted this in the right forum or not, but can someone tell me what the "Priority Date" is? Mine is April 23, 2010 and I have no idea what that means...Thanks! :star:

LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-02-18 21:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage affidavits content & process to get them?
Right....well they have to be from family members or friends that have a lot of knowledge or awareness about your relationship or marriage since the beginning (or close to it) to be useful.

Again, affidavits can be useful if they are about something more than having attended a ceremony or party.

LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-02-20 02:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage affidavits content & process to get them?
Are you asking me about the flag? A friend on VJ made it for me. I can ask if they'll make you one too:)

exactly...I've actually been estranged from my own family for years but my friends knew about it well as all his fam...all his 7 uncles etc came with their families to our mehndi nikah and was important for us to use those..especially the ones from his father and uncles..;) thanks!

LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-02-20 01:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage affidavits content & process to get them?
If you're petitioning for your spouse from Pakistan which is most likely a high fraud country, the affidavits are really important. They show that the family knows about and approves your marriage and from both sides and the fact that many family members are aware of it and of your continued relationship, is very important. Just my opinion but it really helped us in our RFE.

That's true but for some of us we don't have much actual time spent with eachother in the two weeks I was with my husband we took many photos but unfortunately we have to also rely on the affadavits from those who knew about the evolution of our relationship up to the wedding and after to include with the two weeks of photos and other evidence over the last two years of communication and sincerity.

LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-02-19 18:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMarriage affidavits content & process to get them?
This was what my lawyer told me to have family members/friends include in affidavits after we received an RFE. We had affidavits in our original petition but they weren't detailed enough. Try to get them from as many family members as possible, on both sides.

  • How long the person has known you/him
  • Their relationship to you/him
  • How often the person sees you/him and how often the person speaks/emails with you/him
  • How they learned that you were dating each other
  • Whether the person has met you, him, or both.
  • Details that they know about how you met (online, during a trip, etc.)
  • Details that they know about how many times you have visited each other
  • Details that they know about how often you spoke/speak to each other by phone/email
  • Other details that they know about the manner of your courtship
  • Details that they know about how you came to the decision to marry
  • Details that they know about the wedding (travel arrangements, how the wedding was planned, etc.)
  • Each person needs to sign and date the statement
  • Each person needs to include right above the signature: "I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge."
Also, we wrote our own personal statements, that were 3-4 pages long, about our relationship from the beginning to the present, our future plans, how we feel about each other, etc. Very important!!

can someone tell me how to get marriage affidavits from different people as a witness of your marriage and what should the content say? and should this be notarized etc etc.

Edited by Lisamarie, 19 February 2011 - 02:37 PM.

LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-02-19 14:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinally Approved
Congratulations!!! :dance:
LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-02-23 11:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresfedex .. screw you
Except for your process being delayed, I don't think you have to worry about time. As far as I know, your documents can stay at NVC for a year before they expire. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.....

Well I'm not screaming at fedex anymore, cause over last 10 or so days I sort of realized they were not going to find it. But ya, I will be scared to use them again, actually will try my best not to use them again.

@LisaMarie ...yea it was more expensive to use fedex..I just thought they be more reliable oh well .. stuff its not the financial aspect but the time to get the docs again and sending it to NVC which worries me.

lol...I was wondering if you were a Fed-Ex employee after reading your comment......

Thanks for understanding. My uncle flies internationally for fed ex so I took the post a little personal. They and all cargo pilots fly in weather you can't imagine to insure things are delivered. The package will be found and the originals will be returned

LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-02-25 01:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresfedex .. screw you
That's awful, sorry to hear that.......I hope it won't set you back too much in the process, and financially. I know it's expensive to mail Fed-Ex to or from another country.
LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-02-24 20:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRFE
What exactly did the RFE say? You can't really overload your petition. I thought I was overloading mine and I still got an RFE. I sent "everything" I possibly could for the RFE and more than it asked for. We were approved very quickly after I sent it . My opinion is to send everything that you possibly can. It doesn't matter if they're going to read it or not. They want to know that it exists. Good luck:)

Edited by Lisamarie, 23 February 2011 - 11:33 AM.

LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-02-23 11:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 won't load
Are you on Mac?

I can't open the forms on my Mac but the PC is fine
BforbarreeFemaleUnited Kingdom2011-01-30 15:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 230 and I 864 questions
My husband was an electrician in Morocco though we knew that he probably wouldn't be pursuing that occupation here in the US. I'm sure we put undecided also.

Yes, all children means all of HIS children.

About the employment, just list the jobs.
aminahFemaleMorocco2011-02-14 11:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresUK POLICE CHECK EXPIRY?
I had to get one from UK and, although the certificate does not bare an expiration date, they do consider de 12 month window. You will be fine, don't worry. :thumbs:
PreciousFemaleBrazil2011-01-26 11:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMy wife's Horror Story from Guangzhou,

Hi all you VJ’s I want to take a few moments of your time to bring everyone up to speed on everything that has transpired since my last plead for your help with my daughters situation. I have enrolled my daughter into an English school in Nanning China where she is excelling. I am so proud of her. On September 08-14-2010 my wife received her packet from Guangzhou. On September 1st 2010 at 7:15am my wife had her first interview in Guangzhou where she was ask 4 questions. These are the questions they ask her. Where is your husband? Why has your husband only been to China to see you just one time for only 62 days sense you got married? How did you meet your husband? How do you and your husband communicate with each other? My wife answered all these questions very good and she was always very polite to the VO. She was given a blue slip of paper requesting more information and said our love and marriage was not a bona fide love and marriage, which is totally BS. My wife and I were devastated by these results. My wife cried for a solid week until she was sick. I did my best to comfort her by telling her that we can fix this little problem and that it was just a little bump in our road of love. We gather up all the information they requested and a lot more and she turned it into the Consulate Guangzhou on September 17th 2010. I sent everything they requested from me to my wife by DHL the fastest way possible. Just as soon as the NVC had sent the case files to Guangzhou 05-14-2010. I sent my wife a copy of everything, the kitchen sink all 17lbs. My wife was so surprised of how much information she had setting in front of her. She got some help and started learning and studying all this information I sent to her. My wife probably knows more about all her immigration documents then I do now. On 10- 29-2010 my wife received a letter from the consulate in Guangzhou for a second interview any Monday thru Wednesday between the hours of 1:30pm to 3:00pm. I thought this was strange. This is how my wife’s second interview went. My wife approached the VO and said good morning. She works in public relations so I do know how polite she is always. The VO never acknowledges her so she thought to VO never heard her so she said good morning again in English and was ignored once again. I thought this was very rude of the VO. The VO started reading some documents and NEVER asks her ANY questions at all. The only thing the VO said to my wife was for her to go to window No 30 to get the results. These are my wife’s exact words to the VO. How could you let my lonely husband live in America alone, for no body care. My wife insisted that he tell her why she was denied and received this white slip of paper. Now she was angry and she was screaming I love my American husband and how can you do this to us. Then it got ugly the VO ask security to take my wife away. She did go but not before saying what she wanted to say so everyone could here. I know her actions were not acceptable in the Consulate, but any one of us who love our wife like I do would have done exactly the same thing if this happened to one of us. I am trying to find away for her to send a letter of apology to the Consulate, or is this something that needs to be done? My wife is probably not the first Chinese woman to loose her cool over a white denial slip. My question to everyone of you VJ’s is there any way to overcome this white slip 221(g) not a bona fide relationship which is BS? I have already called DOS the NVC, and USCIS. I was told there is nothing I can do until the case files are sent back to the CIS. Is there anyway the case files can stay at Guangzhou and this problem be solved with out sending the case back to CIS for review and possibly termination of the case? I was told by DOS that it could take up to 120 days for Guangzhou to just send the case to the CIS, which is also BS. No one cares if our wives and husbands have to wait all this time and be separated from the ones we love. My wife and I have no intention of defrauding anyone for any reason. We don’t expect anything for nothing. We try our best to do everything the right way the first time. I am still devastated by Guangzhou actions. Now I am mad and want to do something so my wife and I can be together in the States. If anyone has any suggestion please feel free to give me your help or opinion. To my wife and me it may be possibly another 6 months to a year of separation. I was told by DOS that once the case files are reviewed by CIS that they will notified me by mail of the exact reason for my wife’s denial. The CIS will give me a chance to try and prove that our love and marriage is true love and a bona fide relationship. Is this information correct that DOS told me? Or is this BS too? I have got to the point where the only ones I truly believe in any more are the good people on VJ. So please if anyone knows what I need to do now please feel free to tell me. If anyone needs or wants to discuss my situation with me just ask for my email address and I will gladly give it to you. I love my wife with all my heart and she loves me back with the same enthusiasm are even more if that is possible. Thank you for taking the time to read my plea for your help once again. Gary.

lori7734FemaleGhana2010-12-05 17:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSo confusing!!!

Thanks so much guys! You're awesome as always! I've never felt so thankful for a website or group of people in my life. You all deserve raises! I never would have gotten through this without you guys. Seriously, my wife and I thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts. If any of you ever come to the Seattle area, look me up, seriously!

Ah, last thing....her green card and social security number will allow her to work here?

lori7734FemaleGhana2011-01-20 19:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIdentity mismatch finger print

My husband went through a successful inteverw but was caught during the finger print and was asked to bring a proof of Identity before 2005 becos he's been to the US embassy wit different name on a passport arnd 2005..

The counselor asked him which is his real name? the one he used during 2005 interview or the one he is using now. he told the counselor the one he is using now, so the counselor ask him to bring a proof of this current name before 2005. I pray the approve his visa.

lori7734FemaleGhana2011-01-30 16:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Download Expired?
Oh, awesome... sorry I missed that! I just got so frustrated after figuring all this out to have it be "expired" lol. Thanks guys!
figuringthisoutMaleCanada2011-02-11 22:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Download Expired?

Straight from the USCIS website the PDF that downloads looks to be outdated?!
OMB #1615-0012; Expires 01/31/2011

When will they post a new revision so I can submit our paperwork? =S
figuringthisoutMaleCanada2011-02-11 22:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow do you plan?
[font=Arial Narrow]I think a lot of us are in the same boat. I keep thinking, how am I going to plan a wedding in 90 day? He just now received packet 3. We don't even have a tentative wedding date. Heck we don't have an interview date yet! If we do a quickie wedding, will the "real one" be as special? With everything up in the air, it is getting very frustrating! Part of me wants to shop for a wedding dress, but I dont' want get my hopes up just yet.

Edited by babytiger, 05 February 2006 - 03:15 PM.

babytigerNot TellingCanada2006-02-05 15:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust got married in USA
thanks for all the replies, and i read the guidelines and i saw that i had to have both hers and mine signed but if i can just print and send it or scan it and send it in that would be SO MUCH better.

Tero -- i have read the guides that is why i am asking about the scanning and printing it like that, but i will re-read the guide and make sure no one has to sign it but me and if she does then i guess i will have her scan and it email it to me. Also is the processing time include just getting the immigration visa? or for the greencard???

KLS2010 -- thank you and i hope it all works out for the best.

Edited by apuzilla, 21 February 2011 - 01:41 AM.

apuzillaMale02011-02-21 01:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJust got married in USA
So my finance surprised me and came to USA on a tourist visa and i popped the question the day she surprised me and long story short ... we are married and im about to file out the paperwork BUT i have a bit of a snafu. Because she was only here for 2 weeks and had to go back to Australia, we didn't know she had to fill out the G-325A form and now that she is back in Australia it will take time to get here from there and so I was wondering if she printed out the form and then filled it out and scanned it using adobe pdf, which makes it look good and fits the page exactly right, and emailed it back to me, is that legal? or does it really need to be signed by her in ink? The scanned pages would be much much faster but I dont want to take the risk of getting denied because USCIS thinks she didn't really fill it out with a pen.

Any help and suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Thanks for reading the post
apuzillaMale02011-02-21 00:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Spouse Information Question

If she is legally in Australia, I'd put her Australia address. How much longer is she there for? Will she interview there? Answer all questions honestly, if she is working in Aus. then list there. Nothing worng with that

Good luck

Yes she is legally in australia and she will be interviewing here. SO i guess i will add her australian address
apuzillaMale02011-02-24 20:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Spouse Information Question
So i have 90% of the I-130 and her G-325A application done and now this is the head scratcher for me. It asks for my wifes address - she is originally from India but she is living at the moment in Australia on a student visa and also working there BUT she is NOT a permanent resident of Australia. So on the I-130 and G-325A do i put her address in India? or do i put her address in Australia? and also about her work she is legally working and paying taxes there but she is still on a student visa. So what do i put? I need help asap since I have everything done of the packet BUT filling out her G-325A and i want to submit everything tomorrow at the latest.

Thanks in advance for any help!
apuzillaMale02011-02-24 18:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI 130 approval for IR-1/ CR-1
Doesn't the "Immigration Timelines" link on the home page here tell you where they are in their processing? It doesn't exactly tell you when you'll receive your notification, but it helps to know the receive dates they're currently processing.

I'm also October 2010 filer; good luck to you!
timoteoMaleChina2011-01-24 15:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFastest NVC Process!
Send one page letter to USCIS, NVC and EMBASSY. No notarization required. (No matter what the "experts" say here). :blink:

If you want to search for a new girl soon, then include a sentence such as, "Please interpret this letter as a request for an IMBRA waiver should such a waiver be needed for a future petition application."

Good luck in future endeavors!

SuperDuper!Male02010-11-01 01:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Approved!

Visa approved! Thank you all, couldn't of done it without the help of this site and its bloggers...THANKS! :dance:

You are the best!

Posted Image
SuperDuper!Male02010-11-15 21:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresgot the visa

Dear VJ'rs
Thanks every one for your help and guidence we got the Visa.
In our case the regional PCC was enough and we did not need the local PCC.
Interview went smothly with only the standard questions and did not have any problems.
Now it is time for me to look for the tickets.
I will be happy to assist/guide any one with the knowledge/experience that I gathered during my journey.

You are the best! Please share your secrets for superfast and trouble-free Visa approval! Maybe it is your good looks!

SuperDuper!Male02010-11-16 23:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTransferred Again After Texas Service Center Transfer
I once knew this doctor who constantly overbooked his clinic everyday. You would have to wait an hour or two just to have an appt with him. Instead of having patients just wait in one room for too long and start getting mad, he designed the clinic so you would move thru 3 different waiting rooms, in order to give the illusion of progress being made. Maybe USCIS is taking the same approach: Just moving applications around to give the illusion of processing being done. Hope not, but just a thought. May your approval arrive sooner, rather than later!

SuperDuper!Male02010-11-24 22:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresreconized marriage/Philippines????

Yeah I agree. The OP was kind of vague in details that are important to know in order to give correct answers.

Its not always an assumption, and it is actually an assumption on PushyB's part to declare MINE an assumption. :whistle:

What I am good at is called skilled communications and accurately interpreting what was NOT said.

There is a skill some of us have called, "Reading between the lines." Google it.

Wishing nothing but the best for us all!
SuperDuper!Male02010-11-20 21:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresreconized marriage/Philippines????

Who is "they". Please give more specific details of the situation while avoiding disconnected pronouns.

It doesn't matter who "they" is. Or if the OP uses pronouns correctly.

What matters is "she." As in SHE did not get a proper annulment done of her previous marriage.

OP, if that is the case, your "wife" did not have legal capacity to marry, and you cannot file a marriage-based visa on her until her first marriage is legally annulled.

Good Luck and hang in there!


Edited by Boing!, 20 November 2010 - 06:23 PM.

SuperDuper!Male02010-11-20 18:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Scheduled!!!

Posted Image

Edited by Boing!, 12 November 2010 - 08:05 PM.

SuperDuper!Male02010-11-12 20:03:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat to do after POE??

Thank you payxibka for clarifying it :)


Yes, she is very helpful to have around, and moving and merging threads right and left. I get dizzy just watching the work..... :star:
SuperDuper!Male02010-11-08 22:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAirfare discount for first-time immigrants flying from Brazil to USA

I fly all the time and never heard of such a "fare." Sounds like more of a marketing gimmick than an actual fare class. Good luck to you regardless of the fare you pay.

Yes, Buyer Beware! If a flight is too cheap to be true from some no-name intermediary, then watch out. Perfect factors in place for a money scam. Greed Kills (your bank account).

Buy only from authorized agents or direct from the airline's website to be sure.

A fool and his money are soon parted, so the saying goes.

Good Luck and common sense.

SuperDuper!Male02010-12-07 23:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhere to buy cheap airline ticket?
Too many people are focused on saving every last dollar on a plane ticket, and don't factor in the extra connection they must make, or long layover to take.

Many guys here would have their new bride suffer a 9 hr layover so he can save $95 bucks. BOING!

Don't be penny-wise and pound foolish by going with, or, or

Instead, buy a midweek flight directly from the airline's website, and don't involve a third party broker. If you have to reschedule the flight, you will be glad.

Good luck, OP!


Edited by Boing!, 16 December 2010 - 10:30 PM.

SuperDuper!Male02010-12-16 22:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa delayed because we didn't have Cenomar at interview

NSO can't tell you what the US Consulate will do. They are agencies of different governments. A few days is the norm after submitting missing documentation.

No offense, pushyb, but let's let the FIL-AM couples handle this one, it's not China, ok?

The lady needs a CEMAR. Case closed!

SuperDuper!Male02010-11-05 23:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhich photo's need to be time/date stamped if at all required?
Write your name lightly in pencil on the back, and include the date as well. Supposed to be no more than 6 months old of a pic.
SuperDuper!Male02011-01-01 14:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMoney Transfers

use xoom its great. Very easy, cheap and very fast.

Plus, there is usually a monthly Xoom coupon, which reduces the charge to $3.99 or so, no matter how much cash we want to send!

Hey, every dollar counts, nowadays. Why spend $14.99 for WU and let the CEO make a big profit?! :whistle:
SuperDuper!Male02011-01-13 02:25:00