K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmbassy is ignoring my affidavit of support, any suggestions?

If you chose your father as a co-sponsor ..he needs to fill out separate Affidative of support, and also you should add here his passport copy and birth certificate,letter about relationship between co-sponsor and you (friend,relative) and letter from work where his salary will be written.In Russia embassy accepts co-sponsor's affidatives of support.
Sometimes place of work makes troubles of getting visa.Good luck to you!

Mistaking Thailand for Russia is a very bad idea. This info is totaly and completely wrong.
NingFemaleThailand2012-12-21 12:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEmbassy is ignoring my affidavit of support, any suggestions?

Hey everybody,

I am a full-time college student. I bring in $1300 per month from my military college benefits, and have more than $40,000 in assets. I knew this alone would not be enough, so I had my father fill out an affidavit of support. He makes about $68,000 per year, so I thought that would be more than sufficient to make up for my lack of income.

My fiancée completed the interview in October, but did not get approved because I was missing a tax return for 2011. We sent in a letter explaining that, and she recently received a call from immigration notifying us that we do have sufficient evidence that I will be able to support her financially here in the U.S.

I was going to send immigration an email to get more information, but first I thought I should run it by you guys. Even if I had no income, wouldn't the affidavit of support cover me? If not, then what is the purpose of even having the affidavit? Do you think getting a part-time job would be enough to put me in the clear? I am worried that my only option at this point is to leave school and get a full-time job...

In general the embassy in BKK doesnt accept co sponsors for K 1 cases. By sending in the 134? form for using one, you have attempted to circumvent the procedures. Your fathers ability to support you many not mean anything in this case.
The embassy requires proof that you as the USC can supply the required support. You say here that immigration? notified us? that we? do have sufficent evidence. Who notified you? Who are we? What is the evidence?
Your income now is in place to provide you a college education paid in part by the US govt I think. That income isnt sufficent to cover the living expenses of a family of two. See the info on what is required to meet the minimum income requirements. Thye purpose of the support affidavit is to determine if YOU can supply the suport required for the immigrant you want to sponsor.
In 3 cases I helped with BKK did allow the use of co sponsors for college students. I would need more and clear info to determine what might be done to help you.
You dont have to quit school but you may have to go to Thailand to get married which would allow you to file a C R 1 type case. That type does allow the use of co sponsors using the 864 form.
NingFemaleThailand2012-12-21 12:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for B2, K1

Hi guys,

My boyfriend (US Citizen)and I met earlier this year. I attempted to get a Tourist Visa (B2) in July to travel to visit a relative also in hope of my boyfriend visiting when I was there. I was denied on the basis of 214(b) ' not enough ties to home country'. At the time I applied I was a full time student the trip was being sponsored by my parents. Nevertheless our relationship continued and he visited me in October 2012. I am now in my final degree year and have secured a permanent job in the past months and a decent saving. I would like to reapply for a Tourist visa but I am fearful of a second denial. I have heard stories of persons being refused who have been working for 3 years and being told this wasn't enough time. Should I go ahead with the tourist visa application? We do not want to be in the situation of 2 tourist visa denials and then applying for the K1. My boyfriend is scheduled to visit soon but we would be faced with the distance factor when he leaves again. We would like to get married in the future but now we are contemplating the K1 process as a means of securing a better chance of being together. If we start the K1 process would this affect him being to travel to see me? On his first trip we were so busy enjoying time with each other we didn't take any photos together. But we do have flight details, immigrant stamp upon entering country, hotel receipt confirmations , telephone bills displaying calls logs and other proofs of a real and persisting relationship. On his next trip we plan to take some photos. Should we apply for the K1 after his next trip? or can we start the process which I am aware can take some time and build our photo album in the meantime?.

Comments will be greatly appreciated. :)

Its unlikely you will be granted a tourist visa simply based on the fact you have a job now. You must offset the concept that all people with any type of visa are considered "intending immigrants".
The denials you created would have no impact on future petitions such as a K 1. He could begin the K 1 at anytime. The more contact he has wit you the better. Find the timeline info here on V J and you will see about how long the process takes.
NingFemaleThailand2012-12-23 13:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 lacks priority date
Just now looking, my NOA1 didn't have a priority date but my NOA2 did. At the risk of sounding dumb, what exactly is it for and what does it mean?

Sorry if I hijacked your thread, but I thought it was a good place to post it and maybe others want to know too;)
LisamarieFemaleMorocco2011-02-16 14:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWell this is my second time around for K1
I have no advice, but I wish you well on ur journey!!! :)
meno-is-mineFemaleEgypt2012-06-22 15:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould I go with fiance visa, or just get married first? (baby involved, too!)

Gotcha. Now, because she has been here before and returned, and does obviously have a decent job in Albania, she probably has a good chance at a tourist visa.

Gotcha, thanks

Hi Galbania..hope all is well! I'm going to be honest with you and I'm not trying to burst your bubble but the likelihood of her obtaining a visitor's visa is close to impossible with you being in a relationship with her AND her being pregnant. Two reasons she would stay. My fiance of 3 years tried twice for a visitor's visa. His family is considered wealthy, he has a hefty inheritance, strong family ties, is a pro athlete and a full time student in his home country and i wasn't pregnant and they still denied him. When asked, immigration officer told us that unless he was married to someone in his own country or had kids, he would be denied pretty much every time. He is 24 and was told he was "not mature enough" to travel and he posed a risk of staying. With her being pregnant, she has a HUGE reason to stay. If culture reasons due to the pregnancy are the reason for you to want to marry her so quickly, I would get married there and apply for the spousal visa. If time is a factor, then the fiance visa is shorter time. Either way, there won't be enough time for the baby to be born in the US.
HollyEslemFemaleTunisia2012-07-24 12:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport name change question...
First I want to say thank you to everyone who has provided heaps of very helpful information! Every little bit is appreciated! I do have a question regarding my passport..I'm divorced and have been for over 3 years but due to scheduling, life, etc never had my name changed on my passport back to my maiden name. It DOES need changed but now i'm wondering what to do. I have met my fiance in person many times and of course all the tickets, etc are in the name on my passport-my old married name. With us getting married, I would have to change it i didn't want to pay over $100 to have it changed just to pay it AGAIN months from now to my new married name..Should I change my passport to an updated one with my maiden name as it is now before we file for the K-1 or should i keep it the same with my old name until after everything is approved and THEN change it? I have to provide my divorce decree anyway so when they look at that, they can see where I was reinstated to my maiden name and that i don't go by that name anymore. I'm worried that if i don't change it, they will question it but if i do change it, it will cause problems simply because it's a name different than what would be on all my stuff..if that all makes sense. For what its' worth, the name on my passport now is my maiden and old married name hyphenated. Hopefully someone could answer this for me!

Edited by HollyEslem, 25 July 2012 - 01:21 PM.

HollyEslemFemaleTunisia2012-07-25 13:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support,Letter of Intent, etc-Confused

If the child is a minor, they are included in your household size whether or not they live with you, you pay child support or claim them on your taxes.

You can either try and make both fit or list your primary job, put the total of both for current annual income and add 'see attachment for 2nd job'. Add an attachment sheet listing the details of your second job and include letter from employer and recent pay stub(s) from each one to document your total income.

The co-sponsor provides a copy of their most recent tax transcript, even if filed jointly, but they are qualifying as the co-sponsor on their own individual income. She should provide a letter from employer and recent pay stub(s) to document her current income. The ex-husband is not the co-sponsor and will sign nothing.

i will have to attach a second page or something. I have to include it because it provides half of my income! There is no room to add it because on the Affadavit, you can only enter one address..and the thing about the co-sponsor is contradicting what i have read elsewhere ( I don't remember exactly where). I read that if they were married filing jointly, the spouse of the sponsor has to file an I-134A or something like that because there name is included on the tax's just for a signature i'm really confused..I'll try to reference where i seen that and post here..if i'm not mistaken, it could've been the USCIS site itself..I just wanted to confirm if this was true

Edited by HollyEslem, 11 August 2012 - 09:08 PM.

HollyEslemFemaleTunisia2012-08-11 21:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support,Letter of Intent, etc-Confused
thanks everyone! I went through and read the guides and most of my questions were answered..yay! I do have a few other questions though..Do you have to claim a child as a dependant if you don't have any custody of them, they don't live with you and you don't pay support per court order? Also, on the affidavit of support there is enough space to list ONE job..what do i do if i have two jobs? and last, our co-sponsor is currently and actively getting a divorce. Will her ex husband have to sign anything if they filed jointly even though they will no longer be married? I think that is all for now..Thanks so much!!!
HollyEslemFemaleTunisia2012-08-11 19:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support,Letter of Intent, etc-Confused
Okay, so we have been getting everything ready and I THINK we have the basics..We have the actual petition, Letters of Intent, Letter on how we met..what else? I also wanted to ask: What is the best way to present these things? typed, handwritten, typed and signed by hand? Also, how did you arrange these items to send them off? Did you put them in an envelope stabled together or paperclipped or another way? I want to be as neat and thorough as possible. We are going to label them by sections per suggestion.

Another thing: The Affidavit of Support-We have seen and heard conflicting reports. We have been told to submit it with the petition, we have been told to submit it in time for the interview and the USCIS website says that no Affidavit actually has to be submitted until he's here in the US and applies for which is it? lol I'm super confused on that one.

We'd welcome any ideas on how to organize our paperwork!!! We have included a mound of evidence and we need to weed some out. For example, there is no way we could submit every single email or text or phone log. What kind of samples ( or time frames) did you use? I hope that makes sense. We already know what photos we are going to use and we have our other stuff. Just trying to get it together and have it be pretty self explanatory. Thank you all so much for all the help you have given us so far and please, any advice is most welcome!!
HollyEslemFemaleTunisia2012-08-10 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about the two years period

Hello everyone,

It's been a year and a half since I met my fiancee and I want to start the K1 process now, however I would like to double-check with you whether we still qualify or do we have to wait until we complete the two years period. I don't think that's the case but again, just double-checking.

Thanks a lot. don't have to be together for 2 years before you can DO however have to have met in person within the last two years. If you met them in person, you should be fine
HollyEslemFemaleTunisia2012-10-16 21:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAlmost time!!

This is good advice for low-fraud embassies like London, where front-loading isn't needed.

The OP should click the "Embassy Info" and "Reviews: Embassy" (links atop every VJ page) to read about HER consulate. She would also do well to visit the ME/NA regional subforum to search for pertinent threads and perhaps to ask questions there.

Thanks so much!!! I'll research some more there...

Also, is it okay to highlight dates and times on the copies of the plane tickets/boarding passes?
HollyEslemFemaleTunisia2012-10-18 02:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAlmost time!!

It could harm the petition being approved if they suspect you are already married.

In what way? The contract specifically states that it will be notarized and also signed by the person who marries us. Furthermore, I don't know if you know anything about Tunisian customs but it's mandatory there to sign a contract on the day of the marriage. That's the only way you are really officially married. We thought it would be nice to put both customs into our wedding here. I don't believe there is anything in it that would make a consular think we are already married. Given the evidence and such, it would be quite obvious that we aren't. All he/she would have to do is pull up his birth certificate. In Tunisia, all marriages are listed on it. Now I don't know what to do :(
HollyEslemFemaleTunisia2012-10-17 16:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAlmost time!!
Also, since my divorce, I have yet to get my passport name changed back to my maiden name however; my maiden name is hyphenated with my married name (if that makes sense). On the petition it asks if any other names are/were used and i put the name on my passport (i put my maiden name in my information). I'm also including my divorce decree showing it clearly states that I have resumed my maiden name. Is it okay that I have done it like this?
HollyEslemFemaleTunisia2012-10-16 21:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAlmost time!!

Why are you sending the marriage contract? I would personally leave it out, because it may do more harm then good.
Show them evidence backing to three years of your relationship to show bona fide relationship.
They just want proof that you have seen face to face in the past 2 years.

We know someone who also included a marriage contract and was approved anyway. It just states that we are each financially responsible for any children born in the marriage, anything obtained prior to the marriage will remain in the possession of the individual parties, any children are free to choose their own religion, etc. If it could harm our chances, i won't include it but we DO know couples who have done this with no problem. In what ways could it harm the petition getting approved?

You only need to prove 3 things in your package: you are a US citizen, you and your fiance are legally free and willing to marry, you have met in person within the last 2 years. That is it. Depending on how hard your consulate is, you may want to include a little or a lot of proof of your relationship. The packet I sent was less than 40 pages.

It is Tunisia and i'm not sure if they are considered a high fraud country or not. Being as they aren't on the "visa waiver program", I would assume they are. Our packet will be less than 40 pages for sure :)
HollyEslemFemaleTunisia2012-10-16 21:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAlmost time!!
Hello everyone! It's been a good while since I was last on here. First and foremost THANK YOU for all the information and tips!! They have been extremely helpful!! We are currently going over our petition packet and making sure we have everything. I'm sure you all get bored to death with the same stuff over again but i'm going to go over what we have in our packet just to make sure we have everything. WE have checked, double checked and triple checked and we want to be sure it's perfect!

In our petition packet (fiance is Tunisian by the way) we have:

Our application fee
Form G-1145 for myself and my fiance
Form I-129 Petition form
I-129F Supplement: Explaination of how we met
Evidence of US citizenship (birth certificate)
Form G-325A (Biographic information for us both and passport photos of us both)
Letters of Intent to Marry (signed and dated by both of us)
A Marriage Contract (sort of like a pre-nup that will be signed the day of our marriage)
Proof of my stays and visits to Tunisia (We have passport stamps, boarding passes, receipts)
Proof of having met within the last two years (Again we have receipts of rent, places we went, etc and of course our photos)
Proof of communication (phone bills, webchats, emails, letters, cards, etc)

So with all that said, how much is too much and how little is too little? We have been together for almost 3 years so does that mean the first year really doesnt' count? or should we provide minimum info that first year and concentrate on the other two? Everyone knows that 3 years worth of records would make for a pretty hefty packet so how do i weed them out? For example, is it better to provide like 2 emails, webchats, etc of each for every month? I want to show enough proof but i don't want to overwhelm the officer either! Also, what is the best way to organize everything and put it together? I also have letters from my family to the embassy showing their support and also our engagement announcement that my family put in our hometown newspaper. Are these good things to add as well?

Any other tips, suggestions would GREATLY be appreciated!!! WE are so excited and a little nervous too! :) Thank you!
HollyEslemFemaleTunisia2012-10-16 19:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre Bar Girls Disqualified From Getting a Visa?
TarumbaFemalePeru2012-09-21 18:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre Bar Girls Disqualified From Getting a Visa?

You clearly stated she did not choose this life. I never stated she did.

Look, don't be pedantic. Add a "very likely"there if it makes you feel better.
TarumbaFemalePeru2012-09-21 18:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre Bar Girls Disqualified From Getting a Visa?

How do you know she didn't choose tolive this life?

How do you know she did, and which one is more likely?
TarumbaFemalePeru2012-09-21 18:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAre Bar Girls Disqualified From Getting a Visa?

From people's previous post it looks like this poor girl is still being degraded! I can not believe someone just basically said not to marry this girl ( that they dont know themselves) because she's a bar girl! Since the man did not ask for relationship advice I think some of your judgmental statement about this woman should be kept to yourself. I mean afterall someone is marrying you as judgemental as you are so I dont know why your marriage is more likely to serve then theirs.
Op just br cautious, do some extensive research before you start your application. So you both know the best way to handle it.

:thumbs: :thumbs: You are a truly compassionate person, QueenE. I agree with you entirely. This girl did not choose to have this life. It's easy to sit down in your comfy living room and moralize and say "I would rather die than do that!", but until you are there yourself, you can't really know. I personally know I would totally go down that path rather than starve or let my parents starve. I would hate it and it would scar my mind and my soul, but whatever, no choice. I count my lucky stars that I wasn't born into such a horrendous situation.

OP, my advice is to reformulate the truth in your head. This is the way you will be able to most convincingly get away with passing the interview without technically lying. For example, you gave her money. Did she buy you an ice cream/cook you dinner/send you letters later in the relationship? Then she has also given you material things. So, you share your things, just like any couple would. No need to go further. The more information you give them, the more it looks like you are trying to cover something up. Dinner was on my husband in our first date. See? That's how it goes.

If she worked at a bar, then she worked at a bar. Ask her to work as a bartender for a while and she can simply say that's what she's doing. Or maybe cleaning, I dunno. Presumably she changed jobs now? My 2 cents is: There is no way for them to verify she was/was not a sex worker, unless one of you admits it. Do not. Start drilling that into your heads now.

I never, ever give advice like this. But this is a subject that is close to my heart. Being a sex worker is not a sign of moral turpitude. It's a sign that this woman was in such desperate economical conditions that she had to resort to endanger herself physically, psychologically and emotionally to make a living. This is the case with almost all "bargirls" in the third world. Refusing a visa to a woman for this is victim blaming, IMO.
TarumbaFemalePeru2012-09-21 18:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to Cancel or Withdraw K-1 Petition?
QUOTE (ONN @ Oct 27 2009, 01:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I hope that no one on here ever has to go through this kind of ordeal but here is what I did:

1. Wrote the withdrawal letter as suggested by milimelo and got it notarized.
2. Scanned the letter into a PDF file.
3. Mailed the original notarized letter to US Embassy with tracking service for delivery.
4. Sent the scanned PDF document via email to the US Embassy with the shipment tracking info. I had also requested them to send me a reply when they receive my email with attachment and they were nice enough to confirm the receipt.

The US Embassy accepted the scanned version of the letter and said they've added it to the file.

Thanks everyone.

I'm really sorry for you ONN. I hope you find someone that you deserve, who will love, spoil, cherish, understand you, bring you joy and make you forget this nightmare.
liciaFemaleFrance2009-10-27 13:35:00
Thanks again.

Please does anyone have a sample letter to use for cancelation of K-1 Visa according to reasons i provided below. Any help will be appreciated.

2bigMaleNigeria2012-10-30 14:00:00
Thank you, All for the great answers and i do appreciate. I will past the information to him fast.

Again, i really appreciate your contributions and God bless. Stay safe

2bigMaleNigeria2012-10-30 13:53:00

Please i would need an advice for the issue a friend have now. A friend of mine filed for K-1 visa for her fiancee to come here, but his evidence that they met within two years prior to filing for her is more than two years old. He traveled to see her in 2009 and filed for the petition in March 26, 2012 and he received RFT requesting that he provide a traveling document that shows he met her from March 26, 2010 - March, 26, 2012 ( which is exactly two years). USCIS also suggested a written Affidavit for him to provide which is very difficult to obtain. Although, the guy just traveled to see her in September, 2012( still there now) and this is also more than two years required?. Do you think, he can provide the document he used to travel in september 2012 as evidence that he met her within two yrs of filing. I am assuming this will not work because of the dates given to provide proof. Please can anyone advice on what to do on this situation? Do you think withdrawing might be the best option or postpone the filing? Any advice will be accepted and thanks for reading.

2bigMaleNigeria2012-10-30 12:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSchedule online appointment
http://www.ustraveld...chedule.aspHope this helps!
mizzUsaNot TellingPakistan2012-07-26 21:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRFE response time
It depends...I got a RFE on May 29 and repsonded June 1. USCIS receievd it June 5, 2012 and I still have no news:(. It has been 47 days and I still have not receievd a decision. They give you atlease 60 days so I hope to hear a response soon from them/
mizzUsaNot TellingPakistan2012-07-22 15:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresINCOME GUIDELINES -- PLEASE HELP

hI aLL .
iM CURRENTLY MAKING $33300 a year plus the child support money which boost my income to $38000 a year. I have heard that your W2'S for the past 3 years have to show the minimun income requirement. I have a family of 3 and did make 25000 on year 2010 and 29000 last year.
Wil they possibility ask for me to get a sponsor since i did not make that amount of money the year prior -- i believe in order to bring my fiance --i will fall under family of 4-- incme requirement 28000

please advised

thank you

They may look at your past income to see if you can keep up the income that they want but you should be more than fine because what counts is what you are currently making. I wouldn't worry at all about it.
ishakandsylvia12FemaleSri Lanka2012-10-17 08:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about RFE
OK thank you so much every onefor the advice I just got worried after finding out about the RFE and I wish that I would have know about this site before hiring the lawyer and used that money to make another trip to see my baby.
jef&clkMalePhilippines2012-12-19 22:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about RFE
Hello every one I am new here to VJ and this is my first post and have a question about a RFE that I received from the USCIS. I filed for my K1 back in May of this year and hired an Immigration law firm to handle my case for me. I do not know to much and wanted to make sure that I would avoid any pit falls that one might have with the paper work and sought out a good firm to represent my case. I know people are human and make mistakes but when you hire a professional in the area of immigration you would think they would dot their I's and cross the T's as I still got an RFE for something that was an error on the firms part. they forgot to check all the forms and a signature was left out on the I129 form. After waiting for several moths I called the office to see what was going on and they told me about the RFE. Does any one know if I should be worried in this matter? as the law firm told me that was all that was missing and once I provide the signature the USCIS would approve the file and send it on its way but when I called the USCIS on Monday when I still did not here any thing they told me that the law office should not have told me that and no decision has been made yet. here is a copy of the email that was sent to me by my law office

Dear Mr. xxxxxxxxx,

USCIS sent a request for an answer which we inadvertently omitted to respond to on the form. Once we provide the response they will approve Ms. Lyn's application and forward it to the Embassy in Bangkok.

Is it possible for you to come in and sign this afternoon or tomorrow morning. I am here until 5;30 this evening and I will be in at 7:30 a.m. tomorrow until 3:00 p.m.

Let me know if its possible for you to come in to sign so that we can send the form back to USCIS.



Has any one here ever experienced any thing similar to this or have any advice on what will happen now if that is all that is missing? I hope and pray that all is ok and they will not find something else to send another RFE on as I know this is only going to hold things up even longer now

Thank you and
Happy Holidays to every one :-)
jef&clkMalePhilippines2012-12-19 21:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIranian k1 and k3 Visas Getting Rejected!
Hello fellow VJs,

I am currently waiting on my NOA2 for my fiance visa.

My fiance is in Iran and as you may there's a lot of turmoil going on there.

I have heard of the rumor of "people getting rejected" for no reason for their K1 and K3 visas. It has been really stressing me out to hear that and wanted to know if anyone has experienced this or knows of someone that has gotten rejected for no obvious reason. I would appreciate anyone from Iran or any other middle eastern country responding and letting me know! :help:
fredz6MaleIran2012-10-17 14:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAGE DIFFERENCE
The OP is Filipina, folks. Large age gaps are culturally appropriate in the Philippines. :whistle: Posters from different countries and cultures here are replying from a different experience and world view and irrelevance.

You will be fine if you can demonstrate a bonafide relationship.

Even though a 40 year age gap is pushing it, even in the PR, you will be fine, if the Kano made 2 or 3 trips to visit you, and sent you cards and emails and cell loads, and made lovey dovey pics with you.

Ignore those herewho only think they know what they are talking about in reference to your case.

Good luck, and you will be fine!

SuperDuper!Male02010-04-13 21:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHigh fraud countries

And how did you come up with the fact that Nigeria is in its class of its own..... have you been there or is there a report that shows that?

I think it is some "Friendly Nigerian Banker" that calls people to tell them he needs just $2000 dollars to send ya $50,000, that contributes to the High Fraud reputation Nigeria has, like no one else. :innocent:

But other than that....

WEST AFRICANigeria - High Risk

Nigeria remains one of the largest fraud and scam operations in the world. New tactics by criminals in Nigeria are increasingly sophisticated, and victims range from individuals, to investors, to multi-national corporations. New system technology allows Nigerian criminals to hide their true location, masking their IP address and using non-Nigeria phone numbers and addresses.

Common Fraud:
Advance fee fraud, dating scams, dating fraud, inheritance scams, online dating scams, business fraud, investment scams, charity and employment fraud

Areas of Concern:
Lagos, Abuja, Nationwide

Nigeria background check, due diligence by Nigeria investigator to avoid fraud.

Wymoo Field Investigators:
Lagos, Nigeria

Posted Image
SuperDuper!Male02012-02-16 16:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs this going to be a problem at the interview???

Hello Vj's,my fiancee and i are not married yet but in our emails we refer to each other as husband and wife.I wanted to know if this is going to be problem at the interview?? Also in a few of the emails i stress to you that i can't wait to be her husband but in most of the email i refer to her as my wife and she refer to me as her husband???.Thank you for your Valued responds

This may cause you huge problems. I wouldnt turn in this type of info & expect a good result especially in that country.
NingFemaleThailand2012-02-27 17:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need to renew my passport?

I have an interview appointment for K1 visa at US embassy in Bangkok on 23rd this month. My passport will be expire on November,5th. so its fine for that 6 months rule. But what about after I enter the US? it will be expired while I wait for the other process to be done. What should I do? Should I renew my passport and bring both old and new passports to the interview? Im very confused :(

Best to get a new passport before you depart Thailand. I am sure you know you dont have to go to an embassy to do this. The new passport will take the place of the old one. You could do this in the USA but its much easier to do there. You have almost waited too long to do this so do it right away to allow time for the new one to get to you. Mine took 10 days.
NingFemaleThailand2012-03-07 08:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhen should I send the affidavit of support (i-134)

I think you mean 2011; 2012 hasn't ended yet. I'm still filling out my taxes and I assume that the IRS Tax Return Transcript won't be ready till after I get my check. It may be 2 months from now, WAY later than when I should file my I 134 as the NOA2 is only valid for 4 months.

Sorry. 2011. Dont worry about the date on the NOA 2 it will be valid for your needs. You can send the transcripts you ordered along with the 134 & see what happens. Keep in mind it isnt mandatory so they may just decide those are enough anyway. If you can send the 2011 before the intervew date I would do so.
NingFemaleThailand2012-03-15 17:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhen should I send the affidavit of support (i-134)

I'll take your word for it. I called and ordered the IRS transcripts for 2010 (haven't filed 2011 yet :( ) , 2009 and 2008. Hope its enough. Obviously I'll be sending my employment letter and bank letter as well. I'll give my fiancee 3 months of pay stubs as well.

I know this is the best you can do for now. Still I suggest you try to have the 2012 for them when the time comes. If you can not I would send a simple statement with the 134 indicating your gross income for 2012. The bank statement will show your deposits which indicate income as well as will the pay stubs.
The most important part of your case will be the support. These cases are pretty much decided prior to the intervew which tells you how much weight is placed on these docs.
NingFemaleThailand2012-03-14 17:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhen should I send the affidavit of support (i-134)

Why do people keep saying the tax transcript thing for i-134?
It clearly states on the instructions it's only required if one is self-employed.

Did I miss something here?

I dont know about you people but myself & a few others know that the embassy can & sometimes does request a transcript. Especially BKK. I Think I said its best to submit it. We all have to do what we think is best. If you people for example dont want to do it then you people wont. Its possible that you people using your embassy wont need it.
The problem for some people is time. In some cases I know of in BKK it was required which added time, stress & money to the situation. Few Thais for example have any idea of what a 134 is or a transcript. They have traveled possibly 12 hours by bus to interview only to call the USC trying to explain what is now required. In one case I helped with it took a month longer for her to get her visa.
NingFemaleThailand2012-03-14 07:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhen should I send the affidavit of support (i-134)

Hi, thanks again for the quick reply.
After reading the instructions for the I 134, it seems they only want your tax related things if you are self employed. I'm questioning now to even give my fiancee my pay stubs as the instructions basically say,

A) Bank letter of
i) Date account opened,
ii) Deposits within the last year
iii) Present Balance
B) Employment letter
i) Date hired and position
ii) Salary
iii) Permenant or Temporary

No mention of pay stubs, or W2s or bank monthly bank statements. As this replier inferred, the more stuff you give the more scrutiny you lay yourself too.

Would those two things be enough, or should I still get the IRS transcripts?

Your list is correct & sufficent. However we have seen quite a a few cases where they requested the transcripts. The problem is you wont know if they want them or not until its too late. Not really too late because you could always fax it directly to them for review. They will have her come back within a week or so at which time they will issue the visa within 3 days.
Best way to ensure success is to send the transcript. Its free & easy to get thru IRS by mail, fax or in person at an IRS office.
NingFemaleThailand2012-03-13 17:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhen should I send the affidavit of support (i-134)

Thanks you all for your quick assurance, but I've still got questions.

I can pretty much gather everything really quickly, except for my tax return for 2011, and send it to her via express mail in about a week, maybe 10 days. I've been reading horror stories here at VJ about how long some people's cases were sitting at the NVC and there fore how many months since between getting their NOA2 and getting / sending off packet 3 then interview. I'm asking since if I get my employee letter now and intent to marry letter to her with today's date, and she doesn't interview till say June, wouldn't they want me to update that again? How long is an employee letter, bank data, letter of intent to marry valid for in their eyes? 90 days? 180 days?

Oh one last thing, is a W2 sufficient for 2011? I'm in the middle of trying to finish my tax returns this year and its a bit hectic to try to get the whole 1040 and other forms done.

I caution you to follow the procedures used by the embassy in BKK. Tax returns & W 2s may not be accepted. If tax returns are submitted they must include every supporting form and document filed with them. Even then they may reject a return. They prefer & accept transcripts which are easy to obtain from the IRS and also free. You can have them in one day by fax for example. Submitting a w 2 only will cause the case to be delayed or denied.
You have plenty of time to get these things to her prior to the interview. They will accept any reasonable date on your docs. No one here can tell you the exact answers to when this will all take place. The horror stories you are reading may or may not have anything to do with you case. This is all about timing. You time is now so what is happening now has a cause and affect on your case. K 1 cases pass quickly thru NVC unlike C R 1 types. NVC takes almost no action on K 1 cases.
The 134 is the most important document. If there is a delay in the case that causes the other docs to become somewhat out dated you could always scan a current document to her. I doubt that will happen. Remember the interview date will occur about 60 to 90 days after she sends in P 3.
NingFemaleThailand2012-03-12 17:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhen should I send the affidavit of support (i-134)


I'm a bit confused by the info on this page here at VJs,


I'm looking it over and I see it says to send the i-134 amongst other thing once the NOA2 arrives. The NOA2 is something the non citizen gets from their consulate right?

The reason I ask was I've been checking the USCIS status site (http://www.visajourn...t/k1guide#proof) and finally got approved March 7, 2012. It says though that they "mailed me a notice that we approved this 129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)"; but that's not NOA2 right? Or is it?

Should I wait till she gets her letter or can I send it now? Thanks all!

You can & should look at the P 3 requirements. Find them on the embassy web site. Send her the 134 form right now along with at least one year tax transcript.
You are going to get NOA 2 which is what they told you. That means the case is now at NVC where it will reamin for only a short time. It then is sent to BKK where it arrives at the consulate section. They forward it to the visa section. When you are sure its there you can submit the P 3 docs. Those will include a police report & her medical. The submission of those docs triggers the interview date. That date will be about 60 to 90 days later.
NingFemaleThailand2012-03-12 08:12:00