K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould part-time employment be included on G-325A?

I am a May 2012 college graduate, and still do not have an "occupation," but I have had many part-time jobs in the last five years. Should I list those on the G-325A form, or is that not really what they are looking for?

List any job that created income. Prove this by submitting at least one years tax transcript. Get that from IRS web site. They will mail, fax or you can get it at any IRS office. Ask embassy if they allow co sponsors.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-16 20:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134

Our case has been forwarded to the embassy and I'm guessing we'll have an interview in about a month. 2 weeks ago we received our NOA2 and I went ahead and got a letter of employment, and all of my pay stubs from Sept.-March 1. Can I go ahead and send this to my fiancé, and subsequent pay stubs scanned and sent via email, or screen shots of my bank transactions that show direct deposits from my company ? I should only get a couple more before her interview (I haven't got by the office yet to get my most recent one from March 15)

A pay stub with YTD ( year to date) earnings would be best. In addition you should send at least one years tax transcript to include with the 134 you will submit as part of the P 3 info.
Get transcript from IRS site by mail, fax or in person at any IRS office.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-17 10:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmore questions

I have read the instuctions from CD JUAREZ's web site, it says an The Affidavit of Support I-864 is not required. it says nothing about form I-134, does this office need an affidavit or do they just look at tax trans, paystubs ect?
also I have read conflicty info about the need for a police record, does my fiance need one if there is not charges or arrest to list?
can someone who has been through Juarez, please tell me their experiance and what they were required to have.

You will submit a 134 as part of the P 3 requirements. Check to find exactly what else is required. Good idea to include at least one years tax transcript as well as YTD pay stub. Police report is part of P 3 and is required no matter what the persons background is.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-16 20:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter to congressman/congresswoman ????

From what I've gathered reading the boards, there are cases in which it seems to have helped, and cases in which it seems to have done nothing. It's never really a bad idea to try this, though. I'll do it as well, if my case takes longer than it's supposed to (I'm a December filer, so I still have a little while to wait.)
I'm sure the length and content of the letter varies on a case to case basis, but my suggestion would be to explain the benefit you are applying for, how long it is supposed to take, and how long it actually is taking, and kindly ask them to investigate it on your behalf.

Both of you need to understand how this is actually done before you go forward. My guess is neither of you has ever had any contact with your congress rep. I advise you to do so and you will find they are experts in doing nothing. They all have a process for doing what you want them to do and a staff member trained to placate the public.
Find your politicians web site. They of course are on the golf course. There you will find they have a form to fill out which you will mail to them. They will respond in a few weeks with a message that explains USCIS is busy but will get to your case soon.
Keep in mind as you do all of this a politician has no power at all over USCIS. They can do nothing to help you unless there is a serious problem. The best they can do is make you feel you have done all you can do.
Its true that in a few cases I have seen here on V J they did do something but its rare.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-19 19:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPregnancy and K-1 Visa - Pls help

I'm lost for words now and don't know what to do. My fiancee had her medical appt today and she met with the doctor who said she needed to take chest xrays, which she refused fearing it would harm our unborn child.

Let me back up a bit. When we first started our I-129F back in July of 2012, she was not pregnant. In fact this was not discovered until months after I visited her again in Nov. 2012. All this time I been telling her to withhold it from anyone, not to let anyone know cuz I didn't swant a delay in getting her visa. Then i changed my mind after reading many posts here about pregnancy. I told her to be honest with everyone and I even sent a letter to the US Embassy in Bangkok stating I am aware of her pregnancy and would still like to proceed. Her interview is 2 days away, but at the Dr's appt today she was met with harsh criticism "it's either take xrays or no visa" "xrays are the only thing you need" "we cannot gaurantee the baby's health if you take xrays". So she left.

I read online that xrays are safe, but thats in U.S. Standards, who knows about Thailand. They are the ones who supposedly sold her birth control pills and look what happen. I don't know what to do now. I told her she must still go to the interview to see if there are other options like take the test later. But will they even let her in without the medical exam.

Do i have to start this process all over agian? I got mad at her for not taking the xrays which I know is wrong. But I really don't know what to tell her either other than sorry.

You might be surprised at the high standards at our Thai hospitals. I doubt they are the ones that sold her any birth control pills either. The quality of medicines in Thailand is good overall as far as I know. The X ray machines used there are probably made by the exact same companies as we see here in the USA.
What you should do is take responsibility for her pregnancy. I assume you would have to have known that the timing of that would affect her in many ways including getting a visa.
They will not issue a visa until the medical is complete. She needs to inform the embassy she will not submit the medical when she sends in the P 3 info. They may not want to interview her when they realize you wont allow the X Rays.
Ask Karee his opinion of the quality of the hospitals. My husband was very impressed. Keep in mind many Americans go there on medical holidays these days.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-25 18:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresaffidavit of support

Is there any way of getting around the affidavit of support? My fiance is self employed and likes to keep a low tax profile

I will be interviewed in Japan - is the affidavit important ? I am worried

One of the most important aspects is how you will be supported. At some point he will have to prove his tax status. Right now its sounds like he may not want contact with the IRS.
These visas are about complying with the laws of the USA. That includes the tax laws.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-25 21:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConcerning the NOA2

I have no magical formula for this process either and I feel bad that you had to wait 408 days and I'm glad that in the end you succeeded.
I just know of a US Congressman who currently works within the state I currently live in.

It is never guarantee'd but some cases in the past have had better success from contacting their Congressman.
So I decided to give it a shot as well.

At the moment I am waiting and will be waiting for a long time so might as well try a few things during this period.

You will find the Congressman to be almost useless. Ask them first what the most recent effort they put into immigration reform. Next ask them for their voting record on the subject. The laws haven't been reformed for about 60 years so your politician has done nothing. Ask what any politician can do to force USCIS to do anything. They have zero to do with USCIS unless there is a serious problem.
Its fine to try because only by doing what many of us did will you feel you have done everything you could. In the end the process just takes too long for most of us.
During my 408 days my husband and I learned a lot about the process. You will know much more as well in the future.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-31 12:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConcerning the NOA2

We were originally told we'd have our second NOA2 this month.
We've already waited 5 months and we're now informed it's being pushed back another 1-7 months if not longer.
It is beyond it's normal processing times. They are still working on July.

We know someone that can assist us with our case but first he wants these answers.

Also - I didn't ask How to speed up the process.
I asked for comparisons between this year and 2011 as well as reasons as to why this year has had some complications in processing.

Wouldn't you think this miracle worker would know the answers to those questions if the answers had an impact on the timing of these cases?
Who informed you of the 1 to 7 month timing?
From someone that went thru this process I can tell you there is no magic formula. My case for example took 408 days. Most don't take that long. There was nothing unusual about my case so no real reason for the delay. Hopefully yours will be faster than that.
What you are experiencing is normal including the frustration. Beware of those that tell you they have the inside track. This journey is about following the procedures dictated by the laws of the USA. You, like many others didn't know anything about those laws in the recent past nor did you care. Now they affect you and will do so through out this long journey. That is what we have learned as we gathered experience.
The normal processing times haven't been normal for a long time but its all they can refer to. They are working on about 2.5 million cases per year. They are ALWAYS behind. We see your questions a million times per year here on V J. Everyone thinks something has gone wrong just as they filed their case. V J provides timelines and a lot of other info that can be used to be as informed as possible. Learn to use it or disregard it as you wish.
I doubt you will find an immigration based version of the " road less traveled ".
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-31 09:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about moving

Our case is in the embassy stage, with an interview likely to be sometime in April. We had intended all along to rent my dad's house from him and him move into a smaller condo that is easier to maintain (he has heart issues) but the rise in taxes and flood insurance made that more difficult than I'd be comfortable with, and have now leased a new place with a move in date of May 10th.

Do I need to inform them of anything? Does my fiancee need to put the new address on everything at this point? We haven't received Packet 3 yet but she has already filled out DS 156 (Spain doesn't send them to you, you print them yourself so we went ahead and did it).

I guess the clear answer is that she needs to put the new address on anything new that she fills out asking what address she will live at, but do I need to inform the government of anything? Until now I have put my current address as our intended place of residence upon her arrival.


Wait until you are living at whatever address you will call home to notify USCIS of the new address by using the procedure they have. Make sure you put your names in your mail box to ensure delivery.
NingFemaleThailand2013-03-31 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresw2

ytd???? what is that??

Year to Date.
NingFemaleThailand2013-01-01 17:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresw2

I HAVE ALL THE DOCUMENTS EXCPET THE W-2. plz help me out what should i do??thanks

If you are asking about a W 2 for 2012 it wouldnt help much. A pay stub with YTD earnings would be ok. She also would need tax transcripts or if she submits her past taxes she must include every supporting document. Transcripts are better for this reason. They are free from the IRS.
NingFemaleThailand2013-01-01 14:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHad Interview - Even more confused now, please help

There is either a lot of bad info here or something else is going on.

The embassy will extend the NOA 2 as needed.

If I were you I would demand proof she is pregnant. It isn't too early to find out. If she is pregnant what difference would the gender make anyway? If you know how babies are made you should know about the process of being pregnant because you are certainly part of it.

In a previous post you said she was on birth control pills. Does this mean she became pregnant while taking those? Did she tell you she wasn't taking them?

If you don't get this done quickly you may be put in a difficult situation. She could have hand carried the completed medical and police report into the embassy which would allow them to grant the  visa within a few days.

You should contact the embassy now to request a follow up interview. If she is granted a visa she could be on a plane that night. Have her prepare for that event.

She can buy a pin number at the Thai post office that will allow her to call directly into the embassy visa section. She should do this today so she can ask if they have the new info and when they will have her come in again. Do not sit and wait for them to do it all. They are very busy and I know they have set all interviews for May. She can still get in for what she needs I think.


NingFemaleThailand2013-04-27 12:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescan applicant translate conversation in english
Anyone competent in both languages can do it. The " certification " is simply the form I copied here.
Certification by Translator

I [typed name], certify that I am fluent (conversant) in the English and ________ languages, and that the above/attached document is an accurate translation of the document attached entitled ______________________________.

Date Typed Name

NingFemaleThailand2013-04-28 13:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresi-134 supporting evidence

Its best to submit tax transcripts. Get them from the IRS free by using the web, calling or going to any IRS office.

NingFemaleThailand2013-04-28 21:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to contact congressman/ senators for help?

My attitude? I am simply making sure she has the facts. I don't know what she knows or understands about this subject. She may get misled by people like you that think they have some inside track.

If she wants to believe what you say will somehow apply to her situation then she can do so. I hope she sees in your post that you as a USC didn't even know the correct procedure for seeking help from your " influential" Senator.

I wonder why the USC isn't asking here? He is in the U S military yet doesn't know anything about the way his own govt functions. He has her doing the work which is ok but just adds confusion and time to the outcome.

Do you think she knew she couldn't ask the politicians for help? Read what she said again. It sounds to me like " we " are going to take some action on the subject. Of course she could have asked that only arrogant opinionated people like you respond.  

I note that you address the O P in a manner which seems to say she ( " you " ) should contact " both of your Senators for example ( Duh ). She doesn't have a U S Senator so what did you mean she should do? Or are you just directing anyone that will listen?

"Contact  your Congressman and BOTH of your US Senators. They all have websites. Google them. Within their websites they have a link for "help with federal agencies," or something like that. Once you get to that part, you can contact via email your representative. Usually you can provide a narrative of your situation. Do so. Definitely include the fact that your fiance is active duty US Military. That's huge. Once you send out the email,". 

 That is only part of your earlier comments that you stand by. 


NingFemaleThailand2013-04-30 21:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to contact congressman/ senators for help?

Contact  your Congressman and BOTH of your US Senators. They all have websites. Google them. Within their websites they have a link for "help with federal agencies," or something like that. Once you get to that part, you can contact via email your representative. Usually you can provide a narrative of your situation. Do so. Definitely include the fact that your fiance is active duty US Military. That's huge. Once you send out the email, ALWAY follow up with a phone call. Also be sure to send in the 'Privacy Act Release Form.' That allows staffers to check on your specific case at the USCIS. 


I did all of this and after a couple of weeks we had our NOA2. It might have been coincidence, but I am almost positive it helped. I did hear back from the staffers and talked several times to them. I stayed in constant contact. They wanted to help. At least here in Colorado they did. Listen, it takes a little time, but it's free and it definitely doesn't hurt to try. Good luck!

This O P isn't a U S citizen so she can not ask these politicians for assistance as you indicate.

What exactly did the staff or politician do that had a direct affect on your case? They must have done what most can not and done it in a very short time.

My husbands Senator worked? on our case for over two months without affect. The staff person has over 20 years of experience with immigration matters. It took a month just to get any response at all.

Many of these politicians are the same ones that have done nothing for many years to reform the immigration laws. We see this on T V even now. They just realized the U S has no exit check for people holding short term visas for example.

Isnt it interesting that they all have staff trained to placate the citizens while knowing they have no real power over USCIS.

NingFemaleThailand2013-04-29 21:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to contact congressman/ senators for help?
As a citizen of the P I you have nothing to do with the U S Senators or Congress. This is up to the USC. He must find his politicians web site to find and use the form they ALL require when seeking help. He will find they have little to offer in the end. USCIS isn't controlled by these politicians. Their budget is but the people are not.
He can ask for an expedite but will have little luck when they realize he isn't really deployed to any base outside the USA. He would have to provide copies of his orders.
There is no easy way out here on this visa journey. There are millions in the same situation as you are.

NingFemaleThailand2013-04-29 09:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f Petition Approved Same Time Between Jobs

My last 3 years tax returns are well above I-864 poverty guidelines and the income already earned this year year thus far exceeds it.

So, you are saying this will suffice if I am not currently employed at that moment, and unable to produce last 3  pay statements?

Remember you wont be there to offer info at a critical point. Since you aren't employed it would be a good idea to include a simple statement to submit with the 134 explaining the basic plan to improve that problem. That could include a statement indicating your understanding of the AOS process which will include the ability to use a co sponsor. That means you are possibly only talking about a short term situation.

They will read what you submit. This is the most critical aspect they will review. The case will be decided on these merits which probably means prior to the interview. Make sure the plan is clear.

NingFemaleThailand2013-05-15 18:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTax transcripts and privacy concerns

I received my transcripts today. I'm a bit concerned sending these things around the globe. This is identity theft one-O-one in a single package.


Am I being unduly paranoid?

Anything sent into Thailand is subject to " inspection " just as it is here.

Why not just fax or email them?

NingFemaleThailand2013-05-16 20:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresco-sponsor

my co-sponsor works constraction and his boss just gives him checks at the end of the month so he doesnt have pay stubs.. do you think it is going to be a problem? i got his W2 and tax return for 2012!! should i get his tax return for 2011 also? thank you

Co sponsor should request tax transcripts from IRS. They are free by mail, fax or in person from any IRS office. Use internet to order asking for 3 years.

NingFemaleThailand2013-05-16 20:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresanyone use siam legal from bangkok (merged)

Hi all


New member my first post!

Me and Malinee decided to use Siam legal in Bangkok since we need many of her documents

translated. They mailed k1 out april 23, still no word from USCIS of NOA1. how long is normal

from mailing k1 out from Thailand..i live in New Jersey i guess i will have the Vermont Center

processing my petition..anyone have any experience with Siam Legal and time for k1?


Thanks for any help

Needing docs translated became the reason you hired a legal firm? The law firm has become your filter for all info most of which you will supply to them. Nothing wrong with that as long as you force yourself to be patient.

Mailing things in or out of Thailand for example adds about 2 to 3 weeks to the item.

Legal firms in Thailand operate about the same as they do here. The difference is the culture. Asian men drive nice cars to the office and you will pay for it. Make sure you take the advice Karee offers.

Prepare yourself for the journey by accepting the concept that it takes too long. Add to that the lawyer timeline and you have your answer. You are looking at 9 to 11 months.

Edited by Ning, 12 May 2013 - 11:25 AM.

NingFemaleThailand2013-05-12 11:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThai police certificate


Thanks Ning. How will I know the case is with the embassy (when is the earliest I will know)? Will I know that when she receives the official letter from the US Bangkok embassy?

I don't know the current notification system. I know in my own case it didn't work at all. I think it is done by email now.

All cases sent to BKK arrive at the actual consulate section across the street from the embassy. It takes a few days to transfer the case. This means the case could be in BKK but the visa section doesn't know it.

You as the USC could request notification again by using the two embassy email addresses. is best.

Your fiancé can buy a special pin number at any Thai post office that will allow her X amount of calls directly into the embassy visa section. She can ask general questions only such as, if a case like mine was with your unit when could I send in my P 3.

NingFemaleThailand2013-05-20 21:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThai police certificate

K-3 instructions say you need a "requesting letter from the embassy of the country to which the applicant plans to travel." What is sufficient for this? Can my fiancee use my NOA2 for this or does she need to wait until she gets notice from the Thai embassy that they have received her case and use that letter? 


I recall when I was last in Bangkok the visa consultants at Siam legal told me I didn't have to wait for the packet 3 and that I could use the approval letter. Any thoughts?

She can use the NOA2.  Just make sure the case is with the embassy I V section before anything is sent in.

NingFemaleThailand2013-05-20 19:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenial decision

I'm no immigration expert but if you were denied before you got NOA2 that means there was a problem with the background checks...that's really all the service ceters do... check for proper documentation  and perform background checks

There could be many other reasons. This is the reason for the RFE process. If the  O P had something terrible in his past I am sure he would not be questioning his denial here.

NingFemaleThailand2013-05-10 08:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenial decision

Maybe they made a mistake which you can turn around.  Evidence of meeting within two years, evidence of right to marry, evidence of your citizenship, intent to marry. 

It isn't clear what the problem is but if it were as you are guessing it would have resulted in an RFE ( Request for evidence ). Or should have. The O P indicates he followed the K 1 guide in his submittal.

NingFemaleThailand2013-05-07 22:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenial decision

Thank you for the suggestion. I just made an Info Pass appointment. Hopefully everything will work out

Great. If it turns out that USCIS made a mistake you can ask them to expedite the case because of it.

If the denial was due to a mistake you made you can ask them to " reconsider " the case after you submit whatever they may ask for.

NingFemaleThailand2013-05-07 21:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDenial decision

I have just received a denial decision email. Me and my fiance from Thailand have a little 18 month boy. I'm looking for advice and I have no idea what to do next.


It would be better to post here exactly what this notice says or you will sort through 1,000 guesses. I suggest you make an Info Pass appointment right now. Sit down with USCIS to find out exactly what is wrong including the possibility they made a mistake if what you said about your situation is correct there is no reason for a denial at this stage. Something you left out or info you submitted cause this to happen.

I agree its strange that there was no RFE for example. If one was sent and you didn't get it or respond it would could cause a denial.

You may be able to overcome the denial if you can quickly react. Do not wait any longer than you have to take action.

NingFemaleThailand2013-05-07 19:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Sponser $9,200 Total Income Last Year HELP!!!

all countries and all situations are different. 
I was offering perspective as a person who has dealt with the situation in relation to lack of income.

obviously, my perspective is not perfect, and may not be useful.


I don't actually see anyone on this thread giving advice regarding the mid east or egypt or any relevant situations.

But yeah, thanks for your critique. 
I'll make sure in the future to only reply to posts have exactly identical situations.
I'm sure that will make this community so much more useful when everyone does that.

I assume you are talking to or about me as one of those people. I think my post is clear, helpful and relevant where I ask him to find out if they even allow a co sponsor. Its also important that the O P realizes what you do not. What happened to your case in Japan isnt relevant.

Your actions in your case have nothing to do with a case taking place in Egypt. Your lucky to be allowed the use of the co sponsor and to have daddy supporting you.

NingFemaleThailand2013-05-22 14:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Sponser $9,200 Total Income Last Year HELP!!!

we just got k1 fiance visa approval with a co-sponsor, my dad as co-sponsor. I have no income at all because I am a student. 
I've heard that it depends on the embassy, but you can do the co-sponsor with the i-134.


my dad filled it out.

I filled it out.


we also included his tax documents, my tax documents, letters from the banks, letters from each of us and basically any financial information we could think of that would prove we could take care of ourselves.

best way is with a co-sponsor who will fill out the i-134.


good luck!




Great but Japan has zero to do with the Mid East when it comes to requirements. Egypt can be very difficult. Mistakes is understanding or approach will result in denial.

NingFemaleThailand2013-05-20 21:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 Sponser $9,200 Total Income Last Year HELP!!!

im way below the poverty guideline... my dad is co sponsoring... what do I do? I only made 9200 last year

Find out first if your embassy will allow the use of a co sponsor for K 1 case.

NingFemaleThailand2013-05-20 08:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresB1 Visa disapproved in Malaysia, interested in K-1 Visa

I'm a US citizen corresponding with my girlfriend in Malaysia.  We're both the same age 53, met on a Christian dating site and are interested in getting married.  She doesn't fit the profile of someone just trying to escape their country for a better life.  She has assets in ML, including a house,  a good life financially, and family in good shape financially as well.  I'm also very financially stable as well with a pension.   My girlfriend recently filed for a tourist Visa to come visit me here.  She was interviewed at the U.S. embassy in her country and turned down for the tourist Visa because the IM officer interpreted our actions as intending to get married since he saw we met on a dating site.  He then advised her to apply for a different Visa.  I have no problem with that but am concerned that this is a "black mark" against my girlfriend in the eyes of immigration and may be detrimental in my applying for a Fiancee Visa after my trip to Malaysia.  Does anyone have any thoughts on my situation?   

She probably wouldn't have been issued a tourist visa anyway but when she discussed the real purpose of the trip there was no chance.

However this will have nothing to do with future K 1 if you petition for that type. to do that you must have met in person within the two year period.

A lawyer is not needed and you wont be there at the interview to answer questions. These K 1 cases hinge on the documents and facts surrounding the case. The interview wont be difficult for her. She wont have to worry about the former denial.

NingFemaleThailand2013-05-24 16:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresus petitioner traveling to juarez
That's some good feedback here, from those who have been before you.
When do you have to go?
Keep doing your research.

I remember, I schooled myself for NINE MONTHS before finally feeling within myself that I would be/feel secure, going to Colombia about 6 years ago. Been there about 12 times. Never a problem. Always a grand time!

Of course, ... things have been improving in Colombia, while deteriorating in (some parts) of Mexico.
GringoDMaleColombia2011-12-21 23:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical Exam Before Interview Brazil
You need to visit the consulate website - either Brasilia or Rio to see the list of doctors eligible. They list the phone numbers, so contact them and make an appointment. It's not hard, but keep in mind that, some exams take time to get the results back. I did mine back in 08, and if I'm not wrong there was an interval of 10 days between appointments. You have to go once for the exam and return to pick up the sealed envelope with the form and signature of the doctor. Whatever you do, once you get that envelope DO NOT OPEN IT. It has to be presented at the interview sealed as you got it from the doctor. Good luck!

Edited by Precious, 24 April 2013 - 01:26 PM.

PreciousFemaleBrazil2013-04-24 13:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdvice Please- Should I Change of Address and I'm Unemployed

Yes they do accept co sponsor get luck

lori7734FemaleGhana2013-04-29 06:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long is the K1 visa valid?
Question for you folks, related to the subject at hand:

Once you get married within that 90 days (I-94 timeframe) and file for the AOS... is the alien fiance still able to stay in the states until the AOS is approved?
figuringthisoutMaleCanada2010-01-24 04:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat could we be doing?
Hi Everyone! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday and cheers to a Happy New Year. Hoping that it holds many blessings for so many of us! With that said, we filed out K-1 Petition the beginning of November and I've been keeping an eye out for any updates. It appears it was touched on the 23rd of November, accepted and put into initial review (yayyyyy!) the waiting..It hasn't been updated since. We haven't received any RFE's yet (keeping fingers crossed)I'm guessing no news is good news, yes? Anyhow, this waiting is making the time go painfully slow :blink: Is there anything that we should be doing RIGHT NOW to prepare for anything or should we wait until we get notified of what they need? Also, we will be using a joint sponsor and myself for the Affadavit of Support. What all do I need from BOTH of us? I'm hoping to go back and see my heart the middle of March so I'm sure we can also use that as proof of an ongoing relationship/proof that we've kept steady contact since filing the petition. I'm also keeping records of any phone calls, emails, web chats, etc. Is there anything else I should be keeping tabs on? Sorry this is so long. Thanks for all the help and we wish you all the best!
HollyEslemFemaleTunisia2013-01-02 00:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresALIEN REGISTRATION NUMBER CHANGED??

Thank you for sharing the information we filed days before you. Our noa1 is dated nov 5th. Hope we get approval fast. Well if it means everything is good then we can relax and wait :/ when was your alien registration number changed?

Btw what number did you call?

Our number was changed on November 23rd..I called the number that is listed on our's also on the website where you check your status online :)
HollyEslemFemaleTunisia2013-01-10 00:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresALIEN REGISTRATION NUMBER CHANGED??
Well i called immigrations yesterday to see what was going on especially to be sure it wasn't a "glitch" in the system. The lady i spoke to was very nice and informative. She said it wasn't a glitch and we were, in fact, assigned an Alien Registration number! I asked her what it exactly meant and she told me this: It means that while you haven't been officially approved, they have found no errors in your petition and it has been sent on to be approved. She said if they needed any further information, they would contact me and so far it appears we provided everything that they needed. She said everything looked in good order and said hopefully you will get your approval very sounds promising and we are both keeping our fingers crossed!
HollyEslemFemaleTunisia2013-01-10 00:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresALIEN REGISTRATION NUMBER CHANGED??
On November 23, 2012, your Alien Registration Number was changed relating to your I129F, PETITION FOR FIANCE(E).I got the same message!!! Hoping and praying this is good news!!!!
HollyEslemFemaleTunisia2013-01-04 22:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGathering documents
Hello Everyone! I haven't posted in a while but i wanted to say first CONGRATS to all of those who have recently approved petitions. How exciting! We are early November filers but no word yet..patience truly is a virtue! I'm going to go see my beloved in March and I'm currently gathering up stuff we will need on down the line should we get approved. I'm currently gathering tax documents and getting things organized but I have come across a few questions.

1. I was a dependant in 2010 and therefore did not file taxes on my own behalf (only worked 3 months)I have them for 2011 and 2012. Is this enough?

2. I efile with Turbotax. They give you an option to print off all your forms after you file for your records. Can i use these or do i specifically need to ask for transcripts from the IRS?

3. I have 3 children. One lives with me full time and I'm his sole provider. My other two children reside with their father as of right now (their choice)and he has custody of them by the court of law (physical and legal). Do I need to claim my one as fully dependant and the other two partially dependant? Or just claim the one that lives with me and not the other two? The court forgo'd child support so we could travel back and forth to see the kids and per agreement with their father. What is the best way to approach this?

4. What all does my co-sponsor need to send in? The Affidavit, taxes transcripts, letter from employer, bank statements? Does she need to prove US citizenship with a BC or Passport? We are working on this now and I wanted to double and triple check.

5. Last, if we are approved, i'm sure the interview won't be for some time after March. Is it okay to gather up all this stuff and take with me to save time and postage? Is there anything that is time sensitive?

Sorry for all the questions! I just want to be sure that we are gathering up everything that we need and it's done the correct way! We also need Letters of Intent for a second time and ongoing relationship proof, correct? Thank you all for invaluable help! We both appreciate it very much :)
HollyEslemFemaleTunisia2013-02-08 00:35:00